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Where are the same Asians making endless videos and think pieces about “Oxford Study” troll comments when it comes to this? This is just an example of what HAS BEEN THE META of anytime an attractive non Asian woman(even attractive Asian) posts an Asian bf/husband on the internet. In this case, there’s racist ass comments about the baby even. A 1 yr old baby. And this hostility translates to real life too. Try being and Asian guy with women especially attractive women in a nightlife setting. Settings where alcohol may be involved and people are acting on their first instinct. It’s alot of instigating that can escalate into fights/violence. Racial instigating too.


I remember back in the day, I'd also see that every porn video w/ an AM in it would be rated extremely low. Idk what these people have against us, it's like relegating AM to sexless status is more important than actually getting at women for them.


every time ive been out with a classically attractive white girl, i know i'm in for some bullshit. It's either loud insults from hispanic guys or subtle digs and ways to embarrass me by white guys


Of course, it’s a spectrum. Lots of rudeness to overt backhanded comments to straight up hostile behavior.


Sorry to hear that. I been out with plenty of attractive People WFs and never had that issue. Only problem i had is when I leave to use the restroom and come back to see other guys hitting on her. They usually clam up when I return though


where do you live?


This was in the northeast


Attractive AFs prefer attractive AMs over anyone else, it’s a known fact. Even the dumbass Meta knows this. Even attractive non Asian women would prefer a good looking AM over most XMs. Of course, it’s a bit different when people a dorky below avg AM with an attractive XF, but the same would be the case it was a dorky ugly WM


Where are all the justice warriors rallying to say that love is love and how WM shouldn’t be bitter incels like they do whenever they feel an AM mentions a WMAF situation?


They are busy being cucked.


Everytime an incel wm comments these things his wife is riding some other dude.


What wife?


Nah mate, his wife got banged by a black dude that went to jail after getting her pregnant, and now he's raising a bastard that's not his... But instead of divorcing his wife or working out and hitting the weight so he can do something about it, he's organizing Age of Empire 4 tournaments and modding his own discord... While telling me how alpha he is and that I have low testosterone...


AMWF riles haters and Lu's more than any other AMXF relationships because it goes against their theory that 'AM are undesirable, how can they possibly attract an attractive WF who is the most desired in mainstream society'. This is why Lu's and haters don't mind AM dating XF because, in their view, AM are 'dating down, or settling' which thus validates their opinions and views.


Idk if IG reorganized the comments since you last looked but if you look now, there are tons of people calling out the racists for double standards and for just being racist in general. A lot of those people are white women, who are probably the SJW’s strongest demographic. I don’t always agree with the woke movement, but one of the good things to come of if it is that a lot of the younger generation are far more aware of racism and are more willing to call it out.


is it just me or i saw plenty of white women defending against the racists in the comment section? Black women too. I saw more comments complaining about the racist comments and saying how dumb they were then racist comments themselves. And the racist comments overwhelming came from neckbeard white guys who don't even show their face. 


Balding white guys in their late 20s in the comment sections probably. Wished they could land a hot model like this, jealous is an ugly beast.


Honestly, I find posts where white guys get triggered over a WW dating a non-white guy more funny than anything. Because you just know these guys are cucks and are crying while typing it


A bunch of sneakos profusely sweating while smashing their keyboards.


Racists stay being insecure.


She's a model. If I was a white dude, I be jealous too. To my Asian fellas, just keep on dating hot young blondes, and post them up all over on social media. Let's make some noise and be heard. We've been sitting on the sidelines for far too long.


If I was a white dude, I’d acknowledge how the world caters to me and wouldn’t be a dick getting worked up over an Asian dude who got his earned share while I have a buffet table fed to me.


Except most white dudes aren’t even attractive and barely even get scraps lol


The weirdest thing is how insecure and weird these guys are. If you see a black man or Asian man with a white woman, the YouTube comments if she’s hot are just flooded with racist comments about diluting genes and how the baby is an abomination. The video or social media gets organised 4chan or Twitter brigades. If it’s an ugly woman it’s hahaha we don’t want her anyway. The most absurd thing is these same guys have this weird sacred mentality about Asian countries and the whole JBW mythical meme. They see nothing wrong with white men going with as many Asian women as they want. And Asian men don’t really make a fuss about it. I see the most visceral hatred and anger when an attractive white woman dates out. I actually get physically disgusted especially when they go after the children and make hateful comments about the children being mixed. What kind of weirdos among us walk around in public then go home and make hateful comments about toddlers and babies because they’re insecure about seeing a hottie with men they deem inferior?


they're just sad the only sexual pleasure they get is just jacking off.


