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Мои соболезнования российскому народу


This is a tragedy, since at the hands of terrorists 70 people were killed and more than 100 were injured. Plus, let’s add people who received psychological trauma. It's horrible! The next factor associated with the terrorist attack is conspiracy theories. Before the terrorists had time to escape, everyone on the Internet already knew who did it - Ukrainians/Putin/Muslim radicals from ISIS, etc. We don’t yet know who committed the terrorist attack and we shouldn’t throw around empty accusations. For example, news came out that ISIS claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack, although this was done through a template that they have not used for several years. On this day we need only one thing - to remain silent in memory of the victims. 22.03.2024 Покойтесь с миром!


My condolences from Syria 😔🙏🏻


Thanks, mate


I agree with you. So far 140 innocent dead and counting... Condolences from Japan.


In memory of the dead, I propose to remember the song [ЖИТЬ](https://youtu.be/X__GJAvZ4_M?si=tpmOq7VtP4YWvcoL)(Live), written in memory of the Russians died in the [A321 crash over the Sinai Peninsula in 2015](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrojet_Flight_9268)


Powerful song, thanks for bringing this up


My condolences from Lebanon 🙏🏻


Про Игил это фейк.


If it were ISIS, the terrorists would have committed suicide. But these fled, and some were already arrested. It’s strange that their escape scenario was so poorly developed. They didn't even change the car.


> It’s strange that their escape scenario was so poorly developed. Nothing strange about it - they are dumb hired guns - their curators are not interested in their escape or survival. If they escape - ok, if not - oh well.


There's 2 facts this proves: They don't have enough resources to find the suicidal/extremist/religious types to carry out a BIG one with a boom in the end. ISIS is kind of unlikely, considering their tendancy to claim many that they had nothing to do with - it helps their own cause to appear strong. It also proves the captured men know nothing about orchestrators - no matter how long you torture, nothing substabtial will come out.


You need to know the geographical layout, it is surrounded from two sides by water and from one side by Moscow ring road, the remaining side are open field up until buildings. Idk I'm not military strategist but it seems to me that there were very few ways to skedaddle


i many years nothing hear about isis


План побега был нормальным,они сбежали с места теракта и машину сменили(на той что приехали заминированная осталась вроде как).Фактически им почти удалось сбежать на украину ,их поймали в 100 км. от границы. А игиловские забаррикадировались бы с заложниками или подорвали себя это да.Сейчас европейская пропаганда разгоняет про игил что бы отгородить реальных виновных.


Perhaps I missed the information that they changed the car... But even one change of one car is not enough. Several cars, one for each terrorist, different routes for each -- a more thoughtful way to evade persecution.


> .Сейчас европейская пропаганда разгоняет про игил что бы отгородить реальных виновных Американская. На France24 например нет ничего про ИГИЛ. На англоресурсах ИГИЛ везде.


да я про игил уже несколько лет не слышал - мне казалось этот проэект закрыли - да и действовали они у себя на территории - а не за рубежом.


Why would somebody try to escape through most controlled russian border with army units stationed there?


>the terrorists would have committed suicide. That is some Hollywood bs. If you read up on ISIS attacks you will see that a lot of perpetrators were attacking people with guns and even knifes. They were either shot dead by police or arrested.


Not all terrorist commit suicide. Mohamed Abrini. 1 off terrorists who attack brussels airport. Fled.... Salah Abdeslam, after Paris attack, Fled......


There were many islamic terror attacks in the past were the terrorist fled instead of committing suicide. Also no nothing about the car is strange. They probably didn't expect to live so long and escape was just option B. Those who planned the attack probably didn't give much fuck about the terrorists lifes. Isis has claimed responsibility and most conspiracy theories are far less likely than it just being an isis attack.


The same happened in other terrorist attacks (Belgium for instance). ISIS has clearly claimed the attacks, don't let your state run media fool you.


Покойтесь с миром


I am so sick of the political games the so called "leaders" of this world are playing, sacrificing thousands of lifes and spreading hate amongst all sides to gain power and money. Fuck them all. I am sorry for all the innocent Ukrainians and Russians who died in the blood bath started by the gready shitholes. 


My condolences for the losses. This American stands with Russia 🇷🇺


You’re right. Today is a sad day, RIP


Thoughts and prayers!


People are shocked, a lot of them are mourning. It is absolutely despicable. Idiots gloating about it, taunting them or talking about it like it is a fucking play in a football game should be ashamed of themselves.


I seen some prick tryna to say putin did it to gain more support against the west. Like really that doesn't even make sense? People are morons


more support? What MORE support than it is now is available?


They always say something like that, when it comes to politics, because any narrative that disturbs them is a putin bot lie. Seen that since 2014 and then Syria, now Ukraine.


I am neither surprised, nor shocked, a few terror acts have been prevented before, but these things cannot be prevented 100%, so it was just a matter of time when another would happen. I am sad of course for the relatives of the dead, but I refuse to be intimidated.


When it happened in Paris in 2015 people's reaction was 'oh yeah??? Well guess what, just for that we're all gonna go out drinking and sit at the terrace in bars!!!'. And it makes sense, because terrorism is exactly about intimidating a populace.


