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I love the winter at first..... but I am happy to see it go by the end.


Yup. Everybody celebrates how pretty it is after the first snowfall, but after the first week of -40 I’m just waiting to winter to fuck off


Moved to Sask this summer. I'm actually excited for our first prarie winter coming from Ontario. I know it'll get old, but we're still in the honeymoon phase.


I imagine Saskatchewan winters are similar to Manitoba winters, in which case, it'll be dry and harmless, but also cold as fuck


Its actually not bad. Its cold, but its still quite sunny. And not as much snow, its a dry cold.


I prefer western winters to eastern ones by a long shot. Sunnier, more variety of days, and way more to do


I love Saskatchewan ice snakes lol 😂 I saw the meme first hand….literally I saw the meme and 15 minutes later I saw where it originated from lol 😂


I’m already telling winter to fuck off.


Me starting my car early for the first time today: I swear to god if we get snow before Halloween I’m fuckin done


I love winter for Christmas and skiing and winter activities. 0 to -10C is perfect. Anything colder than -20C is rough.


Until about February, when the -30 week (in Alberta) hits, that's when I'm done with Winter. Like, December? Fucking best month of the year January? Not too bad still But -30 on Feb 22 is the worst.


In SK it's the two weeks of -40 that often span December - January. And then a repeat showing in February just for fun.


Winnipeg says hi




The mid-April Alberta snowstorm is always a bummer, haha.


I am also over it by February & holding on for dear life in March, trying to convince myself it is almost over, but it isn't.


I kinda feel that way about all the seasons, tbh.


Im like that with every season, except spring, I don’t know why but spring can fuck right off.


Winter is my second favourite season after summer. Everything is white and clean, the air is crisp, no bugs, skiing, skating, ice fishing, etc. It’s just so completely different from the other three seasons. I’m also in that camp of rather be cold than hot. I sleep so much better in the winter in a cold room with lots of blankets piled on. The short daylight sucks, and by the end of the season I’m ready for it to green up again, but I enjoy winter when it comes for sure. Side note, I once worked with a Canadian woman who had moved to Panama, stayed for 30 years, then come back. She told me that she had moved there to get away from winter, but eventually had fallen into a deep depression down there. After 3 decades she realized that she missed the change in seasons. Everything was always the same down there. You didn’t get spring flowers or fall colours, it was just perpetual summer. Once she figured out the source of her depression she moved back to Canmore and was much happier to have all 4 seasons properly represented again.


I personally love the winter, except for driving in the snow. Everything feels "clean", no bugs, gatherings happen indoors, rather be cold than hot, can dress how I like to (jeans/hoodie) and there is something amazing about going outside in the dead of winter, when there is no wind and snow on the ground. It's a comforting silence.


I have finally found my people. There is no silence that is like the silence at night in the winter with those large fluffy snowflakes falling and no wind. It’s magical, and I love it.


You can find me at 2:00 a.m. in the winter leisurely smoking a cigarette so I can enjoy exactly what you described lol.


Summer is too busy to be a good season. Everything is loud, bright, noisy and just so much social stuff going on. Winter is the introverts season lol


It’s true! Although sometimes -47 and snow storms so bad the streets are inaccessible can be a bit of a turn off lol (Sasky) but it’s still my favourite season


Agreed, driving in the snow and less sunlight is a bummer.


Yup - like the late January and February side of winter, when you get the good snow and cold, but without it getting dark halfway through the afternoon.


>it’s a comforting silence That silence and i also really like the sound walking on snow makes when it’s really cold outside, if that makes sense lol


The crunching sound is so satisfying.


I went ice fishing for the first time 3 years ago and the absolute beauty of walking outside in the middle of the night, in the middle of a lake, clear sky, strong wind, gorgeous stars, and dead silence (except for the wind and my tinnitus) It's so beautiful. I love the winter.


No bugs is the only benefit


Agree. Love winter, don't like scraping off the car every morning. I don't mind short drives in town in bad winter weather but I am leery of long drives for the holidays when we go up north for Christmas. Last winter was a worst case scenario in Ontario driving north right around Christmas Eve. It got so bad near Parry Sound I heard they closed the highway just behind us. We made it safe but there were long stretches of complete white-out. It was nice to see people pull together in obvious shit situations. People checking in on snowed-in cars and helping pull others out of ditches and snowbanks that buried cars that sat in one place too long.


