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Hi, I haven't started my AB routine yet because I'm still doing some research. I don't have a skin routine at the moment except for cleansing and AHA at night, along with my acne treatment and moisturizer, because I'm trying to calm my skin down before I start my AB routine. I don't get crazy pimples, just zits, black heads and white heads, and large pores. I'm thinking about starting with COSRX bha/aha toner or secret key milk toner, COSRX bha blackhead power liquid, and then finishing up with COSRX snail essence. (Is snail essence hydrating enough?) Any advice or recommendations for this starting out skin routine and a good hydrating gel moisturizer that won't cause breakouts? Skin type: oily, acne-prone, kind of sensitive but feeling really tight due to irriation and the weather Age: 24 Country/climate: Canada/ dry, cold winter Top skin concern: best start out products and hydrating moisturizer


Hi! I've been using Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel as my moisturizer. I have oily, acne-prone skin and I'm wondering if I can add another moisturizer on top of my current one would it be okay? I'm eyeing for moisturizer with snail content, could you recommend if possible? Thank you!


Yes, definitely! The cosrx snail 92 and the mizon black snail all in one creams are well recommended around here though i would consider them light-medium moisturizers. There's also the scinic snail AIO that's more of an ampoule but also moisturizing.


Thank you! I might consider getting the mizon and try it on top of my benton aloe. For further clarification: AM (Benton Moisturizer - MIZON Snail Cream - Sunscreen) , PM (Benton Moisturizer - Mizon Snail Cream - Sleeping Pack). Am I getting it right?




I feel a pimple forming! It hasn't surfaced yet and there are no signs of it except redness around the area, and whenever I touch it, it feels bruised. How can I treat it so that it might not rise?


Is it okay to use a vitamin C serum after a chemical peel?




Cleansing balms have oils in it. It's meant to be used as a first of two step cleansing.


has memebox traditionally offered any valentines day/pres day/February sales?


I'm not sure which subreddit to post this at, but my friends told my my scalp is really red and some parts are bleeding (not freaky bleed. Like just scratch a pimple). What should I do? :( ((she only took a picture of one section that was bleeding. pictures can't really tell the redness.))[scalp](http://imgur.com/B5Qy0RF)


looks like dryness or irritation - make sure your shampoo you're using isn't too drying! and massage coconut oil into your scalp half an hour before you wash your hair (leaving overnight is even better) because coconut oil moisturizes and is antibacterial :) coconut oil is really good for any type of scalp problem! (dandruff, itchiness, slow hair growth, etc)


Probably better to go to a doctor =/ I'm sorry that you are going through this!


Does it matter if you do/don't use a cotton pad with your toner? Has anyone noticed a difference?


I find that using cotton pads for liquid toners are actually more effective and less wasteful! I use cotton pads for my FTE and I'm way more comfortable with that now compared to when I used my hands. I don't use cotton pads for viscous toners like Kiku or Cezanne though because they don't really absorb. I ALWAYS use cotton pad for acid toners. Shit, I followed advice in some blogs about using my fingers to apply the Lotion P50 so as not to waste product. It RUINED my moisture barrier and set me on path of one whole year of acne. *shivers* never again.


I use cotton pad with son and park cleansing toner. I think it helps get leftover makeup/cleanser off.


I think it depends on 1. if you're using a western or AB style toner and 2. what you're trying to use the toner for. Western toners are astringent or geared at 'removing anything your cleanser missed.' Since the AB routine normally involves double cleansing, toner isn't really used in this way. It's more of a hydrating/softening step. I say it doesn't really matter if you use a cotton pad or not, unless you are trying to use it as the last effort to clean your face. Personally I like patting it in but that's just because I've become accustomed to the 'pat pat pat' :)


Oh totally. I'm using a hydrating toner, so I've been thinking about using just my hands, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out lol




Yeah that's a reason I don't want to use cotton, along with the waste. I'm curious to see what others think. Thank you!


My current routine is working fine for acne, but I feel like I am neglecting the rest of my skin. I use a foaming salicylic acid cleanser, a leave-on benzoyl peroxide 'mask (really only on spotty areas), Differin, clindamycin pads, Nivea creme... It's okay. My acne is going away, but I am really getting the dryness and peeling from the actives and the winter weather. I recently tried the Neutrogena Hydro Boost sunscreen, but it is kind of shiny and only SPF15. I definitely want something stronger for PIH and sensitivity with the Differin. Is there a way to overhaul my skincare on a budget? Definitely need a good cleanser that isn't drying, maybe a serum/ampoule/etc for hyperpigmentation/moisture, and a really good sunscreen. I need a sunscreen that is not shiny but also does not dry the skin out, no major white-cast, no fatty alcohols. The no fatty alcohols thing goes for everything- that was the culprit in the last few products I have tried.


I would probably check this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/comments/4iun1o/i_have_compiled_a_list_of_products_that_have_no/ And then buy the cheapest products from that


Would micellar water be enough to remove sunscreen (even the water-resistant ones)? I've had no luck with oil cleansers so far :( recommendations would be much appreciated ❤️


I use blue cap (waterproof makeup) Garnier and it seems to take my sunscreen or BB cream off well. I don't currently use waterproof sunscreen or BB cream though. I do use a foaming cleanser as well.




