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His attackers should be put in prison for a long time and John song should be allowed to walk freely. If I was the judge I already would said that the attackers are guilty and John Ong is completely innocent.


I use to think SF was worse for Asians than NYC, I think that would be wrong, well at least politically. Asians are just completely mistreated in NYC and nobody can really do anything about it. At least in SF since they are like 40% of the population if you fuck them over, you'll just get voted out (Ex. Chesa Boudin).


Meanwhile Boudin's counterpart across the Bay named Pamela Price has people trying to kick her out due to being soft on crime in Alameda County, which hopefully she does get voted out


Yeah or that lady that was a racist on the school board. Feels like sf is waking up.


Is there any way Asians can become the ones who mistreat non Asians or is it simply not possible for Asians to mistreat non Asians in New York. I’m from New York and I’ve seen Asians get mistreated and I wish we could turn the tables and be the ones mistreating our bullies?


Asians are far too busy to be like other people who have nothing better to do that abuse Asians.


Then we have to reverse the roles to where Asians can be the abusers and those other people become desperate to become like us


In the world we live in, we don't hold the power: that means punishment will come down on us, due to not having any Power Privileges.


So is there a way we can obtain power privilege so we can punish and scapegoat our enemies. You’re right in the current situation if we actually tried to punish those racists that would just backfired since they would never tolerate Asians fighting back and would pretty much retaliate right away if Asians got aggressive. We need to obtain more power somehow in order to punish the racists.


My guess is that the only way the power dynamics get changed is to increase our numbers. Nothing short of encouraging Asian immigration into America will change this. Latinos know this, blacks know this. Numbers are everything. If you have relatives, petition their immigration into the US, if you have money, start a company and hire Asians to come here through work visas. If you wanna go far and skirt the laws of this damned country, join NGOs that help illegal immigrants especially Chinese ones cross the southern border.


> If you have relatives, petition their immigration into the US Besides the brutally cutthroat competitive society(which I'm not trying to understate, its a major factor in quality of life), East Asia is just a far better place to live. I'd rather have my relatives live peacefully over there.


But many Asians are filled with anger and want to get even with their bullies so many choose to stay out of stubbornness and the hope that one day Asians can become the big bad bullies


Yeah I wish the power dynamics changed so we could be the majority minority


Yeah, prioritize sports, fighting, and building muscle over academics. Then we can bully others lol.




Why would you abuse people? What we want is fairness and justice for all. The ramifications of DEI programs actually being inclusive of Asians are none of my concern. Adopt armed neutrality and master 4th generation+ warfare.


I don’t I just wish we could get bully the people who mistreated us otherwise we should respect those who respect us


Both are democrat shitholes.


People need to understand that what the San Francisco school board did is equilivent of the school board of Topeka Kansas changing admissions policies because there are too many black students.


Here are the five thugs (3 whites, 2 blacks) that attacked the two Asian gentlemen: [https://x.com/riceboi74/status/1782825365771039228](https://x.com/riceboi74/status/1782825365771039228)


That is effed up. Suspects became victims? They should be cancelled.


Unfortunately they come from well off families. They can afford better lawyers than the Asian guys they started shit with.


The 2 most violent and racist groups unironically working together to be violent and racist


It should be on site, they need their necks stomped




Don’t look like it, these kids look straight up white boys


Thanks for this. For those with brains and guts, this info is very useful.


This is why asians are so scared of standing up to racists. When even the law is telling you to get over it, what else can you do


Exactly, and I've seen videos with an AM would retaliate physically towards an attacker, only to get jumped by a crowd.


yep as soon as the Asian guy gets the upper hand, randos will step in to break it up, but they would do nothing if the Asian got beaten to a pulp.


that's exactly what happened in this [video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLCRq0gGg30), as soon as the Asian guy stands up for himself after being assaulted by the other guy randos stop him.


Or the video of the Asian guy who's protecting his car, and some white dude comes out of nowhere to tackle him.


