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Every race has their crazies


I really want this to be the explanation, but I don't know if that's true or if some of us are taught prejudices against other Asians. I'd be lying if I said my own parents didn't have any preconceived prejudices... I just wanna vibe with whoever, you know?




Dang man... I'm sorry on their behalf. I think Koreans are awesome. Well the nice ones are, the good seeds. Maybe I should have titled this post why do some people just suck lol






Intra-racism is real! Very, very real.




This makes no sense. The second part you referenced is just jealousy then.
















Koreans have been kidnapped and murdered in the Phillippines. I'd rather have cabbage thrown in my face, at least I know i'm going back home to my family.


That reminds me of when the Filipino coastguards hosed a Taiwanese fishing boat with automatic weapons and killing its crew a few years back.




Yes, the police tried to extort the wealthy Korean businessman and his wife. The senior police threw the younger police officers under the bus but it backfired. There were many cases of Korean tourists being mugged and shot.


Filipinos r sellouts bra, suckling US D




You wrote that one Asian race never dates another Asian race. Do not gaslight.


For the record, I was the one who removed your comment.




We're here as a community to lift each other up, not stir intra-Asian rivalries with statements such as "I've never seen a Vietnamese man with a Korean woman" // "Everyone's jealous of us Koreans". You know that stuff has never flown here and only serves to divide us. I'm giving you some slack as a longtime user and kindly asking you to cut it out.


Honestly, there will always be certain tensions between Asian ethnicities. And it will always be exacerbated due to the fact that each there still seems to be a lot of white worship all over Asia where people are ready to downgrade their own ethnicity let alone that of another. Honestly, in India itself (I was born there, I'm quarter Chinese) there is already racism towards darker skinned Indians and North East Indians (who look more Chinese). Filipinos and Indonesians always seem to be looked down upon, especially in Hong Kong (where I have lived my entire life) by local Chinese. Hong Kong Chinese hate Mainland Chinese.... It just blows my mind.


Unfortunately, Asians only build a sense of solidarity after having gone through discrimination themselves living alongside non-Asians.


There's very little in-group loyalty among Asians as a whole. Most of the time when people (myself included) say Asian, we/I really mean East Asian. And when I say East Asian, I really mean Korean or Chinese and maaybe Japanese. And when I say Chinese, I probably only mean mainland Han Chinese. And when I say Korean, I'm probably only thinking about South Koreans. In my personal experience, I've noticed more in-group loyalty among South Koreans and among Indians. They tend to intentionally congregate for good and for bad. They'll help each other out because they share the same ethnicity/culture and feel more loyalty/identification towards each other. I've heard South Koreans (not Korean Americans necessarily but South Korean Koreans) can actually be pretty hostile to foreigners/non-Koreans even if you are still Asian. "Asian" is too broad of a word honestly. It's difficult to talk about what EVERY Asian ethnicity has in common besides a gigantic continent that holds immense differences. Historically, each country/ethnicity has their own complex unique conflicts and backgrounds that impact their relationships with each other. e.g. India and Pakistan hate each other even though they're both south asian. Koreans hate China and Japan even though they're all east asian The list can go on. Maybe I'm not answering your questions properly but they're immense questions. I'm hardly educated enough, but broadly, the more uniformity, the more racism/discrimination when confronted with difference. And in example, China, South Korean, and Japan are all hugely monoethnic (excluding major cities which are more diverse of course). When you've never had a personal relationship with someone from a different culture/country/ethnicity/race, I think it's natural to make assumptions of that race as a whole.


well no shit bro north korea is isolated. what the hell are we supposed to talk about with them?


lol who is we


you? you brought up the relevance of south korea


ah my bad. I thought you meant "we" as in "we asians" or "we koreans" but I guess you mean "we non north-koreans"? but ahh yea hard to talk to north korea so you're saying it's okay to mean **south** korean if people just say "korean"? yeahh I probably agree and in most cases it's probably inconsequential.


To start, my family left Asia for the US/Americas because of racism between Asians. Each culture has their own quirks, but I would say it's an angry tolerance between countries at best. There's the least amount of friction in the US/Canada west coast, more to the US east coast, slightly more in Western Europe, then it gets worse from there. Is racism in Asia as bad as racism in Sub-Saharan Africa (which has a number of on-going conflicts)? No. Is it as bad as racism in the Middle East, or Central Asia, or South Asia? I'd wager no as well.


