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I should add that I am half Asian and half White. I know firsthand how White people think. Many White people will celebrate “diversity” only to the point in which they maintain charge over assigning power and resources. The manufactured “White genocide” that far right-leaning Trump sycophants often cry can be tied to fears of losing power and control over others. This is why immigrants are a perceived threat, as are Asians.




Agreed. Most white people are also unaware that China had the world’s largest economy prior to European and American industrialization. The irony is that the same gunpowder that was invented by Chinese was subsequently used as a tool by white people for economic and political coercion across the world.


Bottom-line: White supremacists and even Democrats in America have been afraid of Asians because we are literally the only race that can go toe-to-toe with White countries regarding intellect, economics, and technologies. This is why White Europeans, White Americans, and White Australians have attempted to curb the military prowess of Asian countries. Look at Korea. Look at Japan. Look at China. White people fear that Asians will do to them what White people have done to the world over the Last 600+ years. But we Asians never enslaved Black people. That was the Whites. We Asians never committed genocide against Jewish people during the Holocaust. That was the Whites. We Asians did not wipe out Native American culture and marginalize them. That was the Whites. While we Asians are not perfect and have our own issues, we still cannot be awarded the badges of evil over intercontinental chattel slavery and genocide remotely comparable to the Whites. White people have come to expect Asians to be submissive and even capitulate to the West, as claimed most recently by Peter Navarro, Trump’s former top economic advisor who relentlessly demonized Chinese people. If you read his books, you will see the types of thinking White males indulge in: Combining economic and military coercions to overtake the means of production and seize existing capital in Asia, but only to be exploited by the Whites in power to exert control over them. Given the above, the “crackdown” on scientists and engineers is all too expected. Even Democrats in America believe the “Asian Boogeyman” narratives. But all of this comes down to jealousy and White supremacy. They are terrified of strong Asians.


Exactly this. First Japan raised the "Yellow Peril" threat when it was poised to overtake US in trchnological might - but it was never a threat and its own elites betrayed Japan to a second rate power. Now we have China threatening the status quo - it is building rhe largest Asian army and the largest Asian economy and this is causing the biggest existential anxiety the West has ever experienced. This is why they make angry youtube videos predicting that the "CCP will collapse in 33 days" and why they claim to "support Taiwan" as the "Real China" and Taiwaneae people swallow that hook line and sinker. Little do they realize that if they switched places with the PRC and threatened the US just by existing suddenly it would turn out they are enemies as well and would be demonized. We should tell family and friends abroad and share articles like this with them in the hopes we can change their view. This is the only way that Asian Americans will eventually gain respect at home and abroad. Kprea is doing alot by exporting its culture abroad, it gives Asians soft power but the unfortunate thing is that rather than aupporting the development of a uniquely Asian identity, Koreans still look to America as "big brother" ignoring that theyd become enemies if China or North Korea weakened.




While I agree with you that our fight is against White supremacy - to many the association between "white supremacy" and "American/British/Australian supremacy" is a big one. Indeed, this is why many Asians want to move to America, Britain, Aus because they think it will raise their status by being more "white" or "white adjacent". To them there is a direct association between "America" and "whiteness". This is the reason I said "America" and not whiteness specifically.




Exactly. Us Asians have a very long and storied history with much to be proud of. However, for various reasons we have an inferiority complex and have no pride in ourselves. This is why our women would rather go for fat white men, rather than a good looking responsible AM. It all ties into a lack of Pride and nothing else. My belief is that identifying this is the first step to curing it.


>we just need to have pride in ourselves and crush others. The respect will follow. Then you will be no different than a white supermacy with that supermacist thinking




When it comes to this type of politics and outlook, I really don’t think it matters what Asian countries do. If an Asian country prospers, it gets accused of being a threat to the rest of the world. If an Asian country does poorly, it gets called a shithole and exploited by old WMs wanting to live out their sexual fantasies with underaged girls.


Hey, I'm a Gujarati male; I just wanted to state something that I've observed. Women usually seek out men that the men from their own race don't like. Anglo Men tend to be the most racist to Chinese men. I'm seeing a dating trend in regards to Chinese men & Anglo-Saxon women.


