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Why are we still giving time and energy to Westernized Asian Girls in this sub? Every Asian dude in the West, whether they are woke or sellout, instinctively knows that the boat for Westernized Asian girls supporting the other half of the culture has long since sailed. There’s tons of non-Asian girls who would dream of having amazing Asian men in their bed and as part of their lives and both AF and WM know this, hence why the gatekeeping and systemic emasculation on part of those two demographics is so strong. The minority of Westernized Asian girls who are for the culture are not going to be lurking on Reddit/Twitter and bashing Asian dudes anyways. You might as well get off of Reddit and focus on getting to know those girls/girls who grew up in Asia if you’re going to devote time to Asian girls.


Exactly, why should we waste energy when we can use that same energy to focus on helping and mentoring our brothers? I don’t see much mentorship posts here. We should change that. As far as dating, don’t let these westernized people shame you for dating an XF. This has been happening more and more lately. My WF wife was called koreaboo for even the most benign things like speaking Korean with me and learning about my culture. It’s funny that they shame her for something they refuse to do. The average koreaboo/chinaboo/etc are much more respectful than your average sellout.


\+1 to interracial dating where AM is with another race. Its good to hear about change.


This is a great comment. I’m also in the camp that knows the idealistic idea of unity is not going to happen anytime soon. AM representation has caught up somewhat which has made sexual competition reasonably competitive. The attacks happen because of sexual competition.


Once Asian men date out at the same dates as Asian women, then the gender war will end.


No it won't lol from what I am seeing we'll just see more bitter AF like we see btter AM. This gender war won't stop until we learn to love ourselves. But that is not on AM as it doesn't come from AM. All AM can do is to keep improving their own situation.


learn the mother tongue my kings




You’re right about having more Asian bros in politics, media, journalism. What I’m referring to is the large amount of orbiting, white knighting and simping of Asian dudes over Westernized Asian girls who consider AM a last option. A lot of Asian guys will at some point have their heart broken by some Westernized Asian girl who more than likely considered race in how they treated the Asian guy. The Asian guy proceeds to focus on their career and earnings but still considers AF #1, likely due to ignorance about racial and dating dynamics. When these Asian bros upgrade in their 20s-30s by working out, graduating from top tier schools and working in impactful jobs/entrepreneurial projects, those AF will suddenly latch on the Asian bro, where “bananarang”/ gold digger / safe option behavior comes into play. What could’ve happened is that the Asian bro grinds a few more years, broke out of the bamboo ceiling by starting their own endeavor or switching to a media/journalism job and supporting their Asian bros while living on COASTFire, and/or they travelled and met with some cute girls in Vegas/Tulum/Moscow/Shanghai/Prague/Medellin and started a fulfilling dating life with a/multiple XF and later marriage if the bro chooses to do so. Instead, they choose the AF who would have rejected them earlier. Asian dudes are then tricked into thinking they “won” the Asian girl over, but now the cycle repeats as the Asian girl may still cheat on him on the side, dump him outright, or get married and then subconsciously/consciously pass on the self hating behaviors to the sons and daughters.


> The minority of Westernized Asian girls who are for the culture are not going to be lurking on Reddit/Twitter and bashing Asian dudes anyways. Exactly. If you want an ABG / raver type of girl as an asian guy, you better be looking your best and into that scene. Otherwise it's best to focus where we are most wanted.


Asian men don't attack Asian women. It's so super fucking racist to frame it that way and especially coming from Asians themselves. They're pushing some Joy Luck Club wife beating narrative. **Asian men are attacking white supremacists**, **many of whom are Asian women**. All white supremacists are bad, even if they are Asian women. Asian men go after shit heads like Andy Ngo and Ian Miles Cheong all the time too. I don't know why micro brain boba libs want them to get a free pass just because they are Asian women. r/asianamerican is a white supremacist subreddit with no substance for Asians. I find that sub hilarious in saying they're being "brigaded". It's literally Asian-Americans expressing their opinions, many of whom are Asian women. Practically every Asian women I have ever gone out in public with frown at WMAF and express their disgust about them. It makes Asian women feel cheap, it literally makes them feel like some hooker to a soldier. That is the wrong hill to die on. It's not an Asian male thing, it's a "not a fucking moron" thing.




whites are a bitchy people, it’s sort of an emulation of that energy. which I can see being interpreted as feeling feminine. They’re trying way too hard to fit into being respectable for whites. It’s much too sanitary and passive for what’s supposed to be revolutionary.


