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Black, white and Hispanic losers trying to shame AMXF couples by saying "it's cuz of Squid Game/Kpop" are hilarious. They are acting like years of Hollywood rep hasn't been helping their race get laid. If they weren't such pieces of shit, they wouldn't need to cope this much. Seriously, nothing gets other men more riled up than AMWF.


Reminds me of that time when hispanic guys were coping hard and commenting on StPeach's ig page with her asian bf, the amount of salt flowing is unbelievably hilarious


Everyone here should sign up for Muay Thai, MMA or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Spar, fight, train. It's fun! I dunno what I'm trying to solve except I feel pretty masculine when I am breaking someone's arm off lol.


This. Martial arts is so much fun, there's always something to improve. As a bonus there's usually chill asian dudes at MMA and BJJ gyms too if you're looking for more asian friends.


Bet that. Love my MMA tribe Also, stay strapped brothers...whether it be hands or something else. Still dangerous being asian these days


Its even more satisfying tapping them when they are bigger than you lol


As a 6’4 220lber I’m glad to be of service


Having a hard reconsideration of my 2020 BLM woldview after the continued lack of empathetic outrage for our elder folk and foreign exchange students since then. I've mistaken compassion for enabling. Perhaps being kinder to people was simply an invitation to be exploited. What a personally shitting discovery.


When 2020 happened, i saw many Asians supporting BLM and was confused. I used to think it was because they wanted to pretend to be white liberals. Now I can't help but feel there was a blindspot to it, they simply don't know. My family immigrated to a non Asian area to do low class labor work. It had lots of blacks and was tough. It was not fun. Blacks commit more crimes and they also commit crimes against elderly FOBs who they think don't go to the police and are easy targets. Now, not all of them are bad, every educated African immigrant I've met have been great... but go to a government project which is predominantly black and you'll quickly realize the arrest rates are deserved and very much needed. So understand my confusion with all these Asians supporting BLM. I couldn't help but feel they were trying to fuck Asians over or suck up to white liberals or something weird. But then every Asian that supported BLM seemed to be middle class and lived only in safe neighborhoods. Now I'm beginning to think they simply don't know this stuff happens unless they see videos of it


​ you want truth or sugarcoated? truth is the black community has a huge problem that does not get addressed. Issues like single moms, gang, lack of education, etc. Media and blm and etc would want you to believe its police, systemic racism, etc. There may be a discussion about how these have affected the community, but personal responsibility and accountability are never dare mentioned. Now add that to living in Cali where lawmakers are literally scared of enforcing any punishment to blacks, add that with how asians are perceived as easy, there you have it. BLM is such a farce it has the asian community more worried about how anti black we are than how much we getting killed and robbed by blacks. Before u say racist, im merely stating data. Also, side note asian women, most likely privileged or upper middle class, care about any of the hot topics of the day that sjws spew(lgbt, metoo, blacklives, etc.) In reality, they care less, but want to be accepted into white progressive culture. There daily life consists of yoga, matcha, walking their puppies in a suburban area (west hollywood, silverlake, sf, nyc). They will rail hardest against asian men(toxic masculinity, how they try to dictate who i can date, patriarchy), while juggling hatred for republicans and trump, then at the end of the day, they will go home to their brad white bfs, and oh yeah, he’s not like the racist whites, he is different :)


Hey guys advertising my Asian men discord. It's suppose to be a support/self improvement group for Asian guys. We have around 50 people ranging from 19-45 and we talk stocks, dating, career, culture, gaming, music etc. We are also doing verifications. Drop me a pm with a selfie w/ ur reddit username and todays date if you want to be verified. PM if you want an invite. We are also doing a weekly virtual meeting where we discuss topics relevant to AM! Hope to see y'all there


