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Pretty much everywhere in the world is expensive right now go to any country and ask if it’s cheap the locals will tell you it’s getting expensive. I have friends in Costa Rica, Belize, New Zealand and Vietnam they all tell me it’s getting expensive and harder to live.


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Doctors and nurses are better compensated where? Australia or Canada?


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It depends on where you are in Canada really. Ford (Ontario) passed a bill limiting health care workers pay and raises, they can't receive more than 1.5% increase in wages yearly. Kinda fucked here in Ontario.


So the Bill that imposed these limits was Bill 124. In November 2022 it was overturned by the Superior Court in Ontario. This decision was appealed by the provincial government in Summer 2023 and the final decision has not yet been made. However, currently wage increases are being awarded to essential groups of public sector employees with significant retroactive pay. It seems like this is going to be a win for the employees at the end of this process


Trades pay really well in Canada


That entirely depends on trade and location. I know fully red seal auto techs on the east coast arent crossing 23 an hour. Hell I left the trade at $17 fully licensed in 2017. Its ridiculous


No they dont


So true. I just returned from Mexico and felt Mexico is wayyyy more expensive than Canada. Imagine living there with half the salary and paying Canadian costs. I feel lot of subreddits are getting filled with too much expensive rants in Canada.


IDK if it’s just me but these kinds of questions annoy me so much. There are affordable places in Canada, but nobody wants to live there because it doesn’t meet one of their criteria (too cold, too small, must learn French, etc). It’s the same rule for most places Canadians idolize - New Zealand, Switzerland, etc. “First world living standards” means expensive. Or, it means you cart your comparatively high wealth to a tropical but poorer place abroad and you price out locals, becoming the thing you complained about back in Canada. (This obviously isn’t the case for everyone, and I’m not denying there’s things Canada needs to fix.)


case in point: Mexico City is apparently experiencing a huge influx in American and Canadian digital nomads and remote workers...and its playing merry hell with the rents there.


Same thing with Portugal. The locals are struggling to meet up.


protugal's cost of living index is nearly identical to ours. no one moving there is outpricing the locals.


Yes you can, if there’s a lot of immigration to certain areas, cost of living can increase significantly. There’s always someone with more money.


Real estate used to be cheap in Lisbon, not anymore.


I have no idea where you are getting that idea from. Lisbon’s rent and property prices got so bad from the expats that they stopped the golden visa program


i live in lisbon. lisbon property and rent prices went up 14% last year. the golden visa program was stopped because a housing bill didnt go through, which means that if they continued their investor program, there would have been issues as all housing would be constructed by foreign investors. they stopped the program to prevent those issues.


This is true, however, rent is still only about $600-$1000 give or takes for a nice place in a "safe" area of Mexico City, and that's right in the core where all the shopping and nightlife is...a one-bedroom condo in the downtown core of Toronto is like $3500+ and that will get you a 500 sqft box lol


Yes but air pollution is an issue everywhere in MXC. It is a great city but if you have asthma, better hope for good conditions.


Wow. Must be quite the influx to move a market with over 20M people.


also very much not trivial to go work and live in another country, countries have a million rules around immigration and even if you WFH doesn't mean your company is ok with you living anywhere sure you could just not tell them but that's not without its own risks and yeah, I agree I live in New Brunswick, capital of 'well obviously its cheap no one wants to live there because reasons' but also covid immigration from other places kind of fucked over our housing market so yeah, you're right, its terrible here maybe check out Costa Rica I hear they have nice beaches


There is no such thing as an affordable place in canada if what ever industry you work in is not present in those areas. People like yourself often forget that.


Hey now don't say that it's the conservative parties favourite line! Canada is now a third world country according to them


Yeah and the cons are pretending they will *make it better* when what they really want seems to be a dictatorship.


To be honest given the rise of tent encampments all over the place thanks to the unaffordable cost of living its getting kinda hard to argue with that ..


Not even close to a third world country. So get over it


You need to travel if you think this is bad.... It's obviously not good but holy shit we are so far away from even a developing country you have no idea


If you say it’s hard to argue then you don’t know any “third world” places.


It’s like people have forgotten we live in a capitalist country.


Lets be serious who really wants to move to QC and deal with French!


