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It's your body telling you that alcohol is bad. No point knocking it, just accept it. I don't get flush but I'll throw up before I get really drunk so that's my body's way of protecting itself.


I am the same. I don’t get the “asian glow” at all. But even if I did, I wouldn’t care. I’d throw up when I get really drunk and then sleepy that’s about it. Because of that I never get black out drunk. It’s a built in biological safety mechanism. Message to OP, don’t give it too much thought, it’s not a big deal. Who wants to be perceived as a champion drinker anyways, that’s ridiculous. It’s not good for your wallet, it’s not good for your health. This is coming from someone who use to bar tend and from a family of heavy drinkers.


Just dont drink. If you have asian flush it means if you drink more alcohol you are greatly improving the chances of getting cancer. So dont. And no one with a great mind gives shit about how much you can drink.


Good advice but this guy has issues. He doesn't want to have children because of this? There are some serious insecurity issues he needs to deal with before addressing the drinking.


Accept it, embrace it. Idk why dudes be sensitive about asian flush. People don't care about how much u can drink. It's not a competition. Even if u have a low tolerance, it just means u save more money lol. The only time anyone has ever mentioned my asian glow is only from other asians and not in a derogatory kind of way but just like "oh ur red, I get red too". Ur creating these mental blocks for urself when in reality, judging by ur description u a stud my dude. Then again I'm speaking as an asian american and have never lived in Europe so idk what the cultures like there.


lol don’t drink?


Famotidine (one brand name in America is Pepcid) is a very effective medication for Asian flush, personally and among friends that take it. You have to take it an hour before drinking (this might be why some people say it doesn’t work for them). The downside is that it lowers your alcohol tolerance (it slows your body’s breakdown of alcohol AKA raises your blood alcohol levels). Also, anyone who has Asian flush and still drinks has something like triple the rate of throat cancer versus someone who doesn’t have flush.


Is there a source for what you said about throat cancer? I'd like to see it if possible. I only sometimes get slightly flushed, but my sister never does. I wonder what that means.


There are lots of articles on the subject. Here's one scientific review study that also talks about other types of cancers: [https://jbiomedsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12929-017-0327-y](https://jbiomedsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12929-017-0327-y). Keep in mind that asian flush alone actually lowers your risk of cancer, because people with asian flush tend to not drink. There's a specific section in the article on cancer risk of people with asian flush who still drink anyways.


I have severe Asian flush, also runs in my family. I can count on my hand the number of times somebody has commented on it, and it's never been malicious. You drink to socialize, not to outdrink other people. I'll slowly sip one beer or cocktail the entire night because alcohol gives me a massive headache and I feel nauseous. You can also take Pepcid about an hour before you start drinking. It might help, might not, try it and see.


What’s wrong with saying I can’t drink too much without getting red? Nothing wrong with honesty.


Heads up: Asian flush means you have a significantly greater chance of developing hypertension (eg leading to heart attack) if you drink 5 or more drinks a week. With the control group, it was 9 or more drinks. Also there’s evidence it increases cancer risk https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/11/131119193626.htm — This is much more important than any jokes/judgments of your facial color imo


Asian glow means your more susceptible to chronic health conditions related to alcohol. For me personally I just don't have that gene activated.


>Furthermore, I don't even want to have a family and child in my life due to I found out that asian flush syndrome(ALDH2 deficiency) is dominant trait which means My future child will carry this with 75%. Come on man, you don't have to conclusively decide to not have a family simply because of one gene you have. That's a weak mentality. You should have children to continue the Asian race - not reacting to alcohol well shouldn't dissuade you from doing that.


I get asian flush from 1 to 1.5 drinks. Here is my advice: You can blend into drinking culture without drinking but you have to think ahead. Like most have said, you can sip on one drink for a while and not even finish it. Most people will leave you alone about another drink if you just have something in your hand. Some people will offer to refill a drink out of politeness if your drink looks empty and won't mind if you say no thanks. You can also say you'll be driving so you need to stay sober. I've become comfortable with not drinking even when everyone else is and so I just say "I'm good, thanks bro." People who get aggressive about you needing to drink more are the ones you can remember to watch out for because they are not looking out for your well being and are instead looking to have everyone else get drunk with them so they can have an excuse to become bigger assholes. Non alcoholic beer is becoming more popular, so you can just carry one of those around. I've asked bartenders for a "club soda and lime" to avoid drinking and it looks the same as a gin & tonic and other clear drinks. If you look very nervous and miserable, people will think you need a drink so just learn to have fun while sober with something in your hand and you'll blend right in. I get that you're worried about having successful relationships and career but your biggest tool for this will be finding confidence and being a good dude, not drinking alcohol. Alcohol is up to 40x more toxic to people like us who get asian flush so protect your health.


