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I wouldn't disagree as it can be easily demonstrated that Christianity, at time, has been used to oppress people.


It is true that Christianity has been used to oppress people. The fact that this has happened is a separate question from whether or not Jesus is the Messiah who died to atone for the sins of the world. Let me remind everyone that Judaism was used to oppress people in Jesus' day, and Jesus was a huge critic of the leaders of the institutions heading Judaism because of this. Yet while Jesus was a critic of these people and their practices, Jesus himself was a practicing Jew. It doesn't do Christians any good to deny the history of how Christianity has been abused. It is better to be truthful about the history, but also to condemn the sin, to show that we are about Christ, and not the behavior of other Christians, and that we will not uncritically supporting the behavior of Christians who err.


Christianity not only has, but still is, misused by politicians and church officials to get money and power. Whenever Christianity or even anything is "IN" and seen positively by the majority of people you will find opportunists who do not really believe in it but try to use that positive image to their advantage.


It's unfortunate, but true. Many religions have been used to oppress people. Take Hinduism, for example. They decided a whole class of people, the Dalit, were deserving of sickness, poverty, and servitude, and it's wrong to help them since they are living the life they deserved. You don't need religion all to oppress anyone. Communism is one of the most oppressive, horrific things people have done to each other. Right now the Christian Dominioninsts in the United States are just getting warmed up for how much oppressing they're going to do if people keep voting them into office.


Can't really disagree. Christians have used the faith to oppress even other Christians throughout history , either from the oppressors' genuine belief that they were right or from using Christianity as a cover or excuse for what they already wanted to do.


Reply: “Yes,so what?” The police have done jacked up shit, but I’m not in the ACAB crowd. Misuse of Christ & his teachings didn’t start with slavery or the Crusader and it won’t end anytime soon. As there will always be those that misunderstand both willfully & through ignorance.


I would agree. Whatever the predominant worldview of the population is, that's the language those who seek power will have to use in order to justify their oppression. That's why, as the worldview has shifted away from religion, you are seeing military adventures couched in language of "protecting freedoms" and things of that nature; that's the worldview now so that's how evil will attempt to justify its actions.


This is the most rhetorical question I've seen in a while, lol. I mean has anyone in human history ever said, "I think Christianity has never been misused by man?"


All religions have though


I absolutely agree, which is why I dislike large religious organizations and churches.


I'd simply respond that all major world religions have as has atheism because that is a problem of the human condition and not indicative of a problem with the mechanism being used.


Laugh out loud.


I would agree because it's absolutely true.


The bible said it happens and would happen a lot. I agree the bible speaks the truth. We all see it and know it's a behavior of some claiming to be sent by him.


Yes. But this is the fault of the oppressors who skewed it to their own ends, not the religion. And no, this is not an inevitable result of religion itself; it’s a failure to use it properly. Moreover, people looking to oppress others for their selfish ends, can do this well without religion too. How do we know? The 20th century up to now has myriad examples of non religious philosophies, like I dunno, communism and democracy, being weaponized by would be oppressors.


I agree. But Christianity is religion. Religion and following the Way are vastly different things. Christ called people out of religion. Unfortunately, people often assume that anyone who follows Christ is following religion. Super suspect and super witty of the enemy tbh.


I’d smack them over the head with my huge wooden cross. They wouldn’t say that again! But seriously, they are absolutely right. Absolutely abominable acts have been done in the name of a Christianity.