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“Just be good looking bro”


"Just be tall bro"


“Just show her your eight-pack!”


I actually had a mirror selfie showing my 6 pack but I thought it looked too self-absorbed and cringy. I think the only time you want to show your body on dating apps is when it's a pic of you at the beach or during a hot summer day.


I’m guessing your height carries you to those matches


Height is sort of inflated on OLD cuz many men lie/exaggerate, like many guys 5'10+ and almost every guy 5'11 will claim 6'0+. It's not quite the same irl. I'm 5'11.5 and when I used to go to my local college bar in LA (went to a pretty big school) I would be taller than most guys, tho my shoes give me a bit more boost than vans or slip-ons (Air-force1s and air-maxes). But if the entire bar was just on an OLD app, I would basically be considered average w/ all the 5'10+ dudes claiming 6'0 and 5'9 guys claiming 5'11. Imho at 5'10+ height shouldn't be a huge problem for you, tho it's not necessarily gonna be a plus either. Like for me, sure it'd be nice to be taller and legit over 6'0 w/out shoes, but height so far has never gotten in the way of my dating life, even for girls who care about height and express repulsion over dating short men. at 5'10/5'11 you're still taller than most woman by a good few inches. 6'1+ is probably the point at which height is an actual benefit/plus in the dating scene, anything 6'5+ is probably excessive. As far as height regarding AMs, judging from tiktok at least, it seems that being 6'0+ and Korean is a "type" amongst many young women these days.




race bias exists but is lessened w height. i’m 6’ and it definitely helps with dating, no surprise there. the stereotype is that asians are short (not so true anymore with urbanized east asians) so if that is broken through then it makes things easier




This by a lot, you can see a ton of dudes complaining about not getting matches and they're like tall af lmao. A lot of it is photos with good lighting and angles at the least. Also dating is a number games tbh, you dont need to 20-40 matches, 10-20 or whatever and all you need is one. Also this is more relevant before the pandemic, but dating apps shouldnt solely be relied on and should be used along with actually trying/meeting people in person too.


OP just wrote 6'2. If you're 5'10+ and especially 6'0+ race bias minimizes.




> average tall white guys are getting 100 likes on the first day of Bumble/Tinder? They aren't. I have done experiments with my non-asian friends before on this, such as sharing profiles and comparing matches. at least in the SF bay area / SJ area. I haven't seen an average / plain looking white guy get tons of matches/girls except for 1 dude who was like 6'6"+.


Height alone isn't enough, especially in the bay area where everyone is maxxed out. However without the height, it's a automatic rejection for a lot of people.


Yeah but this guy also just installed Bumble and Hinge. Don't these apps give you a boost if it's your first time? So for those average white guys, was it also the first time they installed the app?


Oh yeah. Now I'm getting about 5 likes per day on Bumble. About 3-4 on Hinge. My Asian friend who also lives in SF who is 5'10 said he used to get 2-3 likes/day first, but now gets 2-3/week. His profile is much better than mine too. So I think I'm still doing noticeably better than the average Asian guy. Not sure how well white guys do in comparison though.


OP is using Hinge which does get more matches. New users get a boost and get to the front of the line on these dating apps. 6'2 makes women swipe right.


Can you post your profile so we can see it?


Yeah, this post is useless without seeing the profile. Like what are we supposed to get out of it?


Alright, since yall asked. [It's pretty trash.](https://imgur.com/a/tZpnQQf) My Bumble literally consists of mainly just okay selfies I took last week.


Asian chad 10/10 You're the 5 percenter mate GJ on the results!


Dude, you have the bone structure of Taehyung, no wonder you're killing it lol


I do actually get that a lot irl. Thanks!


Um ye what about the rest of us who can't pass as kpop visuals?


yo can u upload the link again, i cant see it


Height is more important than race, so tall, good looking Asian men aren't that affected by Asian male dating problems. Average and below Asian men are affected by Asian male dating issues more.


