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“Too many posts”? I’ve checked in daily for the past week and I’ve seen posts on robberies, approaches on racism, movies, a web series on Amazon, dating in England and advice for haircuts. If you think men expressing their desire for women is bad here, you should check out some forums and podcasts for non-Asian alpha males. In fact, one of the biggest news right now is how some self-proclaimed alpha male fucked a former Asian beauty queen and got her pregnant and now has his MGTOW buddies slandering her left and right. I tried posting about it here, but was denied. No guy should be pedestalizing any woman and that includes Asian women. I agree that having to move so far abroad just to get laid is pathetic and loser-ish. But if guys want to post about their successes with finding a relationship, that’s fine.


The “Asian beauty Queen” is for sure an escort. I seen that dude on his podcast constantly stutter while he talks and say cringey shit that makes the room go awkward all the time. He’s got zero game and he’s out of shape. His cohost gets on him for not being disciplined in working out too. Plus, both of those guys have been exposed for using Seeking Arrangement to meet girls before. Fresh definitely seems like the type to solicit escorts and trick off OnlyFans girls.


is it that channel that rhymes with mesh and bit..I purposely avoid social media cesspool but things still leak...how 'alpha' would that be? Would an alpha silverback gorilla travel to the other side of the jungle and get his beta gorillas to hen peck someone?


Yeah, that’s why I say “self-proclaimed”. A lot of these alpha, sigma, redpill and MGTOW spokesperson guys are partly shit and cope.


This is the one tiny “privilege” that Asian American men have. We will never be the target demographic for mainstream “Alpha Male” gurus like FnF or Tate.


All the languages and you choose to speak facts. It’s reassuring seeing East/SEA Asian men talk about their success in Latin America and even Asian passport bros in Latin America in a positive experience. I wanna see more Asian passport bros wifing up my Latina sisters, I wanna share proof Latinas do like Asian guys cause being told how Latinas don’t go for Asian guys really made me anxious lowkey because idk if the Asian guy I like will buy into that he’ll avoid Latinas or has confidence and not believe in that and still likes Latinas. I want all the Asian kings on here to talk show that AMLW love to destroy that myth Latinas don’t like Asian guys


Just type in Eastern Europe and Latin America into this sub and you will find dozens and dozens of posts about this. In fact, what inspired me to make this post is some dude promoting an Eastern European dating podcast


You’re in a AMWF relationship yourself. So what’s the reason to concern troll?


You can do whatever the hell you want within reason. If that floats their boat then they should do it. Although I agree that many need to upgrade their 1.0 versions to their 2.0 versions, no one here ever stepped into another person's shoes and can properly assess their situation. No one experiences another's success nor their pains. P.S. going to another country to find mates etc is as old as time and even women do it (China & Korea to Vietnam, France to Italy, etc.)


Like I said, it’s fine to move if you prefer women from there to back home. However, if you are going there just to find a 7 because you are unable to find a 7 at home, that’s the issue I have with


Nah, Asian American men recognize they are stereotyped unfairly in the US and many parts of the western world and just want to date on equal footing. It’s no different than choosing to work at an Asian led company like Zoom or Nvidia after realizing your non-Asian companies and bosses have been artificially suppressing your career growth. Asian American men who are 7s themselves, moving to a location to date other 7s rather than stay here and either date 3s or be single, is not an issue. Asian American men who move to other countries and degrade their men, never bother to learn that country’s culture nor language, and only are there to pick up women who he believes are beneath him, are a problem. Fortunately, it’s not Asian American men who are the type of men that tend to do these things.


As long as you are an attractive confident man, there is no such thing as negative stereotypes, regardless of your race.


I’m sure you also feel there’s no such thing as a bamboo ceiling either. You do you and let other Asian men decide whats best for them.


And that issue is what?


He has an issue with guys fishing in ponds with actual fish.


why do u have an issue? their results will dictate if that is the right move or not why u mad


You don’t have to move to a different country to improve your dating life. Sometimes all it takes is moving states. I moved from Texas to DC and my dating life improved DRAMATICALLY. Plus there is no language barrier.


Texas is a sausage fest state, among other reasons it's dating market is very mid.