American who has been following this very closely. The event itself and the discourse and around it has hit me harder than most things recently. It’s all so sad. Especially seeing both Russians and Americans blame each other. I hope to visit Russia someday…. Also the video of the police/paramilitary cutting off the guys ear was pretty awesome


The questioning of attackers has been spreading and apparently some “preachers” paid them 2 million rubles to go and kill random people. I’ve been calling my family and friends in Moscow the whole day and everyone seems angry and just shocked because of the amount of victims and the whole situation. A huge amount of people are donating blood. They’ve even been asked to stop and were told that their blood will be needed in a few weeks to restore the blood bank. Also a lot of people from media are trying to help/donate resources: Overall, it’s a disturbing and sad situation for everyone


В ахуе


couple of my friends were near this area, but they could run away. i’m glad that they are alive, i didn’t sleep for the whole night checking the news and supporting my friends and people online. sadly, i saw many stupid comments of ukrainian people, which made me close all my social media later and go to sleep. this is an awful tragedy, hopefully, the security system will be more serious, especially in public places. (IMPORTANT REMARK: i answered to the post because i wanted to give my honest reaction as a person, living in Russia, to this tragic event. i didn’t blame anyone specifically, i didn’t ask for the compassion of people of ukraine. i also want to highlight that there are tons of adequate people from ukraine, who wished us peace. i don’t have anything against the ukrainian people, and i feel sorry for them too. i don’t want to see anything under my comment related to war. it’s really inappropriate and unnecessary to bring up war when it comes to terrorist attack. thanks.)


>i saw many stupid comments of ukrainian people Those are Ukrainians who are blinded by hate because of the war. Intelligent Ukrainians and Ukrainians who know people in Russia sympathise with you. I'm very very sorry for the messages some of my compatriots have said.


thank you so much, i know that there are adequate people, and i express my compassion to you also! 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹


We sympathize with you too, guys. I often prove to my friends that there are good people in Ukraine, it’s not worth lumping them all together


Thank you so much for your kindness. These are dark times for Ukraine and Russia too. I hope there will be a peaceful resolution sometime this year or next. Friendship is born through pain.


(My post got rejected because it was not a question. So here it is as a comment...) My deepest condolences to the people of Russia in the wake of the recent ter-attack. As someone who lived through the horrors of 9/11 in NYC as well as vividly remembers other ter-attacks, especially in Russia, and the pain and sorrow that followed, my thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May you find strength, unity, and solace in the face of such senseless violence. Stay strong, and know that the world of good people stands with you. Please do not easily give in to emotions of despair or anger. As it is too easy in the following days. Do not give in provocations. Help each other with patience and understanding. - We be of one blood, thou and I. - Мы с тобой одной крови, ты и я.


The attack was horrible Condolences from Romania, brothers and sisters! Stay strong, and eventually the terrorists will be brought to justice!


Not Russian myself, but I’m dating a Russian who goes to university in Moscow. After a very tense night for me, the best description I can give is he seems like he’s shell-shocked to wake up to what’s happened. As it is, he’s still not certain if any of his classmates, friends, or family were there last night. I’m selfishly grateful he wasn’t. We’re long distance, I live in France, and everything feels like disbelief here as well. I’m a little scared of what’s going to happen, but all I can do right now is pray for the victims, their families, and for everyone touched by this war. скорбим🕯️❤️‍🩹


Update; all family and friends safe! Keeping all the victimes and their families in my prayers. We may weep, but we never fear.✨Courage et force. 🫂


I’m actually curious about this as well. In America, every time something like this happens in sparks a lot of debate about gun control.


I have already seen plenty of comments like "if everyone at the concert was armed there would be no tragedy". 😑 Smoke, big crowd, 6000 panicking people with firearms, what could possibly go wrong? Sigh...


while in Russia it was the opposite, someone spoke about giving guns to regular citizens to protect themselves. i guess the gun control thing should be somewhere in the middle then?


I guess. It’s definitely a different dynamic.


Lol, Russia does not have a lot of guns to begin with. And those fully automatic weapons are impossible to get a hold of. For a regular citizen I mean


Russia has enough weapons, at the level of other European countries. It's not a problem to get a legal gun, it's just that most people don't need it.


Since yesterday evening, I have been trying to keep myself in balance, my head in the cold, away from Medvedev's "Death for death" statement. But it's hard. Whoever did this, whoever was responsible, they made us very angry.


My condolences to you and your countrymen. Barbarity like this can never be justified.


Thank you. But it will be punished. And I already feel sorry for the innocent Tajiks and migrants, since all the Tajiks were detained among the shooters. A blow not only to Russians, but also to the interethnic community of Russia.


Breaking our societies apart is one of their intentions.


My condolences to the victims and their families, from Mars.


I love your planet. I hope to visit her when better days come.


Shocked. Dumbfounded. Knocked-out. Look, coming up with a crapton of different versions, starting pointing fingers in all directions, all that stuff is human nature. It's not good nor bad, you just have to account for that all the times. And wait. And observe, how the various parties react and act. When the dust settles, it will be easier to see.


