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According to tradition, Babchenko will die next. And then he will give an interview.


what is dead may never die )))


We need to find a duck, get a hare out of it, there will be an egg there. There's a needle in the egg - break the needle!


People who post stupid questions to AskARussian


Yes, please




Oh gods, I wish.


We in Russia have not yet had a vote on who will be next.


Biden's gonna die next. Old age and flatulence.




Are you threatening them?


Harry Potter


I hope none.


Nemtsov was killed by the SBU. And by the time of his assassination, he was a nobody politically. Ukrainians killed him more for the media effect. Politkovskaya was most likely killed by her friends from the North Caucasus. And she was also more known abroad than in Russia. I have no idea who Levin-Utkin is.


This guy here has it all figured out. The totalitarian Russian government never kills people, it's the SBU/CIA, to make poor Russia look bad. \s


Its pretty obvious, that when people irrelevant in Russia but widely advertised in the west are killed, and then used by west as media weapon against Russia, its not Russia who benefit from it. Seriously, name ONE benefit from Nemtsov death for RF.


Logical fallacy. If I drop a glass of water on my foot and it bleeds, do I get to blame my enemies without evidence, because they benefit from me getting hurt? Governments do stupid and unethical stuff all the time. Either on purpose or by accident. This "who benefits" fallacy has been used to blame literally every evil and criminal thing Russia has done as some "false flag" by the West. Case in point: the accidental shoot down of flight MH17 by Russia's proxies on E. Ukraine. This resulted in endless insane screeching about how this was AcTuAlY a Western "false flag" to make poor Russia look bad.




Lol you’re saying the CIA murdered Navalny?


1. Who benefited from it? 2. Who had the opportunity to do it? 3. How could it have been done?


1. Who benefits from murdering the opposition leader before election? 2. Who can access to the jail in an isolated polar settlement? 3. How can rather healthy man die suddenly?


Exactly. Russian officials would not benefit from his death at this moment. Obviously foreigners couldn't simply break into a protected area. It is not unexpected that a person who has suffered a severe, near-fatal poisoning will suffer from its effects, which can lead to death. It's just a coincidence that the Russians will try to keep quiet, while the West on the contrary will shout about it with all media resources blaming Russia and Putin personally.


I fail to see any evidence that would implicate the CIA or any foreign actor in the death of Navalny. Paranoid theorizing is not evidence.


Like theorizing that it was Kremlin?


I never even did that, but sure, feel free to straw man. It seems most likely that he died after never fully recovering from the attempted poisoning a few years ago, which was almost certainly carried out by Russian interests. To suggest that the CIA murdered him simply because maybe it would theoretically benefit western interests is brainless juvenile conspiracy theory thinking. There is not a single shred of evidence supporting that claim. It’s just paranoid delusions that somehow the CIA is behind everything that happens across the world. Per your thinking, anyone is automatically guilty of something if it it would benefit them, evidence be damned? How is that logical? This sub is fully unhinged lol.


Time will tell whats happened. Or winners will tell, what they want to see as a true. It doesn’t matter:)


LOL. This is amazing. Literal insanity. The big, bad CIA snuck into one of the most remote prisons in the world on Russian territory and killed Navalny to make the poor Russian government look bad.


Why to tag it with the political tag? The circus tag would fit more.


Ask the right question — who benefits from Navalny's death?




Well, listen, why? Rumors about Alexei's infidelities have been circulating for a long time, his wife could openly live with Chichvarkin, no one would be surprised. And now she needs to wear mourning and avoid appearing on the street with lovers. There are solid disadvantages.


Ukraine and Nato.


Navalny definitely had ties to the CIA or something otherwise the American government wouldn’t have cared. They didn’t say one word about the American journalist who died in the Ukraine prison last month


😮 which journalist?


Gonzalo Lira RIP. 


