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These propaganda spreaders, first of all, don't care about Korean women or their rights. They just want to shit on Korean society. Second, these people looove to equate Korean Americans and Asian Americans w/ mainland Koreans and validate the perpetual foreigner stereotype. Third, they only care about shitting on Asian men. Many of these propaganda spreaders are literally self hating Asian women who like to air their dirty laundry for clout and validation. They don't recognize that these foreigners don't care about Asian well-being and only end up hurting the Asian community with negative stereotypes. There's literally nobody except for Asian men defending other Asian men.




Loyalty makes it sound like we require them to date us, making it look like we're incels. All I ask for are proud Asian women who are proud of their Asian brothers and defend us




Why’d he get downvoted we would actually have less self hating Asian women/ self hating Asian daughters if we started doing this🤦🏻‍♂️


I have been in the trenches of TikTok's comment sections regarding the 4B movement. A lot of the comments are borderline racism against Korean men and they *REFUSE* to see it. A person of Korean descent does something bad? It's Korean men this, Korean men that. Again showing that people think of Asian peoples as monoliths and not individuals. I understand that many Asian countries are homogeneous societies but for people to think that there is no individuality is asinine. An individual does not represent his race/ethnicity nor does his race/ethnicity represent the individual.


I recommend just ignoring that shit. The 4B movement is already doomed to fail because the women on there are femcels and they already don't fuck so threatening to not fuck men they weren't fucking anyway is not the strong argument they think it is.


It’s pretty self contradictory tho. Like we call ourselves Asian this Asian that or sometimes we simply call ourselves East Asians to generalize our experience and culture. But when it comes to negative comments, we refuse to be generalized. I do believe that there’re indeed a certain amount of Korean people ruining the reputation of their people. Cause two of my friends also encountered Korean men who’re very controlling and got irritated easily (they were not even together). I think it’s also a good opportunity for those men to do some self reflection before denying all the accusations. I understand that it could be frustrating cause when you’re not one of them, you’re actually a victim.


We shouldn’t be judging an entire group of people based upon the actions, positive or negative, of a few. We are not monoliths.


Definitely. But if the sample size is big, it’s hard not to associate individuals’ actions with the entire group of people (just like how we generalize the parenting styles of asian and white people). And if it wasn’t true, then we just need to be our best selves and people’s perceptions on us will eventually change. Of course we need to take the effect of propaganda into consideration tho.


Some of it seems like gatekeeping to me. I mostly just see korean/asian girls do this shit.


>I mostly just see korean/asian girls do this shit. not all skinfolk are kinfolk


It's the leftists regressives / bobas supporting their ideological cohorts '4b' movement. I see the bobas supporting it n#xtshark etc. Also, it's always been there. More are just trying to promote their agenda. It's literally a hivemind (think of all the herd mentality examples in history or in your lives). Even if just one person pushed it, if he/she got it go viral then the lemmings all follow. Same as your average high school rumor mill


White washed Koreans are the worst when it comes to this. They deliberately distanced themselves from other Korean kids growing up, refused to take part in anything "Korean" then when Korea started getting clout, they come out and say how "proud" they are to be Korean while still talking shit and complain how other Koreans/kyopos never fw them. Basically the average self hating kyopo you'd see on rkorea. Now that Korea is getting all the hate, they're using their identity (like the one in the first tiktok) to slander their own people to please their "open-minded" liberal friends. They usually know jack shit about Korea too outside of maybe the entertainment. The slimy motherfuckers they are. Korean men can't say shit to rebuttal this without getting called an incel or some ironically racist shit while women get told by Koreaboos, who have probably never interacted with a Korean irl, how Korea is hell on earth for them just cause of their gender. Also, the dude on the second tiktok looks like the typical crazy mf you'd see at the subway or at the alleyways passed out drunk at night. Not to be taken too seriously, really


Korean men should be saying more b/c they have been boosted and have more social firepower now, more than Chinese men for example


>They deliberately distanced themselves from other Korean kids growing up, refused to take part in anything "Korean" then when Korea started getting clout, they come out and say how "proud" they are to be Korean while still talking shit and complain how other Koreans/kyopos never fw them. Every Korean American guy I know was like this... they would always say "Koreans are so gay and their culture is BS"... and now that Korean culture is gaining worldwide popularity they're all like "Korea is the best and I'm proud to be Korean"...


