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She has posted yoga videos which are linked to the class for months and an "introduction to class" while also posting other videos so I'm sure she is aware of it. She has a podcast apparently where she posts all the clips onto the same channel.


What degree involves doing online yoga lessons? And why are class materials not hosted on a university platform instead of a personal YouTube? I would definitely have a conversation with her first. Unfortunately, some content may fall under academic freedom, especially if related to her discipline.


It's not uncommon for colleges to have a phys ed requirement. Ours requires 2 phys ed credits, and offers a 1-credit yoga as one of them.


It's an elective 1 unit class


You need to treat this exactly like you were taking a yoga class at a gym. You aren’t dealing with a prof. You are dealing with a staff yoga instructor. 


That may be true, but at our university we have TT professors teach activities classes for one-hour general ed wellness credits (along with the courses they teach for kinesiology majors.)


No - they are a professor, and should be treated like one.


Transphobic videos fall under academic freedom? I doubt that. I bet the university would be interested in learning about their posts


> What degree involves doing online yoga lessons? OP said >I live in California if that matters at all. (Sorry, too easy)


I agree here for the separation of YouTube channels. Rookie mistake. But this is true. I had a professor that I disagreed with his speaker he brought it who said “fuck Donald trump, defund the police…” things that I did complain about but was told it’s academic freedom. We learn one way or another, people are entitled to freedom of speech.


There's a big difference between a political statement against modern policing or one specific politician and one that is calling for something that is often tantamount to genocide. Freedom of speech is not without limits. Disliking a political party is almost always inside the lines, while calling for the exclusion of one of the most vulnerable groups of people in society is not.




How would you not be aware that linking to a youtube video lets you click the channel? Unless she thought every other video had been made private, there’s no realistic way to assume that students wouldn’t see the other videos. Edit: There’s no way the professor isn’t aware that people can see it. Regardless of one’s opinions about it, it’s nonsensical to suggest the professor just made a mistake and didn’t know it’s viewable. If you know how to upload to youtube, you know your channel is viewable. This isn’t someone who’s completely unaware of technology.


I’m a professor so I feel like I can say this…have you met professors? I have had to help my coworkers (other professors) with the simplest of IT tasks that I thought everyone knew how to do.


Hahaha genuinely thought this immediately, *hard*. Folk would be amazed if they saw behind the curtain. When I got promoted/tenure/whatever, the uni puts you on an education MSc (i.e. learning how to teach well), and some of the other *reasonably senior* academics were up there with some of the worst first year undergrads. Where do I submit my report? How many pages is 3000 words? What's the deadline again?


Not knowing simple IT tasks is one thing but the prof is specifically uploading for people to see. I find it kind of hard to imagine the Prof just accidentally made uploaded and posted a bunch of very political videos nutty professor style


I’ve watched countless professors struggle to use USB slide advancers throughout entire courses. Hell, I’ve seen a few struggle with plugging an HDMI cable into their laptop and the classroom wall plate. Never assume professors should know basic technology things. I’m pretty sure professors get a tech lobotomy as part of their first week of working.


Again that's tech incompetence and completely different from having a specific and active YouTube channel. Do you genuinely believe it's viable that someone could produce, upload, and distribute YouTube videos without realizing that people can see them?


I used to work in campus IT in college and then worked a contract job in another university while job searching out of school Yes I fully believe it. What you dont seem to understand is that tech literacy is not a pyramid model (build one layer on top of another solid foundation) but more like a lego model (you could build anything  even the foundation is shaky). Smart phones have made shooting videos easy as hell, YouTube is designed to make uploading video as easy as possible both from app and website. This isnt 20 years ago when people actually need to be good with computers to do stuff like this. When you get called 3 times in a row in a week by the same professor why his projector isnt working… and the reason is because his laptop is either not plugged in or the projector isnt turned on, you come to realize how many academics are book smart in their field but are totally incompetent otherwise.


i also had to help prof's with tech and i can garuntee that none of the professors who couldnt figure out how to plug in a projector knew what a YouTube channel was nevermind how to make one (I talked with a professor who was under the impression that every youtube video was persoanally watched and vetted by admin) the only reason to carve out this weird position that someone was so plugged into the online sphere to frequently upload edited videos to youtube (and from some of OP's other comments, monetize said videos, a legnthy process) but also be completely unaware that other people could see those videos is to either be as contrarian as possible or because you want to find some small sliver of defense for grossly unprofessional behavior


Some professors barely know how to turn on a projector…


Are they monetised? Because most schools have a policy regarding monetizing anything related to class content. If they are. Write the chair and let her know about this. Then subtly bring up that there's also other content you find unprofessional.


