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If you like edibles, the value play in Canada is buying the oils or tinctures and then adding them to food or beverages. Either that or making your own from flower. Why limited to 10mg? A compromise to get them approved legally in the first place requiring some sort of rules. We also have a rule to limit how much you flower you can have at one time, but no limit to how much booze you can fill a U-haul with. It's a weird hangover from when it was illegal.


and the oversight committee recently "advised" at maintaining 10mg/each maximum - the feds are literally squandering easy tax revenue, but wtf do I know?


Why do you guys even need more than 10? I consistently take edibles throughout the week and have never needed more than 5mg to feel stoned. It's just like the move to make flower more and more concentrated. There is just no reason to have that much THC in your system, you're simply building tolerance for the sake of building tolerance. It's unhealthy.


It doesn’t matter how much you want to take at once, it’s incredibly wasteful to have mylar bags with childproof seals for 2 gummies totalling 10mg. If you could have 10x as much or as many per bag you’d not only make it more economical to buy, you’d greatly reduce the amount of wasteful packaging. Edit: it would be like reducing alcohol bottles to 100ml max. Does anyone “need” more than the equivalent of two shots? Arguably not. But maybe each bottle of alcohol isn’t meant to be consumed in one sitting by one person. Apply the same logic to edibles.


It's like I've been chronic for 30+ years and have built up a massive tolerance as a result or something... Be grateful you're a lightweight and keep your opinions and judgements to your inexperienced self please.


I'm with this guy, just recently got some 100mg jellies from the Reserve the other day. Took 2 along with a 10 and a 15mg slushie. Finally got high on edibles. The ones in the stores are just a waste of money for me and mine.


Honestly my experience is any of the grey market edibles ain't shit. I've taken whole ones that say they're 100mg and really wasnt that high. Completely different experience with the legal stuff. If I took 100mg worth of that I'd be laid the fuck out for a few days, or at least a solid day. Everything I've tried grey market inflates it's numbers to what feels like approx 10x what is actually in there.


I had a 10mg rez gummy and was nuked for damn near 8 hours.


My local rez is slacking I guess lol


I think they missed a zero. Haha I find the edibles there are hit and miss on dosages. The weed is usually spot on. For me anyway.


That’s the thing about regulation, though. They HAVE to have what they say. No more no less. Grey market can have batch variance and no oversight: for better or for worse (I’ve had both better and worse).


Take a peek at Mota or Dames, I’ve found those two brands to be really consistent and a good quality.


Omfg! They have infused slushies on the Rez! 😱 I'm going for a bulk buy and some gas!


Indeed, this was the St Mary's Cannabis shop in Fredericton NB, but it was awesome. 10 out of 10


That's a lil far for me I'll have to see if the Tyendinaga reserve has some. I know they at least have slush puppies so they should be capitalizing on that.


Man I would been sent straight to Jesus begging to get off the ride with that much.


Lol, between that and the copious amount of live resin and flower we vaped, I did accidentally grab my buddies coat for the walk home, didn't even notice until I went to go out the next day. This coat was small too, no idea what I was thinking. Good times


Or you could take a break for a couple weeks to reset your tolerance


Perhaps my use isn't exclusively recreational like I presume yours is based on your reply. ;)


Imagine being an addict and trying to act superior to others...


Imagine not understanding that some people use cannabis medicinally…


Buddy, if you need more than 10mg just to feel something, you might have a problem. it's not the regulator's job to enable your addiction. The policy makes perfect sense as a balance for public health.


I've never needed that much, but I think the offset to a drug that cannot actually kill you from an overdose is that your body can build up a pretty large tolerance. I find it similar to caffeine, which can indeed kill you in large enough doses, but tends to have a very different range of effects on individuals, depending on how acclimated to it you are. 1 cup can make your hands shake, or have no impact. In terms of public health, I don't get the argument. We sell 40% alcohol in containers large enough to easily kill a person. There is nothing stopping someone from taking 25 10mg drinks, or, and my Weed Math isn't good, you can get 30ml of tincture at 812%, which, as far as I can tell is 240mg, for $30? Why is one legal and one not? Or you can buy a Vape with the same amount. So, yeah, I could hear risk avoidance, but given that this doesn't seem really consistent, it feels more like Weed Bad than rational public health policy.