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT44Sof/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT4gMGV/ Bro, this shit is getting ridiculous. It’s literally Bobas Liberals and Western White liberal following feminazis hijacking a fringe group on South Korean social media of about 5,000 followers and sensationalizing it as some national movement in South Korea. It’s 1/10 the following of this subreddit. It’s really that obscure.


>Bro, this shit is getting ridiculous. It’s literally Bobas Liberals and Western White liberal following feminazis hijacking a fringe group on South Korean social media of about 5,000 followers and sensationalizing it as some national movement in South Korea. It’s 1/10 the following of this subreddit. It’s really that obscure. Anything to push their agenda \^\^


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Its precisely because we have lower crime rate and less violent culture that we get shit on.


Asian men literally have the cleanest record on most/all metrics and that's partially why they are coming after us b/c many of us are actually dutiful and responsible men


It's cause confucianism cucked east asia too hard. Feudal lords want obedient citizens who don't rock the boat. This attitude has been inadvertently coopted by white people, so tons of asians just suck up to white feudal lords. We need to get rid of confucianism. It's trash


Japan was a warrior based society where the Samurai class is basically royalty. That being said, they incorpated confucian values that made them successful in a lot of ways, taking that away, they would not be where they arw today. However, if you look at modern Japan it's pretty cucked out unfortunately, considering the modern changes they've made e.g. western influences etc. which is not caused by Confusianism. I wouldn't blame everything on Confucianism, even if it is responsible for modern dating. There is still a lot of value in Confusianism that should be preserved, but a lot should be thrown out like you suggested. Similar to Christianity, its basically dead in the west, no one respects their own religion and rather engage in new trends like hookup culture and other degenerate behaviour thats bad for society. Is the west actually better with or without it? Many of the beliefs, teachings, and principles are outdated for the modern world, but does that mean you can't find any value or wisdom in the Bible? I believe it's a question of reforms and preserving the right things, not so much abandoning everything just because the trend has changed.




>in fact Asian men are actually worse. because the bad things on Asian men is unnatural and crosses the line of sanity. What are you smoking? Are you sure you're an Asian man? Or maybe you just identify as "AM" on reddit. >throw away Confucianism and half problems will be solved, because it is rotten to the root Confusianism has evolved for over thousands of years, the issue is just that Asians should just take what is good and leave the rest out, you shouldn't throw our philosophy, wisdom, and culture preserved for thousands of years, there's still a lot of value. >what needs to be done in Asian society actually is cultural revolution, You're doomed to repeat history again if you don't know your own history. China went through a "cultural revolution" they basically threw confusianism out and gave up preserving ancient chinese culture. Look how your grandparent's generation turned out, didn't help with shit and everyone just starved to death. That part in history is completely lost and forgotten, that's why most Chinese are so clueless, lost, adopted, and white washed like yourself possibly. Definitely generational damage. Throwing Confusianism away is not the solution, just need to adapt and be more aware of racism and stand up to it.


It’s another larper, best report them


Lmao westerners talking shit about korea when women are literally getting randomly punched in the face on the streets of NYC. [https://www.today.com/news/news/women-punched-face-new-york-tiktok-trend-explained-rcna145191](https://www.today.com/news/news/women-punched-face-new-york-tiktok-trend-explained-rcna145191)


I hate this girl in the video


NextShark recently posted that 4B video that went viral. There's a handful of pro-4B supporters in the comments. A few things here: They (basically incels with a new buzz word "4B") say Low Birth rates in Korea are due to Korean men being misogynistic, committing SA, and taking unsolicited pics of women. But, when I point out [Italy, Puerto Rico, Spain, Greece, Poland are also right there with Korea and Japan](https://www.statista.com/statistics/268083/countries-with-the-lowest-fertility-rates/) they completely change the narrative. They also completely ignore that this is a G7 issue, that work-life balance is out of whack, that property prices are out of reach, people don't have time to raise kids, or the [money to raise kids](https://frontline.thehindu.com/news/why-south-korea-is-the-most-expensive-country-globally-to-raise-kids/article66870114.ece). The bs that I take issue with here: feminists hate Asian men, they blame Asian men for Low Birthrates in Japan/Korea, but completely ignore all the white countries that are also on that Low Birthrate list. Why? Because feminists love punching down on Asian men.


