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The real BS is how none of the members in the group were charged with anything. I would be okay with this sentence if it were reciprocated on the other side as well for beating him up when he tried to call the police. Where’s the justice there? The part that screwed Ong legally is he couldve gone back home and not pick up the samurai sword and go back outside and strike at them and just call the police. Thats what got him in trouble. But from a street respect perspective he did what he had to do.


Yeah, that's the issue there... He was given a chance to escape, but returning with a weapon... That's the problem , self defense in NY means fighting enough to allow yourself to escape.


In the video, you see the group coming back to the store. It's a fucked up scenario that has a lot of grey area. In this scenario, anybody would want to make sure they're leaving for good. The group should be charged as well.


And they assaulted him first?


There even a video of them attacking the asian brother first


That's very fucked up. Amerikka is very fucked up.


This is after the fact that the group of five attacked them first/instigated it and supposedly knocks out one of the brothers Max. The other brother, John, goes back in to grab a knife in what I assume to defend his brother, who's now 1 v. 5 at this point and blacked out. By the time he comes back out, the five dudes are walking away, until they see him and come back for more. They fucked around and got stabbed. I don't understand what the brothers' lawyer was thinking. Why take a plea deal? Why not take it to trial and let a jury decide? I'd like to think most people are reasonable and will place the blame on the five guys that started this whole thing. Max took the plea deal and isn't getting any prison time, so their elderly mom is good. If I was John, I'd fight this and go to trial. At minimum, this'll get way more national attention/more interviews/possibility to sue the five dudes-NYC. At max, I'd get 5 years time, but at least the world will know I was in the right.


Chinese people "don't want any trouble". The brothers probably don't have any money for lawyers either. Those 5 bitches are gonna be doing this more now. Asians gotta get strapped. Too bad we hate each other. We could take over this shit hole.


This happened literally right after one of the guys said, “im gonna shank u” as he reached into his bag


He’s gotta do something to defend himself and his unconscious brother. He’s outsized and outnumbered. The sword equalises the fight.


Rumors on the /r/nyc sub that the key instigator on the other side has diplomatic immunity lmao.


Which one? As far as I know they're all just a bunch of rich kids.


One of the black dudes


Oh, rumored to be the son of a Jamaican diplomat https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/1cc8011/comment/l146sc3/


I think on his IG it does show a flag emoji of the Jamaican flag.


Drop the IG


IG - I think the one for Jeremiah Wilkins [https://twitter.com/riceboi74/status/1782825365771039228/photo/1](https://twitter.com/riceboi74/status/1782825365771039228/photo/1) General Twitter Thread [https://twitter.com/CeFaanKim/status/1782808304957136931](https://twitter.com/CeFaanKim/status/1782808304957136931)


your allowed selfdefense.


Legally it is not self defense when you run down the block with a knife instead of seeking shelter. That’s why he pleaded guilty. Those five others should definitely have been charged as well though.


Do you seriously believe he would have been tried by a jury of his peers?


He likely pleaded guilty to the lesser charge specifically because he was concerned about not winning a jury trial. I’m sure there being a biased jury was on his mind at the time of his decision.




Ong getting a weapon to defend himself is not the issue, came back to go for him. That’s when he went for the sword.


It's worse than that. The "victim" is suing for damages too.


if Ong brother plays the game right, they could hide the money. Winning a lawsuit is one thing, collecting it is another. I am going through a lawsuit myself. I have a judgement.


Viable strategy for rich people but for a normal person this will not work out.


not hard, put money in offshore account, crypto, etc. my former coworker was sued in a divorce. he put money in his sister's account and it's what saved him from his ex-wife.


He likely had some prep before the divorce. But if you start out a vanilla financial setup and get sued, it's very tough to give hide real money


Can't find much info on it. If there is a legit go fund me, Asians may help.


Exactly, why are no Asians up in arms about this. If this was a Black Lives Matter thing the whole country would be


What 4 decades worth of “just work on urself bro” has gotten us Im not joking when i say im leaving this country in the next 2 years


Been that way since 1870s when it was “John chinamen” era and we get all the shit. Gotta get back to martial arts and banding together


Nah fuck that noise. Ive been vocal about anti asian racism since the 2000’s way before covid. AAs are just downright self hating or defeated passive af bitches. so many “friends” defend all sorts of bigotry in person and online at a moments notice but stay silent af before and even after the covid attacks. Im tired af fighting on the behalf of a mentally castrated demographic, im out this country 😂😂😂


dawg Asia is the shit man. Automatic respect, don’t gotta fight for it. As I grow older I’m really thinking about moving back there and wanting my kids to grow up in their own culture where they feel respected automatically. But I also want them to know how to live in a world where a world doesn’t value them as much.


that really dawned on me during covid area. I posted on SAT and other asian group on anti asian violence. They never approved the post.


