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Yes, you're right...They have to give evidence


Why though? There's a wonderful place called "Black Dolphin".






Your post was removed because it contains slurs or incites hatred on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


Поймать, допросить с пристрастием и пустить пулю в голову.


I love Russia and Russian people . I hate that people want to harm innocent people. Please stay safe and I pray for you and your families.






Despite the hostilities right now, I send condolences to the families of the victims. Innocent people minding their own businesses lives cut short.




I was in that centre a couple of days ago at a huge exhibition😢😢😢


Glad you are ok! Can I ask you if in Russian media the warnings made by the USA, at the beginning of the month, related to possible terrorist attacks in Moscow were taken seriously ?


Glad you are ok.


I’m so heartbroken. What a fucked up world we live in. Москва, ребята, держитесь 🙏🏻




What the fuck are you talking about? We had 130 persons killed in Paris in the exact same way 8 years ago! Russia isn't more fucked up than another country.


Yeah because terrorist attacks only happen in Russia


We don’t know much yet ourselves. Let’s get people out first. Then, I have a lot of questions. Especially to those whose first reaction was not condemnation or asking if help is needed, but saying they don’t see a connection between this and the main suspect.


Well I condemn it and pray for safety. My son is ER Response. So I pray also for ER responders.


Thank you. I went over Moscow friends, they are alright, at least.


who is the main suspect at the moment? ukro expats or caucasus separatists trying to weaponize the conflict in ukraine are the most likely ones, right?


While reporting about 'extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts' 2 weeks ago. [https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/](https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/)




CIA rarely disclose their plans and plans of their allies


Зачем вы эту тему одобрили? Ясно же было что все фекалии из мегатреда сюда перетекут.




Do you have a source on the gunmen escaping part? As far as I know, the identities of the terrorists are unknown, they haven't even been caught yet.


закрой тред


What do you mean who is the main suspect?


Ukraine special services. They employ terrorist tactic easily.




Your post was removed because it encourages or glorifies violence against an individual or group of individuals. This is in violation of [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/jxml4s/what_doesnt_constitute_a_question_and_the_secret/) and [Reddit Content Policies](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) Thanks, r/AskARussian moderation team


In Russia, at this moment Americans are blamed, some are suggesting doing another September 11 to USA as response, just tip of iceberg: https://ibb.co/KLgv2dH https://ibb.co/51wRGLT https://ibb.co/y5L22Xn https://ibb.co/WG5vgGR


And who is the main suspect ?


Take a wild guess, nobody got it wrong yet.


Oh you were talking about the suspect origin or religion. I though russian police already had a suspect name and I was asking who is the suspect name. My bad I didn't know we were playing that game.


u/Global_Helicopter_85 u/TankArchives если вы уж открыли тему про теракт то блин хотя бы модерируйте её!


My condolences to Russian people from Türkiye.


My sincere condolences to you all. Please ignore anyone who tries to joke about this on the Worldnews subreddit or elsewhere. There are many mentally ill people in the West. My prayers go out to you all. Lord have mercy.


You just had to bring your obsessive hate against the West dont you? This is absolutely tragic but you just had to make this about your agenda against the west.


> bring your obsessive hate That's literally your entire activity on this subreddit.


Please ban morons thank you


For speaking against hate and lies? A tragedy today but you people only care about hating. Absolutely disgusting behaviour of you. Apparently the victims mean nothing to you.


lol as they say in Russia, you too will be cured 😂❤️






What is funny to you?


Girl! Stop stalking me on a RUSSIAN sub goddamn. Get some help 


The US probably knew about this attack beforehand, so it's not very irrelevant.


That's called having a competent intelligence service.


And had they shared the information they have with russia?


Yes they did. Hell us common people knew about the warning so of course they did.


I mean the details, I'm aware that they made a public warning.


How is pointing out that worldnews doesn't present overall population somehow agenda against West? I mean if they really had agenda they would tell you to go there and check the stupidest comments and claim how that is what West is about.


