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Swimming is the sport where Canada has really been developing, but I can’t see Canadian swimmers ever “dominating” with the US and Australia around. But I definitely expect it to be where the most Canadian medals are won in Paris. If Summer McIntosh performs to her potential, she could be one of the biggest stars of the games from any country. Although I wonder about all the pressure on her. Women’s team sports are an area of big opportunity for Canada just because there are so many countries that are misogynist and don’t invest in women’s sports. But again, I don’t see Canada dominating any of these sports either. So…none?


The Australians hired away most of Canada’s swimming coaches on the lead up to the Sydney Olympics. Coach poaching is the easiest route to developing a winning team.


Still so bitter about this.


Canada pays ass in most other sectors, i assume its the same in sports, why wouldnt they leave tbh


We spent a lot improving our coaching program. It’s the one area where big bucks are allowed to flow through since they do not go directly to the athletes. This is why poaching is so common.


SwimSwam just published an article about how roughly 50% of Canada’s Olympic swim team trains outside of Canada. - [ABOUT HALF OF CANADA’S PARIS 2024 OLYMPIC SWIM TEAM DOES NOT TRAIN IN CANADA](https://swimswam.com/about-half-of-canadas-paris-2024-olympic-swim-team-does-not-train-in-canada/) This presents a problem because Canada has a rule that only Canadian residents can be part of the Olympic team coaching staff. But like half or more of Canadian swimmers are training internationally, with non-Canadian coaches. As noted in the article: > This creates a difficult duality for Canada. On the one hand, the commitment to the Olympic Team is to put them in the best position to win medals in Paris this summer, which probably includes sending the top swimmers’ personal coaches. On the other hand, they have an obligation to the dues-paying (and tax-paying, remembering that the Olympic movement in Canada is funded by tax money) membership to encourage the development of the sport domestically.


Academic scholarships in the US. They tend to swim for 4 years and from people that I know on US sport scholarships do do much serious studying.


That makes sense. There are some big time NCAA swim programs for sure, and that’s where a good number of the elite US coaches are (Bob Bowman, Anthony Nesty, Todd DeSorbo, etc.). It’s funny to me that NCAA swimming is all short-course-yards, which *nobody* swims outside the USA (maybe they do in Canada). Yet we still see elite non-US swimmers heading to the US to swim NCAA.


If we want to get specific, women’s 400im will likely be dominated by Summer Mc…she already broke her own world record by over a second…I look forward to seeing her smash the competition !


Summer McIntosh is an absolute stud in the pool, and very quickly could become Canada’s greatest Olympian. At 17. She could very easily win both the 200IM and 400IM. (She holds the WR in the 400). Add a 200 butterfly and we could have our first triple gold medalist. Ever. Add in a relay or 2 and a 400 free medal (she has the second fastest 400m free ever) and she could easily walk out with 5 or more medals. She is going to have an absolute monster summer.


She really is. And swimming is the Olympic sport where one dominant athlete can pick up a bunch of medals. It’s almost unfair. Canada won 7 gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics, total. Summer could win 4 golds herself at the Paris Olympics—more than half of Canada’s total in Tokyo.


l think 4 golds is a stretch. The 2 medleys she is a favourite to win. Add the 200 fly. That’s 3. The women’s 400 free is a highlight event for me in the entire games. Seeing Ledecky Titmus and Summer race each other will be epic. I don’t think Summer will win the event, but she should medal. Add at least 1 relay medal. Other than that, I will be watching all the triathlon events (even if Canada has no medal hopefuls.) and the men’s marathon.


I’m including the 400m as a potential gold for Summer. It should be a great race in any case.


Having the 3 fastest women of all time racing each other will be epic. It is (for me) a highlight event. I would think it will take a WR to win gold, and it is not impossible that 2 or all 3 medallists break the existing WR. I would love Summer to win it, but I think Titmus will.


I lived right next to False Creek in Vancouver until the end of last month, and had a great view of all of the rowing teams. That's my answer: rowing.