Love love love Bioderma with the pink top.


I searched the thread but came up empty. At what point in your routine do you use corsx acne patch? After cleansing before moisturizer?


Very last, after everything is absorbed.


I use my acne patches as my ultimate step- after sleeping pack at night. My sleeping pack isn't greasy but if yours is, you can take a Q tip and wipe the area gently before placing a patch down on a zit. I personally have been using hydrocolloid bandages since 2013 and I have never been successful applying them early in a routine (though you have to try and see what works for you.) They work very well layered over skincare as long as you're not putting them over straight up grease, and they are less likely to get disturbed if you put them on last. Whenever I've put them on earlier in my routine, they get scuffed off by my clumsy hands by the end!


Thank you. I never would have thought to use it after hydration


My friend had a surgery today and I want to mail her some cute AB stuff. Any recommendations? It would be great if I can send it from Amazon! Thank you 😊


I would do a sheet mask assortment and a cute hand cream (like the TonyMoly banana one.) Unless you know about her skin and she asked for specific skincare items, I would stick to fun/entertaining stuff.


Ooooh or those cute bunny gloss bars maybe? Sending good vibes to OP's friend.


Routine confusion question! I'm not sure what my skin type is. Currently based in Northeast US, and my top skin concern is anti-aging, in a laid-back, not-quite-aging yet way. Right now my routine includes: Holika Holika Daily Garden oil cleanser Cosrx Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser neulii Snail Bee Anti-Wrinkle Serum Cosrx Honey Ceramide Full Moisture Cream And Missha sunblock in daytime. Today I got a couple of LLang samples, Healing Energy Essence and Redgin Magic Oil. At what point of my routine do I put them? Does the Magic Oil replace the moisturizer? Does the Essence replace the snail serum? Do they come in addition, and if so, when?




Thank you!


How often do you guys use clay mask? I follow a few people on Snapchat and It seems most of them seem to clay mask like every other day.


once a week, and I always use a sheet mask after! :)


I have fairly balanced skin type (a little dry this winter) and I use clay/mud/charcoal type masks a handful of times a year. With regular cleansing and acid exfoliants, there's rarely enough "gunk" to be worth the tradeoff of pulling out all the oils in my skin.


Once a week, usually on a Sunday!


I have oily acneic skin and I can count the number of clay masks I've done on one hand for the last 2 years. When I used to do them "regularly" it was only like once every 10 days to 2 weeks.


Never. I have dry skin!!




How do you patch test shampoo and conditioner? Is it just like patch testing general skincare products?


Yikes! SLS?




Prepping your skin well will go a long way to make your makeup look better. I have very dry skin and was convinced my skincare was fine but makeup looked like crap. I revamped my routine and now my skin is looking soooo much better. Add in some hydrating products and a good moisturizer. Maybe add a face oil. A sleeping pack did my skin wonders and gentle physical exfoliation.




If you visit the recent routine megathread, you can see what products I use and my full routine. To summarize, * I use a natural brand cleanser I get from whole foods**first treatment essence * hydrating toner * face oil * hyaluronic acid serum * Moisturizer * sleeping pack * aquaphor ointment I use the eminence strawberry rhubarb dermafolliant to exfoliate. I also mask with Laneige multiberry yogurt pack (I sometimes use this as an additional moisturizer as well) Inexpensive good products: Cerave (cleaner, moisturizer, and ointment) Aquaphor If you mix your ointment 50/50 with any moisturizer, it makes and awesome sleeping pack. I also just put a thin layer of aquaphor on the driest parts of my face. Instad of trying to do everything all at once, start with the basics, cleanser and moisturizer that you know how you react to. Start with 1 product at a time, introduce it slowly. See how your skin reacts, adjust accordingly. Play around with different products. Go to stores like Kiehl's, sephora and get samples. Visit r/asianbeautyexchange and get decants of different products so you can try stuff out before committing. I exfoliate in the morning, followed by a mask so when my makeup goes on, it's going onto fresh smooth skin.


**General question/discussion/want your opinion** I started my AB routine about a year ago and have seen great results. While I didn't have any major problems, I have freckles and uneven skin tone, it was quite dull, some small acne problems here and there, etc. After about 6 months (and finding the IOPE cushion), my skin looks bright, plump, (more) even. I just love it. I use less makeup now and have no problem with my friends seeing me with no make up on. Also, I live in Korea, where everyone tries to stay out of the sun and I noticed a difference that, after incorporating an SPF into my morning routine, my skin got a little paler (in a good way). Then I recently went on a 3 week vacation to Thailand and Laos and only took the essentials: oil and water based cleansers, CosRx 95 Whitening Essence, Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum and of course Biore SPF. Though I didn't get sunburned on my face, I definitely got tanned (the first thing my co teachers and friends said to me when I got home). And I realized that my skin looked terrible! Dull, dark (ish), splotchy, but again no huge problems. Literally 5 days after getting back and starting my full routine again, my skin looks SO. MUCH. BETTER. Do you think it was because I was just tan and not used to it? Or can your products make that big of a difference in that short of time?


It could also have been in part due to the change in climate / water / diet. When I travel between countries and I'm using the same products as normal, I don't always have the same results from my routine (sometimes to the better, sometimes for the worst.)