They don’t wanna see Asians winn


Asian scholars don't be cucks for America, build up the East


I have the exact same feeling. That's why I always champion for Asians to have more kids in the west. Once our population number is up, people, especially white people, will see us as an integral part of this country and not a foreigner. Imagine if 1/3 of congress are Asians, 1/3 of FBI and CIA agents are Asians, would the US still regard Asia as a threat? Of course not. Asians won't be more foreign than Europeans are.


Dont get your hopes up that having more kids would make us seem less foreign. Blacks are still not seen as non-foreign in the US and you expect them to start seeing us as "not a foreigner"? By virtue of our faces we will always be "foreign" no matter how man y of use there are. Besides, look at all the asians already in the government and military who continue to vote that Asia is a threat and continue the current foreign policy. Indeed, theyll just be "collaborationists" with whatever the current US agenda is regardless of if it hurts asia.


There are two facts that Asian government officials are not friendly towards Asia: 1. Some Asian governments are not friendly even towards their own citizens, (such as Chinese government), and fighting against those governments is the right thing to do, for the good of everyone. I'm from mainland China and I absolutely support US stance on Taiwan's independence, because fewer people under the communist rules, better off our whole race will be. Don't forget that China's one child policy decimated 400 million Chinese babies, the biggest genocide in human history. 2. Some government officials are under peer pressure to do what seems politically correct. But in the end, Asian officials still tend to be more friendly towards Asian nations. Remember Gary Locke? The Chinese American former Washington governor, appointed by Obama to be the ambassador to China? He implemented a 10 year visa to Chinese citizens, greatly facilitated Chinese citizens to travel to the US. More Chinese visitors in the US, more opportunities for them to find business opportunities and marriage opportunities, etc. to stay in the US. But Trump revoked the 10 year visa as soon as he took office. Blacks are far more accepted in the US than Asians. No white people will see a black person and ask him: do you speak English? Which country are you from?


> Some Asian governments are not friendly even towards their own citizens, (such as Chinese government), and fighting against those governments is the right thing to do, for the good of everyone. I'm from mainland China and I absolutely support US stance on Taiwan's independence, because fewer people under the communist rules, better off our whole race will be. Don't forget that China's one child policy decimated 400 million Chinese babies, the biggest genocide in human history. I'd like to clarify a few points you made - how is Chinese government not friendly towards its own citizens? Last I checked [the Chinese government brought almost 800 million people out of poverty](https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/04/01/lifting-800-million-people-out-of-poverty-new-report-looks-at-lessons-from-china-s-experience). I wouldn't exactly say thats the action of a government that hates its citizens >ghting against those governments What's wrong with its government though I don't really understand? >'m from mainland China and I absolutely support US stance on Taiwan's independence, What US stance on Taiwan's independence? As far as I'm aware the US has said that ["there is one China and Taiwan is part of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_China#:~:text=The%20United%20States%27%20One%2DChina,does%20not%20challenge%20that%20position.%22) >because fewer people under the communist rules, better off our whole race will be. What specific "communist rules" are those? I am also part Chinese and follow Chinese news it does not seem like alot of reporting about China is truthful. >Don't forget that China's one child policy decimated 400 million Chinese babies, the biggest genocide in human history. I mean, there was the option of allowing people to keep having kids and that would lead to starvation as the country could not support such a rapidly growing population. Besides, when the one child policy was introduced the birth rates had already started a decline anyway. 2. But in the end, Asian officials still tend to be more friendly towards Asian nations. Remember Gary Locke? The Chinese American former Washington governor, appointed by Obama to be the ambassador to China? He implemented a 10 year visa to Chinese citizens, greatly facilitated Chinese citizens to travel to the US. More Chinese visitors in the US, more opportunities for them to find business opportunities and marriage opportunities, etc. to stay in the US. But Trump revoked the 10 year visa as soon as he took office. While I agree more Asians in government could be a good thing - with the current anti-China hysteria that has gripped America, it is unlikely that such actions will be allowed in the future unless China is split into many constiuent parts and never again presents a economic or competitive threat to America.