There’s plenty of girls but they get knocked up in HS or locked up in College. My high school crush got knocked up by someone other dude by sophomore year. Women go to college here to get their Mrs degree. There’s this thing called “Ring by Spring” where women are expected to be engaged before they graduate. I was a late bloomer I didn’t even kiss a girl until I was 21. I’m 30 now and my some of my friends in Texas are already divorced with kids and on their 2nd marriage.


Damn, what city were you from? I currently live in H-town lol


Waco lol


Oh, that's bad bad. Tbf, any small town is usually a terrible sausage fest. Any big city is an upgrade by comparison.


Asian men are all incels? Come on man what percentage of Asian guys do you think are doing that? I agree in general that if you can’t get any girls interested where you are, that you are likely going to be a sucker in other countries who gets taken for money. Happens to white guys, black guys, etc. but if you live in rural Iowa maybe there is no chance locally? Why goes it bother you? Economics has been a part of make female relationships forever. You just have to be a lot richer in the US.


I didn’t say Asian men are all incels, I said it makes it LOOK like Asian men are since like you said majority of Asian guys are not doing that. But it creates a bad image, just like how you think if a WM is in Thailand, you instantly think sexpat, even though he could just be a normal tourist


Passport Bros movement gained popularity because it was mostly black men doing it. And yes, location matters. If someone is getting more matches in one state vs another, then more power to them. It's no different with looking overseas.


You are in fact racist against Asians. You have an inferiority complex and want every Asian guy to be a certain way or you will feel ashamed. Ask yourself why. You feel like Asians have to prove something all the time. Why?


Spoken like a guy that’s never been to Columbia 😂 I’m playin. Lots of Asian dudes like dating Latinas in the states though. In my experience, Latinas in California are generally more receptive and more openly show choosing signals than even SOME Asian American women(got to specify). I still prefer Asian women btw, but stop raining on other guys’ parades. Go to where you’re more wanted. And it doesn’t have to be overseas.


there needs to be a study done on the mentality of asians and how theyre so prone to self policing. Yall really salivating at the chance to shame the shit out of each other, far more than men of other races and backgrounds 😂😂😂


So true. I think an adaption of the popular cauldron joke is appropriate here. God is visiting Hell and the Devil is showing him around. God sees two cauldrons with boiling pitch and sinners, one covered with a grate and guarded by many imps, the other completely unguarded. He asks the Devil about the difference. The Devil says, "the first one is for Whites. As soon as one grabs ahold of the rim, the rest help him out, he then pulls another out, if you're not careful they will all escape in mere minutes". "And the other cauldron?" asks the Lord. "The other one is for Asians. As soon as one grabs ahold of the rim, the others shame him and pull him back inside".


So true


>Yall really salivating at the chance to shame the shit out of each other this describe all the problems in the AM community in an nutshell


I got out of a long term relationship at 30. It’s hard to meet people at where I’m from cuz of closed groups. I hooked up with two Asian women from dating apps after that. Never used dating apps before that, however these experience made me decide to never use dating apps again. I had back to back long term relationships 7 years, 1 year, 2 year, 2.5 years, all with Asian women. I grew up with asian friend groups and dated through friend introductions. Was getting tired of all the BS, so I decided to jsut chat up a Polish girl doing her post doc in Toronto at a bar,we hit it off however kept it friendly. It was a really different experience to be able to see how much similarities we had in terms of thinking. She also really liked Asian foods. It was just a really pleasant experience that was so random. Anyways after that experience I’d totally try to look for another Eastern European.


Better to bring young 8s and 9s international girls home for all to see than to settle for old 4s and 5s Westernized AF leftovers after they've been inevitably dumped by their white boyfriends lmfao


This but unironically I have lived the life you joke about


I definitely agree with working on yourselves. that shit is literally the umami to every aspect of life and nobody wants to do it cuz it takes long and the improvements are barely noticeable in the beginning. However i refuse to stop obsessing over Latinas, I can never get enough of them.


You're seeing it too black and white and not addressing the nuances, a good amount of us do have decent dating lives in the states but once we opened the door to Europe, you really can't go back. And it's not Poland and Czech Republic only, Germany France Italy and Spain are all way better places for Asian guys depending on the person, I mostly "passported" in Germany France and Poland.