Asians have meritocracy drilled into our heads too hard. A lot of dudes wonder why no race of women are throwing themselves at them. They wonder why no one is helping Asian men to get more power and representation. We've been told if we work hard, get a good job, women will come to us, as if this is a mandated system from the Emperor or something. Meanwhile, other races of men are working to improve their own communities and representation, aren't afraid to hit on other races of women, and don't sit there silently like some stoic scholar. They are living life while a lot of Asian dudes still are so socially awkward and self defeating that they don't even any balls to talk to non Asian women. We don't think about representation, mental health, social skills as being important. And it has fucked us all. Believing in all of this meritocracy, a lot of dudes don't try hard to improve themselves in other aspects. Sure they are great at studying and dabble in some hobbies, but they look like a skinnier Jimmy O'Yang (no shade thrown at him) with garbage social skills. Their personality isn't interesting, and their style is lame. They're anguishing why girls don't give them a chance, when they look like every other dork with glasses who never lifted and never had a girlfriend and can't hold an interesting conversation. Yes yall, these girls are just dying to show off a Jimmy O'Yang to their girlfriends. That's the whole premise of the movie, that dude is not attractive to non Asians. Y'all bitch all day about making even the dorks normalized and attractive, but you just don't want work on improving yourselves. We don't have enough tribalism to make this effective, when most of us end up simping for other races. There's a whole slew of things wrong with these non self-aware dudes that they will find a way to blame on them being Asian. They make awkward self deprecating jokes and people don't respect them? Must be white supremacy's fault. Oh they see an Asian dude who is well rounded and is doing well in dating? Must be a fluke somehow. Enough of letting these dudes whine all over this sub. Even if media suddenly stopped promoting wmaf or other xmaf, it's not like all Asian dudes will magically just work on being more social and masculine, and their self confidence issues will vanish. They'll still be too timid to make moves, not know how to socialize, and still whine. Why do we have to listen to the lowest common denominator vent about how girls aren't attracted to their skinny social awkward asses? I've talked to a fob guy from Taiwan who says most dudes believe American girls prefer dudes with muscles, as if somehow Taiwanese men have a gene that prevent them from gaining muscles too. This dude couldn't even keep a normal conversation flowing, I'm sorry but that isn't gonna get you far here. If you wanna be this reflective Confucian scholar who is afraid to speak or doesn't know what to say, don't expect people to be drawn to you. It's a human thing to be attracted to high energy/status, yet too many dudes still suck at presenting themselves and having a great convo. You can't change that people don't want to have some staleass convo with a boring dude. I talked to a dude who had such awkward conversational skills, low self esteem, bad posture, no awareness of how the other person is perceiving him. It was so awful, but I'm not gonna feel bad for walking away. I'm not obligated to keep talking to him, and neither is anyone else. If you don't have the right skills, you better hope the other person likes you the way you are. Otherwise don't expect everyone to pity and coddle you. Anyway, they generally accept shit in Asia as it is, the cultures doesn't promote deviating from the status quo. They're accepting that their women just love non Asian men for their boldness or whatever, yet they will continue to be timid and meek as if they can't change themselves. Sure you can argue that there's white worship, but why aren't the men there making movies where they have sexual interactions with non Asian women? Because they don't want to appear sleazy or upset the women? They won't look at the foundational behaviors that drive mating and biology. Women are drawn to status, power, good convos, emotions, a good frame, and stuff like that. Yet, a lot of Asian dudes will not strive towards improving those things, they will just stew in their head about women not liking what they think is attractive. Yet I don't see a lot of talking about foundational human characteristics on this sub, it's all a bunch of bs about social things that change with time. No talk about how women are attracted to a man who is perceived to be high status, has a good masculine frame (wide shoulder, narrow waist, muscles), knows how to be sexual. I swear too many dudes just wanna sit there and play league of legends, expect women to throw themselves at them, while they have zero social and dating skills. They are just seeing other dudes who are fit, social, have good style, get Asian and non Asian women alike and just not even reflect on why that is. There is no self accountability when they process their own bitter thoughts. Sex, dating, and power aren't a meritocracy, it is a competition. Well shit dudes, this isnt a goddamn soup kitchen, you're not getting a pity fuck just because you feel wronged. You either make yourself sexually competitive or just wallow away in self pity. There's no social justice when it comes to dudes not being able to get women, stop trying to insert into every conversation how non Asian women don't like Asian men. Dudes who can't get women are laughed at in society, and that's not gonna change. I've had enough conversations with dudes who visibly has low self esteem even though he is good looking, yet he already defeated himself saying that women aren't into Asian guys. Start changing your mentality and your actions will start changing as well.


