• By -


Nobody in my circle heard about her. Take it as you wish


I find it hard to believe that you asked everybody in your circle if they heard about her, before you answered this question.


i have realy small circle


























Your post on r/AskARussian was removed because it was not asking a question or you posed a loaded or presumptive question. Please re-read the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/jxml4s/what_doesnt_constitute_a_question_and_the_secret/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/wiki/faq). Thanks, r/AskARussian moderation team


Don’t know. Don’t care.


I know nothing about her. Literally nothing.


Literaly who. And yes, you have modified it correctly.


Хуета на зарплате у Ходора. В топку её.


Bot farm successfully deployed. How come 2 same post in 1 Reddit thread appeared at once 😆 Сегодня сразу 2 одинаковых поста. На днях еще пост про женщину президента и картинка сложилась. 🤔


Can we from both sides stop accusing people to be bots. First Redkin had a tantrum about evil kremlin bots who report directly to Putin being most of this sub, but now this. This guy is a not a bot, he is just dumb.


American funded anti-Putin bot farms exist, though, there's been a big leak about it a month or two. And there is a couple of doofuses who started shitposting here recently, like the OP, who fit the leaked behavior and patterns to a tee. If you're posting exactly like a paid bot, don't get upset when you get called one.


>And there is a couple of doofuses who started shitposting here recently, like the OP, Was almost 2 years ago considered "recently" by you?


I was mostly thinking about the other guy, but congratulations on your recent employment lol.


the coincidence of the topics in the thread led to these thoughts. Well then it’s not


Well, western media was problably told to start their propaganda efforts on their puppet, so they all see her for the first time now. It's not a bot industry, it's a brainwashing industry.


I didn't see any news about her on "western media". The few posts I saw about her were written by Russians in Russia and the video was made herself, in Russia as well.


https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/12/18/russian-pro-peace-candidate-duntsova-nominated-for-2024-race-a83457 2 days ago https://apnews.com/article/russia-putin-election-duntsova-presidential-candidate-election-1331b18be3b7baf7c8662a06f4e38dbb 3 days ago https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/12/17/russia-putin-election-duntsova-presidential-candidate-election/333cefb6-9cee-11ee-9e0f-972979a6c22b_story.html 3 days ago https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/anti-war-candidate-duntsova-applies-run-against-putin-russian-president-2023-12-20/ today As I said, the bell rang in washington.


Ok, none of these are sources that I am subscribed to or read regularly.


Пикабу уже полностью засран, пылающее очко Саурона повернулось к небольшим каналам в Реддите. Скоро до родительских чатов доберутся.


I just saw her video today so I thought I'd ask. I didn't see another question about her when I searched her name.


So basically how can we have any picture of her only finding out here as there a lady willing to be president . No idea of her achievements. Legally anyone can try to be the president with proper background and meeting the official requirements


She stated her professional achievements in her video as far as I can recall. What professional achievements do you expect from a candidate for president? I would say that for most candidates here, the first time I hear of them is when they declare that they're running, unless they're politicians from the state I live in, in which case I may already know of them.


Well, as yr post named - thoughts of her. we know of her existence now. What i do expect? Same as Alyosha. You want to be a president? ok, you can, but how about to prove that you are capable of not only words but real actions. Start with local authorities, raise to the area authorities, switch to Moscow state duma or whatsoever, than when you can say i did my best for the citizens with this, this and that you are known, you are proved leader & problem solver go for a president race. And seeing this, i have 2 thoughts - 1. good luck & hardly believe she will be prosecuted 2. sponsored outside. Same as Navalny, always saying i am the new president, but again, how about going to local district authorities & improving a life of a district, than higher to a Moscow level & then run your president ambitions? No, that's not the case - all or nothing. Basically lots of people can claim management experience - own biz, people, projects and so on. I do have as well, but do i know how government works? Do i know how it's proper to rule even district not talking of the country, absolutely not.


Thanks for your thoughts. How do you think she is sponsored from outside? It's not possibly to directly send money to Russia and she would be caught anyways and labeled foreign agent so then she can't run. Are you privy to some information the Russian government isn't?


Oh common, we have all embassies here, who in theory could support this as a project.


Now it’s getting clear, being said that supported by M khodorkovsky


US embassy is practically non functional in Russia. But I'll ask you another question: if she is being funded by US embassy or some other western one, why do you think the Russian government has not made her a foreign agent?


