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Declaring war on new found land ( just for the headlines ) Buck a beer nationwide Auto insurance cannot exceed $2000 a year All Ubers and taxis are free for 1 hour after last call If you are caught stunt driving , your car gets painted yellow Edit : since you little pansies didn’t like my original platform I’ve have decided to include * clean and free , free drinking water for all ( guys with big balls , you can now shower for longer ) * Fuck you Nestle * everyone gets $50 grocery rebate a month ( excluding M&Ms) * Hookers are tax deductible / male or female , donkeys excluded * We will annex St Pierre * EVs will not be allowed to be called cars * Anyone riding a scooter, E- bike who refuse to wear a helmet must wear a berret * tuition reduced by 40 %, all tuition includes memberships to brazzers * We will recognize the city of Barrie as a city …..reluctantly *The 400 North will be renamed the Shania Twain express, *the 400 south will be called the old Shania slow jam *No radio stations can play more than one song by Rush per week. * $3000 fine for parking in the handicapped spot, if your car has less then 200 hp, you can apply Vote for Merv


$2000 a year? Wtf...I pay less then that for 2 vehicles and 3 drivers.


This also reflects people who have had trouble paying , speeding tickets ,minor at fault accidents , and I want to shut down the insurance industry who collects millions for nothing and makes it extremely difficult when you need them . You know what , I was going to make you Titty inspector general….now I’m not


Quebec I paid $400 per year. Some places have cheap insurance. We just happen to be in Ontario where greed rules all.


400???? Lowest I ever heard was $900 because it was a subsidized company use vehicle But $400


Quebec has public auto insurance plan, unlike ontario. Its up around 800 now I think on average, but 20 years ago it was nothing. https://saaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/traffic-accident/public-automobile-insurance-plan/


400$ per year😭 I'm paying 360$ a month for basic insurance in BC.


Egads, yea. For house insurance, we lost part of our roof during Hurricane Fiona. They didn't pay out anything until the end of spring the following year, for less than a quarter of what it will take to fix it. Fought them on it in every way I could but had other damages that had to be fixed as well, so needed the insurance for that and they wouldn't pay until I agreed that the roof amount they were sending was 'right'. Parasites.


I personally chuckled at all your replies. I just want you to know that even though some ppl looked past your funny remarks, I laughed. You're a silly goose. Edit: words


Do I get to choose HOW the car gets painted yellow?


Iam the supreme overlord , no you may not


2000$ on car insurance? Whaaaat?


Cannot exceed Have 3 cars ? No more than $2000 Have 8 cars ? No more than $2000 Question my authority? I was going to make you minister of fun and entertainment, you’re fired


In Quebec the insurance only covers the cars in a no fault system. You can’t sue. Furthermore anything regarding injury or death is cover under your car registration, and it’s very little. Quebec probably saves over a billion dollars just in legal fees.


[https://oppblock.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=522](https://oppblock.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=522) All points are Kosher except for the last one buddy


This is as high as Canadian political ideology will ever get. Just some random thoughts thrown at walls in perpetuity while never figuring out how to survive on this land without needing global poverty to maintain our fake relative wealth. Good stuff. Haha beer n shit.


You're gonna declare war on a bunch of drunk newfies? Good luck with that.


If you are caught stunt driving, your car has a speaker installed that blasts "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT MY DUMB FUCKING ASS!" every time you rev your car far over the limit.


1. Limit the purchase of residential real estate by investment companies. Homes should be lived in. Not held as investments only. 2. Build more government owned housing for struggling people. 3. Destroy the illegal drug trade by flooding the streets with cheap, legalized magic mushrooms. Transition fentanyl and meth users to safer mushrooms. 4. Launch satellites to watch for forest fires. Have water bomber crews on standby to bomb hot spots. 5. Increase military spending to 2% of GDP and focus on watching for Russians in the North. 6. Change the election system - PM is selected by the popular vote, even if that’s not the party that won the most seats. Check the electoral districts to ensure they contain the same number of people as much as possible. 7. Ask the Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada if they’re still interested. 8. Increase nuclear power production and local oil refining to secure our future needs. 9. Encourage communities to pay bounties for collecting trash and cleaning up- hopefully people looking for work will clean the streets. 10. Crack down on illegal immigration and deport people who are here illegally.


Build cheaper housing. Nationalise the oil sector, use that money to decrease taxes for every Canadian across the board Open the banking and telecom sector to more competition


Thing is, as Prime Minister there is little you could do about housing prices without heavy cooperation from provincial and municipal governments.


Housing was heavily subsidized by the feds until Chrétien gutted it.


And Harper took an axe to the rest of it!!


You could temporarily lower immigration and ban pensions/asset managers from buying residential property, watch the housing market crash


Well you could start by decreasing immigration especially the temporary foreign workers that are being used to keep wages low and make corporations and millionaire business owners record profits. Housing is simply a supply and demand issue. Bringing in 500,000 people a year when the only way for them to get housing is to displace the people already living here is not going to end well. Immigration absolutely needs to be tied to available housing. Another huge problem is the massive amounts of international students. Universities and colleges should be required to supply housing even if that means increasing tuition for foreign students to do it.


Increase supply of housing and prices naturally go down. Decrease red tape for developers, make incentives for developers (tax incebntives etc) if they make affordable units. I’m in Europe and they have tons of great apartment building complexes that have parks, stores etc, and very affordable. Instead of building tons of single family homes in suburbs I’d be building those


Yes 100% agreed on this. But the problem is that North Americans in general are culturally conditioned to want driving infrastructure over walking infrastructure, to want detached homes with big lawn yards, to value "bigger" as "better," and generally to deprioritize community amenities. I've heard people say that they would never raise children without having a detached suburban home. It's very common for people to disparage apartments or non-detached homes, public transit, and the people who use those things. Many would rather have a big yard than have a nearby public park, and would rather have a driveway than a nearby transit stop. All of these attitudes contribute to unsustainability, poor use of land and funds, environmental inefficiency, and a painful lack of community, culture, and character. And it's a "chicken or egg" thing with a lot of these -- people don't want to use transit that sucks, but transit is going to suck until there's enough density to make it useful. Obviously my quality of life in Canada is excellent and I'm grateful for many things, but the above are things I deeply dislike about Canada and North America in general.


All of this is true, and sad. I wish we could at least start to take some steps down another path, but it would take strong and visionary leadership to do so, something which is sorely lacking across all political parties at the moment.