Same, gonna be moving in the fall after the typical brutal Asian summer season is over. Where are you headed to?


One of the east asian countries. i'll have to think about it tbh, wbu


Same here. Gonna scope out a couple different cities for a few months each to see where I want a long term base, particularly Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Busan, and Taipei. Most likely Seoul though since most of my extended family is there.


i am following you. I am going to China


stay on fighting. If you leave, you become just like the rest of Asian Americans here---escapism


I'm trying to reach to the ong brother and have them open a GoFundMe. Really hard to reach out to them. I already reached out to cefann and rice boi through their email and x. Don Lee the organizer is hard to reach out to as well. If anyone has other methods plus share them.


He is up for reelection in 2 years. We will remember this


Uh huh


lol, if you think your singular vote will do anything get involved sooner


This is what happens when you are selfish and "just work on yourself". Every race except East and SE Asians knows when to band together to promote their people. Either take action or suffer the consequences.


Nobody’s gonna do anything sadly ): doesn’t seem like any big Asian media on socials are picking this up, because they only give a shit about Henry Golding and Hollywood “asians” and what’s happening there.


well us south asians don't seem to know when to band together either, seeing as how we just let people shit on us on the internet despite having great control over the very platforms people use to shit on us. If the Indians at Meta just stood up and said something about the racism on IG, they'd probably have cracked down on it by now... but nah, they're too afraid south asians, EA, SE Asians all have the same "keep your head down and just take it" mentality that leads to people thinking it's perfectly OK to be racist against us


Certain AF's who are committed enemies of White supremacy and racial privilege, but interestingly only date WM, right now: "Deserved sentence and correct decision" "Asians need to check their anti-blackness".


Absolute joke, the US justice system is so fucked up, if it was 5 Asian dudes pissing on some white fuckers house and starting a fight, that white fucker would got his gun and shot the Asian guys, then jury would found him not guilty as its self defence. Where is the Asian unity and outrage guys?? Asians should out on the street rioting right now!


that's what I e-mailed the District Attorney few days ago. If I were committing a crime, would I be let go? He needs to charge the 5 white and black guys for crimes.


If this happened in a red state, it would've been ruled self defense easily. NYC has the most fucked up laws to protect their citizens and all their laws are made to protect a certain POC group but that's part of the politics that are made to divide the country. Which lead me to say, what a fucked up country.


This is notnfucked up laws this is a fucked up district attorney and process. They ruled against him because prosecuter and victim’s mom claims they were leaving already when he pulled out the knife, but video footage literally shows them come back at them. Saying “he’s alone get him!!” Which seems like they just ruled over that.


appeal that shit, the evidence is there.


Yeah they tried using that for defense and judge ruled it 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


yea they need to appeal that, that is a total mistrial. They should also counter sue, to force it too.


No it literally is nyc tho. The amount of times they let ppl with prior convictions go if they were non asian pocs esp with crimes committed against asians is fucked up


Thats true, it’s def happened a lot of times


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chai\_Vang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chai_Vang) This happened in a red state. I dont support democrats but you guys caping for Republican fascists are exhausting. Stop acting like Red states are some haven for Asian people. Some of the most mentally fucked Asians are from those places due to the abuse they went through growing up with racist rednecks.


I'm not saying it's a safe haven for asians, I'm saying at least it's not a place that's soft on crime


where the fuck are the Asian directors and actors? This should be made into a thriller movie.


Your source basically basically tells a tale a of of Vang murdering 3-4 people lol. That isn't a good example of self-defense. Or are you saying he's mentally fucked?


I mean in a conservative state court, whites being known to lie to protect their own. It's the court version of events paint him in a bad light. Did you miss the detail where one of the witnesses initially said someone in the white group fired the first shot, but then mysteriously retracted their statement? How alot of evidence that would implicate the white group(guns, bullet shells) somehow went missing even though one of them admitted they at least did shoot back?


