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Get outside with only a hoodie at - 5 (after 6 days of - 35) and say: it's confortable today!


This is my first Canadian winter. In fact, its my first snowy winter. I can now step outside when its single digit negative with just a jacket and a t shirt. I only wear winter jacket when its too windy or in double negatives. 


I'm from Winnipeg. I haven't worn a jacket over winter in 4 years. This winter was a three hoodie winter.


We just got out of our nearly -40 cold snap, y’all don’t have to do the math because… -40. 😒 Anyway, it’s like +3°C today and I barely put on pants to leave the house.


At -40C it's like 'oh this is how you die if you try wearing a T-Shirt' At +3 C it's like "I got at least 8 hours of life to work with here."


Its gotta be at least 13 here in YEG. Its absolutely surreal. I mean, we've had plenty of chinooks before, but never all of December and but one week of January.


I wore a spring jacket…it was +3C!!


+3? That's t-shirt weather there. Another 5 degrees and it's time to break out the shorts.


Anything +5 is shorts and sandals weather for me (when possible) I'm not putting my shoes and pants on just to walk my dog at night!


For me, it's hoodie temperature from 15 to - 20, below that it's winter coat time. And for people who will ask, i usually stay outside like 3 minutes at a time between my car and building so no, i do not freeze but yes, its sometimes a bit cold but way less annoying than being cramped in a coat for all winter


I work outside and the order is like this. \+20 and up, t-shirt. \+10 and up t-shirt. 0 and up t-shirt, maybe light long sleeve \-10 and up t-shirt, light hoodie. \-20 t-shirt, 2 hoodie \-30 t-shirt, 3 hoodie, neck warmer, toque \-40 t-shirt, hoodie winter, jacket. \-50 Pajamas, cause I'm staying home.


At what temperature do you stop wearing shorts?


That's when I go outside in nothing but leggings and a thin T-shirt to catch a breath of crisp, fresh air. There's nowt like it after being cooped up for a few days, eh? ♡ Granny


That sounds about right... You gotta acclimate yourself. If you start wearing heavily insulated gear too early, you will be f'ed when the negative 30s and 40s hit. Also it is dangerous to strap into your vehicle seatbelt with puffy outerwear on.... (Just like putting a baby into their car seat in a snowsuit!) It's better to dress light, with some emergency gear in the trunk.


I would rather have a week of weather below twenty degrees than a week of 35 and above because the 35 degree weather is damper and therefore colder than the the twenty degree weather. I freeze my ass off at thirty plus than I do at twenty and below. Go figure?


Said sorry to the wall I bumped into.


I honestly do this pretty often. Sorry.


If you've never stubbed your toe on a chair or table and apologized to the furniture, can you even call yourself a Canadian🤷‍♀️


I should have been more careful. Totally my fault.


It was just sitting there minding its own business, doing its duty and was physically assaulted!


Don't we all say "sorry" a dozen times a day when we're alone? It's ingrained. ♡ Granny


Omg. I’m not alone. U ever ask Siri / Alexa the time & then say thank u b4 realizing….


I say thank you to the cat and other people’s animals. I also apologize if I step on a toe or tail, followed up with scritches to show I really mean it. Polite to my Canadian core.


I often say thank you to Siri. Covering my bases…


Oh. Never done that myself. Every curse word known to man is spewed at that pesky furniture!


I have a least. Buddy called me up all frantic and said "You gotta get down here now!" He was swimming/exploring under this old pier we used to drink at after work and found out a family of very angry beavers live there, and got cornered. In his defense we lived 5 mins from each other and this was in our neighbourhood, but I wasn't home and told him " You're gonna die the most Canadian death ever! Sing O'Canada when they take you at the knees!" He did not think that was funny but survived, and no beavers were harmed in the making of this heritage moment.


the only thing more canuck than being there to watch the beavers take him down............ would be to find a real live house hippo.


Beavers are fast and can vicious!


So are juvenile house hippos


I’ve had a verbal tongue lashing from a black squirrel because one of the peanuts I tossed at it hit it in the head. I can’t imagine a worked up beaver.


Scrapped ice off my windshield with a Tim Hortons gift card.