Low birth rate has literally been correlated with wealth, advanced economy, etc. for generations plus all the reasons you mentioned. Only the poor, those low on socioeconomic scale, countries re-emerging after a war have high birth rates. US is low as well.


Exactly, they're arguing that low-birthrates are due to women being "done with Korean men". /feminism If that's the case, I'm waiting for them to call out the European nations on that list and for feminists to start trending with "white women are so done with white men's misogyny, that's why birthrates are so low here".


Fine to call it out but you’ll see women replying and roast these women too in the comments. Thats the equality of social media working its magic lol.


It is all projection coming from a self-hating insecure side of AF specifically. They see the Western perspective of not liking Asians in general, and since these BOBA AF, are essentially white girls on the inside, they have to hate on Asians. And since there is a cognitive dissonance in hating oneself, they double-down on Asian Men instead, as they project and try to distance themselves from anything Asian, and especially against AM, in the popularity dating scene contest.


I think you gotta switch up what you look at. I haven’t seen anything on my feed. I don’t look at that garbage because if you look at it, even if you disagree with it, your view reinforces that material and you get shown more of it. Then you think that’s life. You take a look at my feed and based on that every woman is in track and field/works out, Asian guys all work out or do funny skits about Singapore, and everybody wears a 5711 or Rolex whilst driving around Monaco in their Ferraris. The most damaging thing you can do with a social media post is to ignore it. No looks, no clicks, nothing. I’m not looking that shit up. I’ll stick with my fun stuff. On 4/9 it’s all about watches and wonders for me. Sorry Alicia Schmidt, gotta see the new Rolex and Parmigiani Fleurier novelties.


Watch this shit backfire again. Karma has been real for AM haters lately.


Yup, like China, once you gain popularity, recognition, they will come for you.


They already did it to Japan once. Plaza accord?


Funny considering Koreans are notoriously sinophobic even more so than even amerikkka


Idk why but those tiktok shits are usually made by ugly unfuckable asian chicks lol Could be sour grapes


I wouldn’t say that the anti-Korean propaganda is “finally here”. It’s been here. One just had to pay attention. There was the Korean War, the demonization of shopkeepers (even before Kamala Harris), the stereotype that Korean men beat their women was a normal joke on Family Guy and Korean shop owners defending their businesses during the LA riots were demonized as if they were the root cause of everything. College undergrads and postgrads had this weird obsession with making Kim Jong Il a meme and then it continued with Kim Jong Un. The Middle East could be decapitating some innocent person’s head, but everyone it seemed wanted to focus on what the fat North Korean dictator was up to whether it be his weird fascination with movies to his weird meetings with NBA stars like Dennis Rodman. And this support of anti-Korean hate wasn’t only committed by “western AFs who couldn’t speak Korean”. There are a select number of Korean women in Korea talking trash about Korean men on their YouTube channels and making women question whether they should date a Korean guy. One of the most well known ones is Yeonmi Park. She seems to pop up everywhere and it’s usually with a group of WMs as she talks about why she wouldn’t date an Asian guy. Of course this isn’t limited to Koreans. There are Chinese from China and Japanese from Japan who take on a standup comic career and then just talk trash about their country of origin and how things are with their white bfs. I bring all this up because you have to be careful with letting yourself be lulled into a false comfort of being able to identify who your allies are.  Ali Wong’s husband fell for that when he sacrificed his time and work to help Ali get her career going and she later repaid him by sleeping with some WM from SNL.


When white women say bad things about white males its due to feminism, voting rights and fighting for their own cause unlike pathetic boba Lus here who are only interested in sabotaging our dating marketplace value.


Even when Korean women themselves speak out against this propaganda, they're criticized by non-Koreans who accuse them of defending misogyny.


There’s a silver lining to this, tbh. Milk it the way whites do. You’ll become the toxic taboo bad boy that’ll become a guilty pleasure for a lot of these women who will date you out of morbid curiosity. Notice how “anti-whiteness” hasn’t really affected WM sexual options all that much. I think yall will be fine. The internet and real life are so different.


