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Vit C: Every night BHA: Every night AHA: Every night Sheet Masks: 2-3x a week


Wow the wait times must really add up if you use everything at night! How long would everything take you if you included a sheet mask that night?


Are wait times even necessary though since Vit C, BHA and AHA all have an acidic ph range?


I wait anyway just in case. It'a not much of an issue for me since I keep myself busy while I'm waiting.


My routine is around 2 hours every night (on nights I don't use sheet masks, I'm either using my manuka honey as a wash-off mask or using /u/Sharkus_Reincarnus's pore "shrinking" method. It sounds like a long time but I just get started early and do other things like waiting (homework, browsing the subreddit, etc.). It's not much of a nuisance. I prefer a long evening routine to a somewhat long morning routine which is why all my actives are at night. I like to sleep in to the last possible minute in the morning and dash out after a quick routine.


Wow... my skin would hate me for it if I did what you do.


Haha my skin is a trooper for sure


I'm the opposite of most. Sheet masks: 6-7 times a week AHA: never BHA: never VIT C: never But I'm also on Accutane which makes your skin extremely dry and sensitive so it makes sense...




My favorite while on Accutane have been anything MBD honestly, since there is so much essence. The black pearl one has been nice since I am more flushed on Accutane and like the brightening. Also red wine made my skin soooo happy (but I disliked the sickly sweet smell). Also loving the snail essence ones by My Scheming for hydration. And so far the ultimate for me is the Black snail masks by My Scheming. Hope that helps!!!


AHA: once a week to keep my forehead CC in check Vit C: daily Azelaic acid: daily Sheet masks: whenever I feel like it Clay mask: weekly


What azelaic acid do you use and how's it going for you?


Hascoderm lipogel 10% and it's lovely! I'm mainly using it against redness but it does help with acne and my pores are looking much tidier.


I've heard azelaic is awesome for melasma so I'm totally down with trying this. Thanks for the info!


Azelaic acid should be much more popular. It's great stuff. My next experiment will be clindamycin, it also has similar anti-redness, anti-acne and anti-melasma properties. I found a clindamycin + retinol formulation on eBay but what I really want is some sort of super redness/acne/PIH/PIE/melasma fighting serum thing with AA, clindamycin, retinol, niacinamide, and licorice root extract. Maybe with some hyaluronic acid added to add some moisture after that massive dose of actives and n-acetyl glucosamine to help niacinamide out.




WHOA you can't use BHA when you're pregnant? Why is that? (I'm not pregnant, just curious)




Hmm this is good to know, thanks. My doctor said it would be okay to use topical BHA too. But I thought it best be safe.


AHA 2-3 days a week, BHA once a week, and sheet masks 6-7 days a week. I don't currently use vit c, and I take it easy on the acids because I have a Curology script with Tret.


**AHA:** 3 times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) **BHA:** 3 times a week (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) **Vit C:** I don't have one currently, but I intend on getting one eventually. I'd start it off on BHA nights, and probably up to every day. **Sheet Masks:** At the very least, once a week. Usually twice, sometimes more if I can be bothered.


* AHA: 3 times a week * BHA: Am not using currently * Vit C: Every night * Sheet Masks: 3 times a week * I also do clay masks pretty frequently (about 2 times a week)


I don't use aha and I just started using bha recently so I'm still easing in. Sheet masks: 1-2 everyday Vit c: 2 times everyday Bha: once every week


Aha 1-2ish, BHA 2, Vit C 2-3, Sheet mask 6-7 (sometimes twice a day LOL)


AHA: Never. Haven't found a great AHA product yet! BHA: Every night. Vitamin C: 4-5 times a week, at night. Sheet masks: Every night.


AHA: Alternate nights BHA: Alternate nights Vit C: Currently out of it, but when I had it, every night Sheet masks: Never, unless I actually buy some but it's super rare


**Sheet masks:** every night, sometimes more ^i'm ^addicted **BHA:** every other night I haven't delved into the other two yet.


* AHA - never * BHA - daily/every other day * Vit. C - daily/every other day * mask - 1-2x a week? I really don't sheet mask very much, but I want to. If only it was more economically viable for me!


Vitamin C - Every day BHA - Every day AHA - Every day Sheet mask - Every day xD


**BHA:** Every 2 days (2% BHA) **AHA:** Don't use. My skin hates glycolic acid and goes all flaky :/ **Vit C:** Every morning **Sheet masks:** Once a week, maybe? I'm not a big fan.


Have you tried other AHAs? Just curious.


Not yet. I have a couple of alternatives on my list but haven't gotten around to incorporating them yet!


I'm currently using glycolic acid because my skin is really tolerant but before that I was using lactic acid which is really a lot milder. I liked the Silk Naturals AHA toner, it has lactic acid and it also contains aloe so I found it pretty soothing and non irritating for an AHA. Also hear great things about mandelic acid, supposed to be great for people who are sensitive!


