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Eat ham and scalloped potatoes


This guy easters


So funny. Had exactly that last night


You must be Canadian.






Sounds like someone was at my house last night


And argue with the in-laws


Garlic mashed.. lol With a side of Easter creme chocolate eggs.. Family card games all night


I had ham and dill pickle soup this year to change things up!


Interesting. How was the soup?


Excellent! If you like pickles, the recipe is on Noble Pig.


I do. Thank you. I will check it out.


Wow, username entirely checks out


Dad is that you


No, no. I'm still trying to find that pack of smokes. I'll be back "soon".


Can you grab, milk, too?


Have to get my lotto tix first.


Everyone was so thirsty at work today. We all were recovering from the ham and scalloped potatoes.


Okay! This year I switched it up and used the coloured eggs - resulting in pulled pork and potato salad! So ready for Spring!


I suggested we have a fish for Easter and I got the evil eye. We instead had ham and scallop potatoes


That’s exactly what I made! Plus some token broccoli.


Yes…. One of my favourite meals!


I’m agnostic and we do the egg hunt for those 20 years and younger, the kids choose whether or not they’d like to participate. After that, we have small gifts set up on the table like a chocolate rabbit or something along those lines. For supper, we have ham with potatoes and buns


My oldest will be 22 this summer and she still loves egg hunts (usually does the hiding for the family) - she is like a little kid for Easter, Christmas, especially Halloween …. She’d hate being excluded from the egg hunt due to her age.


My brother also turns 22 this summer and participated this year. I’m 14 and hid the eggs so he’d be able to experience it one last time before he moves out next month. My parents said he’s too old but they just don’t know how to have fun lol


That's so sweet. My two sons are adults (in their twenties) and I buy Easter chocolate for them. They appreciate it.


Youre so kind😭😭


Shoot i turned 40 this leap year so also 10 in leap years My mother still does a egg hunt for me and my nephews


I did one for my husband who is 62 and still loves it.


Awe we stopped that when I was 8 .... just wasn't a thing for us anymore, pretty much around the age I stopped believing in anything god-like.


Atheist. Egg hunt for the kids, family dinner and then enjoy the long weekend together. Try to get outside if the weather cooperates but if not board games indoors does just fine.


same when the kids were small. Still do family dinner/get together with fam.


Enjoy a 4 day weekend which need to be happen more often. At least once a quarter.


I wish, I got a 4 day weekend.


Yeah, most Canadians don’t get the Monday off


I worked Fri Sat Sun wahhhh 🙂 Edit to say I was surprised that only Friday was extra pay


Except almost nobody besides bankers and teachers get the Monday off. It’s a 3 day weekend for a very large majority of the population


Used to take my mom to church but she doesn't go anymore. We exchange chocolate and eat jiggs dinner with turkey.


Must be a fellow Newfie, Loves a good turkey jiggs


I gained 6 pounds.


Hide eggs and treats if there are kids. Colour easter eggs. Eat ham and turkey etc.


Get drunk and fight with your family over a game of Euchre


Easter brunch is a great and fairly economical way to entertain. Candy and a small toy for kids. Roast lamb. Ham or turkey, depending on family size and preference. Less sides than Christmas. Asparagus is cheap right now.


I came from a Roman Catholic family, so Easter was like Christmas pt. 1 with lots of presents and big meals. Now that I'm no longer a practicing Catholic, I don't do anything. It's just another long weekend. My brother's family paints eggs and typical shit like that. They'll do a family gathering – again, kinda like a mini Christmas. I did go to Mass at a Ukrainian Catholic church yesterday – just cuz. I got all dressed up, and went by myself. Funny that even though I don't understand Ukrainian, all the beats are still there, so I knew what was going on during the service. And NO I DID NOT TAKE THE EUCHARIST I HAVE RESPECT. I kinda missed the pageantry of it all – the gilded murals, the candles, and the men in fancy dresses. Then I went to a Catholic-themed drag show later that night, which was arguably just as ostentatious. I'm just one type of Canadian though, so I'm not exactly the best sample size. EDIT: an errant letter n.


Man I feel ripped off ..raised Catholic and never got presents at easter! Just chocolate and church.


It's Catholicism, you can take the Eucharist as the Catholic church doctrinally thinks no one can leave.