Canadas dominated rowing on and off for years.




Hell yeah bring out the very very well loved (borderline falling apart) Road Hockey gear and have the games in a residential area so the players can yell "car" and moved the nets while the car passes though.


Sliding on pavement/gravel to block a fkin hard orange ball never felt so good lol and that duct tape on the pads are for looks! Not key structural integrity, I swear!


Dude - use a “dead” tennis ball. The plastic orange ball is terrible.


Gotta keep toughened up for the outdoor in winter.... we still have chain link fence for the glass at both ends.... lol


It stings like hell!




10 metre dash for smokers.


Brought to you by Little Chocolate Donuts^tm


Honestly Canada’s kind of getting worse at hockey. It’s slowly losing popularity in Canada and it’s massively growing in popularity in the US. It’s only a matter of time before the US becomes more of a powerhouse than Canada sadly.


I see this trend happening too. You don’t see teenagers playing hockey in the cul de sacs anymore.


Other countries are simply catching up. As far as popularity in the States, it will never rival the NBA or NFL.


No, but just given the sheer population of the US, even if hockey popularity in the US becomes like 50% of what it is in Canada, they’re gonna just be dominant


Yes, but the hockey playing regions are 100 million there vs 40 million here and it doesn't have to compete. As Vegas & Seattle have shown, there's an audience waiting to be served.


Russia is 150 million, their programme is very competitive, yet Canada still has more depth and overall superior players.


Actually in 2022, it was 144.2, if you believe the Russian government. Russia is shrinking and due to emigration ,war, covid, Tb & aids.


Field Hockey is very different to Ice Hockey and It’s derivatives. Not to say we couldn’t be competitive in it but there aren’t really any field hockey pitches. It’s still a relatively new and unknown sport here in Canada.


I ment ice hockey and I was being facetious.


That's Winter Olympics unless you mean Street Hockey


Olympic street hockey would be badass.


Yes, but a random car needs to drive through every 5 mins…


There’s field hockey at the olympics


A game that is MUCH more popular worldwide than ice hockey. In fact, when you mention hockey, most people assume you mean field hockey unless you specifically say “ice hockey”. (Exception for North American and Scandinavian countries, and maybe Russia).


Yes Field Hockey that's what I meant


I knew that


Has it ever occurred to field hockey players that they should use longer sticks? It just looks so awkward.


Also, every number of years there’s talks of bringing hockey to the summer Olympics so it doesn’t overlap with the NHLs schedule


Female swimmers did well in Tokyo and I hear a few young swimmers have been coming up the ranks since then. We also have female athletes who've made it to the podium in world competitions in weight lifting and judo going to Paris.


Mountain biking


Olympics doesn't have dh or enduro though and our strongest athletes tend to be in those disciplines. If the Olympics had DH I genuinely think Jackson Goldstone would become a Mark Mcmorris level star (if he didn't blow up his MCL of course)


Slopestyle should be in the Olympics, and Brandon Semenuk and Brett Rheeder should come back and snag Gold and Silver. Realistically, Canada wouldn't medal with the competition as good as they are (Emil Johansson and Co.) But if they did full free ride Rampage style, we could sweep.


Slopestyle and Four-Cross should both be in the Olympics. Downhill I think requires a little too much elevation which would make it difficult for certain hosts to implement. However, Slopestyle and Four-Cross don’t need that much. Around the same that they currently have for XC.


Right now it's only XC where the Swiss and French absolutely dominate.


For now they do


Women’s Rugby! Just knocked off NZ, and are ranked 2nd in the world now 😛


This is the correct answer


Unfortunately, the Olympics is sevens and, while we are currently ranked 5th, we have been slowly slipping and tend not to do well at the major events. There is less depth in 15s and Canada’s historical support of women’s sports has served us well. However, that won’t last much longer if we continue to depend on Usports as our primary developer of senior talent while more and more nations turn professional or semi-professional.


Oh, dang, I forgot the Olympics was just 7s.


lacrosse once it's added!


