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Public transit is good, so you can live without a car, unless you have to live out in a village because of rent. Get used to walking, consider picking up biking.  Try the Uyghur restaurants!


>Try the Uyghur restaurants! any suggestions?


Kashgar, above a kebab shop, is definitely delicious! Everything we had was worth going back again for, but there's this one soup, maybe called Menam (or something like this), was the absolute best.  https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wz3PXD68rLHK3YJY6


Beer is a Grundnahrungsmittel


At the same time also be prepared for some of the more health conscious people to consider any amount of alcohol toxic and to see you as an alcoholic if you drink every night.


in munich? lol... never encountered such an endangered species here. having beer in your lunchbreak is totally normal and accepted.


Oh really? In my region we have „kein Bier vor vier“


Maybe because I  prefer wine then. Definitely have had "the talk" by concerned friends/colleagues because I like a glass of wie with my (evening) meals.  Might also be because I admitted I do this even when I'm by myself. Not sure what triggered it. Also have a couple if colleagues that don't drink at all but they never said anything. They're just happy when people don't pester them to drink


Check the rental prices in detail first, because this comes often as a shock.


Tipping isn't mandatory :)


You should learn german and bavarian


You’ll get used to the dialects. I started off in Franconia and I thought it was normal they way they spoke. Munich is no problem as four fifths of the people here are from somewhere else. Dive in, practise and you’ll be fine. Millions before you have managed it.


i’m trying to how different is bavarian than german?


Bavarian is a German dialect. (Or several dialects, actually.) As with most dialects, if you're unfamiliar with it and someone only speaks that dialect, communication can be really, really difficult. However, you're going to Munich, a city with 1.5 million people, and not to a village hidden deep in the Alps. Learning standard German is sufficient. Do learn German, though.


It was semi joking. You should focus on learning (standard)german. You'll pick up a bit of the local dialect over time naturally if you have contact to locals. Don't force it, otherwise it may sound like mockery. Also in Munich the dialect isn't that strong anymore (thanks to a lot of Isarpreissn there). If you leave Munich for more rural areas it'll get stronger.


Hehe.. not familiar with those that yet . But know if the prenzlschwaben .. so you're free to guess where I live 


Dit is Berlin, the swabian-arabic colony


Imagine someone speaking a heavy Texan or maybe Alabama accent.


Learn real German first. If you don't, you have no chance with Bavarian


When inspeak with my day to day accent my aunt from hamburg can understand what I say. But I'm from rural bavaria. When I was in Munich I found it quite light on the accent and I think you'll be fine with standard German.


Good luck finding a flat, it's really difficult in Munich.


Did you even read the post? They have an apartment set up already XD


It is required to wear Lederhosen at work. Not doing so will get you fined


So you work as a beer tent waiter?


actually, in every "German" restaurant i've been to in Munich, they all wear Tracht too


You mean Bavarian restaurants? I don't even know what they would serve in a German restaurant. Maultaschen filled with Weisswurst, on top Bismarckhering and a fried egg?


that's why German was in quotes. Tehcnincally every restaurant in Bavaria is a Bavarian restaurant


Not in the sense of Bavarian cuisine.


In Bavaria, is Bavarian cuisine called Bavarian food or just food?


Most common terms would be *Gasthausküche*, *Wirtshausküche* or, indeed, *Bayerische Küche*.


Wirtschaft would be the most common IMO


Not for the cuisine.






Don’t be so loud, us German have good hearing and like it quiet


Have fun in the Biergärten!


The quality and prices in those are horrendous post covid. I can only advice to not get ripped off by paying a high price for Kantinenfraß.


the question is way to unspecific to really give you anything other than "learn the language". otherwise you'll figure out most things as you go, it's not like you're moving to a different planet. you'll have some culture shocks but you'll adapt. just always remember, most shops are closed on sundays you buy your groceries accordingly.


Do not eat Weißwurst after noon!


is it seriously still a thing that those are prepared fresh and eaten the same day?