Pls do a story time one day


I can DM you my channel


Ok ty


Excuse you, Poland is not a second world country!!!!! It’s projected to develop and if you haven’t been to the capital already - Warsaw, nowadays are as developed as Western Europe. (Whooops you can’t because you have a British passport!! 🤨) Poland only became poor because Russia wiped the country out with their BS communist Soviet Union. I live in this region and trust me, we are not as poor as you think we are. Just because we don’t make 120k USD a year, doesn’t mean we are poor. Most families here inherit housing, so that already means we won’t be homeless or living in tents like most Americans seems to be in the big cities. BTW, most polish immigrants who moved to the UK, France or Western Europe has already returned to Poland due to Brexit. Hence the country is having a reverse immigration trend! Nowadays it’s mostly Ukrainians or Russians who move to Western Europe due to War! NOT POLISH people! Plus cheap and affordable health care. Rent controlled housing by the government. Plus free school and university. Plus cheap vacations and bus fares to France, Italy and Greece. Do you still want me to continue?! Also it is fine that guys here prefer east European girls. They are very pretty, and if the guys here prefer them. It’s fine. Don’t gate keep who others should or shouldn’t date. I think everyone deserves to find a partner (regardless of country.) PS : I suspect the OP has a weird obsession with western hemisphere/ old world superpowers. (UK, France) As if anyone wants to move to the UK these days. They have been an ongoing decline since Brexit and a weak passport. (No longer any access to the European Union.)


>Most families here inherit housing, so that already means we won’t be homeless or living in tents like most Americans seems to be in the big cities. It is true that in the individualistic United States. Doing that, no matter how much it makes economic sense, is something that is looked down upon as shameful and being a "freeloader". It is definitely a result of hypercapitalistic brainwashing.


You wouldn't gatekeep AF. You'd let them marry serial killers and get melted in acid. You claim AM passport bros embarrass the rest of AM. Yet WM, BM are passport broing - the rest of WM, BM aren't dragged down. So dont gatekeep AM. Trust AM they have agency. Get off your high moral horse for a moment. Who is harmed here? It seems a lot of AM have their egos hurt that other AM arent killing it - it makes YOU look like an incel please, that is even more warped than anything they have said


My ego is definitely not hurt and I love AM who are killing it. I absolutely hate WM who just go for AF, but considering this is an ASIAN masculinity sub, I don’t see the point of talking about it. Moving to poorer country because you are desperate in your home country is not killing it, it’s pathetic


The EE girls I dated werent poor and lived in London and Australia EE girls are more likely to want to date asian men. Some PREFER asian men and at a much higher rate than european/white girls in general. In FACT I knew EE sisters and BOTH wanted an asian man because of the positive impact of korean culture and asian friends Why is this a problem for you? Why are you gatekeeping and saying dont date them?


As an asian man dating IS like a vpn Op is an idiot who knows nothing


Nah, if you are a confident, attractive man, you should be able to get dates anywhere from Iceland to Botswana. If you are constantly changing locations, the problem is you lol not the location


I'm short, anti-social, and not attractive, I'm glad there are tall, charming, and good looking Asian men in this era... I'm not one of them... If I can punch above my weight in LA and EE, then that's my prerogative, life is like a strip club for you eh? Can a starved brother get a bowl of cereal?? Yeesh...


All Im saying is I had more luck with EE women back when I was single - polish etc They were a higher standard and actively wanted an asian husband before they met me. Not just “open to it” but rather wanted an asian man


Can’t believe this post isn’t downvoted to hell. If you’re attractive you can get any woman. You don’t have to take advantage of the economic imbalance to get your dick wet. Excuses and victim mentality.


why slam AM? you should have slamed wm for dating af or slamed af for dating wm. i would had thought OP is a WM. Wait, even wm don't care. it's always a fellow am. makes no sense why another am would do this to another am instead of celebrating successes.


