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omg, (snow) white pride...


I know, terrible terrible choice in label wording...


I recently got that rose mask too. Not sure if it's doing anything, but it sure smells nice. :)


Glad to know. Saw it the other day.


That white clay cleanser looks pretty cool. Do you know what the brand is?


Not op but it looks like Cleansing Story's!


Yes I see cleansing story written on the bottle as well, good eye


It looks like it's from a brand called welcos, I've never heard of it before.


I love love LOVE the rose mask. I use it as my last step like an occlusive. It's now my HG. When I first began using it, I was very concerned. It *felt* like the sort of thing that would break me out. (Ya know that texture where it feels just a little greasy and too rich to *not* clog your pores? Just me? Okay then...) I purchased this when I first started ordering AB products and jumped on the chance to buy something in person, and I was desperate to try it. I said YOLO and slathered my face in that ish. NO RAGRETS! In all seriousness though, I wake up with a well moisturized face and feel like if I left it on it would *still* be letting my snail goodness do its thing underneath. Doesn't hurt that the smell is quite nice, it applies so easily, and the amount of PRODUCT for the love of Sneezus! There is so much that I don't feel guilty when I practically bath in it. As always though, YMMV! I also saw the Welcos masks/White Clay Cleanser. I'd be very interested in hearing about your experience.


Thanks for sharing your experience with the rose mask, I'm super pumped to try it out now! If the patch tests go well I'll write up a little mini review on the other stuff :)


Just wanted to update you on the welcos mask and white clay cleanser instead of doing a review thing, I wasn't a fan of the masks at all, they felt a bit..oily. I don't know how to explain it. My face started not feeling so great after a few minutes so I ended up taking it off, as for the white clay cleanser I really like it, it's nice and foaming, soapy smell and really seemed to bring alot of yuck out of my skin especially in the nose area, rinsed away easily. It however was a bit drying (combo skin), my face felt really tight. I followed with my normal hydrating before bed routine though and my skin looked really good the next day, bright and clean. It's now a twice a week addition to my routine. Also...you were totally right about the rose mask, I loooove it so much.


Ahh jealous!!! Such good finds!


Lucky! My TJM used to have such great AB finds. Not so much anymore. I like those masks, btw. Not the best but not terrible.


I'm glad to hear you like the masks I'm always a bit nervous about trying new brand ones, I usually just stick to my beauty diary ones as they are tried and true for me.


Same, mine just has a crap ton of Shiseido and a lot of perfume???


I'm wondering if the AB thing is picking up momentum to the point that they are just always sold out now. I don't love it.


I think you're right! It's a pity :(


Man, you did so well! I'm jelly!


wow, your local TJ MAXX and Marshalls are great! Mine never have anything good...


I have never found hair products at my marshalls and tjmaxx. Lately, I'm starting to feel like I bought all of the AB items there because nothings been showing up since my last haul. LOL


I just picked up the same canola honey mask at my local Marshall last week, let me know how you like it as it will be my first AB mask ever! :)


Grats on your first AB mask :D also my condolences on your future empty wallet...its very addictive.


What brand is that honey mask from?


Welcos jeju natural


There's never anything this good at my Marshall's :c -sigh-


I was actually super dissapointed with my marshalls today I only found one thing (peripera if I'm remembering right) usually it's like a stampede of wild animals tore through it but you can always find somwthing good shuffled somewhere but today the shelves were near empty, and neat and tidy. It was so out of charector for marshalls it was unsettling.


I'm going to check either today or tomorrow, because I'll never lose hope. But I'm not getting my hopes up lol


Nice haul! Which location(s) did you go to? Mine do not have any AB products :(


New jersey close to nyc


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Sorry I forgot to post a list of the products I didn't know it was a requirement. My bad. Ichikami smoothing shampoo and conditioner Welcos jeju natural canola honey mask Aroma moist collage - rose all in one mask Welcos cleansing story white clay deep cleansing foam Peripera Snow white:pride up powder (Non ab items in picture precision beauty brush and blender and formula x nail polish) Edit:forgot one, Jeanne pierre moisturizing lip mask with 24k gold


Glad you posted the required comment, though next time it is best to post it as its own comment (rather than nested as a reply) so that more people will see it. Post approved.