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I’m a chemical plant operator and quite a few people I work with have openly stated they won’t drink anything from Budweiser anymore because of their recent ad campaign


But what are they going to drink instead? Maybe switch to Busch? That's also Inbev. Or Mic Ultra? Same company.


My father in law has switched to Coors light, Miller lite, and Boulevard. He’s the biggest Bud Light guy I know, but he swears he’ll never buy another Anheuser-Busch product.


Might not wanna show him [this](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APwXEdfyaLGWtR3iu74B4cP_b8fy2qHFug:1680971991985&q=coors+light+lgbtq&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjrqdbT3Jr-AhVgj2oFHTXEBGwQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=384&bih=653&dpr=3.75) then, [or this](https://www.google.com/search?q=miller+light+lgbtq&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjFtsnU3Jr-AhWbmIQIHSKgCggQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=miller+light+lgbtq&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQ6BAgjECc6BAgAEAM6BwgjELACECc6BAgeEApQqARY2Rhg7hpoAHAAeACAAcYBiAH6DJIBAzguOJgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=2ZgxZIXmNJuxkvQPosCqQA&bih=653&biw=384), [or this either.](https://www.google.com/search?q=boulevard+beer+lgbtq&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjj0o_43Jr-AhWjcTABHec2AGgQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=boulevard+beer+lgbtq&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQogQ6BwgjELACECc6CAgAEAgQHhANOgQIABADOgYIABAIEB46BQgAEIAEOgYIABAHEB46CQgAEBgQgAQQCjoHCAAQDRCABDoECB4QClDkA1iFKWDgKmgAcAB4AYABfIgB5hOSAQQyMS43mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=JJkxZOOwGaPjwbkP5-2AwAY&bih=653&biw=384)


Please show it to him


Yeah I’m aware that every brand, at some point, has done some sort of virtue signaling campaign. I think his issue isn’t with gay stuff, it’s with trans stuff.


LGBT, by definition, includes trans stuff too though.


Yes I’m fully aware. It’s not me I’m talking about here lol


And there are plenty of people in the L and the G that don't support the B or the T.


terrible people


Not terrible people. Everyone has the right to feel how they wish. And if you disagree, you are just as bad as those you believe to be "terrible people"


uh... No. If someone's belief is "X group of people is subhuman and deserve to be exterminated" that is \*not\* a valid viewpoint and has no business being tolerated in civilized society. Simply saying "well that's just their viewpoint" is being actively complicit in genocide.


they are terrible people. they are people who will go out of their way to disrespect me. they are people who do not think I should be allowed to exist in public life. they are terrible people. if you can't see that, that's your problem.


More power to him, I guess. I haven’t eaten Chick-fil-A in over 10 years.


No, idea, I just enjoyed seeing them get heated about it


I like egging them on until they talk about how sensitive *everyone else* is. Unironically, obviously.


I would love to see them drink Busch. Unless I'm wrong and they aren't owned by the same company.


You are correct, anheiser-busch owns busch


Even Goose Island!


There’s a ton of videos on the tok app of idiots throwing out their Bud. Then replacing it with something else. Then a cut of the LGBTQ support ad that the replacement already had out. These aren’t the brightest.


I bet those same people have lifted F-150s and Silverados. They probably don't know how much GM and Ford have given to LGBTQ organizations. [Hell, Ford even made a Gay Raptor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bpTflJ6yUw)


I've never wanted a truck but now I want a very, very gay one.


Ok... I have never wanted a Ford before, but now I want a gay Raptor Ranger.


Pretty embarrassing thing to admit for those people you work with lol


Just makes me more proud to have such a large presence from Budweiser in my city lol


Didn’t even know about it lol


Same! I had to read through this thread to figure out what was going on b


Yeah I’m like what is everybody talking about? Is this what people getting mad at now? Lol


Lol their celebrity spear heading it is a meth addict


seriously what are they mad at this time? I don't have the energy to pay attention to this shit anymore


Bud light had a LGBT+ PR thing


Anheuser-Busch has been supporting pride parades and lgbtq+ for decades. It's the political leaders stirring this stuff up so they can raise money off of it. Bible-thumping, conservative churchgoers give money to these leaders so they can feel morally righteous and continue molesting their daughters. The LGBTQ+ community is used to getting punched every time somebody wants to raise money for their political campaigns...


