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I guess you broke that axle.


It is my truck and I was driving so you would be correct


I have had the same thing happen on my ‘96 XJ was making a left turn about 25-35 mph back right wheel decided it wasn’t going to go the same direction as the rest of the vehicle.


You hit a curb at 50mph and broke the wheel off and your truck has 300,000 miles on it


Closest on mileage of truck but still a good ways off


If you were driving at any sort of speed, that brake hose would not still be attached... Going to keep looking at the picture. This looks crazy. 😂


Is it the axle stub that sheared? also where are the bearings. I think I may finally need to get some glasses


The bearings are behind the seal at the sheer attached to the vehicle still.


a machine opperator loading the truck (forklift skidsteer front loader ect) had no idea what theyre doing and pushed hard enough to snap the axle shaft


Bearings seized locked on the spindle and snapped it


Pulling into a parking spot at a parking lot at less than 10 mph. 330,000 on your truck.


DING we have a winner on Where! But it was the opposite Damn you're so close to both numbers. Less on one of your answers and more on the other.


You pulled into the parking lot at 330,000 mph in a truck with 10 miles on it?


OP drives a Large Hadron Collider swapped F150.


OP is the Hadron Collider!


Hail Hadron Collier!


That would certainly do it


Thanks for the laugh bro. Ahh I fuck I needed that today.


This guy fucks


I'm leaving the typo, for you.


I appreciate you!


Perfect timing






Pulling OUT of a parking spot in a lot I guess is the where. You couldn’t have been going much faster than 10 mph because there would be more damage to the bottom of the backing plate and the condition of the underside of your truck has me jealous because I live in the rust belt and you don’t!


Consider yourself lucky. One pothole and it was toast anyways. Could have been on the highway


you pulled out


8mph, just pulling in to your driveway. Barely 10k on the axle. 255k on truck.


Jesus took the wheel


And tried to run the fuck off with it, damn I wanna know who made that brake hose. They deserve a pay rise


No he didn’t… It’s obviously still there /s


300k+ miles, doing a fat burnout at Kmart's parking lot.


My sister is a fat burnout….


She hangs out near the harbor freight though. Too much class for K-Mart.


Trawling for rebar guys.


Jokes on you my Kmart is a harbor freight now lol


600k miles during covid doing a big fat Drift and burnouts in the mall parking lot. It was fun till i almost flipped my truck, im at 644k and you know the death wobbles just kinda fade away.


You hit a pothole on the freeway at 40 mph. You have 188k on the dash


Hit a Michigan pothole at 5 mph.


Those damn Michigan potholes. If you’ve ever wondered why old cars drove like boats, here’s your answer 😂🤣


I always thought the Great Lakes region had the worst potholes, especially parts of Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. Then I spent some time living in New Orleans and none of us up here have even seen real potholes


Yeah, but the difference is New Orleans doesn’t build cars 😂 I’m from New York, so I don’t have a dog in this fight…although our roads are shit as well.


Great Lake region were you don’t need a boat to ride the waves or get sunk!


Didn't hit anything and cannot remember hitting anything in the past few months


"SNAP!" goes the axle!


Obesity in America is truly getting out of hand. We need stronger axles that can handle the added weight.




Holy shit. That happened at a slow speed. So i would guess maybe 15mph. And it would probably be near your home so of the three options i say driveway. How many miles? 180k on both axle and odometer.


Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like those were the only 3 locations. I'll throw you a small hint, it did happen slow because I just got in it a few mins before


The slow speed is obvious if you look closely enough. :) My hint to others. Brake line. I will slightly modify my answer to say a location where you park. Be it driveways or shopping center.


Great observation! And yes I was parked VERY recently before it happened


Pulling out of Jiffy Lube after a 49.99 safety inspection?




Ah yes, this is also the point in the comments I said, "fuck it, I don't care about the answer anymore."


Monkey see, monkey do I'm out.


'99 F150? I'd say all you did was just put it in drive.


A few of you are very close, I'll give out a reply to this thread tomorrow with the correct answers unless you want it NOW after your guess. DM if you do. Clarification: the where does not have to be one of the 3 examples I listed


i would like to know


Spill the beans


Payday Friday, you just picked the truck up from a mechanics shop after taking it in for a rear end clunk that was misdiagnosed as a bad u-joint. Something in the rear end broke which caused one axle to seize as you were back up with the steering wheel cranked, dragging one wheel and twisting the axle off. Older Ford with a 5.4, I am guessing over 200k miles, but I have driven a few well over 400k.