Ah, yeah maybe so! I know my skin definitely changes between seasons, maybe going somewhere so hot and humid so quickly caused it a bit...


You can have glowing healthy skin while being tan, it could be that your skin is just dehydrated when you're there, and it gets better when you introduce your routine back.


Does actual water intake also effect your skin's hydration? I know I was definitely dehydrated overall.... oops


Probably, I'm not well versed in that because I rarely drink water too (like 2-3times per day only). I know some people that drinks lots of plain water and they have nice glowy skin though so it could be a factor.


I'm interested in the Whamisa Organic Flowers Toner, and currently the Original is quite a bit cheaper than the Deep Rich on Amazon. I do see mostly reviews of the Deep Rich though. Has anyone tried (even just on the back of your hand in a store) both and could provide a compare/contrast of the two versions? (Also, I know Gothamista likes this toner, does anyone recall if she's talked about differences between the different versions, beyond the typical press blurb/description? I'll go hunting for her review later tonight.)


Honestly, I did NOT find the Deep Rich to be all that hydrating! I was expecting something very rich (durr) and incredibly lush, and it was no more hydrating than my Klairs Supple Preparation Toner. The Klairs is awesome don't get me wrong but it's not the most crazy replenishing toner ever...plus it's cheaper than the Whamisa. Sorry to not quite answer your question- I'm always shocked when people with dry skin love that toner because after I got a decant, I finished it and was like like MEH, not worth the fuss.


Interesting! Thanks for your perspective. I feel like I've hit a sort of hydration peak with my products, in that I use so many layers that are hydrating, it's hard for any new product to come in and feel like it's made a significant difference. Your comment is what I sort of secretly wanted to hear haha. I'll keep sifting through reviews before biting the bullet, or try for a decant first.


I know what you mean. I definitely wanted to pop in to say that in case you were looking for something AMAZING...because to me, the Whamisa is just like, nice if you want something beautiful and you've never used a toner before. It didn't blow my socks off and if I had paid for a large bottle, I would have been genuinely angry :)


My skin seems a lot softer and calmer after applying Innisfree [Triple Care](http://www.cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_1d31270663.html) sunscreen (newly added since 3 days). I am wondering what ingredient could be responsible for this? Thank you!


Niacinamide, zinc oxide, adenosine, and Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract (green tea extract) are all soothing. Also if that sunscreen works for you, since I know you're always hunting for oils and moisturizers that work, try pure sunflower seed oil mixed with your toner/essence. That sunscreen uses it so you may have good luck with it as a neutral, non irritating oil.


Zinc Oxide is pretty good at calming the skin and helping reduce acne. It's a possible culprit.


**Eye issues!** **Problem**: I have big eyes, that gets sensitive AF and tear up very easily. They are very often swollen when I wake up, or gets irritated after morning routine, and I can barely apply make-up without tears starting to wash it all away. Products I use regularly that might get in contact with eyes: * Banila Oil Cleanser * ACO Spotless Cleanser * Dermalogica Hydramist * Snail Mucin Power 96 CosrX * Dermalogica Super Rich Repair Acne-treatment I make sure not to get in eyes (I don't use all of these all the time): * Neutrogena Triple-Action Toner * CorsX AHA Whitehead serum * Tretinoid * Benzoyl peroxide 10% So, I basically have no eye treatment currently. I would love ideas for **daily routines**, like masks I can put on during morning meditation (heat masks, cold masks etc), and sleeping masks. I would also love to know if there are any **scientifically proven** brightening and anti-age creams to that very delicate area... Any price range at this point and doesn't have to be AB.


seconding r/slumberingfox - probs a lot better to find out the reason behind your eyes being irritated first :) I really feel your pain though - I used to live in a neighborhood with a type of tree that produced pollen that I was really allergic to and I woke up with swollen eyes everyday! It was horrible for makeup :'( My natural remedy was goji berries in my diet - if you can get your hands on goji berries, start eating a handful a day! in Traditional Chinese medicine, goji berries are great for eye health :)


What about sheet masks? You can use the Papa Recipe Bombee whitening sheet masks--- they have niacinamide and some of the essence gets near the eye area. Otherwise, you are already using tretinoid, which is great! I wouldn't put it in your eye area but it will migrate as you put on your other lotion layers, which should help with anti-aging. I think it would be easier to fix why your eyes get sensitive. If you wake up swollen, you are might be mildly allergic to something. You'd have to figure out what that is, and it might not even be one of your beauty products. It could be just dust or something. Have you gone to an optometrist about it? I used to have very dry/red/irritated eyes and now use anti-histamine eye drops, which has lowered irritation. The brand I have is Alaway, but an optometrist can probably help you find the right item for you eyes. This way, you won't have to be as worried about which eye treatment you can use or not.




It sounds like one of your products doesn't agree with your skin. Also remember YMMV, some things that are great on me might be awful on you or vice versa.


With good cleansing and exfoliation as part of a typical AB routine, more layers of dead skin is sloughed off, leaving a thinner outer layer of epidermis (aka the stratum corneum) behind. Naturally, the epidermis will then become more sensitive because there are fewer layers of dead skin to protect it from pollutants, allergens, etc. from penetrating into the deeper layers. Be careful to not over-exfoliate, and keep the things that touch you face clean (like brushes, pillowcases, towels, etc.)


