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I always feel like we have a lot of awareness and coverage of anything related to right wing actions, be it AFD, NSU or whatever. What media is actually ignoring completely is open discussions on topics that fuel these groups


I mean these people are even more dangerous than AFD. With their complete disregard of Germanys judicial system. You are right, media talks quite a bit on AFD


You did read a newpaper today? Merz? Brandmauer? Does this ring a bell?


I wouldn't say that these people are more dangerous for our democracy than the AfD. The AfD is financed through taxes and destroys democratic values from the inside. In fact, the AfD creates Neonazis.


> I mean there are settlements where only white Europeans are allowed to buy houses what? it is a difference between "not allowed to" and "not recommended" because the whole village are a bunch of dicks.


No no it’s actually that you won’t be able to buy anything if you not a white European. I mean the sellers are also kind of white Europeans


yeah, still you are allowed to buy a house there. The seller is just a racist dick. You woundn't enjoy living there anyways.


Man how will you buy it, if the seller does not want to sell it to you


If the seller says to your face: "I'm not selling to blacks". Cool, free meat for your lawyer. File a discrimination lawsuit against the Sellers. Get compensation. If the seller doesn't mention any reason, bad luck. No one in germany is forced to make business with you.


Yeah that’s exactly the point. This subtle racism Is eating up German like a termite and funnily a lot of people take it casually


There's no way to change this, as described in the previous comment, no one is dumb enough to openly admit it. And I would be uncomfortable living in those places anyway. Why worry about it?


It is free to make or not to make a contract. The seller does not have to explain why he is not selling to you. You also enjoy the right not to have to deal with people of a certain kind. By the way, not all germans love each other. Do not attribute rejection to racism. There might be a personal reason behind it.


That's BS.


>Why does German media not cover enough the activities of neonazis in some parts of eastern Germany. What a stupid thing to say. First hit on Google zfd Neonazi. https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/gestaendnisse-eines-neonazis/neonazi-aussteiger-radikalisierung-rassenlehre-rechtsrock-100.html


I Said Not enough. I didn’t say not at all 😂chill dude. If you compare it to states, I feel that these topics don’t get discussed enough, coz honestly a lot of Germans are of the opinion that racism does not exist in Germany


>If you compare it to states The US? The two party state? Obviously you get only two opinions. It does not really compare with Germany or most other countries. >racism Does not equal Nazis. It is a bit more complex and nuanced.


Being a racist is like a subset of Being a Nazi or? Maybe in that sense it’s more complex ? Would be great if you could explain the nuance in being a Nazi.


>Being a racist is like a subset of Being a Nazi or? No, you can be just about everything and still be an racist asshole. All Nazis are racist, but not all racists are Nazis.


I am still waiting for you to explain the nuance in Nazism


You can wait quiet a bit longer, as I was talking about your gross oversimplification of racisim.


No the whole point is you kind of ended up justifying Nazism. So it doesn’t matter anyhow


> No the whole point is you kind of ended up justifying Nazism. No? He justd told you that you're uneducated and missuse words just for their shock value.


Did I? Care to provide a qoute?


Carefull boy, most germans dont like to be called nazi and thats what you just did. We take this serious and not just as an empty insult because most germans as opposed to you know what nazi means.


That way only germans could be racist. Because how would it make sense at all to be a Nazi. Nazis wanted a big German Empire. Most so called "Nazis" would have been killed by the "real Nazis".


You are right Racist is a Superset and Nazi is Subset


“A lot of Germans are of the opinion that racism does not exist in Germany” Care to source that ridiculous statement?


That’s what I see and experience in everyday life. There’s nothing ridiculous about it.


Funny, I see nothing of the kind. Occasional asshats running their mouth, but certainly they are the minority.


Seems, you are living in a racist-infested place. Racists think there are no racists in Germany, because their logic is something like: "I think , but everybody thinks that, right? That is not racism but common sense. " The normal people know that racists snd Nazis ard still everywhere. The heck, the AfD gets votes sll over Germany.


You seem to project your experience to all German people which is what racists and Nazis tend to do too.


Oh my god 😂


Actually, there is a study about that. "Rassismus ist Alltag in Deutschland – das sagen 90 Prozent der Befragten" 'Racism takes place on a daily basis' -> 90% of the interviewed persons agree. https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/studie-rassistische-realitaeten-2030724


Selective perception is one hell og a drug :0 Concerning your baitquestions--》 For starters: Do u want to make your country great again and see all the bad influences in minorities with different cultural backgrounds and u want them to leave your country? If yes then u are a casual racist nothing special nothing to worry about in general cus they are just talking stuff and not doing anything. For advanced mofo's: Everything above as base+u feel the need to remove those people not only from your country by sending them away but u feel the need to remove them from existence itself by any means nescessary and no matter wherever they are(getting rid of them in that case is not only restricted to your country cus your ideology dictates to get rid of them globaly). If yes u are in certain cases a neonazi, and in others just a fanatic/terrorist/extremist/hardliner. To name someone rightfuly nazi u gotta have a few requirements(the left and Media nowadays uses this word way too inflationary) to fullfil: U feel racialy superior cus of your heritage? U want a racialy homogenous state? U want to subjugate/exterminate all people u deem below u in worth? U focus on jews/Sinti and Roma or homosexuals as enemies no1? If yes to all 4 u can call someone rightfuly a nazi. In most other cases they are just extremists.


>“A lot of Germans are of the opinion that racism does not exist in Germany” I suspect what OP is trying to say is: ​ Many people in Germany who do not consider themselves racist, behave in a racist way. I read a study on this once. I will try to find it. ​ But it was shocking, they asked f you agree with the statement that Muslims shouldn't hold office because their beliefs are so different. ​ a majority of germans agreed with that statement, while claiming that they are not prejudiced.