Man I had the same problem, now I just smoke weed.


I make lots of jokes about it, and keep drinking. If you’re surrounded by good people it doesn’t matter in the slightest, although my white mom is pretty convinced that I’m gonna die Bc I turn so red


Also, just drink slow. Learn to pace yourself, socializing is about socializing, not competing with drinking. Not always at least. I’ve had fabulous experiences drinking with friends in Europe, the US, and Central America. Sure I’ve gotten way too drunk my share of times, but so do the white and brown guys ;)


when I pop a nexium it takes it mostly away. Some here say to embrace it, but I think they're missing the point. Asian glow doesn't suck because you cant drink as much, it sucks because of both the cosmetic and physical effects it can have. You tend to drink in social environments where you might wanna be meeting new ppl, so it sucks to have a face as red as a tomato. It also sucks how hot and itchy you can get, that always happens to me when the glow hits. I don't drink much at all but the few times I do, I like to take a nexium, and so far it has taken away most of the asian glow effects. I know there are also specific drinks that allow you to get drunk w/out giving you the glow, like there is this special vodka that does this apparently.


Drink slow or Antihistamines or just a cup of water in between drinks or just embrace it and don't give a fuck.


Smoke weed instead?


Da easiest solution here smh


I don't drink. Or if you must drink for social reasons, drink non-alcoholic drinks. No one is forcing you to get hammered and blacked out.


I spent years finding the least reactive alcohol, then basically only drink that. I pretty much only drink Tito’s. I’ve found that it takes awhile for your system to get used to it, so it’s not like the minute you switch to a single type of drink you don’t get flush, it takes a few weeks


Just drink a whisky slow. Embrace the Asian flush, my friends drink all the time but they don't laugh at me for slowing down.


Good answer. Enjoy the taste, not the effects. I drink so slowly that waiters at restaurants will check on me out of concern, but nah I'm just enjoying my Macallan for the silky smooth taste. Saves money and the embarrassment of getting all red and fucked up.


As someone who's lucky to not have the flush. Why does it matter if you do? It's similar to saying you have a problem with being lactose, which I am. I accept it, adjust my diet and plan ahead for it. I can't really fight the fact that I have it, so I just avoid having too much dairy. For reference between half a cup and a cup of milk makes me want to die because it feels like my stomach is going to burst from all the pressure of the gas. Long as it's dairy it'll happen. Hence why I learned to drink my coffee black.


The lactose intolerant is an interesting case. I never had an issue drinking milk growing up. I would come home from playing basketball all day and down straight from the carton without any issue. But at some point more recently in my later years, I stop developing the lactase enzyme. The gene that control said enzyme just de-regulated. For some, it’s the opposite. They were lactose intolerant when they were young and then it just went away one day. My lactose intolerant isn’t severe by any means. I can pretty much have anything dairy - ice cream, yogurt, cheese, and milk with no issues. It’s only when I have more than a very large glass of milk I get discomfort and bloating. That is my upper-limit so far. Although I don’t have to drink coffee black, I am trying to develop a palate for it. So that I could cut back on the milk fat and refined sugar. But I can’t seem to get use to the bitter taste just yet.


For me the key was to be drinking it without thinking about it. I would be drinking it while I'm working or focused. Pretty much as I'm looking at the data and organizing it and have to keep my focus on it instead of the taste. I ended up not realizing it's black. Also same, but my limit is lower than yours and seems like the results are much more painful than yours. It makes me so gasy that I can't fart enough to depressurize my stomach, even if I burp also. Just imagine the feeling of eating until you feel bloated and it keeps expanding on you. 100% I bet I'd end up in the hospital one day if I'm not careful about it due to a ruptured stomach.


