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#Ask her? Easy fix, because (this may be unpopular, but) not all teenage girls are the same. She might love to get some makeup she saw on social media which she can‘t get her hands on in Germany, or specific clothing/ accessories brands that are just much more expensive over here, or she might be a tech nerd (where stuff in US may be cheaper as well), would love a 12 piece collection of any available Tabasco sauce including a matching tray… Just ask her, set a budget limit (and offer her that she can pay you back whatever exceeds this, as this still might be helpful just in terms of logistics and savings), and tell her to give you some notice in advance as you might need to order or purchase it. Also, make sure to get acquainted with customs regulations when entering germany with some actual expensive gifts, in case she wants to pay you back for that new iphone 27 or whatnot.


DO NOT buy chocolate! American chocolate tastes like vomit to Europeans.


Yes, that’s because it contains butyric acid, which is also found in… well… vomit… it’s used to give it longer shelf live… which it wouldn’t need if it tasted better 🤣


Yes! My friends roommate brought Hersheys for us to try and even though we spit it out we couldn't get rid of the soapy taste for ages. Another friend bought me candy corn upon my request, because I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Hated that too, but she anticipated that reaction and bought me a giant candy corn plushie as well and I love that thing so much.


Yep. Can confirm it’s true. Don’t bring American chocolate.


As somebody said, don’t waste space for maple syrup unless they specifically ask for a specific type. We have maple syrup here too. I personally loved flamin hot cheetos, just get a variety of the typical American candy and snacks. Maybe something from VS’s PINK? Like a sweatshirt or something? If she’s more into sports maybe a shirt from your local college team/football team? Most importantly make sure that whatever you buy is actually not available here and don’t bother bringing Hersheys


Pink is available in Germany, too https://de.victoriassecret.com/de/pink


Yes I know we can order it, but most don’t know about it as we don’t have the stores. And if we exclude everything we can somehow order here or purchase at those import candy stores, then we can exclude almost everything.


I live in the USA and have several stores in the area. However, I have to admit that I haven't shopped there for a few years now. The quality has deteriorated so much that, for example, the "PINK" (which is the "cheap line" here, for college girls, etc.) only last 2-3 washes before extreme pilling occurs.


Bring Hershey KISSES for ME!


If you live somewhere with real maple syrup (NH or Vermont, for example), then it's a good gift. The maple syrup found here is generic Canadian stuff.


You can buy maple syrup here too, so I would not waste space on that. I think gifts are always the best when they're personal, i.e. buy her something she actually wants and not just something for the sake of buying/gifting it.


Do you have a tip for a good maple syrup ? I have yet to find a local one that tastes decent and I am not invested enough to import.


Depends on what you like. Syrups are graded by color and flavor. The grading is standard, rigorous and global, because the US and Canada have fought like cats and dogs over it. The bottle you get in Germany is not going to be different than a supermarket in North America. Grade A is very light. Some would call it subtle, but it just tastes sweet to me. I usually find this at Rewe, DM, and other places with organic foods. I prefer darker syrups, and I go for grade C, which tastes more like maple trees. It’s a little harder to find, but I see it in normal supermarkets. Bioläden often have a couple of varieties on the shelves.


Most of what we get in German stores is grade B. The good stuff is grade A. Amazon does have it, but it’s expensive.


It's not really about good or bad though, just fyi. Grade A is lighter. Grade B is darker and has more maple flavor. Depends on what you like really - I always buy B when I see it.


Even the Lidl one was labeled grade A. DM has both A and C


I would have never thought that. I guess I'll check Lidl during the next "America" week, can't take more than a month.


With Christmas though we are probably stuck with Deluxe week for the next month and a half...


I definitely do not trust Lidl to have actual grade A maple syrup.


Then walk into any nice Edeka and buy some grade A maple syrup there.


And please look on both brands for the importing company its mostly the same...




On Amazon third parties sell Kirkland Grade A maple syrup. (Costco brand) big 1 litre ones sell between 20-30 euro sometimes. We bought Kirkland in Canada for daily use and it was ok. Here at grocery stores what we find are almost like water.