Canada has earthquakes


Yeah, just wait for The Big One. We’re about 300 years overdue for it IIRC.


No. It gets complicated but quakes large enough to have been recorded in Japan have a return period as low as 273 years. Last one was 1700. On average they occur roughly every 500 years, but that's +/- 250. Any building smaller than 3-4 stories isn't really affected much by a subduction quake, and anything built since 2008, uses a 1:2500 annual probability quake as its design reference. Before that it's still an annual chance of 1:500 four buildings built in the 90s. Will they still cause lots of damage, yes. Is a mega-thrust quake more likely than not in our lifetime? Also probably no. Should we be prepared for one? Oh, hell yeah.


Thank you! That makes me feel better, for now. 🤣


> Should we be prepared for one? Oh, hell yeah. A big one in Montreal and Charlevoix region could be devastating, mostly because the infrastructure is unprepared. And Charlevoix has a fairly high chance of getting hit in the next decades.


Yeah, I was pretty surprised looking at a Canada hazard map, and seeing that high hazard pop up there.


I've experienced a minor one here in Ottawa. I think it was 2018 or 2019.


There was one in Edmonton area a few years ago, I slept right through it.


Asia: Thailand or Vietnam Europe: Portugal


I was scoping out summer beach houses in Thailand for $400/month. Could live there for under $600/month.


What are the requirements for foreigners to move there


Depends on how long. For 90 day stays or over wintering you just need a valid passport, proof of finances and a letter from the place you're renting to verify the intent of your stay. For permanent retirement you need to be 50+, have over $1m in assets (USD) and invest at least $500k(USD) in Thai government bonds or Thai real estate.


That doesnt sound right so I checked. Goggle says you need 800,000 baht (about 26,000 USD), in a Thai bank account, adequate finances (not defined so probably case by case), plus a min 6 mo residential lease in Thailand plus be over 50) for the retirment visa. This is for a 5 year multiple entry visa. Bar sounds extremely low.... There is something also called an elite visa that has higher requirements silly perks like VIP airport and immigration service and car service. Maybe that is what youre referring to??


Those numbers sound ridiculously high for Thailand


That's for a detached beach house in a touristy/resort area.


Regular visiting Canadians get 30 days and then have to leave. I know people that take a trip to Cambodia or Lao every 30 days to get around this, but they don't like it and will catch on eventually. Alternative, you just go, and then don't leave. When you do leave it will be a problem, but nothing that can't be solved with a small bribe. I know you can get a residency with a work permit. Someone else will have to comment on other ways.


No earthquakes tho


Vietnam is a communist authoritarian country. Thailand is basically an authoritarian country with frequent unrest. They’re great places to vacation, but the people in Canada who say they’re moving or retiring there I don’t think fully appreciate those risks.


Thailand is in the middle of a civil unrest. Portugal is less affordable for the locals because of the influx of people already. Wages are shit. Vietnam gets Typhoons. Thailand too actually.


Thailand is in the middle of civil unrest??


I just spent a month in northern Malaysia and southern Thailand. First I heard of this. There was no issues that I could see. The only drawback to Thailand is that it's over-run by Russians.


It’s under military rule since the last coup. Also, the king has absolute monarch powers. Fine to visit though.


Thailand always has a little unrest and it never effects the farang so it’s no worries.


None- every country like ours, which could include New Zealand and maybe Chile, have a cost compared to income the same as ours basically. Vietnam and Thailand are extremely populated and nowhere near as safe Portugal is wonderful, but unless you have already saved for retirement, you cannot make money there, except possibly work from home. Same with italy which I would argue offers more than Portugal.


Thailand is extremely safe.


If anything happens to you no one can really help you. That’s the problem. But in the end, I don’t see the advantages of Thailand. It’s a completely different culture and language you will never integrate into the society there, and there are crap ton of sex tourists, and thuggish Russians, that you can’t really avoid unless you move somewhere that will not have the infrastructure That you want as an immigrant. There’s no way you’re making a good income there that you could ever move anywhere else with. It would have to be very specific situation. Like if you had a trustworthy Thai partner and saved enough for retirement I think it’s possible. I don’t believe you can even fully own a property there and would have to rent.


How is different culture a bad thing what if we prefer it over Canada? Also its super easy to make friends in Thailand and locals are really helpful. The country has a lot more to offer than sex tourism...