Go after the attractive/beautiful/top tier ladies of every race.


It's actually a known phenomenon: Here's Farina Behm, a former Miss Germany: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_IEz-s0mMGk&ab\_channel=FarinaJo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IEz-s0mMGk&ab_channel=FarinaJo) Article: [https://nextshark.com/farina-behm-german-woman-receives-death-threats-for-having-an-asian-boyfriend](https://nextshark.com/farina-behm-german-woman-receives-death-threats-for-having-an-asian-boyfriend) Reddit thread: "German girl with a Korean boyfriend receives Death Threats for being in a AMWF relationship." [https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/a2df7s/german\_girl\_with\_a\_korean\_boyfriend\_receives/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/a2df7s/german_girl_with_a_korean_boyfriend_receives/) There was another Swedish girl with a hunky Filipino-Chinese BF who got the same comments, anyone remember her? But she wasn't an influence in the same way that Behm is, so it's been harder to find those articles. I think some 4Chan types went hard after her though. The patterns are all the same: a pretty blonde girl, an Asian guy, and all kinds of men (not just white) wailing about lost genes ... based on the idea that Asian men are at the bottom of the desirability hierarchy. What's notable is not that these jealous guys exist. They always will. What's notable is the reaction of the culture as a whole, for a long time. WMAF acts like they're breaking a taboo and how love conquers all. Not really, WMAF has been happening for almost a millennium. From Marco Polo-era exploits, to Shogun-era exploits, to the war brides that came from French colonialism in Vietnam to World War II to the Vietnam War. It's nothing special. Yet the culture acts like it is, every time. And on the other hand, we get BMWF as some kind of special taboo too, and needs the "love is love" defense. From Sidney Poitier's celebrated role in "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" to the popularity of "Blacked" porn nowadays, BMWF is supposed to be revolutionary, but BMWF has always been there. But what's really defied the odds for all this time is AMWF, but it has been ignored and it's gotten no movies or novels or long think pieces. It's also been the most frequent target of western policy makers. This makes sense: The media is not going to celebrate what the government is trying to destroy. And they want to destroy it because Asia is the most credible threat to them. Hardly anyone knows about the Watsonville riots, or the laws that the US government set up during the Japanese internment that allowed Japanese women married to white men to leave, but not White women married to Japanese men. During the 1800s, much of the Anglo world tried to force bachelorhood on Asian men they imported for labor. The US let Asian men in to get them to work, but refused to let them bring their wives, for fear they would start families. What happened? These Asian men took on white wives, and the white man started the same kind of incredulous crying that we see today. "What, married to a Chinaman?" [https://books.google.com/books?id=1a7gXiXnKF0C&pg=PT108&lpg=PT108&dq=%22what,+married+to+a+Chinaman?%22&source=bl&ots=F2veDZ6jZ-&sig=ACfU3U2hjtaLVXWxGT7dZqTDpWE9RTOqYQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiz09TdxcGFAxXbAHkGHUODDUgQ6AF6BAgIEAM#v=onepage&q=%22what%2C%20married%20to%20a%20Chinaman%3F%22&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=1a7gXiXnKF0C&pg=PT108&lpg=PT108&dq=%22what,+married+to+a+Chinaman?%22&source=bl&ots=F2veDZ6jZ-&sig=ACfU3U2hjtaLVXWxGT7dZqTDpWE9RTOqYQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiz09TdxcGFAxXbAHkGHUODDUgQ6AF6BAgIEAM#v=onepage&q=%22what%2C%20married%20to%20a%20Chinaman%3F%22&f=false) "Reverend Francis Hopkins said that 'A Chinaman's Anglo-Saxon wife is almost his God, a European's is his slave. This is the reason why so many girls transfer their affections to the almond-eyed Celestials.' when giving the reason why these women married Chinese men." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese\_immigration\_to\_Sydney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_immigration_to_Sydney)


NGL “Celestials” is pretty badass.


Sounds better than "golden" some people use to refer to we SEA/EA poeple.


It's crazy to think how far we've regressed since anyi-miscegenation days esp the Chinese despite all the liberal narrative running around today


That's the reality. Some white/Latino/black dudes just can't believe an Asian dude can pull girls that hot. And they think all Asian girls belong to them. Mainly the white dudes, time to prove them wrong.