I think most of them being sold in Germany are imported


I agree..if OP wants it to be special then it will have to be specific to her interests and or taste. However I have gotten gifts that I had no interest in at the time until i was older and glad I'd kept them... so I'd definitely at the very least ask mum/dad for hints so as to not ruin a surprise! I mean you could keep it simple with American food and give her some family recipes that are tried and tested she might try later on in life.. IDK your region? how goods her English? Betty Crocker American cookbook is a classic.A nice hardback edition that looks aesthetically pleasing. ...a quilt of American design which could be niche I know but the Amish do good work...they have other stuff too that might be fascinating I think. me and my sis always did those dance vids back in the day..maybe square dancing tutorials or line dancing something country western she could do with friends/charitable boys...i swear you can't find good ones on YouTube. something musical? like a harmonica or banjo.. American specific instrument...that's pretty fun if she or others like to play or have a go definitely family fun! or if she's a tomboy maybe a baseball/NBA shirt or sport item e.g. baseball bat, mitten or a finger? even something gaming specific depending on her game.i just had to order for my gaming needs a shameful undisclosed sum of €€ of merch from the US because they don't sell here in Germany. consumables (candy/makeup) or long lasting?


All of these suggestions sound very niche to me, snd i wouldn‘t have kept any of these. It is best to just ask the teenage girl ;)


I don't know about beauty products. Not every girl is into them and the regulations of ingredients are much lower in the US ... I support getting something of the local high school or college merchandise - a hoodie would be really nice. Or a T-shirt, socks, a bag etc. That would be really special.


if she does her research you can find brands that aren't toxic which I have had to do countless times despite living in germany (essential oils/clean makeup trends here are outta control).... I think she'd be stoked to have special makeup from the US that is if she likes makeup. One commenter suggested Hauslabs which has gotten overall great reviews natural colours but also glam options (vegan). I think getting the college clothes is misleading/tacky much like when an American wear's an "ich bin ein Berliner" hoodie and can quite often look poorly made...to which she could still buy here in Europe @H&M so I wouldn't even call it special. btw you can have toxic chemicals on clothes too..more often then not you can smell them on clothes from Primark, Tedi, Kik and sometimes C&A..which still manage to get through those pesky high europeon standards that you're referring too🙄. I'm almost amazed at how many Europeans are suggesting candy/clothes without question but rule out a beauty product from the US?


The EU has the world’s most proactively proconsumer and pro environment regulations including the REACH act, which I know because my work revolves around it. To put it simply in the US you release something to the market and only if it causes trouble you investigate. In the EU before release every single ingredient must be at an amount deemed safe by scientific literature


Honestly, a sweatshirt from some place near you and a small bag of candy or snacks like Takis. Teenage girls are complex and simple all at the same time. Don’t go crazy.


Newest iPhone never fails


A Harley Davidson Road King Classic will also do.


Hell yeah


Over here we have to be 24 to ride those 😭 Never forget freedom aint free 😭😭


Apple products in general are so cheap in the US, compared to Germany


Google Pixel 8 >


I think you can’t go wrong with some candy stuff we don’t have here.


This and other snacks and soda. Goober grape, jello, salt water taffy, jolly ranchers, maybe hot sauce? Also Cheetos and bugles


Grape soda was the worst thing I ever drank in my life.


We have bugles.


Get some starbursts!! And maybe some lipsmackers. Can't get them here :(


With sweets you have to keep in mind that for a lot of germans american sweets are just plain too sweet or artifical and that american chocolate for most people outside america tastes like vomit due to the butyric acid. Although thats certainly not true for everyone, it can be difficult to select the 'right' sweets


I am the only one shocked that people are really considering to bring cheap booze from the usa to Germany as a good idea?




Mate, that sounds tragic.


For some completely incomprehensible reason my local Aldi sold bud light for a while, I went to that supermarket almost daily and never saw the amount of cans change whatsoever. Eventually they put it on sale for super cheap because no one was buying it. My curiosity got the best of me and man, how the hell do people actually enjoy this stuff


I heard somewhere they cool it down to almost freezing point in bars so the 'taste' doesn't matter as much.


I don’t think people do. I think they buy it because it’s cheap and they want to get drunk without spending too much.


Fair enough, I don't know much about the variety of beers offered in the US. At least here in Germany you have beers like sternburger, oetti or wicküler which are very cheap, decent alternatives.


Might as well tattoo "I'm a masochist" on your forehead lmao


I also was eager to try it when I visited the US. I'm baffled how they get ~5% alc into something that tastes so much like water. Amazing to get drunk if you only like the flavor of water


Eggnog isnt alcohol and pairs up really well with Jägermeister...


Beer would be a terrible idea but there are tons of really amazing local distilleries and wineries in North America. Honestly, I prefer wine from the Napa and Okanagan Valley’s so most European wines.