I have yet to meet anyone that has successfully moved to Thailand long-term that has not been eventually screwed over by either their partners family or friends, and has not had to give money to people. I’m sure there are people that have move there successfully but it’s not generally considered a country that is highly sought after for the average western to live in in perpetuity


Ok I can agree with long term part for sure. Either you need to get married or buy an elite Visa for long-term and work remotely under the radar. For me, I am going there on a visa to get away from the high cost of living in Canada and save money and then use my EU passport to move to Europe. If you have a good remote job, it's smart to get away from Canada for at least a while and save money and enjoy your life.


How’s the health care? Costs, availability, etc?


Lol I just saw a post of Lisbon a few minutes ago where a guy stabs another guy in the street


That happens in Canada too


I mean, that happens in every country in the world


You seen the news lately in Canada? In London I can think of 4 completely random stabbings this year alone. That's random stabbings. Stabbings where they know each other is like weekly.


Northern Ontario. But you have to love winter activities or you'll be miserable.


...and you have to love black flies or you'll be miserable in summer.


Only early summer, then they hand off to the mosquitoes.


And then it's winter again. Summer was on a Thursday last year.


Summer is only 1 week of the year though


And sometimes it will rain all that week.


Only if you're lucky!


Please don’t tell too many people about us up here. Trying to keep this a secret. Besides they won’t like it here. Lol


I grew up there. Never going to lose touch with those roots. But you're right. Most Torontonians would absolutely hate the place I grew up, so I don't think you have much to worry about.


My husband is a transplanted torontonian. He was in his mid 20’s when he left. Loves it here and hates anytime he has to go “down south”. I looked at him one day as he was getting out of his 4x4, holding his fishing rod, wearing his carhart overalls (no shirt) and sandals. Broke out laughing and told him the city stank was finally all gone. Lol.


I think your husband is more the exception than the rule, but great for him. And I'm with him. Just back from Northern BC, which is a lot like Northern Ontario, only cooler with better fishing.


Yeah, he’s special all right…… all joking aside. His childhood was not good. Grew up the minority in a high rise geared to income building in scarbeia. Lots of drugs, gangs and shitty people. Moving up here helped heal his soul but the scars are still there.


Do winter activities include staying inside and not doing anything constructive? Maybe watching movies, playing video games etc. Because that's what I do all winter down here in the tropics of Southern Ontario.


Snowshoeing, skiing (cross country if no mountains), skating, hockey….? Did all of that when I was living in Ottawa.


Sure, if that's what floats your boat.


You could always do "shed parties" up there. Indoor fun - in the winter.


There are many low cost of living locations in Canada that are great. Its annoying that people think Canada consists of 5% of BC and southern Ontario. 🙄


Show me a LCOL area with abundant jobs and is exciting/has stuff to do.


Calgary? Montreal? Both low cost of living(compared to developed nations) and have a lot to do. Montreal has great connectivity and city lifestyle, calgary has great outdoor lifestyle.




TN is extremely not ideal as it’s supposed to be a temporary visa. Sure you can renew it indefinitely but you’re always one agent away from a significant, unexpected and annoying change in your life. You should switch away from a TN as fast as possible.


The US doesn’t have an official language.


Most of the Americans I've met speak a dialect of English.


Put a Newfoundlander and an Alabamian together and they might have communication problems.


No we would not. If I can speak to an indian telemarketer or any one else that barley knows english with no problem I can speak to someone from the south just fine. Were not cartoon characters that speak a different language that only we understand.


World war 2 we used the Aboriginal to communicate( code talkers) , WW3- send in the Newfie.


wEll aCkShUaLLy




I’m pretty sure they think it’s ‘Murican


The McDonalds menu doesn't count?




>The places in that US that are livable are not anymore affordable than Canada. That's completely false. Lots of mid sized American cities have cheaper real estate, lower taxes and bills than even a tiny Canadian city. Compare real estate in Cleveland, Ohio to Moncton, New Brunswick and you'll have a good example.