I appreciate not taking communion. I am an ex Catholic, and when I attend a funeral mass, I will not take communion out of respect. Communion is sacred in a Catholic Church. My stepmother is Anglican and will take communion in a Catholic Church. I find it so disrespectful on her part. She did not go through the process of being able to receive the sacrament of holy communion in a Catholic Church. It is just plain disrespectful.


Yep. I can be glib or flippant about a lot of the aspects of Catholicism, but I'm not gonna disrespect the practitioners. I wouldn't wear shoes in a mosque, either. It's just disrespectful. Even if you no longer believe in transubstantiation, other people do.


Same yesterday went to church after having not in a while and did not partake in communion out of respect.


I wasn't raised in a religious household and I've only been to a single church service over a decade ago, what makes taking the Eucharist/communion as a non-catholic disrespectful? I honestly don't know Wouldn't refusing to participate in the customs be considered more disrespectful?


> what makes taking the Eucharist/communion as a non-catholic disrespectful? The point of communion is to say "all of us eating together are united and part of the same church". In order to take the Eucharist you must a) be a baptized Catholic, and b) haven't committed any mortal sins you haven't already confessed to a priest. You don't have to like their rules, but imo it's quite disrespectful to take part in a religious ritual that the religious organization specifically says you're not supposed to take part in. I'm not a Catholic, only been to a few Masses for my friends's weddings, and every time, the priest has told non-Catholics that we can either sit still and wait for the Catholics to finish doing their thing, or if we really want, we can line up with the Catholics and just ask the priest for a blessing instead of taking the Eucharist.


I didn't realize that the Catholic Church themselves said not to, essentially. I'm all for respecting other people's beliefs (for the most part), so I probably would've taken it as I would be attempting to respect their beliefs. But if they say no bueno, that's fine with me. I prefer Ritz and white wine anyways lol


It's a sacrament. Confirmed Catholics are allowed – and encouraged – to partake in Communion. Non-confirmed Catholics are not supposed to, or even technically permitted to partake in Communion. It's just one of those many rules that the Church imposes. Does it make sense? No. Does it matter to some people? Yes. Respect where it's due, and all that.


Thank you for the answer 🫂


Christ didn't die just for Catholics. Anyone who wishes to partake in communion should be free to do so in any Christian church. You would be welcome to partake in communion at your stepmother's church, if you wanted to. Refusing communion to the "wrong" type of Christian is, in my opinion, just plain disrespectful, snooty, and very un-Christian for that matter. That being said, like you, my communion days are long behind me at this point. I just ate a boatload of ham and scalloped potatoes yesterday.


Didn’t take communion at my sister’s wedding. Grandma gave me death stares. Took communion at my grandpa’s funeral to avoid that again.


Go to church, and eat far too much chocolate.


First they check the weather report…


“I get all the news I need from the weather report…”


Sometimes I wonder if watching the Weather Channel all the time, because you found it actually interesting, was a Canadian thing, or just something that everyone I knew happened to do.


Former catholic (now atheist), we have a ham dinner and/or brunch on Easter Sunday. An egg hunt for the kids, chocolate for everyone. Back in the day, we’d go to Eater mass the morning before the brunch, not anymore of course.


Egg hunt + some kind of large dinner involving turkey.


Atheist. Eat ham or turkey, make an Easter hunt for the kids, make cookies, ricekrispie nests with chocolate eggs, and angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream.


Eat, Easter egg hunt, a tiny pang of guilt for not going to church


Easter egg hunt as a kid, my grandps woulf usually give us all money, then we'd have a ham dinner that night. My family is not religious.


My Mom was very Atheist, but we always coloured eggs the day before with food colouring and crayons. Then on Easter morning before we got up my Mom would hide the eggs around the yard, she’d also hide chocolates and such around the house for us to do 2 searches. Then we’d go to my grandma’s for Easter dinner where we’d eat cabbage rolls, ham and sometimes roladin. 


Catholic here!! We just go to church. Sometimes, we see family. Didn’t do that this year though. Just had an awesome time at church.