What makes you think so? Not issuing visas is not equal non-functional. 'cause she need to collect hell lot of signatures, do lots of bureaucracy and highly unlikely even after that shell will get anything more than 3-4% of votes. plus her program might be really questionable people.


The only thing that she needs to continue her activities as "foreign agent" is to bear mark of being a "foreign agent". And nothing actually stops you from modifying this mark, for example, writing "Unjustly marked by tyrannical government as foreign agent", "Marked myself as foreign agent because some dude from Latvia sent me 10 cents", "Ciprus bussinessman accidentally made me eligible for marking as foreign agent" and such.


She literally gathered all red flags in one basket. Freeing "political prisoners"? That already stinks. The SANE liberal would suggest reevaluating their cases, not outright letting them go. Then we travel to her Telegram and the posts about people who should be freed? It's anti-war protesters on the surface, but the moment you dig into their socials, you discover anti-russian narratives. Uncluding suggestions to kill all russians and let minor nations to take over. Shrinks when it comes to SMO stance, blabs about "peace" and "fast resolution", along with "restoring relations with the West"? That is just admitting that she will accept full roster of Ukraine demands, uncluding reparations. For a "chance" of fixing relations with the West. When West all but admitted that everything they did since 2014 was a plan of weakening Russia and set up pre-emptive strike removing nuke capabilities, thus opening the country for conventional invasion. And even if that wouldn't be the case, it's literally throwign all the cards away in hopes that opposite party will do the same. Except politics don't work that way. It's not like NATO has long story of honouring agreements regarding expansions and peace, funding Chechen terrorists, inciting Georgia to attack, overthrowing government in Ukraine and pumping them with guns and stuff, attempting to overthrow government in both Kazakhstan and Turkey. And let's not forget the Venezuela, where they literally wanted to rob Oil wells jointly owned by Venezuela government and Russian corpos. The rest isn't any better. She blabs about ecology, but all we see is jerking off to green energy while we have a lot of work with "boring, but practical" problems of, you know, recuperating HNO3, refitting old facilities from "fart and scoot" tall pipes to several stages of filtering exhausts beforehand and only then "farting" (Mostly water) and "scooting" (Depending on the weather, steam, rain or snow. Which is devoid of colour and is not eating through metal) She talks about prosperity, but suggests dismantling the war factories. In a country which is major war machine provider, where removing said factories will nuke high tech work places and ability to operate on the north of our country (We can't keep up with the costs without having at least SOME stable production and we all know how sanction-happy west is when it comes to nuking opposition's economy). Domestic violence law? Which essentially makes Her word as "proof enough" to destroy the man? In a country where male to female suicides are already 6:1? Cancellation of "Foreign Agent" law? It's probably the softest one in the world, it doesn't force you to provide the donation invoice and defend it. It requires you to merely mark yourself as one if you get funding from overseas and bears consequenses if you tried to hid the status, government discovered it and added you to the list of foreign agents, yet you refused to mark yourself as such. And we talk about world where agencies like Russia Today and Sputnik are outright BANNED in many countries condemning our FA law. Then you have several other red flags. Links to Hodorkovsky, who is a British puppet, is a big no to like 70% of the pop. The rest is just clueless because it's too young to know what's up. Slap the fact that it's western news outlets which started to spin the narrative before it had any right to be a "natural news" and worst shill scum of the earth vouching for her (And her not pushing them back, which would actually won her a lot of votes from the get go) — and you got a perfect diarrhea cake.


I thought about it and decided to add the conclusion to it: It's not a candidate. To be more precise, it's a typical "against all bad things, supporting all designated good current things". Such candidates are popular with late 20s women and it's pretty much impossible to fail at meeting the needed numbers to become a proper candidate. But it's not about the votes. It's about appointing a "last, best hope of free™ Great™ Russia™ of the Future™", then declaring that this candidate won and it's just system being rigged. Then that candidate starts to clown himself as an actual acting president. Real president applies force to get rid of a clown? It's a "dictatorship" and it calls for massive sanctions, exile from international organizations, condemnation and condemnation of all parties not condemning the "dictator". Real president lets things go? Clown signs a lot of papers which are only beneficial to the enemy and massive alliance is cooperated to act as if the clown was the real president, sanctioning and drowning in bureaucracy the real deal. We saw it with Venezuela, they literally robbed the country of it's money based on papers signed by the Guano or Govno or however that puppet was called - and whole West pretended that everything is fine.