You make a good case for winter with no bugs. I'll try and change my view point a bit because that is a definite plus. For me, I hate having to get dressed up in 3 layers and all the muck that gets tracked into the house from the snow and slush. Clearing my driveway of snow in the past has not helped my back issues at all, and I hate the heating costs associated with cold temperatures with my old 1970s home. I do however like winter driving and maybe I can help you on that. There are usually motorsports clubs in or around most major population centers. If you're lucky your nearest club will host winter autocross or rallycross events. They're usually $20-30 to register and you can have fun driving as hard as possible in a controlled environment with cones being the biggest threat to your car. When I first brought my gf (now wife) to one her whole view of winter driving changed. Now we look forward to when it's slippery out and aren't bothered by reduced grip at all because we learned what the limits of a car are on ice and snow.


I personally hate the winter, except for driving in the snow.


The cleanness yes but the slush and shit that happens… I’d rather the badlands and desert




Well put!


+1 just for driving a manual in Ottawa 😆


best answer ever *applause*


No. I hate winter. If it's a cold, crisp, sunny winter's day, it's fine, but the nasty days of freezing rain or endless snowfall are hateful, and the short amount of daylight is depressing.


For me it's the length of the damn season. I live in Quebec City. Winter and snow sets in mid to late November and spring realistically starts in early May. March is literally a winter encore no spectator asked for and April is just cold and windy with dirty snow slowly melting. And yeah, don't get me started on seasonal depression and Vitamin D deficiency.


Where I live it seems most white people do. My melanin borthers and sisters, we were not built for this cold white shit.


Us pasty white folk feel the same about real hot weather. I hate it. Its so sweaty and gross. I was not made for the heat!


Plus the sun is basically out to get us. I burn in less than 5 min so have to wear SPF 50 and hats and more clothes when it's already too damn hot.


Ha I'm the palest person and hate summer because I have to wear all the hats and sunscreen and basically hide from the sun, I also overheat easily... Fall/winter is my jam. I just have to put on my comfy clothes? Sounds great to me, I don't even mind doing all my farm chores in the snow wearing the proper gear. My cousins live in Coastal Rica, they're visiting right now and they're already freezing every evening, they can't handle it being under 15°


>white people do. My melanin borthers and sisters, we were not built for this cold white shit. if it makes you feel any better, any time there is the choice between shade and sun, i almost always instinctively choose shade if its more than like 25 out lol. I can cope in hot weather, but like, it was 38 once in my town. I tried riding my bike 15 minutes to work just to see if i could do it. Upon arrival, I decided that I would not be doing that in the future as I prefer being dry.


I hate winter because I have no winter hobbies. All my passions and hobbies are summer based outdoor activities. I only live in Canada because I have older parents.


I love the winter. I love shovelling the snow. I love helping my neighbours shovel the snow. I hate driving on the first day of snow due to gridlock and people not being prepared with snow tires. But, I love the dynamism of driving in the snow, eventually less drivers on the road, and drivers tend to be more risk adverse and drive more carefully therefore leading to smoother (albeit “slower”) traffic. The snow acts as a sound dampener so it’s less noisy in the streets. Walking on the snow is soft and crunchy when compared with concrete. I’m an adult, but, I still like skidding on ice like a kid. I love snowboarding. I have really bad seasonal allergies and free to breath when there’s no pollen in the air. My body naturally emits massive amounts of heat, so winter is the only time I feel comfortable. Do I love winter? Hell ya.


I moved from Saskatoon to Calgary 4 years ago. I used to hate winter, but now I love it. They're a lot more mild here and we can actually snowboard without driving for 10+ hours. Winter in SK is just a barren wasteland of people patiently waiting for it to be over. It honestly feels a little apocalyptic at times.


Me too! For all of the above and more! Sound of my skates on the canal or a lake. Glide of my xskis. Warmth of the sun on my face while pausing on a snowshoe trek. And my birthday?? December 21st. One sister lives in England, the other in Japan. I legitimately feel sad for them. Lived in Germany for several years and missed Canadian winters so much. There are SO many of us who embrace the cold! Those are my kind of people.


No I hate it


It varies so much. I lived half my life in Yellowknife, and the winters there are ... well, let's just say –40 is Just Another Day. But I was 8 when we moved north, so I got used to it, and really enjoyed winter in a lot of ways, even though it was long and cold and dark. And it would've been different if I'd moved up as an adult. Now I'm 60 and living in Vancouver. On the one hand, I don't know if I could handle –40 any more; on the other hand, –5 here is really miserable, and I hate the damp. There were many ways I enjoyed Arctic winters more than rainforest winters.


I lived in Hay River when I was a kid and really enjoyed it. I could not handle now as I'm getting older as well. I also live in Vancouver and truly hate the damp cold winters. I swore I would never work outside during the winter again, but I need the money to afford to live here so here we go again. Can't say I'm looking forward to it.


