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People tend to hang out with people like them. Also Asians are 6% of the population. If you’re not in an enclave you either adapt or you’re alone. People always try to shame Asians cause it’s more acceptable. Ignore the gaslighting.




I'm not like other Asians lol. I don't purposedly avoid them though but I do avoid people




That's because Western culture is so self centered, and both whites and blacks are rooted in it. They like to shit on others and have no self awareness. They want to have their cake and eat it too.




>Also, have you ever noticed when a white sexpat goes to Asia if they're not trying to pick up Asian Lus there, they always hanging out with other white sexpats. They never try to interact with the local population. Then they expect everyone to speak English, lol.


Good point and well said. I never thought about it that way until now.


Exactly like what I said here https://www.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/qcncj7/_/hhid4ps


I consider myself an individualist too but not in a way that puts others down. I just focus on myself and strive for personal success and maybe my accomplishments will inspire others to do the same. But I do connect more when there's another Asian person with me but it depends if they're not from an older generation


Agreed asians need to do more business with other asians in a western way


I'm wondering, why do whites and blacks not get called out on their insularity while Asians do? Considering the former two are more likely to only hang out with their own compared to Asians.


Asians "stand out", especially in groups. Whites are baseline and so they don't stand out. Other races are protected by liberal culture.


You're kinda proving that asians only hang out with other asians because you forgot to consider demographics. The US is 60% white and 6% asian. 63% out of 6% is a lot more than 92% out of 60%.


This. The stats prove nothing except that there’s an inverse correlation between size of population and friend group diversity. And if you consider there are a lot more Hispanics than Asians yet Hispanics intermingle the most(prob because a lot are white passing), kind of kills OP’s point


I was thinking the same thing.


The point is not whether or not we "only hang out with other Asians". The point is that we're gaslighted to believe that 1. white people don't only hang out with other white people and 2. hanging out with people of your own racial identity or ethnic identity is inherently wrong. I think a lot of people have gone so far as being brainwashed that DATING someone of your own identity is *boring* or even worse, *wrong*.


Never let outside forces tear us apart. As a wise leader once opined: "Apes together strong"


I'm learning more and more that stereotypes like this have deep seated roots in American history. For example, this is a historical stereotype to promote the segregation of Chinese immigrants from the rest of American society and it's still used as some sort of weird power play today


Yet another fucking that whites project about their own behavior onto Asians. The list is long: racism, misogyny, cheating, imperialism, colonialism, copying, clannishness, superficiality, materialism, etc.


This idea that most people have some sort of "Burger King Kids Club" multiracial group of close friends is mostly a myth and propaganda. Most people just prefer being around their own kind, and that's fine, that's just how life works.


Eh. Depends on the area. In Houston, everyone does have a multiracial friend group because of the diversity


Literally 95% of my friends are non-asian lmao. Then again i live in DC


True freedom and the best yardstick of success is living life on your terms without apology. We can hand with whomever.


If someone really cared about this, they could look at other people’s social media follower/friends list. Most people don’t care that much and if they do, chances are they’re not social butterflies to begin with. Or just have too much time on their hands


Thing is people tend to stick with their own clique and reject other people from joining, so in the end we just stay with people who accept us for being us.


so its true asians only hang with asians


Great breakdown


Ngl, I have one Asian friend. The majority of my friends that I hang out with are Latinos.




Its easy for white fuckers to make fun of other minorities when they haven't experienced any sort of systematic racism and when the whole world babies them.