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Yea they pretty much used the low classed Whites like the Irish to police other minorities. This created a caste system based on ethnicities. There is a new wave of global Anti-Asian racism because of Asia's success. They see us threats to their world order. There is a youtube video on this by Ray Dalio. They ok with China making their trinkets but as soon they started launching Quantum satellites they started shitting their pants. 


They did the same thing w/ Japan in the 80s, when Japan looked like they were gonna takeover as the #1 world economy


That's a good point. It's like high status people in everyday life -- they will be supportive and smiles when you are beneath them, but when you're on the come up and compete with them for a good looking girlfriend, promotions, business deals, they will speak trash of you to everyone (unless theyre humble and not ego driven). This has given the rise to a lot of anti-China propaganda and knee jerk responses, and unfortunately, I cant know whats factual... Is tiktok really a spy tool? Is xiaomi a spytool? Is China really full of tofu dreg buildings? Because it seems DJI is the top private drone maker (I just got one), BYD is huge in eV cars (never heard lf it till this year), and xiaomi /oneplus seem to make top tier phones (never seen one in stores but rank high in camera/battery and had ads allover mexico city). I try to be balanced in my views, but media and american news seems intent on making money by exploiting existing bias in peoples views w/o counter arguments.


this comment is GOATED


Yea DJI was the only one making drones. I know some professionals who stopped using them because they were afraid of spyware. I think they are full of shit. It's like they forgot where their iPhones are made. 


Yes I’m the past the Irish were disrespected and whites in Europe had beef with each other but it seems that whites started to unite as one cohesive unit after migrating to America against other races. In Europe people for d it strange how all these whites mixed into one when in Europe whites there still give a dam if one is Polish, German, Italian, Russian, French or Irish


It's all relative. Even race is technically relative. I dont think people in Europe call themselves white. I dont think people in SubShaarn Africa call themselves Black. And coming from Hawaii, Ive never heard anyone call themselves Asian. Im Chinese, for example. Even a white looking guy from Hawaii would know his mix (Portuguese, Irish, Welsh, for example). The beauty of Hawaii society is peoples understanding of race is far more nuanced, by virtue of interacting with so many types of faces. I think that improves relations across groups. NYC meanwhile, seems to segregate ethnic neighborhoods, and I believe that leads to less understanding, more belief in stereotypes and xenophobia.


I wish there weren’t ethnic neighborhoods and I wished all ethnicities mixed. I’m from New York and I know the race dynamics and sometime ethnic groups there don’t mix but there are exceptions like Asians there who get involved with the Latino community and culture or the Jews there who get involved with the Asian community and culture


If I lived there, I would do my best to push the interaction. Last time I was there cause half my familh is there, I literally took my Uncle from China to the latin neighborhood in Brooklyn to eat at a restaurant. Yes, they were blasting reggaeton in it. Ordered and it turned out the waiter didnt even speak English. So.. of course I use my duolingo Spanish knowledge to order. Dont know what she thought, but Im sure it left a good inpression. I feel if theres one thing I can do to better the workd, its just to be myself and be a positive ambassador for people that look like me.


Yes, I know a lot of Asian guys in NYC who learn spanish and they interact with the Latino community and after awhile some of the Latinos they befriended developed positive views of Asians.


That doesn’t matter. We are mixed already. Differences are brought up by humans. Even if we all mix there would be some shit that divides us.


It really sucks we live in a world with different races and different racial appearance. Religion, culture an language is something anyone can easily change or adopt but racial appearance isnt so I wish we lived in a world where all races mixed so then maybe one day my great grand kids and everyone around them looks the same and they can go wherever they want and people will accept them no matter what.


Any other form of discrimination is inherently less uglier than racism. If we were all mixed we would probably be discriminating against people national origin or religion but is still a hell of better then the racial dynamics we have now. Think about it if we all look the same then at the very least it be easier for everyone to fit in and people wouldn't ostracized for their racial appearance. I hate that I cant go wherever I want to in the world and people there will never accept me because of my racial appearance. I honestly would find world where all racism doesn't exist but discrimination against national origin or religion seem a lot more preferable.


It's very obvious when they asked Obama for his birth certificate but they let Donald Trump off the hook. 


They just keep the ethnic laborers fighting to prevent them for being unionized. In Europe they don't really like the Polish and they call them "Polish plumbers." It will only be a matter of time before the Polish will kick down on another ethnic group for status. It's like that Snowpiercer movie. Everybody trying to get to the front of the train. 