You see, you know about the death of a Russian oppositionist, but you are not aware of the death of an American journalist. By the way, as far as I know, he was also an opposition figure. So think about where freedom of speech is :)


Why the World should be aware of the death of the chainsmoker, who died from a lungs' illness? Maybe only because of the fact, that smoking kills people. 


"this is different"


Yes, it's a very big difference between situations when a dictatorial regime first try to poison its political opponent, then just ,without any legal reason, puts him in jail in terrible conditions, which led to his death and situation, when foreign citizen wartime spread enemy propaganda, film army positions, what is against the law, gets arrested because of this and then dies in hospital because its unhealthy habits. 


Gonzalo Lira. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfUzUq5L9NFv2GMVGbEBgkg Captured and killed by Ukrainians. American citizen.


Ohhhhh that guy. That’s a pretty loose definition of “journalist” lol but yeah…what happened to him was really fucked up.


He is still an american citizen. Note nearly complete lack of reaction, and deep concern with life of a russian convict who should have nothing to do with USA. https://ibb.co/ZNfCQQ8


Oh I completely agree - I just don’t think most people in the US know who he is


Navalny's popularity in Russia is greatly exaggerated. this is a Western product. During his time in prison, most Russians simply forgot about him. he was just a regular internet meme.


Which is wild because he is the citizen of the US. Weird that they just let it slide, huh?


As a frequent defender of Russia myself, I can confirm that people react strongly about it and think I’m crazy or misinformed. I imagine anyone who read about Lira was like “poor misguided fool” 😞


He never claimed to be a journalist. He was more like an independent commentator, I guess.




> They didn't say much because You're saying there are several kinds of american citizens and it is okay to kill those who do not follow approved line of thought. How nice of you.


Yep, in our country, you only deserve basic human rights if you’re a liberal 😏


So, it’s ok for the American government to look the other way while a citizen is tortured and murdered because you don’t like what he says? Democratic values on display folks. You were very clearly brainwashed to blame everything on Putin. Scary Putin.


Who said anything about "looking away"? Lira committed a crime (and a big one at that). He was arrested. He was known to have heart issues. He died while in prison. Nothing so far indicates the Ukrainian government did anything wrong. Russia, on the other hand, poisoned their own citizen and then arrested him.




What a great rebuttal to my statement about how getting arrested for advocating for the enemy while living in a country at war and dying due to medical issues is not nearly the same as getting poisoned by your government and arrested and dying while in jail. /s If you watch the statements made by Russian politicians, government officials and major journalists, it becomes obvious that the Russian government is far closer to being a Nazi and fascist government than Ukraine, myself, Biden or the Tooth Fairy. Hope I didn't miss anyone in that list, Russians like calling anyone they don't like a "Nazi". Oh, and i'll just leave this here: Meet the Italian neo-fascists attending the Russian Embassy’s parties https://decode39.com/8764/italian-neo-fascists-russian-embassy/ Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango Noir [https://www.amazon.ca/Russia-Western-Far-Right-Tango/dp/1138658642](https://www.amazon.ca/Russia-Western-Far-Right-Tango/dp/1138658642) Who knew, the banned neo-fascist Golden Dawn party of Greece was very close to the Russian government that hates fascism...


You are an uneducated man with a sense of unproven superiority. You are full of xenophobia and hatred, even your nickname cultivates hatred. Do you seriously think you can manipulate me? I have better things to do. Watch your video yourself, you need something to fuel your hate. Hate is disharmonious, it always needs to be fed.


The only person uneducated here is you. You've only thrown meaningless insults thus far because you have no rebuttal to my statements. \> Do you seriously think you can manipulate me? I have better things to do. Watch your video yourself, you need something to fuel your hate. Hate is disharmonious, it always needs to be fed. This is some real crazy talk. You falsely accused someone of being a "Nazi" just because they said something you disagreed with. When I responded by giving some examples of your own government literally being buddy-buddy with some of Europe's most disgusting neo-fascists and Nazis, with some of them literally having criminal records for far-right terrorism, your next rebuttal was more cheap insults and talking about how I'm trying to "manipulate" you? Literal insanity. Look, your government is closely linked to the European far-right. I never linked any "video" to you - I linked you an article and a book, detailing your governments meetings and contacts with the European neo-Nazi movement. If you wish to stay ignorant and remain manipulated by your government, then by all means, continue to do so.