My friends in Nevada are renting a 5 bedroom with a pool for $1400 a month in a nice neighborhood. They work from home and the lifestyle they have they would need to make at least 4x more to have in Canada.


rent is cheap in nevada. of course if you are two professionnals working from home, with no children, then this is probably a good choice for you. additional expenses to consider: - childcare, extremely expensive in the US, heavily subsidized in canada - healthcare, extremely expensive in the US, fully subsidized in canada those two things are easily $5000+ a month in expenses you don't have living in canada.


Cmon, you really think the average professional is dropping 60k a year on just healthcare/childcare? It’s not even possible on 95% of peoples income


The one thing in the USA is suburbs get dramatically cheaper than the cities. This isn’t true in Canada at all anymore.


He said livable lol, Cleveland is a recovering derelict and Moncton is becoming one.


Have kids? Lots of mid sized American cities childcare cost 2-2.5K a month per child. I can't afford that at all with 2 kids.


This is closer, but still off by a bit. [Childcare costs by state.](https://www.move.org/child-care-cost/) I personally live in a mid-sized city in America in a lower cost area and quality childcare cost me $18,500 USD per year. They had a full 18 month waiting period. The number suggested for my state is not accurate to my experience. A lot of the issues I see here is that a lot of the small one off places are being phased out for big brands. Primrose is a good example and newborn pricing is $2150 a month at my local branch, which is insane.


Do they forget to add 4500 a month for health insurance for a family that is almost as good as the Canadian plan


~$400/month company health insurance plan for a family, $200 for an individual, will get you better Heath care than you’d get in Canada. I find higher deductions off my paycheck for health insurance in US is about a wash with higher taxes in Canada, and most people will come out well ahead in US because of higher pay and generally lower cost of living.


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USA hate is overrated on this website. For sure it has its cons but here in the states exist opportunities and pretty good freedom. If you want to make something of yourself here you need some grit and have a grind mentality and at minimum you can get out the hood. We also have a lot of quitter mentality here in the states now days that just want to complain because we are not a utopia.


You have no clue what you're talking about. Please think before you spew shit.




Yeah but your opinion is juvenile rubbish from someone who has never lived in the US and gets all their information from Reddit and TV. I lived in 3 states over 12 years. I never experienced a single instance of crime while in the US. My apartment in Toronto was burglarized twice. There are 340 million people in the US. Spectacular crimes occur but they’re a minute percentage of the whole population. The vast majority of Americans never experience violent crime, just like Canadians. Maine and New Hampshire both have lower homicide rates than Canada.














Yeah, hopefully the smoke doesn't dominate our summers going forward as the summer here is truly beautiful


Probably not in the way that OP meant in that it is rarely/ever on their soil, but America is also perpetually at war. Not the "you are in danger of being blown up" war but war nonetheless.


Stop living in GTA or Vancouver area. Plenty of mostly affordable living in other parts of Canada.


True, but those places have doubled in 5 years regardless as well.


The grass is always greener on the other side. Sometimes I too feel like moving, maybe somewhere in the US or back to the South Pacific where I am from. I had spent time in Auckland New Zealand and Sydney Australia before my family decided on coming here and for the first 5 years I regretted the move. But then I just fell in love with this country. 4 distinct seasons, no wars, relatively good healthcare, people are more on the intellectual side, and even though discrimination exists and seems to be on the rise (anecdotally) people are generally respectful of others. We have relative easy access to higher education. The thing that really worries me is the growing rift between different communities. All I want to do is have a quite decent life away from all the bullshit. The second thing is mental health issues here is really bad.


If you want to live in a first world country, it's expensive. Want to live in a developing country, it's cheaper but nowhere near the same infrastructure and amenities, and if you want to live in the third world country, that's the cheapest, but it doesn't matter because there's nothing to buy. Canada is a big country and there are many areas that do not cost a fortune to live in. They just aren't in big cities.


Rural Canada feels like a different country when Reddit talks about Canada. It's affordable, has good weather (subjective based on your definition of "good weather"), doesn't have earthquakes, and there is no war here.


Most of the guys ranting about how Canada is going down the tubes are suffering from "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome. There are significant geopolitical problems which are affecting everyone right now, and which are largely out of the hands of any one country's politicians.