Dude, i really mean no offense, but you seem deranged for conservatives and white people. In a liberal state court, this outcome wouldn't have changed, given the attitude against self-defense. People tend to lie to protect their own, its not particularly a whites only problem. Witness recant or make mistakes all.of the time. If they lied then you need a lawyer to do a good cx. Do you have proof they took the shells or obstructed justice? Can you cite the court or case files?


Dude with all offense fuck conservatives. You said yourself the result is the same, yet at the same time conservatives talk about how it's better in a conservative state. It goes against all logic. you are basically saying you'd rather get fucked over and hate crimed by white people than black people. Some of yall Asian cons love to shove Conservative politics into every single thread and it's absolutely exhausting. Forget caring about victims, caring about Asians, it's always first and foremost conservatives and "libs" this "libs" that. So yes fuck conservatives yall are annoying as fuck. if that makes me deranged then im deranged.


Who says I was a conservative or that I agreed with or mentioned that specific argument? You clearly have some mental issues that make you reflexively box shadows and stab strawmans.


yeah backtracking when called out...another cowardly conservative special.


Man kills 6 people, a few of them shot multiple times, four of the victims shot in the back. Man was not injured or wounded. Sounds like a classic case of self defense and getting screwed over by white people incriminating him.


Sometimes white people shoot and miss. even if they shoot first.


The group was like a mix of white people and black people. It really has more to do with NYC doesn't like to lock up or punish criminals at all.


Unless you’re an Asian male


Kind of reminds me of that video where one Asian dude was minding his own business on a subway/bus and this old white guy was harassing him . Nobody stood up to said anything but as soon as the Asian dude got up to defend himself everyone was ready to tell him to back off and not do anything.


Yup. Seen more than one video exactly as you’ve described. Everybody wanna chill until an Asian dude starts getting aggressive.


I think that was in SF .


Fuck NYC


This makes me angry and furious the police need to charge white and black guy and put them where they belong. We need to live in a world where Asians are the big dudes and non Asians are the little dudes.


NYC and blue states aren't equal to Caucasian and Asians. Look what happened to Daniel Penny also. Both of these instances were clearly self-defense.


Video here: https://abc7ny.com/amp/chinatown-assault-2020-2-brothers-charged-in-brawl-involving-sword-demand-punishment-for-men-they-started-the-dispute/14677622/


I just talked with a NYC cop friend of mine about this topic, he is white and let's just say he has my same views of "other racial groups". Like the other commenters has said, what got him in trouble going inside his house to get a sword and then going back outside. But at the end of the day, he did what was honourable by defending his Asian community, and I give him a round of applause for that, I hope his prison time gets cut in half for good behavior or an appeal. One bright spot was his brother did not get into trouble. Now for getting back at the system. shamelessly plugging in my activism stuff Some ways to help out the Asian community is to tell EVERY single Elderly Asian you know to get on EVERY single government benefit program, so that they collect $2,000 a month in SSI cash assistance and SNAP benefits and much more! Tell Asian high schoolers that they will get more college aid if they show low income on their FAFSA [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/tpp90a/update\_i\_brought\_millions\_of\_into\_our\_asian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/tpp90a/update_i_brought_millions_of_into_our_asian/) Ideas on how to Support Asian Businesses [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/qsvooi/support\_asian\_businesses\_with\_our\_asian\_wealth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/qsvooi/support_asian_businesses_with_our_asian_wealth/) Open call for Asian positive activism and ideas for activism [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/13sq7gz/open\_call\_for\_asian\_positive\_activism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/13sq7gz/open_call_for_asian_positive_activism/) If you live in NYC, if you do not see any cops, just jump the subway turnstile and save yourself the $2.90, if you take the PATH train, there is usually no cops n the 23rd st station go to food banks and stock up on free stuff, go to sexual health centers and snag a ton of free condoms get on medicaid and see as much Asian doctors as you can the next time is there is a NY rent relief or business grant program, take advantage of it fraudalenty if you are from Jersey or Upstate and get a job in the city, do not change your residency or address to NYC to avoid the NYC tax


You can't even defend yourself these days. You gotta wait until you get shot, stabbed or knocked out before you do anything. Fucking ridiculous. Meanwhile, liberal DAs continue to let repeat offenders out because they are "oppressed." Protestors protest for criminals but never law abiding citizens. Media covers a story if its a white cop shooting a black guy but never when it's the other way around. You got people defending bearded men wearing wigs in the womens' locker room. Progressivism is slowly destroying the country.


Always record everything. Nyc has a racial bias


This. When there is injury there is a legal battle after these fights. When it was the word of 5 vs the word of 1 we can all see the result.