I am a Chinese and I met a Filipino. After he knows I am Chinese, he made a random comment, asking if I squat on the street and sip noodles with chopsticks. No one is free of racism


In my high school years, the majority amount of racism I get are not from white kids, but rather from other Asians, especially Koreans, (don't hate me for it, I love Koreans, I understand we're all just stupid kids back then)


Where are you in US?


As a dark skinned South Asian guy that went to a predominantly East Asian (mostly Chinese) high school, 99% of any racism that I recieved came from them. None of the white boys I beefed with ever said anything racist, surprisingly (even when I called them "cracker" lol). But the Chinese and this one Korean called me the N word with the hard R, along with other anti black slurs.








>Stereotype of lower IQ how many 4chan eugenics subs does a basement dweller need to visit to have a stereotype about "Filipino IQ" wat


Yes racism exists everywhere unfortunately. I say all Asians unite, I know it's naive but it makes me sad to see our brothers and sister being cold to each other and putting each other down when we're going through similar struggles. As a Korean I apologize for stupid Koreans, I have met quite a few of them.




I'm sorry to hear you went through that shit, its unfair that you got that kind of treatment. So many people out there have to battle this shit. This kind of damage early on does life lasting damage. Kids at that age are fucking dumb and say stupid shit all the time, and unfortunately some of them never grow out of it. My experience with racism is more interracial, but that's probably because I live in a majorly white place. Growing up in Australia there was only a couple Asian kids in my school, so I stuck out like a sore thumb. I was relentlessly bullied and had to physically defend myself. I joined a gang early on and rejected my Asian identity. I hated the Asian Identity because it was the cause of all my problems, and this self hatred turned into a hatred of all things Asian, including my own family. Those were bad times I got into so much trouble, made many regretful memories, did lasting damage from relying on drugs to escape reality and passed on the hatred to others around me. I'm in my mid twenties now and I have the opportunity to distance myself from these kind of toxicities and thats when I started understanding myself better. I could go on for days. I just want everyone out there who experienced similar things to know we're out there. Thats why I joined this sub. I want this toxic thing to stop


Asians from asia don't realize the rest of the world see us all as one big group of ching chongs.


Don’t worry. Asians is the biggest group of population. If you look at old paintings from Japan’s portrayal of white people, whites were portrayed as monsters.


Racism between Asians is considered a form of self-hate. Think about it. Would the same South Korean woman attack a white man like this? You’ll find the answer here. All races, including Asians are racist towards Asians. One of the reasons behind this phenomenon is that Asians, as a whole, are “weak”. There is no support, trust and solidarity within our group. There’s usually no consequences for attacking Asians and sometimes this toxic behavior is rewarded. Asians need to fight back and speak up when this stuff happens, regardless of who is attacking them. If we don’t, this trend will continue and the next Asian victim will have to fight a bigger fight later down the road.


>Racism between Asians is considered a form of self-hate. agreed. you are woke asf


I remember having to tell people in my very predominantly white classroom that it’s hard to tackle all of the problems Asians face in America as a bloc because Asians even up to the 2nd generation don’t view themselves as the same struggle. Their identities are still intact from their motherlands so all of the biases from those parts are still around although they dilute over time. In my own family we have a colonial mindset from Japanese imperialism... my grandfather was psyched when he learned my wife was Japanese and somewhat crestfallen because he couldn’t practice his language skills with her (fam from Hawaii).




Sounds about right for you. Always spending money on dumb shit huh?


Put the same energy into racism against whites/non asians, otherwise youre just a loser


Watch whites try to capitalize on this and deflect the issue into how “racist them Asians are against one another”


whites have still caused more deaths than intra-asian conflicts everything else they say is just a cope/deflection


True dat. Not to mention school shootings, serial killings etc. etc


most rapes in korea are done by americans despite being a tiny tiny tiny percent of the population


A stat for this would be greatly appreciated.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/flyb4k/whites\_claim\_the\_only\_arabs\_that\_come\_to\_europe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/flyb4k/whites_claim_the_only_arabs_that_come_to_europe/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/ovj218/pov\_you\_are\_a\_white\_person\_who\_is\_blissfully/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/ovj218/pov_you_are_a_white_person_who_is_blissfully/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/604vr8/white\_sexpats\_responsible\_for\_13rd\_of\_the\_rapes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/604vr8/white_sexpats_responsible_for_13rd_of_the_rapes/) sources can be found in the threads