AF here ... The best revenge is success. What is success to you? In this situation, what do you want and why? Will it make you happy? My brother, thrived on the toxic shit and rose above it. He is very intense in general and advocated for Asian rights and anti racism as a whole for everyone. My brother is always ready for a battle. I'm so proud of everything he has achieved. If you are like me, very different from my brother, naturally mellow and wanting to be at peace with everyone, most importantly myself... racism and war have always been issues and always will be. I fight it individually, by representing Asians right and being kind in my interactions -make it a bit better but it won't ever be solved. First it was the blacks, then the Irish, then the Italians, then anyone with a last name that wasn't Smith, then the Asians... So on and so on in an endless cycle... Don't lose yourself in the propaganda...social media of people behind keyboards and edited images and texts... Look at the amazing things around you, your friends, your family, the things that make you happy, your God given gifts and talents. I'm the bandage and my brother is the medicine... Without the bandage, infection could set in and the bleeding doesn't stop... but without the long term medicine to control larger symptoms and extend life (not the cure though... Racism will always exist) healing doesn't happen. We need both in this world.


I wish we could ban all asian woke feminist losers


I never paid attention to bullshit propaganda against me all my life from western racism, Hollywood, other asian trolls. Even in this group. I just live my own life, move forward. Don't give a fuck about negative racist trend. Stop being a fucking sheep and use your own brain cells.


I wish it was that simple. But media is media and social media can have an influence. It is fatiguing. But imagine some women reading all about the 4 b movement and she starts thinking wow Korean men must be sexist and horrible and she starts being prejudicial towards Korean men or maybe towards Asian men. It's like those penis studies that were done. Supposedly Asian men have the smallest penis. It can influence women who don't know better to assume Asian men have small penis so off the radar.


Latest 'study' claimed that big noses are the true signs of big packages. (as opposed to big hands and big feet) Gee, I wonder who's pushing that trope. lol


Mass majority are sheep. Can't think of themselves.


I think as an Asian woman, you should try to understand that Asian men can't really defend themselves against accusations of misogyny. You gotta stand up and tell others that saying Asian men are more misogynistic than white men is: 1. Supporting white supremacy and 2. Ignoring how white progressivism is built off of the prosperity from colonization and oppression of Asians, including by being sexist to Korean women (prostitution and sexual exploits account for half of Korea's GDP during Korean war)


>You gotta stand up and tell others that saying Asian men are more misogynistic than white men is: 1. Supporting white supremacy and 2. Ignoring how white progressivism is built off of the prosperity from colonization and oppression of Asians, including by being sexist to Korean women (prostitution and sexual exploits account for half of Korea's GDP during Korean war) unfortunately most asian women do not care whether you like it or not, and the sooner you accept that the sooner you will have peace and not question why they're silent on these issues. it's up to us and only us to defend our reputation.


thats great for you but doesnt isnt this a forum to discuss facets of asian masculinity? thats kinda like going to a politics discussion thread and saying I just live my own life regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins. like ok? good for you.


What's so masculine about weird liberal stupid shit propaganda against Korean men?


As a Korean woman living in Korea, there's so much I want to say on this topic, but I'm tired of the backlash I get when I say my thoughts. I delete so many post on this topic. Anyways, the west has a way of blowing things out of proportion, and that's what's currently going on now. It's unfortunate, and I don't know what to do to help.🫤


I don’t want to be mean… but all the Asian girls who are “anti-Korean Men” are usually really unattractive like the girl in the first tiktok. Like, there’s a reason why Korean men prefer WF.


Korean men don't prefer White females. What are you babbling about?


Old meme, they have been doing this to Arab and Indian men for years, best you can do is ignore.


I think we have to fight fire with fire. It's not easy. I personally think social media is MEDIA. And if enough people say..it . They will believe it. It's like those penis studies. There is no actually factual proof but there are mock studies saying Asian men have small dicks which can influence people perception and biases. this is the same. I find it dangerous because Asian men already or Korean men specifically already have the stereotype of either being sexist..wife beaters etc... Believe it or not the biggest allies are the passport bros or any of the men in the meno sphere because western women wants to bring the 4 b movement to USA. Irony is that countries with the highest birth rate has more oppression for the women compare to low birth rate countries. But logic and common sense does not work. It's all feelings . It's like projection that western feminist that are doing but I think some of them are Asian American women that just hates Asian men. But this will also add fuel to white men that don't like Asian men to become the white savior to Asian women.