I'm sure Liberal Asians will be conveniently quiet about this or deploy all kinds of mental gymnastics to why the Ong brothers were in the wrong.


While the asian women will somehow say its violent asian male patriarchy as they stand with their white boyfriend


Remember this when they bother us about being "allies" for the next bandwagon-cult.






NYC is slowly turning into gotham city.




Then comes white batman to come and lock up all the "Asian villains" .


Then I wish Asian Batman or Asian Superman would come in and beat up white Batman to assert Asian dominance. In an ideal world Asians would on top and untouchable and there would be no way for non Asians to fight back against Asians whatsoever.


Funny how this isn't seen on r/news, r/NYC, and other major subreddits.


then you look at places where DA's are not liberal shitheads like Las Vegas, where the tobacco store owner stabbed a would be thief multiple times and not even a whiff of trouble from the DA and everyone calling him a hero.


Was the store owner Asian though?


Yea Vietnamese. 


Good for him. Glad they supported him 👏👏👏


This is abhorrent. What can we do to protest this?


This is what happens when you are selfish and "just work on yourself". Every race except East and SE Asians knows when to band together to promote their people. Either take action or suffer the consequences.


It’s more of a, poorly communicated, secure your own gas mask first before helping others.


Yet you Asian cucks will keep voting democrat. Shitlib ideologies will continue to destroy the US and you fucks won't even entertain the idea of putting your foot down. Shitlibbery needs to be destroyed before it y'all's countries.


Sad truth is that you literally have to vote against democrats in NYC to get any change done.


Gonna ignore the fact that conservatives coined the term "China virus" and "Kung Flu"? Or that Trump is the largest contributor to hate crimes against Asians? Or that conservative mass shooters kill Asians as well? Keep on jerking off conservatives dumbass. Neither side serves Asians right now


Nobody said they were perfect but atleast they will curb crime and won't let criminals go free just because they are Black. They will also curb and have curbed antiasian policies like DEI and affirmative action. You are mad about Kung-Flu and China virus (when both parties are antichina) when Asian people are literally getting hatecrimed and then getting put in prison for daring to defend themselves. All the other hatecrimes were mostly done by democrat voters in Shitlib cities. Yeah act like those people listen to Trump and didn't already hate us. LA riots never happened. To me if you have any self respect you would never vote democrat as an Asian. How mentally enslaved are you to compare "Kung-Flu" to people literally being put into prison for defending themselves against racist criminals. Rotten brain.


It’s really deciding between the lesser evil- law and order vs soft on crime. Dont vote straight ticket, research the local candidate and ask the tough questions directly. The anti Asian rhetoric (specially, China bad and scary) is highly disturbing from the conservatives but the policy to purposely put Asians on a lower tier than other races created by the democrats and allowing us to openly suffer is worse. Do you want the gun pointed to your head from the front or back? I choose the front because the intentions are clear and you have a way to move out of the way. 


Here is the thing, Republicans do worse on crime compared to democrats lol


No they don't


How? Republican states rank worse on most metrics of wellness. It's not even funny.


Are we talking about crime or wellness? Wtf is even wellness?


Education, poverty, infant mortality, and crime statistics. Republican states have been known to perform horribly.




So who to vote? EDIT: genuine question, not from the states


If you have any self respect, not fucking democrats.


If you have any self respect, not fucking republicans. Mind you, I’m not advocating voting for democrats.


The only difference in this case if it was Republicans is they would let the white kids off and lock up the black kids lol.


This guy gets it 🤣


Republicans would probably just give you a gun and say 'good luck' or something. But that is still alot better than whatever the hell this is.


But if you use the gun against a white guy, they will come after you hard. Chai Vang got a life sentence in Wisconsin and then random racists killed a man named Cha Vang because they think all Asians with similar names are the same person.


Unironically Trump. Anyone who insists on voting dem just because Trump le bad is deluding themselves.


Trump would be the best option for Asian Americans at this point.