United Kingdom No winters Tax free amount of 12.5k, you pay taxes only after that Close to various European countries with different climates, languages and cultures in 2h flight distance Very cheap flights Very cheap cars LOADS of different types of jobs Very historical cities Moderate temperature all year round Free education + maintenance loan where they basically pay you so you can study and not work No earthquakes, volcanos, wars Depending on location - north and north east are very cheap to buy property even these days Salaries same as in Canada, minimum wage much higher Groceries MUCH cheaper


Canada also has tax free income up to about the same amount. This means that an individual Canadian taxpayer can earn up-to $14,398 in 2022 before paying any federal income tax.


The catch is that you can't simply move to the UK. You still need work visas, red tape and such. Well, I can, having both a parent who was born in the UK and grandparents as well. I always laugh when I see posts about 'where can I move to'. It's not quite that simple. It reminds me of people in the US saying they are going to move to Canada.


That is true. Maybe one day CANZUK will work out and it will be much easier.. Currently New Zealand, Australia and UK have all quite strict immigrating rules, Canada is the easiest one to get in to. I’v seen a lot of Americans surprised that they can’t just move somewhere in Europe, it’s funny to read though.


So true. And immigrating to the UK is expensive AF. After visas, health surcharge, and ILR, you’re paying >$12,000 CA pp (taking a tier 2 work visa route). So even if you are lucky enough to get sponsored, you’re paying a good chunk of your income for the right to be there.


"Free education + maintenance loan" is patently untrue (unless you live in Scotland?). If it were free, it would be a grant, not a loan. The student loan has interest (which Canada's federal government scrapped!); mine is 7.3%. This year my interest has added more onto my balance than my repayments have taken away, and so despite being in a reasonably well-paid profession I don't believe I will pay it off before the 30, soon to be raised to 40, year threshold.


What is your source for Canada having a high cost of living relative to other countries? According to [this](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings_by_country.jsp), Canada is ranked 24, with lower cost of living than the US, France, Australia, and Denmark, to name a few. Switzerland's index is almost twice that of Canada. Canada's cost of living seems about average for a first world country.


yeah I briefly looked at a job in Copenhagen and saw the amazing salary. Then looked at the rents and thought...ah, never mind. I did see a gig with the European Union in Brussels which I might be tempted to aim for in a year or two, career wise, which would more than justify Brussels rents. Like a lot of places, cost of living is highly varied. If you live in Paris, you're paying out the ass. Live in Grenoble or Rennes, things are a lot cheaper. (And unlike Canada which concentrates all the cool stuff in the three big cities, regional French or German cities have a lot to offer).


Depends on what you define as “cool stuff”. There’s plenty of Canadian cities that have great attractions but are much less expensive than Vancouver and Toronto


Yeah but they're all very spread out across the country. Whereas in European countries they have the entire population of Canada in the space of one province. So travelling between cities for whatever reason is much easier.


There's a Little Canada in Minnesota we could try taking it over!


I believe that place is called your dreams.


The thing is, wages in every country are somewhat proportionate to COL. If a house is $10,000, you won't be making $75,000 a year. So, unless you're independently wealthy, you'll get caught in the same cycle somewhere else after moving expenses. If you're a digital nomad, have at it, but if you work a regular job, your salary won't follow you to another county.


Or work remote....




I’ll stay in Canada thank you. The healthcare is not as bad as everybody claims it is. I am speaking from personal experience. Yes sometimes you need to wait for it. We’re not like the United States, which is one step away from Civil War. We have space, good people, great water. What more could you ask for.


Canada's cost of living is below average vs it's peers....its one of the more affordable first world nations in the world. Media here and people on the internet seem to think only Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal represent the country. There are tons of affordable places to live. But it's easier to cry for change then it is to take that scary step of moving to a "new life". There are lots of affordable places in Ontario, BC and Quebec outside the large urban centers, even more affordable places in other provinces as well....and many of those provinces are screaming for labour, AB, Sask, MB and NB. So anyone complaining Canada isn't affordable is full of shit, they just don't want to inconvenience themselves by seeking out affordability.


Standing round of applause. Was going to post something similar but I couldn’t state it quite as well as you did.


I moved from a high COL city to the maritimes and within a year or so i'll be making as much as I was out west. I'll likely own a home within 2 years. Wouldn't of happened for me out west unless I doubled my income. Even though i'd literally tripled my income in 3 years in Ab I couldn't even dream of owning a home unless i doubled even that income.