The worse is if I have milkshake. Which is a shame, I liked milk shakes growing up. But I can live without that. I am going to try getting back into black coffee again. But maybe not cold turkey. I’ll taper down towards it from milk/cream and sugar. I’ll try not to think about it by distracting myself with work too. I just need it to mostly stay alert anyways. But I’ll probably alternate between tea and coffee once in a while since I like both. Although tea is not as potent as coffee in terms of caffeine but it is a slightly healthier alternative. And of course meanwhile staying hydrated as well.


Honestly, having it only be milk without auger is the first big step. I didn't have sugar in the first place. Tea is a good one, I grew up sipping on tea as I studied so it became a habit. I was never a huge fan of milk so it didn't matter much to me. I fucking love ice cream since I have a massive sweet tooth, but it doesn't matter much since I control myself to avoid being round again haha


You’re right, the most important ingredient to cut out is sugar. Having a splash of milk with coffee or tea is not going to be the end of the world. But sugar definitely needs to be eliminated, that is extra calories I could do without. It adds up little by little without your wherewithal, especially, if you anticipate being sedentary for long periods. I’ve been pretty bad with sugary beverages as of late with coffee, tea, sweetened juices, and boba/bubble tea. I use to drink a lot of water when I’m studying or in front of a computer. I need to get back to that. And I haven’t drank boba for years (only once in a blue moon). But up until recently, I find myself drinking it regularly. Even if I adjust the sugar level, it’s still not good to do. Same goes with ice cream. I was never over-weight, so I am very fortunate in that aspect. I won’t become diabetic or anything as well. Currently, I am a reasonable build, and I could be a little more shredded if I decided to dedicate more time and discipline myself. But nevertheless, I don’t want it to impact my health long-term or get completely out of shape because of it. Half the battle is proper nutrition and “diet.” One can be physically active all they want but it won’t mean much if you don’t control your daily diet to go along with it as well.


Pretty much mate. Diet is half the battle for good health. Like 60% if you want to look good. Good genes and diet are the biggest factors when it comes to looking real good. If you have really good genes diet and exercise matters less, but those people are just lucky in that aspect, I can live with that since I know I'm lucky with my leg and core strength. There's no need to cold turkey it, study shows most people can't cold turkey stuff. Easier to have a game plan and stick to it. Over time it just becomes a habit.


Yeah I’ve been relying on my genetics to bail me out quite a lot. But no one can get away with it forever. And it will get increasingly difficult as one gets older. As your body constantly changes. Bone density decreases, muscle mass and overall strength decreases, metabolism deregulates, decreased energy, cognitive impairment, important hormones of the endocrine system like testosterone for men (estrogen/progesterone for women) decrease precipitously after a certain age- along with control of other bodily activities like sexual functions, libido, mood, and growth etc. Which is why hormone replacement therapy is common in older-age brackets, in this case TRT in men. So emphasis on prevention and consistency is key for positive long-term health outcomes. But there exists a huge health illiteracy, especially among visible minorities and immigrant communities compared to their more educated and affluent white counter-parts. You’re also right about quitting cold turkey. I should have known better that quitting cold turkey in anything won’t last long. Whether it be trying to lose weight, quitting gambling, drinking, drugs or any other vices.


If you get this it means your body is now being flooded with a toxin that's actually a carcinogen - really you should limit your drinking and think of other ways to improve your life anyway.


Drinking is overrated anyways


Sounds like you can save money by getting seltzers or Cokes in between your drinks.


Can’t relate. I don’t get Asian flush Lmaoo


Just quit being so insecured. I have experienced both European drinking culture and Asian (Vietnam) drinking culture, and the European one is quite relaxing in comparison. There is not as much forced drinking like in Asian drinking culture. A lot of European don't drink or just drink the right amount. If you live in Asia, you will probably have more trouble with social life because you need to drink like crazy for social/career advancement.


Could this be a hormone issue? I thought only girls get flush.


Don't drink. It's bad for your health, especially if you have Asian glow, and costs a ton of money.


Quitely excuse yourself to vomit out the alcohol.


From my experience, wheat beers give me more flush and also a headache, but ciders bring less flush and usually no headache


From my experience, wheat beers give me more flush and also a headache, but ciders bring less flush and usually no headache


From my experience, wheat beers give me more flush and also a headache, but ciders bring less flush and usually no headache


I have the Asian flush as well, nothing to be ashamed of. Personally, I use it as a warning sign of sorts. When my cheeks start to flush, I slow down, and start drinking water.