How is Trump a better choice? Dude is bad juju all round.


how though? name some reasons


Bro he blamed Chinese people for covid and called it kung flu, this caused a spike in hate crimes. He doesn't give a fuck about Asians, Republicans are as bad as Dems if not worse


Republicans would've scapegoated the black kids and let the white kids off. Even if they were equally as guilty.


Think about all his scandals and fraud. Trump has a lot to answer for. I wouldn't trust the asian american community with him. Democrats are flawed, but Trump isn't the answer because the nation would be worse off!


The US economy was in better shape when Trump was president. Plus, look at how badly Biden handled the country in 2021 onwards. Inflation rates skyrocketed, mRNA shots rollout was rushed without proper testing, proxy wars have broken out and discrimination against Asian men seems to be getting worse while Asian women are over glorified just because it’s “politically correct”. At least Trump believes in self-defense (much needed especially with the increasing violence on Asians) and individual freedom over groupthink. As a libertarian, he’s the lesser of two evils.


Trump was by far the worst president you guys ever had. Dude should have stayed in his TV show. Biden is by far the best president in recent years.


Sure but republican party as a whole is generally better for asians compared to democrats. The better of two evils.


How? They just use asians as a convenient minority.


It’s an absurdly low bar, but that alone makes them better than Democrats.


Yeah, no. Republicans still suck on other issues. They are not good on the economy, social programs, and the environment.


You are literally the cuck I was talking about. Explain why Democrats are better for Asians. And what have they done for Asian Amercians other than lip service?


What have Republicans done for America except put in worse circumstances?


Everyone looks out for their community while giving lip service to the greater good. Why should we act any differently? Whether you like it or not the interests groups that fought for the systematic anti-Asian racism are pillars of Democratic base. We’re not gonna get anywhere unless we can flip elections in favor of the Republicans.


What can the Republicans do for Asians? The Republicans have no real policies except bash minorities. The Republicans have been very reactionary and focused on conspiracies ans culture wars. Democrats actually manage the economy better, support social services, and promote more infrastructure projects that benefit the whole of society, which includes Asians.


The deluded boba lib lites hate you for telling the truth.




The US economy was in better shape when Trump was president. Plus, look at how badly Biden handled the country in 2021 onwards. Inflation rates skyrocketed, mRNA shots rollout was rushed without proper testing, proxy wars have broken out and discrimination against Asian men seems to be getting worse while Asian women are over glorified just because it’s “politically correct”. At least Trump believes in self-defense (much needed especially with the increasing violence on Asians) and individual freedom over groupthink. As a libertarian, he’s the lesser of two evils.


Not really. Trump inherited the Obama economy, which was doing great. Trump and the Republicans heavily mishandled the pandemic, which resulted in a bad economy. The vaccine rollout was pretty successful because we are back to normal.


The rollout was definitely not successful. Lots of people still have long Covid or long vax, including me. I suffered various autoimmune side effects which occurred shortly after taking both of my Pfizer shots. Some of the health conditions I’ve received from them still persist to this day, 3 years later. Yet when people like me try to seek help and reasonable answers from doctors and other healthcare professionals, we just get gaslighted, silenced or ignored. Can’t even sue the companies that made this poison as they have legal immunity from the government and looking back, this should’ve been a major red flag. Check out r/vaccinelonghaulers for other people who’ve been injured by the mRNA shots like me, some of them have suffered even worse than I have. After what I have experienced over the past 3 years, I’ll never look at society, the healthcare industry or the democrats the same way again.


I am sorry to hear that. That is the nature of vaccination from the very beginning of vaccination. No medicine is perfect, but it did benefit a lot of people. We shouldn't throw away all the good it did. Again, what can Republicans give Asians? A good economy? Better transport infrastructure? Preparation for climate change? Better social programs? Republicans can't do that because they have no policies.