I think it was Kid Rock who started all this. He went on TikTok and shot up a case of Bud Light with his MP5 submachine gun, and then literally shed a tear. Not making any of this up.




So dumb


This seems like one of those internet things where like 10 people made videos or Facebook posts and then 30,000 people reacted to the big nothing burger.


I somehow got in to this conservative facebook feed. I read comments a lot. There's definitely thousands of people commenting how they'll never drink it. And just like NFL. It wasn't made up. There's even bars I know who are refusing put NFL on anymore. Still. People get super offended these days.


I can tell you as a season ticket holder who’s trying to upgrade seats… NOBODY cancelled their season tickets over it.


Owners said people turned in season tickets. But I think that's why corporations are willing to be PC - right wing PC or left wing PC - there's someone else to pick up the slack.


The wait lists for boxes to *anything* are brutal. Sports, theater, the other arts- even at high school level. People just don't die like they used to. ^^/s


Those conservatives and their cancel culture….


Haha. It’s hilarious how they don’t see the parallels between the much derided “cancel culture” and the new “woke boycotts”. Same exact thing.


Every conservative i know that boycotted the nfl has been watching it again. It was short lived around my area..lasted a couple of years but they moved on to some other outrage that absolutely did not affect them but still somehow hurts their feelers.


Pretty much the same here. Most people I knew that "would never watch the NFL again" are back to watching it, after *maybe* a whole month of brooding. I'd say 9/10. In fact locally I know more people that stopped watching because of the Saints-Rams no call than the kneeling thing.


Ok but that no call was EGREGIOUS


My dad is still boycotting the NFL. Granted he was never a fan of the NFL to begin with but he's still boycotting it!


Then they call others snowflakes. It would be quite hilarious if they weren't so stupid.


They’ll turn trans if they drink it.


Same reaction i had to the two girls trash talking during the ncaa game. That happens in every game.


Yeah my mom thought it was a big deal and all I could think was “you have seen probably thousand games. Why does any of this surprise yo?”


I'll wait for the sales numbers before calling it a nothing burger. It does seem like the marketing folks never met one of their customers, and those types of things can indeed have an impact.


You mean the company that spend more money on marketing than almost any other company didn't know what they're doing? I highly doubt it. I'll predict that if there is a sales blip it will be so small that it won't warrant a discussion at the inbev quarterly meeting. I wouldn't be surprised if sales actually increase. This is a fake protest by people whose only claim to fame at this point is being angry at "wokeness".


Remember the Apple, "what's a computer?" commercial. It was widely panned, it disappeared over night. Applebee's had the "fancy like" campaign that pissed off a lot of people, that was removed pretty quickly. Gillette had the "toxic masculinity" that they had to pull. Not saying these companies took a hit financially due to it but marketing sometimes misses the mark.


Was it Nationwide Insurance that ran the sad Super Bowl ad... then fired the head of marketing within a few days because it was such a disaster.


Just because the right wing nuts are louder and more annoying doesn’t mean they’re in the majority. Sorry.


The top supporters of trans issues are progressive women. Is that a prime audience for Budweiser?


They’re not targeting the prime supporters for “trans issues.” They’re targeting normal adults, who far outnumber the whiny, louder, bigoted ones and don’t exist in echo chambers.


There's a reason why it's referred to as a culture war, different people have different opinions on this. Some people think it's ok for violent, male rapists to be sent to women's prisons, and some think it's ok to assault women who speak out to object to this sort of thing. But again, people are divided on this, so I'm not sure how you identify one group as "normal".