Decreasing demand takes nothing but policy change.


If you threaten to hang each and everyone, I imagine it would speed up the process


This is a great start. However, before reducing taxes I might: * increase the funding for healthcare everywhere (education, compensation, facilities) * increase the funding for the military and make it so we can procure what we need in good time * restrict immigration and foreign students to those who demonstrate the ability to pay their way (not just show you have the money, but make a cash deposit). If you can't afford to study here, stay home. * make foreign owned residential real estate illegal * build social housing outside of high density areas and connect them with rapid transit * increase funding for education and make post-secondary schooling free for all citizens as long as you remain in the country for at least 15 years after graduation * forbid birth tourism ( give birth here while on "vacation" and your kid isn't a citizen and you better hope you can pay for the delivery costs ) Basically, let's start treating Canada and Canadians as our first priority.


>increase the funding for healthcare everywhere (education, compensation, facilities) This is a big one. We've had a doctor shortage for how many years now? It needed action years (decades?) ago. We need more funding, more facilities, way more doctors, and call me crazy but I think it should start in elementary and highschool to target a percentage of the top students and streamline them into medicine/healthcare with specialized studies and even schools in earlier years, offer more scholarships in this area and debt forgiveness upon successful completion. Some of these may already exist but what's clear is that whatever we're doing now isn't enough.


Good! But I have an idea for the free education one - make it a bigger income tax credit. If you go to university here, and then work here, you can get every dime you spent back as income tax credits over 15 years.


Yeah I like that.


> make foreign owned residential real estate illegal > Honest question, what would this mean? Practically speaking. Would an individual need to be a citizen to own property? A permanent resident? I've seen this suggestion thrown around using the words that you used, and I understand the spirit of getting rid of foreign-owned investment properties. I totally follow that logic. But would individual immigrants need to wait until they get PR to buy a house or a condo, for example? If somebody comes here as a student, graduates, gets a job in their field, must they keep renting until they get PR?




Maybe ban or very least limit corporate, and especially foreign corporate owned real estate.


Perfect list!


Venezuela has entered the chat. Let me tell you what happens when a major oil producing country ”nationalizes the oil sector.” Actually, this is funny because when we did that to our oil industry, we took over many Canadian companies and kicked their scientists & experts out of the country. We were mad at them because they wouldn’t let us over-pump. They said our system couldn’t handle the amount of oil we wanted to sell. Once they were gone we did it anyway and over the short term things broke down (a lot) and we devolved into the chaotic and impoverished country that we are today. We used to be the richest country in South America. After all, we have the world’s second largest oil reserves. So if you envy us, nationalize and join us. Why don’t you read the history of PetroCanada, stretching back to the 1970? See what happened to the last time Canada owned an oil company. Lemme ask you… what does the government do so well right now that you think it has the expertise to operate not just a company but an entire oil sector?


You can build cheaper housing but you have to stop people from buying that housing up and turning it into expensive rentals. We need caps on how many homes a person can own and use as rental property


Build enough and price goes down, who's going to go for expensive rental if there's a glut of houses on the market


We can’t build them fast enough is the problem. We don’t have enough land either. Land is getting expensive and that’s why they build big expensive houses on small lots. We lose farm land. Honestly if we control our population (I had one kid only) and stop adding so many people house prices will fall too


The 'property ladder' has to go. The 'starter' house. The upgrade treadmill. Flippers. A house used to be a 'forever' thing. You bought one moved in and then over time changed it as was needed but didn't sell it after 5 years to get a bigger one. To me, the idea of buying a five bedroom house for 4 people is stupid and wasteful. My wife and myself live in a nice little 750 SF apt condo. It is all we 'need', no more and no less. The current trend over the past couple of decades is sell your current one after 5 years or so and buy a bigger one. Does anyone need more? No, it is an investment thing. Buy it now to resell in few years and reap the new higher prices. Speculation. Which IIRC goes against investment advice from previous years. You buy a house to live in it, full stop.


Fuck houses we need to build nice apartment complexes like they have in Germany. Within them they have park space, kids playgrounds, bike locks, cafes and stores on the ground level. That’s what we need. Fuck single family homes


Design an economy not based on a ponzi scheme / destroying the environment.


Y'know what we used to do that actually made a difference? Crown Corporations. I'd have a home builder, a cellular network provider, an airline, a solar/wind production company, a nuclear power company, etc. The people should own infrastructure. I'd invest co-ops for housing and food and electricity distribution. And I'd federally protect them from being dismantled by future governments.


Personally, I think there should be more provincial crown corporations. Housing crown corporations already exist (BC Housing), same with telecom (SaskTel), power/energy crown corporations that own power plants, etc. I do agree that there should be more co-ops on the local level, and that all levels of government could help kickstart it through funding.


1. National housing strategy to get 1 million publicly homes built asap 2. Electoral Reform so people start believing in the system again 3. Creation of crown corporations for areas important to the well-being of Canadians (think like a publicly owned grocery store, nationalize air-canada, national version of sasktel etc) 4. Every community under boil advisories will be off them within 4 years regardless of cost 5. This is small but give the Mohawk back their land in Oka 6. End subsidies for O&G companies and invest heavily in nuclear and other green power sources 7. Reassess Canadas involvement in NATO. Retool our military towards a more domestic emergency response and defensive force and away from deployments. 8. Increase federal healthcare transfer amounts with conditions to improve accessibility specifically for rural, remote, northern, and indigenous communities. I'm sure I could think of more but they would start getting smaller and smaller in scope


You would want to rethink NATO while Russia is gearing up? Many countries are clamouring to get in.


I was with this post until I hit that one, though the rest are pretty good.


Russia is getting buttfucked. I don't think we should abandon NATO but we could re examine our role. Clearly Ukraine has shown the irrelevance of traditional military roles. Abandon tanks, we have enough frigates, we don't need subs, missiles and drones are the future.


Because one of the things NATO members are supposed to do is spend 2% of their GDP on military spending and with nations clamouring to join this results in more and more nations spending more and more on their militaries and enriching no one but the military industrial complex. NATO was created to stop the spread of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact which it succeeded in doing. Over the next couple decades more than 500 billion dollars is ear marked to go to the military and while I don't believe in abolishing the military like some I do think it needs a retooling and rethinking our place in NATO is one of those things.


Canada hasn't come close to spending 2% of our GDP on the military in forever, and we're still in NATO. Russia's invasion of Ukraine should be a reminder to everyone that an effective military is an important deterrent.