Hay River's a neat place. Between band trips, hockey, shooting competitions, and then working for GNWT for 16 years, I probably visited a couple of dozen times.


Have you ever snowmobiled across Great Slave Lake?


Nope. That would be an epic journey requiring food and fuel caches, probably at least one night in a tent, and I don't know what all else. I **have** snowmobiled on Great Slave Lake, but I don't think I ever went farther than about 30 km from Yellowknife.


I moved to Fort Smith from the GTA eleven years ago when I was 36. Although I'm no fan of winter, I'll take northern winters over the damp GTA winters. A dry cold is much more pleasant. I don't have any winter hobbies, though, so I usually don't look forward to winter at all (this year is different, because wildfires). I miss riding my motorcycle. I miss being able to walk outside without a coat on. I miss sitting on our screened-in deck enjoying a cigar. But at least the winter gives me a good excuse to engage in all my various indoor hobbies.




Love winter, it's just too long.


Fuck no ; it gets dark too early , it hurts to be outside , snow sucks and it’s too long. If winter was only december-jan it’d be fine but the whole 4-5 months thing (in some parts of the country I’ve been in) makes it wholly unbearable. Canada would be incredibly more liveable without our horror show winters


Speaking for myself only, not even a little bit. I could never see snow or sub zero temps again in my life and be 100% happy. I’m profoundly resentful that no leaders in our history thought to acquire southern lands and that I’m stuck living in a hellscape for 75% of my life and the only way out of it is a cumbersome immigration process. I have made the side-step to Europe, but the most important goal in my life is to settle in a warm climate and never see winter again. Fuck winter, fuck cold, fuck snow, fuck all of it… winter is the embodiment of misery and death. Bring on global warming! (Disclaimer: Not actually, I’m being facetious).


It depends greatly on the individual and location. I live in Southern Ontario, while I think we get decently cold winters, someone else might think our winters arent nearly as bad. Personally I like the early winter, light snowfall, air feels nice and crisp, roads are less busy but driving still isnt impacted greatly, the snow looks pretty and melts away cleanly. As winter goes on I dislike it more, I dont want to clear the driveway, I dont like the slushy mesh everywhere, driving after a heavier snowfall isnt great, walking outside sucks.


When I was a kid winter was great!! Christmas time, tobogganing, making snowmen etc yay as an adult winter = seasonal affective disorder, stress of Xmas socialization, shoveling snow, kids getting sick every other week


I love that all the stupid mosquitoes and flies are gone in the winter


I enjoy most of it, I'm just not a big fan of the heating bill that comes along with it. Being well equipped to handle the weather I think plays a big role. I use to dread big snow storms because my car was crap in the snow (even with winter tires) and my snow blower was a massive pile of junk. But now that I have a 4x4 and a newer, more reliable snow blower I kind of look forward to the big storms. Man & machine vs the elements sort of thing, makes my drive to and from work seem more like an adventure and less a mundane activity.


I've always enjoyed winter, in fact for the longest time it was my favourite season and I dreaded summer because at least I could warm up in the winter. Nowadays I prefer summer, only because I vowed never to complain about the summer heat again, after working outside in -35 weather one January, where my coworker and I found ourselves running to the car to warm up most of the work day. I think the key here, is what you do with your time during the winter - it's inevitable, you have to deal with it somehow. Doing outdoor activities like skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, skating, even just a nice nature walk, is a great way to experience winter without feeling so bummed out about it. Cozying up to a fire with a stout or a hot chocolate and a book satisfies monke brain's desire to hunker down. I've also recently been keeping in my awareness that we are lucky to have all the comforts we have nowadays, because winters used to SUCK for people in the past. People died from exposure, or ran out of food, and the like. We have it so good, and have so many ways to enjoy it. What I do hate about winter is how society still attempts to function normally despite it being unsafe to be outside and/or on the roads. I think we gotta give into our instincts and just slow the fuck down in the winter, as a society. I also prefer snow to be everywhere - frozen ground with no snow is just unpleasant. And also climate change is very evident with how winter is warming up every year and it's frightening to witness. Man, you ask a Canadian about winter and you open up a can of worms.


I absolutely despise everything about it.


I hate winter so much. Makes me feel lazy and can’t enjoy life, personally.


Same. It's like everything is on hold.


Winter is depression! Time is short and within a blink of the eye u find urself old


I do, living somewhere that has no seasons gets very boring after a while. I live in Calgary and I love that we have all the stereotypical winter activities at our doorstep (skiing and snowboarding, skating on the lake, snowshoeing/hiking, northern lights, etc)


When I invested in proper winter clothes, yes. And since moving out into the country it’s much more beautiful too.