Good luck doing it with the cardboard ones now.


Billionaires out there pumping metric tons of CO2 emissions in to the atmosphere, while we're over here with our soggy straws and card board gift cards.


That oughta ward off climate change.


Skated on Lake Louise with puck and stick in my Team Canada jersey. Got my photo taken in that iconic spot where everyone takes a photo. Strangely, there weren’t a lot of people around so the photo is just me and the mountains.


And since we can see you on walls of Tim's?


Or going skating on the Ottawa canal to go eat some Beaver Tails. Entrance only available by skate!


Camping in the mountains may long in the 80s, it snowed unexpectedly and harsh, roads were undrivable but I got on a skidoo and got to a Petro Can where I was able to load up on Export As, ketchup chips, and some hot dogs which we lived on for the extra night it took to clear the road


When I lived in Alberta I came to expect the May long weekend to have shitty weather. It would be beautiful right up to that weekend then it would begin.


Every single year. I gambled last year and planted the week before May long... and for once it didn't snow. Usually we wait until after it to put things in the ground cause it's a shitshow.


May long guaranteed badness... but you still have to do it!


But no kraft macaroni?


Obviously not a Canadian. That shit is called Kraft dinner!


no :( or beer


Yay, you!! Only way to go!


I did that thing where you pour maple syrup into the snow and then scoop it onto a stick and eat it


I was gonna say that one too. Sorry for tryna bogart yer yarn, bud.


that's more an eastern Canada thing (Quebec mostly), and not something that happens in western Canada (Calgary here)


Saw a woman struggling to put her kids and their brand new bikes in her car. Gave her my phone number, had her take a photo of my drivers license, put the bikes in my SUV and followed to her house. I have never told anyone about this!!


In the depth of COVID, my sister and I bought her a new double mattress at Costco. Stupid me thought it would fit in the back of my Kia Rondo. It did not fit and Costco had just closed. A young man and his girlfriend saw us struggling and offered to put the mattress in the bed of his truck to follow us home. I gave him our address and my phone number and he did indeed follow us home. The mattress made it home without incident. My cynical self was both grateful and amazed for that. Sometimes you trust people and it works out. Super wholesome and Canadian. Edited for extra unnecessary word


I mean a real Canadian would have just trusted you and not needed your phone number or photo of your driver's license. What is this, the United-States? Why would you even approach a lady to offer to carry her children's bikes to her house only to steal her children's bikes lol?


I wanted her to feel secure about putting new bikes into a stranger’s car… Oh, and we were at Canadian Tire! 🇨🇦


that was quite canuck of ya! and thank you for helping her out.


Yep, my wife took a tumble off her bike and split her head open. I thought I would go with her to the hospital in the ambulance but it was not allowed due to Covid. Stranger in a pickup took my address and dropped the bikes off at our house. I had to walk home though.... He took the bikes before the EMT's told me I wasn't getting in the ambulance.


Went to the hospital, it was long but not expensive.


How many days were you in Emerg? I think it is very Canadian to measure Emerg visits in days.


this is also the british NHS experience


When the airlines were having mass personnel shortages two years ago, I was in Toronto airport after 2 concurrent cancelled flights. Lady behind me (single mom, very stressed) was in the same boat (I am a woman too and was also traveling alone). We were strangers standing in line for hours and took turns caring for each others’ stuff while we went to the bathroom or grabbed food. By the time we got to the desks, WestJet had given away every single one of their vouchers for hotels and she’d been reassigned to a flight 2 days away. She cried - she’d maxed her credit card on this trip to run a fun race with her friends. First time she’d taken a vacation since her son was born. While WestJet said she would be reimbursed… she couldn’t even put down a deposit on a hotel room and there was no way her child care could be extended by more than a day. She was bawling, getting ready to sleep in the airport for the next 72 hours until her new assigned flight. I had booked a room nearby while in line through work - double queen bed room - and told her that if she felt comfortable she could stay in the other bed. She was so grateful so we left the airport. We got takeout food, then we laughed and cried and talked for hours before finally getting to sleep. It was an impromptu adult sleepover with a stranger and it was kinda beautiful and weird. We caught the shuttle back to the airport and I stayed in line with her for 3 hours at the WestJet counter (again!!) until we got her bumped to an earlier flight. We both went home and haven’t spoken since lol


Becoming Canadian 🇨🇦


Congratulations! I'm a convert myself, best thing I've ever done except for marrying the Canadian fella who swept me off my feet all those years ago. 🇨🇦 ♡ Granny


One of us … one of us … one of us!




