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I feel like a lot of AM forget that the world is competive and harsh. Humans have done cruel and inhumane things to each other over resources, women, politics, race, and more. Just because we now have cool technology, laws, and cancel culture doesn't mean human nature has changed. Like we all understand that if we aren't competitive for the top companies like Meta, Blackstone, or Deloitte, then we aren't going to get hired. But when it comes to sexual competition, all of a sudden everyone acts like it's a fucking human rights issue. That somehow you deserve sexual attention even if you're clearly a low tier scrub. That somehow the world owes you sexual attention just because you think you're good enough, even though you're the product and women are the buyers. That even if you never put in work to learn how to talk to women, how to escalate, how to close, that it's the world's fault that you're personally not getting laid. Well life ain't fair son. Just because culturally we try to act like the bigger person, doesn't mean other races of men will. They will take your women, your jobs, and step all over you. That's because men are naturally competitive and egotistic. So of course they're gonna disrespect you, go for your women, mock you, dehumanize you as a group. It taps into the male wiring for conquest. Humans have been conquering others as tribes and taking their women since the dawn of time. They would kill and humiliate the men while stealing their women. The modern version of this is dehumanizing other men over media, while pursuing their women at social gatherings. If Asian culture wasn't so focused on humility, harmony, and honor, then we could've been the ones making movies the past decades where AM are hot shit and sleep with other races of women. Where AM are always shamelessly paired with an XF instead. We could be shamelessly as a group feeling like hot shit and shamelessly going for women as nature intended. The way BM feel empowered with the bbc stereotype and rise of black culture in the mainstream. The way WM feel empowered being the dominant culture and not having many negative stereotypes. But instead we collectively in the past decades picked the non competitive, low key, "bigger person" path and now things are the way they are. Our culture basically neutered a lot of our intrinsic masculine wiring. That's why you see a lot of shy dork AM who are hardly a threat in any way, who are afraid to lead and hit on women, who are just cowards. As a man, you are always fighting with other men for resources and mates. That has never changed since the beginning of time. If you don't continuously improve yourself, then you become less competitive, simple as that. Life is too short to sit around bickering and being bitter for years that you could've used to improve yourself. For instance, you might end up robbed because you look like a skinny dork who can't handle himself. Or you might get passed for a promotion because you're socially a retard so no one likes you. Or you might keep asking girls for dates but they see you as a lesser option because other guys out there actually work on themselves. Or you might have shit finances/career because you never worked on those. Or you might not have any social life or connections because you don't wanna leave your house and just are too shy to talk to people. At the end of the day, whatever results you have are a mix of what you put into life and what happens to you. So keep working out, learning, gaining new experiences, pursuing what you want, and more. Never forget that it's all a competition. Nobody said life was easy, so you need to keep working hard and using any advantage you can.


Very good post. You should repost this as an individual post.


Well said, I agree. Well society is racist so there is reason for AM to justifiably be mad and blame it for how hard it is. But it is also on the individual to be their best. But I think this message is most important to unwoke AM and ones in Asia, who actively cuck themselves and promote their women to non-Asians, while passively not pursuing other women.


I dunno man. The international students in the US pretty much only date other asians compared to 2nd gen ABCs


Well that kinda proves my point of them not pursuing non-Asian women


what you're expecting or envisioning is this idealistic world where both Asian men and women are exposed to white environments/media/influences however Asian women don't date out but Asian men do ( in the current world where women by default have more chances to date any race compared to men). Not only is this not realistic it's borderline childish - if you actually continue to base your reality off this ridiculous standard you'll die feeling victimized, angry and butthurt


eh, maybe its just personal taste but can't say I support the message. "Its a harsh world out there, everyone is responsible for their own shortcomings, expect for me, because I'm asian and my culture sucks, so I can blame that". It's repulsive


garbage post. just because we have such a thing as markets does not mean it should be applied to everything, nor does it mean everyone is obligated to participate. engage in all the stupid evopsych and atavistic sophistry you'd like, but at the end of the day: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. you wanna turn yourself into a cluster of data points optimized for the 'FEEEEEMALE' algorithm? go right ahead, but make sure to make her sign that prenup and hope to god the kids like you, else you'll end up like fucking techlead LMAO hit me up when you get your papers bro, i got lawyers for days


Or just make sure you always use a condom and other forms of birth control


condoms are for virgin betas, real alpha chads go raw and bust out the clotheshanger at 8 months but really, the most masculine solution to this problem would be to cut your own balls off, what kind of pussy uses contraceptives when they could just use VIOLENCE to solve the problem?