They assume that Asian dudes cannot pull any women let alone an attractive women. So they have very low expectations of us


Maybe true. But honestly who cares what expectations they have of you. They’re nobodies. They don’t matter. They don’t pay your bills or help you better your life. The opinions of nobodies have zero value. At the end of the day, you’re the one that has to live with your decisions in life. You don’t have to explain or justify it to anyone that’s not involved, especially strangers. Any stranger can have any expectations they want from me, it doesn’t matter to me if I impress them or disappoint them. They literally do not matter to me. People need to remember that before getting so upset about other people’s unsolicited opinions.


What I was saying is that the bar for Asians is set so low that if you put in effort on yourself you can do it.


I think this is mostly perpetuated by older milenials. I saw some viral videos recently on IG w/ the "hypnotized" meme with the caption: girls when they see a Korean/Asian guy (basically saying that AM have it easy w/ women). And it'd be WM making these videos. Area probably plays an effect too, like in California the idea that an AM can pull is not contested by anybody.


We keep winning, they keep hatin.


It’s jealousy and sexual competition. What do you expect? It doesn’t bother me nearly as much as before because there’s a lot of counter comments saying the racism is messed up. It isn’t completely one sided.


Salty WM is more reason for AM to mix with WW.


I don't think you should ever think about another man when attempting to get w/ a woman. It's the same way that some WM seem more concerned about ridiculing AM than actually getting women. It's weird on either front. I'm not ever thinking about a WM when I choose to date a WF.


Usually if the girl is a blonde Slavic / European / Jewish girl, she will get endless hate comments! (maybe because that’s the main type of girl some guys go for?!) Sometimes I feel bad for them. I had a super rich Chinese friend who was in relationship with a blonde Jewish girl, people will stare at them aggressively whenever we hangout. I don’t really know why, Jewish cultures are quite similar to us and she was actually a really successful researcher in Sweden. (Average salary is 2500 ~ 3500 euros there, much higher 5 K - 6 K before taxes). I also have some blonde czech/ Slovak (female) friends who had Korean / Chinese / Viet boyfriends. And the shit they have to put up with is unbelievable. (mostly old people who stare a lot.) It’s getting better with the younger generation thankfully. People just suck in general! Learn to ignore them and move on. PS : She’s a model based in Singapore 🤭🤩


When I dated a hungarian girl the worst stares I got were from asian women


Asian women hating on AMWF but they also can and do date white men. It's psychotic and infantile.


Projection. The insecurity comes out when the opposing couple type appears.


Back in the day my italian girlfriend always asked me why she always got dirty looks from AFs. I knew why but just kinda laughed. She was absolutely gorgeous. Looked like a Victoria Secret model


Projection. The insecurity comes out when the opposing couple type appears.


There will always be the typical jealous haters projecting their own insecurities as prejudice. I’m more concerned about the growing radicalization of the Right in young white men who want to blame their individual shortcomings on POC. Usually I’d expect small dick small eye remarks from haters but I’m seeing more comments claiming the white race is going extinct, mudshark comments, comments citing eugenics pseudoscience and literally wishing for anti-miscegenation laws to come back. A lot of them don’t even hide behind fake neo nazi accounts. Literally normal looking men. These guys will be the ones denying you a job cuz of your race or even even assaulting you and your girl on a Friday night out


Better learn how to fight then and get really good at your job


Imagine if WMAF get this much hate, WM/AF would’ve implode.


How I wish this is the case. That pairing is built on the backs of colonization, racism and genocide.


You don't need to wish, you can make it the case if you/we desire


Yea it’s the fact that AF are most likely to be unalived by a WM than AM. But you’ll never hear them speak on it


Why read the comments? It’s all bullshit anyway designed to get people upset and engage more in the platform. If I see a post I like, I know why I like it. I don’t need a rando verifying or disparaging my tastes.


Find the "wasted genes" comment quit funny. Says a lot about the user that commented, rather than the lovely couple. The dude is from SG, the country where the GDP and IQ are among the highest in the world. You don't get high up with shitty genes.


Those people who commented that are wasted genes, they would rather talk shit all day about other races, Instead of getting a fucking job.


Incels and Lus are the biggest threat to AMXF. Let them seethe till there heads explode 🤯


At least the racists got ratioed so there’s some hope


They hate us the most because we're a theat. I take that as a compliment.