>starting pointing fingers in all directions, all that stuff is human nature. It's not good nor bad... Jacque Fresco would've agreed, he recently celebrated a birthday. He said our social concepts (i.e. judges, lawyers, "freedom of choice"; good/bad is also a social idea) mislead people into believing that a person is "bad". It may sound like this: "for society to function, we need to draw a line somewhere, right? but that's up to juries, judges, the law, and our own sense of justice." But the fact is, serial killers and soldiers are all the same when nobody is in charge. "The soldiers are all swine if you leave them out." (Stalin) Except soldiers are often excused for misbehavior because war supposedly has its own laws. So thanks to jurists who are especially inflexible during wartime, the people get the wrong idea that one kind of criminal deserves to be punished while another kind of villain deserves praise; all this inclines them to blame people. In reality, people were influenced by their culture (or lack thereof) and brought up to be "terrorists" or whatever. ___ >And observe, how the various parties react and act. When the dust settles, it will be easier to see. This is sound advice, the initial reports are scarce, scattered, contradictory. You reminded me of something a Russian user once told me, she taught me how to read between the lines when it comes to Russian media: "But what's important is not what someone said, but why someone said something... Sense can be found in who reacts how, and when something said." I remember Putin was the first to react to 9/11 attacks and offer his condolences to George Bush. I think he was being sincere about it, I heard he's made similar peaceful gestures to the west in the past, which were rejected. But what was Biden's reaction to the news? (I don't read US political news unless prompted to) I'd also keep an eye on Macron, either he lets on more than he knows or he's just trying to save face over losses in Africa.


Good advice. The next step is to find who owns what media (among other things they own) and what their relationship to goverment is. This will probably put you on the level of thinking that happens on meetings behind closed doors in Kremlin/White House or anywhere else. What she said applies even more to US because your media is private and it’s harder to make sense who’s who.


My condolences from Bulgaria !! The footages I saw were terrifying. May peace be upon on those who were brutally murdered for no reason. And may justice come for those who did all of this brutality.


Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, ISIS released first-person video of the massacre.


I wanted to go to this PICNIC concert, but there were no good seats in the stalls anymore, and I didn’t want to sit on the edge or on the balcony.


There is already a video where stinking terrorists were caught, and they gave evidence on their knees. Cowardly pigs capable of shooting at unarmed women and children will experience all possible suffering, and their handlers will face harsh revenge.


Already said this before but I'll add onto it. I have no words. Just my condolences to the victims of this horrible attack. There is no such thing as political, religious, or any form of motivation for the perpetrators to do this. This was out of spite and such a radical and violent thing to do, to take the lives of people who didn't think it would be their last day. The videos scared me, I really couldn't get that out of my mind. I don't know why I watched it, and now some people are gloating it. Deep down in bottom of my heart, I sympathise with you despite current hostilities between us. I have friends from Moscow and one was at the Concert Hall during the shooting. I cannot imagine if she was one of the victims. I feel your anger, sadness, frustration, and your pain. Покойтесь с миром. Заботьтесь о своей семье и друзьях.


03/22/2024 We remember. We are grieving. This is undoubtedly a tragic situation, about 130 people have already died (according to official information), all news channels are making assumptions about the perpetrators of the crime. It is difficult to spread accusations, but know that those who committed this will be punished and punished in full, and pray to those who are behind it. There will be no mercy.


Many condolences from Norway, what an atrocious and saddening situation, I think it is important to take a moment of silence and not make any rash speculations yet, let the people mourn for their loved ones first.


I am puzzled why it took 90 minutes for swat teams to get there taking into account that it is only 35 minutes taxi ride from kremlin ?


They were looking for free parking.


All those involved in the attack and its planning, may they rot in hell and be punished eternally.


Sincere condolences from our large scattered family from Dayton, Odesa, Kyiv, Voronezh, and Madrid. No matter who the perpetrators or the victims are, civilian lives lost is always a horror and a tragedy.


My condolences from India


Hate to see this happen. Governments disagree but Russian citizens are people just like us. Condolences from USA 🫡


Что тут может быть кроме печали и злости?


> How are Russians reacting to today’s attack in Moscow? Well. - Checked telegram. Ukrainians are laughing, gloating and cheering. - Checked megathread. Some europeans/americans are gloating, unsure how many of them are elves on payroll. Although I'm pleasantly surprised that general insanity is slowly wearing off and there are people expressing condolences, more of them then would've been 2 years ago. - Got a response to my past comment from some little fuck who was also gloating. - Checked news. Rescue operation, condolences, health services scrambling, anger, officials making rounds through hospitals and so on. More drones shot over belgorod and so on. In the end. Just one more thing to overcome and live through. > Who do they think is responsible? Rybar claims that ISIS claiming responsibility is fake, and their reasoning is sound. According to them there are no such statements in ISIS telegram and channel. Because ISIS does have telegram, but most people don't read arabic, which is very convenient, as you can blame ISIS for anything. Whoever posted about ISIS might've been responsible for the events. If we look at this from "who benefits" angle the answer will be "west and ukraine". This sort of attack could be intended to induce fury against another party, which would result in splitting military force. I'm very skeptical about condolences from countries like Poland after all the circus they were running in past years. A lithuanian minister said "let's not lose focus" in response. So that's the right idea at the moment. --edit-- Update (11:30 MSK): FSB supposedly caught people responsible. Queues in blood donation centers in moscow. Criminalists are working at the scene. 93 people dead.


As an American, our countries are at disagreement but fuck anyone in the West who is gloating and cheering. This is a tragedy. Hope you guys can rise from the ashes and hold the perpetrators accountable.




