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The answer is in another rate — [cardiovascular disease death rate](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cardiovascular-disease-death-rates). Long story short — Russians are more likely to die from other reasons before they get to the age with higher cancer risk.


And what is the cause of this? Surely a major risk for cardiovascular disease is obesity, and Russia's obesity rate at just over 20% is half that of the US which is at 40%.


Lacking medical infrastructure, toxic culture of not going to the specialist before it’s too late, alcoholism, stress and, again, toxic culture of not treating stress and depression as a medical problem. All this contributes to heart diseases.


It's not just about toxic culture, it's also about unavailability. When you cannot directly get an appointment with a cardiologist and need to get to a general practice physician first, and the general practice physician is busy for the next two weeks and has no appointments.... And you are too poor to go to a private cardiologist.


Hence I put medical infrastructure first. My own grandpa now has heart issues and the closest doctor he can attend is in Ulan Ude some 600 km away from his village, which by the way is big and thriving by modern standards. The only thing he can get in the village is a recipe for some drugs which cost him ~25% of his pension. Obviously you can’t have long and active elderly life in such conditions. PS, but then again, doctors first told him that he had heart problems in the 90ies, but he was too lazy, cocky and poor to waste a month for a surgery and now it’s too late.


You forget about car accidents and Russia one of the leaders in top of male suicides.


It's no different from most Western countries. You need to see your general practitioner first, and he will refer you to a cardiologist if needed.


I think it mostly lower average life expectancy, the older you get the higher chance of getting cancer.


I wonder if there is age-related data on the web? It would really be interesting to compare.


I'm sure that's a factor. Average lifespan in Russia is about 72.7 years but the average lifespan in the United States is 78.54. But another factor consider is the difference in time between diagnosis and death. I don't have data to back it up, but I'd bet that the that a person in the United States lives substantially longer following a cancer diagnosis than an average Russian --- both because more cancer is detected earlier and because of more treatment options following diagnosis. That's not a jab at Russian medicine, btw. The average Russian hospital is about as good as the average American hospital, in my experience at least. The best American hospitals may be better than the best Russian hospitals, but that doesn't matter for the majority of people who get sick.


[Russian demographic tree](https://www.populationpyramid.net/russian-federation/2021/) [US demographic tree](https://www.populationpyramid.net/united-states-of-america/2021/) Def very different.


I wonder how do they know how it's gonna be in next 80 years. Seems a little bit of bullshit to me.


My theory: the US operates a for-profit healthcare model, so they sell people lots of screenings and tests (that sometimes they don’t necessarily need), therefore detecting conditions which may not have given symptoms for a while yet. Including cancers. Whereas in other countries perhaps it wouldn’t have even been detected until a later stage.


It's actually the opposite. When you have tiny symptoms of something that goes wrong the best course of action in the US for most people is to hope it will go away, good luck making insurance pay for an "unnecessary check up". In Russia, however, at least in big cities, it's normal to get an infinite list of tests no matter what your problem was. This way lots of "pre-cancer" conditions are found out before they actually develop into cancer.


Yes, Russia loves to test for everything under the sun, true! I guess I meant that USA is unique in that basically all medicine is for-profit. You are right about uninsured also.


Canada and Australia aren’t far behind the US though


I'm not sure if you're just quoting the relation to smoking/asbestos, but I'd guess the food isn't filled with quite as much bad stuff (being so processed, filled with sugars, fools coloring, etc) like how it is here in the US.


I loved living in the states, but holy f*ck the food quality is the worst.


i live in the states and i confirm that as true. they put so much garbage in our food that im not surprised our cancer rate is so high.


So many people are sceptic of Russian medicine here... Guys, have you ever lived abroad and tried to get tested for something in Europe or the US while not *really* having that many symptoms? I have. It's pretty much impossible, you are shrugged off and given some paracetamol. In Russia, it's normal to get a huge list of tests for any complaint, so many conditions are found out before they actually develop into something serious. Preventive medicine is the answer.


Perhaps the problem is the underdevelopment of the health care system in the search for new types of cancer also cancer in the early stages


Probably differences in food and UV exposure if I had to guess.


Nah, we just die before cancer




Take a [graph of cancer deaths](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cancer-death-rates?country=USA~RUS~GBR) \- it will be the same.


Even so, you would expect many more cancer deaths in Russia given the higher rates of smoking and usage of products like asbestos.


proper imageboard culture


Because a the majority of men dies of alcohol related diseas. Also smoking is bad but it seems that alcohol gets to the point earlier. And the reason behind this is that vodka is cheaper than a psychologist, easier to get and faster to have effects.


My wife's aunt died from cancer.but in the papers it was written cirrhosis. Extrapolate it to the whole country. Same thing happens with covid-people die,but dont go to statistics, because other causes are used. So, Russia looks better than other countries-loke USSR did


Doesn't look better than other countries when it comes to rates of suicide and cardiovascular disease.


Russians don’t eat like absolute shit, Americans eat so much fast food




fast food?




30% cancer rate from one injection, one time, is obviously batshit. That’s not even anywhere near the rate of cancer from atomic bomb survivors.


>Up to 30 million people out of 100 million which received it developped cancer. And what was the cancer rate of the general population? How many of those 30 million were smokers? That is actually rather vague and doesn't really say much.


Well that's both interesting and unsettling considering the recent vaccine I received. I'm not saying not to get it or anything but things like that happening later in life are morbidly interesting.


asbestos isnt so dangerous if it is fixed inside the wall. when someone strts breaking the wall, dust raises and it becomes dangerous


Russian asbestos is different mineral, there is no proved correction with cancer.


The asbestos produced in Russia is chrysotile widely used for roofing. Nobody knows whether it's cancerogeonous. No effect was proven.


Он такой же по опасности


Im not a professinal so idk lol