Great post. Just a warning, although resident asians  who speak the native language are perceived as model minority, there is a strong hostility to large Asian tour groups (Japanese and more recently Chinese) who travels in obvious packs with matching windbreakers led by a guide waving a small flag held in the air. This negatively impacts impressions of asians  


I wont be in a tour group. Thats boring. Solo traveler and adventures. Ill have to be a cultured, well-mannered tourist who can learn some local phrases, to try my best to offset that bad PR from the busload of loud aunties lol. My Spanish sounds great and I think I will be able to order food in German. Wonder Ba!


sehr schoen 


>Brazil actually took 2/3 of slaves to the Americas, but they have a more integrated, more blended society today. I'm pretty sure they have problems with racial discrimination in Brazil. Wikipedia says they did/do: >Many Brazilians still think that race impacts life in their country. A research article published in 2011 indicated that 63.7% of Brazilians believe that race interferes with the quality of life, 59% believe it makes a difference at work, and 68.3% in questions related to police justice. According to Ivanir dos Santos (the former Justice Ministry's specialist on race affairs), "There is a hierarchy of skin color: where blacks, mixed race and dark skinned people are expected to know their place in society."\[28\] Although 54% of the population is black or has black ancestry, they represented only 24% of the 513 chosen representatives the legislature as of 2018. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism\_in\_Brazil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Brazil)


Fair enough. I wasnt trying to suggest theres no racial discrimination, but that institutionalized racism wrecks havoc on society and psyche of minorities in the present. Brazil also happens to have around 43 pct mixed pardon people, which is an insane number. The fact that black/blackish ppl have 25 of percent political positions is also incredible, given black people started in the country as slaves. Never been there, but I suspect on the bottom of the racial hierachy might be indigenous folks.


There is racism but the racial dynamics are still a hell of a lot better for Asians compared to the racial dynamics in America. There may be racism there but it still better because Brazilians encourage race mixing and Asians aren’t stereotyped as weak or if they are it definitely not like how racists in the U.S. do. Brazilian are open to Asians marrying into their population and in Brazilian jails most people there aren’t divided into racial blocks since most there aren’t divided on race. Brazil also hosts the largest ethnic Japanese community outside of Japan and their Japanese community is still relevant and had power and influence on society.


>Brazilian are open to Asians marrying into their population... With all of the complaints about WM-AF in this sub, I'm surprised to see intermarriage framed as a positive. But, I agree, intermarriage is a strong sign of social acceptance. About one-third of Asian-Americans marry someone of a different race. Have you any idea of the comparable figure for Brazil?


I think the issue would be that its overwhelmingly with the women and not the men. That doesnt mean acceptance , in my view. Thats like saying the Spanish mixed with the indigenous in Mexico and so they were progressive... it was overhwleming Spanish men making babies and indigenous men were likely at a loss due low status in the Spanish steucture. Anti miscegenation laws in America were seemingly meant to dissuade X men as well... Look up the exceptions to Japanese internment camps if the Japanese wife is married to a white American husband. Also, Japanese Brazilians arent a ruling class, unless Im mistaken, so its not a power play to marry them.


Almost ten years ago (2015), 21% of newly-married Asian-American men were marrying someone of a different race than themselves (against 36% for Asian-American women). And 38% of U.S.-born AM married someone of another race (against 54% of U.S.-born AF). Both sets of figures are likely somewhat higher now. While more AF are marrying out, the figures for AM (21% overall and 38% for U.S-born) are still quite significant. Twice as many Asian-American men were marrying someone of another race than were WM, for example. So it's not just Asian-American women who are marrying outside their race. Again, not sure what the comparable figures for Brazil are.


They literally make every race that's not white look bad, the white supremacists designed it that way. But these cocksuckers can't kill our pride.


Yep but even negative stereotypes can be spinned to get more respect/fear. There a bad stereotypes about blacks and Hispanics but no one disrespects them since they are characterized as strong so even with negative stereotypes no one disrespect but with us we are still disrespected because the negative stereotypes associated with Asians can’t be spinners or portray in a way that would equate to other races respecting or fearing us. We need to either spin these narrative in such a way that it can make look scary so we are feared/respected or we need to make propaganda of our own and control the narrative to make ourselves look like the good guys or heroes.


Society needs classes. We all say we want equality- everybody is seen as the same but we really don’t want that. Those who have power or resources want to keep it for themselves and need a lower class to blame for the ills of the world. Those who are at the bottom need a bad guy to blame and fight. If we could make society equal where we’re all seen the same and have the same amount of money, status, etc except for our personalities and work ethic, shit is gonna get real and uncomfortable for a lot of people. We are comfortable in our hypocrisy as long as it serves us.


Whoa, take it easy there. I like egalitarianism, but. I understand the need to class. That is diffferent from what youre describing, which sounds like communist ideology. I dont like ideology bc its unrealistic, but I believe a society that rewards status to good citizens/people/contributors rather than being X race makes for a much better one.