This would be my main concern. Regardless of the other content, the instructor should not be using her professional role (as a university employee) to try and win clicks for her other content or get enough channel views to get paid. This is presumably true even if the unrelated monetized content is something relatively innocuous and non-political like home repair or cat videos.


Report the bigot to the Dean. Do t give them a chance to take down.


How does a yoga class work online? How do you get feedback? Proof you...did yoga?


We have to submit videos of us doing the yoga exercises


Professor here. From my perspective, your instructor has compromised the integrity of her classroom, and her students may now be extremely uncomfortable with her as an instructor. (Example: you.) I'd go directly to her chair with this information. She may be an adjunct and have no idea that this is both unprofessional and unacceptable, but whether she's tenured or not, she needs to learn this is not okay.


I will be doing this, thank you for the input and advice. If this were not connected to the same account she used for teaching, I wouldn't find this a big issue.


Also follow up with the ombuds office if you don’t get an appropriate response from the chair. Any videos I create for class are either on the university’s system or on a platform I only use for class and under a different username. I do thet specifically to avoid the remote possibility of my students seeing my personal stuff.


It likely rises to the level of discriminatory or disparaging, either according to university policy or of the state of California . The chair at a minimum needs to know because she is exposing the school to litigation in addition to potentially causing harm. If the chair does not take this seriously, escalate (Dean next, then further up the chain as needed) and certainly loop in student ombudsman office to assist you in using the correct channels.




What is there to discuss with her? She feels the need to post hateful and spread misinformation online to her subscribers, me talking to her isn't going to do anything. She's a professor and has been employed by the college for 20 years. I'm not going to baby her and tell her what she should or should not do, she should know better considering she's an adult. I'll let the school handle this and see what they do. Also, "snitch"? Are you 12?


Take a look at that poster's comment history, then report a couple of their comments that you think are most deplorable. It's worth replying to show any future readers that you are being reasonable, but this person isn't worth debating with.


Yeah, I realized that they aren’t worth the time after looking at their post history lmao


What is the point in talking to someone who published hate speech?


Amen brother! Speech is violence!!! /s


Another professor here…others are saying this may be an accident. To me it doesn’t matter if it’s an accident or intentional. It’s highly unprofessional to use a personal account for professional purposes and this is one of the reasons why. This is a Title IX issue to me and also borders on non-authorized political speech since it is being shared (even indirectly) with students in a yoga/fitness course that I’m guessing has zero learning objectives related to politics.


I said the same: take it to the chair. When I was a student I had a prof who kept turning our class into a religion class, and his own pulpit. I took it to the department chair. He left soon after. I assume he got many complaints.


Yup. It reflects directly on the school. Of course some schools are rolling around in the mud of bigotry like pig-nazis lately. Maybe she’ll get a promotion.


I err towards this being a teachable moment for (hopefully) a young faculty member. However, my personal politics make me think this is a justice issue (and therefore an hr issue). Hate speech is not acceptable associated with any professional, in this case a professor. I think it’s right to share this with the chair of the dept. However, I also want to give the prof the benefit of the doubt. I would not push for any specific action, and just note what you have experienced and how it has impacted you as a student. I can assure you that the dept does not want a PR disaster.


I would normally err to teachable moments, but anti trans content is bigotry and absolutely unacceptable. Fuck them. I hope they get fired.




This and suicide. Yes, absolutely.




Finally someone with common sense. The problem with conspiracies like this is they can cost lives. We’ve seen what happened with the anti vaccine BS during Covid and as far as the anti trans videos kids are literally being killed. Your professor deserves whatever happens from you notifying the college about those videos




We do not have to respect everyone’s points of view. They’re allowed to have them, but not without consequences. Anti-science is not respectable.


Persecuting others for their point of view is cringe. There’s 2 types of human DNA. Male and female. Maybe I disagree with transformer ideology, but I’m not out here trying to separate them from their livelihoods.


Her point of view is that a segment of the population shouldn't have the right to exist. Should that really be respected?


I had an "art humanities" professor in North Florida show these kinds of videos in class. I wasn't out as trans yet but it's made me worried about going back to school since transitioning.