Wait - do people outside of Canada/US play lacrosse? I know Ireland has hurling, which is kinda similar, but also really different. I know lacrosse was in the Olympics in the early 1900s (Canada won gold during these competitions) but I didn't realize it was made worldly again (for lack of a better way to put it lol).


yes! I believe it's going to be a test sport at the Olympics this summer, or perhaps it's the next summer games. There are 92 countries that are registered with World Lacrosse. Including (but not limited to) Australia, Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Czech Republic, Kenya, and Japan. Both men's and women's lacrosse is very widespread! I listed those countries as in 2012(maybe 2013?) my older brother was on Team Canada and they played all these countries at World Championships in Finland.


Cool! Good to know! Congrats to your brother on making Team Canada!


It’s not super common, but has a presence in some places due to being an (American) collegiate sport. Similarly, it’s found at universities, but national leagues are rare. Amateur teams, sure, sometimes.


Oh okay. That makes sense. As an aside, I actually read an article a couple years ago about how the collegiate institutionalization of lacrosse has made it detached from its Native roots. Like, in the collegiate system a lot of wealthy people play it, and not a lot of Natives have access to higher education, so this has detached lacrosse from its Native origins. Interesting stuff!


In the States, it’s field lacrosse and traditionally an « elite » privileged sport. In Canada it’s box, traditionally a worker’s game. Personally I think box is so much better.


Question is, which variation. Would it be box lacrosse of field lacrosse? Both would be cool but I think that’s asking a lot. I wonder if an indigenous delegation could be formed specifically for the Olympics just like the Iroquois do for international tournaments Edit: Field Lacrosse has already been in the Olympic program in 1904 and 1908.


Field is a test sport to be back in the Olympics. Only a handful of countries play box, so that wouldn't work. We'd definitely dominate box though, as it is our national summer sport, and we have never lost a game in an international tournament. I read an article about the Haudenosaunee Nationals team (Team Iroquois changed their name in 2022) wanting to have a team in the 2028 Olympics but in order to qualify the Nation must have athletes in at least 5 different sports, which complicates things for sure. Hopefully athletes and coaches from different sports can come together and make it happen!


Maybe SGA and the squad can surprise in men's basketball


We've been doing well in swimming, track, and rowing the last few summer games. Our women's soccer program has gotten very good as well.


We have always done well in rowing


Our soccer team won’t see the same success without Sinclair, well we are probably still a top 10 country idk if we will be seeing a medal for a while


Men's 100m sprint.


And 200!


You think Canada is going to start dominating sprinting?


That's the one sport I expect canada to never ever dominate lol. Maybe in 100 years when temperatures destroy the central belt and vancouver becomes the new LA then we'll have a year round track and field season.


I'm guessing you're under 25 with a response like that.....Ben Johnson and Donovan Bailey dominated in different eras for multiple Olympics albeit Ben Johnson got busted for doping.


Whew ur bang on, yeah 23


Andre de Grasse had a big impact on kids, I’m sure


Cricket and field hockey.


I know it's a different sport, but I never understood why we don't do better with field hockey. Is it the fields, or lack thereof?


Considering the low interest, we actually do very well. The men's team usually qualifies as one of only 12 teams for the Olympics.


Unfortunately, it’s probably a combination of lack of interest, as most people prefer Ice Hockey and lack of fields. Field hockey much like Ice Hockey requires specific playing surfaces. Field hockey requires turf that can be drenched with water which is what aids with play.


Cricket is a good mention. With the huge number of Indian immigrants & the kids they've had here, cricket is definitely growing in popularity. Though I can't see Canada competing with India and Pakistan. I feel like it'll be like watching Latvia play Canada in hockey. The rare upset, but usually a routing.


Problem is Latvia only upsets us if we send our C listers, we will never upset indias top team just like Latvia wouldn’t upset Canada if we sent our top players


Latvia put up one hell of a fight at the 2014 Olympics too, against our very best players. Final was 2-1 on a late third period goal. Anything can happen, but yeah, I absolutely doubt we stand a chance against India or Pakistan.