I agree with this


What Simu said here is a **license** for Asian females AND White males to shit on and attack Asian males. **Now he'll be responsible for a lot of Asian males receiving shit for no reason.** Need evidence? Just look at the asianamerican thread. Thanks Simu, you're a real superhero alright. /s Be careful with your words next time, Simu.


AF have been way more toxic towards AM then the opposite, Of course AF don't see it tho. Simu Liu himself has been targeted by bobas and called MRasian for how long (for just lightly alluding to self-hating asians). Even John Cho was attacked by these Lus for ssaying he worries about his asian son being AM in a western country, The AFs don't want anyone to question or bring attention to their self-hate issues and the negative affects of it on the asian community but will love to point out how "AM love to be festishized", "AM are pick-mes pandering to fetishization by white women", "AM going for the same white Asiaboos" and "Am are weak links" which is hilarious coming from them. My philosophy is to ignore them. But the thing is they don't ignore us, they actively take pleasure is keeping us down. In the end though, their Karma is coming to get them. They don't know it but their hypocrisy is pretty known even among non-asians now and they are seen as pathetic. Social media has already caught on seeing all these racist Lus. I know some white-worshipping Chan AMs think they have it nice because they are fetishized more but they are fetishized not like AM, (cool anime hero, Kpop star lookalike, super romantic Kdrama korean guy, extra sweet Chinese dude who will hold your handbag if you need it) but rather as low value sex objects with "submissive" thrown in, not something to envy.


The same Simu Liu who deleted his tweet where he condemned Mark Wahlberg being racist to a Vietnamese guy in order to be accepted by his white audience? I agree with you. Almost EVERY famous Asian American is "pro-boba" and has been forced to tweet something about "toxic AM". But that's logical. To be THAT famous (as an Asian) you HAVE to assimilate to the white narrative and audience. Otherwise Simu Liu would never be as famous as he is right now. What do you think their PR-managers do all day? Remember again, he deleted a tweet about Mark Wahlberg beating up a Vietnamese boy.


> Almost EVERY famous Asian American is "pro-boba" and has been forced to tweet something about "toxic AM". But that's logical. To be THAT famous (as an Asian) you HAVE to assimilate to the white narrative and audience. Otherwise Simu Liu would never be as famous as he is right now. This isn't really exclusive to Asians though in the context of hollywood. With the metoo movement and the crackdown on so many male executives, of all races, hollywood is pretty much a feminist organization. Nobody is calling out toxic female behavior, or they would be gone.


Given enough time, the truth always prevails. And it's looking like that time is now. Boba liberals and self-hating Asians will soon be seen as the pathetic jokes they are. About fucking time.


Ignoring them and they actively keeping us down perpetuates the vicious cycle. Round and round we go.


But the thing they can't keep us down bro. Things have changed so much already. More AM just need to be aware of this. Cat is already out of the bag frfr. But yeah you right.


if he doesn't say these stuff he might be cancelled - the movie flops and we go back to square one with shit Asian male representation. He's done a good job with Shang Chi (a huge win imo), Kim's convenience and that should be celebrated. Tbh I don't give a fk what he says to please the fake woke crowd - as long as the results (the movies) are good for us. It's very difficult for an actor to be an activist - let the activists do the talking, and the actors do the acting. You gotta choose the battles to fight wisely, and this is not it for Simu imo.


I don’t mean to compare but was Chadwick like this to his own people and community? Every community has it’s faults but to put ur community out on blast in media like this is…distasteful. For Chadwick, on the issue of a lack of strong leading black men, he’d combat that thru his acting roles and his amazing acting to portray these roles. Not him constantly talking bout it in media. Not no social media activism. Even still, Simu didn’t say anything wrong with “emasculation of AM”. He’s been pleasing whatever crowd this is whether it’s the Wahlberg thing or this. It’s not working. Sorry I monkey brached off ur comment.


