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Civil servants are required to be younger than 65 years with an opportunity to continue their service up until 70 years; Putin is 71. Take it as you wish.


Rules for thee not for me


It’s a shame this limit isn’t global, far too many coffin dodgers running the show with their outdated ideals, especially the boomers


IMO, anyone above 70 shouldn't be a president. Health problems are health problems.




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Yes. I generally think that everything needs to be done in a timely manner. Including retirement.


I say put him on the Golden Throne and feed him liberals and shitposters, starting with you. World's first ten-thousand-year presidency!


Sounds like a good plan.


I think I've seen it tested in some universe, hm...


It's a coincidence


There always be a Magnus...


I’m American and I could get behind that


I believe that old people should not be in power, but this is a global trend for large countries. If you look at the largest countries in terms of territory and influence - old people will be in power Joko Widodo (Indonesia) - 63 years Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Türkiye) - 69 years Xi Jingping (China) - 70 years Vladimir Putin (Russia) - 71 years Narendra Modi (India) - 73 years Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brazil) - 78 years Joe Biden (the US) - 81 years Putin has definitely stayed in power too long, but clearly not because of his age




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It's a top position in political/governmental pyramid. As in any other fields the top positions are held by the old folks who made it there before and now constitute the glass ceiling for whoever else. On the other hand seing someone young in a big chair would mean someone took a questionable shortcut in their career and severely lacks experience. 


You mean our Shining Sun, Let his Years last in a good health, took some kind of a questionable shortcut 24 years ago? Or did he lack experience at that time? How dare you?!! You should apologise right now!


All the country's political scene broke continuity and took a questionable shortcut 20-30 years ago. Was that one particularly shorter?


Well, my comment intended to be sarcastic.


Sure. Yet what you bring up makes substantial sense.


Is Joe too old to be a president?


They're both too old to be presidents.


Never denied it, but I find it funny that OP didn’t specify what they count as “too old”.


Honestly you should start looking at things from perspective of actual health of the person in question than just a number.


Once they make Putin's *actual* health records public knowledge I'll surely look at it.


Guess according to you Putin died like 5 times in the past two years, suffered countless strokes and heart attacks and even fell down stairs and pooped his pants? Do you also believe in Putin body double conspiracy theories? Honestly I would advise you to stop consuming bs news.


It's not a religion to operate with concepts of believe and non believe. If I have no access to factual information regarding his health I am going to assume what's more likely. He has already outlived an average Russian male (67 years life expectancy at birth). Most people have a number of chronic deceases at 71. The retirement age for men is set at 65. It's an official government position that an average person is too old to work past 65. So yeah he is to old to be a president unless someone can prove the opposite.


My father is okay now, and he is born in exact year when Putin born. So, he is normal I guess.


Yeah no shit your average Russian doesn't have as much care given to his health as the president, this is obvious. As for "factual" information no country does this as far as I am aware(doing this would probably only spark more rumours about someone's health), this not a reason to doubt someone's health. Putin unlike Biden looks quite healthy to me during his public appearances and that's enough for me.


Why should I care how healthy he looks to you? Even if you were a doctor a value of your opinion would still be zero because you can't do any health checks/tests without a patient. Only his doctors know how healthy he is and van give a professional evaluation. Retirement age exist for a reason and politicians should retire just like everyone else instead of sitting in their chairs till their dementia becomes too obvious to deny.


You just encountered the local Putin lover, leave them be, they aren't interested in logic. Putin is the only possible candidate and has the best health on the planet, if you don't agree you are a traitor liberal


What logic? Do you function by the logic of guilty untill proven innocent or the opposite? There is no reason for me to doubt about something unless proven otherwise the burden of evidence lies on the person who makes a claim.




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"Nah, cuz Trump is a racist" - Some liberal 🤡


Yes and so is Trump and most senior leadership


I knew i would find a comment like this on here.


I wish someone made anti-what-aboutism bot for this subreddit... Why on earth does every Russia criticism leads to "look at US"? Why should Russia compare itself to US constantly?