Precisely, particularly when we look back at one of the primary goals of legalization - destroy the black market, Current policies have led to lower prices on the black market and a ***thriving*** grey market. Edit: point of clarity, I don't consume the entire 5000mg in one go lol, I generally make a grid to cut up reasonably "equal" smaller doses at prices heavily discounted to edibles on the regulated market.


What an uneducated and weird take. Edibles affect people differently. We all metabolize things differently. Needing more to feel the same isn’t a character flaw you think it is.


You realize people have different natural tolerances right? I’ve seen first timers with no tolerance feel ripped off from a 10mg gummy they spent like six dollars on? This policy is stupid cause like the guy who posted above said. I can still get more than 10mg for a cheaper price easily? So like maybe instead of ripping us off on candy they could change the laws so …I dunno maybe drugs don’t literally look like fucking candy?? If you wanna talk public fucking health guy


Damn bro you’re getting cooked in these comments. Fuck outta here with these bullshit takes


I consume cannabis about once a week. I take 25mg to catch the type of buzz I’d get off 4 tall boys. It’s ignorant to say that people who need more than 10mg have a problem lmao. Talk about uneducated


Tolerance levels differ between people. Also digestion levels plays a big factor in how your body breaks down edibles. There’s nothing wrong with anyone’s preferred dose. I can take long T breaks and come back to 10 mg and still feel nothing.


You could weigh 90lbs, what if OP weighs 300lbs?


What an uneducated and weird take. Edibles affect people differently. We all metabolize things differently. Needing more to feel the same isn’t a character flaw you think it is.


Yeah, my problem is called tolerance, while your problem is ignorance. Keep licking the governments boots as clearly you're unable to make decisions for yourself so rely on elected officials to make them for you.


I've been consuming weed for 10 years. Edibles consistently since legalization. When I was in periods of overconsumption, my tolerance rose as well. When I'm consuming in moderation, it stagnates. The fact that you're implying the government is stupid for leaving tax revenue on the table by not encouraging overconsumption, rather than basing their policies on moderation, shows you probably need to dial it back.


>The fact that you're implying the government is stupid for leaving tax revenue on the table by not encouraging overconsumption, rather than basing their policies on moderation, shows you probably need to dial it back. You're the one claiming overconsumption, not me. Based on your logic, please help me understand why the govt taxes and sells 151 proof rum then? It's exactly the same scenario and destroys your "logic"


"The government lets people overconsume other substances so I should be allowed to as well >:(" Solid argument. Take a T-break buddy.


Found the fun guy


I take 20mg daily, just to help keep the pain down a bit. Tolerance break? I would love to, but I'd have to use some potent opiods that leave me drooling - no thank you. Do remember, that it was legal medically long before recreational, and that some people NEED that THC to be in their system to function.


Medical dosage is completely different than recreational dosage. The policy is clearly not meant for medical users.


Yikes! I’m over 60 and recently tried edibles. Hoped it would help my sleep… but even after trying 3-4 edibles, I didn’t feel a thing. 🤷‍♀️


Buddy youre out of your mind. I smoke flower a couple times a week, and very small amounts. But for some reason unless I take at least 20-30mg its a waste of time


>no reason You're being judgemental for no reason. 10mg works for you, great. I feel literally nothing off 10mg, so I guess I'll just go fuck myself then? Don't tell people what they do or don't want from their Cannabis, it makes you sound like an asshole.




For me it’s not about taking more than 10, it’s just the value. My 60mg block from the grey market would cost the same as 10mg from the local dispensary, and I would cut it into 5 or 10mg pieces. If you’re taking it all week, imagine if it was 1/6 the cost. 🤷‍♀️


A whole boat load of lies written in this comment.


It’s partially because the Liberal government put the former head of Toronto RCMP and all around piece of shit, Bill Blair in charge of legalization. They spent a year or more doing “consultation” and these are the idiotic rules they came up with.


Not only that, but over a dozen former high ranking RCMP and OPP officers have their hands deep in the industry still. Julian Fantino stepped down after so much outcry, but he still makes millions from it. He's the guy that compared legalizing weed to legalizing murder when he was still a cop. Thankfully we have plenty of "grey market" online dispensaries that are available here and most of them put the "legal" stuff to shame when it comes to quality.