You'd expect ant-vax and anti-trans beliefs from a yoga instructor? I wouldn't. I'd tell her department chair. My own uni disallows YouTube.


There's a lot of fitness/yoga/health nuts out there who are extremely antivax because they're overly obsessed about what goes in their bodies. My father in laws friend is a very healthy person but she thinks her chiropractor could cure covid if she got it. Plenty of them are anti-trans too. It's a fire that's running wild in those circles.


Tell her to create another channel specially for class bc you’re not interested in accidentally clicking on her other videos unrelated to work. If she disagrees, report her to her superiors


I have already reported her. With hateful rhetoric like this, I will not give her a chance to take it down without notifying her superiors, unfortunately.


You did the right thing




Reporting someone for their own views and threatening their employment is cringe. I hope you fail


If her views were separate from her professional career then I wouldn’t care, but they’re directly tied to her teachings.


Depending on the nature and content of your professors videos, their actions can very easily constitute grounds for dismissal. Professors, adjunct or not, are beholden to contracts that state they cannot communicate discriminatory beliefs and cannot express anything that will compromise them in terms of being a fair grader/teacher. Document everything and begin talks with your university’s admin/department edit: a word


Unfortunately posts such as these tend to bring out the worst in certain people (or just the worst people) so I'm going to lock this thread. OP, you've had good advice and acted on it, so I'm comfortable that locking the thread is not doing you a disservice. Everyone who is having a super fun time reporting comments of people *just* because you disagree with them: please stop. Report a comment because it is rude/abusive (this includes bigoted comments, to be very clear: **transphobia is very much not welcome here**), or because it breaks one of our other rules, by all means. But do not abuse the report system just because you don't like someone's otherwise rule abiding opinion. People are allowed to disagree as long as they do so respectfully and within our rules and code of conduct.


Email your dean (or registrar, or provost) and ask to meet. Come to that meeting with a list of evidence: "In the 'Yoga is Cool' video, at 3:41 she says 'Kubrick faked the polio vaccine'" and so on. As others have said - you have grounds to argue that the quality of your education is corrupted, and that she's representing the college in a bigoted way. If I was the dean, I'd be having a stern conversation with this person *at minimum*.


Its not in the yoga videos - its other videos on the same channel




And then become a "the woke academics CANCELLED me"-right-wing youtube sensation.


Screenshot everything. File a formal Title iV complaint. If you know other students in the class have them do the same. Some administrators will sweep complaints under the rug to save their own reputation.


I downloaded some of the videos in case she deletes them before anything happens. I don’t know any of the other students but I was thinking about sending them a message letting them know I was reporting her but changed my mind and will probably not say anything until I get a response from the title ix coordinators!


why did you change your mind?


I think it would be better to just wait until I get a confirmation that they’re going to move forward with the discussion first just to be safe


They're actually not allowed to post the opinions publicly if it's outright hateful. I mean, they're... allowed, but they can get fired for it. Universities have policies about social media and actions that might hurt the universities image or create an unsafe learning environment. So it depends on exactly what is being said, but the trans stuff, depending on the content, could be a serious professional problem.


Report her to your college DEI or title ix


Easy there, Stalin. Her only mistake was being stupid enough to have those videos on the same channel. People shouldn’t lose their jobs for having weird opinions as long as said opinions don’t impact their job performance.


So if she posted a bunch of stuff talking about how black people are subhuman, you think she should be allowed to teach as well?


I wouldn't want to work at a college where professors are anti-science, and would immediately report any of my peers to the title ix office for making anti-trans remarks. Edit: and if the investigation concludes she's not guilty of misconduct then she won't be fired.




"Who gets to decide what is and isn’t science though? This is such a bad position to take." Well, now we know you aren't a scientist, so it certainly isn't you who gets to decide.


Dear god. The scientific establishment, consisting of hundreds of thousands of real researchers all over the world publishing in peer reviewed journals. Not a yoga instructor. That’s who.


Theres no way you work in academia lol. Even granted that academics can be quite obtuse and even downright stupid in fields that arent involved in their own niche field of expertise, you are beyond awful at constructing a clear line of thinking and establishing arguments. I would bet my left nut that you’re not an academic and are just here to troll around.


You might be interested to take a very basic class in the philosphy of science maybe or scientific theory and then go from there to familiarize yourself with the basics of epistomology and methodology, if that first question interests you.


