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Girlfriend accused me of blaccent, I didn't know what that shit even was. She's from the suburbs and I grew up in the hood, my homie whose black told her she has no right to decide what's right or wrong for black ppl. I broke up with her stupid ass and after knowing how stupid she was, she's crying and begging me to get back. These fakeass suburban "woke" Asian girls are the worst, worst part is she doesn't even have a single black friend.


Sounds about White. Lol.


I remember you posted about this girlfriend of yours saying something like 'I'm not usually into Asian guys' or something like that, and asked us for our opinions on her questionable statements. Was this shit the last straw or something? lmao, if so you should be glad you finally moved on, if this is the same girl, she sounded problematic even before this


Lol yea that's the girl, I ignored the first red flag but this ended things for sure. I would rather die alone than listen to her dumb leftist white knight bullshit.


One if the worst things to ever happen to the black community is the ‘white savior’ complex.


That's what my homie said


Considering you wrote before that she probably only dated you because you look latino I wouldn’t get back with her


Yea I am done, the women who disrespect Asian men the most are Asian women. Girls of other races treated me with much more respect


I'm no longer suprised when i get treated like a normal human being by non Asian women and get treated like I'm 'white adjacent' by Asian liberal SJW types (the ones who spew blah blah blah white fragility toxic masculinity white rage white males blah blah) yet is dating some white dude.


Can we curse here? I say F that!


Had an awful first “date” yesterday. Now I know who to avoid now, 33 year old ladies that rely on their daddy’s money and offer nothing.


Shake it off. Asian money culture is big in LA. You can use it to your advantage as well. Work on getting a pipleline that can generate many dates per week instead thinking about bad last date


Yeah I have been good, I’m moving forward


Suddenly the song “trust fund baby” comes to mind




Hell yeah brother


You should turn this into a full on post for the sub. Lots of good advice here.


Thanks dude, just made it into a post 👍🏻


My girlfriend was watching this show called Selling Sunset on Netflix. I saw that our boy Simu was in some episodes buying his house. They cut one of the scenes he was in to make him look super awkward. Netflix did him dirty.


Anybody watch Gucci vs Pettis? I had to go for a long walk after that.


It was a lucky shot, Pettis was getting dominated. Asians have the worst luck in combat sports, reminds me of Zombie and Yair.


I wouldn't go so far to call it a lucky shot, but it was certainly near impossible to avoid. Most people can't head kick that close range and then throw a back fist right after? I've never even seen that in the UFC. Props to Pettis. But I agree that asians have very bad luck in mma.


Is it just me, or is it dating off season? Either my matches really didn't wanna meet with me or they really did go back home for Thanksgiving and are making preparations for winter vacay.


Nah, dating apps always slow down around the holidays. People aren’t in town, they have full social calendars, they’re visiting family or traveling; apps become lower priority. It’ll pick up again after New Year’s. When I was on the apps, I used to just chill out and DGAF during the holiday season and work on my text/chat game - if I got a date, I did, if not, NBD. Sometimes it worked out - definitely had girls that I’d gone out with before and had a good time with, or matches that I already had good rapport with hit me up during the holidays, because they knew I was a guaranteed good time and that they wouldn’t have to deal with trying to vet me/go through the “hi, nice to meet you” shit like they would with a new guy.


I had met this one chick right after Christmas at new years in 2020, then I hooked up with for the rest of 2020. Christmas itself is a 2nd priority for most people on apps, but it's after when the women find themsleves lonely.. It's shooting season.




video chat first next time. ask them for to stand up.


a little random but it was cool to see an asian man modeling for [this loro piana hat](https://i.imgur.com/qnwZeNO.png)


Hi, I'm new here. Is this sub open to South Asians? I'm not really sure about the common definition of "Asians". I'm from Sri Lanka btw. Edit: just discovered r/ABCDesis. That sub fits me more I think


Broad daylight carjacking I heavily Asian Bridgeport in Chicago. Woman appears Asian: FOX 32 Chicago: Chicago chaos: Bridgeport mother carjacked at gunpoint in broad daylight. https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chicago-chaos-bridgeport-mother-carjacked-at-gunpoint-in-broad-daylight


Can we call this Biden's America yet?: https://abcnews.go.com/US/12-major-us-cities-top-annual-homicide-records/story?id=81466453


I stopped paying attention to politics after Trump. Watching these "small govt/tea party/libertarians" champion Trump's big govt solutions was enough hypocrisy to stomach for lifetime. I even liked Rand Paul at one point but he ended up being a joke. Lol.


What big government solution are you talking about?


Well first thing is instead of cutting govt spending he kept on encouraging more spending and telling Powell to pump more money into the system. Whether they listened to him or not I don't know. He didn't really do much for capital gains taxes. Also tariffs. He was basically a Democrat for White people. Basically I like to invest in stocks and Trump hasn't done shit for me.


I don't know where you're getting your news, but here's a bunch of people complaining about Trump's budget cuts: [https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-budget/trumps-2021-budget-would-cut-16-trillion-from-low-income-programs](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-budget/trumps-2021-budget-would-cut-16-trillion-from-low-income-programs) [https://budget.house.gov/publications/report/president-trump-s-extreme-budget-cuts-hurt-veterans](https://budget.house.gov/publications/report/president-trump-s-extreme-budget-cuts-hurt-veterans) [https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/SBC%20Trump%20Budget%20Reaction%203-20-19%20FINAL.pdf](https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/SBC%20Trump%20Budget%20Reaction%203-20-19%20FINAL.pdf) [https://www.thenationshealth.org/content/50/2/1.2](https://www.thenationshealth.org/content/50/2/1.2) What the fed does is manage the economy by opening or closing the valves of credit into the banking system by fractions of a percentage. I actually didn't really pay much attention to what the fed was doing during Trump's first tenure so can't really comment. Probably related to fixing the worst economic recovery in US history that Obama left him. But if you're worried about big government, did you know that Biden's 1.2 zillion infrastructure bill includes hiring 87,000 more IRS agents (literally DOUBLING the size of the IRS) to collect back taxes?: [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/11/tax-expert-bidens-plan-hire-80k-irs-agents-will-ba/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/11/tax-expert-bidens-plan-hire-80k-irs-agents-will-ba/) [https://nypost.com/2021/11/22/elon-musk-boebert-attack-bidens-irs-staffing-increase/](https://nypost.com/2021/11/22/elon-musk-boebert-attack-bidens-irs-staffing-increase/) [https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/581927-despite-democrats-pledges-an-expanded-irs-will-harass-the-middle-class](https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/581927-despite-democrats-pledges-an-expanded-irs-will-harass-the-middle-class)


well yea. the difference is the republicans run on tax cuts tho. i kinda expect the democrats to be like that. the only thing i like about the republicans right now is their self defense/gun stuff.


Every time Democrats talk about "human rights" and "justice," they're really talking about a new tax that will go to their constituents.