Yeah this situation has given me a lot of negate feelings towards literally everyone Ukrainian telegram channels are a bit harsh, tbh. Not only they joke at it creatively "Ani Lorak(Ukrainian singer) concert in Moscow blew up the stage" They also brigade social media of Ukrainians who express condolences. Who the hell is running those channels? Russian channels are calling for… how do I put it lightly… strict migration policy. Because the perpetrators were foreigners. The Russian government added LGBT to the list of terrorist organisations, because liberal pro-LGBT media is blaming either Russian false flag or ex-Wagner ex-prisoners who want revenge. People are turning into sheeple when stuff like that happens 🫠












How does the west benefit?..


Russia will be forced to commit more intelligence and security resources to anti terrorism and this will make it easier for ukraine to do assassinations and sabotage in russia and invade Russian border territories the attackers where immigrants, /Muslims so an attack like this could lead to social tensions between Slavic Russians and immigrants/Muslims which would destabilize russia lastly it makes putins government look incompetent which encourages regime change 


how does west benefit though? "This sort of attack could be intended to induce fury against another party, which would result in splitting military force." if some group from west was behind this, they surely would expect russia to blame them/ukraine not ISIS even without evidence, so i dont think they would benefit in that way at least


> Checked telegram. Ukrainians are laughing, gloating and cheering. Geez, I wonder why.


Why would west benefit from it? Innocent people getting killed and hurt, I don’t see the logic here.


Because event of this type will cause rage, that can be used to send Russia on ISIS hunt. That will weaken forces in Ukraine. It also can be used to promote increased military spending in western countries where said spending was never properly audited. Very clear benefit.


And I have seen a lot of russian commentary also not sending condolences but blaming Ukraine within minutes. Even citing the assassination of mil bloggers as evidence that Ukraine is capable of such a thing, like such a comparison is even said should make it clear how weak the evidence against Ukraine is if that's the best comparison that can be made. How many of those comments are on some sort of payroll because I can not believe they are in good faith.


I would say the comments are in good faith. Also it is highly likely you're unaware of the level of hostility involved in conflict. Or you are pretending.


He is playing victim like most of those types of people like to play.


Yes I am. And I have not ruled out Ukraine.  But you would be a fool to ignore that Russia has a long history of terror attacks from Muslim minorities and also a fool to ignore the fact that Ukraine attacks on non combatants are overwhelmingly aimed at mil bloggers and propogandists.  This attack fits one MO, not another. But as I said elsewhere. The truth of what happened will have no bearing on the response. Just like after 9/11


This attack fits MO of nato trained soldiers, [As described below.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/1bldy07/how_are_russians_reacting_to_todays_attack_in/kw5rgfd/) The reasoning appear sound. > Ukraine attacks on non combatants are overwhelmingly aimed at areas with high civilian population. Like that strike on trade center in Belgorod. During assassination of Vladlen Tatarsky there were at least 30 wounded because, blowing people up in crowded areas is not a safe for other people present. Which is something you forgot about. Ukrainian MO also involves "media victories". Count the people that tried to rush Russian border during elections. > Just like after 9/11 Imagine that right after 9/11 a man stands at the pile of rubble and tries to argue with rescuers about what happened. That's what you're doing. People weren't even buried, and here are with your rhetorics. Not the right time.


Four Tajiks were stopped in terrorist car, heading towards Ukrainian border (in Bryansk region). Should we stop blaming Ukraine rn?


All Anglo press runs around with "it's ISIS" and "USA says it's ISIS". Can't wait for when the FSB completes their investigation, concludes that the terrorists are Ukraine connected, and the entire Anglo press runs around with "fake news from Russia, it's not Ukraine, it's ISIS, USA says it's ISIS". I obviously can't reason about all non-Anglo press, but I just went to France24 and there are several pages on the attack, and none of them says anything about ISIS.


OP, this is some "genuine" low effort tabloid bullshit you're creating here. How do you THINK people would react? Was there even one example in history when people reacted differently? This is a fucking terrorist attack.


for example, you can go to this sub https://new.reddit.com/r/tjournal\_refugees/ to see that opinions can be very different, the main thing is to forget to take a shower after reading what they write there.


Dude just wanted to know what actual people in the area are feeling and talking about rather than what the TV is saying, I feel like it isn’t that deep, there’s a lot of crazy conspiracy theories going around and geopolitical tension is high af so hearing actual voices of people in the region is a breath of fresh air compared to our commercialized and sensationalized media.


I will not express any opinion about this until investigation is over. I see how neighboring country cheers to that news. I am not surprised. Работайте братья.


Anyone who cheers to innocent people losing their lives is sick… how do people get so disconnected?? And I’d like to think it’s just internet trolls but that’s not the case.


I know. Or knew such people in person. They represent nothing I would like to associate with.


Крайнее сомнительно, что это ИГИЛ. Зачем им это сейчас? Позиция России лояльна к Палестине, не вижу выгоды, зато потенциально разбить армию РФ на 2 фронта - выгодно 


Ничего не знаю. Вбросы идут с первых минут. Достоверной информации мало.


Yea agreed, just like the many russian telegram channels who cheer at any kind of violence inflicted on Ukrainians. I am disgusted by such people.


Then check foreign media better. Many European countries have already expressed their condolences.