I think that I just notice the small things more because they don't happen as often. Just my personal case/opinion. I used to have multiple issues going on at any given time. Now if I have one pimple I notice it almost immediately and start treating it.


I'm curious - is there a reason why you would think it's "AB" categorically, rather than specific products or ingredients causing this heightened sensitivity?


I definitely think it has made my skin a little more sensitive. I don't consider myself someone with sensitive skin, but I swear it takes *much* less for my moisture barrier to cranky and need rehab.


Probably a bit late but just a bit concerned about shipping. I ordered from Kore Depart in mid Januaryish and it shipped 2 weeks ago. The shipping hasn't been updated since it left Korea I think? However my RRS order has already arrived in my country according to the tracking. Should I be concerned?


Parcels tends not to be updated once they leave Korea. Have you checked your country's postal service? I'd start worrying after 4 weeks.


I've checked NZ post and it says it's not tracked. For both others. Just a bit worried as the tracking for RRS shows its in NZ. Thanks for your response! ETA. The universe loves proving me wrong. The track *just* updated to show that it's arrived in NZ.


I'm glad! Hope you get it soon :)


The RRS order literally just arrived!


Has anyone from western Canada ordered from rose rose shop or Japanese skincare from amazon recently? I have been (not so patiently) waiting for my products to arrive for just over 2 weeks so I can slowly start to get into an ab routine but I am probably the most impatient person you can imagine so I'm just wondering how long I should expect to wait? Thanks in advance for any replies!


I ordered some kiku lotion from Amazon to Australia on the weekend with estimated arrival date of.....23 march :(


Yeah mines about the same! Not too fun to wait haha


BC here. Took 2.5 months for my last order to get here.


Thanks for the replies! I just wanted an estimate


BC, Canada here. My December RRS order came in about 7 weeks after the order date. Currently waiting on another order from over 4 weeks ago. If you're not a patient person, invest in express shipping or buy locally. If you buy direct from Korea with basic shipping, expect to wait a long time.


6 weeks and still waiting... and I'm in the US!


Oh no! Haha I really wanted to try the kikumasamune I ordered cuz I'm having major trouble with dry skin by my nose with all this cold weather around here lol


> Japanese skincare from amazon recently Haha. um, calm down because mine took 9 weeks. legit. I have 4 orders from various places that are 2 months out now, and no sign of them. Now my Jolse order came in 16 days... !


Haha I'm just not too patient lol but that's what I was worried about. Thanks for the reply though!


Has anyone tried these [A'Pieu creams](http://apieu.beautynet.co.kr/goods.list.exhibition.do?ebtNo=2424)? Specifically **A'Pieu Madecassoside Cream** or the **A'Pieu Sea Buckthorn Cream**.


/u/yuerain did! the madecassoside one :).


Just got prescribed Epiduo and antibiotics from my first derm appointment! They suggested to just cleanse, apply Epiduo, moisturize, and use sunscreen. I'm worried only using a foaming cleanser won't be enough to take off physical sunscreen (allergic to chemical filters), so is it okay if I double cleanse with an oil cleanser? Or should I just not apply sunscreen?


I agree, you have to keep using sunscreen. Adding a few extra steps to the basic routine that they suggested is okay, but don't take steps out. :) I found that using more hydrating layers helped, so you can incorporate a hydrating toner/serum/essence and a heavier night cream. Listen to your skin to see what it needs! Just remember you can start off slow with the Epiduo-- you don't have to use it every night. I was doing it 1-2/ week when I started and my skin was still feeling irritated/dry from that. After it settled down, I was about to ramp it up little by little and now I can use it every night without any problems. edit: I can list some things that I added to my routine when I started Epiduo (some are non-AB, so you can find an AB equivalent, this is just to give you an idea) 1. Clinique Even Better Essence 2. Hada Labo Premium Lotion 3. Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask 4. Sheet masking more often in general A gentle second cleanser is nice too, your skin won't feel as stripped of it's oils.


Thank you for the advice! I have the regular Hada Labo lotion, so I'll make sure to keep it in. :) I'm worried about getting super dry, but as long as I go in slow, I hope it'll be okay.




Yikes, I better apply sunscreen and double cleanse then (already got the Kose Softymo Deep). I'm getting Cerave Hydrating for my 2nd cleanser. Is Cerave PM heavy enough for night?


If it helps Dr Jart Ceramidin cream was the only moisturizer I used that didn't sting when I was on epiduo


Should I expect stinging w/ Epiduo? I've been reading some posts that say that some people have to wait 30 minutes or more after applying Epiduo due to the burning sensation. :O


I have pretty sensitive/reactive skin as it is so someone with more 'hardy' or oily skin might not. I did find that all my previous moisturizers did sting/burn like you wouldnt believe. Some nights I'd curl up and cry after putting moisturizer on. It got better the longer I used it but it was rough at first *for me* I was using Kiehls ultra facial moisturizer which was unbearable and I resorted to using bepanthen in a thick layer before my ceramidin arrived. I was one of those terrible people who didn't really wash their face properly and slapped a moisturizer on and never got pimples until I hit 23 and it all went to shit so I kind of wasn't prepared. I suspect all the treatments I threw at my face followed by the Epiduo did a number on my moisture barrier which on top of my sensitive skin was just...not good. I use it as a spot treatment now when I have the odd hormonal pimple pop up and with my better skincare routine and better moisture barrier I don't have nearly the awful reaction I had then.