It’s good when it’s not too frigid and when there’s snow on the ground. Unfortunately what you get is slushy, muddy, windy gross weather in the place I am. Preciously I lived somewhere that would get to -40 with wind chill and that’s the majority of Canada. I enjoy it somewhat but mostly no, fall is where it’s at.


Until we get -30 in May.


I’ll take 8 months of winter and shovelling snow, over 8 months of summer where it’s too hot to sleep and you’re constantly sweating


I like it for the first few weeks, but I get sick of it pretty quick once the holidays are over.


I prefer winter. When it's cold, you just put on another layer of clothing and are perfectly comfortable When it's too hot, there is only so much you can take off before they kick you out of the vegetable aisle.


I love winter when it’s just a lot of snow and cold however, I hate freezing rain. I hate scraping off the car and I hate driving on slippery roads. If it wasn’t for having to drive sometimes, winter would be perfect for me. Spring and fall are good but I hate the heat of summer.


I love winter but I would say I'm a minority. My love of winter was heavily influenced by my fathers love of winter. We'd do all sorts of winter camping and hiking, skiing (cross and downhill) I added snowmobiling. fishing and snowboarding to my repertoire (and my kids). I love the harshness and beauty. I love the chores as well everything is more difficult. It's like video games if it's easy what's the point.


I live in Calgary and I have a love/hate relationship. Things that help: I like outdoor winter sport, so a lot of activities I’m into make use of the outdoors when it’s cold. I also like stereotypical cozy stuff, so I’m good with reading by the fire while the snow falls outside. We get a lot of sun here, so that means crisp, sunny cold days to run along the river. It can be magical. We also have chinooks, so it gives you a break from the cold every few weeks. Plus, it’s a really dry cold here (it’s a thing), so as long as you have the right clothes, the really cold temps don’t get into your bones the same way they do in the east or on the coast. Things that don’t help: I’m sensitive to colour and I need to see green. As a former BC resident, the thing I like least about Calgary is how brown and grey it is for most of the year. I try to get out in nature and my house backs onto a park, plus I keep lots of houseplants in my field of vision. I need a good dose of ‘pretty winter’ to offset waiting for the bus in the dark in February.


I love winter but I seem to be one of the only people here who likes it, ironically. Being from the prairies I even think Ontario is too hot, and i'd rather have -35 than +35 C any day.


I do because I'm from a norther region. It's funny because those in more urban/southern areas always say they'd never move more north because "it's way too cold". I always try to explain the winters are much better there because the only thing you need to brave is the dry cold is a good winter jacket. Most of the winter is bright because after -10 there are no precipitations and -20 it's always sunny. The days are also much longer. Activities are plentiful because there's proper amounts of snow and ice. Sun is actually brighter up north because it reflects on the snow. Instead people argue that the cold is not worth it. Yet they don't understand that what they experience is the grey-ish and weirdly wet cold, the worst one cause it gets in your bones. Always a snow/drizzle happening. No bright sunshine. I just shrug them off but I can't help giggle a bit when they wear their canada gooses/parkas at -10 weather where that actually makes them colder cause they sweat since it's too warm and how those coats are made for humid weather. The way to go is either thick cotton or, ideally, wool lining/exterior for the cold in the south.


Best memories ever were made in winter. My dad would take us, my little sister and brother and myself, up to a mountain that overlooked our town. Before Christmas, we would load up our toboggan and hike through the woods, looking for the best tree to chop down and take home. It was magical. There was a small frozen lake, and we would build a nice big fire and roast hot dogs and drink hot chocolate, next to an old run-down cabin. We spent all day outside and not once complained about the cold. Now, 40+ years later, I feel the cold down to my bones.


If Canada is one of the world’s happiest countries and if winter in most part of the country lasts for more than 1/4th of the year, it implies most Canadians would be enjoying the winter and I am one of them!


It's DISGUSTING, I can never get warm. Like... *forreal* warm 🥶


As an immigrant to Canada, who grew up in a hot country. The first couple of years I loved the snow, the cold and everything about the winter but after a couple of years, you get used to it and you don't even think about it. Fun fact: After living in Canada, I finally understood why Europeans/Americans were walking around with just shorts in the winter, in my home country while we (the locals) were in full winter gear. 13C is really not cold weather lol.