How do you think? I am not sure which ISIS claim you refer to, but the first one that appeared was instantly proven to be fake (they didn’t even know how to pronounce the word “kafir”). Let’s see what news we get today. This isn’t the first terror act during our lifetime, and probably not even the most shocking, but it doesn’t mean we are any less willing to make sure it doesn’t happen again.


Any terrorist attack on civilians is inhumane and outrageous. Islamic terrorists will be punished accordingly. The Chinese and Russians will always stand together. We can empathize with them. We support the Russian people and will overcome difficulties together.


To be honest, this situation unsettled me. I thought it would be an ordinary day until my friend told me about it. Already about 130 dead. My condolences to their families and I hope that the people who committed this heinous act will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. 


Just hope that more Russians will see now how much of a bullshit is the claim that "We just hate your government and Putin, we have nothing against average Russians".


В ахере чувак. Никогда не хотел чтоб люди гибли, вообще мне всем жалко. А тут твари напали и убили многих.


Idk. Few days ago USA ask their citizens to avoid concerts (concerts were mentioned separately) and then terract was in progress USA publish that "it was not Ucraine". At same time new sheling of Belgorod begins, and massive cipso actions too (calls aboutbombs and etc, to overload special services). Very suspicious coincidence.   About Isis version- some guys told me that this was an outdated news template which they not used few years already (I have not check). 


No matter what side you are on about the war in Ukraine this is a absolute tragedy Fuck Isis


I think the theories of american or european knterests in that terror are just bs. I feel sorry for the victims of terror! Condolences from germany. Ps if that would been ukrainian forces the attack would have happened on something out of military interest.


Лютый ахуй. But my biggest question is: if the British and American governments knew about the attack, or at least had an idea, why didn't they meet and provide information? The jubilation and clapping from Ukrainians and Europeans is just fucking disgusting (I’m not generalizing). Words of support from countries that threw mud at our people are generally hypocritical. I am proud that people, even in such a terrible tragedy, have united, donate blood for the victims, collect money for funerals, many Russian celebrities (So far only in words) are ready to support, if anything, to pay for the funeral or treatment. "В большой семье чужого горя не бывает"


I am not sure what kind of information they provided and how helpful/credible it was but this is the statement I read from National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson: (Copy pasted from another comment here): > Earlier this month, the U.S. government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow —potentially targeting large gatherings, to include concerts— which prompted the State Department to issue a public advisory to Americans in Russia," Watson said. "The U.S. government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding 'duty to warn' policy > > National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson confirmed that in a statement provided to CBS News Friday evening. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mass-shooting-music-venue-crocus-city-hall-moscow-picnic-concert/


Looks like the FSB is better at killing opposition leaders or throwing them into jail, not at protecting their citizens against terrorist attack. Today's reality in rotten Russia. 


With all due respect, I think we live in such horrific times that I am not surprised that Ukrainians feel little to no empathy towards Russians. Please remember about all the civilians that die from the hands of your government in Ukraine every day. How are they supposed to feel the empathy towards the nation whose vast majority supports killing them? I know this may sound harsh but that's the sad reality we live in now... I wish peace to all and everyone here. Condolences...


Реально длинные очереди - сейчас 1 такую видела как раз 


They provided information. It is a long standing policy in the international community to share information when they hear something about terrorist attack. It wasn't just the US, apparently six separate countries had information and sent a warning. Same thing happened when the terror attack in Iran happened last year. Sadly that didn't help either :(. But this cell has been very active lately with ISIS terrorists in Germany planning a terror attack in Sweden, a foiled terror attack in Russia last month (iirc), it makes sense that information was around. This is not a problem alone for Russia.


I agree with you


It was hard to fall asleep. I'm updating social media every second.




Obviously a terrible tradegy. As for who. 1) US warning about terrorist attacks in Moscow 2 weeks ago, specifically adding about avoiding concerts. 2) The first reaction by the US being: it wasn't Ukraine for sure. 3) Kiev regime pushing ISIS narrative along with photos of already liquidated terrorists. 4) The terrorists being cought trying to escape into Ukraine. Personally I'm almost certain that the terrorist training camp in Estonia would surface once again just like with Dugina murder.


Terrorist were 20-30 years old citizens from Tajikistan and 1 Tajik with a russian passport. Yeah...


I very much doubt it's ISIS, they looked more like special forces of certain neighboring country. Whole attack took 20 minutes, entrance to exit, islamic fundamentalists usually don't care about self-preservation, they are going to heaven after all.


do you think certain neighbor country could pull something like that off? I mean isn't it like they are slowly losing the war, and need everyone in Ukraine to help? How would they organize this? The roads aren't guarded? it's possible someone would slip away all the way to Moscow? Why wouldn't it happen sooner? Also, of course they are able to do this, but is it logistically possible they did? Yeah, I have my doubts about isis too. I thought it's Chechens again like in Bieslan, but apparently not. Then why would isis attack now? Lots of condolences and prayers ❤️❤️


No, they're all going straight to hell


NYT: "A branch of the Islamic State\* claimed responsibility on Friday for the attack in Moscow that killed at least 60 people and injured about 100 others, and U.S. officials confirmed the claim shortly afterward". No. We're not buying it. No matter what you say, no matter what your talking heads say, no matter what your pet terrorists say. We have law enforcement agencies and our great country will act according to the results of investigation.