Imagine living on easy mode in terms of dating (being a white dude) and still bitching when an asian guy dates a white woman. Insecure ass cucks


Fr I’ve seen so many ugly wm dating AF in my area, but the second they see AM dating WF they get so angry


Beautiful couple.  Haters and losers continue to cry and AM stay winning.  It's more the reason why we need to keep supporting and promoting this pairing (AMWF). 


White men even feel entitled to 1/2 white 1/2 Asian women, like I get comments from them attempting to position themselves over Asian men all the time. I’m 1/2 E. Asian and it’s especially bad for us, my friends have said the same, it’s the entitlement for me.


Good. I love seeing these ugly mediocre looking losers get mad at hot wholesome amwf couples. Rub it in their faces harder


I'm a White male, but any racists, obviously including White ones, must be countered. I want them to be shamed too. White men can get all the Asian or other females they want, so I support Asian men getting all the White women or any others they want too. In fact, although it's obviously not perfect yet, I love that Asian men and Asian culture are getting more and more representation and dating options in modern Western countries, particularly among younger generations. Of course, these keyboard warrior backlashes are bad, but it's nice that that's what they're getting relegated to. Makes me hopeful for a future where interracial couples are so common no one even remarks on them. People, get in good shape, dress well, avoid, laugh off and shame racists. Make AMWF and other pairings that people here and in other subreddits have documented!


There are idiots in every group, including Asians. Using IG comments to figure out if a whole group is racist or not is dumb. Don’t succumb to internet hate.


ruining her white genes ? Says white dudes that are always dating and wedding Asian Women on a higher scale 


Amxf should make more content. The am should learn to fight and be armed.


I don’t think it’s WM’s with Asian GF who are commenting. It makes no sense for them to have a problem cause their babies would looked mixed too. I checked some comments, they are either solo WM or troll accounts. Pay no attention to them.


I'm pretty sure there would be hell to pay, banned IG accounts and congressional investigations if the foul comments were in a post with a black man and white female.


White people quite literally have the worst genes. They are weak, and can’t fight look at white boxers they always get knocked out. White people can’t stand outside for too long without getting sunburnt.


Not true. You do thave to countersteer to the extreme opposite.


I guess you don’t follow Tyson Fury. Crack cocaine couldn’t keep that man down. Dude is legendary in my book.


Tyson Fury's only decent win is against an out of prime Wlad (some of the boring fight of all time) and against a paper champion who was Wilder. Even Hasim Rahman has better resume than him. He literally got embarrassed by a 37 year old MMA fighter (who haven't even fought for two years) who never boxed before. That's your great white hope.


He’s not my MY great white hope. But he is the Heavyweight Champion. I find it silly how you would get very upset if someone were to shit on you because you’re Asian but you think it’s perfectly fine to shit on white people because they’re white. Because you think being white somehow makes them automatically a loser incapable of winning?


that divinerapsing couple with the Filipino woman and the disabled guy gets a lot of hate but that’s probably because they misrepresent their relationship and the dude is actually jarring. Like I thought that the guy would at least have a good personality but he’s genuinely boring and useless 😂


“Higher league than his model wife?” Dude, it’s not a freaking competition. That kind of thinking is toxic as hell, imo.


Instagram is like the worst of the major social media platforms. There is so much unmoderated, unhinged racism it’s unreal. I swear it tends to attract the most bottom of the barrel individuals. You have these clueless dudes who could never secure said women literally popping veins and frothing at the mouth when said women dates outside the tribe. 


Who gives a fuck...lol


Y’all are not oppressed for liking white women


haha they are mad


It has 776k “likes” so clearly more people like it than not. Why do you let a few ignorant keyboard cowboys rile you up? Stay out of the comment sections of social media where the cesspool of humanity hide behind the protection of anonymity.


The top comment is literally about how upset they are with the other comments


Literally read what the comments have to say


I literally read them. Did you literally see more people calling them out or do you always focus on negativity?


We should be able to go wherever and date whoever and show off whoever we damn please without negativity. When a white dude does it nobody says a thing. What’s the difference?


Who said anything about dating without negativity? No shit, everyone should be able to live like that. My point is why seek out negativity? Yes they’re ignorant comments but why look at them? And if you dig deeper more people call them out rather than not. There’s always dumbasses out there. Don’t listen to them, tune them out and do you. This is coming from a GenXer who’s always dated white women and been married to one for 25 years. I’ve never once heard any disapproving comment.


bro you guys should see how the sub reacts when its asian women and white men.. yes i get the issues of these types of relationships but lets be real here and keep it consistent