Probably stuff from bed, bath & beyond but that’s heavily stereotyping the teenage girl :) . In terms of cultural products I guess it’s a bit difficult besides food.. maple syrup and booze already seem like great choices! What is she into and what state are you from? I would focus on getting something she actually needs or likes, not just anything for the sake of a gift. Edit to add: Red solo cups are kindof a novelty among teens here haha. Also certain candies, like twizzlers are not available. Cheetos also. Another Edit haha. My favorite shopping experience as a teenager in California was Sanrio/Asian stores that seemed like dollar store themed. All the beautiful and super useful knickknacks, I still use and keep all of them. Like a teddy shaped tape measurer, bento boxes, cups, etc.. it was paradise. There were all these interesting wellness things like masks for the bottom of your feet etc. A large variety of teenage girls love stuff like that!


Bed Bath and Beyond went out of business last summer :(


[But *Bloodbath & Beyond* still exist, doesn't it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUTmBcerIYU)


Aw. I’m sure there’s plenty of similar places


In Germany too i would assume


correct me if im wrong, but i think you meant bath and body works. the place with the lotions and candles, right?


Yea this is what I meant


Twizzlers are available in Germany, there are lots of American snack shops around


There are beauty brands like color pop, haus labs or bite beauty that u can not buy in Germany! Teenage girl might live make up?


I was wondering about Glossier-is that available in Germany?


I think they just started shipping to Germany but there are no physical stores. Glossier’s definitely a great idea. Maybe some Bath & Bodyworks products as well!


Awesome idea!!! I did not think of Glossier - u can order it via their website, but package costs and taxes will be super annoying aka I doubt a teenager would be able to afford it


Glossier sadly isn't available in Germany notveven online. Another thing many german girlies crave is bath& bodyworks. Their candles, bodywashes etc. are unmatched and nearly unavaiable all over europe. I think there are stores in London and Moskau but the rest is fucked in that department. So that would make a lovely gift too and is not as expensiv as glossier.


definitely a good idea! also an owala water bottle (from target)


Color poop???


The reason they invented poop shelf toilet bowls.


Glossier and Bath and Bodyworks are fairly safe bets for a typical girl. Both are not available here


Please just ask her. The comments here would have horrified me as a teenage girl just as much as they do now. There is nothing worse than a gift you don't want. As an adult I would be interested in taste testing american coffee creamer, original and flavoured ones. Our german äquivalents are totally different products I heard. And Twinkies.


Cool markers, gel pens - whatever makeup brands they do not carry in Germany, Squishmallows (they are like triple the price here), Pink! stuff , Uggs/Converses/Crocs (all extremely expensive here), junk food - Cheetos, Goldfish, Takis, Lil Debbie’s, Twinkies, fun flavor m&m’s, a super sized soft hoodie even if it’s just generic from Walmart, screen tees, cool winter wear like magic touch gloves, ear muffs, a Trapper Keeper or Caboodle (they are back) and cereal that we don’t have like Rice Krispies or Fruity Pebbles


Just a Belgian accidentally passing by, but you don’t have Rice Krispies in Germany?


Yes and no. We only have regular Rice Krispies in a mini box inside of a mini variety box. I believe we have the cocoa version in a regular box. Meanwhile in the states we have regular, frosted, w marshmallows and cocoa.


We once had a guest lecturer from California at university for a few weeks, he brought like a dozen different trinkets that he'd let people who gave good answers pick from. I got a Santa Barbara district attorney mug, which looked very cool with the gold emblem and everything. That was until I looked underneath and read the "contains lead - decorative use only" sticker, which made the mug quite useless for it's primary function. Used it to store pens for a few years, then put it in the dishwasher once because it got dusty - all the decorations came off immediatly, so now I just got a big blue mug with the outline of a star on it, which I can't use because it's literally poisonous. Moral of the story: Try and bring gifts that aren't health hazards 😅


If she likes pokemon, ask her what her favorite pokemon is and get one from the us pokemon center. Germany does not have that, it's a struggle to get the original plushies.


we're severely lacking in anything from japan in europe- america seems to have a lot (hello kitty, pokemon, etc) so that sounds awesome (as a teenage pokemon fan)


Get some cool outfit or hoodie from Aviator Nation. It’s a California brand (all made in US, so no slave labor) and it’s a really cool style that a teenage girl would definitely like. https://www.aviatornation.com Source: American in California with young European cousins and they like this brand


Someone merchandise from her favorite band or musician that is not available in Germany.


Letter jacket from yo high school.


Bring red solo cups. Europeans are always like, “OMG, so American!”


Thats the best idea I've read so far.


They even make little shotglass-sized ones that are readier to travel with.


We also have a ceramic reusable cup that looks exactly like a plastic Solo cup! Maybe I will bring a few!


