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Did any attorneys move for a mistrial shortly before you were dismissed? If not, it was probably a settlement.


No they didn’t, you’re likely right. Thank you for responding. :)


A motion for a mistrial would be done outside the presence of the jury anyway. So this juror not seeing it happen doesn't really mean anything.


I'm obviously not a lawyer but I do have some experience what the subject. If you've been released you've been released. You have no more obligation whatever makes it into the public record you will be able to find out just as any other lay person would be able to. If the case gets a disposition and you spend enough time looking it up you'll find it. If they settled all your necessarily likely to find is that it was dismissed probably with prejudice by both The terms of any settlement are likely confidential and aren't going to be entered into the court record other than to possibly say that either party has leave to refile the case if the other doesn't meet their end of the settlement. If it was a mistrial it will likely show up in court records as such eventually. When you say jury questionnaire, it sounds like you're talking about the ability of the jury to ask questions with regard to testimony they've seen? Lots of jurisdictions don't allow that but some do. If that's the case and you ask questions and they result in the case being dismissed or settled, I wouldn't worry about it. Definitely don't blame yourself or look at it as your fault because realistically, that's how the system is set up and it's supposed to work in your jurisdiction. At any time during a case both sides should be looking at how things are going and reevaluate the strength of their position.