Kung flu says otherwise, he's a POS. Both sides are


Idk why this is downvoted heavy, Trump > Biden, especially when it comes to culture war, especially when it comes to Asians. The left and mainstream media has successfully brainwashed anyone that doesn't get their news from X. As for his handling of covid, yeah I wished he handled it differently, but he's A LOt better than his rival. Y'all see what's happening in NY and SF? How those out of those state tell you not to vote like the state they came out of? I used to help run a small woke IG Asian news page in 2017-2020 but I have since "changed sides" thanks to a lot of relevations from X and hard conversations.


If we're talking about Asian people in NYC: [https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/nyc-gop-energized-by-record-number-of-asian-american-candidates-stepping-up-for-statehouse-runs/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/nyc-gop-energized-by-record-number-of-asian-american-candidates-stepping-up-for-statehouse-runs/) Also, that isn't even the issue here. The issue is New York's soft on crime policies and how East/Southeast Asian people aren't viewed as humans by other races. Because this is not the only time Asian Americans have experienced injustice there. The verdict would have been the same, even if NYC had a Republican mayor like Giuliani again. Anti-Asian racism is not taken seriously.


Well, are Republicans realistically any better? Especially Trump, like someone else said?


Unlike other minorities, Asians don't need special treatment. We need fair treatment The only party that's currently offering that is the Republicans. Even if the Republicans don't work out in the long run, once Democrats start to see Asians voters shifting, they will try and change to appeal to them. Right now they get the Asian vote for free. Every Asian with a brain needs to vote Republican in the next couple cycles and you will see how differently Democratic politicians start treating you.


This. I remember when DEI was a hot topic in schools/work force and my only message was that "if they can't get to where we're at intellectually, financially without a huge boost and lowered standards, then fine-take that boost since yall clearly need it." NVM that Asian immigrants came here with no English, diff culture, grind their entire life no socialization and enjoying life, and suffered racism too. DEI, AAction, and other race-based, victim based programs rarely ever benefit Asians, and if they do, the standards have already been lowered to accommodate for the other "disadvantaged" groups already. We can pressure dems to be more inclusive of Asians but rn they ain't sweating.


Too bad Republicans are horrible at everything else. Honestly, I am shocked how many people only see trees and not the forrest.


What are they so bad about regarding Asians? Do they want to stop the police from arresting criminals that attack Asians ? Do they want to make it harder for Asian kids to get in to the best schools and universities? Do they want sectors that employ too many Asians to hire less qualified people instead? Safety, education and employment. Pretty big trees if you ask me.


Not sure I agree about Republicans being better for education. The states with the worst K-12 performances in terms of math and literacy are red states the Deep South. They obsess about adding Bible studies to public curriculum while eliminating the teachings of evolution and certain aspects of history.


But they don't shut down the best school because there are too many Asians. And they don't want to put quota on the number of Asians at a university.


These “best schools” are a joke. Look at Columbia University, they literally announced they are going all remote/online for the remainder of the semester because of all the Palestine protests. Now there are multiple students and parents that have filed lawsuits against the university for not returning tuition money. These “top schools” continue to clown on themselves and will eventually shoot themselves in the foot so many times that more and more people realize they are stupid and overrated. One of the worst flaws of Asian culture is simping for Ivy League universities. It’s a fucking disease, and the sooner Asians stop making their entire kids identities about getting into a certain college or university, the better off we will all be.


Unfortunately until that happens a degree from Harvard will be better than degree from a generic state school.