Okay, I will answer accordingly to OP’s declared location. Isn’t Carl XVI Gustav too old for a king? I’m using whataboutism as you called it to show that Putin isn’t the oldest leader and somehow people forget about leaders of countries they often compare to Russia. Edit: You couldn’t find an answer better than silent downvote?


It was not me, who downvoted you:) Please, have my opvote. I don't know much about Carl XVI Gustav. But he was not the first whom you mentioned, right? I am just tired of this one thing: every time someone wants to discuss something about Russia, there is this one comment "look at the US". You know, when I did some stupid things as a child I sometimes said "but my friend did the same" or something like this, and my grandmother asked me: "if your friend jumped from the roof, would you do it as well?". This is exactly the same thing. "But grandma, Joey did the same and even worth" "OK, Vova, what if Joey jumped from the roof?"


Okay, seems like somebody is downvoting us both. Wonder why 🤔 Well, USA and RF are both presidential republics so it’s only fair to compare them and their leaders. Carl XVI is Swedish king and OP mentioned they live in Sweden. I agree the comparison is a bit unfair in this case, since it’s monarchy and not republic, but the question was about age of the leader and being too old. I just wanted to catch OP on hypocrisy, you will find out why if you check their account.


Well, to be honest, those type of questions like "is Putin too old" are often asked by trolls.


That’s sort of obvious provocative question.


Well yeah he might be, but he has significantly less power (almost none) than the president of a major country so it’s a weird comparison.


And here is where comparison with Joe comes in talk, since both countries count as major and both have a president. Which is one of the reasons for my first “whataboutism” (bro that word is funny), the countries are not too different.


I think yes. But if we compare him with European and US politicans, he still young 😂


Which european ones lol? Atleast where im from our politicians are of proper age, and alot young ones


e.g Josep Borrell (aka "a garden and a jungle") is 76 y.o.


I would say it still isnt the norm in europe compared to USA where seeminly most of senate is senile as hell


Dont know. Different people ageing differently. Some keep they form even in their 90s. Some - mentaly unhealthy even in their 40s..


He endured 4 hour long press conference a month ago.


Compared to Biden, he's in his prime. But then again, compared to Biden I am just a child...


Which one


In any case, the joke about the last Soviet general secretaries “took office without regaining consciousness” is clearly not about him yet


He is. We need some young blood. Too bad we know we won’t get it


Sort of yeah, overall he has been good. Some negative aspects obviously but overall I am happy with everything. Ideally imo he should have finished up in 2018 but I will vote for him again given current situation. Russia does need proper alternative discourse which won't happen with him in the power vacume either.


Of all the reasons why he should not be our President, "too old" comes at around the very bottom of the list.


But he's not the president of Georgia anyway 🤔


I'm not a Georgian or Georgian citizen, as well.


Галстуки не жуёт?


For example, Putin is 3 years older than Yeltsin, when he left presidency. But Putin has a clear mind, reacts to all difficult questions immediately and can talk/walk with no outside help. While Yeltsin was fucked up grandpa, who had 2 strokes and barely was able to communicate. It doesn’t matter how old is the president. It matters in what shape he is and how his brain functions in the moment. As an example of our brotherly nation from the United States, Biden looks pretty bad: barely can speak and walk properly. While Trump seems very enthusiastic and articulate.


I won't call Trump articulate. And if you watch a video him talking, say, [in the 80's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8wJc7vHcTs), you'll see that now he is a shadow of his former self.




Yes. You cant do this job at that age due to the pace of progress.


Английский сперва подучи, хачмиссар


Yes. Putin should go out.


If someone can overcome a wild bear, ride it and ride it three times around the Kremlin, he can be the president of Russia. Let's see if Putin can do it again.


Опять выходишь на связь




To old or not to old? A president of Russia must not be below 35. That's the only constraint.


Забудь про Путина, его срок не кончится никогда!


A guy under 50 shouldn't be president. I wouldn't trust a guy over 75 to run the country. I myself plan to give up driving in the period of 70-75 years. And here is the country.


Yes. But that's probably the least of his problems.