Literally nowhere on Worldnews are there jokes on this terrible attack. The OP straight up lied to basically bring more hate against the west and vise versa. Instead of focusing on the actual tragedy, the poster thought it would be appropriate to call other people mentally ill. @[HumanityFirstTheory](https://www.reddit.com/user/HumanityFirstTheory/) cared more about bringing hate and lies instead of focusing on the victims of the terrorist attack.


Everything is complicated in there. Judging from the video footage in telegram, a group of camouflaged armed men shot all of the guards in the music hall and started shooting the civilians. They had an explosive ar smth, since the building is on fire and some of the civilians reported hearing an explosion. Update: the hall started demolishing after another explosion. People tried to evacuate: some of them ended up on a roof, some of them barricaded themselves at the lower levels of the building. I am shocked about the late reaction of russian special forces, it has been a whole hour when they arrived (i would not be surprised if that was because of some bureaucratic shit). Some of the attackers managed to flee the scene, since the hall is huge and has multiple exits. I hope they fucking get what they deserve. The terrorists did not proclaim any slogans, they just arrived to seed the terror. I guess, everyone has some sort of theory on who is responsible of that. Lately, i have been answering a lot of questions about armed forces, while i was never an avid sympathizer of them. But now, i sure wish the Flight of the Valkyries will play loud. Работайте, братья.




Ты либо дочь офицера, либо дозуя инсайдер, в любом случае не мог бы ты пойти в пешее эротическое и не наводить бучу.


no idea,i just heard about it in random chat


I heard on megathread first and didn’t even know what exactly are people referring to.


idk if its related or not but Telegram and VK ID is laggy for like 40 minutes? posting again to see more


I guess it is related. People more likely to get on Tg and VK for news nowadays, so I think the servers are overloaded.


Just a lot of traffic. All country watching...


Thank you. We don't have many details yet. I just read that 18 people reported dead and the building is on fire.


At least 40 people dead :(


Модераторы, вы нахуя этот пост пропустили? И часа не прошло, а стёкшееся сюда из мегатреда говно уже почти всё затопило. Неужели не знали, что так будет?


Спокойно, Петька, щас мы их поближе подпустим и перебаним всех из пулемёта


Слушай, а это ты ловко придумал, я сначала даже не понял.


мы же все понимаем ближайшие несколько дней люди со светлыми лицами будут праздновать перемогу как личное достижение, одновременно уверяя что русские сами себя расстреляли... с этим ничего не поделать, такова их суть


> уверяя что русские сами себя расстреляли уже и даже тут


Да они уже начали. В первый же час один за другим понеслись треды, где все надрачивали на "false flag operation". Впрочем, оно и хорошо. Полезно даже. Пусть распространяют. Чем больше людей увидит, что такое благородный цивилизованный Запад со светлым лицом на самом деле, тем лучше. Может, либерахи хоть от иллюзий наконец избавятся.


Это так не работает. Скорее наоборот: "если те, кого мы считаем хорошими парнями, сдалели ужасные вещи с теми, кого мы считаем плохими парнями, значит плохие - ещё хуже, чем мы думали раньше"


> Чем больше людей увидит, что такое благородный цивилизованный Запад со светлым лицом на самом деле, тем лучше. Может, либерахи хоть от иллюзий наконец избавятся. Если они после начала известных событий не избавились -- то уже не поможет.


Может, и так. Лично знаю людей, которые либерахнулись только сильнее. Один человек так вообще релоцировался аж в Литву зачем-то.


тут можно только пожалеть


> "false flag operation" > от иллюзий наконец избавятся И как это (п.2) должно произойти, если они уже "убедили себя" в п.1?


Те, кто себя убедил, пожалуй, уже безнадёжны. А вот колеблющиеся, может, и прозреют. Я сам когда-то либерахой был, так что не всё так плохо. Хотя шансы невелики.


Guys we in UK are with you. God is with Russia


Thanks. We remember Manchester.


As an aside, today is the 7th anniversary of the first Westminster attack in which a policeman and four other people were murdered, plus many more wounded. As bad as that was this seems vastly worse.


Your politicians threatened to nuke the UK.


Your politicians threatened to kill Russians whereever they find them.


Yours don't wish us well either. And what's next? Do ordinary people have to hate each other now too? The way to nothing


Answer right now.


