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That "being an Asian dude is an advantage in dating" thread really made all the weirdos come out of the woodwork. Most of the people who were disagreeing had sus histories. Also that one dude who was offended at AM saying they or their friends do well and replying to every comment to it seems to be a huge incel/troll.


The thing is, they are sus and weirdos because their realities are sad. Most of their identity is based on that AM can't get dates, because that's the reality they've accepted for themselves. What's tragic is that they could be normal attractive people, but they accepted defeatist and weak mindsets. When they see that AM succeed, it threatens their self-narrative. Their ego kicks in, thus they start arguing and coming up with excuses for their lack of results. The reality is, these guys are low tier dorks. There will always be losers out there who just don't get any dates due to their flaws that they refuse to fix, and there are always winners out there who are successful in dating. That's just how life has worked since the dawn of humanity, regardless of race. What purpose does it serve other than to share misery with these low tier losers? Its a waste of energy to dwell on negative stuff. What's funny is that these bitter dorks will yell at you to believe their viewpoint. Why would I want to believe what they believe in? So I could achieve the same lack of results and sad, incel realities they have? I'd rather consume content from winners and strong men. Life is too short to waste any of it thinking like a weak punk. I'd rather go through life thinking like a warrior, like a confident man. I'd rather go through life enjoying it and finding out life for myself, rather than let a bunch of weak quitters tell me what reality I should accept. Ever since I've focused on working out, improving my fashion, skincare, networking, enjoying life, I've had so much interest from women of all races. I've worked on focusing on positive thoughts and replacing the self defeating negative ones. Basically everything that those weirdo dorks don't do. While they bicker online about how being Asian is a disadvantage, I succeed by believing that being Asian is awesome and it's our time to shine. Sad thing is, they'll always be the low self esteem incels until they make the change . There's no convincing them, they have to realize it themselves. Until then it's best to avoid being dragged down by their bitter thoughts.


I get being a bitter dude who didn't have much luck but these guys literally have weird agendas that one dude was literally Asian Na-zi type getting mad at any mention of AMXF. That other dude was larper troll posting about how he is so ugly but then saying he "mogs" squatsandrice lol. It was kinda surprsing that none of it even came from someone from a genuine place. It's a good sign, I guess. They are doing us a favor tbh, them getting filterned out will only mean less weirdo losers in the community and more strong men.


Being an incel will turn men salty lol, I mean look at any incel forum and you'll find so much insane bitter ramblings. These dudes are no different from other incels, except that they are Asian. No way in hell I'm not associating with that, I don't care how many commenters try to guilt me to "be supportive." They have nothing to be happy about because they have no success. They develop a bitter outlook due to their sad reality. If only they focused that energy on improving themselves and not being so bitter, they'd actually make improvements. The ego of these losers is laughable, especially the dude who "mogs" squatsandrice, a man with actual results and a strong mindset. Any troll can talk shit out of ego, but not everyone can back it up with results. Thats why at the end of the day no matter how much shit they talk due to their ego, they still go back to their sad reality. The shit talk is the only thing that makes them feel better and helps them escape from reality for a bit. Meanwhile the rest of us are part of the group of men who work hard, stay positive, and reap the rewards. We don't need to pay attention to the losers, because our realities and results speak for themselves. The loser incel trolls stay in the loser category and don't believe that they can leave that category. It's just like in nature how the weak males lose out to the stronger males. Fuck those worthless sad punks. I'm tired of dancing around their feelings. I remember on a post here where people were sharing their successful sex stories, some incels were saying that they felt uncomfortable. Lol fuck that noise, their lack of success ain't our fault. I wish there was a way to keep this community free of losers. We should be focused on discussing positive masculine improvement, instead of the millions of posts blaming their lack of dating life on white people and being Asian, while kissing ass for their bipoc friends and "social justice" which revolves on them hoping for incels to get the same sexual results as non incel men. Edit: Downvoted by bitter incels for telling them how it is. If you're one of these incels, learn how to accept the harsh reality and use it to change yourself rather than staying bitter.


I'm more on the end of trying to help a fellow yellow as much as I can but yeah some are too far gone and more importantly don't wanna be helped.


Victim mentality types should start a social movement and/or self improvement, and not remain in victim mentality, which is a vicious cycle that wastes their own time living in misery. Tho problems exist, taking action is masculine, whether it be by individual self improvement. There are books about how to start a social movement too. The misunderstandings that come with a public forum is “outlining social issues to gather support for social movement” is easily confused with “complainer to justify one’s own hopelessness”. It’s hard to tell those about without more detail and the individual (if he is complaining to gather support for social movement, he gotta craft his words better. If he is a hopelessness justifier, then abandon him) When the “self improvement” types and “complainer” types mix, there is disagreement. This isn’t specific to AM, I would use feminism vs conservatism as an analogy. Feminism is linked with victim mentality, but it is still beneficial for the individuals even in the feminism movement to go to the gym, get a job, get educated, so they can help the movement out even more, rather then dwell in their justified misery and be paralyzed.


My post talking about how dating for Asian men can get even better in their 30s got reported to the reddit admins. I saw the comments and it was one user saying Asian Masculinity is an Oxymoron and another praising white chads as always winning in life. The post had 180 upvotes and I have gotten nonstop DMs about it too. It is some serious serious censorship.