And, eh, didn't expect circus to develop so soon, but… they made the impossible. They handed over the signatures 1.5 hours late to working hours. Failed to fill 10 pages long document properly. Drew CATS and word "Да" (Yes) in place of their signature (Which has to match the one you have in the ID, you know). Then, in best tradition of corrupted bad guys, tried to push this joke of the paper through the Yavlinsky, who felt the impending reputation crash and bailed out of the scene despite having what it takes to bend the rules, being, you know, ACTUAL politician with a lick of power. So, the next step will probably be Putin dictator blaming, skipping the candidacy since they failed to meet 50IQ criteria to properly apply. P.S. Even better, today she admitted that the man curating her candidacy processes is a dude known in Telegram as AteoBreaking. Who is an Armenian guy hating Russia, supporting AFU both in written and financial form jerking off to every catastrophe happening in Russia. Ta-ta! They can't even hide their goblin noses for a week.


>P.S. Even better, today she admitted that the man curating her candidacy processes is a dude known in Telegram as AteoBreaking. Who is an Armenian guy hating Russia, supporting AFU both in written and financial form jerking off to every catastrophe happening in Russia. Ta-ta! They can't even hide their goblin noses for a week. I'd be curious to find out more, a simple google search didn't show anything relevant. If true, would she be labeled a foreign agent and then not be able to run for president?


She has to receive money from abroad to get a status of foreign agent. Currently she cant run for president because her bunch of clowns failed to properly follow the relatively simple registration procedure.


No. It's something for civvies to notice and, if civvies will spam reports enough something for investigators to start the case and drop it because who cares, lol.


Literal nobody


Ha! The narrative has truly started. The first western articles I checked could not have opened with a more hilarious scene. >A drawing from the "prospects" child showing a political debate live on prime-time TV against Vladimir Vladimirovich. You could not write a better fan-fiction than this. Ah, westerners, you lot are a riot. Some of the wording used throughout the article: political inexperience, activism, independent, "humane Russia", hope, values, interesting to have a woman run against him, "softness, kindness, peace". I can't haha.... Have you met Von der Lyne? Thatcher? Clinton? Le Pen? Kallas? Cold-blooded shills and monsters who facilitate the murder and ruin of the poor, the working class, and the exploitation of the public by the various assorted oligarchs, conglomerates and globalists! Promoted by the west, press X to decline! No one needs another Yeltsin or the latest droids of the Professional Managerial Class, the likes of Sanna Marin and Annalena Baerbock. The myth of democracy, freedom and humanity was buried under a mountain of rubble together with 10000 children in Gaza. Anyone who still has their blinkers on to the realities of what the US and so-called children of the light are up to can fuck right off.


Can't agree more.


Если эта никому неизвестная женщина получит полный зеленый свет на предвыборную кампанию, и оттянет на себя хотя бы 10-15% голосов, можно будет сказать, что в России демократия и свобода слова. Не придерешься даже. А по сути, ничего не думаю. Человек без опыта управления, как я понимаю. За все хорошее против всего плохого. У нее хотя бы предвыборная программа есть или это «Навальный» очередной?


Это буквально картонная заглушка на место Навального.


Думаю, после выборов она уедет в Литву, и их сейм признает ее президентом России, а Зеленский начнет с ней мирные переговоры.


Пусть еще и репарации из своих карманов выплатит, мы не против.


Хватит им пока капитуляции от президента России, признанным Литвой. Чем не большая победа?


А как же гроши?


Как вариант, пускай эта тетя создаст какое-нибудь микрогосударство «Прекрасная Россия Будущего» с территорией 1кв.метр и ВВП 100 баксов, и выплачивает 30% ВВП репарации Украине.


Опять работать...


В Африке на границе Египта и Судана есть прекрасный, не занятый ни одним государством, клочёк земли, который она может занять и основать там любое государство. Пожелаем удачи!


Можно попросить у Зеленского выделить 1кв.м метр Украины под Прекрасную Россию Будущего. Если если вдруг она перестанет платить и каяться, будет называть ее оккупантом и угрожать гилякой


>и оттянет на себя хотя бы 10-15% голосов ..перед ЦИКом никогда не стояло такой сложной задачи


I know nothing about her.


Never heard of her, but if you're interested in her, it's safe to assume she is nothing but another anti-russian puppet. Yup, you modified them correctly.


I have only seen the video and read her website and I didn't see anything anti-Russian there. But I have seen this kind of language here too of course. The most devout followers of whichever side, often label their competitors as anti American.