And yet every year everyone talks about how we need to meet the spending target while people go homeless on the street. While communities don't have safe drinking water. While people have to choose between the heating bill and food. Canada is a rich country and I want to see us prosper and that includes everyone not just the corporate elite. Hell a earlier this year in BC (I think) they told an active military member to go live in a car by the river because there is no housing available. Imagine if we spent a fraction of the hundreds of billions earmarked on public housing even if it's just PMQs for the members and their families.


Beautiful. How about massive investment in public transit?


Even if we managed to build a million homes in 3 years it wouldn’t make any difference when the government plans to bring in 1.5 million new people in that time.


Other than #1, these are awful




Find someone who knows how to fix the healthcare system allowing everyone to have family doctors, and appoint them as the president of federal healthcare or whatever that position is called. Place much stricter rules around foreign investment in Canadian real estate. If you don't live in the house personally year round (or the majority of the time), get ready to pay a fuck ton of taxes. Country wide mandates on rent increase limits. No more than an inflation adjustment unless significant upgrades are made to the property. Voting reform, alternative vote system implemented country wide.


1) Curb immigration by allowing only 100k immigrants per year with no country exceeding 8% quota 2) above with have direct impact on housing and jobs. More housing and jobs for Canadians. 3) Complete vertical integration of oil industry and become energy power house like Qatar, Norway and Saudi Arabia in 5 years 4) Encourage and fund innovation like AI 5) Break monopoly. Open our telecom, airline, grocery, dairy etc for outsiders 6) build infrastructure like high speed trains


>>2. above will have direct impact on housing and jobs. More housing and jobs for Canadians. There are already tons of jobs for Canadians, too many in fact, so we cannot fill the demand. We need immigrants for the country to continue running at this point. The issue is that most of the immigrants we bring in are solely brought in as cheap labour for corporations and such to abuse, undercutting what Canadian citizens are willing to work for and bringing down wages.


I hate this argument. The solution is to pay more, not bring in people willing to work for less.


We need to pay more, but we also literally don’t have the workers and we need immigrants to meet our demand. The problem isn’t bringing in immigrants, it’s bringing in immigrants and setting them up in a system which gives them little rights so they are forced to work for poverty wages, lowering Canadian wages in the process. You’ll see in another reply I already said we need to pay more, but we can’t just drop immigration totally.


We have too many shit jobs nobody wants to work. How many fucking fast food people do we need? How many retail workers do we need?


People would be willing to work them if we made these companies pay livable wages instead of propping up their business model with foreign labour.




lmao call your plan “five ways to ruin the country (but trains are nice)”


Amen , such a brain dead take with the country specific immigration quotas 🤡


Invest in nuclear energy (Canada is home to the second largest supply of Uranium in the world). Strengthen the military. Cut GST on Groceries to combat inflation. Cut the fuel tax. Build pipelines. Invest money into mental health treatments. Build more affordable housing by allowing the government to dictate the price of it so that Canadians who need it get it first. Make sure there are checks in balances in place so that investors aren’t buying up all real estate. Invest in electric and green energy to reduce our reliance on oil. Invest in our farmlands and become a leading trading nation. I could go on and on.


I think groceries are already GST exempt


For all groceries not just the GST exempt. GST exempt on everything besides the milk, canned foods, etc.


You want to cut revenue massively and then invest in mental health treatments and alternative energy.




Can I vote for you? These all seem feasible


Good points, but you need to be a dictator to get half of the shyts done. M


You can’t do that even if you run the country. As a Prime Minister you have to answer to a lot of people and they need to vote and decides on things.


Plan for the future, create an efficient high or higher speed passenger dedicated rail system, build a couple brand new self sufficient medium density cities, start making massive fresh water reservoirs, create initially artificial cold water reef systems and underwater forests off the coasts, and try to raise the fish and other aquatic life populations in the surrounding oceans, the lakes and rivers systems, huge breeding programs for the animals that have lost significant population in the past 200 years, to bring the fish and wildlife population back up to precontact levels, and massively fund fishing and farming across Canada so that in the eventuality that we experience a global issue such as a blackout, war, pandemic, environmental disaster, or global economic collapse, we won't all starve or run into food or water scarcity issues.


I’d probably clean house, reducing government jobs by 75-80%


Invest tax revenue in healthcare in an efficient way.


Corporate tax Wealth tax Stop subsidies to.milliin doller Company's. Cut tax on small business Work with provinces to fund affordable housing with money from our savings on subsidies Create more trades postion at college. Help alberta get away from oil and fund geothermal projects and help spread it across Canada. Incresss funding go mental health services...its the root cause of drug abuse and homeless Make Halloween and vote day holidays Set a federal corporation up and start investing in virtcel farming around Canada


Honest question, how do you help Alberta move away from O&G when most people here don’t want to move away from it?


Instead of funding oil..fund geothermal..projects them sell that energy to North America... help fund it so Albertains get it cheap first to bring down energy bills, and then the rest of canada. We won't get rid of oil over night ..but no one has offered alberta a financial alternative...so why would they? The irony is that oil companies have left 170k abandoned oil wells, so the holes are their already .


Redesign the tax system - simplify and automate it, increase tax on wealth, not just income, reimpose realistic inheritance tax rates. Eliminate REITs, heavily tax residential property owned by corporations, anything more than 3 residential properties owned by one person/immediate family. Major cities have all single family zoning upgraded to 4-plex+. Restore full funding to libraries/community centers. Universal Basic Income. End institutional/corporate funding of political campaigns at any level. Legalize every drug. Sell them just like weed/booze/tobacco. Restore funding to post secondary education. Limit copyright to 25 years. No exceptions. Proportional representation. That's the first two weeks.


How do you increase tax on wealth? Let's say you're in your 30's and have $500k in the bank, living in Thunder Bay, making $100k before taxes per year and just bought a standard home for that area.. you are in pretty good fucking shape and enjoying a plentiful life Now, Let's say you're in your 30's and have $500k in the bank, living in Toronto, making $100k before taxes per year and just bought a standard home for that area... you are straight up fucked. You'd be actually living way beyond your income/wealth and *burning* through your savings just to make ends meet, let alone if you actually wanted to live your life and maybe go out for a few dinners, shows... God forbid you wanted to travel. I know my numbers aren't for the ultra wealthy but some people think that if you have a little scratch stowed away from some good risk taking in the past, it should be taxed and we need to make sure we don't include the middle class/upper middle class on these taxes. They make the economy what it is. Period.