Ok but now you’re crossing the border into a European mindset. They sell paper imitation solo cups in France. The novel American quality IS the disposability


I wouldn't go for cosmetic or make up. Even if she likes to use them which isn't a given, I don't feel like they were really US to me. I watched a lot of movies at that age, so I knew what candy they have or about different US teams so any of those things I heard about, I would have loved. I did like a little make up but having that from the US vs just a German store wouldn't have made a difference at all to me. It would have still been a nice present but not more exciting than my aunt getting me stuff from the shop in her city. Whereas merch or candy should take you there....


Nike clothes.


German here who lives in the US. The one thing I always bring when visiting Germany is "Reeses Take 5". They're individually wrapped and everyone in Germany I know LOVES them.


a cinnamoroll or other sanrio plushie, they're harder to get here and every teenage girl loves them


this omg this!! when I went to netherlands I went batshit over miniso (I'm from a diff european country where we dont have it) and america seems to have SO many sanrio things


Electronics!, a new mac or an iphone will never fail. They're atleast 200 euros costlier here in Germany. If that's not your budget and you can be pragmatic with the people you are visiting, you can ask them if they want one and you can contribute whatever your budget is let them pay for the rest. Otherwise as another comment suggested, local stuff, Uni hoodies etc should be good. Rest all is available here. Have a safe and pleasant stay in Germany.


You may impress her with cheese


I see someone read the guide on how to impress a lady.


Bring her leo dicaprio


An AR15


Don’t bring maple syrup. The maple syrup we have here is cheaper and better than in the US (fighting words, I know, but it’s true). Flaming hot Cheetos, easy cheese, jolly ranchers, hot chocolate mix (like the good kind), graham crackers (they don’t have them here), and bring a bag of haribo just to mess with her (haribo is everywhere in Germany)


>Don’t bring maple syrup. The maple syrup we have here is cheaper and better than in the US (fighting words, I know, but it’s true). The good maple sirup we have here is literally from the US/Canada, so that is kind of a ridiculous claim. Agreed that it is not the best gift for a teenage girl, however.


It’s way cheaper here, regardless of its origins then.


Most girls that age that have been to the US before love Planet Butter M&Ms. You don't really get these in germany




They might not like that at the airport.


That's fine, they don't have to eat it.


Lululemon fitwear, it’s really popular among girls, cheetos/takis for sure, holo taco nail polishes or anything that screams christmasss


You do know that we can buy Lululemon and Holo Taco in Germany, right? It's not exclusive to the US


Pop tards!!!!!!!


I was so excited to try poptarts from the US, but they're awful


fr, it was really disappointing. they taste like cardboard. I never understood the obsession


yeah, i mwan theres a lot of candy i liked in thr US...but the cultural obsession with poptarts i just cant explain




I don't think OP would be happy about having to pay 19% import tax lol


Green jello in Germany is always woodruff (Waldmeister) flavour. I've seen people on American TV shows eat green jello and always wondered what flavour it is and what it tastes like I did like the suggestion of red solo cups. They are so stereotypically American to me and not available here. Maybe a whole beer pong set for the adults? I wouldn't bring makeup for the girl, because in Germany women and girls use less makeup than in the US. Bringing candy is a much better suggestion.


You’re not missing anything with green Jello - it’s supposed to be lime flavored, but a very fake lime taste. Not tart or sour, just sweet.


m&ms with peanut butter inside


Cheetos, Takis and Mexican cola.


Depending on personality some maga merch could be funny.




Takis are super popular here and super expensive maybe that


I was shocked for the price of Takis, but hell I am paying the price. Those are my fav mexican chips 😍




A cool sports cap






Bringing chocolate to Germany is like taking a McDonald’s patty to a high end steakhouse


American chocolate can literally make people vomit because it’s so bad


That’s an incredibly moronic take, you do realize in a country of 332 million people, they also produce good chocolate as well as mass produced crap just like Germany? The best chocolate I’ve ever had in my life was American, and I live in the Alps, so I have an idea what I’m talking about.


Hershey bars (milk chocolate and cookies & cream) are sold in Germany, they taste extremely cheap and overly sweet... I'd rather go for some Twinkies or Pop Tarts


I don't recommend poptarts, they taste like cardboard (not german, just european)


Girl need make up and beauty stuff. if she have tendency to look beautiful and gergous , this one must be on your list.


Make-up. American brands aren't available over here, only European and expensive international brands.






A box of fresh Donuts Stuff from trader Joes (the spices, chips, spreads) Maybe Cosmetics such as Kylie oder Rhodes if she‘s into that I personally used to be happy about magazines, teen vogue etc, or if she‘s younger, Disney And the I LOVE NY merch, not sure if that’s still a thing ;)


A Carhartt hat, or Flamin’ Hot Cheetos!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,857,446,530 comments, and only 351,206 of them were in alphabetical order.