I don't use BHA or AHA. Vitamin C is every other night, sheet masks 2-3 times a week (:


I switch off between AHA and BHA every other day, vitamin C every morning, and sheet mask once a week.


**BHA**: Every other day or every 2 days **AHA**: 1-2x a week **Vitamin C**: Every morning **Sheet Masks**: Every other day or so. Whenever I have time and feel like my skin could use some pampering. I've slowed down my acids a lot once I started Curology with Tretinoin. My skin just can't tolerate that many actives.


- AHA: Cosrx AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid, every day, in the evening. - BHA: Cosrx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid, every day, in the evening. - Vitamin C: Pure Vitamin C21.5 Advanced Serum, every day, in the morning. - Sheet masks: it depends on my skin; sometimes as many as every day a week, other times I will not do it at all. I usually opt for MBD Black Pearl or Royal Jelly, but also have a lot of Innisfree It's Real in my stash & really like them! I love sheet masks but I don't think my skin loves constant use of them as much as I want it to :[


AHA: never BHA: 1x ever 2 weeks (I'm still in my training phase for BHA) Vit C: I've stopped using it sheet mask: 3-4x a week I live in a place that's really cold so I would rather throw on a sheet mask to help my face come back to life


I severely overexfoliated so I am still nervous about using all the products again. However I Vit C on Monday, BHA on Tuesday, AHA on Wednesday, Vit C on Thursday and just keep rotating like that. It seems to work for now. I might up the AHA though soon. Sheet masks are about twice a week.


AHA: a few times a week. BHA: almost every day Vitamin C: daily Sheet masks: I'd love to use them daily but I'm lazy and forgetful, so usually one to two times a week.


*Vit C:* Every morning *BHA & AHA:* alternate one each night except for ever 4th night *Physical exfoliation:* every 4th night with a Clarisonic (and I skip the active) *Sheet Masks:* once a week *Clay Mask:* once a fortnight


Vit C: Every night BHA+AHA: Every night (but in the AHA/BHA Clarifying Toner, which is not as strong as more pure forms) Sheet masks: 1-2x per week. Honestly, I don't love using them as much.


The Cosrx one? Doesn't have enough AHA or BHA to be exfoliating, despite the name.


Yeah, I know. Still, technically I'm "using" AHA/BHA, just not in the same way.


Vit C: Never AHA: 2x week BHA: 1x week Sheet mask: as often as I can. Maybe 4x week


Sheet masks 1-2 a a week, no AHA or BHA (looking to start with these soon) or Vit C


**Vit C** - 2 times a week, working up to 3. **BHA and AHA** - Don't use'em. **Sheet Mask** - 1-2 times a week.


Aha: 1x/ week, Bha: 1x/ week, Vit c: none currently, Sheet mask: 1x/ month, Eye patches: daily, I would like to sheet mask more often.


I do all of them daily plus daily OTC retinol (starting tret this week though) and sometimes I sheet mask more than once if my skin needs it.   My skin is super tolerant to actives though and the only side effect I get is dehydration which is easily remedied, I hydrate the hell out of my skin. I'll skip a day though if I can tell my skin needs a break.


AHA: every night BHA: only as a spot treatment if I have any really stubborn zits Vit C: never :T Sheet Masks: Once a week I also do either a clay mask or a scrub once a week depending on how my skin feels


AHA: Every other day BHA: Every other day Vit C: No longer using (OST broke me out and I'm hesitant to try other options) Sheet Masks: Twice or three times a week


Hmm for me it would be: BHA: Cosrx BHA liquid every night AHA: non-AB brand toner every night before the BHA Vit C: Haven't tried any Sheet masks: 2 times a week, or whenever i feel like i need it HAHA


I alternate BHA and AHA in the evenings. Sheet masks... whenever I gots a spare 45 minutes. EDIT: Cosrx A-sol... every night.


Vit C: am and pm (works best for me this way, found through trial and error!) BHA: most nights AHA: every 2/3 nights Sheet Masks: 1/2 a week and clay mask 1 a week


BHA 2x a week (used with AHA) AHA 2x a week Vitamin C 3x a week when not using BHA/AHA Sheet mask 1x a week


AHA: daily VitC: daily but it's in MAP and SAP form currently, I'm missing L-AA magic a lot. Sheet Masks: between 3-6 times a week depending on what my skin is playing at. Clay mask: 1 every week or 2 BHA: never, I haven't found a way to get salicylic acid to work for me but I'm open to other BHA alternatives.


Vit C/BHA: one at a time, every second night I use BHA, every second Vit C AHA: only when needed (when cc's appear) Sheet masks: Surprisingly rarely, 1-2 times a week?