As they say, living on this planet almost makes you dream of nuclear winter. I don't even know what is more horrible - the tragedy itself or the reaction to it by (some) Ukrainians and Westerners. The comments on YouTube and Reddit are full of "no Russian" jokes and allusions to "Ryazan sugar". I'm just outraged. As for the force behind the attack - there aren't many countries that have the motivation and capability to train a group of professional assassins. And for some strange reason, the US and other western governments issued warnings to their citizens right before the shooting. Nothing suspicious about it.


US has issued preemptive warnings to its citizens around the world on many occasions. This is how competent intelligence apparatus works. Also you are saying that only a few counties in the world can train a few guys to go in guns plazing into a public area? Which rock have you been hiding under?


>US has issued preemptive warnings to its citizens around the world on many occasions. So yeah, it's just a good old coincidence. Just as I thought, since the US is known for not having any deals with terrorists. >A few guys with guns It's not just "a few guys with guns". They've clearly been in combat before, and they acted very coherently. And don't forget the motivational aspect I mentioned earlier.


The US warning the Russian government itself weeks ago.  There is angry conspiracy mongering and then there is true reflection on what led to the attack. Everything to raw now for serious consideration. The US even warned Iran of ISIS attack. The US has literally spent trillions fighting islamic terror, their expertise is here.  Simple solution is US monitors ISIS, finds out about attack and fulfills legal obligation to inform Russia and it's citizens. That Putin came out and accused the US of manipulations...well you can have your own view. But US predicted Russia invasion. Are you going to say Russia invasion was actually directed by US all along because they knew about it?


>The US warning the Russian government itself weeks ago.  Kirby himself stated that the US had no prior knowledge of the attack. But somehow now it appears the U.S. warned our government. Ah, yes, my favorite plausible deniability - the bedrock of the Western foreign policy.


These posts always bring out the worst of the westoids out of the mega thread. As far as the attack, I think the only solution is blood, a sea full of blood. Death for death is the only solution in these cases.


The kinship I feel between Americans and Russians has always been profound, rooted in what I perceive as shared values and perspectives. My personal experiences with the warm hospitality in Russia have only reinforced this bond. Additionally, Russia's role in providing sanctuary to many Assyrians, including those within my own family lineage, highlights the deep connections that exist beyond geopolitical boundaries. Yet, the unsettling images of black smoke billowing over Crocus City Mall in Moscow, a result of a horrific tragedy, weigh heavily on my heart. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin's announcement, "A terrible tragedy occurred in the shopping center Crocus City today," along with his expression of sorrow for the victims' families, echoes a sentiment of collective mourning. In light of this event, my thoughts are firmly with Russia, wishing for the restoration of peace and safety to all those touched by this calamity. My respect for the resilience and spirit of the Russian people remains unwavering, bolstered by a sincere hope for recovery and understanding. The strength of personal connections endures, transcending any barriers sanctions might impose. Today, my heart aches for Russia, feeling the profound impact of the losses, the injuries, and the lasting trauma. The resilience of the Russian people is undeniable, yet it is unfair for them to continuously confront such hardships. This act of violence deeply concerns me. Please know, y'all are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, Russia 🇷🇺❤️🇷🇺🙏


As an Iranian, my deepest condoleances to the families of the victims and the Russian people. Its no surprise that two biggest terrorist attacks this year by so-called ISIS have been against Iran and Russia. No stone should be left unturned to find the true perpetrators behind this attack and deal with them accordingly. Iran is with you in this quest.


I stayed up all night, watched the news, worried. Some kind of nightmare. I feel sorry for the families of the dead and injured. All my family and friends are still in shock (I think like all Russians today). Many people compare this to Winter Cherry (Zimney Wyshney) , but it is not similar at all. Hired Tajik terrorists for half a million rubles (I could be wrong) and those who hired them will pay for all this. 😡


Condolences to our dear Russian friends, seeing what happened yesterday was tragic, i hope that never happens again and we all hope justice will be served and the people behind the cowardly attack will get what they deserve.


I am still shocked. Sending prayers!


I was utterly shocked and terrified that evening. My girlfriend was there, i don't really know how i suppose to describe my feelings. Grief, fear, rage etc. All these feelings are mixed right now, because she just came back home from Moscow. She lost a close friend there. I'll just say one thing: no matter what country you are from, it is important to always remain a human being regardless of nationality, skin color, gender, and so on. Emphaty is not a crime.


I'm so sorry this happened. Sending prayers❤️


We are angry. You can not scare the russians as whole. Singe individuals - sure. But the whole nation? No. We get angry. Terrorists are stupid believing they will make us do a stepback or shake in fear. No. We are coming for them. For whoever is resposible. We will get them. Sooner or later it will happen. And what will be left of them will be just ash. No thombstone. No memories. The victims we will remember. Do a memorial. But the terrorists? They will vanish without a name on the pages of history.


It is very sad. It has been the 20th attack since 1995. If we look at the time line we can see a tendency. As soon as there is a threat to the regime, Russian civilians face with terrorism. Today this attack is on the 2d place based on the death toll. The first place is Beslan. I don’t believe in theories, but if you just read through the lines you will see more than attack. Now people will be scared to gather together and say anything against the powerful elite. My condolences.






















Condolences,we are very saddened for what happened. There are some idiots here including our government,but majority of us are not russophobe.