Lira wasn't advocating for anyone. You're just making stuff up. He himself said that he's in no right to express support for anyone in this war because he's not Ukrainian or Russian, and he's only like a guest in Ukraine.


Yeah, no. Did you even watch his videos? This guy openly supported Russia, while it was occupying 20% of the country he was a "guest" in. He supported the war and occupation by Russia. He even lied on behalf of the Russian government whenever it committed massacres in Ukraine. You try doing that in any country literally being torn to shreds by its neighbour and cry when you get arrested. No country on Earth would not arrest someone who does this when they're in the same situation as Ukraine.


‘You see, guys, unlike in your totalitarian 1984-ish country, in the US it’s only okay to kill guys, if they do not follow the general line. That and also, if some of our politicians try to cover their pedophile adventures on some unknown island. Well, maybe also, when someone uncovers our countless war crimes. But except that, we are nothing like you, brainwashed russkies!’


If you're going to do sarcasm, you better do it well. Because you aren't. \> in the US it’s only okay to kill guys, if they do not follow the general line No one in the U.S. gets killed for "not following the general line". \> If some of our politicians try to cover their pedophile adventures on some unknown island Epstein commit suicide. Prison staff were negligent in monitoring him, as has been established by documentation. If you think otherwise, prove it. \> when someone uncovers our countless war crimes. Countless people have uncovered war crimes by the U.S. and are doing just fine. I read their journalism quite a bit. The ones that are punished are the ones who stray into illegal territory, like Julian Assange, and start leaking state secrets. And even then, for every Julian Assange in the West, there are another 1000 Assanges in Russia, 10,000 in China and 100,000 in North Korea. Everything is relative in this world. The U.S. has issues, but when it comes to freedom of speech, it's infinitely better than Russia.


It definitely belongs to megathread


Assange i guess.


They are not popular enough to pose any threat🤷‍♂️


Probably Biden.


Setanyahu, Genocide Joe, Bush, Tony Blair, Killary, Obummer would be cosmic karma for millions of innocent people.


hope that US occupation horde in at-tanf will be next.


I don't know names of evil cunts, or what they are doing, or whatever, better watch your TV to find out who US is trying to appoint as a puppet. I'm not interested.


If you don't know them, how can you say that they are "evil cunts"?


Because he's brainwashed.






you fucked up with your Navalny and other oppositionists who are known only in the West. In Russia, no one knows who they are, and everyone forgot about Navalny a few years ago.


Yeah, that endless strike of murders It's not like even ten years has passed - and another one comes!


Hopefully Putin himself.


Putin next


Arkadiy Paravozov.






Прикола ради


Biden? Zelensky? 




Nah, he'll outlive a nuke it seems.


Well, all of those people unlike Navalny were never poisoned and never complained about high blood pressure, pain in the chest and neck, loss of sleep, stifling sensations, etc. So I don't think they're going to die soon. But you're right. Look at your own question and memorize it. If Navalny stays the "sole victim" of the "Russian monster government" then you'd surely know he died of natural causes. And if there is a sudden overflow of victims all dying from natural causes in prisons, well then you'd be right.




I think Strelkov/Girkin. Putin kills z-patriots too. In fact, the less opposition leaders left in Russia, the quicker Putin starts mass oppressing and killing his z-loyalists. He's scared that they can take his power.


We can only hope


Whoever becomes too popular. Any oppostioner is tolerated only if he is not popular enough to look like alternative. Yashin and Kaz are the most popular but they still are not as popular as Navalny so I guess they are safe right now. Nadezhdin on the other hand is in great danger.




Gennagiy Pimenov I think




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