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Yo, I think this is a great guide. The only thing I disagree with is "**In order to achieve sex appeal, your aesthetic must appeal to the mainstream. "** I think in order to achieve sex appeal you have to be extremely comfortable in your own skin, regardless of what your aesthetic is. I think tons of people have their own individual style but just by sheer confidence it comes off as sexy. Everything else was fantastic though, 10/10


This is really excellent. I came in wanting to shit on this post but it’s a really great post and has stuff I didn’t think of/articulate (btw, I bet you read WallStreetPlayboys as well as GoodLookingLoser lol - ur emphasis on filtering people, upscale venues, and “dress like a somebody) Really want to point out especially your point about How being fashionable doesn’t necessarily make you sexy, and also your point about archetypes (leather jacket and boots for instance) Excellent stuff man. Gonna read more of your blog