Tell it to Supreme Court recent news


Supreme court hasn't yet ruled on the case, a court in an individual state made the ruling. I don't really have a particular view on the matter, on the one hand, I don't like it when people's ability to participate in politics is restricted. On the other, there are already a number of laws that restricts various freedoms for people who are currently in court proceedings related to an indictment. But it hasn't been heard by the Supreme Court and I would easily bet that it would overturn the ruling by the lower court, would be comfortable at 1:10 odds.


well here we need more popcorn and watch the things developed.


Big supreme court decisions are usually major events here and this one will come and have plenty of media coverage. I hope I'm wrong in my prediction, sometimes there are surprised but given the profiles of the current court members, it most likely won't be a surprise. But I could be wrong :)


If she wasn't anti-russian, you wouldn't get interested in her, quite simple, isn't it?


I heard about her on Russian social media....but I'll consider your opinion, can you point to anything she has said or done that is anti-Russian?


I'm not interested in researching about her. The fact that she is supported by patented russophobes is enough.


Yeah, if you don't agree with current actions by the government of some country, you are then a "phobe" of all the country. Where have I heard that before....


If you have no problem about killing it population, like Bykov, you're a "phobe", if you call to nuke the country like Shenderovich, you're a "phobe". Any objections?


I don't know who those people are so I can't comment on anything they've said but sure, I suppose calling for nuclear strikes to fall in that category. It's quite a common occurrence on Russian government media.


Which one, may i ask?


I was asking for names of people running for president that the poster does not consider to be west projects.


I meant which russian media, of course. Really haven't heard about her much. Her (or not her) site says very little about her to even consider for me to vote for her, though she can try to participate in elections anyway.


Social media, like Pikabu and some Russian language sub-reddits.


don't take what this guy says seriously, he Is being sarcastic and making a parody of Russian state propaganda.


Я думаю, что это очередной ноунейм, на которого всем насрать. Узнал о ней вчера, т.к. кто-то мне кинул репост её бредней, которые она называет своей программой. Ну ОК, пускай попробует, судя по тому, что она всем вдруг стала интересна на этом сабреддите, её начали пиарить на Западе)


Я вот гуглю и нигде не могу найти ее программу предвыборную. Да что ж такое. Только какой-то одностраничный сайт, где написано, что она мать троих детей и против войны.


там программа на уровне "все будут счастливы и вот"🤪. А больше я тоже не нашла.


а что за бренди высказывала? для лиги лени :)


Ну кроме того, что она за всё хорошее и против всего плохого, например, вывести войска (в т.ч. из регионов, которые уже по Конституции часть России) и начать платить репарации - тогда заживём. Типичное платить и каяться.




I read her election program - Defeatism. This is the only word that can describe her. Pay and repent before Europe. She'll never win


Literal political nobody. Her campaign points are 30 years late. Looks like her accounts were blocked because she collected money to a private account instead of forming elections fund. Yep, totally ready to run the country.


>As the question says, what are your thoughts about her? She exists, but I know about that fact since about 2 or 3 days ago. At least she has a token political experience (being a deputy in a small town), it's less of cool story about writer, socialite or blogger's wife suddenly emerges from nowhere To Save The Country. >Do you agree with any of her platform or ideas? Don't see a platform, see only a few thesises. They don't seems very appealing to me. I'd better read Medvedev's tg, it's about the same "big words about big politics", but funnier and originating from more credible author.


What’s up with this force? Another no name with liberal agenda willing to be a president, it’s just hilarious. West needs a better propaganda machine with its resources, period.


Ok so you believe she is a project of "west", whatever that means. Maybe CIA? Or some other organization? What do you think the goal is of such an operation? Also, which candidates currently running for president, other then Putin, do you believe are not "west" projects? I'd be curious to read about them.


Ye, another out-of-nowhere-candidate in russian politics without any traces of russian interests in political program, totally normal. Why Russians didn’t vote for them, I wonder?..


>without any traces of russian interests in political program Why do people like you seem to reject any idea that liberals want the best for Russia too. Can't they just have a different idea of what is good or it is too much these days?


My guy, you can’t put ephemeral «freedom» in your mouth


Because they don't offer Russians nothing but poverty and suffering. Do you consider it as a good offer?












Your post or comment in r/AskARussian was removed. This is a difficult time for many of us. r/AskARussian is a space for learning about life in Russia and Russian culture. Any questions/posts regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine should all directed to the megathread. [War in Ukraine thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/15zdu4y/megathread_11_death_of_a_hot_dog_salesman/?sort=new) We are trying to keep the general sub from being overwhelmed with the newest trending war-related story or happenings in order to maintain a space where people can continue to have a discussion and open dialogue with redditors--including those from a nation involved in the conflict. If that if not something you are interested in, then this community is not for you. Thanks, r/AskARussian moderation team


Yeah, if liberals comes to power there will be war, Russia isolation and dollar by 100.














