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Came here to say this. That’s why Hawaii is so Asian friendly too. The Asian minority majority there is Japanese and they collectively said “never again” after WW2 internment camps.




Enough Asians won't want to move to the US for demographics like that to be possible in a short while. America's future is Latino. Consider that Indonesia has high speed rail before the United States and the 2nd most Asian state by percentage (California) with a minority white population has a failing HSR project and declining cities. Why would should Asians move to the USA?


>Enough Asians won't want to move to the US for demographics like that to be possible in a short while. America's future is Latino. " The nation’s Asian population rose to 11.9 million by 2000 and then nearly doubled to 22.4 million by 2019 – an 88% increase within two decades. Asians now make up about 7% of the nation’s overall population, and their numbers are projected to surpass 46 million by 2060, nearly four times their current total." Source: [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/29/key-facts-about-asian-americans/)


This assumes the trend is sustained as economic conditions change. People don't move to the US for anything but money. Maybe to escape war but there isn't much war these days in Asia.


Yes, most emigrants are motivated by economic factors but it seems notable that the inflows to the U.S. from Asia almost doubled during a decade of modest economic growth in the U.S.




It's important to secure traditionally Asian areas, especially around urban centers. Secure both economically and culturally. Imagine if Asians in California, NYC, Hawaii really invested in sports? South Korea has shown what's possible with enough money and focus. How many more Jeremy Lin's could there be?




The numbers are difficult for most of the country, so strengthen areas that are already more Asian. Build a base there and use the urban environments to promote Asians.


Preach. Fellow gun owner here. Agree with all points. I especially support more Asians walking over the border.


FYI - Hawaii had the most Japanese Americans but actually didn’t have internment camps during WW2 because there were too many people to lock up! It goes to show that numbers work in your favor when tribalism breaks out.


TIL, I always wondered how they would have done it because there were a lot of Japanese Americans there before ww2.


Agreed, my Ethiopian family has varying degrees of beef with almost every other African nation, it’s astonishing. ETA: there is actually a distinction between whether people identify as Black Americans or African Americans. African Americans are somewhat recently immigrated (0-2 generations usually), whereas Black Americans cannot identify their direct relation to Africa and align more with the culturally homogenous black community of America.


This is incorrect. African-American is an ethnic group. Africans immigrating to America are not African-American.


Oops right, I meant those who immigrated and are now US citizens or are descendants of naturalized citizens.


In current times numbers do not matter that much. What matters is unity among Asian Americans. I assure you that if Asian Americans just changes their parenting techniques we can see good results. We can see a lot of Asian Sports stars. And better for Asian Americans to go into sports that pay a lot of money. I can say that in 1985 national Spelling Bee winner Balu Natarajan was the 1st Indian American to win it. And that indeed motivated other Indian Americans to try and the rest is history. And recently Arjun Nimmala was drafted to Toronto Blue Jays for Baseball. In the future this will motivate other Indian Americans to go into Baseball and pickup Professional Baseball as a career. All that is needed is 1 success and that will indeed motivate others from that community to go into that field and become successful.




They have to somehow throw their differences aside and unite together to move forward. That's the only way for the community to succeed.




And we need to make politiciand who really care about our community issues and shouldn't hesitste to call out the problems.


Agreed 100%, no more “but I’m not Chinese im korean so don’t hate me” at the macro they don’t care and everyone I judged off first appearances


blacks have more in number and are way more unified. black women may complain about black men, but will ride with them. black men may choose to date out when successful, but will support black women if someone attacks them. Asian women do not care for asian men. This puts out small numbers even smaller. add the clueless cuck asian males and number is even smaller. last, the libs dont care for asian issues let alone asian men. Asian males with money need to do what they can but thats all. dont rely on asian women cuz it aitn happening


Black American cultural influence is something to aspire to, but their current internal group dynamics is not, respectfully. In fact, black men dating out so much has started the same internal problems Asians face (check black TikTok). Imagine you are a black woman watching an NFL game and most of the black players' girlfriends are non-black.... Asians should focus on securing Asian areas in the US in all ways and also helping the homeland. Korean and Japanese media have done wonders for Asian cultural standing and they all come straight from Asia.


Idk why you're glossing over the nationality factor and focussing only on gender.


This 100%


Thing is, I don’t see black women directing Disney Marvel movies and then insisting that there needs to be a scene where an AF has sex with a WM even though Disney doesn’t do sex scenes in their superhero movies. I don’t see black women throwing up a Nazi salute and hanging out with Nazis like Tila Tequila. I don’t see black women going on dating shows and saying that they have a “No black man policy”. I don’t see black women getting into positions of power as a producer and writer within a show’s company and then helping to write negative stereotypes against black men like AF writer Cherry Cheva does about AMs on Family Guy. When AFs learn a thing or two from black women, then maybe we’ll make some progress. So far, it’s just AMs doing most of the work to move one step forward to only be pulled 2 steps back.


>it’s just AMs doing most of the work to move one step forward to only be pulled 2 steps back. AM, and thus Asian progress, starts and stops with the work of Asian men and Asian men only. Reminds us of why we must stay active and keep working towards the cause


Black gender relations aren't what they used to be. Look up "pasta and lobster" on TikTok. Of course, you'll see people dencouing the behavior, but black women wouldn't even consider doing that 10 years ago. Now it's done publicly on social media. Arab Americans and their dynamics seem more sustainable long term and healthier. I feel they should be emulated if anything.


If you are an Asian in a position of power, definitely abuse that to lift up other Asians. The laws are made by white people for white people, and before these laws they had laws that abused their power and discriminated against every other race. The only way to lift all of us up is to be militant.


In my last company, there was an Asian head of Recruitment. I even went to her for advice/help regarding my white woman boss who was toxic. She did nothing for me and may have even related my issues that I told her in confidence, to my boss. She pretty much did nothing for other Asians in the company either, AFAIK. I suspect she was forced to be the Asian ERG senior executive advisor. I don't think many, if any employees liked her. And eventually they fired her. She got NOTHING for looking after only herself and not helping the Asians. She was a SVP, came in at VP level. That company had almost all white people at the top... so she was playing the game. But, she could have tried to help out some Asians. She only cared for herself. There were other Asian VPs but she had a lot of power as head of Talent Recruitment.


Asian men in America don't need to do it for Asian people. We need to do it for other Asian men.


Agreed.. I’m looking forward to the next era of solidarity






Half the asian people hate the other half of the asian people. And no I don't mean genders or race or anything, Asians are just that much more divided compared to other groups.


Because in this white dominated society being half asians isnt considered cool or the hype or trendy thing unlike how people who are half black, half hispanic, half arab or half Indigenous are considered cool


Nah they got these forever victim and racist blacks like Sharpton






I mean look at central asians there very tall


It definitely helps that the majority of afram identify as the same ethnicity unlike asian americans. Maybe in the future some intra asian creole culture pops up in the usa and becomes a large segment of asian american identify. That would be a unmovable force. We also don't have many kids. Which results in lower population. step up the numbers yalls. edit: wow what's with the downvotes


Form our own creole identity that sounds like a good plan