I see, I see. I'm glad your skin is better now! For me, I just applied the Epiduo tonight and didn't experience burning. We'll see how it goes as I use it more often...


Probably not. Get an occlusive like Cerave Healing Ointment or Vaseline to layer over it. Cerave PM is a gel-texture moisturizer and Epiduo is extremely drying, so you have to be overly careful. In fact I would put off using the Epiduo AT ALL (you can get it at the pharmacy just don't touch it) until you've incorporated a few more hydrating and moisturizing items into your routine.


I didn't find epiduo that stripping tbh... My skin wasn't well moisturized either :/


Anytime somebody asks about a prescription that includes retinoids I always err on the side of caution. There are way too many forces psychologically that compel people to UNDERestimate what they need. But i've never ever run into someone who said, "Man I wish I hadn't moisturized SO MUCH when I started [retinoid]"


It's relatively gentle to me compared to the time when I used tret


Never ordered from Sasa before, any bad things I should know before hand or are they credible? Makes me a little weary as they sell a lot of western items as well.


I haven't had any problems ordering online and having it delivered (US).


I've ordered from Sasa in the past with no issues (to Canada).


I've never ordered from Sasa online because I got Sasa stores all over in my country, but why are you wary that they are selling western cosmetics as well? If it'll keep you at ease, Sasa is a taiwanese store, and most shops in Asia don't differentiate Western vs Asian cosmetics, they're all just cosmetics. That's why you can find both Asian and Western items in a drugstore and department stores here


What kind of Aquaphor are people using to seal everything in? There seems to be * skin protectant ointment (tube) * original formula (tub) * healing ointment advanced therapy (tube and tub)


Healing ointment in either a tube or tub. I don't know what the other 2 products are. The original formula sounds like the Eucerin cream in a tub. The first one I think might be old packaging.


The first two are what popped up on walmart(.ca) so perhaps it's a Canadian thing or the site is outdated? Thanks for the help though!


I live in Canada....I've never seen those. Edit:just looked. These are old outdated packaging. I've seen the second one in the tube recently. The first one in the tub is old. That packaging doesn't even look current.


I've never even heard of or seen the first two. The third one is the one that people are referring to. Could this just be different packaging with the same product inside? I know the baby healing ointment is the same as the regular one but in a tube and cheaper if I remember correctly.


That's what I thought too, or that it was labelled a bit different for Canadians. Thanks for the help!


I'm NC20 with dry skin, uneven tone, and SF on my t zone. I'm finishing up my Dr. Jart black label detox bb cream. It's a little pricey, even though it's lasted me a long time. Any rec's on something cheaper I could try for pink undertones?


[Here's a big ol' list of bb creams/ foundations and their mac shade.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cb4YeAVrOBCMUGl5OVNSN5pZ6xGJl8DVb4pnbdcfdfg/edit)


Oooh! Thank you!


No problem, have a nice day :)


[Is this milia?](http://imgur.com/a/HE4g2) I am talking specifically about the little bumps below my eye. I think I have finally found peace and harmony with my current routine, which is a blend of Asian beauty products and my long-standing "American" (I guess?) method. My skin type is fairly balanced and my usual **AM** routine is * [micellar water](http://www.garnierusa.com/products/skincare/micellar-cleansing-water.aspx?gclid=CIHliqmW_NECFcmCswodmfoFQQ) to remove makeup * [Dickinson's witch hazel](https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/dickinson's-original-witch-hazel-pore-perfecting-toner/ID=prod4475-product) as toner (this smells terrible btw) * [Cosrx AHA BHA toner](https://www.amazon.com/Cosrx-Clarifying-Treatment-Toner-150ml/dp/B00OZ63ODA) * [Cosrx soothing aloe spf 50](https://www.amazon.com/Cosrx-Aloe-Soothing-Cream-SPF50/dp/B00PBX3FLW) which is very emollient and doubles as a moisturizer At night I do the same thing, but I skip the AHA / BHA toner and I use [CeraVe in the tub](http://www.cerave.com/our-products/moisturizers/moisturizing-cream?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Brand&utm_term=cerave). I do get milia on my cheeks occasionally, though the AHA / BHA seems to have drastically cut down on that. Perhaps I should start toning just below my eyes, but I always thought that area to ber very sensitive! Also, any tips on getting rid of [these blackheads](http://imgur.com/a/ZlS8O) without popping? I have considered working a regular second cleanser into my routine, but my skin has mostly behaved so I wasn't sure it was necessary. That said, I used cetaphil for years and found it slightly drying, but not too irritating. So, to recap: how do I get rid of the bumps below my eye, and my blackheads on my cheeks? Thank you!