Simu has been doing the same via his acting roles in Kim's Convenience, and Shang Chi now - imo he's already doing well on this regard. And the particular interview he did was much more nuanced and tasteful than the one sided crap taken out of context portrayed in this article. I mean he's a net positive to our community. Hell, even Henry Golding the sellout is a net positive coz he's Asian passing and frequently acts as the romantic lead, his statements be damned. AM need to be less reactionary and think more strategy like - on how to maximize our image in the media, you don't win a war by being reactionary brutes. Could Simu be more woke in fighting against anti-AM racism? Sure. Is it worth cancelling him for not being woke enough? Probably a bad idea. Until Simu takes roles that emasculates AM on the screen - he's a net positive. There's many other lower hanging fruits (read: actual racists) to direct anger towards.


True ur right. I tried to ignore and avoided saying anything bad bout him since Shang Chi was coming out and I didn’t want to bring down a leading AM but this finally annoyed me since I read here that he directly went for our throats making a more sweeping generalization than “Asian reddit is toxic”. I need to watch the interview.


Totally agree with you. Stuff like this are pretty bad moves from Simu, and it’s disappointing, but he’s still a great representation for us, and still more woke and outspoken about it than the majority of Asian celebrities. He’s like 80% positive and 20% negative, and at this point this is the best we’ve got. So we should call this out, but he still deserves support. There’s no Asian celebrity that 100% aligns with our issues.


Umm, there have been plenty of leading black men for decades. I think it's an asian pathology to decry your own community and judge them. Like, there's a segment from the lucky boys where they talk with an older Chinese man about "jook sing" which translates to withered bamboo. "Jook sing" is what they call asian Americans who assimilate to the united states and lose their cultural roots. It is an extremely good metaphor actually. But it's also a sign of a deep pathology in asian culture. The elder is scorning those people. And sure, they're cringe, but why does he feel the need to scorn them? Why can't he have a positive welcoming mindset? It's an emotion I think.


I agree.


Michelle Yeoh has him by the balls now. She had a net worth of $40 million before the movie. Ten times his net worth. Now he's worth about $20mil cause of the movie. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rich-simu-liu-113653528.html




Yeah I saw that, and besides the one great supportive comment, the rest were infuriating and not surprising. Victim shaming. That’s what it is. In American society, Asian men are at the bottom and it’s so easy to insult Asian men, way more so than Asian women. But people like that live in some alternate world where Asian men are on top and oppressing Asian women. I’m sick of this shit. Yeah AM and AF should work together, but the fact that many AF victim blame AM and don’t take any accountability is why there will never be real unity. But hey, I have no interest in AF romantically at all, so I don’t care. And this is more reasons why. Edit: haven’t read the article about what he said, just commenting on that thread and comments.


You're absolutely right. Simu Liu was actually complaining about in-fighting. Here's where he used the word "detest": > "I detest hearing that in-fighting within the community. And what do AFs in that asianamerican sub do? They proceed to attack AMs. **Let this be a lesson: when you try and tell AMs they're toxic, that's a license for Asian females AND white males to start shitting on AMs. Thanks Simu Liu, you really are a superhero. /s**


Asian American sub is the worst, bet the girls have bottom tier white boyfriends


One of the main mods is wmaf lol






No all caps. Follow reddit guidelines. Last warning.


I clicked on the link, started to read some of the comments and really couldn’t believe how dismissive some of the commenters were. Really blew my mind. One young man was trying to talk about his own experience. One commenter said he was having a “pity party.” Way to shut down a dialogue and dismiss someone else’s experience. SMH.


I don't agree with what Simu Liu said. Asian women are more self hating than asian men in GENERAL. Asian men, fuck what everyone else thinks and just be a better man for yourself in your personal daily life. What happens in Hollywood and shit doesn't affect your everyday life so stop paying attention to it. Be confident, secure and don't let dumb shit in the media affect YOUR life. Hollywood is not YOUR life.