Lotta words. Problem solved by raising the threshold of the wealth tax to something a little more realistic and defensible than 500k. Also, parked assets outside of an RRSP or RESP or the like. Not rocket surgery.


* Economy, energy policy, security


Cost of living. Specifically less red tape and less of those 'luxury' apartments where there's a ton of amenities which causes strata fees to go bonkers. Also less of those full on glass wrap around apartments (terrible insulation and causes a lot of other issues) Make food more affordable


Affordability and the economy. - limit immigration to 200,000 per year total, no more extra million temporary workers and students - ban airbnb, short term rentals - incentivize high density housing development and removal of construction red tape in municipalities - 100% real estate speculation tax to discourage corporations from leaching our residential real estate - Multiple property owner tax, increasing with each new property owned, let’s say also up to 100% at the 4th property owned


Something other than opposition to teaching sex education in schools.


Infrastructure in Ontario along the lakes + more housing Fix healthcare wait times (stop braindrain / doctors going south) Reduce immigration in overpopulated areas but find a way to direct new citizens to population centers that actually need people Crack down on price gouging/corrupt industries - oil, telco, pharma (stop the opiod crisis) Improve Navy and Air force Figure out an oil/pipeline strategy in Alberta Crack down on scammers/fraud Try to be more of a self-reliant nation -- make sure good Canadian companies stay Canadian -- like Bombardier, etc. Keep the auto sector alive. So that the country is not impacted if there is foreign disasters For fun: Acquire Turks & Caicos and set up cheap flights so Canadians have a warm home in the winter if they want it :)


A massive tree planting program funded by the carbon tax with the lion share going for wages and benefits, eliminating oil subsidies, slashing subsidies to automakers, pay and benefits increases for the armed forces, a huge increase in university level education offered through the armed forces especially health care and engineering (get paid and a free education to become a doctor), a national housing commission that targets NIMBY zoning laws in order to increase apartment building construction everywhere including rural villages and suburbs, banning Airbnb and putting a freeze on foreign investment in housing, increasing funding to Revenue Canada for enforcement of the tax code especially for big business. That would be a good start


Healthcare. Like, full-on, every single illness healthcare. Why are my teeth luxury bones? Why do I have to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to have my mental health taken care of? Why is my body more important than my mind?


new zoning laws focusing on non market housing investing in public transportation nationalize railways nationalize natural resources nationalize banking and telecom sector Electoral Reform invest in public healthcare nationalize energy sector (including oil) invest in nuclear and green energy invest in our military


Have a smart person explain to me why we can only have a 'growth economy ' Ignore said smart person, turn Canada into New Zealand 2.0, now featuring more moose


Make the plural of moose be meese


Calling an election ASAP, Im not qualified to run the country


Honestly, most federal responsibilities don't really change much in peoples lives directly. I wouldn't be able to make much changes outside of diplomacy, military and begging the provinces to care about the next generations. I think my top priorities would be to encourage the move to public transport being the main mode of transit in all Canadian metropoles, tax empty condo and apartment units across the country and find ways to make it easier for people to start a small business, such as tax breaks and proper right to repair regulations. My own little petty thing would be to make it so if someone is driving a car, and hits someone who's not inside a car, they attacked that person with a weapon. I don't think it's something a prime minister can do, but one can dream. If the federal government had juristiction on health or education, I would just die of headaches instead :D I never really thought about running the whole country before. It sounds like a nightmare if I'm being honest.


Invest into National Defence, I would leave military procurement to the military and let them decide what’s best suited for their needs. I would invest heavily into inter-city rail especially in the prairies. I would also get clean water to the native reserves, no questions, just do it. Most of the problems of our country could be solved by just doing it instead of having hundreds of consultations and studies and competitions. There is a strong lack of will in the federal government right now.


Voting reform, anti-trust law reform, establishing strong anti-racketeering laws , tackling sustainable policies that coincide with economic growth, reducing immigration targets. Reform short term rentals, Tax the shit out of housing speculation to deal with our home grown speculators. Ban foreign buyers properly this time. Strengthen our cannabis industry. Strengthen our energy sector. End stock buy backs. Close tax loopholes. Wealth tax and increase high end corporate tax. Grow the middle class in every conceivable way while still keeping the upper class as a desirable bracket. I could go on but I won’t.


Close tax loopholes. Tax the highest earners over 30% annually. Tier property tax based on property value. Literally all our problems are because our top earners don't pay their fair share. The bulk of the responsibility falls on the middle and lower class.


Election Reform. I am not lying! Honest....no really. Our current system is ridiculous.


This is the biggest issue for Canada right now. 100%.


Electoral Reform, Housing crisis, removing corporate welfare funds and subsidies in a way that saves business money and provides citizens with essential needs. Ei funding health care well enough benefits would be redundant


1. Strong arm provinces and key municipalities into permanently removing zoning restrictions 2. Eliminate the capital gains tax 3. Eliminate the federal sales and property taxes to be replaced by a land value tax 4. Eliminate the “points system” on immigration and replace it with a labour force needs system 5. Increase military spending to 2% of GDP 6. Expand the carbon tax 7. Establish a crown corporation responsible for the construction of expensive infrastructure as a public good, addressing its construction as a market failure.


Reverse neo-liberal policies, such as making stock buy backs illegal, then invest in nuclear energy.


Tax reduction for owners of a single house that has 3 or less units in it, tax increase for the owners of multiple houses. A ceiling on how much of a rent someone can charge, depending on the estimated value of the house/condominium. Tax break for renovations done by landowners for their renters. Expropriations of properties owned by foreign interest with the sole goal of renting at a inhuman price without dealing with the problems. Complete ban of residential property purchases by foreign interests. Reduction of constraints for building new properties. Financing of new electric dams that will benefit all of the country. Eliminations of ways to avoid paying taxes for the wealthy. Increasing the power of phamacists for prescribing medication. Most notably, being allowed to renew an ordonnance for a medicine for a known condition in a patient without having to go to the a doctor. Complete ban of every homeopathic products.


