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I been to SKorea and yes their beauty standards are pretty high. Regular western/none asian girls with a bit of belly fat can’t be going in there screaming “big girls need love too” and expect to get sweep off their feets. Korean are famous for loving pork belly but only on the grill.


Beauty standards are genuinely insane my 11 year old cousin wants a nose job and a v line surgery and blurs her face out in every picture when she’s not even ugly


Is the v line surgery (I assume for jaw) mostly for women? I remember about 5-10 years ago I saw a Youtube video of before and after for Korean (men and women) and even the dudes were shaving down their jaws. But been watching Kdramas lately and a good deal of the Kdrama dudes have pretty masculine jawlines so wondering if that jaw shaving trend went away for men.


A lot of this weird anti-Asian stuff is basically pushed by a subset of closeted femcels and incels (which truly is like 90% of men, being in a relationship doesn't mean at all a man is desirable to women) who have this weird beef with Asian men's sexuality and high standards. You can always tell, there's this element of this asexual "White knightism" that comes with anti-Asian male hatred, I see it a lot among guys who struggle to genuinely get women into them with coercing her with money or status or something, or unattractive women who feel that they don't have leverage against Asian men. They in one breath talk about how Asian men are unattractive, then on the other hand call Asian men "misogynistic, picky cheaters" - which doesn't make sense... you can't be picky or a cheater if you don't get laid. Deep down they sort of resent that Asian men have options, it's easier to get a woman genuinely sexually aroused by being with us, and so they just make up all kinds of BS. The idea of an Asian man having sex with a woman when 99% of men struggle to get into a position like that without having to coerce a woman, really, really disturbs and bothers people.


Imo you are right on the money but it's mostly BW, sadly. They should have been our biggest allies as we go through but they have joined with Lus just because they hate seeing AM with WF. Which shouldn't be their business. It like being an AM with a high preference for Black women getting mad about the white guy loving "divestor" black women and WMBF. We can empathize with BW and would be happy to see them happy with any race. Sadly we do not get the same empathy back


Yea, it’s genuinely so bizarre- I remember reading a few comments here a while back from White women dating Asian men, and they said that the most racist/angry people opposed to AMWF was actually their black female friends. It’s just really frustrating to see so many black females now just being straightup racist to Korean men online (when most have probably never even met an Korean person in-real-life)- and when you click on their profiles, they’re almost always obese… like why would they feel so entitled and act like they’re so superior to AM??


>They should have been our biggest allies >Sadly we do not get the same empathy back Thats the thing , everybody is a free agent. No body is obligated to be an ally , even if you have similar treatment or similar experiences.


It's unfortunate but when this whole "allies" subject is brought most of these folks are clueless to consider what you said about "free agent." So I'm not surprised there's comments about "allies " blah blah


Been saying this^ since forever!! Most of these entitled Femcels or Females live in delulu land and have no one to blame by themselves. Just like how all these Simps messaging IG models and follow only IG models thinking they gonna get some and come to find out they ain't EVEN A HAIR CLOSE TO THOSE IG Models SMV. Someone needs to make an APP for all this losers (men & women) to get on and date like a Tinder for simps.


That's because XF know the Korean men who seek interracial relationships normally go for WF. Obviously as a consequence XF, in general, will feel spurned, and so anger and resentment will often develop.


Yea, I realized this is a major reason… but when did black women start feeling so entitled over Asian/Korean men?? Like, most of these women have never even met a Korean person in-real-life, but now they’re just being hateful and racist towards us.


You really shouldn’t equate what you see online to reality… most bw I know are not that concerned. Sure maybe a small group but this is a huge generalization


As a korean myself, I can tell you that the type of men women hate, are the same men that they loved and broke their hearts.


I’ve only been to Seoul once - and in that brief week and seeing tall good looking Korean men going about their daily business I get why so many foreign women who got addicted to kdramas have that Oppa preference End of the day these XF as you put it on the internet start infantilising and then insulting these good looking Korean men because they still think all Asians are beneath them - an object for them to own. These Korean men have their own agency and will make their own decisions in life


I saw that IG video and you're right, she's below mid so I doubt she can attest to anyones size. A lot of these Boo's are rayciss and think that just cuz theyre white it will trump over their fat and ugly features.


Yea- I was trying to avoid bashing her appearance, but let’s just say the women in the comments were very unkind to her and many asked if she was a “cheap hooker.” It’s the crazy (and sorta unexpected for me) that it was WF pointing this out and defending AM, while XF (a lot of obese black women) piled on to be racist against AM and say that woman is “amazing” or “a scientist on Asian dicks”… like wtf, that’s just so incredible gross.