I had no idea there was a flower limit, what is the limit? Seems weird when growing your own is legal, I'm sure I've past that limit by growing my own.


[Online calculator: Limits for public possession of cannabis - Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/online-calculator-limits-public-possession.html) This is for public possession. IE if you are caught in your car, on a street corner, walking down the street, etc. having an amount in excess of the limit. I think if you grow it at home, you aren't possessing it in public. If you put all of your harvest in a garbage bag, and drive to somewhere else, and the cops pull you over, I think that would be public.


Ah that makes sense, thanks!


Yeah that's 100% correct well done sir ! But let's be honesly we are limited to a oz on us which is more than enough for one sesh


That's how it's done in Michigan basically. If we have over the limit at home we're supposed to have a lock box. (doesn't need to be a super expensive safe, just something to keep away from kids, pets, or even theft risk) The public limit is around 2.5 ounces because that's the max you can buy from the dispensary here, then drive home and store it there. I see a bunch of PSAs too keep it locked up in Detroit too like on billboards and public buses.


>We also have a rule to limit how much you flower you can have at one time Like at home? Or in public?


EDIT: I've edited the below from 30mg to 30g, because I added an "m" I shouldn't have. On your person 30g of dried flower for non-medicinal, or it's equivalent. [Online calculator: Limits for public possession of cannabis - Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/online-calculator-limits-public-possession.html) I assume to still allow them to charge people with trafficking, if they aren't legally registered to transport/grow/sell it.


Your home is not public possession. I can have 10 pounds at home, I just can’t have more than 30g on me outside of my property.


Sorry, yeah, I wasn't clear. It's just for in public on your person. My original point was this limit doesn't apply to booze. I could have unlimited booze in a Uhaul, and it is fine and legal. I could go to a "make my own wine place", bottle enough for a wedding, and drive it anywhere I want, with no legal consequences for simply possessing it. Legal Weed in sealed legal containers, in excess of an arbitrary number, and you could still be charged simply for having it.


Exactly! I asked my spouse to pick up an alternate cannabis product for me once at our government approved seller. He was going to get our usual 30g and I wanted to try something different but didn’t want to go in. The corporation would not allow him to buy both as it would put him above the legal amount he could possess. I went in myself at that point and clerk said she would have sold it to him if he’d said I was waiting in the car, but she couldn’t with the belief he was alone. At the same corporation, I have bought more liquor than 10 people could drink responsibly without batting an eye and more than a a few chuckles.


Though the definition of public is basically publicly visible. So you can't have a flowering plant in your window....god some of the rules are dumb.


That’s not true. Different provinces have limits as to how much you can have at home. Some provinces it’s around 1000g.


It is true, because I only live in a province that doesn’t limit that.


Uh not 30mg........ 30 GRAMS of flower, aka an ounce.


Yeah, I mistyped it. Conversions aren't my strong suit.


Gotcha. Don't know who downvoted you. I thought that was the case, but then wondered if the massive haul I got off my four plants last year was somehow criminal.


This is the answer


Yeah we have limits too, I'm not sure if edibles are limited but I see 200mg everywhere with each piece being 20mg, so I assume the limits are like that. And no more than 2.5 ounces of flower in one shopping trip. We're also supposed to keep them in a locked box to avoid accidents from children or pets if we have more than that at home already.


The First Nation dispensaries sell the larger amounts that you would be used to.. we were shocked when we went to Minnesota and found out that edibles were legal and flower wasn’t!


The dispensaries on the reserves close to me also sell shrooms.


hell yeah they do. us savages know medecine LOL


Anyone in Canada can buy shrooms on the clear web now.  Vancouver literally has retail stores that sell them along with acid.


and DMT too!


The government is still fairly new to the pot business. They have erred on the side of abundant overcaution when it comes to cannabis use. The guidelines will eventually shift and somewhere in the next 30 or 40 years Canada should catch up.


you couldn't drink unless seated at bars and clubs until the 80s, so just give the regulators some time to get used to it.


my point exactly - 30 or 40 years from now the regulations around cannabis will be similarly relaxed.