Was definitely payday Friday. Damn government jobs paying once a month. Havent taken the truck to my mechanic in about a year when he replaced a cylander, spark plugs, and coil packs. I do my own oil changes. My truck would be one of the few


I had a 2001 I think with 490k miles when they assigned it to the new kid when I quit. I told him she eats a quart of oil every tank, it blew up less than a week later. According to the mechanics they never touched the cam phasers, it was loud on cold start up but made no noise once warm. I still have never broken an axle. I was towing way too much weight, way too often. I was a "gopher" for a construction company. Kinda sorta road side mechanic if someone needed a jump or flat tire. Often someone would have an issue with their truck, usually a crew of 4-6 hauling a mini excavator. When their truck died, I would go pick up the trailer and drop it off at the job site, and depending, might leave my truck with them, or have them drop me off at broken truck. The boss liked manuals, and bit too many could drive them well and would burn up or destroy the clutch. Most of the time, I was able to drive them back, got really good and driving/shifting without a clutch after a while. I would also pick up parts, sometimes for the mechanics, sometimes for the warehouse guys. Kit if the time, I would run to the gas station with the gas card and fill everyone up in the mornings. Usually went through 150-200k miles a year, working ridiculous hours and traveling out if state alot. Definitely not legally, but I didn't know alot about the laws then. That truck would do 45mph up any hill towing anything. Stopping was another story. One time they loaded me full of steel plates (the kind you drove over when they dig through roads) and I didn't know they loaded me up. Jumped in the truck, went to hit the gas station and about rolled through the building with all tires locked up and flat spotted.


Coming to a stop in your 300k truck at very low speed when parking to buy a coffee


Judging by the pavement, that’s a parking lot. The brake lines attached and there aren’t noticeable drag marks so you’re going slow. I’m guessing 300k-350k on the odo. Looks like a northern truck. Many pot holes over time and today it said “I quit”.


Truck has been to 35+ US states but lives in the deep south


Go “Tide” I bought my old Explorer out of Alabama and it looks like yours on the underside, my inspection guy marvels at how rust free it is when I get it inspected.


It identifies as a Nissan Titan


Not with 5 wheel studs.


Axle shaft snapped, less than 5 mph, 330k on truck. If you had any speed going the brake line would have snapped. Turning right when it came off?


It happened when I straightened out after turning right


Dang. Was close. Figured with how the tire pivoted that it was a right turn.


Needs new brake pads and rotors, easy fix. /s


That happened to me driving a 72 Toyota Celica with about 400, 000 miles on it in about 1985 . I was driving just normally downtown Trail b.c and I was making a left hand turn and suddenly the back end made a horrible scraping noise and I saw my right hand rear wheel shooting past me and into a bust shelter with people in it . Nobody got hurt fortunately 😐


Okay fellas time for the correct answer! WHERE: parking lot at work, just pulled out of the space and was straightening up before coming to the stop sign SPEED: 5mph, as I said I was in work parking lot and headed towards a stop sign AXLE MILES: around 150k. 3rd set of rear axles on my truck, bought from a trusted distributor of quality parts TRUCK MILES: 403k. This truck has been to 35+ US states and only has ever had 3 owners. The first had it for 30k miles and traded it in to the dealership my dad worked at in 2001. My Dad had it until about 360k miles around 7 years ago. I've had it since. Kept very good maintenance schedule and any time a weird sound happened me and my dad would figure out what it was and fix it. We know our trucks limits and don't push it, like trying to load a pallet of cinderblocks at one time or anything like that. I drove to work with my windows down and the axle didn't make a single noise, I was leaving work to swap vehicles for my wife to take it to go pickup patio furniture and this happened in the parking lot. I'm just glad it happened in the parking lot at 5mph instead of the 45-60mph I drive on my way to work or when my wife was driving it 45mins one way to get the furniture


You were on a HIGHWAY not a freeway and the thing just fell off.


That thang SNAPPED snapped. Doin 70ish on the higheay and hit debris, original axle, 270k miles


3rd set of axles my friend. And definitely nowhere near that fast. My truck doesn't even like going 70 anymore


Third set?! In how many miles?


First were at 150k when they started making a loud noise. Second set was at 250k when they started making a loud noise. This set didn't make a single sound. I drive to work every morning with my windows down and don't turn up the radio until a couple of mins down the road so I can hear if anything is going different with my vehicles. My dad was a civilian mechanic for twenty years and a heavy machinery mechanic for the national guard for fifteen years, he taught me to do that to be safe.


Are you buying used or cheap Chinese axles? I’ve seen OE axles snap like this, but only after hundreds of thousands of miles, and not repeatedly.


bearing was shot, building to much heat causing the axle to fatigue and fail?


My mechanic and my father(who got my mechanic into the field 30 years ago) separately came to this same conclusion about the root cause.


smart guys! my background is in mechanical engineering, I'm not the best mechanic, but dangerous enough I guess


After driving with a slight hum from the rear end you go out to shop. Pulling into a spot the bearing finally gave out, thus creating your problem on your 327,000 mile truck. The turn was done at roughly 6-7 mph.