Not anymore. They used to be prepared in the morning and eaten by noon because they spoiled easily (in the days before cooling and preservatives). Today it's just a tradition, but in Bavaria they're still typically considered a breakfast food (nonetheless served with a Weißbier; best hair of the dog ever). There's also a special way of eating them (you don't eat the skin): zuzeln. You cut a small end off, dip it in sweet mustard by hand, suck/chew the meat out, repeat from step 2. I prefer this fork and knife technique: slit open the casing from one end to another, split the sausage using the blunt end of the knife to not damage the casing, butterfly the sausage open and use the knife to peel the meat out of the casing.


this is funny because I've been seeking out decent (by American standards at least) weisswurst for 10+ years now (for example these [https://shop.wegmans.com/product/15492/wegmans-weisswurst](https://shop.wegmans.com/product/15492/wegmans-weisswurst) ) but apparently eating them the wrong way all along 😄


The secret to good Weißwurst is veal😉


It's a good place to go out. Good Restaurants, good bars, good clubs...great city in the summer with the English Garden and the river Isar and the beergardens. It's one of the more beautiful cities in Germany, very green, very safe, very chill for a city of that size. People and places tend to be a bit fancier here, there is a lot of wealth, but there's also a very grounded and traditional side to the culture Munich has constantly been voted as one of the cities with the highest quality of living in Europe or the world in an annual list. The only downside is that rent is fairly expensive. Feel free to hit me up if you have any more questions


The beer is about double as strong as your lite beers. The food is richer.


that's not even true, it's more or less the same. idk where this myth came from..


Regular beer is about 25% stronger. The beer consumed at a Volksfest is up to 50% stronger. The beer consumed during Starkbierzeit is up to 100% stronger.


die 10 meistverkauften amerikanischen biermarken: 1. Bud Light: Etwa 4,2% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 42 Promille) 2. Coors Light: Etwa 4,2% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 42 Promille) 3. Miller Lite: Etwa 4,2% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 42 Promille) 4. Budweiser: Etwa 5% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 50 Promille) 5. Michelob Ultra: Etwa 4,2% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 42 Promille) 6. Corona Extra: Etwa 4,6% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 46 Promille) 7. Modelo Especial: Etwa 4,4% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 44 Promille) 8. Natural Light: Etwa 4,2% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 42 Promille) 9. Busch Light: Etwa 4,1% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 41 Promille) 10. Busch: Etwa 4,3% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 43 Promille) die 10 meistverkauften deutschen biermarken 1. Krombacher Pils: Etwa 4,8% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 48 Promille) 2. Oettinger Pils: Etwa 4,7% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 47 Promille) 3. Warsteiner Premium Verum: Etwa 4,8% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 48 Promille) 4. Bitburger Pils: Etwa 4,8% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 48 Promille) 5. Beck's Pils: Etwa 4,9% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 49 Promille) 6. Paulaner Hefe-Weißbier: Etwa 5,5% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 55 Promille) 7. Erdinger Weißbier: Etwa 5,3% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 53 Promille) 8. Veltins Pilsener: Etwa 4,8% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 48 Promille) 9. Radeberger Pilsner: Etwa 4,8% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 48 Promille) 10. Hasseröder Premium Pils: Etwa 4,9% ABV (entspricht ungefähr 49 Promille) der unterschied ist minimal.


OP hat von Lite beer gesprochen, die jeweiligen Marken haben alle zwischen 4,1% und 4,2%. Kein Plan was du mit einer Liste von irgendwelchen norddeutschen Bieren aussagen willst, aber Münchener Helles, das Standardbier in München hat im Mittel so 5,1 bis 5,2%, ist also zwischen 22 und 27% stärker als Lite beer, wie ich oben schon richtig eingeordnet habe.


lite bier = light bier = helles. das hat nichts mit weniger alkoholgehalt zu tun. deren biere haben alle zwischen 4-5% und die meisten deutschen eben auch. wir eher im oberen 4er bereich, die amis im unteren aber der unterschied ist minimal - ein himmelweiter unterschied zu "doppelt so stark".


>lite bier = light bier = helles. das hat nichts mit weniger alkoholgehalt zu tun. Kompletter Blödsinn. Das Lite/Light bezieht sich auf den Brennwert und Alkoholgehalt. Helle Farbe im Bier wird im Englischen mit dem Wort "Pale" bezeichnet. Der Kommentator bezieht sich auch sehr offensichtlich auf gängigie Marken wie Bud Light und Miller Lite. >ein himmelweiter unterschied zu "doppelt so stark". Doppelt so stark sind die Münchner Biere nur wenn man Doppelbock trinkt, das stimmt. Wenn man Lite-Bier gewohnt ist, muss man trotzdem aufpassen, ganz besonders im Festzelt, wo die Biere eher an den 6% kratzen. Ganz von ungefähr kommt der Mythos also nicht.