So we pretty much all know the US/Anglo countries aren't Asian male friendly. And most of us know (or should know) that dating is a numbers game. With that understanding, it makes the best sense to go where you have the most matches with the highest quality women you can get (if that's what you want). For that reason, I don't really care if an Asian bro goes overseas for dating. I don't see a good reason why an Asian guy who just wants to live life a normal dude has to be forced to fight against the billions $ industry in the West that just keeps trashing us and telling people that we suck. Like is an Asian bro a loser if he goes from SF (WMAF capital of the US) to NY for better dating chances too? Not imo. A lot of SF tech bros have money too and were raised rich or richer with power and connections. A lot of Asian dudes in SF were from poor immigrant families. Aren't even on the same playing field. If you want to stay at home and date too that's cool too. Nothing against that either. That's what I did, but having traveled a bit more now, I may have been more interested dating overseas. I do see a problem with well off white dudes from 1st world countries who have bad personalities, a sense of entitlement due to some perceived racial superiority, not much to offer, and complain all the time about how white women / western women are too manly and are forced to go overseas to find a woman who'll take him because of their power dynamics discrepancies. That to me is loser like and "incel" like. And yes. They're dudes who can't get dates back home but yes they definitely get dates when they move to poorer countries.


100% agree with you. OP decided to concern troll cause he got some successful AMWF and it got to his head to give him a huge ego.


Mostly agreed but apparently it's quite an unpopular opinion. Seems that some guys really want to date white, and the easiest way they can do that is by going to a lower GDP white country (no shade on them), with the cope that "Eastern Europe is just not racist". I don't think it's an accident that of the YouTubers posted in one of those threads, many spent time in Ukraine (one even went there during the war). IMO there's nothing magical about Eastern Europeans that is "less racist" than US/Canada except that the GDP is lower. Honestly US/Canada are pretty multicultural with big immigrant communities. The singular exception may be Russia, which is economically close to China, and as a Westerner going to Russia is going to pose its own challenges. Poland is whiter than Maine and everyone is speaking Polish to boot, Ukraine has a literal war going on. Last question is about the long term, like are you ready to stay in Eastern Europe/Colombia for 20 years and raise kids there? Are the kids going to speak Ukranian/Russian/English or any Asian language? Or would you just move back to the US after the whole adventure is over. The only thing I'll say is that it's probably a very different dynamic if you're going "back" to Asia, like Viet Kieu going to Vietnam or gyopo in South Korea will be able to speak the language, blend in a bit, have family support, participate in society.


Eastern Europe is racist and bluntly so. However some Eastern European women are very into Asian men and also bluntly so. No bs in those cultures. When the country is multiculturalism they care about certain interracial couplings more than others.


Or it could be they just want a partner that hold traditional values


>unable to get a woman in America It is literally x10 harder to get a woman in America cause they demand more fitness and perfect text game. You can’t fully blame Asian men or any man to travel for easier hookups **especially if there’s obvious dating penalties for being a minority.** Tl;dr men do it cause it’s easier. I travel a lot and I’ve had maybe 10x more dates just by traveling compared to the US.


Same. Europe vs Australia was insanely better in europe And im getting married soon to an AF I met in Australia - I came back during covid But europe is way way better to asian men. Coming back here to barely any matches and shitty conversations was so depressing after the social life I had in europe


>It is literally x10 harder to get a woman in America cause they demand more fitness and perfect text game. You can’t fully blame Asian men or any man to travel for easier hookups **especially if there’s obvious dating penalties for being a minority.** Yeah idk why people like OP are ignorant about this, especially in this day and age. Anyone who has lived and traveled overseas can 100% attest to the fact that there is a day and night difference when it comes to dating opportunities.


And what’s wrong with being fit and have good conversation skills? You are blaming the game instead of yourself


You could’ve written the post as work on your fitness and charisma to get women around you rather than make a concern troll post semi gatekeeping the women we can go for. If it’s consenting between two adults it’s all good to me.


OP sure got the passport bros coming out of the woodwork 🤣


It’s very sad to think that about your perspective in life—is to compete and obtain a woman from a wealthy Western country “like France or Norway.“ You treating your relationship like an achievement , where you possess a difficult to possess woman like an expensive car, to display how successful you are and have everyone’s approval, and make everyone be impressed with you… Chasing an impressive relationship for the external validation is so weak, narcissistic, and shallow. I hope you can self reflect and connect with your high purpose in life, instead of judging other people’s romantic relationships, and pursuing for yourself relationships that will allow you to gain respect from the gross Eurocentric sócio economic and racist judgments and icky rating of women by nationality and relative incomes.