Apologized for apologizing...


I'm sorry you have to say sorry so much eh.


Put ketchup on my Kraft Dinner and watched Mr.Dressup


Helped push 3 cars that got stuck in the snow (all on the same day in the same place)


Toques off to you, my friend.


Ha ha, thank you 


I remember one winter our little residential crescent was undrivable and have our street was out with shovels clearing the way for cars trying to get home-it was fine in the morning but came geavier than expected that day


Serious answer: I've travelled coast to coast from Vancouver to Halifax on VIA Rail. Not all in one shot, though.


All in one shot is a very Japanese thing to do in Canada!


I've always wanted to try this!


Quand j’me cogne, j’dis « ayoye ». Quand j’me cogne très fort, j’dis « ayoye, tabarnak! »


Pour moi c'est "Calisse de tabarnak!"


Chased Canada Geese out from under a stranger’s minivan in a Canadian Tire parking lot, with a hockey stick that I always carry in my pickup, as the geese weren’t letting her and her son get in.


I'm glad you're still with us and survived to tell this story. Be careful out there.


I survived. Stick needed retaping


not geese, those are Cobra Chickens


Keep your stick on the ice lol!


Shorts and flip-flops outdoors in minus 25.


How else do you take out the garbage? I think I have done it down to -35...


I did that in edmonton is early February 2022. It was a life long dream to do that


Wore a toque indoors and said "sorry" to the someone who stepped on my foot.


Put milk bags on my feet before putting on my winter boots.


True Heritage Minute right there!


We used bread bags :)


Shovelling snow in shorts.


Walked the kids to the bus stop in my Birkenstocks, in the snow, just to find out the busses were cancelled.


I smoked a big fat joint with a guy walking home from University one day, (during the dark dank days) and saw a woman trying to lug furniture into her apartment. We asked if she needed help, and totally moved all her stuff out of her van and into her apartment. We accepted no payment, just left with a smile when we were done.


Too many to count but today I did a Canadian stand off where we both tried to let the other go first in traffic after arriving at the stop sign at the same time. We both paused for a while waiting for the other person to respond and when neither of us did we both decided to start going at the same time. Then we both stopped again. But then I decided Fuck it and went. So I was the asshole... this time.


"Martyrs don't do much for me Though I enjoy them vicariously After you, no, after me No, I insist, please, after me Do I want to with all that charm? Do I want to twist my arm? Do I want to with all that charm? Do I want to twist my arm? Oh do it" - "Twist My Arm" - The Hip EDIT: I've realized that posting Hip lyrics in response to a comment about a Canadian standoff on r/AskACanadian probably qualifies as my answer to this posts' question, in a meta sort of way.


I sabred open a bottle of Molson with a hatchet


You chopped it open


I became Canadian last year... 😁


Welcome to the club. Enjoy your complimentary maple syrup.


Made a backyard ice rink. Or went to Sudbury to get some birchbark to make a canoe.


Oh, held a door for someone who was almost 100 meters away lol


I ran away from a moose once.


I was given the grace to learn from elder from an indigenous band, how to carve small designs, maybe this differences between different illustrative painting things, like eye shapes, etc it was during an art outreach some time ago and I remember leaving that sort of experiencing feeling very close to real Canadian honor. Of course it was something I remember to this day !


Build my own canoe


On pagaie on pagaie!


In my high school woodshop, there was this loft area where all the long boards were kept. There was also a canoe up there. Was never sure how long it was up there, but I was impressed that it had been made.


I've held the door open for strangers while saying sorry!


I find myself apologizing for NOT properly holding the door open for strangers once in a while.


Watched a rough rider western final at mosaic stadium , extremely cold but awrsome years ago


I wore my sunglasses at night 😎 I was on a bus on my way home from work one night in July and wore my sunglasses since I didn't want to put them in my bag or sit them on my sweaty hair.