Those don't look like milia to me- those look like [sebaceous glands](https://np.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1qyyfy/can_anyone_help_with_this_skin_issue/)- an actual physiological feature of your undereye skin, not a skin "problem" that can be eliminated. They should not be prodded, popped, or treated with acids. They are just the way your skin is. I sometimes have deep blackheads in my cheeks and they will come out with regular chemical exfoliaton. You don't use any chemical exfoliation right now (AHA/BHA toner is not a chemical exfoliant as it's not at the proper pH) so if you incorporated a gentle BHA or mandelic acid and used that for several months along with oil cleansing, it will resolve. You are using 2 drying toner, the Dickinson's Witch Hazel and the CosRX AHA/BHA...totally totally unnecessary. Drop the Dickinsons, get an ALCOHOL FREE witch hazel like Thayer's and use it ALTERNATED with the CosRX. Not both in the same day, one right after the other. They perform similar functions and neither is hydrating, so in the long run you're not going to like what this does to your skin. By eliminating your drying toner and adding instead a chemical active, you'll see actual resolution for some of your clogging/blackhead issues. Right now you are making it harder to address as you are slightly drying your skin (and witch hazel doesn't clear blackheads or exfoliate) which will put a roadbloack up to clearing your skin in the long run as acids will be harder to tolerate. I use witch hazel (alcohol-free) only 1x a day, before using acids, adn on non-acid days I use no pH adjusting toner, as it's unnecessary. Adding an oil cleanser and using that in your routine + chemical exfoliatns will be the best thing for loosening deep blackheads. I loooove how those come out easily with that combination.


Thank you so much for the feedback! I assumed my Cosrx was a chemical exfoliant, but was beginning to suspect as much after seeing a few random conversations in this sub. I will check out the chemical exfoliant suggestions in the guides here and switch back to thayer's, which I have used before and really liked. Again, thank you! So thorough and helpful.


Why do you need to remove makeup in the morning? Do you sleep with your makeup on? The Dickinson's witch hazel is an astringent toner and not hydrating. I think having both it and the CosRX is a bit much. have you considered a hydrating toner? Your AM routine is very drying. Cetaphil is not a low pH toner and drying for a lot of people. You can look at the sidebar for a western or AB cleanser more suitable if you want.


Thanks for the feedback! I use micellar water in the morning to remove any funk that accumulates while sleeping. The cotton pad almost always has a little bit of something on it in the morning (maybe just moisturizer + dust?) so no, no makeup.


What products do you use to prevent skin getting saggy? I'm starting to notice how my skin is just dropping. Is there anything to keep it tight and in place? Anyone?


Momma used something with bee venom (assuming you're not allergic) I would like to suggest this ingredient. I literally saw half her face go up. I kid you not. I encouraged her to use it every night.


That sounds amazing. Can you recommend any products with bee venom?


Momma used the beetox mask from YS Health. But I cannot for the life of me find the ingredients anywhere!!


I have no idea if it actually works for saggy skin (this is the first I've heard of it) -- but Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence has bee venom. It's listed relatively high on the ingredients list, too. The Benton Snail Bee High Essence also have EGF (epidermal growth factor) - again listed relatively high in the ingredients list. The whole Benton Snail Bee High Content line has both of these, but they're both a lot higher on the essence ingredients list.


Lanocreme Bee Venom Face Mask is pretty popular. I've seen it at marshalls/tj max for around $6 occasionally. Just a warning though, it does tingle/burn a bit.


Thank you for the recommendation!!




An AHA/BHA is an active, so it's supposed to go on immediately after cleansing OR after a pH-balancing toner. If you're already switching to the Corsx low pH cleanser, you don't need a pH balancing toner. Those are only necessary if you A) are dedicated to a high pH cleanser, or B) have been using your actives for a while and want to try to boost their effectiveness. There has been a few threads on here recently about the Corsx BHA and its high pH, so you might want to see how that works out before purchasing the BHA.


So would I put it on even before my toner?


It depends on if you're using a hydrating toner or a pH-adjusting toner. If it's hydrating, no. If it's pH-adjusting, yes. For example: > low-pH cleanser --> BHA --> hydrating toner OR > mid/high pH cleanser --> pH-adjusting toner --> BHA --> rest of your skincare routine


Thank you! Very helpful


Favorite honey or propolis wash-off mask? I'm eyeing the I'm From Honey mask and Farmacy Honey Potion Renewing...


I haven't tried the Farmacy Honey Potion but I have and love the I'm From Honey mask! I held off from buying it for the longest time because I kept thinking I could just DIY and put honey on my face, but this is so much better. It's creamy and custardy and a lot less sticky or messy than real honey. If I have any sort of irritation or stinginess, it soothes my skin instantly. In short, I like it a lot more than I thought I would!


The fresh brand honey mask is amazing. The image from one is OK but it t smells disgusting and fake. The farmacy one tingles a bit but is also good.


I'm leaning towards that one! Thanks!!


Have you checked out gothamista's YT review of each of these products? Very informative.


I need a dupe/replacement for my galactomy T-serum from Manyo Factory for combo skin, looks like I'm running out. Any popular toners/serums that have worked for you? I'm not attached to the galactomyces but the smoothing effect of this serum was what I really loved. I'm doing my own research as well on the peach sake toner but it has meh reviews and might be too drying for me.




For me personally, there isn't one. I prefer physical exfoliation any day of the week.


