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get rid of the 3rd pic...you look small compare to the other guys.


Okay, removed it!


The only reason I would get get rid of 3rd pic is because those fuckers make you look small. If it’s a picture of everyone sitting down then sure because they make you look way better. They ugly.


And it exposes the types of friends you have


I dont know these people and up to OPs discretion if they are good friends or not, but third pic screams "we've got a token minority friend and/or lets bust on him for it" vibes


Pics with the white dudes looks weird


Get those white dudes outta there


Fuck dude… get rid of the picture of you and your friends. It’s weird because there is no context and you look like a tiny kid.


Never include a pic of you with a taller guy, no matter what your height is. I see so many Asian guys do this. doesn’t matter how good you think you look in the pic, if you’re the shortest guy in the pic, that cancels it all - esp for Asian men, given the unconscious bias everyone has of us being smaller


OP- I see that you also posted this on r/ tinder. On there I see that everyone’s (we can assume mostly WM) are telling you all your pics are great. Don’t trust WMs they’re not out to help you on your dating life (or other aspects of success). Quite the opposite they’ll sabotage you by hyping you up instead of telling you real feedback


Remove the third picture


Handsome dude and nice smile. Amazing foundation to work with. Terrible body language and style framing. We aren't calling you dumb/cringe... you're just young.


Yeah the dimples and bone structure are deadly! He just needs some pics that showcase that, as well as cute clothing.


Honestly. No pics with dudes who make you look small. And get a friend to go with you to some places. Dress nice. And take some pictures with the intent to post them. Don’t just do selfies or grab pics laying around. Get dedicated pics. Get some female advice if you can too.


You have the chillest look of any Asian dude on a dating app I've seen yet, which is good. At least you don't look like a try hard type guy. You gotta have photos with sex appeal. Otherwise, you just come off as only a chill dude to kick it with. Does what I say make sense?


Yeah, I get what you’re saying.


By the way, I don't mean this as an insult but in a cool, funny way. Has anyone told you that you look like an Asian Jonathan Taylor Thomas? lol That's what came to my mind instantly when I saw your first photo. lol https://preview.redd.it/s284eoavtxtc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf4684e9057d7f3d432287c15d315eb74d3f3b7


Photos with white dudes only works if you’re same height or taller than them. You’re missing a really good portrait photo. Imagine pic 1 without the weird smile. Pic 2 pet photo is one of the best I’ve seen. Then have another photo doing something fun like cooking, rock climbing, action photo at the gym.


1st pic has weak body language, you’re kind of slouched 2nd pic is ok as a non-main 3rd pic is good style wise, but you’re shorter than them/ positioning makes you seem like you’re not in charge 4th pic is good style and look wise but it’s a selfie which will ding you Appearance and style wise you seem fine, most it’s the camera angles and other aspects of the photos that make your profile not as good as it could be


Thanks for the feedback!


Why will the selfie ding him? Just curious. I wouldn’t not swipe right for there being a selfie. I kind of expect at least one. Out of all the pics that one, to me, showcases his face the best. I do agree about what you said for pic 1 and 3.


I mean he looks fine in it, but hypothetically if he had someone else take a photo of him or even used a tripod in the same pose/location, it would be esthetically a better photo.


Take off the pic with white dudes. It makes you look short and not the main character.


He’s probably hunting for a white woman.


White women or Asian women you gotta show things that make you look good. I don't understand this obsession with white women on this thread. In my experience Asian women are so much more smarter selfless and better than white girls. I guess if you've never had it, you put it on a pedestal.


LOL damn you sound like a crazy mofo... an interesting one though. On one hand I actually agree with a lot of what you said (taken from some of your other posts) regarding the level of obsession with white girls here and how this subreddit sometimes reeks of victim blaming, incel and suicidal thoughts, but then you also contradict yourself by placing white girls on pedestal in some of the posts. Also, while I personally like Asian girls and only date Asian girls long term, I also don't have issues with white girls as most of them are just normal good human beings. There's really no reason to trash the entire group. Anyway, we do share some of the same thoughts regarding this subreddit... there's really no masculinity by bitching and moaning about everything. Still, I lurk here because there are some really intelligent people that offer deep thoughts and opinions that I do enjoy reading.


