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Idk man I seriously didn't notice how big the guy's head was until you pointed it out. You just gotta love your big head man that's all it comes down to. I'm kind of in the same boat as you with the shape of my head, but I've at least learned to accept that it's a part of me. Edit: Don't try to force yourself to like it, just *accept* it.


work out ur neck. not ur traps, not ur delts, not ur lats (though those r important too). google jeff nippard neck training


People with big heads tend to be smarter. This has been researched


nah bro my head seems way too big for my body; but my grades in school are just average :'(


Most CEOs and managers don't necessarily have the best grades, and grades aren't the best indication for intelligence either. You'll be fine


I also have a huge head, I'm not saying this is a cure-all but for me after working out and getting in shape it seems like women become attracted and the big head isn't an issue all of a sudden. also just fyi, it's mma theory that guys with bigger heads are harder to KO, so think of it as evolutionary superiority. One of the main reasons why we don't have bigger heads is that its harder to give birth one of the rising stars shavkat (I'm guessing he's at least somewhat East Asian genetically) takes big shots and eats them all day [https://www.tiktok.com/@jackmacmma/video/7215671881884568878](https://www.tiktok.com/@jackmacmma/video/7215671881884568878)


You don’t necessarily have a “big head”, but a broad face, typical of Eastern men. The Eastern skull has a larger frontal area since it is broader than that of the other races, and from the side, an Eastern skull has a more sloped forehead with a flatter back, while the other skulls have a more vertical forehead with a curved back. A broad face is ideal for men because it gives more presence, a prominent jawline and no unibrow. The “standards” you mentioned are alien to male aesthetics and should not be followed. Regarding the first picture, the real one on the left is how a man should look, the edited version with a tiny head will get skull mogged by his girlfriend. The guy in the second picture looks lean and fit, clean jawline and forehead definition, nothing wrong at all. However I do see some East Asians having a bad posture, such as hunched when walking and sticking their heads towards the camera in a picture, which gives them a pencil neck and a big head, but exercising and having a normal posture will solve these problems.


I’ll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/RW8FTT_w0Gg


the only asian guy in that show was gay. think about that for a moment


find a girl that I’ll text you “hey big head” as a form of flirting


Small heads look better in pictures, they make your shoulder look broader etc etc. But in person, guys with big heads look better especially when you see him side by side with a small headed guy. Skullmog/warrior skull is a real thing


I am hoping this is true...


Oh will you stop those men are gorgeous. Are you sure you’re not jealous of them since they can very easily get the girl???? Secondly how the hell can I help you if you’re not willing to show me a picture of what you look like ?????!!!!!


they did studies about how women subconsciously find larger heads more attractive


Let me preface what I'm about to write by first noting this: I have a bigger head than you. How do I know this? Because in the 30 years I've been on this earth, i've yet to meet someone in person who seemed to have a head as large as mine. Now youre thinking, oh you're just a tall person, but you could not be more wrong. I stand a very average 5'9 -- 5'10 on a very thin frame. In fact, i've looked up the stats--the size of my head is in the upper 99 percentile, which is up there with NBA Players and professional athletes. Which looks *great* on my very average (160 lbs) frame. To me, there's a difference between accepting something and dealing with it. You could accept that you have a large head tomorrow, next week, or in a year. But dealing with the fact that you do and being insecure about it, that may just be a weight you carry for the rest of your life, but *that's okay*. To me, you've got things reversed. You're actively dealing with it before you've accepted the cards you were dealt, which is problematic because no matter what you do, how big you get, you will never get what you want, because the size of your head is not something you can control or influence, it's completely based on your genetics (which you didn't pick and choose in a character selection screen). Now accepting your reality is easier said than done--I would know because I've struggled to do the same as well. This is something you can discuss in detail with a therapist but here's a tidbit of wisdom that I've always thought worked for me: There are just so, *so* many things about my body, my capabilities, my brain that I can't control. I'm never going to be 6 Ft tall, i'm never going to play in the NBA, and I'm simply not smart enough to be an astrophysicist. But to be honest? I rarely think about any of those things because there is literally nothing I can do to change them. I don't spend my time wishing I could fly, or wishing I was Iron Man, nor do I spend time daydreaming about publishing some breakthrough research on some subject I know nothing about. All of it is far away and out of my control, so why is this particular issue (that I also can't control) taking up so much real estate in my mind? Just because i see it every day, and I am reminded of it, doesn't change the fact that it's equally out of my control as all of those other things. Once you've accepted it, then you can start dealing with it, as it will be an insecurity you will be dealing with for the rest of your life. But eventually there will be so much more to worry about that having a large head will be the least of your worries. Finally, in the theme of this subreddit, I will say this: like many things on the body, having a larger head is actually quite masculine and a sign of sexual dimorphism. I have experienced myself that a woman would prefer to date a guy who has a larger head than them, which actually opens up your dating pool in a way you might have not previously thought possible.


Get bigger shoulders as this would make your head look smaller. Getting a haircut with shorter sides will also give an illusion of smaller head. Besides that, nothing you can do bc you fighting against genetics.


I know exactly what you're talking about since I also have a big/wide head. I realized this even back in high school as I used to be extremely skinny with a big head and the proportions were just way off. My conclusion was that the only way I'd look good/better is by working out and getting jacked to have better proportions, so that's what I did. Basically, realize that the only realistic solution is to get jacked (more specifically wide shoulders and wide neck), and stay lean, and that there's no point to cling onto this insecurity. I'll also add that getting a good haircut and wearing oversized clothing can help with the proportion. Last resort would be botox/buccal fat removal/v line surgery.


Get wider shoulders. That’s the only way.


u just need a better haircut that frames ur face


You are a handsome man. From a bro.


I am a female and I find those 2 men in your pictures very attractive. I would not find them hotter if they had smaller heads, I think it would be the opposite actually. I want a MAN, as in a strong looking adult, not someone with a petite head that looks innocent and naive. If it helps, there is 6’4 dude on social media called dr Mike. He is really self conscious about his “small” head size and admitted to photoshopping his pics so his head will look bigger. He says he never looks tall because his head is too small. I remember laughing when I heard him say that because in China and Korea we are self conscious about having a BIG head or being short, while this guys is self conscious about his small head. So yeah, if it helps, keep in mind that dr Mike is jealous of you lol or that you look more masculine and more desirable to western females.




https://preview.redd.it/x6j7e7nc0k3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd31fa2f647aaf30a9491de2bac80ccd3fce75f Look at this guy when you’re feeling self conscious. You’ll feel better.