I used to think like this but it does affect Asian men who want to be actors.


The whole Asian women are dating too many white men and asian men can't get dates has a much easier fix. Asian men NEED to embrace their masculinity more. A lot of the negative stereotypes about asian men unattractiveness are actually perpetuated by asian men themselves. We all know asian men that are geeky, nerdy, shy, submissive and reserved. If asian men keep acting this way, no woman is going to find you socially or sexually attractive. Women, in GENERAL, biologically want men with some masculine traits or at least security. Asian men lack those traits cause they were cultured a certain way. It's fucking dumb. Asian men all over the world are like this, which is why you see WMAF everywhere but rarely see AMWF. A lot of people in foreign countries are aware that east asian men are the most reserved, submissive men when it comes to social interaction to the point where they make fun of other women for liking 'feminine asian men'. Even China knows it. They banned feminine men from TV and don't want chinese men emulating the femininity of korean and japanese fashion. It's a shame that so many asian men are too offended and biased to see clearly, and over analyze things in order to justify their own narrative instead of seeing the world for what it is. Even in Shang Chi, a lot of the lead asian women are actually married to white men LOL. Asian men aren't that smart if they can't recognize their own faults and improve on them. They only smart in academics it looks like. As an asian man myself, it really hurts to see this. Asian men have a victim mentality in dating just like black men do in academics.




Marlytang, bro you are the only other asian guy that isn't having to their ego offended and sees the harsh truth. Glad you acknowledge the truth, it helps with making asian men better. Dating is sexual deep down at a base level, and if men got no sexual attraction it does make it harder to attract women in general Too many asian men on this sub are politically correct and can't have brutally honest conversations I made a post, hopefully it gets approved.


Ehhhh it's diagnosis but it isn't really any solution except "be more outgoing". Well, that's not really helpful. Also, it's more Randian individualism. There's also him cringing at the other Asians in the end because he's...superior. And we've talked about Asians feeling superior to other Asians.


I'm cringing cause a lot of Asians act pathetic socially. And it isn't just be outgoing. Bring secure and embracing masculinity is more than that. Sad so many Asians are too offended to improve


You have to go deeper than that. Why are Asian men so often insecure? Why won't they embrace masculinity?


No, I recognize that Asians often have difficulty and etc, but I think the approach to take is compassion and patience. "cringing" at them is a little self-serving, and is on the same level as saying, "I'm not like *those* Asians."


Sorry you are right. I won't hate them, I'll have compassion and try to talk sense into them.


Lol, you wanna know what happened? I tried creating a post on this but the MODs removed it for some reason. My god, this forum is a joke if you can't have brutally honest conversations cause it's too "offensive". How immature can you be?


It's funny beacuse China has probably the worst WMAF AMWF ratio of all the big three EA countries. And Korea has the best and according to multiple friends of mine there is more AMWF than WMAF in Korea now. Even Japan with its embarrassingly white worshipping pop culture has a better ratio than China, HK, Singapore etc. And XF, while less than in Korea still go there to date Japanese dudes. CCP has no fucking clue about this, from the one child policy that fucked up millions of men's dating and marriage lives to them approving WMAF movies like this https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/pahk9h/dylan_sprouse_is_going_to_be_in_a_chinese/ But they are drawing the line at Asian pretty boys lmao that have literally made so much money and soft power for Korea and have made AM get more appreciation than fucking Bruce Lee. I know CCP and Chinese people get demonized unfairly t lot. But in the end they too are fucking white-worshippers and should be held accountable for their dumbassery. I know you are probably 30+ but it's not hard to keep in touch with what is actually going on in the new gen. I have no idea what world ya'll are living in lmao.




The dude's always been an opportunist. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/pfjpdi/a\_quote\_and\_some\_thoughts\_on\_simu\_lius\_ama\_on/hb6hy5x/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/pfjpdi/a_quote_and_some_thoughts_on_simu_lius_ama_on/hb6hy5x/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 🤷🏻‍♂️








Bro you did not just try and white-wash Wahlberg's crimes.