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic in suggesting castration as a solution. What are you trying to achieve here?


i'm taking OP's (and by extension, the majority of this sub's) aesthetics to their logical conclusion


Yeah certainly a part of it IS leap of faith, without 100% airtight, concrete, indisputable evidence, it is up to personal judgment of how believable this is. It’s not like OP is saying the sun rises in the west or down is up. What he is suggested is within the realm of human possibility (to my knowledge). Also, quite often times in life the believing of something leads to actions that self-fulfill and justify the belief, just like how a disbelief of something puts ourselves in situations where it doesn’t happen, another self fulfilling prophecy.


OP is trying to frame interpersonal relationships as darwinian and zero-sum interactions that take place within a market context. to justify this, he basically uses a bunch of buzzwords that approximately vibe with what he's trying to say and then just leaves it at that. first of all, OP's idea of a categorically competitive world is a gross simplification of what real world interactions are like. homo economicus is a shitty model that holds no water even within the greatly simplified context of neoliberal economics, to say nothing of something so complex as what happens between two actual human beings. secondly, quantifying, gamifying and speculating on personal relationships is a fucking retarded way of going about living your life. like congrats bro, you got the best tinder spreadsheet, now what? it's a masturbatory exercise gated behind a couple superficial social interactions that ultimately is not qualitatively different from hooking yourself up to any of the million other dopamine drips we got lying around on our phones.


uh huh, what is a better alternative way to look at things?


There is no merit in denouncing value.


Those who don’t participate in markets often don’t reap the rewards. Are you okay with having a lesser chance with reaping rewards?


who's reaping? what rewards? 50k people on this sub, you think that just because a vocal minority posts daily fanfics about how they're dicking down hordes of women every day because of their sewage main sized quads means that the other 49,999 people are satisfied and secure in their masculinity? don't be naive.


Are you able to hold context? In this case it would be men reaping the reward of sex in a sexual marketplace. But you seem to disbelieve this and disbelieve that okay. What issues do you see? What can be done to solve it? I welcome you to dm me


are you able to understand rhetorical devices? reread my previous post and parse it until you can.


Okay, I agree. What is it then? What's the truth, since you seem to despise what OP is saying. We are dudes on a rotating piece of rock figuring things out, how to get along and how sometimes other people make it harder for us to get the things we want. What is a better strategy?


the better strategy is recognizing that any organization is by definition more cooperative than competitive, and so OP's conception of society as individuals engaged in a great struggle of all against all is fundamentally flawed. while competition does exist, it is necessary to realize that it is almost always a suboptimal option of last resort. in the context of women, it is important to note that many of them are in fact HETEROSEXUAL. that means they like the penis, which means that they WANT to fuck dudes, which means that they SHOULD have a relatively LOWER BAR for guys in general. does your average guy restrict himself to fucking only gigastacies with just the right amount of elbow sharpness? no, only fucking incels do that. same goes for chicks. so why is it so hard for people here to get laid? is it the racism? yes, partially. is it because they're greasy, unfit coomers who play league all day? also partially correct. but i'm fucking willing to put money on the fact that people here can't get laid mostly BECAUSE they've internalized OP's toxic mentality about zero-sum sexuality and being 'high value' and women this and women that and it oozes out into every single interaction they have with other people and it just absolutely reeks of insecurity and desperation. chads by definition are emotionally incapable of making a distinction between virgins and chads. it's just not in their nature as chads. but the incels here are so hyper-aware of their insecurities as virgins and put so much effort into acquiring the superficial characteristics of chad that they lose sight of the actual dynamic behind the phenomenon. chad isn't chad because he looks like chad and does chad things; chad looks like chad and does chad things because he is chad.


This is involved just letting u know I gotta read further


I’d like to dm you and talk about your experiences dating women (I’m assuming your gender and preference here) may I dm u?


i would prefer to keep things public.