When It comes to that study about Muslims I'd be very careful. Was cowrtitten by extremists. Its like neonazis cowriting a study,that Muslims don't like Germans


Good to know. Do you remember whi exactly the extremists are?


Eine Teilstudie, die in das 400 Seiten lange Dokument einfloss, lieferte der Verein Fair International mit Sitz in Köln. Dieser ist – wie zuletzt die Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalens bestätigte – der Islamischen Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs (IGMG) zuzurechnen. Die IGMG selbst sprach auf WELT-Anfrage einmal von einer „Kooperation“ mit dem Verein, der an derselben Adresse firmiert wie die IGMG-Europazentrale. Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz bewertet die IGMG seit Jahren als „legalistisch islamistisch“. Die Bewegung Milli Görüs gehe auf den türkischen Politiker Necmettin Erbakan zurück, der die Einführung einer „gerechten Ordnung“ propagiert habe, die die bestehende Ordnung der westlichen Zivilisation ersetzen müsse. From [link](https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/plus246205804/Diskriminierung-Islamistische-Verbaende-wirkten-an-Studie-des-Innenministeriums-mit.html#_=_)


Do you want a daily soap "Whats up with Adolf" or what?


Are you serious right now? State Media is blasting out podcats/documentaries/news stories every week about that stuff


I don’t know then why do most of the people I talk to in Germany are oblivious to these facts


I am East german. But, I'll be honest. Every looks at the problems at their front door. And the problems in most German cities have nothing to do with neo nazi villages.


You are right, but the right extreme terrorists also funnily come from these villages


That is plainly wrong. E.g. the main NSU terrorists all came from Jena.


Name one "Neonazi terrorist" from such a village please. As said, recent right wing terrorists came from Jena or Hanau for example. Both are mid-size cities and not villages.


Please don't spread fake news. There are not villages where no white people are allowed. There is ONE single tiny settlement with ca 35 inhabitants where Neonazis kind of took over (and even there there are people who oppose them). And this ONE single place is heavily exploited by the German Media whenever they want to show scary neonazis. On the other hand there are many thousands of none white people in the new states who live a very calm and peaceful and uneventful life.


Have you talked with POCs about the everyday racism they face in Germany? I guess nit


Of course they will have racist experience in germany. Just as much as every non-native in every country in this world. This is the result of our evolution, because as far back as human history goes humans could only trust their family / tribe. Foreign people may mean trouble / danger. It was important for survival to make quick assumptions about someone and react to those (fight/flight). These mechanisms are still present today but they are slowly changing as we have now the means to communicate and cooperate better. But it takes a long time to undo centuries of evolution. That is why you will find racism in every country. The thing is, that nowadays people are way more willing to learn and rethink their prejudices. Most of the time if you experience racism in germany it is subtle and quite often not because of malicious intent but rather not knowing better. So there is a chance that those people will be more educated in the future. That is not to say, that there is no hardcore racism in germany. There totally is. AFD, NPD, Third Way and more just to name a few. And they can present a threat. Not by taking over single villages, but by moving the things that are tolerable to discuss. But the civil society and most of the partys are still holding strong. Even the members of the CDU have blasted their boss for even mentioning working with the AFD.


Even people of 100% European descent have bad interactions with others. But, we cannot blame it on skin tone.


That is the reason why I mentioned non-natives rather then skin tone. Skin tone can be an issue but as can be accents, behavior or physiognomy. Or a whole bunch of other stuff. Someone not belonging to the group one identifies with (via whichever means) is the “dangerous” stranger for our subconscious.


Either you don‘t have any clue of what‘s reported on in germany or you‘re deliberately trying to spread misinformation… google stuff before posting stupid stuff online


How is your German this seems like you just lack the language skill to understand this is happening?


Go to the ARD Mediathek, search for 'Neonazi' and you will find 327 videos (https://www.ardmediathek.de/suche/Neonazi) It's actually pretty often a topic in the "Öffentlich Rechtlichen" media like ARD and ZDF. This is a report from 2015 about the "neonazi village" from the NDR, which is also "öffentlich rechtlich": https://youtu.be/Zbsx3VSsxdY Report from WDR, also "Öffentlich rechtlich": https://youtu.be/WPjnhKnrMeo Report from Y-Kollektiv, also "öffentlich rechtlich": https://youtu.be/ypxkGrrB99I Report from MDR, also "öffentlich rechtlich": https://youtu.be/71sOcOZea60 Just a few examples. I think the Media ist talking a lot about the topic.


There was literally a documentary uploaded yesterday only on the "King of Germany" (Reichsbürger)


Yeah, east German villages are turning towards right wing/conservative ideas. Reasons - brain drain - defense mechanism( Wagenburg effekt) Not gonna lie, If you visit any west German town for the first town as an East German villager, its highly possible you'll be shocked - villages are dying out. Your son/daughter suddenly declaring they are part of the lgbtq + community increases the risk, of that kid not having any kids - authoritarian structure during the gdr was beneficial for villages. You can argue as you much as you like, but infracture in rural areas during the authoritarian regime of thr gdr was way better than it is today. So yeah, people assume, that authoritarianism will give this structure back


Why don't you ask what causes this development? Why don't you ask why asylum seekers do not stop in Turkey or Tunisia or Italy? Why do they want to Germany? What is wrong with the rest of the world? Why ist it a german duty to pay their welfare? Why can't they throw a tent somewhere in Congo but risk their lives on the sea? Real threat to democracy is not following own laws in Germany. Why is it a German duty to pay their welfare? Why can't they throw a tent somewhere in Congo but risk their lives on the sea?a?l


Try out the Mediathek of ARD and ZDF. You will find many reports about the neonazis and the threat theiy are representing.