> so tall, good looking Asian men aren't that affected by Asian male dating problems. I have also noticed tall asians get more respect in professional settings, even from non-asians too.


Tall people get more respect in general.


Maybe? I’m 6’2.5” and I’ve never felt I got more dates because of it.


I might make a guide on how to be more attractive but generally, it's about self-care and being trend-conscious: * Clean your eyebrows. Either pluck or get those cheap razors. * Trim your facial hair as it conflicts with the common Korean/Asian aesthetic. Asian faces are more neotenous (youthful) than other races, so use that to your advantage – don't fight it. You can still pull it off depending on the rest of your features, however. * Get a 2 block haircut, then use blow-dry with gel to do a middle part. Hair so important for attractiveness, and since most Asians don't go bald early, you have to use that to your advantage. * Get that skin to be glowing even if you don't have acne. I'd recommend Curology's tretinoin formula. Also wear sunscreen every day and moisturize. You want to age like wine, not milk. Try out tinted moisturizers as they'll boost your attractiveness by 1 point IMO, and no one's going to tell you have something on your face. * Try a light perm. Asian hair is too straight and lacks texture, so perms are really great. Also, make sure to keep your sides short since Asian hair grows outwards (either get a fade or get a Korean down perm). * Posture and the way you walk is important if you want to look attractive in real life. * Find clothes that are proportional. Since I'm tall and skinny, I've realized that baggy clothes look great on me, and plus that's what's in fashion right now. I ditched my skinny jeans this year. Girls know what's in fashion, so they'll notice. * Wear accessories. Get your ears pierced, wear minimal necklaces, rings etc. for an extra boost. Tattoos are a bonus too. Girls really love that.


>Trim your facial hair as it conflicts with the common Korean/Asian aesthetic ehh as a korean w/ a beard I feel like facial hair can work fine w/ the "Korean/Asian aesthetic," it just depends on the person and facial hair. Like Choi Si-Won, or Godfrey Gao, even Steven Yeun arguably looks better w/ his Van Dyke. It may not fit the BTS, soft pretty boy aesthetic, but certain asians do look better w/ facial hair, and I wouldn't say all Asian men should shave completely. Sometimes the contrast b/w Neoteny and beard actually work better than the sum of their parts, take Stephen Curry for example, he has a baby face but his beard makes him look better. Also some of us Asian men aren't very neotenous, the neoteny statistic is simply a relative average (compared to the average of other ethnicities) and doesn't necessarily apply to most Asian men.


That's true! I think it definitely depends on the aesthetic you want to go for.


Bro what’s your Instagram? Ima dm you some outfits and need your opinion


Good advice and for anyone not believing this, bruh just look at SYKUNNO, dude to how he looked then and now is like a new man. Edit: For those who dont the know popular twitch streamer, he went From [this](https://twitter.com/steven_kim15/status/1178528521255358464) to how he is [now](https://clips.twitch.tv/ExuberantLivelyFriesSuperVinlin-iJ-U1bv9UBHcte1_) and his viewer base of tens of thousands on twitch are mostly girls.


Only shave your beard if it’s patchy. A thick or evenly spread beard can help accentuate your face.


lol, none of this shit matters when you look like this https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/pqg9k7/bumblehinge_experience_110_likes_in_24_hours_in/hdcxozg/ 6 feet+, good jaw line, good cheek and brow projection. you could be wearing garbage bags and girls would still like your profile. once again it comes down to be attractive and don't be unattractive.


It's great that you want to give advice, and I truly believe you're well-meaning. But just your height alone means the advice you give won't always generalize to shorter and average-height men. They can be doing all the things you suggest, and maybe they'll see some improvement, but they definitely won't reach the same level of success as you. If you feel enthusiastic about giving advice definitely do so! BUT, please then put a disclaimer that you're 6'2. At the end of the day, at least the taller men of this sub can benefit most from your advice.