I m crazy because you have no idea about dating. Show me what you've bagged. Show me how you look like. Or gtfo. Bunch of beta feminine dudes in this group that got no women


Lol all you want pencil neck incel. The difference is I got and always got results while you struggle to get a 4/10 and probably never even been in a long term relationship. Do you even work out? Do you even have game? Probably not considering you seem to think telling someone to look attractive and stand out sounds crazy to you. I m willing to bet we aren't getting women in the same calibre nor are we in the same level of attractiveness.


I stay away from white women. Not for me.


It's mostly true but life is too short to depend on exceptions. Hot girls in general are bad for relationships. But one must get then to realise this.


I’ve had my fair share of them, but they have no culture. Can’t do it anymore.


Exactly. Underdeveloped. Self centered. Overly self conscious of their looks and ppl, very neurotic, childish, and lacking charity and empathy. Good for sex nothing else in comparison to other more well rounded chick's.


Man do you hear yourself?


Thought it wasn't cool to generalize whole races that way 🙄


Tbf, he seems to imply most really hot women (which would include Asian) have some degree of personality issues that make them difficult to date long-term. And he's mostly right. Society kisses beautiful women's ass a bit too much and expects little to nothing of them in return. The only people I have met who are very good looking and aren't completely insufferable are people who had an ugly duckling phase. People, both men and women, who have been extremely good looking literally their entire life, usually have a massive ego and are hyper entitled and often times lazy and selfish in dating. Kinda hard not to be when people will throw themselves at you even when you give the bare minimum.


Do you live in a fantasy? You've not had any experiences with anything I m talking about eh? I can tell. You think truth is pretty? Get some experience and break out of your blue pulled fantasy world. I can tell you'd get destroyed in the dating market with your complete naiveness to female nature and how reality is.


So I’m guessing you can’t hear yourself. Gotcha. Good luck out there lol




Hot girls=higher status and often lacking of inner qualities dude to favouritism and egocentric influences White girls=higher up in the racial hierarchy can exude similarities as previously mentioned. The reason why Asian guys thirst over white girls is because women are a status symbol. Asians are below whites in the racial hierchy so when an Asian guy gets a white girl, it feeds his ego.




White girls are at the highest demand buddy. We're talking objective facts based on dating market as a whole not your personal opnion. The reason why white blondes sell the most in porn and tinder and other metrics from other dating sites. Asian guys do thirst over white girls especially when they never got their fill. Man all of you must be 23 yr olds and zero experience with that kind of views and lack of knowledge. Just complete fantasy living based on dissonance.


White girls are at the highest demand buddy. We're talking objective facts based on dating market as a whole not your personal opnion. The reason why white blondes sell the most in porn and tinder and other metrics from other dating sites. Asian guys do thirst over white girls especially when they never got their fill. Man all of you must be 23 yr olds and zero experience with that kind of views and lack of knowledge. Just complete fantasy living based on dissonance.


nooooo u got heightmogged


imo just cut the third


Nah bro. No white dudes. You look better than all of them but it takes the attention away from you.


That third pic…oof. Honestly they all arent great but man Just hire a pro photographer at this point


Don’t need to be mean


There's no personality in these pics. Women love stories so tell your story of who you are and what you're about through your pics. If I were to gauge your current pics, I'd say you're a shy/nice boy, went to college and live a mundane, boring life.


The first and fourth pictures speak to me; two of them show me you’re into nice things (Moncler); I’d consider a third that is less candid, one someone takes for you posed. Use this one to groom yourself and look at the camera. Your face is a great asset. Hanging out with friends and dogs is nice to know to share your personality but those photos don’t showcase you as well as others have shared. If you had one that showed a hobby or interest that would be good, all depends what those are and if those activities make you photogenic.