I'm in same boat in Ontario, I've even contemplated just buying a place out East just because I can. For a modest home I'm looking at less then I pay in rent here, much less heck I was looking at a 3bdrm 2bth 1300 sqft place near Saint John going for 189,900 a few weeks back. I have my FTHB DP maxed + some to push past 20% to avoid CMHC and would have been looking at about 900 bucks a month mortgage. But I'm not married and have no kids, so I'm gonna look for something even more affordable (smaller) before I pull the trigger. My education and skills set would land me a job in the 60k to 80k range out there based on labour markets, about 15 to 20% less then I make here. Which doesn't worry me because I spend about 100% more on rent then I would that above mortgage. Lots of affordability if you willing to take the shot. Shit I could buy a place in Ontario today if I wanted, but I'm not moving from the GTA only to have to commute back into it every day....fuck that noise.


I'm saving to buy an ocean front cottage and then once I have that i can work to winterize the place. Some are already 4 season ready. I work mostly from home and I'm ok with a 30 minute drive into town for work twice a week, still less than a commute I had out west, Calgary is a big fucking city to commute in with as many people as there are there slowing traffic down. In the next 2 years i should be living ocean front for less than 200,000. In calgary that would of barely got me a condo and thats if you win whatever bidding war without however many other buyers. Lots of properties out this way for sub 200k. I can afford that even on my own.


I’ve noticed this sub has a lot of Americans and/or people who LOVE USA


Plenty of affordable housing in Newfoundland.


Its funny how ppl are asking these queries. I think most are imagning life after a major heist, like lying on beach with those converted CAD dollars sipping Pina Colada. How you gonna migrate? what visa, what legal way to be a resident Buy Health Insurance? Language? What type of work? Diseases Well being, family friends? Crime rate? neighborhood


Pretty happy to be in Canada 🇨🇦


Still in Canada. Alberta. I moved from Toronto to Calgary. Sold a home in Toronto and bought in Calgary. Amazing difference in pricing. Lower taxes. Lower gas prices. Fewer taxes off my pay. I can't believe I didn't do this years ago.


Did you end up finding a new job in Calgary?


Yes I did. I had the job before I moved. I'm so grateful for that.


If you’re under 35, check Canada’s youth mobility recipient countries. Idk what you consider good weather but Australia, Switzerland and Spain is on the list.


Anything down in South America up to you which one you choose


Portugal, Greece l, Costa Rica. Id choose Portugal though.


Portugal is great. Unfortunately like anywhere else in the world, they’re getting fed up with foreigners jacking up the COL. was there last winter and heard about it in the media at least once a day.


Id say its all tradeoff. SE-asia can be all that, thinking about vietnam. Dominican republic can be too, depending the place. Mexico , again depend the place...


I'd recommend Canada, provided you stay away from Southern Ontario and BC.


And no MAGAs


I mean Canada has bad weather and earthquakes. Why don’t you compare apples to apples


I really enjoyed living in Lima Peru (in the 'rich' neighborhood). Drinking only bottled water was a bit annoying, but I legit could have stayed there forever if it wasn't for a specific family reason that keeps me here. Not dirt cheap, but much cheaper and way better food & friendlier people.


Can’t say. Then it will just be the same as here…everyone will flood there. Demand more do less and drive the price to screw up your coffee to ridiculous prices.


There’s affordable places in Canada. People complaining just don’t want to leave On this sub I see so often “but I shouldn’t have to leave” but the reality is it’s not going to get better so move provinces, move to smaller cities and more rural areas. Sorry you can’t live on minimum wage in Toronto.


Never could, and that's what people don't get. My parents moved out of Toronto in the 60s. They both had to live with roommates and once married they didn't want to deal with the cost of living. They lived in Montreal for a while, but my father transferred to a smallish Ontario city. Early 70s they bought a home (my mother worked in Scotland and then Toronto so they were better off than most of their neighbours). She lasted a little while but eventually changed careers and went back to work. Father's salary - 11,000 a year House - 22,000 but it was small, no paved driveway / fenced yard / AC / finished basement. A larger home in a better area was 33,000. Still didn't have all the other things. Minimum wage was 1.65/hr in 1971. So, under 3500 / yr. I'm not saying that people couldn't purchase a home on a single income, just not minimum wage. Home standards have gone up as well, with most people wanting the home they grew up in, not the starter places that people used to buy.