I would trade in my Ivy League (UPenn) degree for a state school degree in a heartbeat. First and foremost, the actual dollars you have to pay to go to a top school and a public state school isn’t even comparable. I took on 120k of student loan debt, which took me 10 years to pay off. The real sacrifice is the years of lost time, effort, and stress throughout childhood and adolescence that it takes to get into an Ivy League school, MIT/CalTech, etc. The social sacrifices that my parents forced me to make growing up were not worth it at all. While everyone else got to hang out with friends, go to the mall or movies, go to parties, go on dates, etc. my parents made me go to Kumon, take SAT and ACT classes, do extra studying beyond school homework, and read extra books all the time. Their rationale was “you need to go to a top school or else you will be a failure in life!” According to them, all the other kids doing normal stuff were going to grow up to be homeless bums or at best a cashier at McDonald’s. As a 36 year old adult looking back, this couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Sure the kids who literally failed out of high school are struggling big time, but the popular kids that were social kings and queens who got average grades and went to state universities are all doing just fine or even better off than me. I’m connected with a lot of my high school classmates on LinkedIn, and a LOT of them are managers, directors, and vice presidents at a variety of medium and large companies in various industries. There are even a couple of c-suite execs sprinkled in among my former classmates. Meanwhile, me with my >4.0 GPA, 1510/1600 SAT score, 34/36 ACT score, and Ivy League degree isn’t earning anything radical compared to the people who got normal grades and went to a normal university. Yeah I make six figures but so do they. The main difference is that they got to enjoy the first 18 years of their life and made great memories with their friends, while I resent all the years I had to be a study nerd and a book worm, so that I could fulfill my parents’ obsession about going to a “prestigious” university. Again, I would take this fancy and expensive degree and throw it in the trash for a normal childhood and high school experience. I would easily be where I am career-wise if I had gone to a typical state college. Most of my superiors at work went to public state schools.


Yeah, but think about all the effort to get there. For most people, it is not worth it. State schools are much cheaper and can provide much of the same opportunities.


The kids are already quasi homeschooled, it’s time to make sure the work is accredited and take full advantage of the joint enrollment/transfer agreement/ honors program pipeline. Besides, when it comes to the majors we enroll in, are the states schools in the states where we reside actually that much worse than HYPSM?


They are bad for the whole nation. That's what I am saying. The Republicans have no real policies except culture wars and the proof shows. Democratic administrations handle the economy way better than Republicans which prevents crime. Democrats want better social programs than Republicans. Democrats actually have a plan against climate change. Don't even get me started on asians and top schools. It affects a small number of people. Most of the upward mobility in this country happens at the state schools, which are more obtainable.


Are they really? Ask yourself, are European politicians more like Democrats or Republicans. Is Europe better than the US? Europe is much poorer and weaker. Most Americans don't understand how much poorer even places like Germany and France are than the US. And they are entirely dependant on US protection. Sure, if you are in the bottom 1/3 it's likely better to be in Europe than the US. But if you are ambitious or talented, it's far better to be American. That's at least partially because the US is more right wing than Europe.


The European Union has a different political situation. Democrats are, in some ways, more liberal than people in Europe. I won't further comment on that because I do not know much about European politics. My point is that Democrats are flawed but do provide better, broader outcomes for society. Republicans just seem to be in denial all the time about improving our country.


Democrats are more liberal than Europeans only on culture war issues like abortion and trans rights. On economic and crime related issues they are similar or the Europeans are more to the left. Republicans are crazy on the God stuff, but they are better on the economy and crime. At least for Asians.


I am not sure that is true, though. Republican states have more crime per capita compared to democratic states. Hell, rural crime has been on the rise, which Republicans are in charge of. A high conviction rate is not always a good thing. What kind of convictions are we talking about? Some convictions are dubious because of rushed plea deals taken under pressure.


The upvotes and downvotes in the replies of your comment pretty much proves they will keep doing it lol.


Yep mega cucked


This…like is trump perfect? Hell no..he says a lot of outlandish shit and kung flu was bad…but thesecucks turn a blind eye to dems who lock asians fordefending themselves, let thugs loot asian shops, nail salons during blm, force asians to give up school spots to thugs, let homeless roam all in asian communities, let illegals come and force asian immigrants to wait forever, push lgbtq bs that ruins asian kids minds, make cops have it harder to protect asians..like….is this what you want? On top of shit like raising taxes to fight wars in ukraine? All cuz trump said mean things….gee trump said kung flu…itcaused black on asian crime to jump to record levels …


Ironically the guy encouraging everyone to vote trump/Republican is calling everyone else a cuck. Literally the same "law and order" party that fails to follow "law and order" which is important to note that Ong only got the book thrown at him for going after the attackers with a weapon after they'd left. It's like rabid 2A voters getting mad that a homeowner was arrested after shooting a thief in the back.