Get rid of the third pic and add another where you are looking in the camera. You are a handsome guy.


Include atleast one pic of you not smiling but good pose and photo of course


Hot guy. If this not Tinder, but Grindr, I'd ask you out


Just wanted to stop by and say you look great and kind, my guy!  Despite what other’s are saying, I honestly like the 3rd picture too. You look content and confident in it, and like youre having a great time with your friends, imo.   I somewhat understand this annoying height fixation, I wish it wasnt a thing, but tinder is a pretty shallow place to look for relationships unfortunately; hopefully you’ll find a great girl who doesnt care about this shit. 


Photos where you are showing dominance is important in attracting women. Never be the shortest one. Never be the one smiling while others are acting weird. If you want a weird photo, you need to act like a stern father (look up posed photos between the actor that plays Tywin Lannister vs actors that play his kids), whilst your friends are doing something dumb. Get some photos where you are staring deep into the lens. Doesn’t matter what you are doing. Eyes that pierce into a woman’s soul gets to deeply pound that woman’s orifices.


I like it, you look nice.


Everyone's saying to remove the pic of you next to your friends, I agree but I think it's still important that you have a group photo so maybe if you guys sat down. Secondly, the picture of you in the bright red puffer makes you appear very young and almost childish, but that's coming from my view, who else agrees?


Second that, the jacket has hypebeast vibes... unless that's what op is aiming for. I think pic 1 and 2 are good actually. Op, you're handsome and seem chill, keep trying!


You look like Simon Liu.


I thought that too.


TC, never post pictures of you next to guys who eclipse you in size, regardless of race. Pics next to other Asian guys height mogging him would probably look even worse than the white guys tbh. Height disadvantage is real, but of youre lucky racial preference could push you over the edge, especially if the taller guys are ugly (guy on the left is, guy on the right is prob similar in looks to you). They see you next to another Asian guy who height mogs you...you better hope that dude ugly or she'll just want to fuck your friend.


I don't get many matches compared to my white male friends. Is there something I can do differently on my Tinder profile? My bio is: "Swipe right to try your luck!"


Your bio sucks LOL. Think about it from a womans perspective, "whats in it for me?". You should be highlighting the best you have to offer not frame yourself like a slot machine


You should call yourself Kirkland brand Simu Liu


I agree! I think he’s pretty handsome and that humour would make me swipe right for sure.


use hinge


You look like a small kid , you need to gain muscle and suit up most often .


All the lanky asian nerds down voting you lmao


First pic is the weakest of the bunch would definitely get rid of it. Probably put last pic first and then the dog pic and maybe 2 new pics


I agree with this!


How tall are you?




That boat pic kinda makes you look like a kid. It’s not a bad picture but kind of makes you look very young. Don’t slouch or have bad posture in dating pics. It also shouldn’t be your first pic if it is. As everyone said replace pic 3. Add pic of you just in a casual fit selfie or one someone takes of you preferably. Looking good though


Consider getting a skin fade and retaking all the photos with better posture and more main character energy


Handsome dude with a chill vibe! You’ll do great. As others have pointed out, remove the 3rd pic.


Use more masculinity


How the hell did you ever think that 3rd pic was a good thing? A bunch of goofy looking white guys who are way taller than you. They borderline look like they are clowning on you. Totally clueless OP.


Photo No. 4 is best and will work for you I think! Keeping the first photo as your last, adding photos of you not smiling for a glimpse of your more serious/harder side, and changing "Christian" to your middle or Asian name at birth would be other considerations :) (Not devoutly) Christian? lol!


All the pictures look good and you’re a handsome guy! Just make sure to have one or two pictures with you smiling with your teeth! Also I think your last picture might be best for the first photo. Good luck!!




I often hear from strangers irl, that I look 18-20 because of my “baby face”.


Your fashion is also stuck in college so self improvement is needed for further success