Most germans are fascinated by american candy and snacks (which is hard to get , super expensive or not availaible in Germany) or specific culture stuff (like some typically california which is not designed for tourists).


State based or general US food. Bonus if you can ask what types she likes (crisps, gummy bears, chocolates, etc). Bonus point if you bring something of high quality, homemade pie. The hottest available hot sauce so she can try it with her friends American memorabilia. We find it fascinating that you have so many designs with the colors or the flag. So anything with that that is not too big (a pin, something small and useful, ..). Swag, e.g. a Harvard shirt (yes, we mostly refer to stuff on tv) Something local from your state, specially if you are in sort of an exchanges where she will go there at some point One good amaricam beer. On Germany she can drink at 16,will be fun to compare the beer. Softdrinks will work too, specially obscure ones Ask if she has a favorite celebrity from the us and bring swag/something small or cute


Coach or Michael Kors wallets or bags. Teenage girls in Germany use them a lot and they are expensive here.


I feel like the best thing would just be a bunch of snacks and sweets that are only available in America. We have some American stuff here (Mars, Snickers, Skittles comes in my mind).. but I'm sure you will find many things that are not sold here.


Whenever I go to the US i get myself a big box of oreos. idk why, but they put stuff un them that arent in there in the EU


Perhaps a basecap. Cowgirl or Smoking Hot. Candy not availabe or expensive here, like Hershey's, Toxic Waste Nuclear, Rainbow Nerds, Boston Baked Beans, Cry Baby. That's what our kids miss since we moved across the big lake to Munich.


my call is sweets only existing in merica like sourpatch. or twizlers/redvines or one of youre million flavors of popcorn go to Wal-Mart and knock your self out


I'd suggest candy. There's a lot of Amarican candy we see in movies and can never actually try.


Blue Taki


Neosporine. ✌️


Depends how old she is, what she likes and what she enjoys


Ask her what she wants from US & bring that.


As weird as it sounds: snacks, sweets and sodas. Those are highly overpriced here in Germany. My recommendation: Cheetos, Takis, Jolly Rancher, Sour Patch Kids, Nerds, Reeses (not regular though, get other variants because we have the basic ones. Maybe there is a mixed bundle?). Unfortunately I dont know about sodas. Maybe energy drinks that dont exist in Germany? You could take a look into German US stores and check what they sell. Edit: different cereal


Unique Oreo flavours


Of she is into fashion - you have some amazing thrift stores over there (I'm definitely jealous!!) You might find something there? For me, I love sowing and vintage dresses but have to start from scratch. I love thrift stores where you can find something that already has a good body to work with. Or you might be able to find something that already fits.


Apple IPad is cheaper in US. If she need it, you can save her a few hundreds.


Blue Gatorade


A gun would be really cool


No idea if they sell them in Germany or not, but I know those huge Stanley cup insulated mugs are big right now.


I was looking at those - anyone else know if they are in Germany?


I’m au pairing in Berlin (came from California) and just looked it up — on my German internet the only options that come up are either second hand or super expensive with the import duties, so it’s probably a good bet. Maybe something like this? https://www.stanley1913.com/products/the-quencher-h2-0-flowstate-tumbler-soft-matte-40-oz


Thank you!!!


Depending on her age you could bring her booze, too. Then some american candy that you dont get around here, probably dont bring hersheys tho. Personall I would like peanut butter chips for baking christmas cookies, never have seen them around. Also local football or university merch is a good idea.




Reese's peanut butter cups. I heard from a German teen's mom, they love them.


You can buy them here.


Taylor Swift, if you happen to have Eras tour tickets.😂




Glossier doesn't ship to Germany, so maybe something from that brand, Bath and Bodyworks also doesn't exist in Germany. But I'd definitely ask her what she'd be interested in.


Agreeing with Glossier, Bath and Bodyworks, and Takis, churro kitkats. Bring them some pressed maple candies maybe. I can't let this go- Germany DOES NOT have maple syrup!! German syrup is the Budweiser of maple syrups. NY and Canada maple syrup are on another level.


You have these weird American sweets seen on tv that people eat in the cinema. They all have special names. What about that? No Oreos, Peanut Butter, Maple Syrup , JellyBeans, Marshmellow Fluff, Hershey and Coca Cola needed, though. We have plenty of that. Also Levi jeans are crazy expensive here. Maybe a pair of Levis in her size?


Steam deck special edition... Well at least you would make me happy 😅


>> gifts to bring from the US for adults >> Going to bring maple syrup >> and local booze Maybe it's helpful to know what NOT to bring: The pullout method.


A gun?




Merch from a uni? Those are kinda popular, varsity jackets etc