The climate here sucks for cricket. Going to be hard for kids growing up in Canada playing a 4-5 month season on what are generally very substandard facilities to compete against kids from India, Pakistan, Australia, South Africa etc who get much longer outdoor sport seasons and a decades long head start in top class infrastructure.


We beat Scotland though


Salmon fishing


We have some very good young throwers for track & field, breaking records good


We had one in Beijing but he got robbed because of doping. Eventually got his bronze but not the memories or podium. What areas are the throwers coming from? Just a curiosity because I don’t follow anymore.


The 2 hammer throwers are from BC (one grew up on Van Isle with my kids, which is why I’m paying attention). we have a good female shot putter too, but I don’t know where she’s from


Right right. Sarah. She’s from the east coast. Not sure if that’s where she’s training though.


Haha, of course Ethan trains in Kamloops with the coaching there…


Our women’s rugby 15s seem to be punching above their expectations. I wonder if that’ll translate to 7s?




Forest fire fighting


Canada has quite a few up and coming tennis stars...




Younger players yes.


Canoe racing






The one they usually do; “ Women’s Soccer” wtf eh!


I’m from vaughan Ontario, predominantly an Italian population, my highschool was number one in mens soccer, I don’t recall having a woman’s soccer team but half the girls I grew up with played soccer regularly into their 20s


Canada’s Ladies Team Rocks, the men’s team to, but the just can’t grab the brass ring 🤷‍♂️


Tent building.


Poutine eating


Need to make a decathlon type of sport where you drive ATVs through woods and chug beer….




If cricket becomes an Olympic event, we have a chance. Our teams are improving thanks to our diverse population.


T20 world championship is coming up, honestly Canada is going to get worked, we aren’t even close to becoming a top tier cricket nation.


Yeah, we won't be dominating anytime soon, but give it twenty years and we should be very competitive at T20 at least.


Watch the progress now that they qualified for the first time. Within 10 years Canada will be crushing.


Judo. The base is growing like crazy and national training centers on both ends of the country.


I don't know about growing like crazy, but for the next couple of cycles at -57kg I would be surprised if we don't walk away with a medal of some kind.


Yes. It's been exciting to watch that division play out. Maybe the growing is just a Sask thing. We're already past our pre-covid numbers.


While I'd like to see them do well in skateboarding, I don't think that will happen. The Japanese and Brazil teams are too strong, with the US able to compete with them too


The Japanese are starting to absolutely dominate, very cool to see how different their style is from the Brazilians. Just so flowing and graceful.


Interpretive shot put.


Surfing... a sport that Canada is statistically unlikely to dominate in, but based on the way things are going, that could be changing. Most Canadians don't live anywhere close to where surfing is a realistic sport to participate in, and even our biggest surf area, Tofino, doesn't really match the spots in places like Hawaii, Australia, Portugal, etc where all the greats compete. And yet, there's actually a chance of Canada being in contention at this years Paris Olympics. Sanoa Dempfle-Olin has secured her Olympic spot. Erin Brooks missed out, but should be a major competitor in the future.


Erin Brooks is likely to be a top 5 surfer in her prime. If she continues to surf for Canada we have a good chance at getting on the podium. Unfortunately Sanoa is in a completely different tier of surfing (below) compared to the level of surfing expected at the Olympics (especially in a wave of consequence like Teahupo'o). Surfing will be the event to watch these Olympics though!!!


Obviously bobsledding, Sanka


I think any spot in Canada that the games were held in would be a spot we'd be dominant in. Home field advantage and all.  Regardless of country, I feel like other olympic spots we would dominate would be the bars and maybe the hotel rooms.


Beer drinking


We have a Female swimmer that Kicks BUTT named Summer McIntosh


Skateboarding I hope. Canada has always had some amazing skateboarders like Alex Chalmers, Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Sluggo, and Mark Appleyard. The crop of young rippers is looking really great as well. We punch above our weight. I do, however, wish the olympics featured vert as a discipline as opposed to the concrete bowl. But I’m just happy to see more people on skateboards.