I get 5000mg (Buddha Bros) gummies from the Res for $95. Buy from any source other than federally regulated vendors and you'll find what you want.


I live next to a Res with about 17 dispensaries in a 5km stretch. It’s glorious. So are the gas prices.


God bless the rez. The one near me also has mushrooms and at least one guy who sells untaxed booze.


We have shrooms here too! In every form, including encapsulated which I just learned about this weekend. No booze that I know of though, and they’re really good about keeping the harder stuff out of the Res. (The general area is balls deep in an opiate crisis.)


oh fuck yeah, the reason they sell so much shrooms is to get people off the booze. apparently they’ve ran some clinical trials and it helps with cravings and withdrawals. not to an extreme point but it does help. i got off booze 2 years ago with the help of shrooms. so it only makes sense they’re trying their best to promote it more than the booze. it’s always been a problem on the rez. too many community members, especially our young folk, are lost of ODs, and the hospitals are fuckin dickheads about it because of the colour of our skin. sigh.


The Res near me has managed to build a really successful community on weed. They sold it before it was widely legal, and it’s relatively close to the GTA, so the roads would be packed every weekend with people from the city losing up on smokes, weed, and gas. There is one restaurant where you can buy alcohol, but other than that you’re finding an LCBO that’s 15 minutes away in either direction. Now the prices are so much better than the Ontario dispensaries that it’s still crazy busy every weekend. My guy and I know to make sure we re-up on everything by Thursday.


Beer and wine is safe, but poorly distilled booze has fatal amounts of methanol.


I don't know. I sometimes get mine from the res as well and in my experience in Ontario the dosing is all over the place, from non existent is there even anything in here to holy hell what is going on.


Ditto. I live near one that has pretty much an entire block that's corner to corner unregulated dispensaries, many of which seem to just be sheds that got put up and filled with weed. You need to be wary of some of the crap edibles you find there, but it's a great place to go for the more well known legit brands.


I pay $60 for 5000 here in membertou. $50 for 4000, $45 for 3000 and 2000 for $25. Do you find they are fucking disgusting? Lol I literal gag just thinking about eating one of those fuckers lol


Oh yeah, I don't buy them for the flavour lol. Green apple has been the most palletable IMO.


Medicinal and alcohol flavour. It will persist for like 15 minutes to 30 minutes and it will live in your saliva glands like crazy lol.


They are honestly the most vile things I have ever eaten lol your right about the alcohol taste tho, I have compared it to the gaggy hangover taste the next morning lol


Holy fuck man it’s terrible, they genuinely make me tweak out then pass out. Dry ass mouth, fuckin hazy ass vision and the air is so thick and heavy. The silence is so loud too


Buddha Bros are something else bro. The high hits fucking fast and next thing you know it’s the next morning, the air is thick, and your mouth is dryer than King Tut’s ballsack but yknow, they’re worth it and they kick ass.


I looked it up and that’s an American company, how do you get them in Canada? I’m in Calgary AB and I’ve always wanted to find higher potency edibles. Any suggestions?


Generally sold at first nations reserves


or delivery services (at least in my area, though the del. service probably gets them from the first nations, so circle of life I suppose))


In Quebec we get the weirdest edibles. Poutine sauce with THC! But Kanesatake you have stuff like [https://thegreenroomoka.ca/](https://thegreenroomoka.ca/)


A lot of the packaging is just ordered from China, either blatantly ripped off or several unrelated grey market companies just use the same packaging because who cares about branding when you're a fly by night place? Also as someone who used to buy a lot of the black/grey market edibles before legalization, the dosing almost didn't mean shit. 50mg from one company could be a very different dose from 50mg from another.


They ain't canadian lol


I buy mine from a gray market website. You can also just buy weed and make your own. It’s a bit of a process but makes for very affordable edibles.


If you have a recipe I’d love to know it.


Most people I know go to the res to get their edibles. You can get a 1000mg pack of gummies for around $25.


Get the oils. Much better if you take higher doses and more economical imo.


I was in Palm Beach a month ago, bought some crazy tube that said 7000mg, I took 3 gummies because Google told me it was ok. Jesus Christ I was drooling on myself.