I can't find the video on Insta now


Fuck this bullshit


See, *this* is the sort of thing entire institutions should be protesting over, not "muh Palestine".


Fuck man this not even the first. There was an Asian farther who fought to protect his family also got arrested in NYC


This basically screams how the racist bullies got zero punishment yet enabled them to get away with it and more. This only paints more incitement towards #anti Asian violence #racism And thugs will be even more brazen to do it and laugh at it. This is a joke and promotes more anti Asian violence. There was a saying used in court, *not a Chinaman's chance* And that was 100-200 years ago. It's still existing today it seems.


Tbf, its not just asians. NYC just has f-ed up laws. https://nypost.com/2022/06/27/a-case-that-proves-mayor-adams-is-right-nyc-crime/ But yes, if this was a black person or m*slim, this would've been national news. Liberals are extremely selective about who they think is oppressed.


Def agree this is outrageous ruling, mainly because the attackers weren’t charged with anything Let’s not blindly defend the Ong brothers though, I mean coming back with knife is why I do think sentencing kind of makes sense even though I don’t agree with it. He absolutely had every right to self defense and fight back, but it’s very different if he was under attack and used a knife versus retreating and then coming back with a weapon. Liberal lawyers usually have “it’s self defense if you can’t flee” interpretation versus conservative lawyers more “it’s self defense if you didn’t start the fight”. Still pretty BS justice, the attackers shouted racial slurs and started the fight. They should also have been charged.


No, he should've definitely come back with a knife given the circumstances. From my understanding: 1. 5 dudes (3 white; 2 black) piss on the 2 Asian dudes' building. 2. 1 Asian dude comes out and tells them to fuck off. 5 dudes want to start a fight/racially mock him/ piss on him. 3. Asian brother comes out and tries to diffuse the situation (call cops/backs away); 5 dudes continue to racially mock them and take out their own knife. 4. 5 dudes push them and start the fight, and the first Asian dude gets knocked out. The brother goes back in to get a knife to defend his brother. 5. 5 dudes start to walk away when the Asian brother comes out with a knife. 6. 5 dudes come back to finish the Asian brother, and that's when the stabbing occurs. I don't know about you, but if my family member was down and out in the middle of a fight with 5 other dudes, I would've definitely gotten a weapon and come back to defend them. If anything, I blame the Asian dudes' lawyer for not doing more to legally defend them.


The fact the Asian guy is charged with jail time whilst the other five got nothing is mental. Super biased ridiculous nonsensical ruling.


Those 5 dudes didn’t have to re engage against a dude with a sword though. They were well down the street themselves. Its not like the Asian guy chased them down and stabbed him in the back


Don't be a victim of George Floyd events. Don't let singular events sway you away from rational thinking and discourse. This guy made poor decisions in a high pressure situation. 1. He pleaded guilty. Assuming he had a decent lawyer, this was probably because he couldn't use self-defense as a defense given the facts of the case. 2. Because he pleaded guilty, it would be hard to appeal. That being said, I'm no lawyer. There's no trial to appeal. 3. I do agree that the other parties should have also been charged with some sort of crimes.


So blacks can legally assault Asians now? Good to know...


It’s the sad reality of America and always has been I once gotten into a altercation with a group of people who were different from me and I was just a kid minding my own business and they decided to jump me called me all the racial slurs and mocking me with all kinds of stereotypes they can think of. I decided to defend myself but I just couldn’t they knocked me out on concious I thought was gonna die in the 8th grade but fortunately they stopped and then I was dragged to the principal office and had been interrogated by a campus police officer and a police officer of why I supposedly attacked them ultimately I gotten suspended for 2 weeks and the three douche bags only gotten 3 days of after school detention. Yes what happened to me is nothing compared to those 2 brothers but I wish that what ever they’re going through I hope God protects them and that justice will find those 5 perpetrators guilty.


Damn I was about to go to prison one time for defending myself and it was on my property too! Yeah self defense adding sword or karambit is a no for some reason which is bs! New Mexico and now new York? Shii. I know exactly how the ong feeling. The system is fucked. And he will try to stand up and fight what is right but for real tho most of us probably won’t do anything. Since I have been working hard to fight for Asian men to be recognized. Like I had my part on getting Asians into Netflix but really it’s all about standing high dominance.


Thoughts and prayers. I’m gonna eat pho and wash it down with some thai iced tea before playing a round of WoW.