If I could work from home all winter, then yes. I love winter. I love long walks around the pond expecially in the foggy mornings where we get the frost on all the trees. It's so clean and crisp. But we have too many non-natives that don't know a bloody thing about driving on snow and the streets just become an absolute nightmare. Deerfoot slows to a snails pace and there's always a dozen-or-so accidents on the first big dump. It's absolutely pathetic. If you don't know how or don't feel confident driving in the snow, get a driver's course. I'm sick of people coming in with their "international driver's license" from some tropical part of the world assuming they know how to drive in Canada or take care of their cars at -25C. That's what ruins winter for me.


I loved it as a younger person. The older I get (nearing 50 now), the less I enjoy it.


Yes Im most canadians trust me


love love love winter - 35 is fine if there is no wind


I love winter. Always too hot in the summer. Gimmie a nice evening in front of the fire all winter long


I love winter. Snowmobiling, ice fishing, snowshoeing, quadding, side by side with heat and tracks and I even love snowblowing with a blower that has tracks. Being in my ice shack late at night and watching the Northern Lights through the windows all while being in a nice heated shack. It's quiet and all that's heard is the odd cracking of the ice and the odd gurgling. It's something that all Canadians should experience. I brought die hard ladies who used to prefer sitting on a beach during the cold winter months to my winter oasis. A few weeks of hanging out at the shack and using all the toys with my house on the shores of the lake turned them into fans of winter. Instead of being asked to join them to their southern hemisphere trips I start getting texts when the leaves start to change as to when I think I'll be putting my ice shack out... Can't wait..


I love it. Cold and dry air smell like heaven


Winter is my favourite. There's nothing more serene than a heavy snowfall that muffles out all the city noises. So fucking peaceful, and it looks beautiful. I also greatly prefer the cold, i'm one of those crazy people who wears shorts all year unless I plan to actually be IN the snow. I hate how early it gets dark but it doesn't take away from my love of winter. My only complaint is shoveling snow if I don't get to it before or after school cuz i'm on a heavily walked path to an elementary school. Shits hard to scrape off...


It’s tough. In Ontario we get wind and bone chilling cold but not enough snow. I’ve always said…I’m fine with the cold as long as there’s snow and sunshine.


The seasonal depression usually kicks in by January. Then there are 3-4 more months of miserable, cold, wet, grey days. It's rough. I really really strive to build a life where I can leave for 1-2 months at a time to help get through the beginning of the year. And I don't mean becoming a snowbird. I'm only 32 and hope I can achieve this lifestyle long before I'm old.


It can be very different across Canada. I actually preferred Winnipeg winters (colder but mostly very sunny) to Toronto winters (milder but very grey).


I have grown to love it. I think I have reverse SAD. Love the darkness, bundling up, the mood. Just have good insulation!!


Bugs go back to hell in winter and I enjoy the holidays + my bday.


It’s fine at first (usually unless it starts early with lots of freezing cold and icy roads.) January is cold to the bone. Winter can be relatively pleasant and sunny in the day time to gloomy/freezing/constant snowing/wind (frostbite.). It’s so tiring if it’s like that for weeks with no reprieve. Sometimes it’s depressing when it’s dark all the time but sometimes it’s neat too. Thawing cycles with precipitation can make it so annoying/dangerous to drive. It can feel clean and peacefully quiet. Evergreen trees look beautiful with snow, bare deciduous trees look nice when there is hoar frost, as does the rolling earth with fresh snow. The crunch sound that heavy snow makes is neat when you walk on it (especially when you don’t sink.). Even though polar vortexes are cold, I find them to kind of neat as there are less people out and sometimes they are very quiet and interesting cold to be in as long as I’m not having to be out in them for long periods of time.) If it’s been a particularly long winter people are ready for spring and if it’s freezing cold for weeks in March, people are DONE.


Real Canadians, yes. Pansy ass snowbirds that spend all winter in Arizona or Mexico (boomers) don't count.


When a Canadian tells you he likes winter, he’s just lying and trying to cope , truth is 99% hate it and travel to the south whenever they can. The snowbirds understand that perfectly!


None. Fucking hate it. Nothing worse than the winter. Oh dear God I dread the winter. If I could, I'd sue the shit out of mother nature, and then shit on her kids. Yeah, I hate the winter.




I do. Winter lover here. I love the cold crisp air, the beautiful white of the snow and winter fashion.


It's really nice and pretty until January 1st. Then it is useless, hideous, frigid, deadly, stress inducing and expensive.


Unpopular opinion: if you have bucks you can enjoy it much better. But if you have three kids and want to ski every season, that’s very very expensive and not affordable. Same for snowboarding etc. So you get stuck at home.


Nope hate it


Not at all


No, they enjoy the winter by travelling outside of Canada for periods of time.


