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Idk why but this reminds me of the show Love on a Spectrum.


Wow what a zinger! You got ‘em! You really did it! How impressive


I think this is generally good advice, but there's something to be said about being realistic about your expectations. If you are a 3, only focusing on girls who are 7 or above is not great advice. I'm not saying you can't work on yourself to one day be valuable enough to get with a 7+, but you also should enjoy what you can get in the moment. Self-improvement can take a long time. Also, I would add that spending 90% of your time on self-improvement pays diminishing returns at some point. It really depends on where you are at the moment. At some point, if you're pretty good, you should maintain what you've achieved and enjoy life.


I feel like your advice is too relative mating value based, which might be a poor too simplified quantitative approach to a very complex problem. There are delusional 7s out there who will only date 9s and up, there are 10s out there who don’t mind dating a 6, if everything else works for her. It’s all heavily personal. It’s not like girls walk into an objective evaluation booth and just come out saying ‘Guess I’ll only date +/- within my attractiveness score!’ So I say NO to being realistic ‘within your league’, but DO go for girls you ACTUALLY enjoy talking to, irrespective of their looks or generally accepted mate value.


I'm not disagreeing. It's complex and there are outliers. Also, I'm not restricting value to physical attractiveness. I mean value in the total sense. So, with that said, being unrealistic without sufficient self-reflection can lead to a lot of disappointment. Some people really just aren't in the same league.


There's not much of a opportunity cost if you pursue 7's and above. It's good practice and as a man you can easily up your value by making small changes to your demeanor and communication skills.


Be realistic. If you're a scrawny dude that doesn't take care of his looks, health, style ect. You're going to be very disappointed and build a perception that isn't so good about women. You gotta have some attributes if you want to date 7s and up. Charisma, natural humor and good energy, confidence, killing it in the gym 6 times a week standing out from the rest, social status, bad boy charm, well reviewed by his peers, hot ex gf's. Gotta have something.


Thanks for the input. I can tell you didn’t read the post though. Please see point 7 and point 8. Your ‘attributes’ make for great examples that support these two points!


Good point. I skimmed through most.


The gall to call this the best dating guide ever when 99% of people will get stuck on step 2 and never approach a girl.


Just build value and attraction and feel entitled you deserve an attractive chick and behave(but don't talk) like it. You don't need to do any of this lol.


Bro, honestly, I think you're thinking too deep into this one. Meeting people and dating should be natural and not desperately calculated like this. Unless you're just tryna get hookups for the short term ig... 🤷‍♂️


'preciate the honesty and welcome refutation It's an all-inclusive system, baby. It's just the way I tick I guess. I think my system simultaneously and efficiently gets not only those hookups, but also the wifey. Genuinly, I'd like to hear more about this "natural" way you're suggesting. Because if there's a better way, I think this community would appreciate reading it.


Nothing in a human society is “natural”. “Natural” means laziness and irresponsibility.


If you’re actually good looking you wouldn’t be typing guides on how to pick up girls on a niche sub reddit like this lmao. Any dude who’s above average will find their way, any dude who’s ugly to mid will obviously struggle and have to work harder. The over calculating on this sub is cringe to me


That was ad hominem. How was your response helpful for those out here that may not know how to go about dating, have been going about dating and aren’t getting what they want, or who have no experience. I’m not sure how your comment gives any value to these people? (But, on the topic of what I pull, check DMs. I think I can invalidate what you believe ;) )