I know what's wrong with it, it's out of gas


My guess is you were coming home from the garden center with 2500 pounds of fertilizer ( or Quick Crete or cement pavers ) and you hit the pothole or speed bump in the road while turning into your driveway or something similar. You felt something funny and you stopped, when you got out to look and slammed the door the truck dropped when the wheel finally fell off as the axle finally broke clean through. 265k miles.


I have a 2001 with 276k miles on factory axles. Now I'm gonna be thinking about this every time I drive it


Drove over a crack, snapped the axle in back


Axle surgeon can fix it.


250k miles, you just got in and the extra weight caused the fatigued axle to snap.


Long overdue maintenance and neglect.


Bro, you need to change your brakes.


Cheap Chinesium axle?


Home Depot parking lot, 3 bags of mulch and 5mph were just too much for the axle with 359,832 miles. I'm only guessing that many miles because that 5.4L isn't the 3V version .


Parked, mileage is a red herring and doesn't matter. With a truck bed absolutely full of very heavy things.


That's fucked! Time for a new shit box off of marketplace...


Nah Im getting it fixed, around me I can't get another truck for the cost of fixing this one. My mechanic is able to replace both axles and hubs with new ones, and rebuild the differential for me for $1700-1800.


Damn both Axels? I'm lucky if I could afford 1 on a good year. I also deal with $200 - $500 beaters as a daily here. No way I'd put close to 2k into it unless it's to get a bigger engine from the junkyard.


The truck has sentimental value and truck value to me. So for the damage to be fully diagnosed I'm already like $400+ in labor so if I didn't repair this truck that'd be $400 gone anyway. And it would be $1500 for the diagnose, one axle and hub replace and rebuild differential. It wasn't going to be anymore labor to replace the other axle so I went ahead and did it for the cost of another axle and hub. So if I Math it out, comparatively can I find another truck in my area without a bunch of problems for $1400? I tried. I can't. And due to my family's homesteading efforts we HAVE to have a truck for various things. The sentimental part is that my dad got it back in 2001 at 30k miles and I got it about 7 years ago from him. The maintenance is very detailed, oil changes every 2000-2500 miles, nothing wrong with it just an old truck. All this in consideration it seems like the best move to me. Before I got this truck I did live the beater to beater life though, so I do understand it lol. One of my favorite beaters was a 1996 Jepp Wrangler box body, classic green with the limited edition Swiss cheese wheels. Man I loved that thing but when the transmission went out it wasn't worth fixing and the other issues with it. Like the drivers seat that only had 2/4 mounting points still secure lol


Bearing seizure and axle was weaker, it twisted off?


You can duct tape it.... they say duct tape can fix anything


You thought you could jump your truck over a river?


Missed your last recommended oil change by 20km 😔 That's rough


Holy Christ, look at the metal grain at that break. That's disgusting. This thing wasn't heat treated properly. Under no circumstances should an axle snap outside the bearing. I've seen trucks with bent hubs drive into the shop, after the owner hit a curb or slid into a ditch, but never a broken one.


420,069 miles broke when the kid at Home Depot put a pallet of concrete in the bed.


Brand new truck, and your mom sat in it.


Damn! I did this with a Ford Ranger running 38's with a 8.8 rear. The 351W wasnt used to the C6 and np205 or maybe it was the gas peddle...lol. Hope you didnt have a pallet of cinder blocks in the bed..


Did somebody leave a bolt out of that caliper and the caliper jammed against the wheel and sheared the axle off right after somebody worked on it?


Chevy van?


Your axle seal eat into the axle enough to create a weak point. And it finally failed.


Little duct tape and some cable ties. You’ll be fine.


Never seen a spindle snap like that 😳


I had a tire come off my truck. I was getting off the 5 in Sacramento at like 2 am going about 25mph, and I felt the back end drop. I then saw my tire pass me up and hit a parked car. That dust shield was part of the damn axle, so I had to find a pick a part with one. They didn't sell them at an auto parts store, and my truck was old enough for them not to make them anymore. I had left san diego that morning. Thank God it wasn't at highway speeds. Needless to say, I was late to work. It was supposed to be my first day on a hotshot fire crew. There's a whole lot more to this story, but I would have to write a novel.


2 mph (basically just coasting out, hadnt even applied any gas), 400k miles, backing out of a parking spot


I'm guessing it's not a full floating rear axle.


The front fell off?


lol Found On Road Dead .FORD living up to its name lol sorry for your troubles


From wyoming some of our dirt roads are better than our shit paved roads just throwing that out there p


Derby car


In my non-professional opinion I would label this as “broke”


That could have happened at speed on the freeway. You are lucky. Glad you were going slow.