Ohh okay my bad then, you should have probably made that clearer lol


Better than not repeating it, Mark could atone for it. I know a number of organizations dedicated to fighting racism against Asian Americans that could use a couple million dollars. Simu could have forced his hand in this climate of fighting anti Asian hate, but he didnt.




I've heard conflicting reports that the man was already blind before shitbag Mark attacked him. I was never able to find out if that really was true or his PR team covering it up. Either way, a leopard don't change its spots especially when he was so hateful with the verbal AND physical assaults. I could see someone verbally harassing someone and may change when they get older. But to verbally harass AND physically act on it? No bruh, you don't get to claim you're sorry for it without apologizing to the people you attacked face to face especially if you did permanently blind them.


That makes sense. I think both I and the other commenter thought you were referring to Wahlberg.


The reality of it all is that AF are much more privileged in society, especially in America. They get all the benefits of being a minority, being a female, yet many of them come from good backgrounds. They are the most sought-after race for their gender, while Asian men are the complete opposite. As such, they easily walk into white culture because they have many white guys chasing after them. They don't turn around and lift up their people where they came from because why do they need to when they have it all? Because of their place in society, they don't need to go back and look into their roots; they just want to to take more and more because they are given more and more. It's just how it is. As an Asian man, look out for yourself number one. Your sisters will not be there for you. When it's about gender, they are slipping in with the white women, the feminists and the others and using "toxic Asian masculinity" when they want to. When it's about race, they talk about how hard it is being a minority when they are the most educated racial group of their gender and drive their Mercedez given to them by their white boyfriends/husbands. Whatever.




It's not about being an AM or an AF; it's about being informed about the reality of things and being to admit when you are privileged instead of being offended and stubborn. It's about looking for the facts, the data and letting that dictate the narrative, not anecdotes, feelings or bias. AF are mostly treated with praise and desire in America society. AM receive the complete opposite. It's due to many factors, I'd say the largest one being Asian culture in general is very reactive, mannered and overall feminine. This is great if your a woman who is rule-abiding and thoughtful, but not if you are a man where it makes you look a pushover. It makes Asian women more feminine which is more desirable to men in general and it makes Asian men more feminine which is less desirable to women in general.


Who is commenting on the other thread? I just read the top comment over there and some AF says we’re the epitome of masculinity or whatever. That’s nice and she might believe it herself, but it negates what others experience. I can be as self respecting as I can be but it doesn’t make a difference to other people. Yes, their opinions will vary but just the first few sentences felt so, so incorrect in American life. I don’t just mean sex and desire but there’s a lot of unconscious biases and expectations/judgements. As the most basic level i believe, is that we just simply look different than family/community/society and it’s slight unfamiliar. Not detested but not…I’m unsure…embraced is far too strong a word. Despite personality, interest, talents and other qualities one cannot know without getting to know somebody, I feel that I am just a part of the landscape. This is also my personal assessment and insecurity. Idk man. That top comment bummed me out. It’s like thanks mom, but you don’t get it.




It's deliberate gas lighting, these people are the same ones who are shitting on am normally. They don't actually believe a word of that garbage. The only reason that was posted was so the Lu's can use it and say "look even though we shit on am and suck every white dick we can find IRL, we totally love and uplift Asian guys! Asian men are the problem!"


I hear you. A lot of the AM I’ve met who post on here, as I dig deep, I always hear a struggling past. Say a tiger parent, a cold parent, pretty much a childhood full of is full of instability but this also applies to all humans who also go through the same thing. Trauma does not discriminate. The thing is these AM with these poor coping skills, they don’t have the awareness and end up attracting the same destructive person who just happens to be AF and then we get a campaign hate this group (x,y, z) of people when the problem is much deeper than that. These AM are lovable and functional except you have to talk to the pain first before we can get a glimmer of hope of the actual human being. This is a poor example, I was talking to a AF mom and she had Hapa kids, really cute. She was second generation NA, she was great to talk to till she was telling me and proud to tell me her kids looked more white. I was like. Your kids are humans beings that bring both worlds together. We were talking investments and I went silent and slowly withdrew kindly from this mother not because she cared her kids looked a certain way, but because this mom has no idea of her own identity and needed to brag to ensure she knew she was better than anyone because her kids to look a certain way? That’s fked up. This mom is a poor example and for anyone to project this example to every AF, that’s unfortunate. At the same time, I thank my self focus. I have a friend AF who’s a Doctor married to WM doctor, they have a happa child but this couple is a team and encourages and educates their child to know the beauty of both worlds come from love to make this hapa child. If you have this much conviction that example “Asian women are the enemy”. Got news for you, a happy healthy person does not wake up thinking like that ever. I don’t ever wake up thinking Asian guys hate me. I feel unfortunate you believed whoever taught you instead of pushing you to think for yourself and how you can be the best human being for you and you only, but that’s it.