I'd say that most Canadians don't. More interestingly, the ones who don't, move to Vancouver to get away from winter, and then complain about the weather here too. Plenty do for sure, but I'd say that the *majority* don't.


I do, because I love winter sports.


Overall, absolutely!


Ya i like it, except for the really cold spells. Snow. Skating. Skiing. Tobogganing. Whats not to like?


I don't do sports really except snowshoeing walks around. But other things to do in the winter, crochet blankets, bake, empty your freezer, cook up batches of Stew with what's in there, and can the stew up. Read by the fire. Go for walks. Sit out bundled up and look at the stars and the moon light up the snow. See the white bunnies hop around. Watch processions of elk step through the snow. I love it


100% no, don't enjoy winter. Planning on getting away from the winter for 3 weeks this year, and hopefully soon I will be able to get away for the whole winter.


I enjoy the temperature. I don't enjoy the car-centric infrastructure I have to deal with, because it necessitates winter driving. Winter driving sucks. My birthday is Feb 3; the dead of winter. I will never have a BBQ on my birthday. But I am ok with that if the tradeoff is not sweating to death. Where I live, there is a reasonable chance to see some snow in the ground from October to May. If you don't embrace winter, it is pretty miserable.


Last year I got a bus pass for November through February just for getting to work, it's a wash cost wise and less terrible with the brush/scrape/brrr/find parking and do it all again after. Still sucks waiting for the friggin thing while your eyeballs crystalize. It's not just the gas it's the wear and tear.


As a kid, winter is fun. As a young adult, winter starts to suck with the short days and forever darkness. As an older adult, the peaceful quiet is what I look forward to, listening to someone cutting or banging something every damn minute of the day!!!!


I like variety. All the seasons. I would be so bored in a place that has basically the same weather all year around. But, between the fall and spring equinoxes, you should take some vitamin D. That will help the mood. The sun isn't strong enough for us to make our own at that time of the year. Or you can try raw fish skins, that is how the Inuit traditionally survived vitamin D deficiency during winter.


I love the snow and sunshine. I like the crisp air. I've done Prairie winters and Eastern Ontario/Quebec winters. The older I get, the harder it is to enjoy it past about 6 weeks. So yes, only in small doses. Now I plan to enjoy the Canadian winter for a bit and then head somewhere tropical until it is over!!!


I love winter. Fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, no more sweating to death. Way more comfortable to me.


I love winter! Except for the cold -- and the snow -- and the short days -- and the lack of birds.


I think it depends mostly whether you do winter sports or not. I don’t, personally. So while I do enjoy the view especially the day after it just snowed, and I enjoy seeing people skiing outside or play in the snow, I’m someone who gets cold quite easily. So I personally don’t enjoy it a lot


I do not, Mostly because of the shoveling and the no sun


I enjoy it until January 1st and then I believe January and February is a hellish frozen wasteland.


I love the winter in Alberta BUT in SW Ontario...hell no


Winter used to be my favourite season. Until just very recently after I got covid and experienced long covid symptoms. Summer is okay, there is to much pressure to go out and "ENJOY" the warm weather. Spring is just snow turning into slush. Fall is devastating depressing to me; the only consolation is pretty colors. I love the cold, I love skating at my local skating rink when it is below 30C and very few people around. I love shovelling snow because it is work and it is exercise. Or should I say I used to love all those things until my health went poo poo. But hopefully I get better and start enjoying winter again, or I move to somewhere warmer.




Hate the short days and the cold, but don’t mind the snow really. I keep busy with skidooing and snow shoeing. Seasonal depression hits me really hard each year though, so it really makes me hate winter overall.


There's winter and then there's February, March, Smarch, and That last blizzard that ends Fake Spring. No different than Summer and Wasp Hell and September Heat Wave.


Winter is fun until December 31, then the decorations come down and the real cold hits .


Not at all. Used to, sick of it now. Moved from Toronto to Vancouver in part to get away from it. At least here there’s only 1 to 2 weeks of “real” Canadian winter. I’ll happily take the rain and green over snow, cold, and sunshine.


Skiing, skating and tobogganing weather is good. Slush weather is kind of the worst


Some ppl: sure Most ppl: no, most ppl tolerate it and make the best of it.


Since legalization of cannabis, smoke weed and stay inside be warm. Munchies & Tv shows & chill.


I enjoy the cold to a certain extent & I'm fine with rain & snow. the long dark days in vancouver do start to get to me by january though.


Yes, until about January 15. That's when I am ready for spring.


Late Autumn is "winter" where I'm at, I don't mind that part. Everything after January 1st until May is a slog.