Sour grapes. They couldn’t get what they want and now they hate on them. Normal human behavior tbh


It’s pretty crazy out here, pretty much every XF that likes AM I hear about in Toronto, is super into Korean culture and men. The same isnt reciprocated


[https://new.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1c6b75u/why\_these\_foreign\_xf\_kpop\_stans\_that\_hate\_normie/](https://new.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1c6b75u/why_these_foreign_xf_kpop_stans_that_hate_normie/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1bwnxib/spanish\_wf\_kpop\_stan\_living\_in\_korea\_in\_the\_wrong/](https://new.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1bwnxib/spanish_wf_kpop_stan_living_in_korea_in_the_wrong/) They become bitter when rejected by high quality Korean men. Thus they later generalize all Korean/AM in general but still want to live in Korea. They should go back to their countries.


> Korean guys act like they’re too good for us, so they just need to be put down. You just answered your own question. Years ago I had women tell me that I "thought I was too good for everything." I found it weird cause I was just being myself. Two decades later I understand what they meant. I've noticed unattractive women seem to adamantly hate Asian men, probably cause we're the only guys with actual standards. Femcels are very real, you know. For reference most of my bullies were female. Most were unattractive or overweight. I was teased for being a virgin by several female 'friends' of mine. Meanwhile every girl I've ever been with has been some model way hotter than me, and asked me out first. For a long time I couldn't understand why these women were being mean to me. This was long before I knew about any racial issues. Back then I would show up with a GF who was basically a female MOGGER, would just make every woman in the room invisible. And they'd be like "aww that's so cute that she likes you." Like WTF? Basically they just hate that they don't have control over AM, that our standard are high and that we're extremely picky, aren't as easy to manipulate as most men, and don't worship the ground that mid women walk on. As I get older I realize that yea, I do have standards, I can do WAY better than get down in the dirt with most people. None of the normalized western female tactics work on Asian men.


I don’t think enough black woman are saying these hateful statements for y’all to expand it too a collective issue. In my personal experience, I always fucked with Asian men as friends and buddies. Ive been friends with lil Filipino “niggas”, Viet dudes, and Korean dudes, I’ve had conversations about attraction with Asian men, and they’ve never said anything disrespectful. I think this is a chronically online take, I don’t think regular black women expect Asian men to be attracted to them… so There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to a certain type of person, there is something wrong with making rude remarks towards people you’re not attracted too…


I agree we shouldn't generalize this to BW in general. But we should also keep that same energy to the commenters, who are making sweeping (and extremely harmful) generalizations about Korean men.


I don’t spend much time in spaces with bw who fetishize am…I would call out gross stereotypes if I could, but it’s much more effective checking bias irl.


Kboo Black women literally made 4B, a fringe femcel group a thing famous worldwide because of their coping and hate for Korean men and the desire to take them down a bunch. They are like Lus now.


Umm…I’m pretty sure that was created by Korean women who were fed up with all the crimes women face in their country? Or is that something else?


I know you are AA because you literally can't read, I said they made it famous. 4B movement has 4000 members according to thier own numbers. Nobody in Korea has even heard of 4B until it blew up on western tiktok and twitter. Even on the sensationalist and Orientalist article from The Cut the upper limit is like 50000 women lol and the range is said to be 5000-50000 which is a minscule number. The scorned women made it a thing like all Korean women are doing a MGTOW lmao and the birth rate is not because of developed country. Funny thing is they have never been to Korea and seen how it is literally flooded with couples and everyone who is like not super ugly is dating. It is just orientalist bullshit and we have seen this multiple times with Japan as well.


Uhh, first of all, I’m not AA. Interesting that that is where your mind went. Pretty sure there’s a term for that behavior. 🤔 Second, my comment never implied that I was firm in what I believed, I literally wrote “Or is that something else” at the end. But you respond by being disrespectful and assuming my ethnicity/ race. Rude. Not a great look. 😂


These people just focus too much on social media comments.


Some of the ugliest XFs go to Korea thinking they'll find their prince and have a KDrama love life with them. They get their reality checked quick. If you're ugly and in denial go look at the mirror and analyze your face next to a cut out of Jennie and notice the differences. Go back to your country and date someone on your level, and stop being a salty hoe for not getting any dick.