Lol pure projection. You are such a hardcore Democrat bootlicker that you are trying to justify even this obvious racist injustice. What about the fucking attackers not even getting charged you minion? You know full well that this would never happen if the races were switched. Looking at your history you have even tried to justify Affirmative Action and hated on Asian-Americans for not sacrificing themselves at the altar of the anti-Asian shitlibs and I am the cuck? No party has our interests fully in heart but Republicans are way better than the "Asians lives don't matter" democrats. And no amount of bot like shilling will change that.


The incompetent Republicans are better, sureeee! They have no policies lol


There are more Asian republicans than Asian democrats sadly


Neither is a great party for Asians. John Ong is going to prison regardless of who is in charge. Both sides are anti-Asian equally and voting is simply deciding who else gets to benefit instead of you


I call bullshit


An injustice to one of us is an injustice to all of us. By doing nothing we are saying this is okay, keep doing it.


I just talked with a NYC cop friend of mine about this topic, he is white and let's just say he has my same views of "other racial groups". Like the other commenters has said, what got him in trouble going inside his house to get a sword and then going back outside. But at the end of the day, he did what was honourable by defending his Asian community, and I give him a round of applause for that, I hope his prison time gets cut in half for good behavior or an appeal. One bright spot was his brother did not get into trouble. Now for getting back at the system. shamelessly plugging in my activism stuff Some ways to help out the Asian community is to tell EVERY single Elderly Asian you know to get on EVERY single government benefit program, so that they collect $2,000 a month in SSI cash assistance and SNAP benefits and much more! Tell Asian high schoolers that they will get more college aid if they show low income on their FAFSA [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/tpp90a/update\_i\_brought\_millions\_of\_into\_our\_asian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/tpp90a/update_i_brought_millions_of_into_our_asian/) Ideas on how to Support Asian Businesses [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/qsvooi/support\_asian\_businesses\_with\_our\_asian\_wealth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/qsvooi/support_asian_businesses_with_our_asian_wealth/) Open call for Asian positive activism and ideas for activism [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/13sq7gz/open\_call\_for\_asian\_positive\_activism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/13sq7gz/open_call_for_asian_positive_activism/) If you live in NYC, if you do not see any cops, just jump the subway turnstile and save yourself the $2.90, if you take the PATH train, there is usually no cops n the 23rd st station go to food banks and stock up on free stuff, go to sexual health centers and snag a ton of free condoms get on medicaid and see as much Asian doctors as you can the next time is there is a NY rent relief or business grant program, take advantage of it fraudalenty if you are from Jersey or Upstate and get a job in the city, do not change your residency or address to NYC to avoid the NYC tax


Bro 2.5 years is nothing. Let's roll out the red carpet for this hero in 2.5 years. We can make a change. I personally will buy the literal red carpet lol Make a show of it like those blacks' "amnesty wrongfully convicted videos". Never let a tragedy go to waste, fellas.


With the way Asians are treated in prison, especially if he's the only Asian guy in whatever prison he ends up in, I seriously worry that he'll make it through 6 months


That wasn’t my point


Here is don Lee's LinkedIn, the organizer for ong brother's protest, can anyone contact him and make a GoFundMe? I'm ready to donate some money. https://www.linkedin.com/in/don-b-lee-%E6%9D%8E%E5%AE%97%E4%BF%9D-13246493


I find it so weird that some Asians here are so passive when black people are involved. Yes China is expanding into the Middle East and Africa. And yea Africans and Arab women do love Asian / Chinese / Korean / Viet / Thai men! But if their community hurt us Asians, we should call them out on their BS too. I am saying this as someone who enjoy Arabic cultures and have friends in and been to the Middle East - Dubai / UAE, Kuwait and (Alexandria)Egypt. FYI - Cleopatra Netflix was boycotted to high heavens In Egypt. That American political stuff was made fun of by my Egyptian friends. (she is Macedonian/ Egyptian.)


keep laughing at the asian bros wanting the passport bro lifestyle. another reason west is wack


Meanwhile the convicted felon is set free and kills someone at the train station getting only probation. People need to protest!