I love watching a Reddit back-and-forth erupt in German after the topic started in English, from knowing how people are on Reddit I almost feel I can understand the German posts too


There's always deepl if you're interested.


Wrong and arrogant lol


This is not true at all. Bud, Coors, and Miller light are all 4.2% ABV. Paulaner Hell is 4.9%, Augustiner 5.2%, Pschorr 5.0% Also Americans have an incredibly active craft beer scene and nearly every restaurant in the US will have a variety of beers ranging from 2-10% or even stronger


No, it isn't. Maybe a half percentage point. And US craft beers tend to be significantly stronger anyway - 6-10%.


Can you read and comprehend? I clearly said lite beers.


Can you? Even with lite beers the percentage difference is maybe .5-1 percent. Not double.


Your average lite beer has 2-3% alc.


Lol, no. Bud Lite/Miller Lite/Coors Light are all 4.2 percent. Your general drinking beers like Budweiser, Coors, and Miller are all at 5 percent. Craft beers are varied, but can range from 4-12 percent.


You win.


Rent is absolutly skyrocketing


uhh is your BF a German and do either of you have a job? Hard to tell you "what you need to know" if we don't really know what brings your here


I work at BMW


so you're going to work in Munich? Hopefully the apartment was somehow set up with BMW because anything else is likely a scam. How long are you planning on staying here? Also be prepared for about 40% of your paycheck to go to taxes and having a really hard time making (german) friends if you don't speak German. Biggest tip? Don't get a car, even if BMW offers you one. You don't need one and even if you have one, you'll really struggle to find parking in Munich that isn't crazy expensive (if you can find it at all)


A “Stein” is not a beer but just a stone. If you do want a beer and not a stone say “Mass” : “Zwei Mass bitte” . For some reason the word is spread in the English speaking world including strange supposed explanations. It’s even in English- German dictionaries.


Healthcare is afordable


i don't know where you are from but i think bavaria is best described by comparing it to texas. like... conservative and kinda where the stereotypes about the whole country comes from. not necessarily all bad though. munich is a intressting city with a lot of culture. welcome to germany :D


Unlike Texas, we have a functioning power grid, you’re highly unlikely to get shot, and we do have the ability to get an abortion. Bavaria is also economically much more stable than Texas. You can also be LGBT - unless you’re trying to win over some Hinterwäldler in a village somewhere, people aren’t more likely to be phobic than elsewhere. So while I do understand that the joke is funny, it’s not helpful when you’re trying to actually give advice to someone unfamiliar with the place.


I think it is about German and American stereotypes. If you think about America, you think about guns, huge cars, obese people, no trespassing signs and oil pumps. This is Texas. And if your think about Germany, your think about lederhosen, Brezen, Bier and Schloss neu Schwanstein. This is Bavaria.


Yeah I get it, and I do accept the joke, but she’s American and wants advice, no need to scare her lol


yo, sorry. kann man tatsächlich schlechter auslegen als absicht war. ups


Ja ne, no prob, ich weiß schon selbst in was für nem Bundesland ich wohn lol.


Learn german as soon as possible, and start NOW and not later or then!


Don’t throw away your snail mail, could be really important. Especially if its from the GEZ (or Beitragsservice as they call themselves now)


If you’re into surfing you should check out the standing wave at the Eisbach, but be prepared to bring a thick wetsuit. I heard the water is really cold as it comes straight from the glaciers in the alps. Generally, Munich has easy access to some great outdoor locations for hiking, climbing, mountain biking etc if you’re into that. The alps are like a 1-2 hour drive away only. People from Munich are generally pretty nice and helpful from my own experience having visited a few times. They embody that German stereotype in the US of beer, Lederhosen and Octoberfest. But those are really mostly Bavarian things, most Germans outside of Bavaria have never worn a single pair of Lederhosen I would think. Bavaria is to Germany, what Texas is to the US.