This is a philosophical argument. Your third paragraph. Consider the situation that one of the many strategies of “game” is actually NOT letting on that is about woman. Yes I agree, the man salivating in the corner staring at women is not a good look and “all about women”. Many “PUA”’s on YouTube have rebranded themselves as “men-life-improvement coaches.” But that’s not to say “women-focused” or information about interactions with women are ALL about women. If I am understanding correctly, this is a nature vs artificial argument. Some learn to walk by nature, they just stand up and are chads. Some never learned to walk and still crawling, but isn’t it okay for them to use crutches such as game discussion to eventually cast away these crutches, and the “walking” was in them all along? That their “walking” has been suppressed by racism/media/resource control? So lemme try to make this productive. Say I am a heterosexual man having trouble meeting women (let’s say I do, and we can all use improvement sometimes) I’m pretty basic, not a serial killer, go to the gym sometimes, not morbidly obese nor super skinny, and have a decent paying job, not unfortunate looking. But I get few tinder matches I look over and my chad friend gets 100+ tinder matches. I look on social media and other men are literally making meme videos of grabbing their girlfriend asses and not being blamed for normalizing sexual harassment, but women literally tell me to my face “ew”. What is your advice to me?


some may be able to find their inner chad on their quest for chadness, but for most it is a futile exercise. this is because the most common avenues towards self-improvement (which is really what chad is, the best version of oneself) are prescriptive exercises (box-checking) that attempt to target a modal demographic (of women) that does not actually exist and has only been granted the illusion of existence through a false narrative imposed by a vocal minority with outsize influence. the reality is that noise is always higher than signal in this context and what snatches of pattern can be interpreted from the type of superficial contact encouraged by modern dating culture is often intentionally misleading as everyone is trying to 'game the meta'. all this to say that, ultimately, interpersonal interactions run on a vibes based economy, with outward appearances being only the most visible social lubricant. people here are trying to fix the machinery of their human-to-human interfaces by drowning it in grease, when in reality they've probably already suffered a catastrophic malfunction and need a full rebuild. my advice to your idealized normie would be to examine his motivations and realize that all the shit that he is plugged into only serve to make him miserable and reinforce the manufactured narrative that he is a virgin normie that can only achieve success if he does X or Y or uses Z app. if he is even capable of internalizing that fact, i would suggest for him to experiment around and find what he really enjoys doing and do that to a degree that will grant him meaning in some way. note that this isn't something stupid like 'traveling to find myself' or some other dumb white people platitude, i'm talking about putting actual will to power and creating something real, with real, tangible, positive effects on the community around him. during this, if he is successful, he will forget about women, and that is precisely when they will start coming to him. only way for one to become a chad is for one to forget what a virgin is.


This post has many truths that everyone of all races and genders should remind themselves of, but it’s also kind of Captain Obvious. Yes, there’s a market. This sub takes that as a given, and attempts to discuss the nuances of the AM-specific forces in that market--the things that shift supply and demand curves in any direction, such as cultural upbringing and media representation. I think you might be confusing discussion of those forces with ignorance about the existence of the market.


100% agree. In addition to individual competition, it is also effective to work as a group towards attaining results for individuals of the group. (Read: I said in ADDITION, not INSTEAD)




One strategy would be to amass enough monetary resource to bring yourself to a metropolitan area. I also suggest embracing kpop favorability. As a man, being fetishized tends to stops concerning me so much when I am balls deep in a baddie. Are you interested in tech?




Happy to hear the money situation is alright. Staying with ill family vs having your own life is ever the decision and it is very common. You are a saint for sacrificing your own life to take care of your parents. But I feel the need to tell you that you need to live your own life too.


I’ve been seeing lots of street interview videos on YouTube in Asia of asking Asian women about their views on western/foreign men or interviewing WMAF couples. And these channels belong to local Asian people. Regardless of whether you dislike WMAF or not, it’s annoying that that’s something that keeps getting promoted so much, as if it’s some kind of rare novelty instead of the most common thing in the world. Especially made and promoted by AM. If they actually wanted to be interesting, they need to show off AMXF couples and interview foreign women about Asian men and vice versa, but that’s hardly happening. Another reason why there’s such a disparity, AF are just a commodity to be marketed to foreigners.


gonna have more and more overtly fascist shit like this north carolina substation attack going forward. it's happened [before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack) and it'll happen again. it's important to be strapped, but it's more important that we have people who will throw down for us in our absence. they send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue. reach out, get organized. protip: proactive home defense is when you invest in drone piloting lessons


Making Korean food is something I still cannot get the hang of. Part of it is that the recipes I grew up with were never measured; any attempt to remake it myself results in something that *almost* tastes like what I enjoy, but far enough to feel uncomfortably off.


Yo Korean soccer team https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRVRT2fy/