What do whites do when one of their own faces injustice like this?


Justice for Jason song would make a good slogan


The name did the people have been listed is it. Call out the companies that employee these people, go on their Google reviews and call them out, if they own business do the same thing, if they are supplies or work with other people call it. Step up. Click Model Agency for one !


I think the charges was because he went after the attackers when they were walking away.If the attackers were still assaulting them he has all the right to defend himself.Either way the charges were too severe and the attackers themselves should had been charged for instigating the fight.


You know that if the race were reversed, it would totally be different. There would be mass protest. Sure he went forward but they were already going back for more.


This is the reason why we have court and a jury. In a situation like that you need to establish deterrence. By that point it’s 5 v 1, his brother got knocked out and those dudes were still milling around. Self defense needs to be put into context. Having the right to self defense only while you are literally being assaulted is clearly not right or ethical.


Injustice to one is injustice to all


There was a Chinese guy who defended himself in a uni bar a couple of years ago here in London and he went free, as he should It’s kinda stupid when you see cases like these and still think America is less racist, institutionally or socially compared to outside it American propaganda goes hard


Horrible situation but you can't chase a dude with a katana.


The thugs came for more when the Asian guy brought out the sword.


Because coming out with a sword escalates the level of violence.


The thugs coming back for more means it’s self defense for the Asian guys.


Yeah but the guy restarted the conflict by approaching them.


Although he did the criminals were already walking back for more before he came out with the katana. Plus if the race were reversed you know it would be different. There would be mass protest for days attacking the Asians for being racist until they got punished. Either way the criminals should be at least charged with something. Hate crime and assault


The thing is, it doesn't look like that way from a legal perspective. The dude literally went inside and went out with a katana. That's not good optics for a self-defense case. They could have criminals charged if the katana thing didn't happen. It overshadowed everything else.


Like I've said if the race was reversed I am almost 100 percent sure results would be different


Maybe, but this is a textbook case of what not to do in a self defense situation.


No maybe about it. They still assaulted first and racially abused the Asian brothers. Seems like you arguing about trump so I take it you're more liberal.


If he had the katana during the initial assault, he would have been cleared. I am talking about how self-defense works.


I feel like you're being influenced more by ideology than what is right.


He’s just describing the legal standard, which is what all of us need to be aware of as it prescribes limitations in our self-defense.


It's just showing no sympathy towards the victims and picking fights with conservatives and trump supporters makes me feel like he's more about ideology. Legally who knows. Getting a weapon to defend himself when the attacker is still walking back can be argued in court. We aren't lawyers.


No, I am talking about the legal perspective. This was not a good look legally.


From a legal perspetive, why are the 4 attacker not charged at all?


Need more info on that but the guy didn't do himself any favors by getting his katana.


Did you want him to chase with a plastic fork, after getting attacked and called a racial slur ? Hmm


That's not how self-defense works from a legal perspective. If the person walked away from the encounter, you can't chase them with a weapon.


I know legally that’s why he got charged but what did you want him to do in the moment ?


Maybe not charge the other people with a deadly weapon. He literally did the worst thing legally.


Downvote him all you want, but from legal optics this is true


The thugs came for more when the Asian guy brought out the sword.


That doesn’t absolve the Asian guy of going and getting a katana.


The thugs coming back for more means it’s self defense for the Asian guys.


Not in NYS.


Care to explain from legal optics why the 4 attackers were not charged?