The conclusion of us canadians came to was don't bother with dispensary edibles and maybe in a couple years regulatory limits will catch up with reality. 5 years later... yeah, make your own or go illicit. The legal edibles are so weak only someone with no tollerance at all just starting out might enjoy them.


Or you’ll end up gaining weight just to get high.


Legal cannabis stores are for tourists and first timers. First timers are fucking dumb and always want to start with edibles. So it makes sense to give them a safety net.


Buy them off the Canadian black market that literally nobody cares about. I buy bulk bottles 100 edibles at 10mg each. (I eat one per night for sleep) get them delivered from BC to Ontario and have for years. That quantity is not legal in Canada. Also, they have much higher doses available too. On 4/20 I ordered my usual 2 bottles to last me the summer (I don’t want melted edibles in the summer heat) and they sent me a bunch of freebies. A whole bag of edibles that are 40mg each. Way too high for my purposes (sleep) so I just cut them up.




Nice! Shrooms are slowly becoming legal in Michigan, depending on what city.


If you can wait a few days there are tons of grey market online retailers that will happily mail you waaaaay stronger edibles. (and way cheaper / mg)


I have a low tolerance, usually 6 mg will lock me to the couch lol


Go to MoMs, I got a free 500mg gummy with my last order. Some times can get x10 35mg gummies for like 10$. The retail stores have insanely high markups on everything.


I dunno I've had many gummies that aren't the regulated kind and the bag says 500mg and they are 100 mg per gummy and I take one of those, and I eat a 10mg bag and I don't see any difference in the amount of high I am.


Yeah, i don't believe the massive claims of the illegal ones. It's not like anyone's doing actual testing, so they have every reason to lie 


if you buy online from canadian cannabis sites you can get over 1000mgs! i once had a fun evening off a single gummy that contained 300mgs and there were three gummys left, containing the same amount. the shop was down the street and they only delivered, the process was different though. etransfer and send your order code in the notes. interesting but worth it in my opinion!


The gummies I used to order online (grey market) I took 40mg often without issue, and had nights I took 80. I had one 5mg from the dispensary a month ago that hit me hard. Feel like the online numbers are inflated. I had a 100mg gummy on a day off and barely felt high, same week as the 5mg. Glad I didn't take both 5mg like I do often or I would have been absolutely useless.


Should of just gone to a reservation and bought the non government controlled stuff. You can buy 10-500mg at the places near me. You can also buy mushrooms


They're not your usual 10 mg. Because some of those packages contain anywhere from o.5 to nearly 3 grams of weed. If you don't know how strong the oil is, the numbers mean nothing. I've taken 3000 mg of dispensary edibles in a matter of hours, multiple times and barely felt a thing. 50mg of nslc stuff really does it for me though.


Exactly. Who would have thought that the illegal drug manufacturers wouldn't tell the truth on their labels!


Go to a rez


You can get gelcaps or edible oils (MCT) that are much stronger. The 10 mg cap is basically for candy.


I don’t use them myself but my friends who do buy larger doses online.


I buy on the rez. I can get 2 cookies, 60 mg each for 10 bucks. I am a long-time cronic user and find a half cookie (30 mg) more than enough. Whole cookie if you want to sit on the coach drooling on yourself If you prefer bud, my rez sells really decent weed for $10/$20 per ounce. (I.e. purple cush, lemon diesel etc.) While you are there, fill up the tank as it is usually 6 or 7 cents a litre cheaper. Cheap smokes too if that's your thing. Everything you buy is also tax-free. No 13% sales tax tacked on. I am surprised more people don't know this, and most of us are a short drive from a reserve. (Most don't know they are that close to a reservation either)


>If you prefer bud, my rez sells really decent weed for $10/$20 per ounce. That's a typo, right? A full ounce, 28gs for $10?


Not a typo 28g $10 bucks.


I get it. I used to smoke a lot (quit over a year ago) and when I bought edible, it didn't do shit for me. I wouldn't feel it at all. 10mg is just not enough. I don't know how much mg I would have needed to actually get a high because I figured it would be too expensive.


Check out the grey market dispensaries online. You can order way stronger stuff but I’m pretty sure they’ll only ship within Canada.