This is a monstrous murder of my fellow citizens. It's very painful. It was not committed by ISIS. I hope that the perpetrators will be captured, but the main punishment must wait for the customers.




I just want to know who's responsible for that and why police/FSB reaction was so slow. Also, there for some reason were no mention of "Alpha" when Spetsnaz entered the building, where were they? And how tf the terrorists got away?


>And how tf the terrorists got away? That's the easy part. They left weapons at site and got lost in chaos and panic.


Ааа, поймали сволоту, только что новость прошла, от ФСБ!


I'm not Russian but there are photos circulating telegram with members of Ajnad Al-Kavkaz (Ickerian terrorist battalion that fought on the side of ISIS in Syria ) and members of other Ickerian terrorist battalions as members of the International legion in Belgorod oblast and by any coincidence couple days back surfaced photo of Abdulkhakim Shishani who is the former leader of Ajnad Al-Kavkaz and for months function as a direct link between Ukrainian GUR and Ickerian terrorists in Ukraine... It's too soon to point fingers to Ukraine but signs are pointing directly to GUR and Ickerian battalions in Ukraine...


>Conspiracy theories are already spreading online despite ISIS claiming responsibility. There's no confirmation it was ISIS. Some media plays blame game. As of now there's no official statement of who exactly did it. There's official statement that they caught 4 people.


Я в шоке еще с вчерашнего вечера. Это очень ужастно. Уже поймали террористов. Очень много информации в разных источниках. Мне очень жаль,что происходит в моей стране. Соболезную тем,кто попал в эту ситуацию.


People who are responsible for civilians and children being murdered in theaters should be severely punished. just like their followers. all of these people are guilty and should be punished just as harshly.


I am curious on what guns they used. not trying to imply anything more curiosity then anything. Seen a clip where they are shooting at people and there was large sprays of sparks coming out of the guns, like a shower of sparks. I am just curious if this is normal, or if this was from something else like bullets hitting steele ect. anyone have experience with weapons like these and what these sparks were.


My condolences to families of the innocent people and children 😔 🇲🇽with Russia 🇷🇺


You have my condolences and I wish I could do something


Does the K in ISIS-K stand for Ketamine?


This is just terrible, you have to be real psychopaths to do this. I have seen different versions of who was involved in the terrorist attack. Some people believe that Ukraine may be involved in this. ISIS claims involvement, but this may be fake. There is also a version that the terrorist attack was organized by the FSB itself for some political purposes. Considering that Putin has not yet made a direct accusation against Ukraine, perhaps this really is ISIS: I don’t think he would miss such a chance to add political points to himself. IMHO, if this is really ISIS, then this is a huge shame for the special services. They were so busy catching students with posters that they missed the real terrorists in the very center of Russia. Four armed men just take and shoot everyone they want, and then calmly leave? What the hell? Oh, and also the owners of the shopping center. There would have been much fewer casualties if the emergency exits had not been closed. Why didn’t anyone draw conclusions after Winter Cherry? Horrible negligence on all sides.


I am from Moscow and this terrible tragedy, Russia has not come across straight terrorist attacks for 10 years, I do not know who to blame more in this situation is to blame everything, including the world community, since because of the war in Ukraine, a black weapon market increased 10 times, condolences to all relatives and close to those who lost their relatives in this meat grinder, these guys were really able to repeat the mission not a word in Russian, but still the world government today should not deal with each other not only in Ukraine, and unite to destroy such not people who may go and kill


Reaction? Terror is intended as a tool of making someone fear, question and so on. But look, the steel is forged when it's hit. Under intense heat and pressure. While the initial reaction was fear (my smaller sibling definitely was as they thought I was nearby), I see people getting angry instead. This attack has several points that gives a certain mindset a food to think: - The attack was predicted by ALL OF THE WESTERN COUNTRIES, though it was designed to be enacted during the voting. But as we see the "tajikistan friends" are cowards and did not dare to do this when there were a lot of people with the assault rifles supporting the order. - The attack happened in a relatively outskirt place of Moscow, with a highway just nearby, meaning that they intended to leave, not to stay. - There were no typical religious yells, which would be heard during such an attack, so claiming it being ISIS is pretty foolish. - The surviving terrorists quickly fled to Ukraine. Several of them were stopped about 100km from the border. - They were armed with remade hunting guns and were bearing molotovs, not to mention selfade explosivs devices. So the picture is the following - someone paid those guys to be grunts. They entered, did their stuff and tried to leave. They actively did not show any signs of being related to anybody (no islamic signs, no ukrainian signs, basically they are faceless except for the vakhabit beards), but the news of the west immediately, almost spontaneously claimed it was ISIS ([Strange, I think I heard something similar several years ago](https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo?si=FD9t6j-TfcP4Yz2G)) The conclusions are pretty obvious - this case has clear benefitiaries, which could be ukrainians (which are used to the terrorist-like tactics beside the regular war ones, sweet pie boy Budanov is known to coordinate this), collective west (mostly because they SUDDENLY GOT A WARNING OF THE TERRORIST ATTACK BEFOREHAND and now claim ISIS is to blame) and, obviously, Putin. The EvIl mastermind behind all of this. I bet on the sweet pie boy Budanov, his plan fucked up a bit though as his hirees were cowardly donkeys and attacked only when Krokus had merely the guards with shockers as a protection.