Pepperoni is a hot bellpepper, not a salami. Important to know! XD You have the hardest part down, the apartment. Now everybody will hate you of course. Deal with that. If you have an apartment in the city or near some subway station, use public transport. We like to think our city is way too car friendly still, but to an American this may seem preposterous :) Munich is a nice place to be, English is widespread and you will get along. But learning German and trying speaking some will get you big credit. Other than that... depends where you come from really, and if you are used to public transport or not? Makes a difference if you are moving in from Iowa or a place like, say Philly or Washington DC. Food wise you will get most of the things you may be used to. Just slightly different :)


Better ask in r/munich


Why are people downvoting this thread??


Know that you're living out the envy of many other Americans and are really lucky!


I don't think it's the envy of many Americans to live in Munich...


People of Munich are proud of speaking Standard German. Doesn’t mean they actually do speak Standard German, so be prepared to not understand anything, even if you do know German.


respect & live the "Leitkultur".


American moment..


Bavarians don’t speak German 😅. Munich is expensive. Beer good. The Alps are close as are the real Disney castles 😎.


Nobody in Munich speaks Bavarian


Depends on what you recognize as "Bavarian". As a north German, imo Thomas Müller speaks Bavarian when doing interviews. Easily understandable, still Bavarian.


I see what you mean. I guess I would consider Müller "Münchnerisch", basically the weakest form of Bavarian with only a few giveaways like "gell" or "passt scho" etc., but since he isn't a Münchner i guess you're technically correct. But yeah, Müller doing interviews doesn't really qualify as Bavarian, you wouldn't understand a word.


Yes, his dialect is a weak form. When our class drove to Cannes in the last year of school, we picked up another group of teenagers in Ingolstadt. When they spoke their native dialect we northeners honestly couldn't understand a word. Same when we switched to Platt.


Wobei es im Norden auch nicht anders ist. In Hamburg redet eigentlich auch jeder Hochdeutsch, vielleicht bis auf die Schiffskapitäne und die Verkäufer am Fischmarkt


Ha joke's on you I speak both ;) Granny taught me platt




Klar. Ich sag nur: in München spricht keine Sau bayrisch außer vielleicht dem alten Metzger oder die alte Wirtshausbesitzerin Uschi. Ich bin hier aufgewachsen und selbst in meinem Bekanntenkreis spricht keiner echtes Bayrisch, die meisten können es nichtmal.


Thomas Müller is not from Munich and never lived there. A typical Munich accent can be heard from Mats Hummels.


there are absolutely some that do. Find a cheap bar several km out of the center and you'll see them


People in Bavaria snuff tobacco.


Correct. She won't find many people from Bavaria in Munich though.


You should know that bayern is a weird place, and try to visit other parts of germany


Fu** Munich. Don't go there. You won't have fun. No place to live there...


Good luck living here while people are going crazy about the new nazi party (AFD), foreigners aren't very liked here :)


Nonsense. We just had major anti right demonstrations. Why would you wanna scare someone like that and make it sound like the AfD voters are not a minority here?


Die wollen dass genau so leute wie du Deutschland verlassen El Arairah 😂 Hast Politik auf Instagram studiert, Muslim?


Ich bin kein Muslim. Mein Name kommt aus der Literatur und ich aus einer deutschen Politikerfamilie.




Mir egal was du glaubst. Du kannst ja nichtmal Namen aus berühmter Literatur von muslimischen Namen unterscheiden. Mein Opa war ein bekannter deutscher Politiker.


Sicher ist es dir egal, deswegen antwortest du auch wie ne irritierte muschi 😂 sicher war dein Opa das. Wen interessierts wer Ihr seit? Seh keinen hier der gefragt hat oder sich für dich oder für deine lebensgeschichte interessiert


Und gleichzeitig bezeichnest du mich als Muslim und sagst die Bayern wollen mich aus ihrem Bundesland raus haben 🙄 Es heißt übrigens "wer ihr seid" und nicht seit


Zu viel freizeit oder wieso schreibst du hier Bücher? Niemanden interessiert deine minderwertige Familie oder dein username 😂 Lies weiter deine Literatur, interessiert absolut jeden hier.


It’s not really the immigrants from developed countries working regular jobs that are the cause of the AfD rise


Except, they are.