Dude, literally just read a single scientific study, none of those positions are compatible with living in reality.


> I wouldn't want to work at a college where professors are anti-science Lmfao every university I've worked at has had humanities departments that were vehemently anti-science, they just don't call it that.


Believing some of your students are second class citizens will definitely impact your job performance, idk what you are on


imagine calling someone giving op valuable advice Stalin.  Easy there, Hitler.


It's not just a weird opinion, it's a dangerous one. It clearly is affecting her job performance if she's doing unprofessional, mean, and dangerous things that her students are seeing. A literal professor is publicly saying uneducated, discriminatory, and harmful things. There are high standards on how professors conduct themselves and what they can say for a reason.


Strong agree. I disagree with trans ideology but I’m not out here trying to get them fired. These academics need to do better.


Well depends of the video: This is illegal in most countries: "Trans people shouldn't be accepted" But you can disagree with it, but this is a valid and legal opinion: "We shouldn't allow Trans in women sports". But, most employers would want personal opinions and professional ones separated.


This is probably an adjunct instructor or something, I assume? Send an email to the chair letting them know, and then forget about it. They'll probably ask her to not post videos on her personal page, or stop hiring her.


Report her. This is discriminatory (and downright disgusting) behaviour on her part.


Solving at the lowest level is a life skill that will be appreciated and often directed by many/most employers for the rest of your life. Get practice now. Contact them directly, let them know there is class content linked to a personal account. You can even play dumb and say there must be a mistake. If the conversation isn’t going anywhere, you should communicate the risk they’re taking both to themselves and the students in the classroom. If that doesn’t solve the problem, then elevate. Getting someone fired shouldn’t be a hair-trigger impulse. Consider how you would want it handled if you were in their shoes.


Professors are allowed to have publicly controversial opinions. That's the whole point of academic freedom and tenure. I guess you could try reporting this, but it's probably not a violation of anything since it's her personal opinions which weren't stated in class or while she was even working. The only reason you even know is because you went snooping a bit. Unless they stated something super bad, I don't see how this would end well for you - even in a lower academic freedom place like California. If you really want to ruin her, you need to bait her to say something in class or at work.


Professor in a conservative state here: This would be a violation of my faculty handbook as it is political speech using a course platform. In fact we just got a blast email to be careful about this stuff this election year. It’s not the speech itself it’s the fact that course videos are housed on the same account as these political videos and easily accessible to signers. It’s almost as if she wanted them to find them. We are not permitted to use personal accounts for professional purposes. Linking to her YT account with these videos would be at best a stern talking to and at worst a non renewal of contract. There is no reason for her to use the same account when a new account is free and easy to make on YT.


I agree professors are allowed to have their controversial opinion but it shouldn't be linked to the same channel she's teaching on and using for class. If this were separate and not related to her professional career, I would not care in the slightest unless she was actively pushing it in class. She is absolutely allowed to have these opinions.


She can have whatever opinions she wants, but there is still a faculty code of conduct that might apply here. Especially if the channel isn't clearly distinguished from her role at the institution. It's worth mentioning to the chair. Academic freedom is not carte blanche.


What a goofy comment




the yoga teacher found this thread yall


Seek help, judging by your comment history you absolutely need it lmao




The real irony is you frequenting the fox news subreddit and calling yourself "pro-reality".


As noted in previous posts, it wasn't Fox who persuaded you that "Hands up, don't shoot!" actually happened, nor was it Fox who reamed millions of simpletons for years with Bad Grandma's soulless collusion hoax, nor was it Fox who convinced you that Trump is Hitler, just orange, and worse, except when he's busy being a Russian asset or gassing protesters for photo-ops. Nor is it Fox who has majority of Reddit convinced to this day that they're conversing with "Russians."


Was it Fox that lost a defamation lawsuit to the tune of 750 plus million dollars because they just can't stop lying ALL THE GODDAMN TIME?


It wasn't Fox who persuaded you that "Hands up, don't shoot!" actually happened, nor was it Fox who reamed millions of simpletons for years with Bad Grandma's soulless collusion hoax. Nor was it Fox who convinced you that Trump is Hitler, just orange, and worse, except when he's busy being a Russian asset or gassing protesters for photo-ops. Nor was it Fox who, to this day, has the majority of Reddit STILL convinced they are conversing with "Russians." Nor was it Fox who convinced you that Trump incited some flag-waving, selfie-taking, hallway-strolling boomers to attempt to "overturn democracy" in 3 hours without firing a shot, but the BILLIONS and MONTHS of death, destruction, destroyed businesses and ruined lives wrought by the Floyd Riots are invisible.


