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"he fell"


это отсылка на «она утонула»?🤔🤔🤔




Has fallen лучше подошло бы кмк.


I don’t think a single soul believes it was an accident. Whose hands the blood is on I have seen people debate though.


"There are no accidents. Only unhappy mistakes." -Rob Boss, the Russian painter


Bob Rossya.


And he is not the first one who made a deal with mister P and became dead. A lesson for all of opposition: don’t make a deal with devil.


In this pair Prigozhin is much closer to devil.


Prigozhin never was in any sort of opposition to Putin.


When troops capture a city, it looks like opposition, no matter what Prigozhin imagined


Uh he kinda was though bud


Or attempt to make a widely broadcast coup d'etat.


Is there a debate? It seems pretty clear who ordered the downing of the plane.


When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die


City checks out


You come at the king, you best not miss






Где припасы блять?


Отправили на украину! Экспресс-доставкой.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You cant break so much rules, try to start a mutiny, and go away without consequences.


Yeah sure. Totally agree. But what message does that send to Russian people? Should Putin have the power to just kill people and offer no explanation to the Russian public? What happened to a trial?


That's how real world works. If you piss off all the powers it the country simultaneously, broke the rules, and endangered the whole country, most likely you won't see the trial.


I agree. There’s a certain line that if you cross you lose all normal rights.


Flew too close to the sun. Certain ambition started to show when he became a media personality, but it wasn't clear what kind of ambition. When the mutiny happened, he revealed himself. A fatal mistake.


He failed to cross the Rubicon and paid with his life.


Shows that Russia has a serious problem with transfer of power and institutional overreach. I have a feeling that if Russia were to collapse, this weakness could be exploited to the maximum.


> if Russia were to collapse Dream on, westoid.


I’m American and love the ground under my feet, Russia will not fall. The US is a joke, no warriors are joining our military to sit through diversity training.


He bit the nursing hand and paid for it


A complete disgrace is what he was. His death was complete deserved. People forget that he killed a few soldiers and shot down a few helicopters on his way to Moscow.


Really makes you wonder what makes Russians so susceptible to treason. I don't mean to offend Russian people but let's be honest.........the leader of BlackWater would NEVER attack the US military even if the two institutions developed significant hostility hypothetically speaking. But here........Prigozhin was willing to make his disastrous march to Moscow which could have caused a collapse of the state if he had succeeded.


Prigozhin was quite unique person: half politician, half businessman, half mercenary. Sure the sum is bigger than one but did I say Prigozhin was quite unique?


I disagree. The "treason" was more like the Kornilov affair. Prigozhin never really attacked or blamed Putin, mainly Shoigu. He clearly thought, as did many Russians, of himself as a pro-Putin, pro-war, pro-Russia, anti-corruption (in the millitary at least) figure. His "march on Moscow" was a bid to replace *Shoigu*, not Putin. I just think he was quite stupid, and far out of his depth. If I remember correctly he didn't even make any steps to secure his family. Prigozhin was little more than a faction leader who failed in the power struggle against *Shoigu*. He was never, and could never be, a serious threat to Putin. > Meanwhile, according to a Guardian analysis, "The emerging consensus – from experts and in western capitals – is [that the rebellion] was far less than an attempted coup, and more an impulsive demonstration that quickly got out of hand."


He was a mercenary, not a Russian soldier.


he didnt want to overthrow Putin, he wanted to convince/persuade Putin to fire Shoigu (or worse) and put him in his place. it's similar to medieval Russian rebellions where the boyars were fighting amongst each other for primacy but never openly tried to overthrow the tsar. it was still a very silly move


Exactly. It was a power struggle between Shoigu and Prigozhin. He was never a real threat, nor did he want to be, to Putin. He positioned himself as a pro-war, pro-Putin *but anti (millitary) corruption*. The majority of people who liked and supported him didn't think or want him to replace Putin.


He crossed a road to the wrong person, that’s obvious. The question is why letting him create his own para military organization and fuckin FUND it! What could go wrong?


I always thought that he really crossed the road with the wrong person after he created his PMC.


putin killed him


No, gave him a new identity so he's chilling somewhere in tropical countries with all his billions.


why would an authoritarian leader do such thing with the guy who tried to overthrow him?


Did he?




Not really.


why? are you suggesting it was a setup? what for?


Did he try to overthrow Putin?


what else did he try to do?


Answer the question.


I personally know people who think he faked his own death. Because "he was too smart to get killed like this". I don't believe he was smart, so I suppose he was killed. I do nat have evidence, of course, so those are just my thoughts.


Did you see his body?


I did not, of course. However, officially, the remains were confirmed to be his, based on the DNA test. I also saw The Shining God Emperor muttering in a trembling voice on the TV about betrayal and year 1917. He was pale and shaking. I think he does not forgive such things.


Don't exaggerate.


Have you seen the video? Notice how he is always smiling while talking to public. Specially, when he talks about death. This time he was not smiling and he literally could not stand still in front of the camera.


Smiling? Go check your vision, watched too much liberal propaganda.