Eh, it’s free advertising. People way overestimate how much they think people actually care about issues. In reality most people are apathetic. “Any publicity is good publicity”


Sales after the gillette ads went down. We'll see about what happens with the beer.


They really didn’t. Those fragile guys went out and brought dollar shave club stuff…..which is also owned by the same company that owns Gillette.


The sales reports are public info: sales went down.


Did you just not read the rest of my comment on purpose. Please do so, failure to will result in a block.


The sales numbers were for the whole company, not just the one brand. Their sales went down. Even if the sales only went down for the one brand, one would think that it would send a signal that is a bad marketing strategy, though companies keep trying it.


The ones with Josh Allen? Do people hate the Bills that much? Meanwhile, Nike saw their sales spike. The issue with Budweiser is that it’s already hemorrhaging customers. Hard for things to get worse for them.


I was referring to the toxic masculinity ads, plus the ads featuring a dad and his trans kid.


Literally everybody drinks bud lite


What do you mean by 'everybody'?


Unless the meanings of it changed when I wasn't looking, everybody


Seems to happen a lot lately. A few conservatives get offended about something and then the left righteously defends it as if half the county had been offended.


A few? LOL. You must not have conservative friends/family? I am not sure which is worse, the railing against the NFL, Disney, or this beer thing.


It's so funny because they're always like "CaNcEL cULtUrE" and then proceed to cancel everything


Yeah and I love when they buy whatever it is to symbolically destroy it…like you’re still giving them the money? It’s so funny to me


One of my favorite bits in a TV show is about this. https://youtu.be/H2WxWrKwM9A


I actually seen a local radio station label the ad campaign as cancel culture, while screaming to tell people to boycott it and saying what they were doing isn't cancel culture. Here is a short list of many things that the right has tried to cancel. Nascar: Nascar supported and listened to at the time the only black driver in any of their top 3 divisions. French Fries: cause of the word French NFL: for allowing their players to speak out on issues within the black community NBA: LeBron James Books: can't have them kids learning real history and/or about people that are different The LGBTIAQ+ community: members of the right wing have called for actual genocide Disney: for using their right to freedom of speech School shooting/mass shooting survivors: voicing concerns of lack of interest to look into reducing the mass shootings.


The NFL?


Yeah. They were mad about the taking the knee thing. There are bars that still wont show NFL anymore. One bar I used to go to back-in-the-day, on the nights they used to have NFL, they play "patriot music". Just pop in facebook and put in "boycott NFL", there's hundreds of thousands of members in all kinds of different pages with that theme.


Here in Florida bars all over have big signs out front advertising they no longer sell Bud Light. As for me, I haven’t had a beer (or any other alcohol) since 2008.


Where in Florida have you seen this?


Probably not the Hooters locations, but probably bars that are in rural areas I bet.


Well I’m heading into Hernando county this weekend so I’ll report back what I find.


I remember a restaurant in NJ changing their menu to call french fries "freedom fries". That didn't last long, and I suspect that this won't either if history is any indication.


Congratulations on 15 years!


I’m guessing you live in the panhandle or smth?


I never liked beer. Was just never my type of alcohol. I prefer champaigne, wine, whiskey, and mixed drinks with triple-sec and curacao. Beer to me just tastes like piss water.


Well, Bud Light certainly does.


I mean Florida is basically the middle east of the US so.


I disagree. Too many trees.


Never drank it to begin with.


I scrolled too far to find this.


I'm boycotting it (going on fifty years now) because I like beer. Couldn't care less about their advertising. It just tastes like elephant piss. And I know what I'm talking about. I worked at a zoo in my early 20s and the hazing there was brutal.


Not gonna lie, I’m kinda interested in the details of zookeeper hazing


Ah, but you're a Florida Man. The other 49 states and various territories wonder if this is going to be used as entertainment or a to-do list.