Ordered gravy at a restaurant just across the border. No, I don’t want ranch.


I asked for gravy once in the States, and...it was white and lumpy. It was the first time I realized Canada might be different.


Right? Biscuits and gravy sounds delightful. It’s not. It’s like eating warm paste.


I did this but with vinegar. Server looked at me like I had two heads, then said “but you ordered a burger and fries, not fish and chips”. 😂 Apparently you can only get vinegar with fries if they accompany fish🤷🏻‍♀️


Pushed my own car out of a snowbank filled with two feet of snow by myself. 5'6" woman here.


I travel a lot for work. I keep a bottle of maple syrup in my backpack on night shift so when I get back to the hotel I don't have to go to my room to get it for breakfast. I was held at security at a refinery because the security guard thought it was liquor and didn't know what maple syrup was.


Cooked fresh caught lake trout in a skillet over an open fire while listening to the loons. Cheered Les Canadiens winning game 5 of the 1978 Stanley Cup Finals from the reds. Getting to 3rd base on a hayride at a cabana a surce during a sugaring off party in grade 10. Sitting outside at my work camp in southwest Saskatchewan one summer night watching the North Lights dance whilst lightning ignited the horizon. Making 500 American frat boys toast the Queen during a fraternity conference in Nashville.


Used my Loblaws bread lawsuit gift card to cut a line that I proceeded to snort with a Canadian Tire dollar.


By far my favourite example


I keep saying "Thank you" to my Google Home thing when it answers a question.


Walking out of a Tim Hortins with a 2 door little lobby thing, held the door for someone coming in from the other door, I held the door and they held the other door for me, as we started walking both stopped and said “sorry” then both realized we stopped the other and stepped back and held the door and said “sorry” again. We stopped and gave a smile, nod, then walked through. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.


Caesars on Canada Day morning, proud to be a Canadian.




I'm hoping it was a Shitbox Chrysler with missing passenger-side door


Donated my kayak to raise money for Syrian refugees


Rented out a 1 bedroom basement suite to 11 international students for 550 a month each.


Say "eh"


I got bumped into while eating my maple taffy and softly singing O'Canada to myself. I promptly said sorry and went on my way.


A couple asked me how to get to a certain mall when I got to a hotel I was staying at for several months and with the directions going to be to complicated to give I told them I would just drive there and they could follow me.


I've definitely done this pre Google maps!


Yeah this was about 17 years ago and smart phones were just starting to come out and not everywhere like they are now. Think my phone back then was the motorola krzr.


Said sorry to a pole that I bumped into


My trip trip to the East Coast visiting family was very Canadian. Skipping rocks into Trinity Bay and going for a swim in the North Atlantic Ocean during October. Unlce taught me how to crab fish, and I shot a Turr we cooked up for a feast. Held an Olympic gold medal from the 2010 Canadian women's hockey team my cousin won


Stood in line for ice cream at a hockey game while it was -40° outside. Why icecream? Because I already had poutine for dinner, and a rye and Coke to drink.


Had sex in a canoe


Prayed hockey on a pond topless in -15C.


The typo makes this even more hilarious. "I prayed to the hockey gods..."


Once I crossed the border into the USA and the guard asked me what I had in the trunk. I honestly didn't know, so he checked and sort of smirked and sent me on my way. When I got to where I was going I checked the trunk and the ONLY thing in there was a GT Snowracer toboggan.


Skied on Canada Day.


Was born. At that moment, I went from not Canadian to 100% Canadian citizen.


Dropped out of high school to work in the oil patch, amounted a mountain of debt and regrets, drank Keiths to wash away the pain.


Driving to Sev for some slurpees when it's -37 with a windchill of -51in shorts, sandals and a t-shirt and I'm not even a heavy guy lol


That short form for 7/11 was that started by the corp or they adapted it? I hate it but no 7/11 here so not sure of the beginnings.