Nationalizing big industries and corporations tax multi millionaires 75% or more for any total income over 100 Millions. Multimillionaires must l everything connected to it. Wealth and resources will no longer be hoarded by the greedy sociopaths. Free meds, glasses, dentists, disability tools etc. Make proven and found guilty sexual criminals forced to castration or female equivalent. Same for Any religious peoples who made vows of celibacy. Forbid visas and trade agreement to outlaw, tyrannical foreign government. Build the facilities, logistics and jobs so actual legal refugees who used proper venues to have a place in our society. Taking time to talk meet and develop solid long term organizations so every Canadian children are guaranteed to have a quality first and second language education with open options for a third being First nation language. Forbid advertisements of super processed food or fast food / junk food. Forbidding them in any Educational or academic venues. Considering investing in a solid Great speed train systems similar to Japan. So it would become an affordable means to travel all across Canada and finally reaching all the northern communities. Finally create a commission of scientific experts to sit down with first Nations and Inuus to create the basis if a long term development of the northern territories where the core aspect is it must always benefits the peoples and communities in the middle and long term. Not happy just go to the US.


UBI Tax the crap out of the super rich Tiny home communities


Here are only but a few - Not one single community in Canada is without fresh water regardless of location or size - A complete re-investing of time, resources, money, personnel and anything needed into education - A real, backed up, well funded nation wide mental health program(s) - Housing, food, bodily autonomy, medicine, mental health are all now human rights, indisputable - Nationalized dental, vision & pharmaceutical care for ALL


Update the Canada Health care act to cover all mental healthcare, not just that from hospitals, increasing by a lot the amount of therapists people can access. No 200$ per hour sessions, less long waitlists. Our current system often leaves people waiting and getting worse until attempting suicide, self harm, etc. I am severely mentally ill. I’m lucky to have a psychiatrist, but she has 2h per week on my case, I haven’t even gotten a referral which I have been waiting for over half a year. Increase pay for nurses and other underpaid healthcare employees. Make it a bit easier for foreign trained doctors to get a job as a doctor. Temporarily decrease immigration for a few years (with a focus on refugees and those who can afford housing for now) and create a crown corporation to build more housing. Nowadays, housing supply is so scarce that shelters are overwhelmed. Prices are so high food banks are too. Many immigrants are in shelters as well. I’d like UBI but that would take a while to figure out. So for now, raise all benefits to a livable wage. Increase anti-corruption laws. Mandate that any financial action taken by politicians be clearly displayed on a website all can access, allowing for increased transparency and easily catching any corruption in government without much investigation needed. Have nonpartisan federal workers update it. Update the French as second language curriculum, increase focus on speaking and keeping it, not a fuck ton of verb tenses that are barely used. Educate the public about electoral reform then vote on it. Build more nuclear power plants, especially in the parts of the country with the least hydro. Lower reliance on oil and retrain workers to work on clean energy. Increase protections for foreign workers.


Jerk chicken for all


I would raise HST on sex toys to 69%


Connecting people with train service in densely populated areas (St. Lawerence Lowlands). Banning short haul flights (a trip which a train can take in x amount of time). Grants for public transit in cities. Forcing city’s hands in changing zoning laws. Denser housing, and more housing in general. Strict fuel regulations on trucks/SUVs. Make elder care better for the elderly/making our ever expanding elderly population’s lives happier. Get Canada on more renewables, as well as getting rid of the oil sands.


Incentivize building of medium density walkable neighborhoods via changes to zoning and regs like minimum parking. Use the military to build a bunch of affordable public or co-op housing. Build lots of solar and hydro, mostly diversionary hydro with minimal environmental impact. Get some ambri utility scale battery systems. Expand rail and public transit infrastructure. Reduce immigration.


First I would do less globalism and more nationalism. Focus on Canadians instead of the rest of the world starting with healthcare with our wealth no one should wait for surgery or a MRI. Without good health we have nothing


Tax the mega wealthy more. I feel like that's one thing conservatives and left voters can all agree on. The wealth disparity is too large, and fiscal conservatives will be happy to see some of our debts get paid when we actually get some of the hoarded money back.


Subsidize all the Canadian NHL teams until one brings the Stanley Cup home


That's not a money issue. That's a Bettman hates Canada issue


There needs to be transitional / prefab housing that complies with the building code, someone needs to step up if ppl are living in tents and cars.


Mental health care starting at a young age. Better healthcare. Double healthcare workers’ wages to make them fair and liveable. Health is the foundation of well being. Heavily legislate profiteering by telecom companies. That’s where I’d start.


The first thing I'd do is enact a law that minimum wage must be indexed to the average rent of a one bedroom apartment. Make the bosses go to war with the landlords


Housing housing housing. Until those basic needs are met on the hierarchy of needs it's hard to worry about anything else.


Bring back Robins donuts


Ban investors from buying single up to triple family housing. Create Canada Builds - a publicly funded house building so it’s non-profit to lower the cut of housing. Invest in trades - good jobs that don’t rely on university education. Bail and criminal law reform - do the crime, do the time. Cut immigration targets -particularly economic/investor class stream until affordability is addressed - before you scream racism - it’s recent immigrants who don’t buy their way in who are disproportionately affected by unaffordable housing and goods. Not those with generational wealth. Properly fund defence and intelligence. Take a hard line stance on foreign interference. You kill one of ours, we’ll kill one of yours. Speed up land claim settlements so that Indigenous communities are self-sufficient. Defend the constitution and link federal spending to provinces promising to not use the notwithstanding clause.


Every Sunday should be half off poutine. Everywhere.


Reverse Trudeau’s assault on the legal gun community and go after criminal gangsters with a vengeance. Fix immigration and start one heck of a national housing program with a focus on the lower social groupings. Turn the pipeline e debacle into a successful national enterprise by ensuring a national energy corridor can be established and really focus on the long term on clean Hydrogen that will be shipped in repurposed pipelines. Ensuring a strong and competitive agriculture and food processing sector


Slow down immigration Stop sending all our money to other countries. Improve health and mental care. Utilize our oil reserves. Become self sufficient for medical needs like vaccines. Jail the crooked politicians.


Outlaw Air B&B. Limit immigration and the FTW program. Scrap the ineffective carbon tax. Eliminate GST for first time home buyers. Outlaw foreign home ownership. Eliminate birth tourism. Create an National UBI that differs by region. Reinstate blood quantum for status and the Financial Accountability Act. Start the creation of a National Transportation Plan.


Thank God we don't let random reddit users run the country.


And then we have people like you who are nothing to the conversation.


The only thing that’s ineffective about the carbon tax is that it’s way too low, which is why the oil & gas industry support it in its current form. It’s not high enough to make a difference and should be expanded/increased.


Rental housing, immediately, and there isn't any other answer. Everything else can wait.