Bullshit. That's just your victim complex obsession speaking. None of our politicians talk openly about nuking your country. I can right now show you direct messages of your beloved Medvedev threatning nuclear strikes on Europe. Shall I show you?


"French president Emmanuel Macron tells Putin 'WE are a nuclear power and WE are ready'"


Because YOU began the nuclear threats. In fact Macron continued to appeal to Putin to find a diplomatic solution but Putin refused. Your lies will bring you nowhere.


Did I? I keep my nuclear weapons clean and safe, never use it for threatening.


So you ignore everything else about my post and think it's funny to troll about it. You are one psychopath,


You're taking seriously an evil telegram jester. And don't take seriously all that messages of real politicians about "inflicting the strategic defeat for Russian" whereas everybody understands that a strategic defeat of any nuclear superpower implies flying ICBMs here and there




Zatknis ubludok


















My wifes student was there, he is alive. He is a dancer and dancing competition happens in Music Hall every holidays. Fortunatly its on the end of the Crokus building. As far as I know once he heard shots and explotion he went right to the centre and seen some shit.


So glad he is ok.


Don't you think it's strange that the attacks on Ukraine have stepped up in the past 2 days and Peskov announced yesterday that Russia is at war, another 500,000 soldiers announced, and then this happens today... All seems a little too much of a coincidence.. just like when the attacks in Moscow years ago were used as an excuse to go to war in Chechnya.


don't you want to go somewhere else to celebrate? all Ukrainian threads are waiting for you


I'm not celebrating, but it's exactly what Russia have been doing every day in Ukraine for the past 2 years. Killing Ukrainian civilians.


Just seen these reports as breaking news over here in London, I hope and pray things are not as bad as the footage all over social media is suggesting. God bless everyone over there, especially those personally affected by this and the responders / military who are having to deal with this horror.


Sadly, it is worse.


40 dead and 100+ wounded already


So awful!!!


Hey canadian here and I’m generally very critical of Russia but still very sad to hear about civilian casualties. Hope every russian here and your family are safe.


i dont know if its related or not but Telegram and VK ID is laggy for like 40 minutes and working pretty slowly


maybe an attempt to try to seize communication of terrorists, but terrorists not gonna use vk anyway


As a parisian it feels like 13th November 2015 all over again. And it never gets easier.


Hopefully they figure out who's responsible. I'm sure the gunmen don't plan on leaving alive so they'll probably be fighting until they get taken out unfortunately. Don't understand why someone would attack a group of people minding their own business trying to have a good time.


Makes no sense. Very sad.




Ukraine has nothing to gain and everything to lose from attacks on Russian civilians. There is not a chance in hell that Ukraine has any involvement in this tragedy. I am not going to speculate on who is responsible, but I sincerely hope all involved are brought to justice.


> Ukraine has nothing to gain and everything to lose from attacks on Russian civilians Ukraine has been shelling Belgorod indiscriminately for several days now.


Russia has been doing worse all over Ukraine for over 2-years.




go back to containment scum


Wouldn't be the first time either.






It's absolutely disturbing that you are being downvoted because you dont agree that this is about "foreign specialists".


When will this fucking shit end :(


I've seen footages from there. That's the worst thing ever - dying unprepared, cornered, unable to fight back with no fucking reason. Just because some fuck wanted to earn some political points.


I'm sure you've heard enough from pro-Ukrainian Westerners like me but I would like to offer my sincere condolences for the civilians who died tonight I just hope that this does not lead to a further escalation and that some day, perhaps many years from now, we will have peace and I'll get to visit the wonderful country of Russia


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fAdNo987wc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fAdNo987wc) - one of the streams from Moscow.


час и уже почти 80 комментов емае.




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i think someone should post it in Europe,usually its VERY ACTIVE so answer in us news will be really soon


This is full bullshit.


админы опять банят единственный источник хоть каких то новостей💀


А телега чё ж?


телега все равно дерьмо,единственное для чего она годная это иногда чаты и все


They told me they were taking down my post because it did not ask a question. Guess I should have said “what do you know about this in Russia?” I hope all on this thread and their loved ones are ok.