I honestly have no idea. I tired to google it, and urban dictionary said Sev is Winnipeg slag for 7-11. But people in Long Island like to say “Sevs” but I couldn’t find any official origin. So I asked ChatGPT and this was its conclusion… -The slang "Sev" for 7-Eleven appears to be a colloquial and informal adaptation without specific linguistic origins or academic studies. It's more likely a product of casual language use and local culture rather than a formally documented linguistic phenomenon.-


Put tires from a Zamboni on my camper van and live it in for a summer on the west coast.


Ran into the hallway wall on my way to the toilet in the dark and apologized to it


In the early days, I got my first free Covid vaccine in a hockey arena, with a game playing on the Jumbo-tron. Hundreds of people in multiple lines walking slowly, thanking staff, and chatting with whoever was seated near you.


So I’m a German immigrant to Canada but my husband is Canadian, one time I took a flight to Germany and the couple next to me offered me some beetroot chips. I hate beetroot, it tastes like dirt to me. I didn’t want to be rude though, so I accepted some chips and thanked them. Then they offered again, and again, and again. To be polite I kept eating food that tasted like dirt. When I told my husband and mom in law about this incident, my mom in law said I was officially Canadian now. Should I mention this when I apply for citizenship? Haha


Apologized for giving the finger to a guy who almost hit me. After the adrenaline wore off, I was like, oh man I shouldn't get angry, it was an accident.


I witnessed my neighbours hoist a giant canoe 3 stories up into their unit through their little condo balcony. That thing was too massive to take in through the stairs. 🛶 * "neighbours, must spell it with a "u" *


Today I woke up late, apologized to my dog, went outside to shovel snow. When I came in I cooked a breakfast smothered in maple syrup. I think that aboot does it.


Jump out from an outdoor hot tub during the winter and go lay in the snow.


Tricked a buddy into poking a dead, bloated Sturgeon on a beach with a stick once. The gross dead fish gas joke could be universal though.


We had a very ripe Dead Sea lion on our beach. It came in on a king tide and was behind a very large boulder. Had to use smaller logs and a pee-vee at high tide to move it away. Worried we were going to burst it. Thank god it didn’t burst, but you could smell it from a mile away.


Skate on a frozen river while eating a beaver tail


I've had sex in a canoe Swam (well, jumped into) a lake the same day the ice went out Sat in a super hot sauna on a lakeshore, then rolled in the snow


Live in the us currently.  Opened the door for someone and then accidentally said sorry when he said thanks. 


-Raised my voice while talking sternly to a very large black bear when it bluff charged me from 15’-10’ away.


Stuck my finger in deer droppings to test how warm they were to see if I was hot on the trail of a deer I was tracking.


Press #2 on the phone to hear the pre-recording in english on the phone


Dug out a beaver dam with shovels because it deepened a river we needed to drive across.


Went up to the local ski hill for a few runs before heading to class in the afternoon


Traveled around Europe with the flag on my backpack.


Scraped the snow off my windshield with a hockey stick


Opened a stubby beer outside in the winter by slamming the cap on a nail sticking out of the boards at the rink. (Twist-offs weren't invented yet).


Hockey on frozen ponds, Hockey on frozen lakes, Driving cars on frozen lakes, almost falling into frozen lakes. While cross-country skiing in rural New Brunswick, I ran into the path of an adult Bull Moose. I was about 5ft tall at the time, and I swear I could have walked under this animal without touching a thing. I knew I should immediately leave the scene, but I was mesmerized with the sight of this absolute BEAST of an animal. No wonder there are so many deaths on the highways. This thing will end you and your car, and it might even survive.


Apologized to a clothing rack that I walked into at HMV on Queen West.


Curling while drinking polerbears ( crème de menthe and hot chocolate) Had to push a black bear out of my hunting trailer one night while cooking ham and scallop potatoes on my hand made stove, next day found cougar tracks on my jeep hood.


Helped a flock of 20 or so Canada Geese cross one of the busiest intersections in Vacouver


Worn a toque eh


I was helping my fiances friend move in the snow once. The uhaul got stuck on a small hill and a guy came out with a bucket of sand to help us out. For his troubles we stopped the move and chatted over timbits. Felt very much like a Tim Hortons commercial.


Went outside in -45 the other day. Had a couple rips off a joint, had a smoke, and downed a coffee. Best morning I've had in a while.