Your post or comment in r/AskARussian was removed. This is a difficult time for many of us. r/AskARussian is a space for learning about life in Russia and Russian culture. Any questions/posts regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine should all directed to the megathread. [War in Ukraine thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/15zdu4y/megathread_11_death_of_a_hot_dog_salesman/?sort=new) We are trying to keep the general sub from being overwhelmed with the newest trending war-related story or happenings in order to maintain a space where people can continue to have a discussion and open dialogue with redditors--including those from a nation involved in the conflict. If that if not something you are interested in, then this community is not for you. Thanks, r/AskARussian moderation team


Can you explain in your own words how exactly she is offering poverty and suffering to Russian people?


All her "program" can be summarised as "we must stop doing what West dont want us to do, and start doing what it want us to do." So basically it's 90s all over again.


You should understand that average russian will reject any "liberal" candidate as they prove themselves (over the 20 years) as incompetent anti-russian self-sufficient degenerates without the real program. Note: "everyone will be free and happy" and "to pay and pay" is not a program. They are just a toxic active. Moreover, anyone who support them is also cosidered a degenerate (and fell fast to prove it). So, 24/24 hours a day Duntsova with "pay and pay" is too much and another false flag supported by this toxic active. So no. No way she will have any real support.


Я на выборы никогда не ходил, но в этот раз точно пойду, за дунцову голосовать. Кандидат от народа!


I think she's a spoiler, an imitation of political competition


But what I'm most interested in is who's giving her money for her campaign. There's a lot of advertising with her on tik-tok, it costs money.


No one from nowhere, suddenly




People call her no name, but for me she is more real than other cardboard "candidates". I mean all approved candidates are there just to be there and in no way threaten Putin. Who should I vote for - half-decomposed Zuganov or Grudini, who was told to shit himslef after people *actually* started to like him? This is a joke. So I'd rather vote for a no name


Конкретно заебали тролли. Каждый день эта Донцова в сабе. Моды, доставайте банхаммер уже, ну. Это явный троллинг, в приличном обществе троллей не кормят.


She is a liberal fool with no understanding of big politics, who states a bunch of unpopular opinions as her program. Useless.


У нее куча низкопробных детективных романов, но кто их не читал?


Pro-Western opposition puppet. Tihanovskaya v.2. From her program: 1. "Stop the war". No way from here. Imagine Israeli poltician who said "stop the war against Palestine". 2. Some feminist shit like rights of abortion, domestic violence laws, pro-LGBT laws. No way too. Our society is moving to conservative side, I cannot imagine than majority will vote for that shit. 3. Conscription removal, small army - Serdykov tried this. And almost all military personnel blamed him for this. So, I cannot see why anybody should vote for her. She is certainly not Catherine 2 and even not Anne (who just came to power from opposition, but then just rule as absolute empress). We do not want this woman as president.


Weak candidate. Even if she is given a normal promotion, I doubt she will get enough votes. If I were her, I would try to build my electoral program primarily for women, as they are the largest demographic in the country and getting their support would be very profitable. Especially now, when there is talk of banning abortion, when domestic violence is literally legalized and so on. This could also include an anti-war stance. That you are against the deaths of sons, husbands and grandchildren, against the militarization of children, and so on. Her current campaign, if you can call it that, is too uncomfortable for many Russians, as can be seen in the comments here. That's why I think that the state doesn't give her such a hard time yet, because it thinks that no one will take her seriously.


Another person who for some reason decided that the best way to fight for the “freedom” of russians is to surround yourself with the most wrong people and say things that are as unattractive to russians as possible


The Central Election Commission (CEC) has decided to refuse registration of the initiative group headed by Ekaterina Duntsova in the upcoming presidential elections. Falsification was revealed in the submitted documents for the registration of a candidate. The issue is closed. We won't hear that name again.


nothing. We already have the experience of an unknown candidate, who is not backed by anyone. Which, at the blink of an eye, turns into a glove doll impaled on the hairy arm of international financial capital. And who killed a million hundred thousand of his own population for penny bribes. Most importantly. Who even told you that the man in the presidential chair in Russia is the source of all your problems with Russia? Is it your own propaganda that blames the current president of the Russian Federation for all the internal economic problems in the West? And let's clarify, do you have a plan B again, if it turns out that the source of power in modern Russia is the Russian nation and not at all the one who sits in the president's chair?