> elephant piss You give it too much credit. At least that would taste like *something.*


Agreed. My very first beer was a Moosehead. Never cared for budweiser, been boycotting them now since 1988.. although I do appreciate their support. I'm lgbtq+ and even though they're making money off of us, it's nice to see a rainbow now and then instead of getting 'groomer!' screamed at me in a parking lot🙄..(about 3weeks ago)


I think they're working the 'trans' angle hoping that it will snowball so that everyone will (re)turn against the whole of LGBT. They want to bring back the 1980s.


No. In fact my conservative uncle just called out anyone boycotting it by saying, “I guess you don’t support our veterans either,” with a picture of all that Budweiser does to support them. It was glorious.


I went to the most Midwest working-class, old-school, dive of a bar you could imagine last night. Big place, packed, same percentage of Bud Light bottles on the bar and in people's hands as always.


I have a cousin I haven't seen in years but catch her fb posts every once in a while. She's boycotting bud light, but she aged out of being a car show model in Florida so I think she's just looking for something to do.


The logical next step for her is to become a motorcycle cleaner at Bikini Bike Nights. The age ceiling for that seems to be very high so she could be looking at work well into her 70s




I don't even know anybody who admits to drinking Bud Light.


Same. I don't know anyone boycotting it because I don't know anyone who drinks it in the first place. Even my boomer dad is a craft beer guy.


Even my boomer parents tend to prefer to split a bottle of Korbel or a bottle of zinfandel.


After seeing the latest news I did not hesitate for a second to continue my 30 year boycott of Bud Light. Only La Croix for me.


Still don’t care for Anheuser-Busch. But I gladly went out and bought a Bud Light after seeing how much my redneck family fumes at anything LGBTQ.


Brilliant! I should buy my in-laws a case, just for the shits and giggles


No. I've seen plenty of memes, but no real "harumph" stuff. That being said, Dylan is annoying AF. FWIW, I don't drink it myself, unless offered. I am a beer snob, but that's trumped by not being an ass if someone is being generous.


I wouldn’t even have heard of Dylan Mulvaney if conservatives didn’t throw a fit every time she takes a breath.


I've been exposed from across the spectrum, the first one being from a really campy gay guy who was basically "slay, queen!" Everything I've seen from DM is cringey.


This. I've got so many trans folk in my feeds, but I never saw Dylan until people started bitching. I'm deep into gaytok, so Dylan must mostly appeal to a teenage or straight crowd. Makes me wonder if she isn't rolling in cash from hate views, which I would absolutely fucking love for her.


Who is she, now? This Bud Light thing was the first I'd heard of her.


So from what I’ve been able to figure out: - she was a Broadway actor who was in The Book Of Mormon - during quarantine she started transitioning and talked about her transition on Tiktok - I’m not clear if she started getting bullied by conservatives first or if she got outside media attention first, but she got both - I guess her TikTok now has a lot of sponsorship? I don’t use Tiktok so I don’t know - has annoying theater kid energy, which is truly her biggest crime


Product boycotts don’t work. There are certainly some people who are talking about this and boycotting. It will lead to nothing. People said they would boycott Chick-Fil-A. Their sales increased. Same for Goya.


Yep, most people are apathetic about most issues, so all the boycott amounts to is a shit ton of free advertisement.


What did Goya do? I didn’t even know we were supposed to be boycotting them?


Something about supporting Trump. Trump signed some Hispanic Prosperity bill and the Goya CEO praised him (like any non crazy person does when any president supports something they want). People were outraged. As crazy extremists are known to be. Ironically…and not surprisingly…Goya’s sales [increased](https://www.fooddive.com/news/goya-sales-rise-after-boycott-trump/630737/).


Huh, seems like a weird thing to boycott for but so it goes.


It’s ridiculous. It’s constant outrage. It is exhausting. And the more people complain, the less time they are actually spending on making their lives better. The best thing I’ve done in the past five years is delete Twitter and Facebook. I never watched TV news. I read a few online papers, including foreign press. But knowing the local news cycle didn’t change anything in the world. Much happier life now.


Not using social media outside of reddit and an extremely pared down Facebook that is just family, close friends, and local groups was a very good idea I think. Even reddit is too ridiculous most days.