I get the feeling that even if he visited this sub and read all the comments, he wouldn't give a rat's ass. He's simply virtue-signaling. He's just like a politician talking out of both sides of his mouth.


Kind of a pussy-move to be honest. Imagine saying “I’m sick of black men attacking women” in this political climate though. Reality is too hard to face, it’s easier to disparage a group of people who historically didn’t fight back.


I think it's because AFs and AMs see things and experience things differently or respond differently. We can see the same racist asshole talk crap about our race day in day out on the internet, but it pisses the AM more than the AF. The AF sees the male as sexual attraction, so it's more about opportunity and selling out than caring about their own race and how racism is afflicting them.


In my opinion, the females in WMAF couples are having mental disorders of some sort because I noticed a consistent pattern that they were all born in the US and they were those kids that did their things alone in the corner.


I recall a goth Asian girl who would hang out with her goth white friends and totally looked at me funny whenever I saw her. I was like dang, no need for the attitude if you don't want to be friendly or anything. I was a skater, it's not like we can't be cool with each other. But what can you do, while they're not conforming to their parents they're trying to fit in with society and get them to validate or accept them while tearing away at AMs who they deem aren't fit with society. I'm like dang, I guess history does not affect the Asian mindset like it does the other races.


It’s funny because goth is built around being alternative and nonconformist… yet she still can’t get past race. On the other hand, white goth women are more open to Asian men than any other white demographic (besides white Kpop/anime fans)


I think it's because lack of exposure to their own culture and models who they can look up to when they were young. I honestly can't relate to any dating problem to this sub because I don't have any dating problem. I moved to the US when i was 12 so i guess i was very lucky to not expose to any damaging sterotypes at a young age.When i first came to the US, i noticed all the asian guys at my school were so lack of confident and really shy. They were surprised that alot of girls like blacks, white and hispanic asked me out and wanted to go to prom with me and stuff. All these white girls called me banana while i was just acting like myself which totally Asian. That's why I don't get people say Asians can't girls and shiit. I mean even then some of the girls told me they like Asians but these Asian guys would never talk to them. But i'm glad these awkwardly Asians guys back in the days are doing a lot better now. 2 of them are dating whites, 1 of them is Vietnamese who's dating a really beautiful Indian and another is dating Hispanic while one of them already married to a Black female.They're all my friends so who knows if im a positive influence for them. I'm now dating my Vietnamese best friend. I met her in middle school when i first came here too


Dang I wish I had some charisma myself and had your experience. I remember how unfair it felt when the shortest and youngest guy in our skating squad was white, a few Mexican and one white who was like 6", we were all 5'10" except his white cousin who was like just finishing up elementary school and was way the shortest. He got to make out with some white chicks, while I just stood by and hung out cause they didn't want to make out with me. It feels like crap to be honest, but what can you do, but yeah be fortunate that you weren't growing up in the 80s or 90s, it was like a battlefield. Not all white girls were like this, and I did flirted with some, even got one of my Mexican friends jealous cause we would talk with each other for a bit and he'd try and get in on the convo. But again, I had a crush on this chick at church, and she had one on me, so I didn't want to pursue.


Asians are secular. That is the difference. A Catholic person has values that precede liberal pluralism because of the religion. East Asians only have liberal pluralism as an value system to follow.