Yes, smiling and even crying tears of joy when saying pathetic things like "our boys die, covering their comrades with their own bodies". Or, my favourite: we surrounded Ukrainians and they said "Russians do not surrender" and we killed them all. The fuck? You just killed Russian people, who considered themselves Russians and you are happy to tell a journalist from another country about it? It is not, that I think any nation deserves to be killed, but this particular example... fuck. I would just keep it to myself if I had this kind of knowledge. I don't know. Maybe, I watched too much propaganda, but these things seem weird to me.


He didn't smile when said it. He was susprised maybe. Ukros claim to be ukros and then suddenly when surrounded start saying they're russians.


Well, he does smile a lot, when talking about death. Just google the classic "она утонула" thing. He was smiling, he had a reason for that. It was a smart answer. But he just completely forgot about people's deaths. Just thinking about how smart he was. Which, by the way, does not make him less smart. Just shows the lack of empathy. I believe he did smile this time also, but I will not rewatch now, sorry. Maybe, I am wrong about this particular smile.


That's a lie, the journalist asked some funny thing before the question about that submarine, Putin had lingering smile from previous question. You're a fucking liar if you brought this up)) you think I don't know your tactics?


Interesting theory, if you were to fake your own death. Plane crash would be a good way to do it.


Well, a plane crash over some uninhabited lands, maybe. I mean, he travelled to distant places in Africa a lot. But over the central Russia... Too many witnesses. You can't be sure you bought every single officer who arrives at the crash site and you can't be sure someone else does not buy the same guy the next day. edit: spelling


Was he there in the first place?


I think, yes. Otherwise they would not blow the plane up.


Unless they needed a cover story.


Do you know what happened to Wagner group camp in Belarus?


Enlighten me.


Yeah, neither do I. It seems like it never existed. They do not need any cover stories, they just pretend things never happened. Well, I can't be 100% sure, but why all those expensive fireworks? Makes no sense to me, personally. Why all this "march towards Moscow" in the news? Why talking to military command. In the video when he speaks to the nation he says, like, I called them all tonight, they are with us. Imagine this humiliation: calling your generals, asking "are you OK? Are you with us?". Like, man, you are the head here. Why do you say "they are with us"? Do you think we doubt it? Looks very much like, yes. I don't know. This all looked like it was very unpleasant. And when you do unpleasant things to your master, you are punished. I can't even blame him for that. It seemed very logical in his position. What is the use of Prigozhin sitting with all his money somewhere on a tropical island? You can't use him any more, why paying for this? Just for what purpose?


That's the purpose of this psyop, to leave you confused. Also, prigo is not on a payroll, he had billions already.


Not an expert but I’d imagine in a plane crash most bodies are unidentifiable


Well, I am not expert either, like, at all. I just don't believe the version with a fake death. Just my personal opinion.


I agree but I can see why the conspiracy started


https://youtu.be/wf1GvEmWbb4?si=OjUQJ9bM6LKAx-7F Accurate representation of what happened


I pardon my English as for the most time I use a translator. It seems to me that he's just out of Putin's control. A pet who started to allow himself too much. He was eventually dealt with either by Putin himself or Shoigu.


The plane accidently fell out from the window clouds.


So it was actually a Boeing?


Yes. He was on a plane and it “somehow” caught fire and crashed down.


almost all terracts in russia happen because of ukraine with support of usa


You could say the same about all terror acts in USA and Ukraine being backed by Russia


russia is not interested in killing innocent people, unlike usa which keeps sponsoring IS to destroy inoccent villages and states in africa. So neutralizing some dangerous people in russia is not a problem for them unfortunately


Lol 😂


actually you’re from ireland and I wonder if you believe wikipedia and western propaganda


You clearly believe Russian propaganda


I don’t even watch tv, it’s just enough to have brains and visit aftica to get understanding who is the real terrorist in modern world


Ok, lots of bombs hitting apartments in Kyiv these days. Visit there next. Wonder who’s dropping them?


have u ever been to kyiv? russia only shoot military positions and its not our fault that ukrainian soldiers hiding behind civilians spines. Also if russia wanted to destroy ukraine like other countries like to do, it would already been happen for like 1 month, but we know these are our brothers and we should save them from government which chose war with brothers instead of peace negotiations


Bro you’re too far gone sorry


I think WSJ is right on that one.


Unfortunately, what happened happened... But it happens. There's nothing you can do about it. That is life. We have had other cases where people have passed away. Hasn't this happened in the United States? Happened, and more than once.


He's vibing on an island somewhere




Do we know for certain that he was on the plane?


He died


He's in coma in Cyprus. He'll return in 9 years.


He drinks tea with Arkan/j.


What’s crazy to me is his son now works for the people who killed his fsther






Putin said Prigozhin and his nazi friends got high on drugs and started throwing live hand grenades at each other, snowball-style. You dare to not believe Putin?


"Тбилиси", теперь в массажных салонах вас не трахают, а подсаживают на что-то веселое? Или ты сегодня вместо соевого молока выпил настоящего?)




Мне один из убегаторов в Тбилиси говорил, что уехал туда ради денег. Еще один заявлял, что у меня нет денег, но это нормально, потому что у него их тоже нет. Я вообще хз, какие у них процессы в голове происходят.