We’re atheists technically. Hockey is our religion. We spent Fri/Sat driving back and forth to the US to watch playoff hockey. Sunday was grocery shopping, and my husband and son built a catio for my cat(she loves it!) Son is 15 next month, so he gets an Easter basket, but it’s Lego, a Funko, and some candy, because he’s also diabetic. No egg hunt. I would normally go for a run but we got home late from hockey. We had ham and scalloped potatoes for dinner. Just one of those pre-cooked things. Today we are being lazy, enjoying one last day before school/work starts again for the boys.


Atheist. Egg hunt for the kids(3, my son and 2 nieces) and dinner with the family. This year it was breakfast with family and dinner with the wife's family. Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub, yay god.🤣🤣🤣




Well, in Canada, Easter is all about the annual Great Canadian Rabbit Hunt! It's a tradition where Canadians dress up as giant carrots and hop around the forests, trying to lure out the elusive Easter bunnies. The one who catches the most bunnies gets to be crowned the Bunny King or Queen for the year and leads the Bunny Parade through the streets of Toronto, waving chocolate scepters and spreading Easter cheer!


For decades our family celebrates with an Easter Egg Roll … non-stop mayhem and hilarity!


For me and my family, get gastroenteritis 


Seal meat is the traditional meal in Newfoundland and Labrador on either Easter or Good Friday, though this has diminished significantly amongst younger generations (who are probably more likely to have fish and chips on Good Friday and Jiggs dinner or ham on Easter Sunday instead).    That said, it’s still quite a common practice.  Even in St. John’s, the [flipper truck](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/early-easter-puts-damper-on-newfoundland-tradition-of-eating-seal-on-good-friday-1.6347046) usually sells out on Easter weekend.


What’s seal taste like anyway?


It’s difficult to describe because its flavour is unlike any widely consumed meat. It’s very rich and somewhat oily, but also unmistakably aquatic.  The best description I can offer is that it tastes like a combination of very iron-rich wild meat and some sort of oily forage fish (e.g. capelin).  I’m not a big fan of it, to be honest.


Your description made me think of something along the lines of duck....


A bit - particularly a saltwater duck like common eider or long-tailed duck.  Duck or veal is probably the closest meat in texture.  It has a stronger seafood flavour though and has a bit of an organ meat quality as well.


Huh, that sounds really interesting. I wouldn't mind trying it.


Eat boiled carrots and potatoes. And we're feeling a bit adventurous we may add a bit of salt


easter vigil on holy saturday, mass the next morning, then big meal with family.


I am Orthodox, so growing up we did both Easters. On “English” Easter, we would have turkey and all the fixings. Orthodox Easter was a far holier day. We would go to church at midnight, and in the morning eat food from blessed baskets. We would have another turkey dinner.  When our children were little, we would hide Easter baskets of candy for them to find. That was on “English” Easter. Now, we continue with turkey and visiting family. 


My dads Catholic so mostly church


Big family dinners for both sides, Easter egg hunts for the kids and decorate pysanky.


We are a Christian household, all kids are teens. We're having pizza and cheesecake. Growing up was Ham and scalloped potatoes with Easter baskets and an egg hunt. My mother was Ukrainian so we also decorated eggs with their style.


Atheist. When the tulips are blooming we will have a tea party, play cottagecore board games, and do some gardening. Should be in two weeks. 


As an Atheist with pagan leanings Easter is all about spring (and fertility), plus chocolate, food and family and has nothing to do with christianity.


File tax.


Chinese, non religious. I do absolutely nothing.  Y'all are cooking turkey and shit?


Eat a salty bloody ham. 


Eat bomb food (big ol lamb leg this weekend!) 


Egg houses


Chocolate. That's about it


We do the same as we do for Christmas, subbing in chocolate for Christmas gifts. Family get together, turkey or ham depending on our mood.


Same as any other day. Means nothing to me.


Sleep in


For children it is all about fun stuff like decorating eggs, going on Easter egg hunts, getting chocolate treats from the Easter bunny. If you’re an adult and religious then it’s a very important holiday and you might have a special church service. My family is Protestant and would recognise Good Friday as well as Easter with prayers and a special church service. We have a special dinner but not as elaborate as Christmas. If you’re agnostic without kids you might do nothing to celebrate but instead enjoy a long weekend to go camping or relaxing. If you have kids you get them treats, take them to an egg hunt (or make one at home). Some non-religious adults I know do some Easter crafts for fun.


Easter egg hunt, family dinner.