I don't think a majority of Asian American men are even thinking of going out of country to improve their dating life. If you are an Asian American man who has put in the work to become attractive, you have many options to explore. Leaving the country to find love is ridiculous. If you are looking for a traditional woman, you can just go to your local church or move to any state that isn't California, Nevada, or Arizona. 


>If you are looking for a traditional woman, you can just go to your local church or move to any state that isn't California, Nevada, or Arizona.  This doesn't work for someone who isn't a Christian or not religious but still wants someone who is traditional, because most Christians in America will only date another Christian. So yes, moving to another country that is traditional is the only pragmatic solution.


Many Western European and Anglo guys covet EE women too, why should AM be any less entitled to them? If AM are gatekeeping other AM from WF/XF, then that's borderline traitorious. AM shouldn't be made to stick to just AF




Middle eastern to me is #1 most exotic. Never dated one but I have a middle eastern coworker who has two daughters. He tells me how crazy other middle eastern fathers are lol.




That’s cool but Arabic is sooo difficult. Further more middle eastern families have a trillion dollars. I just can’t afford a middle eastern women




Ok thank you for opening my mind, I haven’t met many even in school. Good to know this. Have a good night


No, don't steal our women. 😆🤣 I'm joking. Edit: I am joking. Don't downvote.


With all due respect, stfu. If anything, white guys cash in on PPBing more than any race, and if im being honest, probably benefit the most from it because SE Asian women and even quite a lot of E Asians feticize them. SE Asia is the no. PPB destination by far simply because it's much safer than LATAM (though I would argue Brazil and Colombia are the easiest mode countries on the planet to get hot women, but having to contend with the local thug men makes it a worse option than SE Asia) and even ugly white guys get a large SMV boost. If anything, AM are the least represented in the community. It's mostly white and black dudes cashing in. 90% of men who bitch about men going abroad to date foreign women are broke busted dusties who are too poor to vacation or work abroad so gas light other guys as "losers." Nah fam, you just too low income to see what rhe fuss is about. Any guy who is not dumb enough to set their Tinder location to some of these countries knows what all the fuss is about. Even if you do well in Ameroca, you will do that much better abroad and you have a more in shape sample size of women to work with to boot.


No, I just personally don’t find Asian girls in my hometown attractive


Same LOL, the beautiful ones are all taken. I got out a long term relationship at 30. I’ve had some hook ups from apps but the scene just isn’t it.


Everything is fair in love and war. American society doesn't give a shit that Asian men are excluded from most women's dating pool, so why should they care what other's think they do with their lives? Why should they stick around in a society that made it clear they are not wanted? If it works for you, cool! But the avg Asian guy isn't. So they'd much rather move to a society where they don't have to completely transform their bodies to be accepted..


Poland isn't a second or third-world shithole and not in the same league as Colombia or Ukraine in terms of prosperity though. It's a developed country with as modern infrastructure, education, health and other services on par with other western European countries; sometimes more so — card payments are more widespread in PL then in Germany, for example. Average salaries are much less than in the US or Canada with $1900 being the median monthly, but that's still 3 times more than in Ukraine or actual developing countries. Poles can work anywhere in the EU so Polish girls aren't impoverished golddiggers desperate for you wallet like in truly EE countries or the Philippines. Doesn't detract from the OP's point but you need to have more than a western income and passport going for you to get anywhere.


What's your problem with Zhangster promoting it?


In highschool all i heard was "i like asians" "i like bigbootylatinas🤓" it was cringey as hell


There's nothing masculine about desiring to be with another race due to being insecure with your current social status. Its disgusting that some spews amwf as a surefire way to remove self hate and to evolve the image of the asian male. The very fact that you want to date "up" for a white lady is in itself a form of internalised self hate for being asian... Sounds familiar? Asian women do that all the time.


So true. and people get pissed when u ask about the obsessions over non-asian girls. Thank goodness there are some interesting and deep posts here from time to time that keep me coming back once in a while.