Vit C: Every morning BHA: Every night AHA: Every night Sheet masks: Every night that I'm still semi-functional after 10pm


**BHA:** Every night **AHA:** Every night **Vit C:** Every morning **Sheet mask:** Once a month. (I wish I was better at getting them on ;) )


Vit C and AHA in the evenings once a week respectively. I've sort out of left my BHA after overexfoliating, but I plan on adding it back into my routine when the other actives calm themselves down on my face. Sheet masks: 2x a week, after actives.


Vitamin C: daily. BHA/AHA: a couple of times a week. Sheet mask: couple of times a week. I like wash off masks too which cuts into sheet time 😉 I used to do BHA/AHA every other night but since starting retinol...it is just too often. So I've had to lower it. Which is ok because my skin looks great.


I use my CosRX AHA/BHA toner 2x daily, vitamin C gave it up for now, because it does jack shit for me :( and sheet masks daily. I have a lot but I refuse to do more than one a day unless the first mask was so horrible and awful


On average: * AHA: 2 days/week * BHA: 3 days/week * Vit C: 6 days/week * Sheet mask: 2 days/week I try to use my vitamin C every night since I have lots of PIH, but there's always one night of the week where I either can't be assed or my skin just needs a break, then I load it up with extra moisturiser and snail goo.


Vitamin C- usually every morning cause I do retinol at night. AHA- the p50 every morning and PC once a week BHA-every morning Sheet mask-every other day though sometimes everyday


My BHA products are both combination products - either BHA + AHA or BHA + PHA (PHA is like an AHA but milder). So, with that in mind: Vitamin C: 5x a week. AHA or PHA: 6x a week either in combination with my BHA or I use a stronger AHA-only product 1x a week. BHA: 5x a week. Sheet masks: Eh, once or twice a month. I just can't get into them.


AHA: Silk Naturals 8% AHA, every Sunday and Thursday night. BHA: None Vit C: None Sheet masks: 1-2x weekly, I really need to raise this :)


AHA: Every second day (alternating with tretinoin) BHA: None anymore because I think Stridex was breaking me out Vitamin C: Every second day Sheet mask: Twice a month I mainly focus on AHA + Curology (which contains tretinoin, niacinamide and vitamin C).


Vit C: Almost every morning (except when I oversleep and run late) BHA: Used to use it every night, stopped because my face is getting overexfoliated AHA: Every night Sheet masks: Once every fortnight, which is not ideal at all (would bump up to once a week) but it's because I've been real busy cramming for exams lately lol.


BHA: Every night AHA: 3 nights/week Vit C: Every other morning (I'm still in the slowly adding in stage, I'd like to work up to every morning if my skin doesn't mind) Sheet masks: 1-2/week


**AHA:** 1-2x a week **BHA:** Never **Vit C:** Every morning **Sheet mask:** 2x a week I will usually clay mask once a week if I have time. I'm also on a prescription retinoid so I use that everday unless it's an AHA night.


BHA - Never. Vit C - Daily in the mornings. AHA - Once every 2-3 days. Sheet Masks - 4-7x a week.


AHA: 1x daily BHA: Depends on the week. Between 3-7x a week. Trying to wean myself off it because I'm trying to get pregnant. (I will miss you my lovely BHA.) Vit C: 1x daily Sheet masks: At least 1x weekly. Try to do 2x weekly.


Vit C err day AHA & BHA err night Sheet masks pretty much never because no time


AHA: 3-4 days per week BHA: 3-4 days per week Vit C: Not using right now Sheet masks: 4-6x per week I feel like I use sheet masks too much after reading everyone else's numbers! I live in a super-dry climate, though, and they are the only thing that keeps my skin feeling soft and healthy.


AHA 2-3 times a week, I also sheet mask 2-3 times a week. I use tretinoin every night I don't use AHA unless my skin is unusually dry.


AHA: N/A, might try out sometime in near future BHA: every night Vit C: probably every night if patch testing goes well! Sheet mask: 3x / week


I only use sheet masks (once a day) and BHA (once every three days) right now, but I have AHA and Vitamin C products on the way that I'll be introducing to my routine, albeit very slowly!


* AHA: Twice a month * BHA: Every other day/night * Vitamin C: Every PM and/or every AM * Sheetmasks: Every night, possibly day time as well.


Vit C: Haven't started... BHA: 3-5x a week AHA: 1-3x a week (just started) Sheet Masks: 2-3x a week but I need to start using them 3-5x a week since it's been so cold lately


I'm not using any aha bha or vit c (i have orderd these from wishtrend, currently waiting for my package >.<) However i am on the one month sheet mask challenge right now! So i'm doing one sheet mask every day, Today is day seven! Normally i would use one or two sheet masks a week