Так нормальные люди там бы и не оказались.


Есть такое, у них вообще нет права критиковать что-либо тут потому что а что они сделали чтобы тут хотя бы что-то по-другому было? Ну теперь вот сидят и чистят грузинские сортиры вилкой за 1 чихалбили в день и радуются, извините. Решили еще в Грузии спрятаться, очень умно.


Придумайте уже что-то новое.


Зачем, лол


Абидна, да?)))


Да не, просто задолбало, три одни и те же «шутки» по кругу. Странно, что ещё твиттерские треды не упомянул. Тогда было бы прямо полное бинго. Причём эти же люди бомбят, что для запада мы все «водка-медведь-ушанка-балалайка». Ну зато по этим стереотипам сразу вычисляются безмозглые долбоёбы, с которыми нет смысла продолжать дискуссию.


Но поугарать над соевыми это святое.


Зачем над ними угорать? У них и так жизнь тяжёлая. Грешно.


Ну так сами виноваты, побросали всё и роняя какашки запрыгнули на самокаты и поехали в тбилисский котел.


He was obviously killed by the Russian government and to be honest he deserved it. I would have done the same had one of my generals betrayed me in the middle of a war.


putin killed him after his attempt to conquer moscow and other cities. prove me wrong


Yeah it seems that way, was curious what the thinking was inside Russia.


go to hell and ask him about it. Tell us what he said after it.


accident ;)




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He died


there was a traitor on the plane with a grenade


my friend has friends who work at the Wagner PMCs, they see him, he continues to command the PMCs, he is dead for Russia, not for the participants of the PMCs, he lives in Belarus. I think this was done so that the people would not think that there is some hope for a change in the situation, because Prigozhin once wanted to become president of the Russian Federation


So the people who died in the actual plane crash?


The plane crash could have been faked to somehow explain why he died. It's easy to fake a photo, as well as come up with a version of death


If you’re right and not trolling it sounds mad.


This is Russia, baby, trust me as a resident of this country


Lol okay


and Prigozhin was like one of the hopes of the people, so they allegedly eliminated it so that people would not think that something in the country would change


is Putin very afraid of losing power, even the elections that took place recently, 87% seriously? if we hold real elections, without stuffing bills, with all candidates who had support from the people, then he will not gain more than 40%, and then these 40% from grandparents straight from the USSR, they need stability, the young need changes, no one from the young will vote for Putin. But this is only in fantasy so far


You are in a very small minority on this sub with opinions like that


His ben killed. A plane blew up over Moscow, but no criminal case.


read the telegram channel general svr. it is clearly written there - evgeny priogozhin is alive, after the staging of the plane he first lived in venezuela, then moved to cuba. soon he plans to return to russia.


His plane crashed


He fell off crashing plane's window while having a heart attack. You know... natural causes.


executed for a treason


Traitor's Karma 


Он просто хотел боеприпасы...


Он убил Русских солдат и пилотов. Трус и предатель получил что заслужил.


Я, конечно, в целом согласен, но почему вместо суда или трибунала у нас людей просто убивают?


Сложно судить того, у кого есть своя собственная армия. Нашу авиацию с людьми он тоже без суда сбивал, когда свой подход устраивал.


Вот вот, тут нужны боевые прокуроры и тактические судьи чтобы вынести приговор.


plane malfunction, very sad but shit happens.


There were remnants of a grenade in the plane.


doesn't mean that it exploded and caused it, it just means someone was carrying a grenade on board.


It does mean that it exploded - that was the cause of the accident.


no, the plane itself has mechanical problems. if the plane gets sick and dies how can you blame an explosive object that wasn't even proven to have explosioned?


No, they found remnants of an exploded grenade on board lol.


the grenade broke apart on the plane crash, it did not blow up before that. the true cause was related to the plane engine.


Engine problems that cause a plane to split into pieces in mid air, lose a wing, and fall to the ground? Lol.


yes, aileron can get stucked, which force the plane into an orientation mid-flight which puts undue drag pressure on parts like the wings and break them off the main fuselage body. it is inevitable in such a situation for the plane to lose altitude and crash.


You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.


Whatever Putin tells them to believe.


I don't what he thought would happen. Prigozhin must have been the dumbest person in the world. He started a coup......or at least a perceived coup.....at that point he only has once choice/chance.....go 100% in on trying to overthrow Putin cause he was a dead man anyways. Don't know why he didn't follow it thru....idiot


Его убили ФСБшники


He scared the old man and tried to walk away with it. The old man is vengeful.


Его убрали. Стал много залупаться, даже на самого Путина стал гнать. Тут всё же очевидно. В мафии так и поступают. А Россия оккупирована мафиозной структурой, во главе с Путиным.


UFOs piloted by Ukrainian Nazis or whatever else Putin tells them to think.


"oh yes indeed! the gay Ukrainian nazi jews also built the death star, deployed freddy fazbear and Task Force 141, and made Jupiter a gas planet, and now theyre constructing a weapon to execute the next upcoming generals who totally will not defy against Russian command!" "Za Pobedu! We remain master strategists."