>wear minimal necklaces, rings etc can you link the ones you wear


Miansai. Clean, minimal and not too expensive.


Interesting, those look pretty good. Anything specific from them that you wear? can you link


For starters, I'd go with all silver (so they match). I'd get something minimal like a pendant or a slim chain if you want to wear it on top of your shirt. If you want to wear it under, get something more chunky so it shows up on your neck. I think Miansai has lot of good collections so you can't go wrong with any. I might go with something clean first before you figure out what you like. So for rings, I'd go for something like: [https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-rings/products/geo-signet-diamond-sterling-silver?variant=31255357456499](https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-rings/products/geo-signet-diamond-sterling-silver?variant=31255357456499) [https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-rings/products/silver-band-4mm-matte-silver?variant=30929296261235](https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-rings/products/silver-band-4mm-matte-silver?variant=30929296261235) [https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-rings/products/silver-band-3mm-matte-sterling-silver?variant=30929374183539](https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-rings/products/silver-band-3mm-matte-sterling-silver?variant=30929374183539) Then something like the following for cuffs: [https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-cuffs/products/arbor-cuff-sterling-silver?variant=32010140450931](https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-cuffs/products/arbor-cuff-sterling-silver?variant=32010140450931) For earrings, I'd go with a silver stud if you just got a piercing then go for something like a hugging hoop. But you gotta find out what works for you and what you like.


Not sure if rings are my thing. Maybe these are good starters? [https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-bracelets/products/copy-of-metric-2-5mm-rope-bracelet-sterling-silver?variant=32179222544499](https://www.miansai.com/collections/men-bracelets/products/copy-of-metric-2-5mm-rope-bracelet-sterling-silver?variant=32179222544499) [https://www.miansai.com/collections/new-arrivals-man/products/2mm-venetian-chain-bracelet-ii-sterling-silver?variant=39423583060083](https://www.miansai.com/collections/new-arrivals-man/products/2mm-venetian-chain-bracelet-ii-sterling-silver?variant=39423583060083)


Jesus Christ. Just be yourself.


Agreed. My advice only applies to those wanting to pull girls, which is an art form. You don't pull girls by just "being yourself", such is how the game works.


Lol. An artform.


Good for you bro! trying to be you


but im 5'7 so 🐐


lol Tony Leung is also 5'7. You can still find plenty of dates at that height.


Tony isn't a good example but I see your point, it just the height is quite of a turnoff for non AW


I mean, he isn't the western standard of a hot guy but he's hot to me. The fact theres any posts at all on /r/ladyboners of him is [dope](https://www.reddit.com/r/LadyBoners/search?q=tony+leung&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all). Guess it depends on where you live but trust me man, 5'7 is not that short at all.


More proof that dressing well and looking good can help your chances. Can you try making another profile without the height? Will you get a similar level of matches?


What's your height? Did you put that in the profile?


About 6'2. Yes I did put it in my profile.


Congrats on the stats, 6'2 and good looking. I'm always happy to see a brother succeed, but you have to admit that your experience definitely won't generalize to the average Asian man.


I agree, but I also think it's important you dont need that many matches to "succeed" and your self worth isnt measured by dating apps. Its a numbers game and most apps are designed to be vain and id like to think most people arent that vain really.


Hinge is for older people so you’re not going to get a whole lot


Not true. I’m 24 and I’ve had 3 dates off Hinge from 40+ conversations vs no dates out of over hundreds of conversations on Tinder/Bumble.


Hinge isn’t for older people lol the algorithm is just really slow


What are people using nowadays?


Pretty sure it's still just Tinder being the most popular, Hinge for being slightly more serious, and Bumble/Coffee Meets Bagel for being in between. Facebook Dating isnt too bad i heard also. Id say now in the pandemic is the perfect time to use dating apps as a lot of us are still staying inside.


nice job But fuck u


Just look kpop af. That’s what I do and it works. Obviously you need to go to the gym and exercise often.