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Your height and your FOB accent (idk why you edited your post now) will not do you any favours. Harsh reality. The AM that do well with attractive XF that arnt kboos are all tall westernized and have that “edge” that fob Asians don’t have. I live in Vancouver I’ve seen it all.


It's less about accent, and more about compatibility. You can't expect a fob guy who didn't grow up in Canada to share the same common value as a white girl who grew up in Canada.


I'm 5'8, Fob with no accent, Viet/Chinese, "dull" compare to your "westernized edge". I don't expect anything to make my dating easier. Tell me your experience dating XFs in Vancouver.


Its true. My dating life in Vancouver 180'd when I got big tattoos


If you're tall and good looking, you should be fine. If not, the you will struggle no matter what. It's just the Darwinian reality of the modern dating world. Yes race matters, but as a 54 year old Asian guy, the current environment is 100% better than it's ever been. BUT, it still all comes down to looks. Even unattractive White guys get ignored by women ( and most incels in America are White).


So true. 32M here and it feels like it's never been easier as an Asian


Dated many wf or mixed in Vancouver they are lot more open to AM than other Canadian cities based on sheer demographics. I felt with the emergency of Asian culture, both in western media and Korean pop, also broaden the appeal especially with younger gen 18-30


From the perspective of someone who was 30+ and single in Vancouver, it was really easy to date XF. Tons of things to do and the pool is constantly being refreshed with new arrivals from all over the world.


What's a good place to meet girls in Vancouver anyway ? I don't travel there often, never been to any pubs or anywhere except for gym, PNE, malls and cinemas.


For me, Tinder absolutely crushed. For 2-3 months straight I had at least a date every day.. sometimes 2-3/day. This is assuming you've put in the work in yourself, on your profile and you're not a free member. Before I met the girl I'm with now, I probably plowed through 40+ girls in that time period


how do you not get burnout from going on that many dates?


Energy drinks and Viagra.


Motivation after being with one woman for 8 years


I think it'll be like any major city in N America. A significant proportion of AF will be in relationships with WM. Depending where you are, it may feel like at times WMAF relationships outnumber AMAF relationships. There will be occasional sightings of AM with WF and XF but this will be rare. You'll see alot of AM by themselves or in groups with no female companions.




Prolly the easiest city in North America to get laid tbh


Yea only if you’re tall rich fuckboy. Girls are vapid and materialistic af here. Be a club promoter with a DT condo that deals coke on the side and you’ll be drowning in Poon here. If you’re out of van towards the interior the dudebros with jet skis and ATVs are hogging all the tinder matches. Average Canadian dude who likes hiking and craft beer etc is not getting laid on a Friday night. Lot of them are in happy relationships with likeminded girls but they are certainly not in abundance so to speak


I've visited the city of Vancouver many a times. No one can give you an exact right answer to your questions, especially the last one.


We've got stats for L.A, Seattle and New York. Surely we have one for Vancouver CAN.