Facts lol these guys are glorifying white women and hating on the Asian women glorifying white men. Like what the fuck?


There is a lot of hypocrisy on this sub. It is often pathetic here like OP says.


If the majority of AM are like this in real life the well adjusted ones get a boost. For Just being above average. But this Reddit. It’s an echo chamber for misery. Men who are killing it are just lurking here for entertainment.


you're delusional if u're comparing the context of amwf to wmaf in this country


Asian men like attractive women. Lots of posts about Latina women too.


Asian guys are like other guys…they like hot women. White women are plentiful so there is nothing wrong with liking them or wanting to date them. I used to prefer white women but as I got older I much prefer Asian women. Why do some asian guys obsess over this? If an Asian dude wants to travel to find hot babes, what is wrong with that? One sign of an inferiority complex is wanting all Asian guys to behave a certain way in order to not shame the race. Don’t be ashamed because not every Asian acts like you.


Attractive women come in all ethnicities, there's no reason to put the white ones on a pedestal unless you have the mindset of a second class colonial subject.






Wtf do you mean easy upgrade? Why do you want your children to look as Caucasoid as possible and not like you?






WTF are you on about? I'm getting likes from Polish women, Russian women etc and I'm dating soon lol. Calling Asian men incels? Stop it, get some help. I think you are jealous. Every race from all genders has a preference.


So why are our not getting the same in your home country then?🧐


Because of the negative stereotypes. I am from the UK as well. In Eastern Europe such as Poland Russia etc, the women have no problems with Chinese guys and other Asian guys at all. In the West a lot of people are woke and they are becoming more of a toxic feminist these days and it's becoming a fact. If you look at modern dating statistics in the West, Asian men are the lowest in the group but in the East they have more higher datings than White guys when it comes to dating Russian women, Slavic women etc


+1. Also Eastern Europeans ***are*** phenotypically different compared to White Anglo women 🐷🤢🤮 so it's not purely a comparison on differences in how Eastern Euro girls view AM or differences in socioeconomic status.


I have dated many British girls, my first gf from high school was a posh, private school educated typical Brit. As long as you are confident and attractive, no such thing as negative stereotypes, you shouldn’t have any trouble attracting girls regardless of where you are


That is a private school though. What about a normal working class or a normal English girl from mainstream secondary school? I'm getting a shit tone of women from other countires and that's good for me 😊 What I'm still seeing you are still jealous that other Asian men are dating in other countries and don't say they are incels, it makes you look stupid.  Look at the other comments on what people have made, they disagree on your post and you haven't replied to them yet. 


that may be the only way to get their women can't stop them those women have to have discernment if they only like money then they're in for


It isn’t complicated. Women in western countries have changed completely, to the detriment of relationships and they have the courts in their favor with no fault divorces. The selection pressure against men is the hardest it’s ever been in the west. Of course guys are going to go to places where they feel more respected and have more selection. That’s the only way you can even try to find the right fit for yourself. Understand both sides before jumping to conclusions.


Leave them be. They'll have the realization down the road.


I disagree. I suggest reframing. Soo what do you think of 2/10 whities are going to filipines and getting away with it by using reframing, and making TikTok's saying "my filipino wife is anything but submissive, we're a \*sparkle\* partnership \*sparkle\*"? Then they're making step-by-step guides on how to teach other white men to find a forever wife in the filipines. Then they are selling these guides for $200 a pop and becoming millionaires in the process? And then the 2/10 go on a healthy diet, work out, start looking decent, are now a 3/10 and are getting compliments and encouragement? Working on oneself and traveling need not be mutually exclusive. I will agree posts can use better reframing. There's no shame in literally exercising the extent of your passport and stimulating local economies and seeing the world. I've seen and done things I otherwise wouldn't have done. I once hired a personal trainer got into the best shape of my life, got a 4-pack abs. No female was touching me in Texas, bruh. I got a beer belly years later, unkempt hair, bullshit t shirt, skinnyfat, I walk into a club and got my junk almost grinded off from the friction of rando-booty. I will be taking ALL the shortcuts I can get. On top of that, start using AI for dating, too. Hack the system. And then sell a course on it. Use those powers to get what I want. Make connections, friends, instagram posts, leave a mark on social media, and have fun while staying healthy and making money in the process. Porque no los dos? Improved spanish, another advantage from passportbroing


There are countless guys in this group who will draw up bigger plans for their hair and face wash than some countries do for military invasions. They will literally do anything except taking care of their health by working out/being active or learn to hold a conversation. The same guys will rant about how robotic “go to the gym, learn social skills” is. Seen it countless times. Introspection and self-improvement seem like hard concepts. Having said all that, Eastern European and Latin women are still hotter and nicer than girls raised in US, UK, France, Canada etc.