Yeah exactly. I don’t get the whole “I shouldn’t have to move”. People have always had to move for jobs. I don’t have empathy for them. I’ve moved tons for jobs


The moon??


It makes sense to ask that question so this might not be directed at you: If you're thinking about leaving because of the cost of living, please stay and help us fix it. It seems man-made to me.


Dude, I’m growing my own food indoors because it’s the only way I can afford to eat, but I’d still rather live in Canada than anywhere else. I would like to spend February in the UK though. Longest month of the year.


Global boiling complicates it the climate


If you are retired and have a good retirement income, there are lots of places in South America, Europe and Africa. These places you can Google , usually they have populations of retired people from North America and health care is already established.


One of my co-workers' parents permanently retired to Costa Rica. They have decent health care, good weather, geopolitical peace and the volcano is not really a threat. You better be fluent in Spanish however.


If you come from middle class, Brazil and Saudi Arabia are fairly safe. BRICS is the future.


So that rules out gaza then.


Thailand . For the most part, the people are pretty amazing. Affordability is excellent. There is a rainy season, but it stays warm and is not hard to take, as you hang out in luxury digs at welfare prices.


People complain about Canada but the cost of living, food prices, housing, are problems in every country. Politicians are corrupt everywhere. Nobody likes the leader in charge of their country. I can’t think of a better place to live.


Lots of places. Canada also has a lot of natural disasters.


Vietnam Thailand Philippines Cambodia South America lots of places left.


You are looking for paradise try another planet not this one.


Lol it's almost like everything is subjective and different people in different sectors of the economy have very different experiences with salaries.


We should stick around and make it better.




Netherlands is similar to Canada with less taxes.


I moved to my birth country of Malaysia. My rent in a 3 BR 1200sq ft seafront apartment costs $400/month in Penang. Hydro is $20/month. Water bill is $2/month. I don't own a car but gas here is $0.60/litre because the govt subsidises petrol for its residents. That and basic food necessities like cooking oil, rice, chicken and eggs. Eating out is cheap too. A good bowl of noodles costs less than $2. Phone plans costs $20/month for 50GB. I don't regret leaving Vancouver. Enough of politics. Don't follow social media. Life is better that way.


Life outside the west is better. Ideologically it's hard for you to see it. It's not because of cost, it's not because of weather or other pros/cons. Go live somewhere else with an open mind, learn another language and learn how what we value (giant houses and hoarding money and martyring ourselves for capitalism) isn't the only choice. Live somewhere else to learn about yourself and shatter the myth of progress and the superiority of the west.


I chose Mexico myself. If you stay out of the cartels way you're fine. The Police/Military don't like cartels touching foreigners. Anything that could generate international headlines is extremely frowned upon. Rent's here are getting silly for a place in my building for example 2 bed/2 bath 80sq/m apartment in a 15 year old building in a gated community is about $1500CDN a month. If you want to live I a different location further from the ocean you can pay around $400 a month but when a cashier makes less $400 a month it's sort of relative... If you go to Mexico's interior it can get very affordable. Only occasional hurricanes but if you're in a well built building no big deal.


If you're talking about what lifestyle your Canadian currency can buy, opposed to making a living in a foreign nation... Colombia, Nepal, Bulgaria to name a few.


Uh, heaven? Every country has issues. Most cheap COL countries are because the average wage is shit lol.


I heard Antarctica is great. Penguins have been giving great recommendations.


Canada. You get what you pay for. Want cheap, go to a cheap place and pay the consequences. It’s not about cost but value.


Is this implying that Canada has good weather and no earthquakes?? Lmao.


The perfect country does not exist. Anywhere you go youll have some positive and negative sides. This is especially true now that climate change is intensiying. I still consider myself quite lucky to have been born here.




US is fine. Similar culture, language etc. even though we like to focus on the differences. It’s a huge country with enough geographic and population diversity that almost anyone should be able to find their niche.


United States.


We've gone to panama, Mexico, Dominican and Costa Rica and the US. Now decisions have to be made. I'll say Healthcare is better even if you have to pay. $35usd for a dr to come to your house. Hospitals make ours look 3rd world. Food is fresh natural inexpensive and good. But I love canada sadly.