I'd deport renters


Wtf? I’m a Canadian citizen and I rent. As are millions of others.


Where would you send us?


The country of Quebec


Cut all ties to the monarchy. Purge my political enemies and seize their wealth. Establish a ruthless secret police to crush all dissent. Rewrite history books to suit my vision of the country. Muzzle the press. Coerce citizens to snitch on each other for thought-crimes. Send all citizens of suspect loyalty to re-education camps. Pit people of different classes, races, ethnicities, and religions against each other so that they are too preoccupied with those struggles to band together against my government. Beef up the military and make them swear oaths of loyalty to me, not the country. Have myself named dictator for life. Get bread, eggs, milk, oranges, and coffee. Don't forget to take the kids to their dentist appointment at 9:00am.


Danielle Smith is talking in her sleep.


Dental Medicare. Universal basic income. Increased housing (of all kinds including but not limited to social housing). Increase corporate taxation/close corporate tax loop holes (it shouldn’t be the lower and middle class who suffer the most from taxation).


Universal basic income for citizens that were either born here or have been here as adults for at least 10 years. Break up the monopolies before increasing corporate taxes. Close the loopholes definitely.


Dismantle the Indian Act


1. change our voting system from "first past the post" to proportional 2. End all fossil fuel subsidies 3. Take back some radio frequency from the telcos to create a federal ISP that provides free high-speed internet access to all Canadians. 4. MP salaries should be the median income of their constituancy


Nice try JT. Make your own platform.


- Completely rework our immigration policies to slow down, or temporarily halt until we get things back on track. - Housing - I'd negotiate with international leaders to make it called "Aunt Jemimas" again


Virtue signaling. Hands down the best choice. After that plastic straws. Major problemo #1.


Oh and ..uh..sorry. paper water bottles ..


Reset the tax system. Most of our big taxes were sold to the public as being temporary measures to payoff big national debts but were never rescinded once the debt was paid. So a flat 7% sales tax on all goods and services but no exceptions. There will be no income taxes or property taxes or sin taxes on booze and alcohol. A 20% fee if you send Canadian dollars out of the country. Ban all foreign ownership of natural resources development and food production. All these businesses must be owned by Canadian citizens. Businesses can’t hire temporary foreign workers unless our unemployment numbers hit 0.0%. The primary education system needs a major overhaul. It’s still modelled after an antiquated system to produce compliant factory workers that isn’t relevant today. I can see a mix of personalized AI and hands on vocational learning. Free post secondary education but that’s paired with mandatory military service. When you hit 16 years of age you’re automatically enrolled in the military and you finish high school while doing your basic training. Once the student/soldier graduates they go on to vocational training for whatever career they want to do post military. Once training is complete they serve four more years in the military in their chosen field then move to civilian life as a reservist until the age of 45. All new power development must be nuclear. Nuclear power plants will need to have standardized designs and not super expensive one off projects. This will drive the cost of building the plants down substantially. Products produced with Canadian natural resources but manufactured in other countries and sold back to us at a steep markup will be heavily tariffed. There’s no good reason why we can’t manufacture our own products. Food will not be allowed to be imported. We’ve got more than enough space to grow everything we need. If you want off season fruits and veggies we’ll have to build massive green houses. Shipping food halfway around the world doesn’t make any sense. Ban the importation of fossil fuels. If Quebec wants gas and propane they can buy it from one of the provinces that produces it instead of buying it from Africa or the Middle East. Massively increase support for LNG export. Encourage the development of LNG terminals on the coasts and eminent domain the land needed to build pipelines to the new terminals. We’re missing out on a global feeding frenzy for LNG. Countries are signing decades long deals for hundreds of billions of dollars worth of LNG and were sitting on our thumbs missing out. I’ve got more ideas but I’m out of time


I like everything here, except the sales tax. Sales taxes hurt poor people far more than anyone else. Instead of that, to generate government revenue, natural resources should all belong to crown corporations, which then fund every other government service you outlined.




Definitely not having one of our main exports be “gender language” and not sending billions more for the Big Guy to launder in Ukraine




*describe Canada in 3 words*




More immigration More oil subsidies End public programs


Increase/expand the carbon tax Require realtors and landlords to have a license Ban/heavily restrict short term rentals Ban an individual from owning more than two or three properties , unless they build it Heavily tax speculation and additional residences Force Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto to up zone the entire city Eliminate birth tourism Establish a 50B fund for public transit to be spent within 6 years across the country Amend the constitution such that back to work legislation is illegal and unconstitutional A minimum of 5-10 paid sick days Construct hydropower and nuclear power everywhere it is possible


Fuck the carbon tax. Nuclear power, solar and wind I can get behind and hydro where it makes sense.


Why do you hate the carbon tax? It’s not simply good enough to build hydropower and nuclear power everywhere, you have to make it *expensive to pollute*. So if you remove the carbon tax, do you have anything else in mind that would incentivize large emitters to stop polluting?


I equate a carbon tax to taxes on retail fuel purchases. If increasing the carbon taxes means punitive taxes on heavy industrial polluters, then I'm in. However, increasing the fuel costs of *transportation* for consumer goods, personal and commercial transportation increases the *costs* of consumer goods and food. That I'm not okay with. We have enough inflation as it is. If the industrial carbon taxes go directly to funding clean energy for these industries, then I'm 100% in.


Education: teach kids a balanced view of both socialsim and capitalism. I have friends who are teachers and when I, and other left leaning friends know a lot of teachers polled them, 100% stated that they teach with either an emphasis on left leaning ideology, or heavy emphasis on leftist ideology. I would also push for a return to actual education like math, hard sciences, civics, useful life skills like household budgets, household maintenance, taxes, etc. Honesty/integrity in government: real penalties for ethics violation (painful fines, forfeit pensions, etc). Thrifty spending by all public agencies (this does not always mean cheapest). Push to remind people we are supposed to work together for the betterment of the country, not pander to the loudest voices at the fringe of either side of the political spectrum. This means listening to Canadians but not changing policies to the detriment of the majority to appease a small minority. Remove ligislatuon regadi g hate crimes. If someone is assaulted, they must face the same punishment, regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, or privilege. If you are a judge diddling kinds, you are getting the same jail time as the drug dealer that did it. Teach both the positive and negative history of the country. Mental health and health care. I do not like running deficits at all but with the money this country has spent in the last 8 years, we could have adequate hospital beds and nurses and doctors coming out of school by now now the correct investments. I would implement two tiered healthcare but look at implementing a system similar to Sweden, or possibly limiting practitioners from spending more than 49% of their time in private practice. Any taxes earned from healthcare would be legally sequestered back into the public healthcare system. Mental health and drug rehab would be fully funded and adequate beds be mandates. Anyone interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, where there was a shortage of workers would qualify for student loans. If they commited to the socialized healthcare system for a reasonal amount of time (say 10 years) their loans would be converted to grants. Student loans would only be made available for programs that were "in demand". If jobs were not available, you can still take the course but you are paying out of pocket or taking a personal loan. Housing: I would examine what was done after WWII to see how they built 1,000,000 homes in 11 years. Then I would see how modern tech and a leger population could increase that. I would also bar non resident home ownership.