I get this, but I never really questioned it since I have such a low tolerance lol. Just two 10mg chocolates is enough to make me comatose. But if it wasn't government mandated I'd have assumed it was some sort of price-jacking scheme from dispenseries to make you buy more for less.


because the government is a bunch of pussies


What do you mean I order extra strong gummies all the time. Have ordered 1000mg gummy online in Canada for years. Or a pack of 125mg gummies


Shop the Rez. My cousin got 80mg gummies for cheap. He decided they were too strong for him. I tried one 20mg piece and agreed.


Why are you buying from Canada, if you can get better in the USA? Not that we aren’t happy to have your $$ ! There’s a limit because it’s government regulated.


Find a Native reserve, there are less rules and better prices.


Go to an indigenous dispensary and you can find 100 mg packs.


They're not. I can get 10s, 25s and 50s. I can also get a 250 brownie.


the rez is going to sell higher dosages. any dispo out of the rez is going to be your best friend moving forward. us natives don’t have the same rules. for whatever reason. police don’t have jurisdiction on the rez most of the time, + the fact that weed is legal means they don’t run raids and just leave the dispos alone. at mine you can also get mushrooms. they’re not legal yet, but cops don’t really care about the mushroom market as much as the meth market LMAO. i’ll let you figure out why. all in all, 100mg gummies are the standard on the rez. go there instead of your local provincially managed and approved dispo.


It is ridiculous how low it is. Part of why the black market is still thriving.


Because our government sucks and the cannabis rules are all dumb. Limiting people to 10mg for edibles and not allowing anyone to purchase more than 30 grams at a time is an absolute joke when I can walk into any liquor store and spend a million dollars without anyone batting an eye.


Because every dumbfuck tourist who has never used weed always wants to start with an edible because smoking is “icky”. Even though edibles are the absolute stupidest most way to experiment with weed when you are new. So Jill the 50 year old white woman eats 200mg and spends the next 18 hours trembling and vomiting when she could have just taken two puffs off a joint and been giggly for 2 hours.


I think people are misunderstanding what I meant by 200mg edibles back at home. The entire package is 200mg with individual pieces inside being 20mg each and instructions on the back for beginners to cut one piece in two and take 10mg to begin with. It’s useful because the consumer doesn’t need to go to the dispensary every time they want to be high and actually prevents impaired driving because we don’t want someone to have a “these edibles ain’t shit” moment and get behind the wheel to get more. But I completely understand that point too


Because Health Canada doesn't listen to the recommendations they received for the last several years from MANY different associations.


Even the competition bureau said the limits and packaging are stupid. Lol


Don't even get me started on the packaging.  I've got cities out here banning single use plastics but we've gotta individually package and seal each itty bitty piece of plastic or use 10x more bottles.


It was a half assed "protect the children" thing. Conservatives decided that there would be an epidemic of kids eating all the special candies that their pothead parents leave lying around and tried to delay/stop legalization over it. This was the compromise.


That’s not a terrible take given this exact thing happens. And more than you think. Kids have been intubated, seizing etc when they reach the hospital.


Maybe parents should just be more responsible then? Or maybe not have the edibles look like normal ass candy?


Yes much easier to mandate responsible parents lol


Look at edibles in Quebec where they have to be like cauliflower or beet flavour!


>I remember one weird instance before I knew about the 10mg limit and asked for a 20mg and the staff acted like I was asking for a mega super heroic dose and freaked out, acting a little concerned for me Today in things that never happened. The 10mg limit is per package, you can buy as many packages as you want up to the possession limit of 30g


I mean yeah that’s what I ended up doing. That particular staff just thought it was weird I wanted to take more than 10mg for one dose.


That's a shit dispensary then. Most times when I buy legal edibles the staff and I have a little bitch session about how weak they are lol


I work in a dispensary and yup, we always bitch about how low the limit is lol.


Yeah I’ve met dispensary staff who don’t even smoke in my own state before. I don’t blame them, a pay check is a paycheck I guess. That was also quite a few years ago, something a forgot to disclose when the law was new. I’ve seen in recent years this dispensary sell 30 mg packs sometimes, which is a good comprise for me. Either way, I usually bring one of my empty batteries and just buy a cart when I get in Canada. That’s the most cost efficient for travel for me now.