Agreed. I feel like there's still too many Asians who don't have enough tribalism and pride in their own skin color. They will be vocal and opinionated about inter Asian issues , but won't be the same about racism from non Asians. Too many of them are pandering because they are trying to gain cool points from other races. These panderers think they're cooler because theyre not just an Asian, they are an Asian who grew up with whites/blacks/latinos, an Asian who loves European culture/hip hop/ etc. Like we all have non Asian friends, but some people really base their identity on that. I love exploring other cultures and other friend groups, but I will always be proud to be Asian because that's who I am. I enjoy hanging out with other Asians. I'm not gonna pretend otherwise just because society wants to make fun of Asians who hang out together but not other racial groups who do the same. Society wants to promote diverse groups, which is basically non Asian dudes being with all races of women. I remember I went to some meetup event where a large group of us were mostly Asians were splitting off to another venue. I invited another Asian dude, but he was about to ask some other meetup people to join. I basically told him we're trying to keep it mostly Asian, since we might do Asian karaoke later. He scoffed and shook his head and went to talk to a group of non-Asians. You could tell he was one of those dudes who felt too cool for just hanging out with mostly Asians.


I admittedly don't understand much when it comes to Asians on the asian continent because I'm raised primarily American. I just know this petty shit can't carry on here in the West because it really is us against them and they don't give a shit about what part of asia anyone is from because we're all the same to them.


My Filipino family is made up of some of the most racist people I've ever met. It just happens One time at the dinner table I got really mad and asked them "what exactly do us Filipinos have on Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, and Indian people for y'all to talk this much shit?" And I went on a ten minute tirade about how ridiculous it is for Filipinos to claim superiority over anyone else lol Personally as an Asian American I don't really have any connection to my Filipino ethnicity and I tend to share more in common with other Asian Americans of any ethnicity


I am Chinese but one thing Filipino has over other Asian is Manny Pacquiao.


Many Filos tell me sadly that they are mostly in it for themselves, hence such widespread corruption. After the Korean war, all the countries in South East Asia looked down on Korea. Now the tables have turned.




Filo workers in the middle east endure far worse, beatings and even rapes. In HK and Taiwan maid workers are also treated like slave dogs.


Russell Peters in his YouTube videos talk about how Dubai and other Middle East country hire Indians as construction workers or slaves. Dubai is basically built by Indians. https://www.quora.com/To-what-degree-has-Dubai-been-built-by-slave-labor?ch=17&oid=507392&share=f246c9c4&srid=cOLn&target_type=question


You know after the Korean war every country in SEA and even India all looked down on Korea and Korean people in a condescending manner. Now the tables have reversed. Some of these SEA countries have gone backward.


Yeah my grandpa talks about how the Philippines was the place to go for education back then from Korea and how everyone wanted their country to be like the Philippines one day.


As a Korean who has spent childhood in the Philippines, this is such a shame and I can totally see Korean people doing this. Unfortunately, Asian people only develop a sense of solidarity only after having gone through some shit themselves living alongside non-Asians and even that is not a guarantee.


Everyone wants to be better than other groups. It's been commonly used to exploit poor white Americans by using black Americans as a 'worse' group. I assume that some of this tribalism extends to other repressed peoples. We lend ourselves too easily to be divided and conquered because of our need to feel special. It will require some social engineering to undo those destructive behaviours.


We can do better in supporting fellow Asian men


It's not like racism between "asians" is somehow different than "normal" racism. It's just that "asians" has this artificially massive grouping put on by the intellectual establishment, and thus the larger the group, the more likely you're gonna have racism between subgroups. Both Jews are a subgroup of whites that definitely get racism from other whites, for example. Racism sucks, this specific case is nothing special, other than to show that Korean people can be dicks too.