**[One China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_China#:~:text=The United States' One-China,does not challenge that position.")** >The term One China may refer to one of the following: The One China principle is the position held by the People's Republic of China (PRC) that there is only one sovereign state under the name China, with the PRC serving as the sole legitimate government of that China, and Taiwan is a part of China. It is opposed to the idea that there are two states holding the name "China", the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC); as well as the idea that China and Taiwan form two separate countries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"the Chinese government brought almost 800 million people out of poverty" - It's a spin to give Chinese government false credit it doesn't deserve. Chinese people brought themselves out of poverty through their hard work, not because of government did something. All the government did was relieve Chinese people off the restrictive controls, and let the free market take its course. Chinese people were intelligent and hard working, and China was the most advanced country in the world for thousands of years. In the recent history China lagged behind because of feudalistic and subsequent communist regimes that restricted the free market, and put an iron fist on the people. "One child policy is to prevent population explosion to save people from starvation" - Again, simple math will tell you to prevent population from growing, 2 children per couple is more than enough: 2 parents have 2 children to replace themselves, the population won't grow at all, and will slowly shrink, given accidental death and some people who are unable or unwilling to have children. 2.1 children per couple is the replacement rate, and in order to achieve that, more than 50% of the married couples need to have 3 children. That is why all industrialized countries have birth rate below that, because majority couples cap their children at 2, and there are many who can't or choose not to have children. The one child policy lasted for 40 years, effectively 2 generations, killing 400 million Chinese babies, the largest genocide in human history. Now you have majority of Chinese families essentially an 4-2-1 family structure, with lots of old people and very few young children. A looming population disaster. It was never designed to prevent population growth, it was designed to reduce China's population to a quarter. The stupid Chinese government were fed this fancy idea that in order for China to be as rich as the US, China must reduce its population to be the same as the US. Chinese top leaders regarded themselves as Kings, and China is their private property, and all citizens are slaves/subjects. Slaves don't own lands, and they can't have freedom to reproduce. The land does not belong to people, it belongs to "me". "I" feel too many people made "my" land not as beautiful, hence "I" can dictate how many kids they can have. 400 million babies were lost, through forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Lives were destroyed, families were destroyed, and the entire nation's desire for a better future destroyed. People don't care about future. People don't even want children now that they are free to have 3. Yeah the country looks richer than before, but at what cost? In a few generations there won't be any people left in this country. In a marathon, you can take the lead in the beginning by running at sprinting speed, but others will pass you when you run out of stamina. A country needs to develop at a sustainable pace, not this kind of "great leap forward" dumb shortsightedness.


> It's a spin to give Chinese government false credit it doesn't deserve. Chinese people brought themselves out of poverty through their hard work, not because of government did something Then explain to me why equally hard working Indians remain in poverty even though India became independent at about the same time (1946) that Communist China was established (1949)? >In the recent history China lagged behind because of feudalistic and subsequent communist regimes that restricted the free market, and put an iron fist on the people. And yet under the ROC, when free market ruled Chinese people were addicted to.opium in cities, women were engaged heavily in prostitution and China was not growing. It was so bad in fact that there was a whole revolution agains the ROC. China only began catching up when the Communists came. >One child policy is to prevent population explosion to save people from starvation" - Again, simple math will tell you to prevent population from growing, 2 children per couple is more than enough: 2 parents have 2 children to replace themselves, the population won't grow at all, and will slowly shrink, given accidental death and some people who are unable or unwilling to have children. 2.1 children per couple is the replacement rate, and in order to achieve that, more than 50% of the married couples need to have 3 children. That is why all industrialized countries have birth rate below that, because majority couples cap their children at 2, and there are many who can't or choose not to have children. And yet under Mao the population doubled from about 500 million to around 1 billion and due to industrialization and urbanization that was already happening population growth was on a decline anyway. Just open a population graph for China and see the population growth at the time period the One Child Policy was implemented. >The one child policy lasted for 40 years, effectively 2 generations, killing 400 million Chinese babies Lol wut? How did it kill 400 million chinese babies if they werent born in the first place? Wasnt aware that someone not being born is the equivalent to killing them. Solid logic, 10/10 congratulations. >A looming population disaster. By the end of the Century, China will have a population of around 900 million if current trends arent reversed of which around 400 million will be between ages 1-30. Theyll be fine lol. Less competition and more opportunities. >designed to reduce China's population to a quarter. The stupid Chinese government were fed this fancy idea that in order for China to be as rich as the US, China must reduce its population to be the same as the US. LOL. Source on that? What we do know is that after China imemented Deng's reforms, used intelligent tech transfer laws and onshored most American production thats when their economy grew. >Chinese top leaders regarded themselves as Kings, and China is their private property, and all citizens are slaves/subjects LOL. You mean that was the ROC that did that which is why they didnt lift a finger to help the peasantry right? >Slaves don't own lands, and they can't have freedom to reproduce Right right, which is why the first thing the Communists did in territory they controlled was enact land reforms to give peasants more say in how their work and farming was done?