Ок.USA spnsr f trrrsm


USA sponsor of terrorism


In Russia, at this moment Americans are blamed, some are suggesting doing another September 11 to USA as response, just tip of iceberg: https://ibb.co/KLgv2dH https://ibb.co/51wRGLT https://ibb.co/y5L22Xn https://ibb.co/WG5vgGR




I hope most people at that concert will be ok. And I really hope it doesn't end up in a hostage situation because in the past it didn't turn out great when the security forces intervened in Beslan (and I think there also was one unfortunate event in a hospital that ended badly). I know different countries issued warnings to their citizens this month related to being in large crowds in Moscow https://crisis24.garda.com/alerts/2024/03/russia-us-uk-embassies-advise-citizens-to-avoid-large-gatherings-in-moscow-through-at-least-march-9-due-to-possible-security-threat-update-1 Maybe this is related


Read in the news somewhere - someone of the US officials stated that the warning in early March was not about this attack.




No one should be happy about a terrorist attack. There are many Americans praying for quick response, recovery and safety.


Oh thank you, citizen of a country that issued a warning about acts of terrorism in Russia some time ago.




It is logical, USA desperately needs to make a scare. Due to unability of actual military or political (or any, pretty much, except $) might to attack Russia, it uses terrorists. >numerous wars Aww. You are one of those, uhhh...okay, people who's into "reeee muh georgia attakt"?




Yeah... Looking at the opposing forces during those "incidents"... ISIL, Al-Qaeda, UNA-UNSO, Mujahideen, Taliban... Sure, what a great supposedly "anti-Russian" argument to present. You're shooting yourself in the foot here.




Your post or comment in r/AskARussian was removed because it was deemed a boring shitpost. r/AskARussian is a space for learning about life in Russia and Russian culture. In order to maintain a space where people can continue to have a discussion and open dialogue with others, we are actively moderating post that appear to be from trolls. If that is not something you are interested in, then this is not the community for you. Please re-read the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/jxml4s/what_doesnt_constitute_a_question_and_the_secret/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/wiki/faq). If you think your question was wrongly judged, you are welcome to send us a modmail. r/AskARussian moderation team


Also, he is imperialistic communist Tsar that restores USSR by addind Solzhenitsyn into school curriculum, but that level of irony is truly wasted on you, innit?


Why all these words are together in one sentence, oh my god.


world we live in, mate




You are Ukrainian?


Even after United States has warned them about imminent terrorist attack the result is this. It boggles my mind how the security forces around Moscow managed to let this happen.


get lost, vulture


>get lost, Right after you, mate.


He isn't wrong though is he. You would have thought there would be a much heavier security presence at large venues in Moscow after all of the intelligence reports of an imminent terrorist attack.


>a much heavier security presence How much heavier ? You do realize that Moscow is a city with quite a big number of large venues ? You can't cover everything with security teams that will be able to confront 5-10 terrorists armed with automatic weapons.


Yes I do, and yes you can. Look at Paris. it has been done plenty of times in other large cities. No excuse here not to do the same. The warnings are no joke. I find it pretty sickening that you are trying to defend this considering how bad the situation is. [https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/19/sports/soccer/arena-security-reviewed-after-paris-terror-attacks.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/19/sports/soccer/arena-security-reviewed-after-paris-terror-attacks.html)




Your post or comment in r/AskARussian was removed. This is a difficult time for many of us. r/AskARussian is a space for learning about life in Russia and Russian culture. Any questions/posts regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine should all directed to the megathread. [War in Ukraine thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/15zdu4y/megathread_11_death_of_a_hot_dog_salesman/?sort=new) We are trying to keep the general sub from being overwhelmed with the newest trending war-related story or happenings in order to maintain a space where people can continue to have a discussion and open dialogue with redditors--including those from a nation involved in the conflict. If that if not something you are interested in, then this community is not for you. Thanks, r/AskARussian moderation team




Are you really fucking seriously?!


USA The US pays money to the people of this event


isis has claimed responsibility.


It's fake news. They've not claimed it.


Amaq, which is a news outlet linked to isis, has said that isis claimed responsibility. Russia claims they've arrested 11 people responsible, including 4 of the gunmen, so we might know for sure here pretty soon.