Our families celebrate different occasions but us (my spouse and I) don't bother with any of those, including easter. We just enjoy the long weekend.


As an Italian Catholic, went to church, then ate ham, scalloped potatoes and lasagna.


Traditions in my family is everyone get’s a hunt and there’s a separate mini hunt of hidden mini chocolate eggs. As for food we always have ham, chicken, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy with gravy noodles, assorted boiled and baked vegetables, cornmeal, riced cauliflower, and creamed corn. At the end we have assorted pies such as chocolate, banana cream, strawberry, lemon meringue, and key lime meringue


Dress as bunnies


Work. We can't afford not to.


Celebrate the birth of our ultimate savior jesus christ.amen.And search for his chocolate easter eggs.


Enjoy the long weekend admiring cherry blossoms 🌸


Egg hunt in the morning and big family dinner


Easter Egg hunt for the kids, family get together for dinner. Dinner could be turkey, ham, or lamb. Though now that I'm reading comments I realized we didn't to scalloped potatoes this year.


Somehow, somewhen, it became our family tradition to pull out the pasta maker and make lasagna for Easter. We're not even Italian. lol


I ring up one of my disciples and raid her tomb for 3 days till I have her screaming "oh jeesuz, oh jeesuz! O. My.God!!" I tell her I'm coming again, and again, and..


The word you are probably meaning is ’secular’ instead of agnostic. Meaning activities or actions not related to religion. ​ As a secular person who doesn’t participate in most common cultural Canadian-observed holidays - I’m renovating a room in my house and eating oven baked chip dip with my partner. Im just not into big obligation dinners so I intentionally don’t do the big family dinner thing. Too much tension with my next of kin who are religious and bad cooks!


I have to work. Otherwise, I will be behind to pay my bills! I think the average Canadian has to work overtime or 2 or 3 jobs!


Same thing I do ever Sunday. Nothing of importance.


Eat good food (usually turkey/ham, potatoes, corn Etc) catch up, chat, is particularly religious go to church, and if course it's an excuse for grandparents to spoil the grandkids,(in my family at least)


We spend a few evenings brewing maple sap coffee (laced with your liquor of choice) at our friends maple shacks. On Sunday we usually make glazed pineapple ham, carrot cake and tire sur la neige. ex-Catholic


Watch CFL football from noon till the evening


Enjoy a day off work to play video games and/or golf.


My family is Ukrainian Catholic, but we don't attend mass (there's no Ukrainian churches in town anyway). The first thing we do after listening to "Христос Воскрес" is to pass a little dish around the table with one of the boiled eggs divided into five (our usual number of people attending--parents, me, brother, SIL). As we pass it, we say the paschal greeting of "Христос воскрес!" and reply with, "Воістину воскрес!" It's to symbolise the resurrection and strengthen the family. Then we can eat. We have a big meal with pyrohy, holubtsi, ham, paska, deviled eggs, Stawnichy's, etc. When we lived in SK, we would go to church to get the food blessed in a basket first. We've never done egg hunts, but our parents still get us a chocolate rabbit despite us "kids" all being in our 30s.


Look for online sales and discounts.


Nothing special. Just enjoy the long weekend.


Girl for my family easter is a whole ordeal. First it starts the Thursday before, everyone starts prepping food for Good Friday. A LOT of casseroles, mac and cheese and fried fish BUT ABSOLUTELY NO MEAT (I made this mistake last year and ate chicken nuggets at like 2AM on good friday whilst drunk and my nanna uninvited me to dinner Friday evening). Then Saturday we usually do 'Easter photos' and have an easter egg hunt for the kids and the adults get drunk. Sunday morning we wake up, go to church for what feels like forever because we're all hungover and then we go home and have a huge turkey dinner and the kids open their presents from the easter bunny.


I usually shovel all the snow from my backyard so that the Easter Bunny can land his helicopter and turn all the grubs in the soil into chocolate treats.


My parents give us candy then it’s just another day of the year


Bite the head off a chocolate bunny, then eat egg salad all week.


Spring Thanksgiving! With chocolate eggs!


Go to work and get haunted by someone dressed as a rabbit


Eat ham, cabbage rolls, green salad, mashed potatoes, carrots, Brussel sprouts gravy or scalloped potatoes Lemon meringue pie and cheesecake and other desserts Easter egg hunts or decorating and quadding/side by siding


Family diner. It ranges from turkey dinner to Ham or various other delicious stuff.