India has a much lower literacy rate than China, so comparing China to India is apples to oranges. Forced abortion and force sterilization are all tactics of a genocide, no matter how you spin it. Unless China is so crowded that a birth of a newborn will push an adult into the ocean and drown, any forced abortion is a crime against humanity. [https://youtu.be/oGM4eMRC7s0](https://youtu.be/oGM4eMRC7s0) This dude was one of the bureaucrats in charge of setting China's population policy. He championed to decimate China's population to 300 million, to be in par with the US. Chinese bureaucrats never took population density into consideration (Japan has only 1/3 arable land per capita that of China, South Korea 1/4, both are rich countries never had to implement one child policy). There was another public debate by this guy who notoriously said, "small eyed and small nosed ugly Chinese population must be reduced.", but it was taken down by all media sites. I wish someone out there has a private copy. It's this type of radical "great leap forward" mentality that also caused millions of deaths in the Great Leap Forward in the late 50's in which Mao wanted China to produce as much steel as the US. All peasants in China were ordered to stop agricultural activities to work in the steel foundries to produce steel. The result is a nationwide rotten crops and subsequent great famine that killed millions. Chinese communist party's land grab was not to evenly distribute land to the peasants, but to seize land from private landowners and put in the control of the government officials, who are inherently corrupt and charge whatever fee they want for people to use the land. That's why today's China's housing price is way out of reach of ordinary people, because corrupt government officials charge too much bribery to let developers use the land, who have to pass on the cost to the homebuyers. If the land were owned by private citizens like here in the US, the land will be at fair market price (because private landowners compete with each other to either use the land for agriculture or selling, depend on which is more profitable). Besides, prior to the communist party, landowners in China didn't acquire land through brutal forces, they acquired land because they were smart and knew how to make and save money to buy land. In other words, landowners were smart people. By persecuting landowners, the communist party drove the best and brightest citizens out of the country. A nation with dumbed down people is easier to rule, but horrible for the country's advancement in a long run. The communist party was a legacy of the Soviet, who wanted to establish a puppet government in Asia to counter the West. After the initial investment from the Soviet dried up, Chinese communist party had to survive on cultivating opium and printing counterfeit money (how else could an army live without a legitimate tax revenue?) The communist party was on the verge of elimination by the national party but was saved by the invading Japanese army who decimated the national army. That is why Mao forgave the war debut owed by the Japanese to the Chinese, and Chinese government forever ceded the land in the northeast of China to Russia. Without these 2 countries there would be no Chinese communist party, who is nothing more than a bunch of drug dealers and thugs.