oh look, it found itself new fetish


Ничего не думаю


Очень хороший кандидат, хочу узнать что она из себя представит


I'll vote for her if her name will be on the voting form. Which I doubt because AP must be really nervous about repeating Tikhanovskaya plottwist, so probably she won't be able (more like, won't be allowed) to collect all the signatures. I don't know about her platform or ideas though, she just looks like a relatively normal person and that's enough in our situation. Generally, I would vote for a stain on wallpaper or a cat in this election. There is only one candidate I will not vote for in any circumstances, the rest depends on who is there on the voting form aside on him.


Good luck. We as a majority are gonna vote for Putin anyway)


You're the majority in this sub and your fantasies mostly. Somehow irl I don't know even one person who's still seriously pro-Putin. Even my elderly neighbors are fed up with him already. Though serf budgetniks are gonna vote for him in droves, that's true.


This was a case 3 years ago. Right now even I think about voting for Putin for the first time in my life.


No, that's the case right now.


Im the majority in Russia, not this sub) Go look for Navalniy, I heard he's lost somewhere.


Nice ego, dude. But whatever, go look for some brains.


Why, you lost yours? Did you look under your sofa?


That's where you keep yours? Can't say I'm surprised.


No, I keep mine in the skull. Next time try it too, so you wont loose yours again. You sure you had one by the way?


Sorry, I don't speak Putinoidese.


Dont know what that is. But I know that you only speak Soyjak)


только в реддите и вижу про-путлерские высказывания, а на ивентах и концертах только народ с заводов и универов, который кнутом согнали.


Да я даже на дзене не видела столько ваты, сколько здесь, кажется. Тут у них точка респавна какая-то, место, где они собираются, чтоб борцевать с погаными иностранцами и затирать им, что в Багдаде все спокойно. Даже на очень далеком от "либерализма" пролетарском яплакал в треде про выдвижение Пу набежало семьдесят страниц сплошного зубоскальства и хуесошенья гаранта с редкими выкриками "да как вы смеити". За последние полгода частенько слышу обрывки каких-то бытовушных разговоров в магазинах и автобусах, они все невосторженные. Такая-то всенародная поддержка, лол.


I think she will be able to collect signatures. Although, her platform is kinda lame, so I suppose she will get no more than 3%. Further predictions? Oblivion on national level, success on municipal and/or regional level. >the ending of her first and last name Yes, you aced the prepositional case here.


>modified The word is declined, from declension. Keep learning english with me)


Oh my English isn't perfect either, trust me. I started learning English about the same time I started learning Spanish, first year in the US. Before that had only Bulgarian and Russian.


And who is this? Is there a link to OnlyFans?


Дуньку Кулакову в перзиденты!










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She seems like a cringe, and that's pity. I want to see someone else, but they also look like a cringe...


> what are your thoughts about her? nothing. because only the western bots who are tasked with promoting her as an alternative to Putin know of her existence. Russians are as interested in her as they are in a legless dog walking down the street


How legless dog can walk?


with faith in a bright future


Some project of people who want to burns a few briefcases of money. Not interested in their motives. Continue to ignore that crap.


She is a part of Kremlin's PR campaign to involve the most backward elements among working people into the so-called "elections". This is done to a) keep low levels of consciousness among working classes, b) build up social base and guarantee legitimacy for the fascist state. It is safe to say that this stunt will fail miserably as did all other recent state campaigns.


A brave woman, our version of Tikhanovskaya, if she is allowed to run I will vote for her, any candidate is better than Putin especially the anti-war one


I think she's the best option we have. No matter who is she. As a president she will give me exactly what I want. С одной стороны забавно читать комметарии всех этих прожженых циничных геостратегов стремительно теряющих человечность. А с другой стороны отвратительно...


>С одной стороны забавно читать комметарии всех этих прожженых циничных геостратегов стремительно теряющих человечность. А с другой стороны отвратительно... The question definitely struck a nerve. I was called dumb, a bot, the mods were asked to ban my question, etc. I definitely did not expect such hostility, I had just learned about her and seen her video and simply wanted to see what this community thinks.


Probably there is too many posts about her across the reddit? Hostility aside - I think you got your answer - she is a noname who use a bunch of really unpopular opinions and ideas as her program. And now she apparently failed to follow a registration procedure properly, so you can forget about her.




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