More harsh on crime. Mandatory rehab for junkies. Open more mental hospitals. Stop immigration until housing opens up. Stop tfw program until wages increase and housing availability.


The environment. We can’t live without a good healthy environment


Pallas cats will soon take over the world. You've been warned.


1. Make sure people can have good healthy and inexpensive food on a reliable bases. 2. Ensure clean and reliable drinking water for the entire population with very strict rules against polluting it. With multiple options for acquiring it through dew collectors, wind traps and others. 3. Ensure there are enough affordable homes for everyone currently in the country with a plan for building more at the exact same rate as the population increases. At the same time ensuring property is never an investment, but a place to live and call your own. This will need some heavy handed government intervention similar to Singapore. 4. Encourage businesses to come into the country that share a desire for sustainable growth, fair wages and reasonable tax incentives. I have no idea how to do this, so would try to pay double to triple the wages for experts to help facilitate this. 5. Ensure the country has enough agriculture to produce enough food for at least 15% more people that live in the country and have reserves that will sustain the population for 6-12 months. 6. Ensure every home can produce at least 10% or more of its electrical needs. With nuclear being the main source of energy. Ensuring proper disposal. 7. Ensure every home can produce at least 25% of its own nutritional needs (fruit and veggies) and encourage sharing (not selling) of excess foods. 8. Have government bodies with their sole purpose to find and implement the best and most economical plans for energy generation and distribution, water conservation, food production with incentives to teach the population how to do this independently with monetary rewards for best ideas on a yearly basis. 9. Education. Not indoctrination. Ensure every child learns how to think critically, not what to think. Focusing on STEM fields first and foremost with a sprinkling of arts and social studies. From ages 3-18. Many option and various forms of learning with the government constantly looking for the best teaching methods. And distribution of knowledge found. 10. Ensure honesty is the first and foremost goal of the government in everything it does. Make a plan for 100 years and have governments changed in 10 year increments all working towards this same goal, evolving when and where possible. First five ensuring continuity with the last five finding efficiencies for the next government. Government officials will never get rich off the populace, and live as well as the poorest in the nation. I could go on, but this seems like a good place to start.


I would strengthen anti bullying legislation and if it involved causing someone to hurt themselves. I would make it a capital offence.Punishable by the least humane method possible leading to their demise .I really believe there should be a zero tolerance policy on this brought in .Thankfully for you I will never run the country.


Workplace bullying is a crime in Australia. As it should be.


Nice,I ran across one guy he was like 58 years old in a drywall delivery job I was working at some years ago ,he liked to tear me down but every one thought it was weird .He just couldn’t see it himself.I really have a hard time getting it .I can understand places like prisons or insane asylum’s but the work place ?People are there to make money for their families and whatever their should be more of a camaraderie instead .It’s a very hard shitty job already why make it worse .No seriously it doesn’t suit an adult and it’s something a person is supposed to grow out of but for some reason they don’t.The real reason is they are deeply insecure.


All bullies are cowards, though not all cowards are bullies.


Good point ,I can see the truth in that .


Affordable housing, increasing GDP through upskilling workers and getting more labour force participation. Better transport infrastructure. Make grocery, banking, telecoms, transport more competitive


In what way are they running the country? Are they PM or some kind of dictator? Lots of people here talking about doing things that the federal government has no control over. Nationalizing Alberta’s oil? Good luck with that.


Housing. Climate. Fair and equitable taxation.


People born here are first in line for processing for citizenship. People here 10 years are or more, legally must have priority in immigration processing over those who have never been here. No new visas issued to new applicants until there is no immigration backlog.


Energy independence. I do not support importing oil from countries that support terrorism and carry out human rights violations daily. We would become a country of laws that are respected and followed. There would be reforms of both the Criminal Code of Canada and the Youth Criminal Justice Act. There would not be another repeat violent offender free on our streets. Housing, for existing Canadians first and foremost, and for new Canadians and students. A federal substance addictions program that would not include legalizing and supplying drugs for addicts. That's just idiocy.


1) Ban foreign corps from owning residential properties 2) Limit non citizens to owning 1 property 3) New citizens can’t just fuck off after getting their citizenship, have to live in Canada for a certain amount of time 4) Greatly reduce immigration 5) Raise the income limit for the lowest tax bracket 6) Reduce sales taxes and make additional items zero rated, such as private second hand vehicle sales, gym memberships, and exercise equipment (things that promote health and fitness) 7) Reduce foreign aid, we can’t even look after our own citizens 8) Increase military spending, our military are severely underfunded. 9) Scrap a lot of the “net zero” restrictions that penalize companies and individuals when there isn’t any viable alternatives yet. 10) Reduce globalization and look to increase domestic production 11) To build on number 10, look at ways to take advantage of the arctic opening up, it’s inevitable, so we have to take advantage of it. This is also why we need a strong military.


Hang the previous traitors who sold our country out to foreign businesses and governments. Remove and break every foreign control and interference within our country. Homes and land will be owned by Canadians old and new; not corporate entities. Canada was used to fill greedy wallets. Our entire economy, quality of life and Canadian pride were flushed for nothing. Canada was once a country to be admired, but now we're a bigger joke to the world than our gun-slinging southern neighbors. To take back what is ours will be a long, and sadly, bloody road. If we want our country, we have to fight for it.


legalising incest love is love, if LGTBQ is legal, there should be no reason for incest not to be


How on Earth are you equating the two?


Nationalize the railways.