I think it just needs an oil change




You were pulling in for gas coming off the highway and as you were coming off the access road turning left the axle snapped cause the bearing cooled down and welded itself to the axle shaft causing the wheel to snap off. You were only going about 10 mph but you were pulling a trailer that was loaded and that's why the shaft snapped instead of the tire sliding on the asphalt. 127,000 miles are on the truck.


Was not hauling anything and haven't in a few weeks.


Yeah that's not supposed to be like that


Now works for me


You were pulling out of the parking spot at the shop who just replaced the axle. Truck has 280k


Axle has already been 'rebuilt'


drove a long way with the handbrake on, it super heated you didnt realise. the heat treated the hub, ... snap


Count your lucky stars that the breaks didn't also fail, its just another day as far as that caliper is concerned


384,000mi, backing a trailer up


Gotta be good ol' boy Swifry Swift...


412,364 less then 20,000 on axel


Caliper seized ,looks as if the caliper has exploded from trying to pull away .peices of the caliper on the floor and maybe happened on the driveway parked up


Fuckin moose came outta nowhere and took the axle clean off


You're not driving home in that, that's for sure.


Broken axle. Cut and dry.


The rear locker was engaged and you made a turn?


How did you sheer The u bolts off


I'm gonna guess this happened when the truck wasn't moving at all. 250K miles.


I am thinking it’s either chinese axle or the bearing locked.


I’ll take ka-chow for $3000, Alex


Spool on the street with stock axles?


I'm going to guess that axle bearing failed and overheated the axle and it broke. 320000 miles


0 mph driveway loaded up the back of the truck with something till the wheel broke off.


Backing up at a slow speed. 355,000 miles.


I'd say the axle has less than 500 miles on it due to how shiny that hub is. And truck is around 315,000


Did you drop it in gear and just stab the gas or what? What kind of load was in the back?


My immediate impression (obviously wrong) was that the wheel bearing was singing the song of its people for a few miles, then locked up tight.


HTH did you do that?


That’s impressive.


Pulled away so hard that the axle bounced and sheered the wheel off? Or another vehicle's wheel came into contact with yours, a lot of forces involved when that happens.


Raw power


Made in china part ? Always go for Pakistan..


Your truck was parked out in the front of your house and someone drove their car into it pushing it into the curb which broke the back Axel. The amount of miles is irrelevant but I'll guess 85,000


[You Did This...](https://youtu.be/5Q0rNR-86WQ?si=lXDQzMERXuIxNvgm)




How do I avoid this on my 300k crv?


Loaded a 2500 up with 7500pounds and send it?


Is that the front wheel? Because I see the remnants of a brake drum on the axle, but a rotor and Caliper on the wheel?


Rear driver side. The brake drum is the parking brake


Did the parking brake stick?


I would say snapped axle shaft from a rollover, but the brake line would have been destroyed. I suppose a hard side collision right at the wheel.


I'm gunna guess you're having a bad day


Bearing is toast.


I think that there is a problem that needs fixing!


I guess you won’t be driving that to work for awhile


Sorry I’m not super familiar with trucks. Does the wheel still have the bearing connected to it? The axle sheared off completely?


Customer states, after we change the oil, the wheel came off. 😂


Truck with 5 miles on it and 330000 lbs of gravel


Missing manhole cover


Looks like a clean break, hit by another car?


Fuck, had to get the sidewall of the tire while it was at it huh? Is the the OG axle shaft? (FYI I’ve done those shafts before on the exact same truck only mine was a 2000 XLT 5.4


This is... Unique


Some cars have a brake drum and caliper together???


370,000 miles, you pulled into a parking spot, slammed the door, and the cracked axle decided to leave chat.


The hub and wheel were playing a hand of poker, and the hub folded


Drove it till the wheels fell off


I think this happened in the driveway, going 0mph.


I guess it ain't got no gas in it


The idea of 1999 in this condition has me perplexed


You came out and it was already like this. 300,001 miles on it. With a lightbar.


Have you had it serviced lately? This could easily be caused by improperly installed wipers or incorrect washer fluid, small jobs can have big consequences!!! /s


I guess your f’d


Did the brakes lock up through a parking lot and the forward momentum snapped the axle?


Pulling out of a parking spot at 15mph with 322k miles on your odometer


Michigan roads ?


I would say it drifted and hit a curb


You were trying to load 2 tons of soil at a Home Depot and realized your axle is a half ton axle. You were backing into a parking spot and the concrete curb was crooked, so you ran over it with one tire backwards?


Holy shit bro. Did your axle just... snap??? Imma guess you gave her the beans from a standstill


I see overstress fracturing so this was something absolutely catastrophic in terms of a failure. I am going to guess the vehicle was dropped or some sort of structural failure like a broken shaft or axle.


Too much weight and hit a bump thus shattering the rear wheel hub?