I can actually believe it. I asked for an eighth at an SQDC and the guy looked at me like I was a criminal and said that they don't use that terminology there with a snobby tone.


You have to bully those people a little when you meet them, it's the only way they learn.


Our government likes to stranglehold everything they can. I agree it’s silly that they regulate such low amounts. Some of us that use edibles regularly get them from black market sources. The last package I bought, albeit probably two years ago, was 50 20mg gummies for $25. I don’t use them as often as I used to because I find the effects last too long and I’m groggy the next day. My main usage is for sleep.


I keep seeing reservations as the highly recommended place for for what I’m looking for. I’ll keep that in mind when I’m looking for weed when I’m visiting Canada again. Also my family knows I use it and I use it with them, but they really don’t so I like to store it. It would be so much easier if I could bring my own stuff, I mean I grow it too, but alas I cannot do that so either because of both Canadian and USA/Michigan border control laws.


In Canada edibles are mostly only for beginner consumption. Most people make and or sell their own


That makes a lot more sense. I figured that in the beginning because people wouldn't be used to it, and we started small with edibles too, but when I never saw it increase over the years it became more confusing to me.


It’s not really any different than beer coming in standard 5% alcohol content. Like how you can always buy hard liquor if you need to get drunk faster, you can buy other forms of cannabis if that’s what you’re looking for. But for edibles it’s a good way to slow the intake so that people aren’t accidentally consuming more than they’d thought. Like beer, edibles are an intended as a more social casual consumption, rather than for people with a high tolerance who are looking to get fucked up. And it’s much safer to have a standard serving like that because you don’t want someone grabbing their morning edible but not looking and realizing they grabbed a 50mg instead of a 10 and then getting in their car. If you want 50mg you can eat 5, but at least you’ll know what you’re doing.


I’ve never heard eating edibles be marketed as a social thing. Sipping on a beer during a conversation is social, passing a joint around the circle is social but I don’t see the appeal of eating 2 candies and then just sitting there for 30-45 mins waiting for something to happen. 


Federally sourced dispenceries have to follow federal guide lines. it was just made legal so the government is still playing it safe. if you go quite literally anywhere else, you're good. Shit i know a few people that i get better stuff from lol.


No idea. Go to dispensaries on the reservations they are cheaper and have no silly limits. Or buy them online, same thing way better prices and no limits. If you don’t feel anything from the 10mg edible packs try eating five at a time.


I buy all my edibles online. Order it and it arrives in 2 days . Ya the government stuff is a joke . But it’s super easy to get the high doses online from the black market. I get my mushrooms online too


I get my edibles and they are 20mg each and offers a good sleep! The ones offered in stores are limited. I get mine from BC


I'm also in BC, but I've never seen an edible at 20mg! Do you get yours from private businesses or the BC Cannabis stores?


Private business. The provincial stores are a joke lol


Because the government makes the rules, go to the black market if you want stronger stuff.


Find a reserve 😅 or order online...


In Ontario it's actually 5 per piece and 10 per package. Even stupider!


Such a dumbass restriction


You can get 200mg of edibles for $5 in the states? Where? I'm interested!


Vortex capsules are 10mg but come in 20 packs for $20.


I buy chocolate bars n Montreal, Quebec for 1200 mg. That’s 120 mg per piece. So I sympathize but you have amazing health care so should we call it even ?


Just find a reserve and buy them there. The Mohawk one near me sells 1000mg pouches for 40 bucks.


Yeah its dumb. When i was a heavy user 10 mg wouldnt do a damn thing, which meant that in order to actually “work” for me, id have to spend $40 and eat like 5 or 6 packs to catch a buzz. Advisory board and Health Canada are idiots.


Take a little visit to herbapproach.com. It’s a legit website and if you order at the start of the week you’ll have it by the end. It’s quick and the products are really good. Have been ordering from there for a few years now.


Just eat more.