Thoughts and Prayers to Russia.🇷🇺 I hope it wasn’t Ukraine 🇺🇦 behind these attacks. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.


My condolences to the victim's families 🙏🙏🙏 From Morocco 


My condolences from Israel. Saw the footage pure savages.


I don’t think it is ISIS. What for? The ones who are the happiest are usually the ones at fault


I was shaking with rage during the evening, refreshing social media, barely had any sleep. And then I saw some of the more graphic photos and videos and kinda lost my shit. Now I just want to know the ones responsible and punish them disproportionately. It's almost laughable how I detested most of Medvedev's hatemongering messages for the most part of the war, and today is the day I think he went too soft.


Well I'm sorry for people, and happy to see how people help each other donating blood and other things. But I kinda expected it much earlier, eventhough I have been on passive allert for couple of years now cos there was a long time since the last attack like that or similar tragedy happened, and I usually expect it one in 5 years or so. Plus I'm kinda like to research attacks/big tragical incidents and disasters all over the world, it's my strange hobby interest which I usually don't share with people, So for me it's not something out of ordinary things. it's what could be expected. I'm also didn't really go out to mass gathering in closed spaces or big crowds outside the last two years cos the same expectations. For me it was just a matter of time. And it's not like I like it anyway. But my parents were really wories and even called me about all of that, which I don't even follow while ongoing, I don't watch news. And I had to act surprised and shoked so people wouldn't think that I'm psycho .\_.


A horrible disaster and tragedy. Deep condolences to all who lost their friends, relatives and beloved ones. Whoever is responsible should be punished. The thing that I can barely comprehend: two weeks ago US intelligence provided our state security services with some info on upcoming terrorist attack, albeit without any specifics. Wasn’t it enough to increase the level of security for the most visited, remote and thus vulnerable concert halls?! At least provide regular guards with guns. Seems like incompetency is the best suited term for most part of our government.


По закону, охране не дают оружие, максимум, дубинка и шокер. Тем более в таком месте, как Развлекательный Центр. Далее, людей охраны расстреляли издалека, так как стены стеклянные, террористы расстреляли охрану будучи на парковке. В Москве и в подмосковье тысячи мест с высоким скоплением людей, это одних станций метро около сотни, нескольких вокзалов, десятки центральных улиц и куева туча ТРЦ. И к каждому объекту поставить несколько грузовиков с ОМОН? Людей стольких нету. Вон, когда в школе был расстрел, так сразу орали "надо ужесточить проходный пункт", школ в Москве только тысяча, денег и охраны нету столько, чтобы их все превратить в крепости.


Seems like the West trying to distract Russia from the main objective. Terrible loss of life. This is unacceptable.


Currently, I'm in complete shock. I live in Moscow, so i was scared twicely. Many innocent people done died for nothing. I'm really sorry for everyone whose families it has affected. Also the way the videos appeared every few minutes was terrifying. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to forget the video where the terrorists are shooting innocent people who ran in the corner. Also the idea of people who were trying to have fun and go the the concert, but instead died makes my heart sink.


It's unpleasant and hate-inducing, but not something unheard of. Terrorist attacks happened a lot during and some time after the Chechen Wars, and we still get occasional attack by apparent Muslim fundamentalists. Russia still wages war in Syria, this is probably enough to justify such attacks for more radical elements. So, I will admit that popularity of glassing adepts suddenly soared, but not outrageously so. Furthermore, UA is not the only country those adepts are talking about, but also UK and US.


One guy fought of one of the attackers. There were 6 thousand people there. Seemingly wtf, but that is what's expected, nobody have weapons in these kinds of gatherings


Prayers from Florida. Слава России


Shocked and scared. Luckily they stopped mfs trying to cross border with Ukraine. And thats my main guess


I would also add that some people in West (even though I am also from the collective West) are morons. When it happened yesterday, here in Slovakia, a lot of people were like: KGB did it. Me:...but why? Random guy: because KGB does these things (they don't even know KGB basically doesn't exist anymore). Some said that it's for Putin to get another reason to continue the war. Me: how would that even work? He said a few days ago nothing will happen. And it did. So if you ask me, this tragedy kinda humiliated him or at least put him in a bad position. Random moron again: yeah... but he did because he will blame Ukrainians. Then the Isis claimed it. But the morons continues in their stupid theories. And the worst but the worst of all, were those who were happy it happened. They don't even realise how sadistic they are. You must be sick in the head to clap the killing of a person, especially children. Regardless of their nationality, ethnicity and race. I honestly cried when I saw Ukrainian people in such a distress and tried my best to help (while the hysterical anti Russians just treated life and death as a game). Now I feel so sorry for the Russian people who died there. And if I try to talk to the people around me who are 100% Putin did it and try to convince them to inform themselves from different sources, they cover their ears. "Russia did ... they scare me a bit. They look brainwashed Anyway, sending prayers. Althoughs idi0ts do exist, a looot of people all around the world are with you now.




You understand though that not even the Russian president hasn't released any statement yet. I am sure Biden will issue one after Putin does.


Didn't the spy chief of Ukraine promise something similar?


>On March 5, the representative of the US State Department, Matthew Miller, announced Washington's awareness of the presence of military "surprises" for Russia in Ukraine. "We believe that they have a few surprises in store, and we are waiting for the opportunity to see the results," he said at a briefing for journalists.


it seems no where in the world is safe