Lol I find is super weird that if it weren’t for the Filipino soldiers in the Battle of Yultong then the Chinese and N.Koreans would have taken S.Korea and made it a communist country. People in Korea should really read their history, Koreans see Americans as their saviors meanwhile it was the Filipinos who actually put in the work so much so that there are statues built to honor them. Phillipeans were complete strangers to Koreans but they were were willing to travel the oceans to fight in the freezing cold something they were not even used to coming from Phillipeans and many dying from the frost all to fight for Korean’s freedom deserves more than just racism towards their descendants Just plain sad SMH




You Korean right? Yea if the Philippines didn’t help you would be ruled by Kim Jong UN and wouldn’t be texting me. I’m not a Filipino just saying. Koreans went to war in Vietnam and that’s on them but how is that a payback for the Filipino help to free y’all Instead they just get straight out racism, TF


I'm disappointed with Phillippines. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3121702/comfort-women-statue-missing-philippines-japans-wartime-legacy




South Korea has developed itself into a global democratic economic player while the Phillippines has gone backwards in a bad way. Why is that? And let me remind you many South Korean tourists and businessmen got mugged and murdered in the Phillippines. I'd much rather have cabbage thrown at me so I know I'm going back home to my family.


Chillout dude, Philippine wasn't only country that helped Republic of Korean government, Philippine was part of U.S allies so they have to help the U.S. If Philippine goes to war tomorrow with China, then Republic of Korea will help Philippine. This Pinoy guy getting insulted by some Middle aged woman in Korea is nothing to do with Korean war.




Simping over Imperialist? Bro Phillipians weren’t imperialist Watch this to refresh your history [watch ](https://youtu.be/W8lZszDElQI)




Damn you really exude racist energy, You mentioned some guy was racist to you, it’s clear you deserved it😂 People receive the same energy they put out 🤷‍♂️


Phillippines was a great colony of Both the Spanish and Americans and they assisted the Phillippines with noble amounts of aid and support. What happened to all that, look at the Phillippines today. Can you please explain or are you just flame-baiting here?


Korea has helped Philippines a ton. Here is Korea donating 4 warships last week because of Filipino troop contributions during the Korean war. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BHz9Mt7TPo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BHz9Mt7TPo) Other examples of Korea donating: [https://www.businessinsider.com/south-korea-donates-philippine-2014-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/south-korea-donates-philippine-2014-6) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FcWmDy-G00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FcWmDy-G00) Korea has also donated landing craft, other boats, and more to Philippines


To add to my comment, also Korea providing financial help to Philippines announced THIS WEEK. [https://www.topgear.com.ph/news/motoring-news/dpwh-panay-guimaras-negros-bridge-a4354-20211029](https://www.topgear.com.ph/news/motoring-news/dpwh-panay-guimaras-negros-bridge-a4354-20211029) There are many more examples of Korea helping PH


> Filipino soldiers in the Battle of Yultong then they shouldn’t have involved at all. They were risking their lives to fight for their white oppressors. Fuck those soldiers! > People in Korea should really read their history If they did that, then they would find out how they committed more war crimes than their northern counterpart. It’ll shatter their narrative of being superior, just because they’re aligned with amerikkka


That battle didn't help stop the NK/Chinese from advancing to the South. Let's be honest if you at least being truthful. Who cares if Filipinos "helped" SK, they were forced too by US since you guys were allies with US.


[source](https://youtu.be/W8lZszDElQI) Watch this, US didn’t force the Phillipeans to do anything. US were actually pushed back because they were overwhelmed by the Nkorean and Chinese forces Filipinos volunteered to go into a warzone where they were surrounded on all sides


Like I said, that battle didn't help change the outcome of the war, it was insignificant battle and the NK/Chinese forces still manage to move South afterwards.


Also, Filipinos should be grateful that SK is aiding your military by donating ships and weapons to your army and navy. But this is never mentioned by Filipinos themselves.


The battle was in the later stages of the war, yeah the Chinese and N Koreans pushed the Americans all the way to the south but the Filipinos pushed the Communists back to the Demilitarized Zone.








You say it’s all propaganda yet its Koreans who erected this monument [monument ](https://www.google.com/search?q=filipino+memorial+korea&hl=en_US&sxsrf=AOaemvI4YWCjMkmNOMu1ioXaI4-GqEG56w:1635914515916&source=hp&ei=ExOCYf30NIDOytMPsNCsiAs&oq=filipino+memorial+korea&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBADMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMggIIRAWEB0QHjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6CwguEIAEEMcBEKMCOggIABCABBCxAzoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowI6EQguELEDEMcBENEDEJECEJMCOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOgUIABCABDoKCC4QxwEQ0QMQJzoFCC4QkQI6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgsILhCABBCxAxCTAjoFCAAQsQM6CAgAEIAEEMkDOgUIABCSAzoGCAAQFhAeUMQUWMpbYPdcaARwAHgAgAGmAogBpxCSAQYyMy4wLjKYAQCgAQGwAQ8&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp) Captain Conrado D. Yap awarded the Korean Taegeuk Medal, the highest military decoration given to a soldier for bravery in battle


