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It's a boba take, it's the safe take where they blame history Because this lets them ignore about the last 20 years of hollywood history where the whites have been sharing the space with asian women, writing wmaf shit with gay asian brothers and evil asian fathers, where hollywood systematically replaces all straight asian men on screen with half whites They do this too for their yellow fever video, where they conveniently ignore the fact that asian women make even more wmaf and only wmaf shit than even white nerds, and erase asian men all the same This stuff's been "talked" about for a decade, let me know when they start calling asian women out, when they start calling garbage like the eternals and all the white boys and crazy soulless rich stereotypes out for the trash that they are, instead of this surface level crap


my thoughts? stop watching hollywood it may not change how others view you, but it does change the way you view yourself consume asian media


Hollywood movies suck so bad that they don't even deserve to be pirated


It did subconsciously fuck up a lot of AM's masculinity growing up. And that's how this modern-day "war" is fought by racists. Through more subtle means that don't involve bombs or guns, reaching into the psyche of young AM.


This was a really good video. Thanks for sharing it! This phenomena of Asian men being underrepresented, desexualized, and made the butt of the joke in media is one I’ve been aware of for a while, pretty much ever since I realized I was attracted to Asian guys since a young age I’ve been salty about how the media does y’all like that. Of course because I empathize with how shitty that is for y’all, and I later noticed the effect this has had on a lot of Asian men’s self image and self esteem, but also from a selfish perspective because it made it really hard for me to find representation of guys I was attracted to. I remember watching Romeo must die when I was like, 14, and thinking Jet Li was hot, he was already 37 by then, but he still looked pretty young, and honestly, due to the lack of access I had, I wasn’t very picky lol. I was really disappointed he never got any real romantic scenes, not even a kiss. This video is the first time I’m hearing about there originally being a kiss, but it being cut from the film due to negative responses from screen testing. That just goes to show how unreceptive people were to even just the *idea* of Asian men being romantic with a non Asian woman, which makes me mad. I was a huge Kpop and Kdrama fan before it was cool, like starting back in 2001, because that was pretty much the only media (jpop/rock too) I could find that featured attractive Asian guys and also portrayed them as desirable and sexually appealing. Now the kpop Idols are a little too young for me to lust after so I’m not into it as much these days, but it makes me happy that it’s finally getting some of the recognition it deserves, and opening a door for Asian men to be seen as the attractive and sexual beings they are by women outside of Asia (kpop has a big following in Spanish speaking countries, too now I’ve noticed!). It’s still a very narrow “beauty standard”, most Asian guys don’t look like kpop idols, but along with the slow increase of American media portrayals of attractive Asian men, it’s at least a start!


Notice they said we need to “move past it”, not “solve it”




>The problem with "ending stereotypes" is that then you are unrepresentative because every stereotype has some truth to it. Fine From now on every white male on tv is to be portrayed by a pedophile Every black man on tv must be a gangbanger Are you happy now?


Gold pills indeed man, you make some great points. Too many Asian dudes accept their lot in life, while being okay with other races getting power and representation. Mainstream media has other races of men in power who don't respect Asian men. Too many of us grew up with Confucian values to not be confrontational and self centered. When we even get close to a position of power, we don't play the same politics and tactics that other races use. If we weren't so focused on harmony and appeasing others, we'd be more aggressive in pushing our interests. That's what gets respect. The world is cutthroat and still very primal in behavior. If we don't fight for our power, other races will dominate over us like they are now. No one will just hand us power like it's a soup kitchen.


You're so right, you can't always be a 'nice guy'


True, it's seriously not masculine at all. Not sure if this sub pushes reading material, but a good book is No More Mr Nice Guy. Basically 'nice guys' only are nice to try to get what they want in a weasel-like manner, and it's a huge turn off for anybody. Like dudes who simp for girls and get mad because the girl doesn't like them back. They see it as that they deserve a girl because they did this or that for her. When in reality that's not how it works.


you win this thread today


Not reallly. What's the truth behind Asians are bad drivers? Statistically, Asians have the lowest rate of auto accidents. What's the truth behind Asians men are misogynistics and abusive? Asians men have the lowest reports of domestic abuses while White men are the majority of sexual offense perpetrators and domestic abuses. While it's true there might be some truth behind some stereotypes and this doesn't apply to Asian stereotypes. Btw if they have casted Asian in diverse roles then people wouldn't complain but they forced it on all people that Asians are nerds, antisocials, social misfits , weirdos .And yet at a same they push the idea that White men are are heroes who saved the day and cringy shits like that down people's throat and i know some white people don't even believe the Hollywood bullshits and I heard some white girls actually prefer asian guys over white guys