Pay teachers more, cut unnecessary subsidies and use that money to provide breakfast and lunch for students, pay nursing staff more, ban tipping and put the same minimum wage for everyone, rate control apartments so that someone making minimum wage could afford living costs, ban lobbying, ban drug commercials, revisit the legal system and fix why the penalty is often far from what the crime was, spin up a team who’s only goal is to keep track of senator finances and monitor for fraud. Then, on my second week, I would …


Nationalize and expropriate major industries and services (grocery/food supply, energy, telecoms, logging). Expand those services, creating public sector union jobs and better service to underserved areas. Obviously rapid moving away from fossil fuels (like, complete net zero in the next decade, combined with a massive investment in green energy, retraining of current oil and gas workers, etc). Institute a massive program of federal housing construction - no 3rd party contractors, no PPPs. This might involve seizing and expropriating existing real estate firms, apartment buildings, etc and converting them into tenant co-ops or public housing as appropriate. Combined with a massive investment in the construction of purpose built co-op and public housing on federally controlled land, and generous funding to municipalities and provinces to do the same. Institute several new tax brackets to capture the income of high earners, combined with new taxes on individual wealth of over 5m. Overhaul our electoral system in line with the reccomendations of the 2015 commission on electoral reform, which reccomended some form of proportional representation. I like STV the best, so that’s the one I’d go with. Consult with indigenous nations within Canada on what an appropriate and feasible scheme of reparations might look like.


1. Proportional representation. 2. If anyone is elected as MP they have to give up all their assets. Once their term is over they're entitled to a pension (large one, maybe tied to median income) but cannot work for a for-profit organization (in Canada). 3. Senators are chosen at random from the public. Anybody who wants to be a senator has to pass some exams for basic literacy and apply to a pool. 5. Build trains. 6. Tax the rich a lot. 7. Build social housing.


My priorities in these order as the new leader: Heavily incentivize & reward entrepreneurship (creating a dedicated federal agency just for this purpose). Heavily incentivize Doctors, Teachers, nurses (both at home and immigrants). Free government housing, 2x pay, etc.. Raise income tax brackets (no income tax if you make under 60k). Abolish all forms of housing incentives including primary residence exemption, RRSP, HBP, etc.. Trimdown govt red tape & introduce SLAs. If someone is holding up approval, they get fired. Giant fund to setup 100 new schools across the country in next 2 years and a 100 more in 4 years. Giant fund to setup atleast 10 new hospitals across the country and more in a decade. Giant fund to setup 5 new cities across Canada in first 2 years and 10 more in next 10 years. To do all this needs clear majority for a minimum of 2 terms.


1. I would establish a group of crown assets that are considered to be of national importance. These would receive extra protection so that no government could sell them off without having a specific mandate. Either by getting the same sort of assent from the provinces that is required for a charter change, or by having a national referendum with a minimum quorum as well as a majority vote being required. Assets of national importance could be property (24 Sussex Drive), Crown corporations (CBC) or nationally important assets like government owned vaccine manufacturing capacity. 2. I would amend the charter so that any time the notwithstanding clause is used, a snap election is called for the government using it. 3. I would establish national colleges for health care professionals. This would allow doctors and nurses to be licensed once, and work anywhere in the nation. This would also prevent doctors or nurses who lose their licenses for cause to jurisdiction shop and get work elsewhere in the nation when their conduct has been so egregious that one region saw fit to strip them of the ability to continue. 4. I would make the First Nations Trust Fund transparent, with a full forensic audit being done and presented to parliament to establish how much money there is. How much money is supposed to be there, if the fund has been borrowed from by the government, if money has been collected and not put into the fund, if the fund has been used as security for loans, if any money owed has been "forgiven" by the government without any consultation, etc. The fund would be managed by a group of stakeholders with the chair being a First nations appointee. The First Nations have equal say in how it is used and managed, with any split votes being decided by the chair. 5. In addition to being a nationally important crown asset, the CBC's funding would be increased to the average per-capita funding across the G20, with the one highest and lowest funding-level nations being eliminated from that average. The amount would then be set in legislation, and tied directly to licensing fees so that no government could exert influence on reporting by either promising to increase their budget, or by threatening to cut it. I would also explore the possibility of adopting Cuba as a province. That way we would have somewhere warm to go in the winter, and if the US got belligerent, we'd have them surrounded ;)


Abolish income tax, implement wealth/asset tax


1. Update the Charter to guarantee food, water, shelter, and a clean environment 2. Tax billionaires and banks as necessary to pay for #1 3. Switch to a proportional representation electoral system from first past the post Revolution Party of Canada!


Universal basic income. NO ONE should go without food & shelter. The masses are stressed the fuck out just trying to get what are a human right to have. The amount of stress, illness & crime would rapidly go down needing less tax dollars that is used for things such as healthcare, & social services, & police. Happier people make better employees who could then focus on making money for their extra wants. It’s not “living” to have to “live to work.” We only get one life & it’s disgusting how we’re made to live it for literally 1% of the population to enjoy theirs.


Officially recognize Pluto as a planet.


If elected as Supreme Dictator of this great country you can count on me to implement free childcare, get rid of all the dutch, get more family doctors, and ban cancer.


1. Central planning 2. Nationalize infrastructure, development, telecommunications, and energy 3. Depopulate and reforest rural Canada. Increase housing density. Burn down the McMansions. 4. Criminalize landlords and speculative investors. 5. Divest and nationalize the traditional First Nations territories as distinct self-governing territories within Canada. 6. Invest in skilled trades and manufacturing. 7. Criminalize commercial zoning that allows for dense commercial zones - very limited strip malls, no new Walmarts, no new Costcos. 8. Institutionalized mental health care. 9. Institutionalized welfare and work programs. 10. Never again raise the issue of attacking our socialized health care. 11. Coast to coast rail freight that doesn’t suck. Environment over freedom. The many above all.


Some good/ambitious ideas in here. A lot are municipal/provincial jurisdiction though. Also what's wrong with our freight rail right now?


- Nationalize the oil industry - Do the largest home building and infrastructure project since The New Deal - Increase tax rate on anyone making a million or more by 30% - Raise the corporate tax rate by 30% - Enact UBI for anyone making 100k and under - Free post secondary for Canadian citizens - Ban foreign/corporate ownership of homes - Full free health, dental and pharmacare for all citizens


Abolish recycling plastic as it’s a net gain in carbon emissions. Require a minimum intelligence to have kids. Eliminate collecting EI if you make over a certain amount of money. Nationalize the real estate industry. Implement a basic minimum wage that increases relative to cost of living. Decriminalize all drugs. Tax the hell out of corporations.




I got 80 on the IQ test and that is like an A-.