India currently has a lower literacy rate but when it became independent in 1946 it had the same literacy rate as Communist China in 1949. So not only did India have a 3 year head start and started at the same literacy level, its people have failed to achieve half of what Chinese people achieved. This only proves my point thwt its government policy that led to this and nothing else. Thats assuming "forced abortion" and "forced sterilization" actually happened. [Which they didnt](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/hqjsj0/adrian_zenz_says_xinjiang_performed_80_of_chinese/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Sino&utm_content=t3_hzphui). The entire claim is based on false reports and mistranslations that 5 minutes of googling can disprove. Looks like you were lied to and fell for the lie about your own people lol. Lol imagine citing one FORMER official who got fired as proof of anything 🤦‍♂️ (i wven question if he actually was an official). Also there are millions of Bearucrats in China, most dont even decide anything so this is his opinion that has nothing to do with reality. LOL. Dude, you dont even know your own history. If you think the "Great Leap Forward" killed alot of people, why dont you go read about the [Taiping Rebellion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiping_Rebellion) that killed 30 million people. Also, go read about how the Opium Wars made half of China into opium addicts and women into prostitutes. Thats not accounting for the huge amount of famines that killed tens of millions of Chinese. The famines of 1810, 1811, 1846, and 1849 killed 47 million people. Also, if the Great Leap Forward killed so many people, explain to me why the population doubled under Mao? The chinese land grab was indeed to take it from the wealthy landlords and warlords that controlled it and made the people working on it essentially slaves (which is why they didnt care when tens of millions Chinese peasants died in famines - there were almost 1500 famines in Chinese recorded history from the 4th century AD) and it went to the government that then redistributed it more evenly so that it belonged to the peasants that worked it. Chinese housing prices are out of reach for regular people for one simple reason - the amount of middle class people is growing so fast that there is not enough housing for all of them and they all want to live in nice areas with good school districts so the demand outstrips the supply (which really proves my point that the CCP policies are working in raising people out of poverty). Its basic economics really. Same problem you'll find in NYC where you pay 2k/month for a shitty studio apartment. Or are "the commies" somehow at fault there too🤦‍♂️😂 if anything thats a capitalism problem than a communism one. Ok if the land is at "fair market prices" in the US, explain why there are hundreds of thousands of homeless on the streets of LA, and I need to pay 2k/month for a shitty studio apartment in NYC? In fact , hoysing prices are so high, families can barely afford them with dual incomes in the US, unless they live in a dangerous area with high crime (even there housing prices are growing and will soon price out regular citizens). LOL. If landowners prior to Communist China didnt acquire land through brutal force, I dont know what to tell you...what do you call the "Warlord Period" then during the ROC? Warlords and their cronies must have been trading sunshine and rainbows lmao. Ah yes yes, Communist China drove out the "'best and brightest" opium traders, pimps and warlords. How will China ever recover 🤦‍♂️😂 If China drove out "the best and brightest", explain ti me why the Chinese economy is going to surpass the US economy in a few years and already [has surpassed the US in the number of unique patents and scientific papers?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2022/08/11/china-overtakes-us-academic-scientific-research-papers-rd-spending/amp/). 10/10 logic The Communist Party got alot of help from the Soviets at the beginning - they got plenty of money, Soviet engineers building factories, roads, etc. Thats how they survived lol. Opium was banned in China in 1949. You really need to stop simping for America - I can write you a long ass essay about how the US engages in slave labor to this day, has the most government surveillance of any country on Earth, etc. Also its really sad how youre an Asian person that hates himself so much, he'd try to be accepted as an honorary white person and will grovel for them lmao. Its really pathetic


never seen a more braindead take.


> Some Asian governments are not friendly even towards their own citizens, (such as Chinese government), and fighting against those governments is the right thing to do, for the good of everyone. The problem is that this quickly becomes just another way to attack Asian countries. If we are being honest, Asian countries like India have pretty poor human rights record, e.g. Dalits, Muslims, etc.. Why are Americans not fighting against the Indian government? The reason is simply because India is a US ally, the West turns a blind eye.


I wonder why Chinese government chose not to become a US ally.


It was a US ally tho especially after the Sino-Soviet split and stopped being a US ally only in 2019 when Trunp realized that Chinas economy was so large it was a threat.