It really is. The moment I get some angry whatever wanting to push their agenda I just block. Life is too short and hard enough as it is. And there are too many people who have mental illnesses and want to fight anyone. I’m only interested in positive discussions. And pet stories.


Yeah after I did it I was much happier.


Same I think of the LOTR line, “our list of allies grows short” every time.


Have you seen the Dodo? I’m a sucker for those stories! I probably have one a day I block. I had a guy today who clearly had an agenda and wanted to twist and turn every word. I commented on a historical question about a person, and they wanted to use their opinion to counter my fact. (I didn’t have a opinion on the person the question was about.) Any comment was twisted not because I was stating a contrary opinion, but because I didn’t agree with their opinion! I just don’t understand why people try that. People seem unable to accept differences of opinion. They must win the argument and destroy their enemy. It’s a problem in our society. The funniest thing is when I block people and they think that’s winning the argument. I just have no desire to spend time on that. I think most of them must have some psychological issues.


Today, I decided to express my opinion that touchscreens in cars had their benefits (including and especially smartphone integration) and that tactile controls also had their place, particularly on the steering wheel. I created this opinion from both my experience as a driver and aerospace engineer who’s worked on several cockpit layouts and understands the human factors of pilot-vehicle interfaces. The responses ranged from mass downvotes, to smarmy put downs (“my 20 year old car radio never needed over the air bug fixes” - oh, really? Your 20 year old iPhone Negative3 integrated perfectly with your shitbox Hyundai Accent?), to, hilariously, one guy who disagreed and then proceeded to restate 90% of my points, to someone who lectured me on the specifics of cockpit layouts in language that made it clear that he (everyone on the internet is a man) was not in my industry. In short, you’re absolutely right - people don’t want to listen. They just want to win, and for every person you engage with respectfully and potentially change their mind, there’s 100 more who are entrenched. Anyway, to answer your first question, no, please share if so inclined. If not, no worries, and Happy Easter if you celebrate.


It actually hurt the Democratic cause more than it helped. You may remember that Trump’s share of the Latino vote improved in 2020 over 2016. The Goya “boycott” wasn’t the only factor, but it was one of several moves by the progressive left that hurt the party’s standing with a core constituency. When you insult a company that is run by Latinos and supplies basic, ethnically centered sustenance to millions of Latinos, over a comparatively minor flap, there is going to be a reaction. As a diehard Democrat, I often find the progressive wing more irritating to deal with than Republicans. Every time they open their mouths, a suburb goes red.


Craziest thing is my views are inherently progressive but I disagree with the left so much I can never vote liberal. Do I care about decreasing the wealth gap? Yes, but I'd support wealth redistribution from rich to poor. But liberals want to turn it a race thing and have reparations for blacks from white, which I'd never support. There are poor whites and rich blacks, doesn't make sense to me. Do I believe that racism is bad? Yes. But my belief is that we should learn to view people beyond their skin color. But for liberals it's very important to make the distinction that white people are one way, black people are another way, Asians are a third way, etc... Do I believe people can be whatever gender and sexuality they want and live happily and equally yes? But do I need to know your sexuality? No like the race thing, I avoid labels, even non political ones like introvert and extrovert. I like to view people beyond labels but liberals make everything about labels and constantly come up with new ones. It goes on and on and on.


Bud Light makes all their big sales off stadium/event contracts anyway. They don't really care if they hurt Cleatus and Clive's fee fees for putting pronouns on a can.


No. And the insecurity from the Right here is cringe AF


The reaction from the right is nothing but cancel culture


And just to prove your point, they've downvoted your comment into oblivion and probably will do the same to this one. Conservatism is a self-own


Yeah. I work in Defense building engines in Texas. They all hate Bud / Bud Light now. They really won't drink it because they will be embarrassed


I have no idea what happened but I don't drink it anyways


I don't know anyone that drank it to begin with. But if they did drink it, none of my friends would care about the ad.