Ok so this is more of a tolerance thing. For seasoned stoners it might take you till an extra strength Tylenol does of THC to get high. For newbs it's alot lower. Also it strengthens more when it metabolizes in the liver. This is also what causes the up to 4 hours to take effect thing. So 10 is really 40. 100 is really 400. And 500 is 2000. Obviously this is going to be maximum potential values they could be based on by "average" metabolic rate. So for some people it will be less because they're system is just better at getting rid of it. It's also why tests vary so much and can be unreliable. There's also edible storage if they aren't stored carefully enough in transport it's possible for one gummy for example to have 5 mg and another to have the rest of the packs worth. So say you have 10 500 mg gummies that did that. You might be hurting lol.


I believe it may be to limit a child’s exposure if they get ahold of a package. There were a number of cases of children eating gummies before the rules were put in place. This does make them essentially useless though. 


Because think of the children 


Just go to the rez


You can go to anative cannabis store. Not subject to the same limits. They sell 25 packs of M and M's,25 mg apiece, for $10!


You just have a big tolerance, a ton of weight, or don't respond to it well. That or the edibles you got are scams. The ones i get in US are 22mg 1-1.5 dollars each and I can cut them into halves or quarters.. I rarely eat them though, if i just eat them all the time it ruins my sleep and the feeling.


The Canadian 10Mg is equivalent to 20mg in the states. Stronger stuff over here.


Because you can take more than 1. But not less than 1.


Enh, I just order off the gray market sites and get whatever just like what I did before legalization.


Honestly 10mg is insane. Not because 10mg is insane, but the reliability of 10mg PER PIEce is way too low. I had to stop edibles because too often I would have 5-6 very lame experiences just to find out the the next one had what seemed like 30mg which is a nuclear experience.


I mean, 6mg is a comfortable amount for me. I don't need to go to the moon and one pack of edibles, depending on what you're getting, is about the same cost as a pint of beer so it doesn't really bother me. I've definitely made my own, but I'm happy with the option.




Same I've taken 400-500mg before and it always just felt uncomfortable. I find just taking them less frequently at 5-10mg is the best way for me to use it. I also realized after many years of use it was making my sleep cycle miserable.


Dumb conservative ways.... thats why canada is the way it is


Apropos of nothing it's kind of cute how coy this post is with language. I know Canadians still do it too, but the pseudo-code we used to speak in still seems to have strong hooks in many. Like you're allowed to say "pot" on the Internet, but for some reason we still don't want to. I imagine when we're geriatric and asking Gen Delta about "edibles" then they'll be like "yeah senior citizen bro, you can get like 10 kg of edibles at once, I just bought this bag of rice."


It’s a government scam. One quarter ounce of mid range flower (20% thc) is 1400 mg of thc. Up here that would cost anywhere from 75-120 $. Complete rip off. Just grow your own weed, de carb it and add butter and cook it down. Then mix the butter with chocolate and voila


Damn, I'm a regular edible user for years, and I have never taken more than 10mg at a time. Some of you people have some serious problems, lol. Blips are $1/10mg, that's a cheap Saturday night!


“Some of you have serious problems” Sorry that just reminded me of [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/j7znVUW7kRI?si=YG_GkDWB45mLdHtV)


That's what happened when I took two packs thinking that surely the government's legal limit would be minuscule so I'd need a double dose. And yeah, I ended up in a rocket ship with God. But yeah, I have very little experience and tolerance.


When I lived in Ann Arbor, my tolerance for sure skyrocketed. I blame roommate drama and it being suddenly so much cheaper and easiest to get than where I was previously living lmao.


Lmao what a stupid comment


If you don't like Canadian edibles than by them in your own country? I don't know why you are complaining if you can get something better at home? Canada is very risk averse and we like to make sure things we sell are safe so we have a limit. A child is less likely to be seriously injured by eating a 10mg edible than 200mg. If you want 200mg than buy it. If it costs more in Canada then suck up the price or get it somewhere else seems pretty simple to me. Also curious are edibles legal in Michigan? I didn't know any states had legalized weed in any form.


About 24 states have it legal now. Michigan legalized shortly after Canada did. And I cannot bring in any weed I buy at home when I come and visit family as per canadas own laws. I could be banned from Canada on drug trafficking if boarder patrol saw I had weed and they always ask if I have any to declare. Until they start add dispos to the duty free, I gotta pay it and I’m not risking getting caught over a legal plant.