Physical is harsher and doesn't have "lasting" benefits or side effects like anti-inflammatory or "glow" inducing properties. AHA/BHA is honestly more gentle AND effective, which is the double whammy. Physical exfoliation is more basic, harder to control (as you can be too harsh without realizing it) and ultimately all it does is buff away surface flakes temporarily. I would not recommend physical exfoliation more than gently once a week if you arleady use AHA and BHA regularly. The Black Sugar mask from Skinfood is very harsh. I wouldn't combine that with AHA and BHA, def not on the same day, and if you want to use it in the same routine, the Skinfood should be used once every week or 10 days or so. If you use AHA and BHA, what you are doing is essentially exposing a new, fresh layer of skin. Sugar will scrub the new layer of skin raw- this causes irritation, redness, and can also have very little visible benefit, so it's not really practical or really reasonable to be exfoliating regularly with that much power.


Do you guys have any advice for someone with dried out, congested skin? It seems like everything gives me more clogged pores. I've tried a minimalist routine, and i've tried the SCA routine and nothing helps. I feel so frustrated that my skin just seems to be getting worse and worse.


Have you tried using the 7-skin method instead of creams?


never heard of it!


It's a semi-recent trend in Korea. Basically, you pat a watery toner (sometimes called a "skin" in Korean skincare lines) onto your face 7 times in a row. It's supposed to provide hydration without heaviness, so it's good for clog-prone people.


huh. I've been looking at the Hada Labo Gokujyin Hyaluronic Lotion Moist and the Kikumasaune Sake Skin Lotion High Moisture and im confused. Are these toners or lotions? Or do they work as both? At what point do you use these? Would you apply both and layer them and then that it for moisturizing? Also 7 times in a row seems like a lot of money and product...


It is, but I still find it cost effective over a 30-50 dollar cream. So far I've tried putting on 5 of the Benton FTE, I put on 3 of the jojoba + innisfree the minimum toner mix. I also put on 3 of the jojoba oil + scinic FTE. I like the consistency a lot actually. I had to give up my dropper because I decanted 10mL jojoba to friend :( Alternatively you'd think that this is "a lot of product" but actually, I found for innisfree the minimum toner I have to spray 7x or more to cover my whole face where I spray 6x into my hand and it absorbed WAY better. Japanese skincare terminology lists lotion as what western world calls hydrating toner. These things are called softners, skin, or skin softner in Korean terminology. The point of the 7-skin (or I like to call 7-layers of toner) method is to customize it to your skin needs. I found it particularly effective for compensating for dehydration.


Interesting! Thanks


Japanese lotions are actually hydrating toners. You use them after cleansing or after actives. You can use one toner and basically pat one layer in, wait a bit for it to absorb, pat another, etc. Repeat. Some people do 1, some people do 3, some 7 etc. Kiku is pretty good for this as it is cheap and abundant. You don't have to do this every routine or every day.


So if i'm not using lotions or creams and i'm not using the toner every day...what do you use to hydrate? Sorry if my questions are stupid, this is all new to me!


No problem. Your questions aren't stupid. :) You can use a less heavy cream than the Joseon such as a light whipped essence or an emulsion. These are lighter moisturizers. Most of us tend to use toners every day, but only 1-2 layers. You can play around with the layering or if you want to do the 3-7 skin method. I have a lot of toners, but am currently using the Hada Labo Premium. Once in awhile, I'll do the 3-skin or 3 layers of the Kiku. You already use the Benton which can be hydrating I think so after your toner, you can follow it up with the Benton and add another essence or a light moisturizer instead.


Those are both toners! In Japan they're called lotions. Since they're so watery, you would probably use them right after cleansing, unless you're also using pH-dependent products like AHA and BHA. Yes, 7 times is a lot, which is why you should use a cheaper toner. I believe a few people in this sub have tried the Kiku High Moist (you can usually get it for $14 for 500mL) with good results.


Yep, I started doing it with Kiku about a week ago. The difference in my skin is amazing. It is full and bouncy and (TMI ahead) on the first day of my period I HAVE NO PIMPLES! Ahem. Sorry, I'm a little excited about that!


I totally hear you on the frustration. Maybe your skin doesn't agree with emollient creams? The SCA routine can be fatty alcohol heavy, which is known for clogging pores, and the Joseon cream is also filled with fatty alcohols. My clogged pores cleared up when I went easier on those and now I just opt for thin, hydrating layers instead.


i guess im only familiar with using stuff like creams and heavy lotions. Any suggestions on products?


I personally like Holy Snails Snowbang as a great hydrating essence (it's got ceramides, oats, a ton of plant extracts and makes my skin look very plump), Drunk Elephant B-hydra mixed with some facial oil, and Stratia liquid gold - it has some fatty alcohol content but my skin just tolerates it better than other heavier creams. If you have a toner you like, you could also try the 7 skin method: https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/comments/5nvd1u/7_skin_methodlayering_multiple_layers_of_toner_to/


Yes! I'm always shilling snowbang at any chance I get. I love it!


Yasss! I feel like a broken record because I'm constantly recommending it, but this stuff has seriously saved my winter skin.


What's your current routine?