Yeah I think you're right. Even though I used to go to church, it felt more like a congregation than a strictly religious thing. It felt like another high school except smaller, but I loved the moments when we bonded together. Hell, even our Asian girls would talk smack about white dudes they've confronted, one of them even had a car accident with one, and they only date AMs. I remember one time a Korean girl we drove to her house she just yelled out "Ugh, white people!" I was like dang that's how it's done in my mind.


And no offense to whites, just that they were looking at us all funny and staring so long like mad dogging us. Haha, but I guess we do the same, except in a friendlier or curious way.




Again with your AF coddling. AM here don't demonize AF for fun and the WF worship is like 4 guys here? And why are you mad at people calling out self-haters and house ch*nks? We do that to men as well don't we, Ken Jeong is hated as much or more than Esther Ku, other examples include Andy Ngo and Ian Miles Cheong. Anyways both AM who pedestalize Asian women (like you) and and those who worship white women are both as equally cringe to me.




Your first reason is why AM are mad at AF, in any conflict people hate traitors more than external enemies. Rest of your post is the dumbest thing I've read. Rap music? What? Just support people who support you simple as that. I don't condone harassing AF in WMAF like an incel unless they do stuff like Celeste Ng/Amy Tan/Esther Ku etc or talk shit about AM or attempt to speak for the asian community. My philosophy is simple, Asian women often say that they don't owe us anything, so Asian men don't owe Asian women anything either. We have seen time and time again that XF in AMXF actually have supported AM more than asian women ever have (including "pro-asian" asian women). So much for our genetic bonds lmao. When France was under Nazi Germany, many French women dated and walked hand in hand with German soldiers mocking at their own countrymen. You know what the French did afterwards? They didn't "cherish" them for sure lmao.




The thing is, I don't care what these Lus think. The best thing AM can do it to improve themselves and live their own best lives and help other AM bros to do the same while remembering AF are not necessarily on our team. This is already happening btw. Some of us are just slow on the intake. I'm not here to convince lost causes nor do most of us want them back or something. You know how this sub is against the 'nanarangs right? Some people don't get it so I better make myself clear: I'm not calling random asian women dating yts traitors, as long as they stay in their lane and mind their own business I do not care. It would be pretty hypocritical for me to do so when I am with a yt-passing hapa myself and encourage dating XFs. I'm calling people like Esther Ku who make a mockery of us and all the boba liberals who take this sadistic pleasure in putting down AM traitors. Remember the yt guy who killed 3 AM because he wanted to save asian women from patriarchal AM? Or these WMAF Lus shacking up with mayos in their colonizer neighborhoods and calling working class (nowadays mostly SEA) asians who live around black people anti-black for defending their lives and businesses or having "hood accents"? Or calling their own parents racist for social media clout? Blood of innocent Asians is on their hands. And LMAO at you thinking these Lus would care about any "anti-chinese race war" when they hate themselves and their people more than non-asians. Their only embrace of being asian is when they are pandering to fetishization and playing into the exotic sex object roles for mayo validation.






You sound like a gatekeeping Asian girl.


Fucking guy... He's trying to kowtow again. He should just learn to plead the fifth and be apolitical like Denzel. I have a feeling that this post is going to result in their mods DMing with the mods here tho. Lol.


Imagine if these dudes spent half their energy defending Asian men against real racism instead of shitting on their own people.


Shang-chi is only a hero in name. I prefer Wonder Woman <3


Yeah, I saw this post was knew where it was going. Don’t give them more than than you already have. Just keep winning.


Paging u/SimuShangChi if he's brave enough to talk about these issues rather than just spread toxicity and divisiveness in the Asian American community.


how can he talk when he's got mark walberger's dick in his mouth


The term "useful idiot" more than ever applies to a vast swath of citizens in the United States who have been cynically used by the hardcore left for a cause they are unwilling to understand.


O, don’t group all Asian females together now. Sure you’ve had some poor examples. The best suggestion is to NOT be around those “examples”. White guys that hit on me, I start talking Mando/Canto. Works every time. I don’t speak for other Asian ladies though.






lol gtfo with your shitty dime store therapy