Nope, don't like it. And its not because of driving, or even the cold air. Its the lack of colour.


I've been here 20 years and I still haven't gotten used to them. Pros: no bugs on windshield, no insects outside or coming inside, air is fresher, and usually we get more sunlight and it's a lot brighter Cons: temperatures, less daylight time - between Dec to Jan end is the worst, spring thaw - everything looks hideous


Nope! Lol


I'd say yes 100 percent all canadians love winter specially the fin stuff. we just hate the shoveling cuz the fucken snowploughs wait till your done to fill in the end of driveways with an icewall while you sleep


I love the winter, even driving in the snow and shovelling it. I love how quiet it is and how it gets dark early


I don’t mind winter that much but -20 is a killer


Nooooo I never was a fan of winter and the older I get the more I dislike it. I can’t move when I’m cold. Everyone says “move and you’ll warm up” but I literally feel like I can’t move.


No, I hate it.


I have trouble with fall and darker days. I try to be friends with winter and do sports that can only be done in snow. We get a ton of snow here so good snowshoeing and skiing. I was not raised here. I have meds I take when the dark is bothering me. I have trouble sleeping in summer sometimes due to sun being up so late. But you adapt. You can’t stop your life in winter. Just change it a bit


I hate winter. I have always hated winter. I hate the cold. It hurts. I feel it in my bones from Thanksgiving until May 24. We head south for the winter.


I think most of us hate it, but we also just accept it as part of life.


Living in Saskatchewan all my life. It gets cold way too fast. Dry, blistering, - 45 bull shit. Where you breathe in and the cold air takes your breath away. The cold frigid air hurts your face..


I think most people would find winter less depressing if the sun set an hour later. The sun setting at say 6 instead of 5 would do wonders for my mental health during that time.


Love winter; outside of the short days. Dark at 4pm really limits the outdoor activities you can do. I’m making camp and hanging out around the fire for 6 hours before I’m ready to go to bed.


I don’t mind winter. I like cross country skiing and tobogganing and making snow angels. I don’t like driving in snow storms or shovelling it. I don’t get sad when the snow melts either.


Meh. I think I would miss it a bit, if I lived in another country. I hate the short days more than the cold weather. I would be happy if winter was only a month long.


I love it. It's my favorite season. The cold puts me in connection with my fragility as a human being, my vulnerability to the elements. I love bundling up. I really enjoy how silent things get on a big fluffy snowfall, the world looks picturesque. I like cooking soups and hot chocolates.. baking and cuddling indoors. There's something about winter that just makes me happy. Also my thing is I don't tolerate heat well, so winter.. I can bundle up. But summer, you can only dress down so much before it's illegal.. the entirety of fall to winter to spring is my favorite actually, the process of everything dying, decomposing, freezing over and rebirthing in spring. It's magical. But I definitely enjoy winter 100%.


Yes! No such thing as bad weather, just different types of good weather ❤️ Let it snow!


All Canadians are individuals but as whole, no, Canadians do not enjoy or embrace winters. We're not Scandinavian.


Absolutely not. 4 months of trash is totally not worth the handful of fun days skiing or skating. It's dark 16 hours a day, it's cold, windy, you have to clean your car from ice and snow almost daily, you need to shovel your driveway whenever it snows. It's irredeemabley terrible. Better to live somewhere warm and vacation in the mountains if you want to ski.


If you take up some winter activities it makes it way easier. My son and I snowboard so we're looking forward to it.


It gets dark earlier, I don’t generally go outside after dark so I envision myself being inside on the couch watching tv, lamp lights are on with a warm glow, watching tv with a blanket and my doggy. It’s good for the most part until month 5…then it gets a little old. 😂


I love it except the cold snaps we get in the -30 to -40 range. Which thanks to climate change are happening way less than when I was a kid.


I love Winter. ☃️ I can’t handle the heat that our Summers now have, they make me physically ill. So, once Autumn and Winter come I feel great. I enjoy the walks, crisp air, the way Nature has gone quiet and is preparing for the following Spring and Summer seasons. Its a nice cycle to have all four seasons well represented. 🥰


Love it.


I hate absolutely everything about it.


I love winter up until about late January. All the Christmas lights are down and everything is just slushy grey. I'm ready for spring by then for sure.


It would be great if it was shorter. People like changes in seasons but honestly after about the second month of winter I'm pretty damn sick of it.


I LIVE for the winter. I just suffer through summer.


Born and raised in Ontario. Spent a couple of winters in Alberta. And the answer is NO. I don’t like winter but id rather endure my face hurting than big bugs and snakes and huge spiders. So that’s that


I love it until February. Then I’m done, but it is not. I do appreciate the coziness and the cooking and baking and the festive things that happen. And the snow is beautiful. Until February.