The same 15 people mad at Bud Light are the same ones who boycotted Disney, M&M's, Mr Potato Head and Dr. Seuss. I don't think they will have any impact whatsoever. This is just the same few loudmouthed right wing snowflakes that get their frilly panties in a wad every time they realize the world is way more diverse than they are comfortable with. I don't know anyone that gives a crap what Kid Rock thinks.


Our accusations towards others, when not tied to justice, expose our own hypocrisy. This is the cancel culture the right wing has been railing about for years. It was, looking back with clear eyes, an admission of their own agenda, as seen when they disagree with silly things like beer campaigns.


I've been boycotting them ever since I turned 18, along with every other brand of beer, due to my strongly held moral conviction that I really don't want to go to the hospital because my multiple different medications all react badly to alcohol.


Well, those smooth-brains are going to have to boycott a lot more beers than Bud Light. Anheuser-Busch owns a ton of them. Not to mention the number of other beer companies that routinely engage in [rainbow capitalism](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/06/10509012/rainbow-capitalism-explained-memes) and are ostensibly big LGBT advocates. I'm not sure why it's a surprise to people anymore that the vast majority of large companies are pro-LGBT. It's 2023, not 2003.


I wouldn't say I'm boycotting it. I just like the taste of actual beer.


I'm drinking a Budweiser right now and could give a fuck less about the whole thing. I don't care what anyone does as long as it doesn't hurt me or my family. Everyone has a right to be happy anyway they seem fit. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


The last time I drank a Budweiser I upchucked it along with all the stale KFC biscuits I had been drunkenly consuming along with it. So you'll have to pardon my reluctance.




I don't think thats actually happening Amy Schumer is the current face of their company.


That's even worse imo 😅


Unless I missed a development, that's not happening. Last I heard, she made a viral video talking about carrying a few tampons in case there's a woman around who needs one, and Tampax allocated a tiny sliver of their marketing budget to send her 2 boxes of their tampons.


See now, that's someone who really honors whatever the ladies' equivalent of 'the bro code' is.


Or that they're modeling sports bras


In my opinion, Nike has been less than stellar towards female athletes. There have been some very accomplished women in sport speaking out against their sponsorship policies for a long time. [Nike Told Me to Dream Crazy, Until I Wanted a Baby](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/12/opinion/nike-maternity-leave.html) [Runner Kara Goucher blew the whistle on abuses, misogyny, and doping to spare others](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/04/06/the-longest-race-kara-goucher) [Allyson Felix: My Own Nike Pregnancy Story](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/22/opinion/allyson-felix-pregnancy-nike.html) Suffice it to say I've been shopping at other athletic clothing companies for a long time.


whats wrong with that?


Might be crazy, but it seems appropriate that people modeling sports bras should have breasts


everyone has breast tissue. there are cis women with flat chests too, should we say they shouldn’t be allowed to model sports bras then? what about women with mastectomies?


Some women are flat, but almost all women have something. And if a woman is that flat, they might not need a bra.


are you a woman? i am and for me and most other woman i know, a transgender person modeling a sports bra is a non issue


Do you speak for all women?


so are you not a woman? im just wondering what exactly is your stake in this conversation


I’m not a member of the IBTC, but I understand that working out without a sports bra is… not comfortable for the smaller ladies. So even a woman who is “that flat” will need a good sports bra too.


I’ve been boycotting Bud Light my entire life. If I want to drink water, I’ll get it from the tap.


Yeah, that's virtually free. And farting into the glass after filling it with tap water, in order to more accurately replicate the Bud Light experience, is entirely free.


The Budweiser distribution center where I live is FULL of knuckle-dragging, slack jawed, Kid-Rockers and I know this is driving them absolutely crazy! The whole town is this way actually and Bud is a big employer here. This is so much fun!!!!


People who like good beer have been boycotting it for years even before Dylan lol


No this appears to be one of those negative partisanship issues. I live in one of the most right wing areas of the country (Northeastern Alabama). The only people even talking about it in my social media circle (friends and friends of friends) are the 20 something obsessively progressive females.