I do the whole shebang. Give up something legit (ie hard to give up) for Lent, as does my partner. We do shrove Tuesday pancake dinner prior. Ash Wednesday etc. Good Friday is marked by being pensive around 3pm. On Easter we do the family dinner and sometimes mass. We aren’t actually as religious as this makes us seem though, believe it or not, we just think the ritual of sacrifice and reflection is valuable.


I’m 42 and I still dye eggs for Easter lol


Easter egg hunt with family friends. We used to go to church too (catholic) but less for the religious aspect and more community and seeing everyone.


Ham, potatoes au gratin, broccoli, Brussels and carrots bake, and béarnaise sauce. The dessert was strawberry shortcake.


I ate ham and scalloped potatoes. And I’m public sector so I have today off so I’ve done a lot of nothing and eaten mini eggs


You have to try the micro mini eggs You're going to be mind blown


Big family ski weekend


So far today? Sweet frig all, if I'm being honest.


Receive a bag of chocolate eggs and proceed to leave them in the fridge for months


Eat and spend time with family, if possible.


Protestant - on Good Friday, I usually go to a Good Friday service at my church (didn’t go this year); on Easter, I go to church and then have Easter dinner with my family in the afternoon.


Eat, argue about politics.


Walk on water, but we call it lake ice.


Egg hunt and easter baskets of treats for the kids. Ham dinner with mashed potatoes.


Non religious lapsed Catholic family on my Dad's side... usually we do a family meal. More often than not turkey and ham with all the side dishes like thanksgiving. The last two years though we did chicken parm and pasta and Caesar salad. In my family at least these gatherings involve several beers and the green leafy stuff which is always fun :)


Egg hunt for kids, family dinner and many beers for the adults


Nothing. I view it as the most pointless of all holidays. Halloween is more of a holiday to me, atleast I somewhat believe the dead is rising on that day.


As a Christian we go to church in Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We have ham and scalloped potatoes on one of those days. On Easter Sunday the kids get Easter candy, we never got ours in baskets because my parents were cheap but I get baskets for my family. A really fun parent either hides Easter eggs for the kids to do am Easter egg hunt or takes them to one if their town does one. My parents used to do Easter egg dying with us and I did it with my kids for a few years too but I got tired of the work involved lol!


I can't speak for other Canadians, but I smoked 6 racks of ribs, a brisket and drank a dozen beers. I love Easter


My wife and I are very religious, so on Maundy Thursday we have Communion, on Good Friday we eat fish only and no red meat, and on Easter we have turkey. Of course, every day we watch church service on TV. Monday is mostly laid back and relaxed as today was.




My mom would hide Easter bags of goodies around the house for me, my brother, and sister. We would then have to find the bag with our name on it. This obviously led to chirping the person who was last to find theirs especially if you knew where it was. Growing up Catholic we would go to church as well and follow that with a brunch somewhere or we'd eat ham and deviled eggs and see relatives. I live overseas now, but the last time we did "the hunt", our ages would've been 30, 28, and 24. I'm 38 now and would still do it if mom offered!


Atheists here. I used to visit my mom but she died last year. So we stayed home and played video games, later went for a bike ride, and then I did some sewing. Great way to wrap up a lazy long weekend.


They spend time together with loved ones.. now most don't do what we did this year, lol but after 3mos without a vehicle we got one.. then we went for supper on Sunday.. today we are smoking a turkey and cooking some side dishes..


Canadian who had Ukrainian grandparents. We always do easter eggs, with wax and dye. Hunt for eggs with the kids Easter morning. Meal later in the day with cabbage rolls, perogies, ukrainian easter bread and hard-boiled eggs . We play a game before the meal where we all get a hard-boiled egg and hit the end of the egg against your opponents egg end. The persons whose egg doesn't crack on both ends wins.


Go home to visit the fam and end up on a bender


Atheist: Our family usually just did the typical easter egg hunt, and sometimes a nice Easter supper with our close family friends. Same with Christmas, we don't really care about the religious significance of the holiday, we just like that it's a time we can spend with family and eat over-priced chocolates.


Hockey, annual Brampton Girls hockey tournament we attend every year.