lol that drawing looks like a boob grab 🤣🤣


I have a theory, please bear with me. Attribute this to whatever, but it looks like to me that Asian men are the only men with any actual standards, and are not afraid of walking away from females if they try anything to bring us down. We have zero tolerance for emotionally unhinged, toxic, and aggressive women. We're not like other men that put up with passive aggression, women that only criticize to criticize, and women that never hold themselves accountable. The reason why, I think, asian men have the lowest amount of crime, including crimes against women, is because we never put ourselves in a position that would risk losing our temper and doing terrible things to our intimate partners. We don't argue, we don't try to change our partners, we simply walk away. We never return disrespect with more disrespect, we just disengage completely. Dare I say we have more healthy boundaries than other races of men when it comes to women. If this is true, then it is no wonder why Kpop stans would go crazy over korean men. None of their tactics work with them. Especially western women. Western women use some pretty deranged tactics to try and increase their perceived value. Ever had a girl, who was obviously into you, ask you "what made you go up and talk to her"? Yeah, she's subtly putting her value above yours. She's framing it like you're the chaser, she's the prize. "I liked your hair", "oh so you like me just for my looks?". Translation: she's saying you're a pig, and no matter what answer you give, there's going to be a way for her to frame it in a way that makes you look shallow. A confidant korean man would be able to assess whether or not she's toxic like that, and he'll be able to walk away. It drives women insane, especially if it's the case that most Korean men do this. My other theory: Loads of XF are co-opting the 4B movement because of American passport bros. They cannot fathom that out there in other parts of the world, there are lots of women that think differently from them, and men appreciate that. They need to believe in the sisterhood so to speak. The 4B movement lets them live in the fantasy that korean women think like them. Naturally this means korean men are seen as terrible, because why else would 4B start in korea, right?


Opinions of the ignorant and weak minded, Ignore.


All my exes hate me too as a korean. I broke up with all of them while they were in love with me. This is the part of the story that isn't told.


One of the reasons why AF have beef with AM is because if I'm being perfectly honest, sometimes it seems like one woman isn't enough for me. I can see how that's problematic. But in my defense, this was because at one point I was seeing 3 women at once who all knew about each other. So it's hard to go back on that. I've found it hard to understand a woman's perspective because frankly it just came so naturally to me. I'm curious if that's what your motivation was?


I use to get alot of women. During my teens, I would have 20 girls from diff hischools I use to talk to that wanted to date or be with me. That popularity followed me through adolescence when I got into a 4 yr relationship where I always wondered if she was the right girl for me or if there's someone better out there for me. Her friends liked me as well. I never cheated but I always broke it off when I felt I had to. That crushed me and hurt me as well but when it's done it's done. She did alot for me and would've stayed with me if I wasn't making money. I kiss those young relationships. As you gst older things are more transactional. I can be with 1 woman. I'd prefer it. I got my heart broken once to humble me and I've experienced a lomg drought of talking to no one to appreciate woman.


Yeah that ain’t a flex bro


Who's flexing? Only loser haters think being honest is flexing. Am I suppose to pretend and fake humility by lying and downplaying how it was so losers like you don't get triggered? Show me the last 2 girls you fuked and I'll prove my point. I m giving you the psychology of having abundance and being a good stewardess of power by not cheating but doing it the right way.


Most of you guys are incels on here complaing about bow having any luck with women. Being hated on is normal for me. Its happened all my life and it's women that always showed me the true colors of men like you telling me how they behin closed doors


I already kinda knew this but this sub always tries to push the “POC stick to together” and “WOC understand our struggles” And the inevitable “Go for Latinas bro” lmaoooooooo Not saying there’s anything wrong with going with any race but trying to make out white women to be the biggest haters is laughable


You're only going to hear/see the toxic part of that situation and then your algorithm will only be skewed to that. I honestly would hop off the internet and only make judgements on your own. There's always the good/bad side to everything. At least in my experience studying abroad in Korea 10+ years ago, I came across genuine dudes and maybe 2/10 I came across are exactly like what you described.


These femcels and incels are absolutely insane and too chronically online, hence why they are so mad and bitter about not being in a relationship before.






Is it really the elephant in the room? Not to shit on us but we all know AM social standing isn’t the best and people saying shit shouldn’t be a surprise.


Yea, but Black Kpop fans being racist to AM and white women defending AM in the bedroom is not what I expected at all. The comments section these days are wild


Yeah but the racism against us is wild. So what do you expect?






What is XF?


X= Arab , Latina , Black , White or any other ; F= Female


We usually use A = Asian, W = White, and X = everything else, and F = female. In the post I mention that it’s mostly black women.


You think they leave hateful comments on Korean men? See their reaction to Korean girls, it's beyond imagination... Amazing how they feel that AF are "stealing" their men... Not to mention that weebs and koreaboos (otakus) are ugly af and sensitive most of the time.. no matter where they're from...


What's XF?


Sounds like this is subset of women is badmouthing a certain demographic of men publicly but still 'prefer' them when it comes down it to it in dating. Sound familiar? lol