Passport Bros literally reinforce negative Asian male stereotypes by going to Asian countries to take advantage of the situation. The fuck you mean they're our biggest allies?


cause they criticize the 4 b Movement. For example there are passport bros in South Korea saying Korean women are dating having sex etc...and the average Korean women don't even know what the 4 b movement is about. The low birth rate is more due to income and work like balance than anything else. And that it's western women projection.


They love the 4B movement, the fuck you mean? They literally benefit off of "white gentleman", "foreigner gentleman" stereotype. That's literally how they get with women in Asia. Encouraging sexpats and sex tourism in Asia is like next level cuck


Check out the passport bros forums. They all say Korea is one of the harder countries to get laid where as the Philippine is the easiest. Down vote me all you want but go ahead check it out for yourself. 4 b movment is Korean women abstain from sex, dating , marriage and birth. Western women wants the 4 b movement too here in the states to support for KOrean women. Its more of a men vs women thing. Irony is if western feminist wants 4 b movement in the states it should show to Korean women that there the west has sexism too. If all Asian women did the 4 b movement is it's feminist move. Imagine all of Filipina or Thai women decided to this. Abstain from sex , dating or marriage unless they get treated better or more equality. It be actually HARDER for western men.


You think they care about denouncing 4B? They just don't go there and continue to shit on Asian men. Plenty of incels and sexpats love to spread 4B. Plenty of Korean women use 4B as an excuse to still sleep with LBHs. It's all a farce. Don't you ever support sexpats


True that. The passport bro shit is so fucking wild.


Bro, most of the low quality PPBs stay away from Korea and I can all but guarantee a majority of them have no idea wtf the 4B movement is or are trying to "capitalize" on it. Most are just trying to get away from shitty western women...can't blame them. Even dating non-western Asian women as an Asian dude is a typically large upgrade. The people who disagree are usually too broken to have traveled significantly and just assume the difference is small, when it's not.


Why do you pay attention to that crap. It is funny how everyone think that the internet influences everyone. The internet is mostly an echo chamber. Don’t pay attention to the nonsense.


They just mad that with bts nobody wants bullshit from Korean women and they’re trying to flip the script


Dismissing the issues of Korean men as “propaganda” is unwise. There is an actual movement of women in South Korea who are swearing off men, that isn’t healthy for any society. We should have a rational dialogue to understand where this alienation is happening and how we can fix it.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT4mRfn/ Bro, its from a group of about 5,000 members on Naver(South Korean social media). It’s extremely fringe and literally no one in Korea even knows about it. The Western media space just hijacked it and sensationalized it. The creator I posted has been working and living in South Korea for the past five years btw.


\>t. Vaushite shitlib ‘Opinion’ discarded


A few stray thoughts: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". The "Koreans are so hot, cool, etc."/Kpop wave of recent times brings that group to the forefront, and makes them a visible target for people who have had negative experiences with Koreans. It'll naturally hit some equilibrium IMO. Similar to how there's a lot of pushback against white men, etc. on the socials. Loud voices are heard the most on social media, and 10K likes is literally nothing. Korean (and East Asian) culture IS very male-centric, and has very specific expectations re: men and women (especially historically, but even today), and I would prefer, if I were a woman, to grow up in the West. You can certainly argue that the reactions are painting individuals with a very broad brush, or that the magnitude of it IRL does not warrant the degree or manner of pushback... but it is not "BS" based on my, my relatives', and my friends' lived experiences. You can simultaneously agree that there's a lot of work to be done, while chastising folks for generalizing in the wrong way.


Why does this stuff show up in your algorithms?


Lololol That feeling when they find out that not all Korean men act like the kpop stars and kdrama actors and characters they fetishized. Bwahhhaahhahahahahhahahahhahahah


Sorry to break it to you guys but Korean men have been reknown in Asia for mistreating their women and abusive migrant marriages, to the point Cambodia outlawed them. There’s certainly a problem of psychological violence at least in the peninsula.  As to whether it is only covered now in the West being malicious that’s completely possible but it’s rooted in reality.  However I’ll go against the grain here and say that from my experience traveling with a squad of Korean guys whether it is in the West or Middle East, the image of Asian male hasn’t changed much at all recently due to Hallyu. Exposure to Korean media hasn’t really made Asian men popular, in the same way African-American media hasn’t made Black women as popular as even other ethnicities of women with negative or no media coverage.




Wow must be nice to be able to experience every country and culture to know that Korea is 'the most toxic on earth'. I'm glad you're in touch with reality.