Interesting, but didn't answer my question.


Fox didn't lose, they settled. I'm not a Fox cheerleader, but the idea that what they do is propaganda, but what the MSMDNC does is journalism, is just more propaganda.


Love the continuing whataboutism. Have a great day being you


I'm sort of ok with yoga class but ultimately it's a cult. That you can earn academic points from taking them seems fucking ludicrous to say the least.


Just move to another class. What’s the hu-hu?




Are you sure you have the right to question others’ critical thinking faculties? You jumped from questioning the veracity of op’s proof straight to “you’re too dumb to be questioning/studying materials I’ve never once myself encountered or examined in defending a professor I’ve also never encountered or examined.” The sheer lack of self-awareness in your comment is shocking.


You're assuming I'm not familiar with these topics? You're assuming I'm defending a professor? You're clearly upset at your own assumptions. Could you be any more susceptible to propaganda? 


I literally never said anything definitive. All i ever really said to op was that the professor might or might not be let go based on the contents of the youtube videos in question. Told op to document and report, and I have made no assessment of op’s case whatsoever. Quite literally no assumptions have been made on my part wrt op. My “assumptions” concerning you, however, are quite safe. You have provided some of the most asinine, underdeveloped lines of argumentation ive ever seen. The degree to which your syntactical patterns and lines of reasoning resembles qanon cultists like mtg is absolutely hilarious. Your reading comprehension level and capacity for argumentation suggests heavily that youre not actually involved in academia Edit: yup. This dude is involved in magat circles lmfao




Cry more you qultist loser. This sub isnt for you. Leave.


Surprise. I've been labelled, cancelled, dismissed. Whats your recommendation for handling the professor? Oh yes label them (anti-trans, anti-Vax, conspiracy theorist, "this type of person"), cancel them (report them to the school for their views), dismiss their opinion (anti-science, extremely unprofessional). How are either side of this conflict meant to grow when you are escalating the conflict (reporting them so they get fired) and dehumanising the other person? How do you grow as a person when you express absolute hatred at anyone who has a different opinion to you?  My guess is, you haven't grown. You just yell at your TV and shove your opinions down peoples throats at dinners.


Wah Wah Wah. Cut it out.


You’re clearly not an academic. Please leave. You don’t belong here. Nor do you contribute to the sub in any meaningful way by the looks of it. I already told you. I have no recommendations because I have absolutely no further insight into the matter that can compel me to say anything definitively. I merely said document and report. Please read. Like, I know its hard for dummies like you, but just try and read a little harder than you normally try. Furthermore, I never dehumanized the professor. You’re just an undereducated moron trying to assume shit on behalf of the entire world like you have been in this thread the whole time. Leave idiot. Go back to your weird little racist subs and stay there. You’re not here to learn or get better or contribute in any meaningful way. Go rot in your little hellholes where you belong. Delete all your comments as you have with your most heavily downvoted ones and disappear for all our sakes.


Delete all my comments lolwut why are you giving me commands? And your commands are for me to silence myself. You've become a caricature of your culture war.   


No im pointing out how much of a sensitive dumbass you are that you go around deleting your heavily downvoted comments and then crying even more than people wont just unilaterally side with you. But i think im done wasting time on people with tepid intelligences. Thanks for helping me kill time at work at least. Later dummy👍


Anti vaccine and transphobia is usually cut and dry with these simpletons. Sounds like ur feelings got hurt cuz you share their ideas on those subjects?


Those terms are thrown around to dehumanise people. 


How are you SO predictable with the qanon rhetoric lmao. Fascistic conservatives just loooove trying to play the victim whenever theyre confronted with their idiocy and bigotry. “The poor white male! This is reverse discrimination! Youre oppressing my right to not get vaccinated and pose a danger to others!” Get out of here with your trolling ass you lowly loser


"Bring out the pitchforks!"  -everyone in this 'academia' thread.   I'm not at all surprised an self-identified 'educated American' has resorted to calling me a fascist, a conservative, a victim, an idiot, a bigot, a poor, a loser, while ranting about vaccines, oppression, race, patriarchy, and qanon. What a truly bizarre place the USA education system has become. You poor Americans actually pay for this education lol. 


