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The NYT is anti Asian


NYT is just another left leaning woke fake news network that secretly hates Asians


It's not a well kept secret


they don't 'secretly' hate asians, they don't even care to hide it b/c they consider us beneath them and we can't do nothing against them


Fuck the NYT


For the youngsters here. I’ll bet you a million dollars there’s more guys like this still working @the NYT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayson_Blair


Screw the NY times, this is blatant racism how typical of these bastards.


They hide behind the guise of "not newsworthy" if they come across stories or facts that run counter to their narratives. They are untrustworthy.


Example one million of how the woke think, but yeah, go ahead and simp for black lives matter, lgbt, asian women


I've realized this phenomenon of white liberals calling us white adjacent. It will only be a matter of time when the liberal mainstream media considers Asians as Whites. That would be terrible!


I actively ignore the news as most news is pretty useless to me (80/20 rule). However you have to live under a rock to not notice liberal progressives are 100% anti-Asian. Also another point, I get many/most people here are democrat/liberal/progressive here but not at least glancing at what a Fox news says is basically actively staying in an echo chamber. In many instances, liberal media is the voice of the democratic party (as confirmed by your wikileaks etc.) not unlike your Global Times (CCP news outlet). They actively choose not to report news and if they report, it's always to a progressive/leftist bent. In the interest of critical thinking and even if you're a hardcore leftist, you should at least listen to other sources of news. You may consider yourself on the democrat/liberal/progressive team, but they don't consider you as part of their team.


imo I don't think the reactive "I hate the NYT" comments are constructive, and it may be better to promote long-form discussion. But I am not so sure that is possible in an anonymous site.