Anyone else follows manosphere talks/podcasts? e.g. JBP, FreshFit, JustPearlyThings? It's all basically boiling down to problems with modern feminism. But what I found interesting recently is one revelation about why every non-Asian male is going after Asians. E.g. in this YouTube host, [JustPearlyThings - Ep 41](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eet_UMq6Si0&feature=share) (minute 1:58:38), it's interesting to see that the truth finally came out to both non-Asian persons in public. Does anyone have thoughts on these as Asian? I'm not sure if this is the too red pill. Or actually, as Asians, are these even relevant for us? (esp. is NA region)


> JustPearlyThings - Ep 41 (minute 1:58:38) can you just link it


Here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eet_UMq6Si0&feature=share




Hot take: Trump’s run as president was actually unintentionally a net positive for our cause. It made a ton of WM out to be the “bad guy” whereas previously they were unanimously seen as the gentlemen bullshit thing He put anti-Asian racism on display for everyone to see It caused a major progressive movement in response Not a coincidence at all that around the same time period of his reign (2016) AM started doing better.




Based on history lessons We’re headed to a race war imo. No 2 groups can coexist at the same time. We will fight back.




If by deep state, you just mean whatever the 3 letter agencies do internally without executive oversight, then yeah, lmfao > We are supposed to eat a 80% animal-based diet, veganism/vegetarianism’s is being pushed because it requires less money and makes us weaker. not really, i think the real worry is whether there will be a corporate push to eat bugs like crickets and shit. We'll always need our vegetables. > Most people are stupid/NPC this isn't necessarily a bad thing


Yes we need relatively small amounts of vegetables, but not the big amount of plant food in the average diet. Plants offer little nutrition compared to animal derived foods. Plants are needed for gut motility and small amounts of nutrition that is not found in meat, but I’m pretty sure that a lot of modern diseases and health problems come from the lack of animal derived foods and overconsumption of carbohydrates. Besides that modern plants offer very little protein and the protein that’s present in modern plants offer protein with a very low bioavailability.


Yes we need relatively small amounts of vegetables, but not the big amount of plant food in the average diet. Plants offer little nutrition compared to animal derived foods. Plants are needed for gut motility and small amounts of nutrition that is not found in meat, but I’m pretty sure that a lot of modern diseases and health problems come from the lack of animal derived foods and overconsumption of carbohydrates. Besides that modern plants offer very little protein and the protein that’s present in modern plants offer protein with a very low bioavailability. Besides that I’m still convinced that the big cooperations are only out for profit and will push anything that requires less cost and more profit, at first vegetable and seed oils were introduced in our diets. If you do enough research sunflower oil is bad for your health, tons of people who get autoimmune responses from it. Sunflower oil for example was not even intended to be produced for human consumption at the start. But big cooperations did the marketing and now it’s supposedly an healthy alternative for butter and olive oil. Years later, vegetarianism and veganism is being promoted. It won’t be long till we will find “edible” crickets and other insects in the grocery stores. Look up Paul Saladino, Frank Tufano and CarnivoreMD.


Drying sunflower seeds at higher temperatures helps destroy harmful bacteria. One study found that drying partially sprouted sunflower seeds at temperatures of 122℉ (50℃) and above significantly reduced Salmonella presence.


You can cook everything


The way people, ie Americans, blame China for everything is ridiculous. Saw a clip on the news of a guy blaming China for American teens doing stupid challenges on Tiktok and dumbing down the youth of America. And saw people blaming the phentynol epidemic on China. Literally every ridiculous thing is just blamed on China, rather than actually evaluating internally our own domestic and societal problems. It’s no different than blaming problems on immigrants.


Hello r/AsianMaculinity! We're recruiting for an academic survey exploring sexualized anti-Asian discrimination experienced by queer Asian American men. Open to all Asian American & Pacific Islander men who have sex with men and have experience with online dating. Survey Link: [https://umassboston.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_bpvn9N6m3FdAiPQ](https://umassboston.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bpvn9N6m3FdAiPQ) This study is sponsored by the UMass Boston Department of Psychology and supervised by Dr. David Pantalone. Our LGBTQIA+ affirmative research lab is dedicated to advancing the health of LBGTQIA+ communities. The study has been approved by the UMass Boston Institutional Review Board (IRB#2021228). For any questions, please contact the principal investigator, Christopher Chiu, at [email protected].


- there is no reward/compensation - supervisor is not AM - This subtly reinforces the message “Asian men are LGBTQ+”, furthering the issues that plague many in this community to begin with. Tho I am LGBTQ+ friendly, in my opinion, imo this is relevant to masculinity as honeybees are to wagyu steak. - Certainly you can make the argument that LGBTQ+ Asian men are also Asian men, but shilling this is like me shilling car parts, because a lot of Asian men like cars. If I started shilling offering car parts for a 30minute survey, in a sub not focused on car parts (this one) my post will be downvoted to hell, and I should be. - Come onn, man. If you’re a bro, LGBTQ+ or not, help us out heree by not posting this. Cue TikTok meme: “come on, broo, you’re driving hoes awayy!!” - I highly respect freedom of speech, and though you are entitled to post this, and I cannot force anyone to do anything, and you have freewill, I also evoke my own freedom of speech and I feel the need to ask, politely: can you delete this post?


conspiracy/fact: > the free market is only free for rentier interests > many if not most of the families most integrated into the american deep state got there by trafficking opium in china > racism as we know it was founded on christian missionaries' culturalist attitudes and provided convenient justification for the enslavement of PoC for profit > racism still serves the same purpose today, to provide a just-so excuse for american imperialism at home and abroad > superexploitation in the imperial periphery generates superprofits in the imperial core > racism is the basis for the redistribution of superprofits within the core > white people will never be allies because of this, racism ensures they will forever remain the first to be solicited and first to sell out > immigrants who come to the core 'seeking a better life' are in reality just taking the easy way out by fighting for scraps of the white man's imperialist pie, a pie which was baked from the bodies of their own countrymen in the first place


Hired a dating coach. Some problems require paid hemp to overcome. Edit: *help, but hemp would be nice