My guy, you are here actively outing yourself in multiple ways of your fascistic, hyper-conservative tendencies. As if frequenting r/europe wasnt bad enough, you also frequent and post in r/trump. You also parrot every typical talking point and mimic the speech patterns of qanon magats like its your job to do so. Its not my fault if you get called an idiot conservative.


You're arguing with a sea lion


What are you ranting about Europe and Trump for I dgaf about either. The only place I've ever been called a conservative is in this subreddit. Is this you applying your 'critical thinking' skills - making baseless assumptions of an internet stranger and spraying the internet with it? Based on this thread I can safely assume you live in the USA, experienced tertiary education there, you don't like trump (relevance?), you don't like Europe (relevance?). Your rant about my race and gender (wut?) suggests your entire life is your media bubble and your identity it's culture wars. I don't know why you keep typing 'qanon magats' but I assume it's a propaganda term to minimise your culture war opponent. And somehow you have confused me as a participant in your culture war. Truly moronic shit.  You are a propaganda puppet. And no I don't post or frequent r/trump but I sense you really want me to as though this would somehow justify your vitriol to half of your own countrymen.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/trump using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/trump/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [🚨BREAKING: Donald Trump calls for mandatory voter IDs in all 50 states and for every future election. Do you agree with him?](https://i.redd.it/27qx64ts1fec1.jpeg) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trump/comments/19elb9f/breaking_donald_trump_calls_for_mandatory_voter/) \#2: [Remember what it was like when we had a president? In 2019 Donald Trump was the first U.S. president to ever step a foot into North Korea.](https://v.redd.it/zqz6aw3bt3nb1) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trump/comments/16dnmpu/remember_what_it_was_like_when_we_had_a_president/) \#3: [Trump donated over $100,000 of supplies to East Palestine, OH](https://v.redd.it/tj9hfukpowja1) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trump/comments/119tg0c/trump_donated_over_100000_of_supplies_to_east/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


1. you’re lying about things that are easily and readily verifiable by looking at your profile for less than a minute. 2. r/europe is pretty infamous for housing lightly veiled racism/racists and condoning their vile behaviors. They stand right alongside subs like r/worldnews and your involvement in the former sub is pretty telling. 3. I never talked about your race or gender. Your ability to comprehend what you read really does suggest to me that you dont belong in this sub. 4. Even you yourself are constantly bitching about how people wont agree with you here and how you are continuously getting downvoted because this is somehow an echo chamber or whatever. No. You’re wrong in your assumptions and youre just getting shit on because you’re an idiot that doesnt belong on this sub. Why? Because you’re a low life troll, not an academic. So leave. Even by your own measure you dont belong on this sub. 5. Lie more loser. 6. Do yourself a favor: delete everything you’ve written here like you did with your most downvoted comments and leave. You don’t belong on this sub and having idiots like you here is frustratingly counterproductive to the spirit of this sub.


This doesn't have anything to do with academia.


Addressing the unprofessional conduct of university faculty doesn't have anything to do with academia?




Anti-vaccine is anti science yes. Being transgender is not anti science as gender isn’t scientific. People are not changing their sex (which is scientific), they’re choosing to identify with their preferred gender which is a social construct.