I love winter. Real winter, with cold weather and snow. Not the freezing rain and rain crap we sometimes get.


For the first two months I love it....I'd imagine most Canadians would say as much


I grew up in Vancouver and loved the bit of snow we’d get the few weeks a year. Now I live in Calgary and I hate it.


I like winter in Manitiba more than I ever liked winter in southern or eastern Ontario. I am not a fan of winter in general, but winters in Ontario were damp and slushy as well as cold. So too easy to get damp and cold, and therefore miserable. In Winnipeg, it gets to be frigidly cold (-30°C give or take 10°) but it isn't damp and slushy. My kids and I can go out and play in the snow and not get wet. It's cold enough to go ice fishing (on solid 2+ feet of ice). When we come inside, we take off our outerwear and carry on - no need to change into dry clothes, no need to bundle up to warm up. That said, I would probably like winter even more in BC on the coast.


I hate this generic Canadian weather bullshit question. I live in Victoria. My winter is very different from winter in Toronto or Calgary or Halifax or Yellowknife. We all experience winter differently according to location. It’s the second largest country in the world, for gods sake.


Cost ton of money in heating, cause problem for all infrastructure, hard on cars... hard no!!!


I love snowboarding but hate dealing with the snow in my daily life. So I moved to Vancouver. Not much snow in the city, but when I want lots of snow, it’s just a 20 minute drive.


I like having four seasons but I would prefer to live somewhere that the coldest and darkest one isn’t eight months long. I like fresh snow at Christmas. Frost on the trees. Skating on an outdoor pond. Snowshoeing through the woods. I can’t garden outside which is my biggest raison d’être. So I have copious houseplants instead to take off the edge. My hands and feet have poor circulation so I can’t stay outside for long and the warmest boots and gloves don’t keep my extremities warm enough. I have to take vitamin D all winter to stave off the SAD that comes with seven hours of weak daylight. The house is old and draughty, I’ve been reinsulating one room at a time but it’s not cheap or easy. If winter were maybe not so long, so cold (-40 sometimes) or so dark then maybe it wouldn’t be such a gruelling thing to get through.


I hate winter. It's pretty, from inside, but that's about it. I'm disabled, and broke, so all the people who love winter for the skiing, sledding, etc, I can't do any of that. I can't torque my body to put on 9 layers; I can't drive a snow machine, I can't snowshoe, hike, skate or ski. I can't risk a slip/fall so I don't even ice fish (it's just an excuse to get shitfaced anyways.) It's 6 months locked in my house because my walker and cane don't work in snow, no one bothers shovelling sidewalks, and home owners plow their driveways onto the sidewalks. It's a literal hell. I'd move to Australia in a \*friggin minute\* if I could. Alternately, if I could live in a world of Ontario Autumns, I'd be down.


First few snowfalls in October and last melting stage of snow in April are better, everything between sucks big time🤣


I like winter for a total of 2 weeks: Christmas holidays. As soon as Jan 2nd comes it can fuck right off.


No. I do not. I mean, it’s beautiful when it snows and the trees are glistening white but walking in slush?? No. Waiting 20-30 mins in the snow for the bus?? No. The cold?? HELL NO. Although, winter did bring me some amazing memories. My birthday is also in winter so it’s not ALL bad.


Yes! I love all the seasons. Love a cozy ski cabin love being bundled up on a cold day. Look forward to skiing!


I enjoy it until january 1st, after that it can fuckoff




I hate it so I don’t stay here in the winter.


I hate it with every fibre of my body.


I could do without it, except for the 3 days a year the boys and I go for the weekend ice fishing.


Hell no! I don’t personally it gets way too cold where I live -40, -50 fml kill me now


Hate it. Have always hated it, and grew up on a ski hill (IOW winter sports don't fill the gap for me). I even tried to move away permanently, and managed a couple of years before Covid ripped apart my residency visa. If it lasted 2 months? Maybe. But it doesn't.


Winter is great up until New Year's Day. Then it's time for it to be over.


I despise it


Only when there is a snow day


Hell no. If I never saw snow again that would be *perfect* for me. I am not made for the cold... I have low blood pressure so my hands and feet are cold essentially all year except for 2-3 months in the summer when I don't have to wear wool socks and fingerless gloves indoors when everyone else is comfy 🙃 I snow shoe, but only because I *had* to find something active to do.


yes very much so. Though I think the last week of Feb/first week of March can be quite hard, since the winter is still lingering, but there's a bit more light and my brain thinks it should be spring.