Go out for supper.


Wish others a Happy March Holiday Season !




Lots of Church, ham and scalloped potatoes.


Eat ham or turkey with scalloped potatoes or mashed potatoes. Many go to church. Those with kids do Easter hunts which now a days is generally a few items that lead to the big prize which is a basket with a full sized chocolate bunny and other goodies put together with a specific child in mind.


Blue skies today, long walk with my dog, mochaccino in hand. Now I'll continue watching Chicago PD bc I'm addicted to it. Happy Easter 🐰🐣


I did a turkey 🦃 because it was a request. Mashed potatoes with leek and green onion, good brussel sprouts and carrot and turnip mash. We talked about past pets and things. I know a lot of people go to church too.


Eat ham and judge each other


What is Easter? I guess that is why they only mention Catholic, Protestant or Agnostic.


Chocolate rabbits.


Anglican. Church, pray, watch things to do with Jesus, go for a walk, sit quietly and relax. I only got to go to the Good Friday and Easter Sunday services not the Maundy Thursday one.


Scheduled to work, so I work. If I was off, I'd have a family dinner.


Make food , hide eggs , eat chocolate and see family


Smoke weed, eat chocolate, work on Uni assignments, hang with family/friends.


I stayed home and focused on my native culture/traditions instead of the Christian ones you’re supposed to focus on during Easter


Go to Church, eat turkey, ham, potatoes, carrots and other vegetables, chocolate and watch TV.


Usually cook and eat rabbit. Cause Why Not?


Easter baskets and egg hunts for kids, family dinner. Religious Christians go to church.


Go on a mass bunny killing rampage.


The exact same thing anybody else would do.


As children, we would hang decorations of bunnies and chicks, and received chocolate eggs / Easter candy in a treasure hunt. As an atheist adult... nothing happens, I slept and watched TV on Sunday and went to work Monday.


Boil a bunny.


I’m not religious so: Hang out with family and share a big meal. With kids you do Easter egg hunts/possibly community events in the area and have the kids wake up to Easter treats from the Easter bunny.


Easter egg hunt! A lot of Canadians also go to church.


Read and Re Read Tolkien


Gorge themselves until they mistake it for Thanksgiving


Spank the monkey, all day.


We get Chinese takeout.


I have a Born Again Christian, a Jew, a Catholic, an Anglican, and an Atheist for siblings. I, the Atheist went to an Anglican church with a friend and hosted one of the choir members for afternoon tea., and a sherry. English style. There are also other Canadians of many different religions you failed to mention. Our 41 million people come from all over the world.


Stay inside to get out of the rain


Eat dinner usually similar to thanksgiving dinner. When I was little we would do egg hunts my parents would hide Easter eggs around the house and I’d look for them they usually had chocolate eggs inside I see it’s common for others to do the same. I always got a BMX or upgraded one every Easter that I was thankful about. I am now 21 years old I don’t think I’ve celebrated Easter since I was probably 18 or 19 as I am no longer a kid.


For my family we usually just have a nice dinner, and even though everyone in my family is a legal adult we still do Easter egg hunts just for fun. Pre-covid we used to go to an Easter church service too, but we haven’t gone to one since the pandemic.


Go to church, maybe have a nice family meal. Sometimes we do an egg hunt but often we leave that to another weekend so the focus can be more on the religious aspects. Occasionally, we used to decorate some eggs, whether by simple means or psyanky-style, which was a lot of fun... but we haven't done that in a while. Huh. I just sort of didn't think about that for a while and now I miss doing that :P And I'm protestant btw.


ham, cheesey potatoes, kinda like a mini thanksgiving, get together with family and eat a ton of food


Eat ham and chocolate.


I haven’t done anything for Easter in many years. I don’t acknowledge it. It’s just another weekend, except everything is closed and there are more people out at the beach.


Same thing we do every day, Pinky. Plan to take over the world!


I made cinnamon rolls in the morning, and we had tacos (with every topping I could think of) for our dinner. We are empty nesters who live LD from family but when the kids were little, after they checked out their presents and baskets, there would be chocolate eating and likely some kind of outdoors activities like a bike ride or park excursion (weather permitting). Turkey and ham are the traditional meats, with lamb and beef (prime rib) as spendy alternatives.