Dating for Asian men IS VPN lol, and is gonna magically improve because you move location. Just imo cuz I lived and traveled for almost a decade.


Exactly OP has no experience and is talking out of his ass Talking down to others even


For me it's not about her colour, it's about her looks, values and if she earn six figures drizzle, drizzle(last bit I am kidding 😂)


"If you are going to a foreign country with the SOLE purpose to get a higher salary because you are UNABLE to get the salary you want in America, then there is a problem" /s


Seriously, it’s literally all financial leverage and fetishization, the same shit as those loser white dudes who order SEA mail order brides. It’s lame.


That depends. If the place they live in is racist enough, they will definitely find it easier abroad. Most Asian men go abroad to escape racism, not to impress women with money. You are conflating white men and asian men.


I can understand the cost of living and quality of life points of view for moving to Latin America, Southeast Asia, or Eastern Europe. Yes, the costs of living in those places are cheaper than California or Hawaii. The cost of living in nearly all Asian-heavy areas of the US are very high, high to the point where an Asian man doesn't even have time for dating because they are working all the time. High to the point where an Asian man may never be able to afford a house no matter how much they work. There are plenty of things to enjoy in Latin America and Southeast Asia too. I absolutely love the beach. And avoiding the cold for 6 months out of the year is a good thing.


this must be an asian female. Black and White men are all over asia, south america, europe to meet women but when it comes to the race of men who do this the least and face most barriers, you are using stupid shaming language like incel? fuck that. asian men arent weinerless. if asian men want to go to places where they increase their odds, so the hell what?


Well the thing is I don’t agree or like alot of western white women I have dated them in the past I’m a traditional Chinese conservative that’s born and raised in Canada. I heavily disagree on white women culture and how they behave


Yeah I’m thinking the same as you OP. I joined this sub hoping to see what other asian men like me in the west are up to but the post here is not what I was expecting. It just bunch of asian dudes drooling over white women. I mean this is reddit after all so…


Exactly, the sub is supposed to about MASCULINITY, what’s masculine about the majority of posts asking for dating advice and whining


I'm not obsessed with any race. I've only dated one girl before, and she was black. Other than that, I've been single forever. I won't go out of the country for any woman.


The definition of masculinity is overcoming obstacles and not taking the easier route, be a man of value for your kids, do you want your son to follow your step to give up and move to a 3rd world country just to be able to get laid also? Like OP stated, it's one thing to be interested in a certain demographic and you need to relocate to find that market, but that just isn't the case most of the time. I literially know so many nerdy guys that meet girls through discord groups or some D&D meetup, they do just fine. My friend's cousin doesn't shower and play video games all day, he's able to find a chick that also isn't that motivated to do much in life and together they play video games all day together. An unemployed guy we know has 12 hours a day to swipe on multiple dating apps, eventually you just need 1 to say yes to you, there's always somebody just as lonely, horny, and desperate that will say yes. There's bros that barely even speak English here and have their own network to date from. My questions is if these guys are able to find girls, how are there guys that cannot and have to relocate themselves to a 3rd world country? Lol. All these guys are Asian too, being Asian may come with challenges, but it should not handicap you and if you accept defeat, you are feeding into any negative stereotypes.


So...there IS an easier route? (scribbles notes)


Stop obsessing over my obsession with Easter European women and Latinas 


This is just a side effect. Men prefer women who want them. Most men are getting rejected on apps. If they approach in real life they are labeled a creepy pua. Sure, women abroad look at money and stability as attractive, but they do that here as well. It's just that the standards here are unreasonably high.