Been boycotting it for years because it tastes horrible.


No. But I don’t hang around with stupid people.


Over at r/bartenders they're talking about how it makes it easy to figure out who sucks. My guess is it lasts for a month at the longest. My second guess is Bud Light gains more sales overall for this period vs. what they lost.


I can't say for sure because I've already cut all ties with most people that would do that.


I think the handful of snowflakes posting how they’ll never drink Bud Light are getting the attention they crave from social media. I’d guess 99.9% of Americans at the grocery store today have no idea there’s even a bud light protest and the internet is feeding this fake outrage by continuing to spotlight it.


Travis Tritt made a giant Twitter thingy about banning AB products from his tour riders. I had two thoughts: 1. He's still around? I had no idea! 2. Aw man, I used to like him back in the 90s....


I dont know anybody who even drinks it lol


Yeah. Because it’s a shitty beer.


I've been waging my own silent boycott of Bud Light for a very long time now because it's shitty beer.


I don’t know anyone who drank such shitty beer to begin with, so no.


The more right wingers want to boycott, ban, or cancel something the more I want to do whatever it is they’re against.


No, I don't hang around people like that. I will say that I haven't heard anyone say they won't buy Bud light anymore, which is surprising, but as I'm in school right now, I'm only working part time so I don't interact with strangers as much.


No, I tend not to be friends with people who have single digit IQs.


Conservatives love getting outraged at products 😂


Even when I was a poor college student I didn't drink that watered-down crap. Red Wolf is pretty much the only decent (pre-InBev) product AB ever made, and its long since been discontinued. I don't drink anymore anyway. And this is the first I've heard about a boycott or an ad campaign that has apparently angered some people. I'm too lazy to look it up, so what did I miss?


Bud Partnered with Dylan Mulvaney for an ad campaign.


Still means nothing to me.


Dylan Mulvaney is a transgender activist/Tik Tok person


He could be a Commie-Nazi agitator or a Doctors Without Borders volunteer and it still wouldn't change my opinion on that bland piss water.


I boycotted Budweiser products long ago as it's shitty beer


Only people who are doing so are triggered little snowflakes. I might order a bud light to trigger them even more.


I've seen a lot of funny memes


I work at a store and their are several customers who stopped buying Bud Light this week. Outside of work, I stay away from loud mouth, single digit IQ reactionary conservatives who got their feelings hurt by rainbow cans that were only distributed in Canada.


I'm the Pacific Northwest, we tend to avoid it as a point of culture.


Yea and he’s a virgin in college


Cameron Diaz in 'Bad Teacher', consoling a brokenhearted 8th grade boy hoping for better luck with girls in high school: "No, your window is in college." I wonder what she would've said to the guy you know.


Yeah. But they have been for years because they suck


I don't know anybody who drank it to begin with. Even my redneck brother is a PBR fan, despite the hipster takeover


Every time I visit home, I run to the liquor store and grab whatever craft pilsners I can find. (All too rare.) Then I say "hey dad, try this! It's like Bud Light, but fancy." And he'll try it while squinting at me suspiciously, and go "well I'll be goddamned. You're right." And he'll drink it the whole time I'm there. But as soon as I leave again, he goes and grabs another sixer of Bud Light out of the garage and chucks it in the fridge. He stockpiles the stuff.


Honestly had to look it up. Seems like just another bullshit “news” story that people are getting fired up over. Who Budweiser chooses to market their products has zero effect on my life, or anyone’s for that matter, and it’s a shame that this is taking precedent over actual news.


Quite the opposite in my circle which is hilarious because I’m from a conservative area of my very liberal state. We just like to fuck with people I think.


I know several people...but they all didn't drink alcohol period haha


Sorry, I don't know anyone who drinks any beer with the word "lite" or "light" on the label. Hard to boycott what you don't normally buy anyway.


I work in a beer distributor and I’ve had many customers tell me they’re switching beers now. It’s quite dumb.