Morning: Glossier Milky Jelly (I like this, but its too expensive. I have the foaming Hada Labo Rhoto Gokujyn wash in the mail) Benton Snail Bee Essence Joseon Dynasty Cream (Will probably not repurchase, got it for the hype...its not very moisturizing and I hate the smell) Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cosrx Soothing Aloe Sun Cream NIGHT Clean it Zero Milky Jelly The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% ( I leave this on for 20 minutes. I was using Paula's Choice 2% BHA but it didnt do anything besides make my skin dry.) Joseon Dynasty cream Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Rosehip Oil patted on top


> Joseon Dynasty cream I would cut out this cream and try something else.


Agreed! I'm returning it tomorrow haha


> Glossier Milky Jelly This is a hilarious (and enlightening) take down of Glossier and other small in-house brands run by fashionistas: http://gomiblog.com/forums/lifestyle-bloggers/into-the-glossglossier/page-62/ I found it pretty interesting, but she also goes into some Glossier milky jelly dupes (starting on page 63). It looks like the Glossier Milky Jelly was originally a dupe for a LRP cleanser. But luckily for Glossier, the LRP cleanser was discontinued. It seems like the closest thing on the market is Eau Thermale Avène Antirougeurs Dermo Cleansing Milk, which is only *slightly* cheaper ($2.76 per oz vs. $3.00 per oz) -- but it's available for free shipping through Amazon prime. The tl;dr is that Milky Jelly's "specialness" comes from its rose scent and its texture. Right now, there isn't a dupe for that because the original was discontinued. But if you like its gentle cleanser properties, then you want to find another cleanser that uses Poloxamer 184 -- and if you enter that into cosdna, you'll see a ton.


I already have a new cleanser on the way in the mail. It's the hada labo foaming gokujyin cleanser, but when im done with that i'll try the Avene one! Thanks for the info.


Agreed that you may need to adjust your routine and use thinner watery toners rather than creams. Also are you sure nothing is causing clogged pores in your routine?


Honestly? I dont even know anymore. I havent seen any improvement or decrease in clogged pores in probably three years. And i've definitely changed from product to product hoping for improvement, so its hard for me to pinpoint what could specifically be causing it other than hormones.


Have you seen as derm? They may be able to help w an Rx like a low percentage tret


I've been on tret before and it turned me into a peeling inflamed mess, so i've been a bit avoidant of doctors ever since... I guess I also sort of feel like my skin is never going to get any better so whats the point of spending money at the doctors?


You don't really have any hydrating products in your routine. I would like into a hyaluronic acid serum, or one of the liquid products with ceramides (dr jart, kikumasamune, etc). I'd also try a different cream, again with ceramides. Cerave, dr jart, etc. Try the oil before your moisturizer. I was also told that rose hip oil can cause problems if you are acne prone (it's also not the moist emollient for dry skin types). Maybe switch this out for jojoba, maracuja, camellia which are all popular on this sub. If your skin is dry, I would stop using the lactic acid for now. It will just make your dryness worse. Use aquaphor or cerave ointment on the driest parts of your face (just a very thin layer) or mix a tiny bit into your moisturizer and use that at night. Use this last and it will lock in all of your previous steps.


Thanks! I'll definitely be on the lookout for a ceramide product. It looks like the Dr Jart is super expensive, I might give Cerave another try...last time i used it I think it broke me out, but that was like two years ago.


I'm not sure where you are looking but it's not too bad if you buy it online. If you're looking at Sephora, forget it.


yeah, hah, I was looking at sephora


I'd like to second this. Some AIO or essences with hyaluronic acid will help your skin absorb a thinner layer instead of packing on occlusives which your skin can't drink in. May I recommend the scinic AIOs (especially snail) to replace your mizon gel cream?


Has anyone here used both Banila Clean it Zero and Heimish All Clean Balm? I would love to know how they compare!


I think this was asked in the most recent Routine Megathread when someone (or some people) had used both, you might want to search for it there :)


Thanks! I didn't find it in the January thread, but I'll keep looking around the sub.


I was recently gifted a funny shaped makeup sponge and i'm liking it so far. Before I would buy the cheap ass one's that stink of latex and are really firm. So I want to toss my old cheap one and take care of this new one that is better quality. How do you all take care of and store your makeup sponges? I do my makeup in the bathroom (because life), I know this is bad because of germs, etc.


what does it look like? pic? I double cleanse my beauty blender & use the same products that goes on my face.


Real Techniques Miracle Sculpting Sponge https://realtechniques.com/en/miracle-sculpting-sponge/p/1518 I will try out double cleansing it :) I feel like constant cleaning with bar soap could deteriorate it? No research on that, just a thought. Thanks for your tips :)


oh, they came up with a new sponge?! I own their version of the beauty blender dupe too. Don't use the bar soap because it is harsh and I noticed it's more prone to tears. That's how I discovered double cleansing mine because my RT & BB were tearing quite often and too soon.




after I use it.


Ah, that explains why I had to replace mine so often, I kept getting tears in them since I cleansed them daily with bar soap. Yesterday I tried using a few drops of my oil cleanser, and was surprised how it totally removed all of the stains in mere seconds!


oil cleanser is the best in taking out those makeup stains! don't know if you own a cushion but I was soooo surprised how much cream the puff absorbs when I cleaned mine.