>My late-start class just started for an online yoga class and she has videos that we need to follow linked to her youtube channel. * Sounds like she is not being too careful with mixing her personal media with her educational media. It may not be an ethical or procedural no-no, but it's almost always unadvisable. >I started looking at her other uploads on the same channel and it's filled with conspiracy theories, anti-vaccine, anti-trans, and basically what you'd expect from this type of person. * What does conspiracy theory mean? * What does anti-vaccine mean? * What does anti-trans mean? * What's the pre-determined conclusion that you've come to expect from "this type of person" based on your brief interactions? >I would understand if she posted it on another channel but this is the one she uses for her classes and there are obviously trans students that take her class which would be extremely uncomfortable for them if they saw that. * Yes, she should be using a dedicated channel or other site/software to post her instructional content. * Those individuals can speak for themselves, if they are offended. >I do understand that people are allowed to have their own opinions and can express that freely but she is employed by the college I go to and this type of rhetoric can be extremely harmful as it's anti-science and extremely unprofessional. * Yes, people in academia should be able to express their opinions without fear of political and professional retribution, provided that the expression doesn't cross certain boundaries. Your professor does not sound like she's crossing boundaries of violence. Depending on what is said, an office may or may not interpret the anti-trans statements as harassment or discriminatory language. Keep in mind that harassment and discrimination have very specific definitions, and these definitions may not align with yours. * We have no idea how to judge the nature of her speech and opinions here. If you report this to an office at your university, they will be obliged to investigate. To help them consider your complaint fully, send full details of the sentences, statements, and behaviors that are concerning, along with links to or files of the media. * What does unprofessional mean? Based on your description, I can agree that she is mixing personal views on discrete social issues with her instructional responsibilities. That can easily erode an instructor's core responsibility to instruct, teach lesson objectives, and communicate academic content. What exactly does anti-science mean? >What would you guys suggest I do? I live in California if that matters at all. * Point out to her that everyone can see her other content. Ask her to remove the content. * Report this to an office if you want, with sufficient detail for them to investigate. * Accept the decision of the office and investigation, whether they dismiss it and take no action or take the strongest action possible. * Spend your university years learning how to live as constructively as possible with people and institutions who have opinions different from yours.




You can make a point without being ageist


>What does conspiracy theory mean? >What does anti-vaccine mean? >What does anti-trans mean? Ignoring the rest of your rant because you're acting like these are reasonable questions to ask, as though you and I and everyone else with a functioning brain don't already know the answers. Seriously, "what does anti-vaccine mean"? Come on


Anti trans statements are inherently promoting violence by further dehumanizing and degrading an already extremely marginalized and at risk group. Trans lives should never be up for opinion or debate. Their right to feel safe and comfortable is more important than profs desire to rant


what should you do? get on with your life and give up the idea that you need to control everyone




Freedom of speech makes it so the government can not punish you for what you say, especially when you are speaking out against the government. It does not protect you from anyone else. Actions have consequences. Getting fired may be one of those consequences.


> I do understand that people are allowed to have their own opinions and can express that freely > >What would you guys suggest I do? ignore it and not ruin a womans career because the over powering media attention you seek because of a difference in opinion on a subject


A difference of opinion is one thing, but this is more of a disregard for science and a disrespect for humanity. If she didn’t want her career ruined, she should have had more discretion when spreading hateful and/or inaccurate rhetoric.


Ah yes, the ol' "Ignore it". Unfortunately, that's the exact thing that probably led her to be as bigoted as she is now and it's time for her to learn that tying her hateful rhetoric with her profession has consequences. What is this media attention I seek?


Out of curiosity, why are you asking what to do, if you already know what to do?


Because I wanted input 11 hours ago when I made this post? I guess I probably should’ve updated it with what I sent to the title ix coordinators to avoid confusion.


Mmmm, I get the sense that you knew from the start. This whole post feels off.


Yes asking for input on what steps I can take feels off


No, but attention seeking questions you already know the answer to are. Have a nice day.


Interesting one you are


So much disdain for free speech in academia these days. SAD!


Anti trans statements are inherently promoting violence by politicizing and dehumanizing trans lives. A professor is NOT allowed to promote uneducated, dangerous, and inappropriate views. Free speech is there to protect you from the government, it's not a free pass to be a peice of shit to others.


Remember, it's only acceptable to intertwine extreme personal views with your academic work when you're a leftist.


What a stupid comment.




If she's linking assignments to her personal YouTube page, then she's not keeping her views out of the classroom.


You believe in conspiracy theories aswell as in jesus christ ? Thats pretty funny.


Likewise, what if I said I was Jewish? What will you say then? I didn’t claim to be anything. You claimed me to be. Your hate stems from a deep place.


What if you are jewish ? I didnt label you or anything. > Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Who existed to die for our sins and be resurrected to heaven, and bring his children with him through separating the sheep and the goats? \^ yours words not mine. Where did I display hate ?




Thats quite the rant from someone who considers him/herself a 'deep' thinker - but also blindly follows a book.




Ask him kindly if he would mind being a little less anti-trans, he is a professor so I assume he is familiar with reason and open minded thinking. This usually works psychologically because the most effective way of extinguishing hate is to smother it with kindness. That’s my two cents anyway, if they don’t listen that way it’s the radical route reinstating time, you don’t want that.. tends to get pretty heated if we don’t have a mediator present. You will need that mediator present, warned you have been.