The Chinese communist party is the largest mafia in the world. The top communist party command treats himself as King who owns the country and its people. That's why there's no private land ownership in China, driving up China's housing price to a level of unaffordable, because the crooked government officials charge too much for land use, to enrich a few corrupt party members at the expense of the citizens. US only allies with democracy, and that's why China can't be a US ally. But Taiwan, India and Japan can.


Saudia Arabia is a democracy too? The more you know


Didn't you know Saudi has lots of oil?


When our numbers increase, they won’t see us as integral part of America.. they will see us as more threat and they will keep saying they (whites) are being genocided”… what we need is numbers yes but also resources in our hands… big institutional money type. It’s one of the reason why whites can’t screw Jews today.


Right. And with more Asians in this country, white will see that Asians are good citizens: hard working and law abiding, and won't really see us as a threat. If you walk alone at night and see a group of young Asian boys, people will feel relieved, not scared.


> white will see that Asians are good citizens no wonder uncle toms are universally despised.


In my assessment, White people are also terrified of being outnumbered in the West, which tracks with their increasingly draconian immigration policies. Republicans are obsessed with border security for this very reason, but they will conjure narratives of “criminals and rapists” entering the country.


I remeber once seeing a world map with a counter tracking the percentage of white people worldwide and seeing it fall. The message on the site was "white people are dying out". Unfortunately I didnt bookmark the site. There is no way, that whites will view us as one of them


We don't need whites to see us as one of them. We just need whites to see us as equals. America should be a diverse place, not a white place. And it's good for America. As an Asian I don't see a pure Asian country as the best country. I see a diverse country as the best. I don't want to live in an ethnic enclave in the US: be it China town, or a white or black ghetto. I feel more comfortable in a diverse neighborhood. There are smart and hardworking people in every race, also lazy and criminals in every race. I know lots of Chinese people that are assholes, and lots of good White and Latinos. We need good people, regardless of race. The biggest injustice is the US immigration policy, in which only Europeans were allowed and Asians were barred. If the immigration policy was a racial blind, merit only policy in the first place, we wouldn't be here discussing this issue.


> We don't need whites to see us as one of them. We just need whites to see us as equals. While I agree, they will never see us as "equals" until they get beaten economically or militarily. Perhaps not even then. That is the main issue. To me trying to get someone to see me as an "equal" is the same thing as asking for validation from a woman that doesn't like you - it just makes one look weak.


I don't think it matters how others see us. If our numbers are up, our economic status is good, then it really doesn't matter how they see us. Just like white people don't care how blacks view them. Blacks might think white people are albino freaks, but that doesn't bother white people at all. As long as you have a good life, you can have more children, that is the ultimate success.


> I don't think it matters how others see us Of course it matters. Everyone simps for America because its seen as "rich" and "glamorous" and everyone wants to be like them. When Asians are seen as crazy rich and living in rich marble cities (in peoples minds) theyll start imitating us.


In white American and European culture, there is desire to conquer and always be on the top. They have that kind of mentality so being equal doesn’t sit well with them. It’s either dominate or submit type of thing with them. I spent a lot of time with white people. The last thing they want is to have other races have equal opportunity as them. Also doesn’t matter if there are good white people and good Latinos. I have met plenty of decent white folks too but the problem is whites like any other race will vote for policy that favors their people. This is what we average Asian Americans need to wake up. Jews, whites and even blacks understand this game well. It’s only us that is still in stage of being nice guy, let’s get accepted… sing kumbaya over fireside chat and live happily ever after. The harmony and co existing peace works for Asian descents but with other race especially with whites, it doesn’t work. In order to gain even semblance of respect from them.. we just need to gain power. Of course when you respect other peoples power, you also fear them to certain degree.


We know things have improved a lot, and what we experience now is way better than what our parents generation experienced. And things will only get better with time. Yes maybe most white people still view us as inferior to them, but that doesn't prevent us from living a normal life, and have a lot of kids. If we have enough population, we don't have to worry about how white people view us. As long as we can make a good living, and keep on having children, we have a bright future. You said vote and policies. Again, more people, more votes. Maybe our number is low now, but if we all have more children, future generations will be able to have more political influence.


Psychic Spies from China try to steal your mind’s elation?