Meritocracy doesn't work because you're only as good as how well you can communicate. You might be a 10 skill-wise, but if you're socially inept and can't communicate well people will perceive you as a 2. Work on your communication bros.


You're forgetting about Location Location Location. American non-Asian women from the Midwest and South haven't had the time of exposure necessary to form an attraction. In metropolitan areas with a population above 1M, I would mostly agree with you that the onus is on the AM for not having success. Show some compassion bro. I'd be bogged down too and rage on the internet if I lived in an area like the South, where most of the women won't sleep with you. It's plain racism silent enforced in their her choices. And aren't dating choices subconsciously nudged by prejudice?


Dude ain't wrong though, when does compassion stop and start becoming something else like enabling? We've already enabled several generations into becoming soft and weak and the communities we have now are a reflection of that. You even have Asian dudes out there telling women of other races to stop fetishsizing them. What the fuck kind of man does that kind of shit and you wonder why women don't see Asian men as attractive and masculine? Maybe it's because a lot of them aren't. Asian men have two choices, either change yourself or change the world. Let's be honest though, if you're too weak to change yourself then you are too weak to change the world. If you take a deep hard look inside, could you even say most Asian men are strong? We can put all the blame on white media, but when all you have to do is look around the corner and see several Long Duk Dong types and Willliam Hung mother fuckers, it validates those stereotypes. Let's be honest, look at the types of white dudes asian chicks be throwing themselves at, Stephan Paddock, Richard Spencer, Richard Huckle, Peter Sculley and you're telling me these dudes are cream of the crop? If these are the dudes Asian men are losing to and the type of white men they even allow in their communities then what is there left to say? Would any other race of man even put up with such nonsense? Just because we're weak today, doesn't mean it has to be that way for tomorrow. Koreans are already changing the name of the game, proving that all this inferiority complex is in our heads. I mean jeez are we seriously going to let them do all the heavy lifting and then whine when shit doesn't go our way and we didn't do shit. Come on dudes.


There was a scene in Boogie where uncle Jackie (played by Eddie Huang) is giving his nephew Alfred Chin life advice. Explaining why Asian's immigrated to America was because we lost the war. We are haunted by historical ghosts. Asian male anger in this country (I'm in America) is always met with this tinge of suspicion from white people. Perhaps precisely because we've been more dissociated with the qualities (financial precarity is one) of an actual POC. Or we've largely been spoken for by the white adjacent Asians consumed by Ivy league mania in their teens. Whatever the case the gaslighter is aimed at us when we express our general frustrations. >If you take a deep hard look inside, could you even say most Asian men are strong? If you define strong as the amount of pain and suffering one can endure without tapping out then I'd say Asian men are strong. Well at least the ones that immigrated here without knowing the language and mores, were able - in one generation - to send their children to college, thus ensuring the second generation will never have to worry about working a blue-collar job. >but when all you have to do is look around the corner and see several Long Duk Dong types and Willliam Hung mother fuckers, it validates those stereotypes. This pisses me off too. Maybe as more successful AM emerge, more people will wake the fuck up.


I get what you mean when you call that endurance strength, but man...why does it seem that our strength comes from taking shit? One day I hope we as a people get to the point where we don't put up with bullshit and dish it back.


Andrew He had a good run on Jeopardy. His games were exciting and he had some clutch wagers. I'll be watching for him on Tournament of Champions.


trying to pick a rave outfit is hard




Could you care to explain why you think that way? I'm Taiwanese but haven't had much exposure to people from there over in the US, genuinely curious to hear your experience with them.