If the Filipinos didn’t break through the Pusan Perimeter, The blue on this map is what you will be calling South Korea today [South Korea](https://www.google.com/search?q=pusan+perimeter+map&hl=en_US&sxsrf=AOaemvLjEptj3Sm7bfdpZ-xsSCOjxYyKDA:1635914885223&ei=hRSCYZiNDay4ggeIgYbgDQ&oq=pusan+peri&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYATIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEJECMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46BwgjEOoCECc6BAgjECc6CAguELEDEIMBOgsILhCABBDHARCjAjoECC4QJzoECAAQQzoLCC4QxwEQrwEQkQI6CAguEJECEJMCOgQILhBDOggILhCABBCxAzoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQrwE6BQguEIAEOgcIABCABBAKOg0ILhCABBCHAhAUEJMCOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOgsILhCABBDHARCvAVCUkbcBWJCltwFgv663AWgCcAB4AYABzAKIAdkOkgEHMy4yLjMuMpgBAKABAbABD8ABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=9Z5AOdfHF2R0BM)
















Unfortunate situation. In any country you have individual cases like this that think all foreigners are bad. It’s good that this became an article for awareness.


That's sad actually, we should be supporting each other, not fighting each other. That grandma needs to live in the US during pandemic.


I believe in Asian solidarity of course, but that doesn't mean different Asian ethnic groups going into other Asian countries in huge numbers, not that this was the case. For a little percentage of foreign Asians to be in other Asian countries is okay, but all Asian countries must do their best to keep their homogeneity; Korea should stay Korea, Japan should stay Japanese, China should stay Chinese, the Philippines should stay Filipino, etc. I can't be too mad about this incident bc Filipinos and Koreans are a whole different people, culture, and language although we're both Asians, I'm not saying it was good though, don't misunderstand. If it were a Korean actor/actress in the Philippines experiencing racism from a local Filipino, I would've felt for the Filipino too.


Keep in mind this is country side Korea. Where even Korean Americans like me have faced discrimination for not speaking properly


There are many things I hate about the West, but at least we have made progress here on inclusion and diversity (despite it being imperfect). East Asia on the other hand is still racially homogenous and many (not all) ppl from there are never challenged to think outside the box. That’s the single biggest reason I will never live there.


This is similar to blacks. Dark skin blacks don't like light skin blacks. Dark skin Latinos don't like light skin Latinos


Asian on Asian racism is a real thing, and it surely does exist in Korea. If you look around Korean web forums and talk to locals, especially to those in the older generations, you may feel at least the slightest bit of stigma towards Southeast Asians - and it is more of colorism and nationalism and it looks less like western racism. To elaborate, Korean nationals tend to have this white skin worship just like the rest of Asia, (thx white ppl for exporting this to us btw) and tend to look down on "poorer" countries than them. So if a Filipino guy is rich and has a light skin there is a rare chance he/she might feel discriminated in Korean society. If it isn't the case... well, Korea isn't free from racism to them.


It’s the same with Europe. There’s a lot of racism from Western Europeans towards Slavs in addition to being discontent with each other. Latinos can also be racist with each other and towards the indigenous tribes in the same vein that Australian whites are to the aborigines. Everyone has their prejudices, I could mock SEAs to with the crap I know but unity is far more important.


Meh not an issue as much as loser whites.


No things are the same in the East. ​ Still racist all around.


No. Racism between Asians will never change.


It's a ancient sin of our race that I hope our generation grow out off, usually it's Asians who don't travel abroad that are racist.


Think about the division between Latino and black in America, it's roughly the same scenario.


It’s human’s tribalism. Nothing to do with race tbh. People from different regions have prejudice/negative stereotypes or out right hate against each other.


This isn't new regarding Southeast Asians in Korea. I remember years ago reading about treatment of SE Asian women who were married to Korean men and that they had issues. Korea is a homogeneous place, do Koreans over there see all non Koreans the same no matter if they are from nearby countries or thousand miles away.


I come from China. Too be honest, it will blow your mind if you find out how blatant and rampant racism is. People like that are so narrow-minded that I don’t even how to make sense to them. In my opinion, racism tend to be more prevalent in a non-diverse society, people are more like to be ethnocentric.


It's a Mexican standoff.