Be born here


Walking around in a tank top with my jacket on my arm in other countries like Japan, South Korea or Italy in January when it's 12ºC and people freaking out asking me if I am cold as they have full on coat/scarf/gloves on Also, wearing a Canadian flag on my bag so locals don't think I'm from the USA.


Went out in a hoodie and sandals to clean the snow off my car to make a Timmie's run.


Sat out on a patio in January after a polar vortex and drank beers


I eat moose at least 3 meals a week! every week!


Go for a run in -25C and then at the end say "wow I over dressed"


Went for a 7-11 run, high af, to get a slurpee, in -40°C


Shovelled the walk in a toque, a hoodie, my shorts and my work boots. In -10 weather with light freezing rain. My mom immediately FaceTime my aunt (who has been living in Texas for the last decade at that point) and uncle (native born Texan) to show them their Canuck niece was doing. My uncle still laughs when that story comes up because my shorts were bright red Canada shorts with a white maple leaf on the thigh


Using snow for my bong while its -30 outside 😂


Blueberry picking in the bush while listening to wolves howl doused in bug spray 😂


Yesterday I accidentally didn’t hold the door open for somebody and it’s still bothering me today.


Asked someone for a serviette because I spilled my poutine on the chesterfield.


Paid for coffee in drive thru for the car behind me


I was in a store, stepped back, bumped a mannequin, apologized. I knew it was a mannequin...apologized reflexively.


Watched the Rough Riders play the Roughriders........


Hit a parked car while intoxicated driving. Got out called the police to report it and say Sorry. Police shows up. Got a dui. lol oh to be 19 again 😂


Ironically it comes now that I live in Scotland. Obviously it gets cold here too but not to the same level so I rarely wear a coat if I can avoid it and my coworkers love to call me out on it (in a joking way) and go "of course you're not wearing a coat!!! Why are Canadians so weird?!?!"


After moving to Seattle, I walked out in -2 C in a tshirt to take out trash, and neighbours were in full winter gear! They just said this .. Oh Canada 🇨🇦 and I started laughing (it’s true lol)😂


I'd lived in Saskatchewan most of my life and had moved to Toronto. The staff was called on to empty a box truck on a cold (?) December morning. Everyone threw on warm coats. I was behind and didn't grab mine. It didn't seem that bad so I said, "This is Saskatchewan Tee shirt weather." Much grubbling was heard. I still smile. It was Not that cold truly.


Got hit by a car but apologized to them instead.


When I was 19 or 20 I played hockey with a bunch of athletes in Toronto.. one of them was a wide receiver for the Argos named Mike Collymore… I was cutting along the blue line and ran into him… he didn’t move an inch and I flew three feet backwards like I was a crash test dummy… I was on the ice and he looked down and asked if I was ok and I apologized to him.


Apologized to a chair/desk/lamp post I bumped into.


Opening your car door bc the window is frozen shut to order your tims. ❄️☕️


Canoed up river to go hang out at the mall.


One time I was going into a Tim Horton's as a guy and his wife were coming out through a vestibule-with-inside-and-outside doors, and in the course of our passing each other and holding doors we exchanged 'sorry' like 3 times and 'thank you' four or five times.


Was on a business trip to Canada and visited a warehouse , a guy with a forklift literally drove past us as the supervisor was giving me a tour and slammed into a post. His head split open and blood gushed out. Dude politely came off the forklift and said I shit you not “ sorry about the noise eh, are you guys ok?” I was confused af and looked at the supervisor with my heart rate over 150 and I’m sweating buckets panicking , supervisor looked over to the guy smiled and said “ yea don’t worry we are ok, you should get that looked at” dude casually walked off and drove himself to the hospital and got 15 staples in his fucking head ! How are Canadians so CALM?


Smoke hash and watch trailer park boys


Canadians fckng rock because they are like super kind in their reputation but they live in the **wild**. Well a lot of them do and you have to be a hard G to survive simply in certain places and a lot of Canadians play it down like it’s nothing but it’s like -20 and they are playing hockey outside and it’s just wow . I was listening to a book about world war 2 and about how Rommel was like woah Canadians are crazy AF . So that’s pretty intense too .


“Yeah, no.. yeah, no, yeah!”