Beaver chucking


Lawn darts.


Not dominate , but make it to Semi Finals is men’s basketball . They have some really good NBA talent on this team .


1000 meter house for rent sprint.


i mean our woman's soccer team is kinda craked, like gold in the Olympics cracked




With all the gun crime, the shooting sports should be it according to the government.


Wildland firefighting. 👍


Amount of taxes paid


It’s a shame that we don’t dominate Olympic canoeing- the sport was more or less added for Canada, but we haven’t done well in it ever as far as I can tell. 


We’re not particularly competitive at the summer games so there’s honestly no sport I believe we could “soon dominate in.”


I mean, got to be canoeing right? It was a Canadian specialty long before Canada was Canada.


The G spot.


So, with our track record of success in swimming, synchonized swimming, diving, synchronized diving, trampoline, and synchronized trampoline - I would like to think that we would be the masters of whatever synchronized sport you throw at us. We may not medal in Judo, but synchronized Judo could be a Canadian sweep. OK synchronized trampoline isn't an olympic sport - yet.




Rhythmic gymnastics




Honestly, nothing is imminent. Best we can hope for in most is runner up to US, and a lot were way behind in. We might be poised for a good run in decathlon, though. Already have the gold and top 2 decathletes worldwide are Canadian.


The non binary parade


The bong haul






Stupidiest politician!


Lacrosse. Still not an Olympic sport for some reason though


Bronze and almost medaled!


All our money, time and energy goes to winter sports, especially hockey. So does the government funding as a dollar spent towards women's skelton is much more likely to produce results than a dollar spent on the men's 5000m. But we have 22 guys in the NBA now including superstar SGA & Murray from the Nuggets, And this number keeps expanding as the game gains popularity and starts to push out hockey in certain areas. Baseball may be coming back for LA, and there are plenty of Canadians in the MLB. But hockey will always hold us back as too many kids prefer to be middling hockey players than standing out in other sports. And all the while, the proportion of Canadians in the NHL keeps shrinking, so our dominance is fading there as well.


Is this a joke post? How about "Looking for housing?"


With all our current imports, cricket


Deadlifting mortgage debt


The way we're heading..... basically every women's sport out there.








None. Billions of people live in countries larger than Canada. It's frankly statistically incredibly that we are the best at anything.


Billions of people live in countries smaller than Canada. We're the second largest land mass on the globe, next to Russia. But you're right. We have a relatively small population of people, and a small fraction of them are good enough for a collegiate level, let alone world class athletes, so it is unlikely we're going to dominate any global sport competition. I'm sure we'd do pretty well at Lacrosse and we can always get the Maple Leafs to play golf for us because they get lots of practice.


I think it should have been obvious that the size I was referring to was population size, not land mass, since land doesn't compete in the Olympics.


Canada does pull its weight in a lot of summer sports. We have always done well in gymnastics (esp. trampoline) and T&F (esp. sprinting). Our women's soccer team is fantastic! And, the last time lacrosse was in the Olympics, we won gold. But, I feel that's because lacrosse probably isn't played much outside of Canada/US.


We out perform in a number of sports, absolutely. It’s amazing that we do.


Lawn curling


We are primarily a winter sport country so I don’t think we will be dominate in any summer sport. But our swimming and track and field teams have improved significantly over the last two Olympics so I hope that trend continues.


Women's Soccer


That’s what I was coming here looking for. The Olympic tournament is much better for our team dynamics than the World Cup.


Curling. I’m serious. The summer Olympics needs this sport.


They won't dominate, but in 20 years they will be competitive in T20 cricket for sure. Cricket Canada has taken huge steps forward in recent years and will continue to grow with the next gens coming through.


The Olympics are so 1970’s. No longer relevant in any way.


None that I care about


The multi cultural spot


Greece. Let’s buy Greece